18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 29, 1966 SPECIAL "GET ACQUAINTED OFFER' IN THE ACTION MEDIUM 46 days for the price of 3 may abe Te Gk dws es OE ee Me Sake bone TH68 & days for the price of 3 |\8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent Tovies, Choirs, tinens, "Disn- | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | gle" 7 ag | .248..| sitie | SESE i r i il - dot phd gt ed as JIB CRANES SARGEANT'S RENTALS 15 feet high revolves 360°, 463 Ritson Rd, $., 725-3338 from $7.25 pr. covering «@ 15 foot radius i ardening and Supplies Painting and Decoratin y j : : A Accountants Barristers G 9 pp oe S| a pep cosine Ces ' f 303 RIFLE complete with 2 ton Mathew LIFT TRUCK 'Accoun-|MUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- EXPERT painting and decorating. Do It)" camper BACK YO BROWOSAUER LEPT Moody chain. Falls and trol- 9 'Ton' Conneh ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered ©: hawa,|MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 362 King now while we have time available, Free IK a ARACKS MX MUD OF A : on. fant, 47 Prince Stree}, Soe 4 Oanawe'|street_ East, Oshawa; R, D. Humphrey, SMITH'S TREE estimates. 728-0257. RUIK, / , TeeKe athe aot HILIONS Known for its accuracy and leys. FOR RENT OR LEASE Ontario. T QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W, A. Hillman, 5 : OF YEARS AGO. EACH reliability, this rugged gun Day -- Week -- Month sone, BEADLE. ANE oar er ee Late bobsled aR vp ding FARM Plumbing and Heeting : ARACK 15 3 FEES LONG. will deliver years of satis- PRICE $600, EACH ply intants, ; esidence: ij y ; fo, ta king ices East, Oshawe, O| 669.0761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup factory shooting, (tax is extra) M, GREENBERG , 725-3509) Hopkins, CA: H. E-l other first mortgage funds available. : i Telephone 725-2: AND SONS LTD. Beadle, CA; E, Rca, Ch ntliannide Supplying wholesale or retail Bliss. | Talentione, | 7250 ie SCRA $24.95 Aeply 308 Bloor E. gtk er na mmrr cena | on ae ' FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Building Trades @ Cedars for hedges neering, 25. Simcoe St he 66 Rn) Sieve Chartered Accountants, Licensed trus- . @ White birch, shade trees, |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling,| ' ; ' crt SNOW TIRES : CHAIRS, card and banavet tables, church tees in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Str' new and used materials, Reasonable ------_--_---- ~~ - aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 North, Oshawa, 728-737). ______ Adasen? rates, Estimates free, 723-1191, J, Foley ip; : Simeon aire Wook nial WALL; PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND €O., CONTRACT © Posts, poles -- all sizes a ---- J All nylon construction, full Sbie in Sunworthy Readh aiteernare aa: i Chartered Accountants, pte Shell @ Manure, top soil, mulch, Rug-Upholstery Service depth traction tread, A brand Pasted WALLPAPERS people? Oshawa Tennis Club. for. bore oe en, yb Pon & pare CA; WELDING ' oe new winter tire priced almost While They Last ont? parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, . m Ma For free estimates call @ NOW OPEN e as low os @ tetrecd, parking, 723-2140 mornings, All At Half Price WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, ELOITTE, E_PLENOER, HASKIN a 400 Mary St. E. Newtonville collect 786-2283 Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville i\ es from $17.56 up At EDGAR'S Decorating Centre We Rete ae sek ra Sonia BELGITTE, PL mans; Bo 54 ins SO. heirs Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Riehl, CA, RIA; B. R. Waters, CA, é 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL oo GRASS HOPPER, | . ng. Contre, 7287327 : : % DARLINGTON J i Cana ne ware Whitby 668-6462 APRIL ORDERS UPHOLSTERY | S.A FLY "an bi DOMINION Telephone 723-7351 __|14--Business Opportunities tant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop i ¢ ping. Centre, 72599 Repair Welding as 102 King W., Bowmanville AM HOUR. HE SKIMMED OVER THE SHREWSBURY 1 wiles, NEW IN OSHAWA aoe CLANCY'S 7 jing mI ery lee of all types CHAIN LINK FENCES i 7 Ozas oat RIVER, RED BANK N.J, IN HIS ICE BOAT AT 107 aa TIRE STORE White Elna Sewing Centre SNACK BAR Complete bookkeeping ae H Heavy construction RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Establish- MILES PER HOUR, ede oy Iak, ~ STOR SUS pRUEr a Aa Duala maria : 38 Bond West, 725-7181 AND ae porate tare equipment, trucks etc. An A-1 company will give you |ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed. 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH Sewing machine special. Free GAS PUMPS coe South, 725-0397. Ges, 723-7605 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun ; t terms. Matt tent, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street Pb plicaion: partabi highest quality of materials FESuity torture' tatialanedOaneue' One TELEPHONE 725-6511 cabinet up to $79 value with Available April Ist in Oshawa East. Telephone 723-4833. Ke soshiiie rentals and workmanship and lowest holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. purchase of any new sewing area with four room apart- Barristers ' _»__] prices. Old fences removed. |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-|TV----Radio Repairs |6--Marine Equipment Wee ment to be let on profit shar- -- ETT Free estimates anytime, styled, FFOE Satie. See our material |e ------- -- ana _ AB' i ee LIVING ROOM and dining room drapes.| ing plan. Tenant's shore of iN' NY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, y, BA, for recovering, Slip covers made Sead dition. Re iis. Téleohane on Berisar and Solicitor, 73 Centre Additions Waterproof 723-5377 order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 cherieg OSHAWA AND WHITBY MOTORCYCLE SHOP Whitby sapere asona elep! eeayits ane expenses but Sirest, Frcs hoes lel Faisal suee TO TRING Cal SIRO eal NIGHT SERVICE CHRYSLER @ BSA, @ TRIUMPH PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, nearly new| joayreq > ee $3005 if cl calles oliel / h ioc Bila gies eM i @ DUCATI $45, Telephone 668-4458, Whitby fequired, approx. ' to JOSEPH P. MANGAN, OC, Solicior @ Garages Eavestroug them down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or Sales and Service 541 668-5830 OUTBOARDS Repairs and service to all |pianiorrusnoht rand ~heelacons;,| $19,000 yearly depending on ae idkien. 0. Chimneys eee Ne sm era ee 725-8 ol : makes, Licensed mechanic goed condition, with bench, $150. H, Cave, tenant ability, Open fifteen : Roof TALES MACDONALD, 6 aan Instruction APPLIANCE 1 Spring Bok Aluminum Boots, | 114 STEVENSON RD., SOUTH |Piano: Tuner. 942-5547 or 942-4777 hours per day seven days a JAMES MACDONALD, Bivvy fub:| @: Painting © Concrete ahha cc ade ae ra EOS REPAIRS ' RAE'S Peterborough Fibreglass Boats, 728-77 80 HEAVY DUTY 4" white fourburner| week. Prefer couple without lic, The Commercial Building, Raat ' Hii RADIO & TELEVISION Wiscott Boat Trailers. é : sadideed c aerey are Talis msi." in) children under sixteen' to live jen : . H Let etG or TaeaTi. . = Cveveys 2 Se HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME, argh --, to all makes elise " za dae Special. deals on complete ~ MOTORCYCLES. ADMIRAL STOVE, 30-inch, heavy duly.) .. sind tor best Sieh <RRIGHTON, DEYNAN, MURDOCH, and STIMATES of washers, ryers, ranges, t soles lik dition, $60. Teleph 723-6472 agement and operation, but FREE OA itnorse Nelscres BREE IN' SPARE TIME ate WINTERTIME " $195. UP Hee will consider others, Only in- Bank of Commerce Building, § Simcoe @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ v. 25 used. Hondas, Suzukis, |TENT TRAILER -- Suitable for family.) Vestment required is $1,000 Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K CO-ORDI NATED Low monthly payments in- ALCAN T.V. Service Anytime WILDE RENTAL | Yamahas, Bridgestones, Duc- | G00d condition. Tile floor, red leatherette! cash for snack bar merchan- Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K. trim, Hi. t 1 jate. Tele- Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, REMODELLERS clude text books and instruc- Se vieg ond Soles cdte,- etc: Rebalre all cides, Thai lave to see to oppreciate, Tele dise. Must be able to be bond. pply to Box E QC) 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. j , Co Beek seca eee SREeR Amo RELLY. Burien, wic;| 723-0966 Onterio Diploma, by means | 482 Simoes. --~ Orhowa UB! 1415 Dundes St. €, Whitby | "HONDA SHOP |MEMN®wine™Eing'iha Maahaae| | Otbowe Times, t 2 x Ph 68-32 2 sleeping bags, Coleman camp stove, alli crtegts kings Greer,| Sponsoring Member of H.O.P.E of Provincial examination. __ Telephone 723-001 ve 728-5143 one 668-3226 f 199 King W. 728 4242 cian and in new condition, Whitby 668- DRESSMAKING SHOP. Located in. 'down. | FREE! Furnaces creaned, ad| shawa, $2 lown. Will purchase 725-3368; Terence V. , TS LO LOT ET RN : -- ee é SRCRTEOS Bte Mi arttanse Sat ON ae SO Aa ; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB) For FREE information--write, Before You Buy A M-FOOT ALUMINUM runabout, 18 MP] Gucrenteed trouble-free _winte: 8 iD SELL -- Good used furniture | business equipment, Premises rents for 'ou . Evinrude and trailer, as new, $950. After x MeNeil's Furniture (for-|only $90 monthly and includes your own NELLIS HOME American School, Dept. 8, Piano or Organ, See TV. SERVICE 5 p.m. telephone 725-1905 eee be gen avin "aie ea | Mey Gon Furnitére), 215 Dundas living quarters. Owner will Supply cure if; Box 784, Oshawe, Ontario CUSTOM BUILT 14' ski boal. Fully eaulp-| "tolb trees Se: | Baste Wniiby, ROT. Tent list of clients. Call now for this un- Classified Rates IMPROVEMENTS f 4 HEINTZMAN DAY OR EVENING ped. Has 60 HP Mercury outboard motor. Iphone s6s-i90. freezer on top. Tele: GUARANTEED used wringer washers, hi Bc vo binat Griffin Real Estate WORD ADS In good shape. Heavy duty teeny trailer.) vision, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up. = ott xis Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, Aut 08;] Rapala, temadetliog ye arses ; & Company Ltd. 728-5286 Telephone 725-9872 FILING | CABINETS, $40°"with lock, four-| Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-| GARAGE OPERATOR 'ant to 90 on ditional words, 4c, eac con- and aaditions "7 rn "way drawer, large stock, all sizes, take the! coe South, 723-0011. your own? Here is & money maker, secutive inseriora eh ane oon Al work guaranteed. Address TELEPHONE 728-2921 OSHAWA 25 HP Gale electric, shor, Gator reer | ea ide Yo Raglan, save dollars (S)| FULLER BRUSH ic Sale offered on wax|csie"e Property in @ thriving N. W. towns additional words ic. e@acl oe o* oe ater 4 if : i lon. 4 ' S$ gallonage over 130,000 last year plus. secutive insertions of 24 words, $5. 04; 728-2061 liecincle So ae Sree ELECTRON ICS a FLOOR COVERING clear-culs. Thov- Meviine. ava rencerts Oy ee oll_sales, etc, Asking erie a $32,000, additional words 21¢. each. --_-- CANADA DRIVING SCHOOL, fully in-| BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can- CRUISER 2i-foot inboard ech Ui akd sands of yardg of discontinued patterns |---- ----_----~=ee-| t€FMS considered, For rticulars 1 dditionel chorge sured. Home pick-up service. Telephone] yas awnings. Complete service, fre WCE petstia ORES thd las hull, Pi sernag the date Legal but from 29¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 ae RO Mla I as. to Sie tie 728- 7576 iy sibby's Real Charge--IQaper cent additio 728-4811, railer, sun-roof hitch, Telephone 'coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- rg \ MARCH SPECIALS s. Mil Jeinick, 728-1993 oS Service Call only. $280 |Church Street, Aer, 108 Byeen Rah, Whiley Uaioe if not paid within 8 days. RUIVATE ACCORBTON Ce ATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad- |GUNS -- - Bought, , sold, traded, | repaired west of Four Corners.) : Swap ond Barter __ at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, Save up to 15% during Feb- |e' teaching. Trial cou Judes loaned 1 yea ea a aT Method of Geunting <> Lam then 261 a ch on Rac. Rooms, Kite lesion' pic 728-3909." - Septic Service Bee a Wee se FAST T.V. SERVICE - ---- {7289731 FREEZER, 1966 model, like new, 19 cu. words counts as 24 words; each word, n ~ BATHS $55; cabi nets, ft. Tele LADY DES tit A SAE SS CERES NDE RONER CLONE a Ronee SS phone 723-5675. IRES HOUSEWORK by the initial, figure or abbreviation counts! chens, Bath Rooms, Floors, _|7uiTION jin, French or Mathe-| SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Promt service nks; sump pumps, pressure systems,|BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture day. Telephone evenings 723-7. as_one word; phone number counts) Wolis Ceiling Tiles and all |matics by J. C. Luck, BA. Telephone on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street DOMINION tubs, 'piping. fittings. H. Chinn, | and. appliances. One location only, Pretty| REFRIGERATOR, 912 cu. ff. with a across Witt cia a sbi as HE twe words. Gereval: Repalti. 6683866. v est, itby, +2563. TELEVISION corner Hillside and Park South. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, the-top freezer. Condition like new, $95. give lay c care to one child in mq ie peATHE P : - - ------| GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer veo | SFA Ce Rede TOUT pedal, alwals tore Telephone 725-7295 Pe ee, ist alee yard & IRTHS--D p A | ~ ' : jose to South GM, 728- SOCIAL NOTICES H. McKOY 725-8576 Janitor Service WOR oF Te ee Nl 728.5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m 8--Articles for Sale were ol Me, a Raton al RIFLE -- Marlin, 30-40, model, 1096 Ih) Agr, =o tnda ss sitcsieeiveemtinnitiaisigtion 2 t 4 ----|saw, six months old, Telephone 723-5370. 3 $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi. EXPERT | PAVING, | ie conte re tent ATTENTION! HOUSEWIVES, for clean- All work guaranteed COUPLE would like | job t taking care of sq) H T u tional charges if no: paid within 8 days. iaclodis .|1ng windows, storms and sereens, call 5 = INDOOR GARDENER'S bench with shelf, 1 ' apartment building. Man part « ti grading and fill, two- pyear guar: Pedal urve ors A A H A . 0--Farmer olumn par: ime, 0 Paving, 723-584) Fred's Window and General Cleaning, - int -----_-- hiatal OS CE TOWER, antennas, also repairs y, M eee pied ph sll, ror 7239883." thoes cn panrmeico phy il full-time. Experienced. Telephone ' # stoc -2422, IN MEMORIAMS scirsne-aeinannememnmientdemtaer 668-6973. and NES se DONEVAN and F BISCHMANN, Ontario] Ail work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue b , vee Teh org Pv od ee oe line a uth hg AND CONCRETE. CELLARS CLEANED tr Temoved,|Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints. Telephone 725-0500 SPORTSCYCLES TYPEWRITER, portable, $30; standard,| picked up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm.| typing DONE in my home. Letters, aur meee additional charge if not work gu 'anteed. Call 723-0281 household repairs done, Telephone 723-1] Ontario Street, 725-5632. li -- $35; adding machine; $25) ag ag tine eae Hampton 263-/ reports, statements, etc. Prompt service. of nedoat, castlereteeir 2997. elim AND ¥ sa -- typewriter, $60; comptometer, 7 casi Call | 723-6172, paid within & days. MT eT TT H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Well | Dril ing- --Digaing All models now availoble, |!ypewriter, S60, . CELLARS, YARDS cleaned. Also side-|Surveyoos, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone - a HL eek press aaa pce CARDS OF THANKS done fo your satisfaction. Call Oshawa) vanes and cement blocks for sale.|725-6801, : WELL DIGGING by machine specializing) 4,000 miles full warranty. |pitteR" QUEEN Sales and Service 11--Pets and Livestock Wanted Home Improvements, 725-9428, | 204 Chestnut R to all k Free esti- 7 $2.00 for the first 35 words ond Sc. Bie cs dren naa Call Joe and Son, 723-2368. in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 7 lu Priced from $279, epairs to all makes vacuums. OSHAN . . a 668-3809, % WA AQAUARIUM specializes in each thereafter with 25¢, additional) DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, Ato ey yards de- WALL WASHING by modern machine. || ¥V---Radio Repairs Strom Wests WHiIDy.: GU 202. 9 10 10 WL MAB Aik, Mibaailinde ntsc healthy tropical fish; helps you start a FULL TIME charge if not paid within 8 days. livered, $2. per yard. Telephone qT a.m, to p.m, VACUUM repairs, , all makes, hoses, relaxing hobby. Free advice, free park- No messi Free ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| 728-7736. do 2--Personal z 723-8711 brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.!ing, 299 Simcoe South 725-4585, CASHIER COMING EVENTS acs - t, sc -" rooting, ys, @avestroughing, fire Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Stree ROTIROC baby" Goaglean wouen ter $2.10 per inch (display); $1.50 for the! piaces, . Gord May, Whitby, Pickering. $2.1 per ines Pr vial og cl be places, masonry y "'|Money To Loan ATTENTION Removal ef superfluous hoir RO-DON SPORTS USED AUTO PARTS, batiorionytires,| U2ining, talking strain. Apply Mrs, T. 1 _---- or a a Broad, 114 _Elgin Eas' (Word Ads). TWILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at » Marie Murduff will be in 1 $4; gen: -------- 3 TO 11. SHIFT ROOFING, HOT TAR AND GRAVEL 4 AUNTON RD. E. motors; we buy scrap radiators $47 gens., = i reasonable rate of interest to consolidate s , bv V 90c.; batteries STANDING AT STUD, | Lucky Hancock's AUCTION SALE: shingles, repeirs, large and small fobs. 1 : : Oshawa, April 4th, Sth, and (ust East of 5 points) $1050. 735.2162, 11 5 Saleen cyl aes Maple Leaf," registered Appaloosa, high $ ; i our bills or for any other worthwhile $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, i ater Reet. Ad Sonietrvetion: Oh Lrcaah<aravidita Sol Are aleattys or / 6th. Phone Genosha Hotel 6 i id of point 3-year-old for Ontario 1965; gon of Apply MR, CAMPBELL tenn es ----~| ployed and have good credit, Telephone on these dates for appoint- iscover the swinging world © WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-! Ontario's champion halter and pertor- GE DEADLINES MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS --| 523/403), YAMAHA ture or anything you have. The City|mance stallion "Lucky Hancock." Stand- NOSHA HOTEL Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|ing at Diamond M Ranch, Pat Milne, Dun-)~---- e-roof, tar and gravel, exterior painting acs peta ment ee and cement. 2-Nour service, 724416 ELECTROLYSIS prdhehicindss AUR |, Stmeoe Ses! |ing t Dyemnond ur. ek AY PREVIOU' Mortga a. epeieneis . : Sem. D £ $s BGvS CUSTOM PURNITUREL silo: 9 ges | TER TOWERS 723-4641 e . FOWLER TV. e REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12 ANDARD white m Pood! 4 LOST AND FOUND Eee tions. Coffee, night tables, chests, rec- eg a AMAL) Ph fag 3998; /0 months old, $50, Required for grill work. Bur= F PU ' r t 723-586: | Stoves, ; a 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICA 'com bars and rec-rooms, etc. 723-5862 3--Sportsman's Column The 'neweh color dc Uk ee es. ls ees Bide a) oe gers and hot dogs only, Ex- BIRTHS AND DEATHS ROOFING, , chimneys, all types of ce For Best T.V. Reception Call MMB strabsbelae passa ic isets, radios. Guns, new and used, Valley Two "SHETLAND ponies, 212 years of perience preferred, Apply in 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION ment work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops ' . . SMELT FISHIN® 'equipments gun| .and- white TV's in. stock. {creck 16 Bond street West, 728-4401. ape, Telephone Winitby. after 3.30, 6 =. person. Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-306) 1 i nk Mc i r i icenses. New and used guns, fishing Liorgest trade-in allowance. Fur = thi Tooms, new icine A IN MEMORIAMS. and NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, LOANS MISTER TOWERS tackle, boats, Valley Creek, 16 Bond : Hiv teniture: ay ree ro eg ew Guay TWO SMALL WELSH pinto stailions, DAIRY QUEEN CARDS OF THANKS sidewalks, remedelling, ree-rooms.. Free sce inva in West USED TELEVISION |bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem-|matched, 42 inches high, broken to ride 1003 Dnudes Eost © p.m. DAY PREVIOUS estimates. A Woods, 728-34 or SP. Vv ET, $7 h. Telephone bl Pp. I 3. weeki: Unbeatabie| and drive; also buggy, sleigh and single p 798-4717 Moneys available for first he abba ROME Ts 975,00. THOPNY From: ::, . $3995 een ype eh Furniehingi: 424| harness, Must be sold in one parcel, $700 Whitby CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CARPENTRY new and repair and biock| nd second mortgages. Open TOWE RS -- - OR RENT | Simeoe §. Telephone 263-2246. Berets he sree ania 0 1 columm--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-|work. Telephone 72 mortgages. No bonus, First S--Trailers ; Dew WORMS, minnows. Best quailiy| PUPPY, four months, dewormed and dis umns er larger--10 am. day previous oa we mortgages, second martcaces sae Service on all makes! Shia In cae, ay Siteon wally terhbee ahatis Vary erae etn chieean KITCHEN HELP 306 King W 725-1685 [jase or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait/Part Spaniel, housebroken, blond color CANCELLATIONS AN and agreements for sale pur- E S : CORRECTIONS sted MAN WITH 14-TON pick-up truck avail-| chased A RIM ya's ond ROCKET aaaRIONEATOR Two single bed Gee ee | Woman required from 4 4 } - Ir -- Two single Py patentee _ vor cnsaeimenesretaisoticicinntaser yO igh sebicatltlriget otha etl ee M. F. SWARTZ ROTORS PP bit ya A M. GREENBERG with mattresses, Space heater. Telephone POMERANIAN (chow cHow 'and both P.M. to 11 P.M. Apply, ublication will be charged one day's a 26 King St. East ocke = sleeper . 728-9768 females, 9 months old, register pply onli a aa i Dentistry lus, estas Mack p ' | $1,395. -- 6 sleeper $1,445. & SONS LTD. SEVEN HUNDRED theatre type seats, [CAtaWa Aquarium 29 Simeee South or MR. CAMPBELL cane ck a arch Discount opecia 17 Imeprial -- 6. sleeper New & Used lApply Manager, Biltmore Theatre. hho A A Bac nde ORES yet) Gere BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0¢, CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M. Dental , : all aba ui Lol COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger- While every endeavor will, be. 'tede| wees 172 King Street Sasi, Oshawe 723- add 40 soot gy Pail Aerial $2,245 Angles -- Beams LLOYD CARRIAGE, metallic bive, $20.)lman Shepherd pups. Deposits for next GENOSHA HOTEL to forward sention to bax murder tole RAE EOS ROT itor Pee only 15 Holiday -- 4 sleeper Flatbars -- Channels kitchen buffet, natural finish, $15; fourliitter accepted. Palomine, Pinto pony. the~edyertisers.cs...sonn as. possible |BIALEK, DR. E. P., Call $1,545. -- 6 sleeper $1,595. Sheets -- Plates Apida 8 en eta pi oPpgg YR Ashburn 655-4662 evenings, - FULL-TIME or part-time, experienced we accept no liability in respect of [112 bicoodl fy tee va Fi 5 eens eee wal ene j 18 Holiday --- 6 sleeper uate tubing -- Pipe etn se hs . MALE KERSHOND pup, four mothe old. hairdresser required for Salon in Alex. {oss or damage alleged to arise|#Ppointrent, 728-5842 or Re C Mister-towere" Toe-day T10 x tubing _.. --.------------| Has had all needles, Best offer. Telephone| Telephone 942-3583, through either failure or delay in for- MORTGAGES - For: your Home Survey $2 jai Contact GREEN-HQUSE-- sixty tant by sixteen! 793.9749. EXPERIENCED hairdresser warding such replies. however coused Dressmaking CAL Cimbage os Rocket Truck Camper 10"6 308 Bloor E. _728- 7301-2 feet, alse! fram , Sypress bars mechat CHIHUAHUAS brown Terele, pole an itie: Mayrarr=Sater whether 6 ti IEP WE SO, nce a ic f .{ized ventilators, o! ired, ord an id id a whe oe ree Boda ec eipanilucke < Gaui ladies'| ---- City, Rural, Vacation -- ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY $1,710 "1 Rorhhann Galle: about 800 feet of two-|eight weeks old, registered, very lovable.| HOUSEKEEPER for rly couple. Live Holiday Truck Camper De- PARTS inch hot water pipes. This is in @ dis-| Reduced for quick sale. Please cali 728-jin. Young pensioner welcome, Call 723- rt incalled ¢ CG) % ints' f ! replies uncalled for in 20 days. bad aE cad and alterations. Tele SUMMERLAND 378 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA luxe $2,310. mantled condition, All parts are marked| 2065 after 1 p.m, 9794 between 5.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. REGULATIONS ALTERATIONS, pants culling, vinpers,| SECURITIES LIMITED Savings up to $50. on sales For Washers, Stoves and for easy construction. T Picker: ; HOUSEKEEPER to care for two school- - cuffing, zippers, avings Up eh fo! io The Oshewa Times will not be re-|mending. Agent for North American| 112 Simcoe St Ing 942-3417 after 6 p.m. 12--Articles Wanted age children in motherless home. Live in, N.--725-3568 Call Mister Towers To-day tox. Buy now. Dr r 6 por yers a fe: for err rth Fashion Frock#, 728-1823 : : GRAY THISTLE BABY carriage, $15; * ~ Telephone 725-1459. eee, on eee i). cavertioionents| ( Seiioy Ele s NWA, MORTGAGE available it you WILDE RENTAL ELECTRIC MOTOR OE crit snd mattress. 90° by fae' S18, |CARPRNTER'S SAW, i preterably radial isdn Icicle ARR tREs See aBae ae omitted otherwise than in writing notlDRESSMAKING -- Suils ats. dresses é 4 " arm. Good condition only.. 725-8233 WOMAN to mind two children, one school for more than one insertion of onylaiterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting @ few, contact your agent or direct Service and Soles Repair and Exchange sll In. aod conten. "Teleanene 725820. eras socrde Ween ahedeic [eae We Go. igh housework, Hear Hoke advertisement nor beyond the price| specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. Inow by Mectancy oeve ee ult home 1415 Dundas St. E. OSHAWA APPLIANCES |ViOLIN AND CASE -- two months old.|Padnes wanted Write PO" Boe aor,| ital. Telephone 728-1936 atte h if ; talbad Lucky number draw on the Whitby ----- Phone 668-3226 Cost $50, asking $35 or best offer. Baby|oenvey, ; WOMAN OR GIRL 10 babval charge for a single insertion in whic error occurs, PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for|. first 1,000 towers sold. Win- 186 Simcoe S. 728-7535 carriage, good condition, $25. Telephone age chide; a Go rebel bbiond choo) witb Aa as : Gardening and Supplies (5! all mortgages Mortgages and agree - -- - -- - | 623- 7404. The Oshawa Times reserves the right) ~~~ | ments ot "anie "purchased. "creighton,| ers will receive portable TV ELECTRIC SHAVER -- Phiilaheve re| Saunrsus-euatONIe--yals how oni 13--Articles for Rent Monday to Friday. Live in or out. Tele: ip. Soeily Aavertine dceeraing. te Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar-| set plus aerial refund. ithorized Dealers for: tary. Two red laminated wool coats with : ; Sofas AN RD OE RN DF Autho y Four-seater chesterfield suites from $168,; LICENSED HAIRDRESSERS wanted tor its proper classification, risters'*.) ; A ud 'a black Mouton collars, sizes 4 and 6X. '4 i p in te comma Ot dis suet GAR DEN TIME FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale e Citation @ Glendette One pair high top insulated leather boots, (Rt cae i idle general work. Apply in person, Vincent's the Toner Wilcher bee Rebs mmo, agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| : @ Corsair) @ Rambler jsize 9. All like new. Telephone 723-9962, | $5) Three piece Decroon suliet RENTALS Hair Styling, 110 King Street East. the actual error occupy, 'The "sube GLOXINIA BULBS oe @ Truck Campers BUILDER'S BARROW, 4's 8, ses! Wir waBy BARGAINS -- crib maireses, Bae unre bee ie the actual error occupies he: LOXINI I 3 I |s9 95; folding strollers, $7.88; te chairs, OF Ali. KINDS a lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- FLOWER SEEDS FIRST AND SECOND morigages avail TV TOWERS Parts - Service - Hitches - Awnings | Pera. wagon, motor Sted: 623+ 2869 | $9.98, Catrinven: 4695; plavoenas 99.98 Soe kat 655-4575 after 6 Moabiy FV daahb penta hel put rgapobhed VEGETABLE SEEDS ome at ariel a th Realtor, 114 Brock BUYING OR SELLING frre or ap- | Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street caw oRFica ra = reaper and nm jability of advertisement if any ey . Stree' orth, 333 ~ COO K Li s. Call El » Hampton 263-2294 - Bee ye requires eeper inaccuracies In eny form are contoined POTTING SOIL Lihat ne ECONOMY AND CNT call aie ahs ait FLOOR COVERING -- Clear out of dis) REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, | conti "i h 2 JERMICUI . : ' : i fe i "f rere VERMICULITE Musical Services DELUXE TRAILER SALES EMINENT electric organ, halt peddie|9 x 12 carpets $39.88, Wilson Furniture, 20| ™ossaging belts, rowing mo- |stating age, marital #atus and exper. E S - . " ; taco IT'S EASY TO PLACE A pre aR, SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable" Exper Priced to suit your budget Simcoe North with bench and ear phones. Like new. Church Stree! chines, bikes exercises oll nitty TIMES ACTION WANT AD Saunt hay fenced Reliable, Reasonable, Phone Tad TERMS ARRANGED (past city Nmits) lwansen TaaeToR eae [aany cae e picendron ys grey, in sf eed Daice sine {WAITRESS required, Toles eae 1 i ir J de ' pet cee IE cbse | onerren "i o RG ao ings or week-énds. Apply In person. Silver Sal Clesalfied Direct RECORDED MUSIC for your dances, 723-9534 ae een ter ase! "| RANGE, Findlay, electric 24inch. Suil-| cleaning rods, pipe vise Grill, 1628 Brock Street South, Whitby. - 723-3492 "EFERTILIZERS" parties, banquets. For Information call OSH WA a - - Reasonable, Telephone 723-0553 losis tor sweet small apartment. 9421 tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe eRESS parr sits ee spite SUPPLY LIMITED Sl JBWAY TRAILER Saar ann as tomar and sh i g3n stil m4 cutters, pipe threading dies, rr your a ey CLL. 10-64 Optometrist TAUNTON. RD. E antenna. installed, $50. (This isa. 40 {1,|SIMPLICUTY wringer washer, like ew! toilet auger pie aiBiA lag ih A anata INDEX TO GOLFGREEN : ne , is PARK & SALES siucture), TRIO. Televisions 'Corner. wond| S102 Telephone 725-3043 or apply 15101 BAINTER'S EQUIPMENT --- | RESPONSIBLE LADY required to care CLASSIFICATIONS EVERGREEN F. RICHARD BLACK; OD, 136 Simcoe Just East of Ritson and Division, 728-5143-4 jLakemount Street. Bee stepladders, ladder jacks, {fof infant in my home, five-day 'week, : SO-GREEN Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone 1010 Dundas St. E. Whitby CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS, McCullough| LARGE SLOT RACEWAY, ssturdily| ' ' '" Istaggered hours, vicinity Fairbanks 1--Women's Column GARDEN SO-GREEN 723-4191 723 8] 3] chain. saws, Bridgestone" motorcyeles,| Built, 16 feet long, four feet wide, Approx.| steel scaffolding, compressors, | Street. Telephone 728-2522, __ 2--Personal cP PRC RUT aaa Golden Falcon Travel Trailers. |chrysier boats, Shark sailboats, Haun|® feet of ae coe piel aaredeg gallon} spray guns, wallpaper steam- |pAY CARE WANTED for two pre-school 3--Sportsman's Column ' Painting and Decorating - Bast Prices and Service power mowers, fillers. Sales-Service- [prone 725 Pot alla ale tal ers tarpaulins, blow torches, | aged children, varied hours, in my home 5--Trailers Coope r-Smith Co ------ --$--$$ a Rentals. United Rent-All and Marine, $55 | Phone iol -| propane torches or yours, vicinity Bayview Avenue, Whit- 6--Marine Equipment ' HOT DIPED GALVANIZED STURDY TWO-WHEEL car trailer, with|King E, (at Wilson), 728-5565 USED portable electric sewing machine BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT oe by. Call 668-6496, vleoe | TURD , trailer ; , = Ee ae x Svep ond Barter 16 CELINA ST. PAINTING AND TV TOWERS 4' x 7 box, $45. Telephone 723-8738 REMINGTON Tolalia, Smith Corona Still, under Singer warranty; $50 or best aIEHE onieel Fate AJAX AND PICKERING General Hos- 9--Market Basket DECORATING TRAILER, large metal box, in excellent|Addox, Underwood Adder, Sales, Service. | offer. Ca! 2 S, SN'NG [pital requires a ward clerk, with some (auchewes Cokes 723-1139 -- 723-2312 ARE THE BEST [centition $100. Telephone 623.s06e jHeavy Duty Calc-Mult, Reg. $399. Demo/ QUEBEC heater, wood or cole, $15. Laun-| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- typing skill. Two shifts, 7 to 3 and 3 to 11=-Pets and. Livestock INTERIOR and EXTERIOR TRAILER, heavy duty tandem, single,| ice $299. One year guarantee, Bili/dry tubs with drain, $6, Telephone 728- tric vibrator, air compressor, 11 p.m. Apply Personnel Dept., 942-2320, 12--Articles Wanted = Broadioom, Custom Draperies WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! low bed trailer, four new tires tana Hon, Ragis 7680. es --______.