Merch 1966 19 BUSINESS _ "We Are Pleased To Have The Best of Both" It was with pleasure we accepted the above reward recognizing the excellence of The Cliff Mills Motors Newspaper advertising. We know, however, that even with advertising of the highest merit, regardless of media, that many other factors contribute to the success of a business. Accepting this truth, we offer the finest products and the best possible service facilities to The Cliff Mills Motors customer, Each one of our employees take © personal pride in their product; and in providing com- plete customer satisfaction with courtesy and integ- rity. We make every effort to make our Used Car Lot, our New Car Showroom, and our service departments a pleasant place to do business . . . and our people pleasant people to know. We attempt to make our advertising reflect the integ- rity of our business intentions; the personal approach of our customer relations; and the pleasant personality of our "home". We, at The Cliff Mills Motors believe that Good Business and Good Advertising go hand in hand. -. like a pleasant smile with a pleasant "please come back" after a sound business transaction. GOOD ADVERTISING AND SOUND BUSINESS PRACTICES MAKES THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS YOUR PLACE TO BUY ! ONTIAC + BUICK AUXHALL » ACADIAN » VIVA GMC » BEDFOE TRUCKS SEE Y(0UR MILLS MAN \"or The Best In DEPENDABILITY The salesmen ct Mills are vian rously cautioned never to misrepresent their products . . . 80 you know exactly whet you're buying avhether it's o new or used Mills Product. Your Mills Service depart- ment personne! are thoroughly factory treined in their respective Auto Repair trode . . . to assure you of the best possible service Ko your auto ills. However, being only human, one of your Mills men may overlook something. This is where the Mills "Dependobility" comes In... you can ALWAYS depend on your Mills Mon to listers to your problem , . . and make any necessary adjustment . . be- couse they want to continually ,earn their reputation of .. . "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED"! e "Goodwill" Used Cars ® Yeor after year many hundreds of customers come back again and again to buy @ Mills "Goodwill" used cor... becouse they hove la arned through the years how utterly dependable they are! Next time YOU buy @ used cor... buy from "The Dependaobles" . . . Your Mills Men! IRAP SSL DL ALE PLLLDLREE OLE ASE LEELIIBE Parisienne Sport Sedan YOU'RE INVITED TO USE... THESE OTHER MILLS SERVICES GUARDIAN MILLS SUPERTEST MILLS MAINTENANCE || AUTO BODY SERVICE AUTO LEASE SERVICE sHop CENTRE LID. When you get Guardian Main- Year after year more and more e Low Rate G.M.A.C. Terms ® Buy ng through convenient G.M.#..C. terms is easy... convenient . . . and Fost! Drive-in... oF walk- in! Use your present cor os down poyment.... ora amoll emount of cosh will do... and drive out in style in an "excellent Value Goodwill' or New Car in a matter of minutes. : e Low Coit M.1.C. Insurance Consider there ore no high-overhitod insurance men coupled with high-overheod offices to maintain and you can see why you sove..- noally sovel .. . when you buy your auto insurance the low-rate M.1.C. way you buy your cor et' the Cliff Mills Motors, Full continental service. w @ PONTIAC @ BUICK @ VAUXHA tenance Service you have orig- inal equipment replacement ports replaced by factory train- ed certified mechanics to assure the utmost satisfaction on your auto repairs... don't settle for less! ... get the best... Guardian Maintenance Service at Mills. LL @ VIVA @ ACADIAN @ G.M.C. ® Bettered fenders ben: bumpers and rusted bodies come out looking like new when you take them to the Mills Auto Body Shop on Park Rd. South ... where all work is done by ex- perienced certified body repair men. Just another Mills Service. For "All Canadian" Supertest gosoline and oil . . . and for quick Supertest lubrication and oil change . . . fast minor auto repairs and tune-ups... pu into the Mills Supertest Service Station . . . opposite the main showroom on Park Rd. North. BEDFORD SALES AND SERVICE business-- men and salesmen are enjoying the convenience of leasing a new cor from Mills Auto Lease. No big cash out- lay ... no costly maintenance bills . . . no big insurance fees . . . all included with your Mills Auto Lease car, All mo- dels available. LTD. PHONE 723-4634 The CLIF 266 KING STREET WEST MILLS MOTORS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA