6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Merch 25, 1966 Duke Of Edinburgh Quizzes City Scouts "Tm afraid we did it the;Lake in below zero temperatur- Grant ad-jes with their equipment lashed The Duke of Edinburgh quiz- zed Grant Bennett and Ted Coul-jother way around," son, the two Oshawa Scouts who) mitted. "We started out with ajtoa toboggan. The-second day received their gold Duke of Ed-|perfectly good canoe and ended|the temperature rose drastical- inburgh Award at Rideau Hall|by smashing it on the rocks." |ly ae the snow disappeared.|* Tuesday, about the canoe trip |The boys parked their ground- that pa part of the 106 TP 59 MILE HIKE : led vehicle at a service station ments for their silver standing.| The boys recall with amuse-|and continued their hike in the "I suppose you did it like! ment the 50-mile hike they did | Millbrook, Bewdley, Lake Scu- some of our boys at home,'"|for their gold award. It had to/gog area with their gear on he said, "Built you canoe and|be done during Christmas holi-/their backs. | To meet their requirements in then went off on a trip:" idays. They started out near Rice Sn pee \the public service category, Grant and Ted completed the BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE lst. John's Ambulance Course, for th Cedardale 19th Scout Failing To Remain . - sion Certain athletic require- s s Charge Dismissed scene sue mens two car lengths away as the| Clubs. elas ae eugies ments were fulfilled, and for a |hobby or interest that must be accused struck .a_ parked; Grant and Ted arrived in Ot-} vehicle. He said the noise was|tawa a day early for a rehear- quite clear and he saw the car sal of the ceremony and Tues- CORPORATE SECRETARY Roger Gordon Conant, QC, of Pickering Township, was recently appointed corpo- rate secretary of Honey- well Controls Limited. In addition to his new duties, ; he retains his responsibili- ties as manager, personnel and industrial relations for the company. A former Osh- pursued over a period of time the boys were active members AJAX (Staff) -- A charge of| failing to remain at the scene} of an accident jvas dismissed) Conant against a Lindsay man in Ajax! day enjoyed tours of the new awa barrister, Mr. In The United PORT HOPE The North- ilton Township and the foxes it reports that there were 114 eases of communicable diseases reported in February. Seventy were chickenpox, 32 mumps, six infectious hepatitis and the balance red measles and scarlet fever. The hepatitis cases were visit- ed by either the health inspec- tors or the public health nurses. Instruction was given in pre- cautions to be taken to prevent the spread of the disease, The patient with the disease was is- olated until recovery, The con- tacts were not quarantined. Four rabid animals, two fe- line and two foxes, were report- ed. The two cats were in Ham- ilto Township and the foxes were in Clarke and Percy town- ships. Vaccine for preventive treat- ment pvas given one person. CHEST X-RAYS At four chest clinics, 52 per- sons received X-rays. There were 374 cases of tuberculosis on the register at the beginning of the month. One case moved in during the month and one new inactive case was reported, Find Four Rabid Animals Counties perople, while anothér 218 were revaccinated. There were 351 reinforced doses of triad given. A new program was added to the school health services. Color perceptten testing, using Isha- Hara tests, will be given to boys in either Grade 7 or 8. This will be integrated with the vision testing program and the results will become part of the student's health records, Five new hearing defecs were, discovered. Four of these were 'in school beginners. The fifth was discovered on routine test- ing a group of Grade 5 children. | In February, 878 animals were examined by the veterinarian. Ten were condemned. | ALL OWE HUNDREDS Consumer credit in the United States now totals $315,- | |000,000,000, more than $1,600) each for every man, woman and child. Farmers Asked Grow Of Flue - Cured TORONTO (CP) -- Cigarette companies have asked Ontario farmers to grow a record 228,- 000,000 pounds of flue-cured to- bacco this year, up-15 per cen from the previous, peak of 199,- 000,000 pounds in 1960, Lyal Tait of Port Burwell, Ont., said Thursday. Mr. Tait, vice-chairman of the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board, said the main reason for the in- creased demand is an increase a0 por con: Tobacco in orders from British tobacco firms. They have asked for a record 55,500,000 pounds from Ontario's 1966 crop compared with an-average of 34,000,000 in recent years. The marketing board annu- \ally aims at a definite pound- age-by-telling each-of the -prov- ince's 3,800 growers how much he can plant. Total acreage is expected to be set at a meeting in Tillsonburg, Ont., today. Mr. Tait' said the companies have told the board it would not be unreasonable to expect the average price of the 1966 crop to exceed 60 cents a pound and that it could exceed the record average of about 66 cents paid for the 1965 crop. Sixty cents on 228,000,000 pounds would raise . growers' gross returns to a record $37,° 600,000 compaftd with $10i,000,- 000 received for the 1965 crop. | DEALING YOUR CAR? The Man To See Is JACK HUGHES ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. | . UNRESERVED AUCTION fl Get your TORO Now -and Beat the April Ist Tax. Trouble-free with a capital "T'"! If you own a cheap powermower now, you probably know all about expensive repair bills and miserable summer Saturdays. You're probably ready for a trouble-free TORO. Come on in and see one! Magistrate's Court Thursday. | rocking when it was struck. Antoni Baydak was | Chambers . said he followed| Scout ss ek eee ie leaving 376 at the end of the| Ajax and Pickering General nip Mert | tnonth. | jn the units report on immun-| charged} s Headquarters, the Nat- with failing to remain after his|the car north on Harwood ave. |ional Gallery and the Parlia:| ite is : pickup truck struck the rear|and pulled abreast of it at the/ment Buildings. Pena thn ag bumper of a car driven by| King's cres. traffic lights where a ee ME ORs OF THE EASTERN LITHOGRAPHING CO. LIMITED 134 RIVALDA RD., TORONTO ization, it was noted that 24 of-| 19, of Ajax on|he asked the driver why he did WRONG HANDSHAKE ag oo ' not stop after the accident. The) The fact that they were the Pepper said that as he was| driver continued north: and|Mly two boys in Scout uniform | travelling south on Burcher rd.|Chambers reported the incident /@™on& the 18 who received the) crossing Bayly 'st. on a green|to Constable Donald Arscott award presented a slight prob-| light he felt a slight jolt. He| who was on duty. lem - would Prince Philip be| said he followed the accused) Gonstable Arscott said dam- prepared to return the Scout} ] ve. and when he|age 1 A ge ved pi had happen-|slight and the accused reported| word came down that he would. ed the. accused. had told him|the 'accident 15 minutes after|When their turns came, to "get lost'. Pepper said the|Chambers came into the. sta- damage to his car consisted of tion. a broken bumper bolt valued at) William Krohn, 159 Tulloch 18 cents. ' jdr., said he did not realize he Baydak testified that he didn't/had been in an accident and know why Pepper had told him| he had not heard it. He told the to stop and he had felt no col-| court he regretted the $115 dam-|shake,"" lision. He said that there waS/age done to the other car but/plained to the boys later. no sign of damage to his truck) felt he was not an irresponsible and he had not been drinking) driver. - all day. Magistrate Magistrate ordinary civilian greeting. Philip and the Vaniers, the HOW: Hy W. the charge against/had been unaware of the acci-|participated in the first succes- dismissed dent. The accused's licence will/sful climb of Mr. Everest, and the accused. be automatically suspended for|several members of the diplo- five from common-|drivers account for 30 An Ajax man was found/three months and he was fined|matic corps the | not "And he promised me that,;committee he would give you a Scout hand- | quency has recommended '17 Madame Vanier com-/years as the juvenile age limit) jand that the limit should be uni-| No Date As Yet On Juveniles TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney-; to the accused car was very|left-handed handshake? Official| General Arthur Wishart told the 7 jlegislature Thursday "give the on juvenile Besides chatting with Prince|form across Canada. He was answering a question} Jermyn|boys and their parents and Mr.