} jack hammers, hand trowels, BABYSITTER to live in and care s for 13--Articles for Rent ce ceTs Tree Pickering 942-3417 after 6 p.m. MAPLE SYRUP -- Take 35 Highway| WASHING MACHINE -- commercial, vy | yeat- ive children, working mother. iq 14--Business Opportunities NOW 1S THE TIME FREE ESTIMATE bd ------|from Macdonald - Cartier to Concession|heavy duty, Beatty, safety motor. Only Haig cri etiam, Pinata heusenold duties, ae eae" 486 15---Employment Wanted DO ¢ 1 R | O H H 12, Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, phone|used six months. Cost $400. No reason- " ' bs Shoal Point Road, Picker ing 8 eaci l6--Agents Wanted TO 2ODD and SOUTER 6--Marine Equipment ___| Bethany rll able offer refused. Telephone 668-3008 generator, ramset power rol- - are cheyenne ROLL AND FERTILIZE f 668-5862 TELEVISION 18' OUTBOARD CABIN cruiser complete| NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-|40" GE ELECTRIC range, four burners,| ers, electric hammers, mas- 18--Mele | Help| Wanted _ 19. Male iy Faiisle Mole w. -- " > with two portable tanks. Sleeps 3 Almost] pairs to ail makes, New hoses. Phone|reasonable price, Apply 21 Westmoreland) onry saw, building jacks, ae ~ : orr ivisio letel efurnish in rofessi » 728-695) c 725-1288. 20---Real Estate for Sale 2 YOUR LAWN MICHAEL COLLINS Corner hpi ond Division Fratton Maguire tinue Touches. by cts evel lal ~ | Jeeenene eer. | mortar mixers, sertar, boxes) DRIVING Oa--Summer Properties Sautanireied Oeeamanan high 2,000 p.| SIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used.|BULOVA record player, four speeds; chain hoist, miter saw, elec- 21--Farms for Sole WE ROLL WITH Painter & Decorator 28- 5143 _Jtrailer, Phone Cooksvilie 279-5417 street MOSES TOS EAL ne ef aiee PUIG SIMS RanTne The: CACORE 4 ie clang aammeuInE® Sand INSTRUCTORS a G Ms Street ast, 725-6344. |Phone 723-9443 ; ' --Lots for Sale A Real Estate Wanted POWER ROLLERS Reasonable rates. All work CRUISING SLOOP 18 ft. 7 ft. beam fixed GOOD QUALITY TRICYCLE middie size.| MUSKRAT JACKET, excellent condi-| blaster, power post hole ° f i S Keel two sets of sails, s | . m cars. Will be trained at tores Offices and Storage guaranteed, Estimates free. TELEVI SION -- RADIO eel Sarhauiale el ecuinpea rye:| In very good condition. Phone 728-5629. tion, used one season, $300. value for! auger, ascillating sanders, jodel j-----Houses for Rent . the school, Good wages. : ites se m $159. Telephone. 728-8860. disc sanders, acetylene weld- e sc . é--Apartments. for Rent Pho ee 24 HOUR SERVICE die and motor. Ready for launching.|GAS STOVE, 30", automatic timer and 2 3s sic S, Plauen tor hart STAVEREN'S ne 725-7734 Contact Paul Kirby Ajax . 942-0385 jrotisserié, perfect condition, three years|NEW DRYER, Kelvinator, never used,| ing outfits, 200 amp electric Oshawa Driving School 28--Room and Board LANDSCAPING AND If No Answer Phone. After HOLMES BUY NOW and "gave. "Starcraft" | Old. $125 Telephone 723-8704. $150, Telephone 728-3676. _ a welders 728-0091 Wanted full time, with late A oft bag ae SPRAYING SERVI PLM rew", "Traveler" boats. "Evinrude |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot. tower|GOLF EQUIPMENT -- THUNDER BIRD ------- nnn Ome Au | 3 7% V nations * Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,/structure all-channel antenna instalied,| Golf Club. Save up to 50 per cent at our ALESMEN and salesiadies. Marri r Compact Cors fer Sole 2 CE PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, Decorat Brooklin 655-3641 $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton! spring sale, Both new and used equip S Th N ' S thee hath ed 4 $150 weakly. ote Trucks for Sal , ow! & z na E Trucks for Sale 410 Perry Street Whitby 1s mw Free estimates, Call F ELECTRONICS "STARCRAFT" Grew Traveller boats.|R0*4 East, just east of Ritson Road. |ment available, 655-4952. ing our top quality desk and door name- Evinrude motors. Open eve: and week-| CHESTERFIELD. SUITE, Duncan Phyfe| REFRIGERATOR, washer, dryer, lawn plates. Age no barrier. Must hav veh mene Revo Telephone 668-3007 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! inte ends. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,/dining room -- suite oth less than mower, other numerous articles. Must Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. |appearance. Apply in writing to 36----Lagal HR Sica a 3 rior and exterior painting esi Paint for sagt service Brooklin, 655-364) |one year old, excellent eenaition reason-|sell. Sacrifice for cash, Call. 728-2222 | 233 King St. W., Oshawa Name Plate Limited P.O. Box 126 Osh- 37--Auctions BIRCH TREES, ony sizes cedar far|iN9_and Decorating. Call 942-3 15FT, BOAT and 35 HP motor (ohn.| aD/e Price. Telephone 725:3 PHILCO relrigerator, 10 cubic foot, fulll ° e : pdt! beaks 38--Coming Events hedges and lombardy poplars. Telephone EXPERIENCED PAINTER and deco- Whi tb 668- 5679 ston). Must sell! { Will sell separately.| UPRIGHT, PIANO. an 4 Harmony|width freezer, suitable for cottage. Best Phone 723-3224 PAINTERS -- experienced men only 39--Notices 728-9530, 372 King Street West. Irator, Free estimates, Telephone 723-5956. 1 itby-- Telephone 728-5640. Road South, 723-9150. loffer. Telephone 725-8996. Telephone 728-2751, ;