MIGHTY MOUSE EATS PAINTING TORONTO (CP) -- A $750 egg - temper painting called Winter Sun by Ken Danby of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., will be missing from the 94th annual Ontario Society of Artisis Ex- hibition. A mouse ate it. Sometime between the paint- ing's departure from Mr. Dan- by's studio in Toronto and the day when society judges ex- "amined it, the rodent munched his way through the egg temper and down to the ma- sonite backing. "T would be the first to re- pair it if I could," Mr. Danby said Friday. "'But.it would be a patch job-and I could never match it." Prime Minister Gandhi Arrives In Washington The U.S., still convinced de- spite past frictions with 'India that the 500,000,000 - population nation is a vital Asian bastion to be preserve against China, has its own requests. President Johnson wants em- relationship than in the recent | phasis on more indian foou pro- past. jduction, and perhaps less on The dispatch of a special U.S. | basic industry. aircraft to Paris to bring Mrs.| He is anxious to spur Indian Gandhi to the U.S. is an indica-|birth - control programs with tion of the desire to create the|U.S. aid and to urge methods right atmosphere. likely to help the Indian econ- India's im mediate plea is/omy help itself. By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP) -- Prime Minister Indira Gandhi arrived in the U.S. Sunday for taiks with President Johnson hopeful of inaugurating a fresh and ' ' wheat--10,000,000 tons or more! Viet Nam--despite the differ- this year to avert widespread ences of view that exist--will be famine. \discussed, as well as China and But there is a big backlog of India's friendship with Soviet junfinished and new business to | Russia. |discuss. There are also signs| On wheat, the U.S. has al-| ithat each country welcomes ajready committed 6,000,000 tons of economic--and perhaps more|he had taken Canada to task re-| military--aid now that peace'cently on grounds it "can and Now, he said, he applauded the Canadian plans and he sharply urged Europe -- espe- cially France--to step in with help. Mrs. Gandhi and the presi- dent will have at least two lengthy sessions--one today and one Tuesday before she returns to New York Wednesday. Indian - American relations have had their ups and downs consistently in the past. Johnson's troubles began year ago when he abruptly postponed pians to welcome Pakistan Pres- ident Ayub Khan and the late Indian leader Lal Bahadur Sha- stri. Shastri went on to Canada anyway as scheduled last June without coming to Washington. Then India and Pakistan clahsed in the Rann of Kutch and came to grips in full-blown combat later, each using mili- tary aid that had been pro- vided by the U.S., Russia, Brit- ain and others, The U.S. stood aside as the Soviet Union, in a precedent for the Communist world, paved the way to a settlement at Tashkent. BIRDS GUARD SHEEP Farmers near Leonardville, Southwest Africa, have' success- fully trained ostriches as sub- Land Use Plan To Be Backed TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario government will increase its participation in the planning of land use and economic de- velopment on a regional basis in plans(to be brought before the legis\ature shortly, Premier Robarts'said Friday. Mr. Robarts told the annual meeting of the Ontario division of the Urban Development In- stitute that establishment of re- gional organizations in the de- partments of education, high- ways, lands and forests, eco- nomic development and others may have been read as signs of a move to regional govern- ment, "On the contrary," he said, "these are positive acts of the provincial government function- ing properly as a central gov- ernment by giving direction to the solution of regional prob- lems and needs." He said regional planning can- not be carried out to best ad- vantage by local governments attempting to act in concert ex- cept under the guidance of care- fully drawn rules" and proce- Is Vital LONDON (CP) Britain's huge foreign debt of $2,700,- 000,000 hovers over the cam- paign for Thursday's general election, Prime Minister Wilson main- tains Britain can win solvency by greater government intru- sion in industry, tighter govern- ment contro] over rising prices, wages and profits, giving prior- ity to export industries, re- ducing restrictive practices by labor and management and by tightening government expendi- tures. Conservative Leader Edward Heath, charging that the Labor government's prices and _ in- comes policy has failed, proposes less government inter- ference in industry, greater competition, a reduction in wel- fare outlays, tougher action to whip obstinate unions into line and a war against government waste. Both leaders accuse'each other of being responsible for getting the country into debt. Foreign Debt Issue The Sunday Times suggests the only way Britain can hope to build up its treasury to pay its debts is through outright de- flation--which could mean still higher taxation and more re- strictions on the home consump- tion market to reduce imports and push more goods into for- eign markets. The nearest James Callaghan, chancellor of the exchequer, has come to indicating that some nasty medicine may be necessary is to suggest that no 'severe' tax increases are likely. Sharp differences between Wilson and Heath show up in the foreign field. Heath would lead Britain into the European Common Market, virtually with no strings attached. Wilson would enter if Brit- ain's trade with the Common- wealth could be protected, a condition which Common Mar- ket partners are unlikely to accept. Heath would start discussions THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 28, 1966 with Ian Smith, rebellious Rho- desian prime minister, to bring Rhodesia under so-called "con- stitutional rule' which would mean in effect fresh recognition of 'Smith's leadership, - | Wilson maintains Smith is a rebel and there can be no nego- tiations with him unless he agrees to step down and return Rhodesia to its former colonial status. Heath would try to keep Brit-| | ish defence independent, to duce British subordination United States' foreign policy. Wilson plans to trim. defence spending on the basis that the country no longer can initiate independent military strike ac- tion. British strategy would have to be co-ordinated with her allies, Both major parties would) keep a firm hand on the future flow of nonwhite immigration, a move which has led leaders of non-white organizations in Britain to advise their members to boycott the polls March 31. % CLAY FLIES FAST Clay pigeons used in skeet shooting are projected at 90 m.p.h. RECGA HEAD E. Duncan Millican of Montreal has been named president of the Royal Cana- dian Golf Association. He has been a RCGA governor for nine years. He is presi- dent of the Quebec Mutual Life Assurance Co. | chance to discuss needs, now for this year. |more obvious, for mutual co-op-| Agriculture Secretary Orville} |eration. \Freeman recalled Friday, after| a India seeks a full resumption| White House consultations, that} A NEN WAY OF KING has been made with Pakistan.'should do more." 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Do your back a favor. Replace that tired old mattress today, For As Long As 12 months 12 months 20 months 30 months 30 months 30 months 36 months ALL STANDARD SIZES '=. BOX SPRING, SAME LOW PRICE "STANDARD > SIRES. Evening bowrs for your comvenence Crescent Finance 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, | OSHAWA ~ PHONE 728-7311 -- el 126 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY « PHONE 668-6803 SALES TAX INCREASE EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st. (ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT)