Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1966, p. 19

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"JQ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 26, 1966 . The Christian Church ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Matthew 16:13-19; I Corinthians 12; Colossians 1:15-20; I Peter 2:4-10. "On Chemical VANCOUVER (CP) -- theo: puted by a University of Brit- ish Columbia chemist. search Council and the Ameri- Professor Disputes Claims Reaction Freeze ber of other solutions, and he plans to move on to more-com- plex reactions this summer. Grants from the National Re- Inseiise Tae! 28 Percent TORONTO (CP)--A bill was presented in the legislature Thursday that will raise the pro- vineial ineame tay rate ta pebicaetinag an federal government to increase its abatement by four percent- age points but Ottawa has not y du it will, Some provinces leyy a tax in addition to the federal abate- ment, but Ontario so far has kept its tax equal to it. Mr. Allan said in his budget statement that "without further tne it G we "What we now can say wiih aoe ; i } } | churches, all have the same source poten Ml the same end: God. I Corinthians 12. can Chemical Society nave 2 t. aquivalant ace : ¥ y ] certainty is that, far from ceas-|aided Dr. Pincock's work in the|De? cent from 24 per cent of\will have no alternative to the fs Nbe /} |ing, many chemical -reactions|past and he recently received| 'Me, federal levy. setting of an income tax rate to ' ually The federal government now Sys | /| 4) |may act be speeded up in| support from the U.S. Air Force caiag produce an additional yield of 5 til \ s°| |the frozen state," sayd Dr.loffice of scientific research, come taxes for the/four percentage points." 7 Le a i The church is the body of Christ and among He is its head. He was first- born from dead, He has preeminence in all things Colossians Him man is I Peter 2:4-8. . Christ is the cornerstone of His Christ was the light of the world. As church. His death brought about for- giveness of human sin and through reconcil led with God.-- His followers we are children of light in the midst of a darkened world.-- GOLDEN TEXT: Matthew 16:18. Richard E. Pincock Aside from upsetting some generally accepted beliefs, the concept gives rise to new pos- sibilities, he says. In everyday usage it could be applied to Preservation of human tissue and organs, food storage and such questions as whether life can exist under freezing condi- tions or on other planets. Dr. Pincock explains that when a solution freezes, micros- copic areas of unfrozen solution I Peter 2:9, 10, BIBLE LESSON Christian Church Like One Enormous Tree By R. H. RAMSEY Because of its many denomi- nations, the Christian church is frequently likened to an enor- mous tree, for, divided though the church is, there- exists a unity of faith and belief among all its branches because all acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In the New Testament, the Greek word ekklesia--meaning the called-out ones--is used con- sistently to denote what we have come to call "'the church." The word is entirely appropos, for this is what all true Chris- tians are -- men and women called out from darkness into light, out of slavery into free- dom, out of a life of self into a life for God, out of a life of sin into a life of holiness, out of conformity to the world into increasing likeness to the Son of God, out of death into life. The church is not an institu- tion, but a supernatural entity embracing all believers, knit to- gether by kinship in Christ. The church was founded on belief in Christ as the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16), desig- nated by Christ as His own, the result of His building, with Him- self as the chief cornerstone. SERVE ONE END In the chapter from I Corin- beginning, the firstborn from among the dead, at the time of the Resurrection. In all things Christ has been given pre-eminence. Christ is eternal, in existence before any- thing was created. Christ is the agent through whom God brought the universe, and every created being, into existence, and the ultimate destiny of the whole universe will be consum- mated in Christ. BEGINNING AND END He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. His death on the Cross brought about the forgiveness of human s.4. Through Him we are recon- ciled with God, to ovr contem- Police Save Two Hostages SPRINGFIELD, Ore. (AP)--' A Springfield man said he was beginning to expect that he and his wife would be shot to death until police fired tear gas into their house, allowing their es- cape from an ex-convict who held them prisoner for nine ter- rifying hours. A few moments after the tear gas exploded Thusday after- noon, the ex - convict, Harry Acree, 33, shot himself to death with a pistol. "If they would have waited another hour to fire that tear gas, I think we would have all been dead," said Charles Faw- bush, 46, the hostage. The drama happened after Acree fled to the Fawbush house having shot Patrolman Terrence Wilson, 24, in the stomach Thursday morning when he and other officers searched an auto with expifed licence plates. poraries, and to our consci by the mysterious workings of God's spirit upon our hearts. He is the cornerstone of the church and, according to the attitude men take toward Him, Christ becomes either their blessing or their condemnation. They either use' Him as the foundation of a holy life, or they fall over Him and stumble into ruin. God has offered us salvation through Jesus Christ and the glory of eterna] fellowship with Him. We can take our needs, de- sires, aspirations and problems thians, Paul introduces the par- adoxical unity-amid - diversity of individua] churches and the members, all related to each other and working together for the good of the whole, so also is the church. There may be vari- ations of gifts, administrations and operations among churches and the individual members, but they are all derived from the same source and serve the same end: God. The church is the body of Christ and He, alone, is the head of it. He is the seat of its life; the source of its activity, the pssryged of its ike the bo , Tuling, gua , Susta' ue of its spiritual being and dlessedness. His Headship was made fact when He became the BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Teaches. which divide man- kind' For information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshowa" Tires directly to God Himself, with Christ as our Intercessor and Advocate. God has called us out of darkness and into His light, Wives Are Urged To Nag Husbands ROTORUA, N.Z. (CP)--Farm- ers' wives were urged to nag their husbands by R. F. Aitken, director of the National Safety Association, at a conference here. Farm accidents could be much reduced, he said, if wives expressed concern every time unsafe. "If men realize that someone is taking a real inter- est in their well-being they re- spond magnificently." tional boundary lines, races, color, education, social and po- litical station, and wealth. Jesus called Himself "the light of the world" (John 8:12). If we follow Him, we are to fill the world with the warmth of CUBA'S COMING WINNIPEG (CP) -- Cuba is the ninth country to submit an entry for the 1967 Pan-American Games. The Cuban Olympic committee said it plans to send 388 athletes to the July 22-Aug. 7 games here. His love, illuminating it with "Men must eliminate | all those prejudices || His wisdom and understanding, becoming children of light in the midst of a dark world. GRACE FAITH Lutheran Church Eastern Canad: nod) {ie Rav. Hen: 4 Eicher, Postor -- 725-2755 LUTHERAN ay TEMPLE BLDG. sake a aah Canada 91 Centre St. PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 @ Sundoy. Services. Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister 9:45 AM, Ronold A. Jansen, Vicar 11:00 AM. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday Chureh Schoo! |} TORONTO --The Christian Pavilion to be erected at Expo 67 in Montreal by seven major Christian denominations '"'will not be designed as a sales room for salvation" says the Toronto |Globe and Mail editorially. | Through photograph and |sound, the pavilion which will cost $1,300,000 will dramatize the relevance of the Christian message for '"'Man and His World." Joining in the project are the Roman Catholic, Angli- can, United, Presbyterian, Luteran, Baptist and Greek Orthodox churches. "There will be no brow- beating or sermonizing; just Christian Pavilion Is "Think" Project remain. Because these areas concentrate the comporents, the reaction speeds up, he says. He reports he discovered this through a complex analysis in- volving a little trick called nu- clear magnetic resonance. What put him on to the idea was the kind of display calculated|some solution that was sup- to plant questions rather than|Pposed to decompose at 90 de- answers in i minds of|gtees but actually broke down visitors, and a bright, white,/quicker when he put it into the round room where there will be|Tefrigerator for storage. nothing but chairs and silence,"| Since then, he says, he has the editorial reads. proved this works with a num- "Some visitors may feel in- clined to evade the silent room|the government was worried and possible cczfrontation by/about the size of the deficit, their own thoughts. As Joseph|"particularly if it showed signs Conrad wrote in Lord Jim: 'It/of becoming excessive." is my belief that no man ever} "In my budget I intend to understands quite his own art-|have something to say about ful dodges to escape from the|this matter. I think the meas- grim shadow of self-knowledge.' |ures I will be proposing then "For many others, however,|will do something to improve an island of silence in a sea of|will do something to improve noise is something to be sought|our balance of payments situa- Born in Ogden, Utah, Dr. Pin- cock graduated from the Uni- versity of Utah in 1956, received an MA at Harvard in 1957 and a PhD there in 1960, the year he joined the UBC, staff. Court Releases Two Brothers TORONTO (CP) -- Two Tor- onto brothers, sentenced last March to 10 years and five strokes of the lash, Were freed Thursday as a result of investi- gations carried out by two de- tectives after their trial. Russell Martin, 35, and his brother Walter, 37, were con- victed of robbing Mrs. Lucille Young of $132 after torturing her in her Toronto apartment and threatening the life of her two-year-old son. The Ontario Court of Appeal ordered a new trial for the provinces and pays it back by rebate. The present Ontario rate is 24 per cent. Provincial Treasurer James Allan, who introduced the bill, had indicated in his budget speech Feb. 9 that if Ottawa did not raise the amount of rebate to 28 'per cent, the province would have to levy an addi- tional tax. WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH ve Ee bagel yo Rosehill Bivd. Kk. : Shopping Minister: Rev. Fea "Hy Were, BA, Organi s! ir rector Rowland L. McCord, Mus, Bee. 11:00 A.M.--Morming Worship The Rev. Doctor Joh M&., OD. wilt preach 9:45 A.M.--Junlor, Intermediate ond Depts. 11:00 hha and Primary You are welcome to these Services brothers Wednesday. When they Reveais the startling signie ficance behind world news! « with PROPHECIES next 20 years! Monday - Saturday 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. i a nd Sunday 10:30°- 11:00 P.M. 1350 RADIO appeared in court Thursday the Crown counsel asked that all! charges-be withdrawn. @ brothers spent one year in jail before their new trial was ordered. While they were in jail Detectives Harry Smith and Frank Barbetta re-investi- gated the case and found that Mrs. Young had been previously CENTRE STREET Organist Mrs. UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St, REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER A. H, Foy charged and convicted for pub- out and enjoyed." | tion." lic mischief. 11:00 OTTAWA (CP) --- Finance Minister Sharp told the Com- mons Thursday he intends to in- troduce measures in his budget next Tuesday tv improve Can- ada's balance of payments situ- ation. But in the tradition of pre- budget secrecy, the finance minister gave the Commons no hint of which way he proposes to move. | The balance of payments def- their husbands did something | icjt rose to $1,136,000,000 last year from $433,000,000 in 1964, mainly as the result of higher imports from the United States and reduced exports to other countries. J. Waldo Monteith (PC -- Perth) asked Mr. Sharp about this in the Commons, putting the blame on U.S. guidelines re- Balance Of Payments Plan Is Scheduled For Budget stricting American investment ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. ond Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REY. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. Organist-Choirmaster: Harold Ellis in Canada. Mr. Sharp said the guidelines had little to ¢> with the deficit in the balance of payments, but SUNDAY CHU HARMONY | UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Marie Taylor, A.R.C.T. (Piane 2nd Orgon), R.M.T. Organist and Choirmaster 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten end Tiriy Tots Classes 11:00 A.M 7:00 P.M.--"DAY: OF T' Two hour colour sound 'ST. ANDREW'S Minister: THE REV, J. F, 9:45 A.M. and 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP : Guest Speaker: MISS MARION THOMSON Board of United Church Women ' A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Organist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. RCH SCHOOL RIUMPH" film on the life of Christ. G. MORRIS, B.A, S.T.M. MORNING WORSHIP Dedication of gifts and mei ---- morio's A Hearty Welcome To All Senior Discussion Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.S.A. Pastor: Rev. Roy F. C, Stoddard OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH | STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET 11;00 "COME 9:30 A.M.--Junior -and Intermediate Departments (Children 9-13 years) Pre-Confirmation Class ---- Grade 9 |. 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary Departments Group -- Teens A.M. DIRTY" "GOD HAS THE 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL A.M. LAST WORD" Care provided fer babies ene small children during the servies. The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City, BYNG AVENUE | | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH |. 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N, OFFICE 728-2931 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SC! TUES. 7:30--CA. THURS, 7:30---Bi BIBLE COLLEGE DAY 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Speaker: REV. V, BROWN Vice-President of Soneking @t both services, Bringing with him talent from the fy E.P.B.C, HOOL SERVICE BLE STUDY AND PRAYER Meeting in the T. R. McEwen EVANGEL Pentecostal Church Senior Publie Schoo! Auditorium is church for good people, o: What ins when g sinnér turns to God? Who are the people Christ connot accept? WILSON RD, SOUTH Pastor: Rev. R. D. Ellis 725-9617 A fellowship Sunday Services, Free literature from U.K., For information call: 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. | Lenten Worship Wed. 7:30 P.M. ! THE SERVICE COME WORSHIP WITH US! SUNDAY--2:30 P.M.--Healing and Messages 7:00 P.M.~--Divine Service REV. E. McGRATH bus from the Mother Church in Toronte will join both THURSDAY--7:30----Open Circle 8:45--Message Service (Psychometry) Rev. Roy F, Canada, and the U.S.A. 409 ADELAIDE AVE. EAST PASTOR: REV. D, N. HABERMEHL, 6.A., M.Th. (Petition on Viet Nam available ot the doors), SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET The Church In the heort of the city with the World on Its heart. MINISTER: REV.. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT 11:00 A.M.--Lenten Theme: "This, | Believe" 5. "WHAT | BELIEVE ABOUT THE CHURCH 12:15 A.M.--Church Membership Class 7:00 P.M.--Chapel Service "eg "An Answer to the. Cyni 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Pastor Ellis speaks on the subjects 11:00 A.M.--"Standing Before God" 7:00 P.M.--Judgment Day Surprises" Listen to "A Message of Life' Sunday 4:45 p.m. CKLB Radio 1350 on your dial. WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY C. Stoddard given, at ali se 725-7183 or 635-49 King Street Pentecostal Church FREE METHODIST CHURCH Ure St., off Simece & Minister; Rev. C. M, Bright (Next after Bloor St.) Phone: 725-3872 | 11:00 AM.-MORNING WORSHIP Nursery Care Provided 7:00 .P.M.-EVENING SERVICE Redio Ministry Chr. Ref, -- each Sundoy at 9:15 P.M. Cc (Bock To God Hour), every other Sundoy et 11 A.M. CKLB (churches in the crea) 611 KING ST. W. One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor Phones: Church 728-5371 Parsonage 728-6662 SUNDAY 9:45 A.M.--Christion Education Hour. 11:00_A.M.--WORSHIP. SERVICE -- SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:45 A.M.--Youth Department, Young Adult Closs Adult Bible Study Group 11:00 A.M.--Children's" Department, Boby Care WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 7:30 P.M=Lenten Mid-Week Service in the Chapel Film: hg ex Two World' (World Mission In rice IF YOUR ANSWER IS "YES" 1. Do you believe in the broth- erhood of man, irrespective of nation, race, or creed? 2. Do you believe that "reli- gious truth," to be acceptable, must be in harmony with the truth in every other field--sci- ence included? SAT., 7:45 P.M, -- MISSIONARY CONVENTION REV. K, L, SNIDER, Speaker | 10:00 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--SERMON BY REV. K. L. SNIDER 6:00 P.M. -- F.M.Y. 7:00 P.M.--SERMON BY REV, K. L. SNIDER Wed. 6:30 P.M--CYE 2 ie | NX WAR WELCOME AWAITS YOU é TO SERVE GOD! FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd, W., Bost of Garrard PASTOR--REV, R, H, JAMES, 725-1280 |) ROSSLAND |} ROAD 9:45 A.M.---LIBRARY TIME 10:60 A.M.-SUNDAY: SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--'"WHAT IS TRUTH" 7:00 P.M.--"THE SEVEN WOES' THURS, 7:00 P.M--F.M.Y. Do not miss the Light ond Lite Hour en Radio Station WHLB, Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1270 on dial at 4 p.m. THE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CHURCH 11:00 A.M. THE SALVATION ARMY Speakers: Envoy and Mrs. John Simpson 2:00 P.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Tuesday 2:30 p. | Wednesday 8:00 p.m. -- Prayer and Bible Study. Eester week campaign with Col. ond Mrs. W. G, Effer April 8th ----- 13th. "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" Second Sermon in o series on "WHO IS JESUS CHRIST ?" --Is He Very God of Very God? Does He Possess Divine Attributes? NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) Corps Officers Major & Mrs. Gordon Holmes MINISTER -- REV, H. A. MELLOW, B.A,, D.D. penned Benccness "ils ORLA A ek pres ~ + " " Denti Serre g THE FOLLY OF NEGLECT... . 4 9:15 A.M.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3; Junior 4, 5. and 6 MARCH 7th 9:15 A.M.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; @ Special Quartette Numbers @ Congregational Singing @ Old-Fashioned Gospel Preaching @ A Special Welcome For You Worship this week at King Street where we preach, THE BIBLE~AS-IT IS FOR MEN AS THEY ARE Senior Grades 10 and over 10:45 Nursery ages 3; Kindergarten Primary Grades 1, 2, and 11:00 A.M, -- SERMON: "Washing ... MY Hands or OTHER'S Feet?" Reception of Junior and Adult Members Babysitter Service by Comedouble Club 7:00 P.M.--Study Group et 707 Hortep St. Topie: "The Briefing of the Twelve" King St. United Church + ad 4 and 5; & 7:00 P.M. m. Home League SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pasto 245 SIMCOt S 3. Do you believe the primary ibility for h prog- ---------- ress rests upon men? ------------_--_--_-- 129 KING STREET EAST JOIN US IN WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY REV. L. fY Hi R THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Mies eney. fraser Gaseoen 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASSES then you are ay. Revedid Wiser Set Diener Wha: Cipentet 11:00. A.M.---ANNUAL WOMEN'S MISSIONARY. COUNCIL DAY ice | KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S -- UKRAINIAN Church School "and Morning Worship 2 eater ies Cet Laneoen Unitarian belief | idogsiegi : haggaae ae ~ i aeank Simcoe St. South at ered ken ee Church, : is MARCH 27th (Four blocks trom King) é Minister Rev, J, Jacenty at "KEEP THE 11:00 AM. |] Minister Rev. @ W. C, Brett, BA. ace Agee ee Rev. Walter Jackson a nee 1LOOAM ] p M : i penis pee 9:00 A.M.--Church a Ht: MM. of Vi. ' ---- Mr. Metinew Gouldburn, A.LCM, Plonist Mise Jane Welr | Miusiea! Director $10 A llnws Saubie BROADCAST OVER CKLB SABBATH DAY HOLY page ge | Confirmation Sunday © Pastor Smith speaks on the 4th Commandment DENNISON | ine ste iol 9:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M, ae LATE" | © How does this Commandment fit into 20th gentury living? palace ig oie fee | shapely al ce HUNGARIAN St. Matthew 27; 11-26 © Does it really motter which day of the'week is set aside os SALOWSHIP LANIAAN'S SERVICE 11:00 AM ee yay ts Oust ia O Hemtes "ee teen Fone the Sobbath? FELLOW ghee rel he 1:00 A.M. 16th ANNIVERSARY Gt nee Sa es, Poe Ceres on SIMCOE HALL Liggett Ro ey pet ad MORNING SERVICE Simeoe St. North Anthem: "Lord, For Thy Tender Mercies' Sake' (Farrant) =e PLUS paid --" | 4:00 P.M. WORSHIP REV. D, W. MILES, B.A ae aie nis 11:00 AM<All departmenta of 'he Church School et the Seventh Bey |i @ THE MELLODETTES @ THE CHURCH CHOIR OSHAWA | "Counting the Cost'" ' Bob) ith mother, In mothers' room, entering by front door, ~ Pas par Worship All Cordially Invited Bo Magy 2nd and 4th Cars Nant eae at 10:40 sn hers, corner Rig ond Charles Sts. Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunda 11:15 CKLB-1350 : sen SUNDAYS ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH . "With Us,

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