|from Murray Gaunt (L--Huron- Jermyn} found Krohn guilty and said it}and Mrs. Ernest Jukes met Sir|Bruce). said he believed Pepper but|was incomprehensible that he|John Hunt, who organized and - KEY MEN CRASH A statistical analysis found | Belgium's | per cent per cent of he could | specific date" |Prince held the certificates fir-/when Ontario will raise the age} mly grasped in his left hand, | when a person ceases to be a| and Grant and Ted received an juvenile Mr. Wishart said the federal delin- | fice and school clinics were held, A total of 23 children com- | Pleted the initial series of quad vaccine and 42 received a rein- forcing dose. Receiving primary | smallpox vaccinations were 66 | COOR'S ALES | PARTS -- ACCESSORIES -- SER- VICE --° HITCHES -- AWNINGS Authorized Dealer For . . . Corsair, Citation, Glendette Rembler gnd Truck Cempers SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA (At The City. Limits) Open Mon. to Sat. Phone 723-9534 | VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION [UPON INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED FROM RONALD M. MIX, C.A. | LIQUIDATOR FOR THE SHAREHOLDERS, 6 OFFSET PRESSES --- CAMERA DEPT. EQUIPMENT: SOLNA "CHIEF" 24" VERTICLE OFFSET w/Feeder. This press was completely reconditioned approx. 40 days ago at a cost of $3165.00, and is in very good condition. MANN 2 COLOUR OFFSET 42 in. x 59 in. s/n M4892. Style X.Q.R.C.L. \f c/w HTB Feeder and 2 Leiman Rotary Vacuum Pumps. MANN SINGLE COLOUR OFFSET 25 in; x 38 in. s/n M4334 Style D.D.OL. caw HTB. Feeder, Leiman Vacuum Pump and Auto Reverser. LITTLE CHIEF 20" OFFSET s/n MP695 --- 2 MULTILITH 1250's. SEYBOLD CUTTER 45" Cop -- MIEHLE V-50 VERTICLE LETTER PRESS Blum Folder with Friction Feed (14% x 20) -- Hammond Trim-O0-Sew, Challenge Paper Drill -- Bostitch Wire Stitcher, Power Pertorator -- Syntron Jogger -- Hydraulic Pallet Truck as new Brunner Shop Compressor --Defensor Humidifier. CAMERA DEPT.: New in 1963 KENRO 18" VERTICAL CAMERA, CRAFTS- MAN LINE UP TABLE (48" x 60") w/Auto Spacer, Pens ete. Nuark Plote Moker (Flip Top) 30" x 40' -- Nuark Leyout Table 42" x 62". Dark Room Lights -- Trays -- ete, -- Stock of Negatives and Plates (new in 1964) Densitron -- Entire paper, and ink. stock, PLACE: 134 Rivalda Rd. ~ PREVIEW MON. & TUES. MAR. 28 & 29 Write -- Phone -- Wire for PICTORIAL BROCHURE. Timed Lot by Lot Cotelogue ot Preview--Auction Phone 247-8360. Maynard's Auctioneers 1233 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C./682-1033 Suite 1106, Prudential Bidg., King & Yonge Sts., Toronto, Ont./363-8779 [Time WED. | [MAR 3011 A.M.| 10 min Toronto, Ont. from Malton Airport That's the 1966 Whirlwind" by TORO alert "There's A Toro Dealer NEAR You" -RUNDLE'S GARDEN CENTRE OSHAWA, ONTARIO JOHN SWAN. HARDWARE OSHAWA, ONTARIO guilty of failing to stop after an! accident when an off duty Ajax| Police sergeant saw him side- swipe a parked car at the Ajax Plaza parking lot. Staff Sergeant Thomas Cham- bers said -he saw the accused back out of his parking space and heard the scraping of metal $75 or 15 days. lwealth countries. Tsarapken Heads For Home | GENEVA (CP)--Semyon Tsa- rapkin left here today for Mos- cow after handing over to Alexei A. Roshchin leadership of the Russian delegation at the 17-nation Geneva disarmament conference. Tsarapkin told a private plen- ary session of the arms talks he was returning to Moscow to take) up a new assignment, but gave no further details. He then for- mally introduced Roshchin as new Soviet chief negotiator. The 59 - year - old diplomat made no statement to reporters as he went to catch a plane for Paris, but said he should not be returning to Geneva. Roshchin, a Soviet foreign ministry official, has previously served as deputy disarmament delegation head under Tsarap- kin and Valerian Zorin, now So-} viet ambassador to France. Already a familiar, neatly- dressed figure at Geneva, Rosh- chin is at present head of the second European division of the Soviet foreign ministry which deals with the affairs of Britain lof highway accidents. Sport Fury Convertible. Wheelbase 419 ina. We're the greatest Lic we action Fury and parts of the Commonwealth. |} ° In his early 50s, he headed the Soviet foreign ministry's depart- ment dealing with the United Nations from 1948 to 1952. Tsarapkin has been one of the central figures of the Geneva Let yourself go vacationing in the greatest line-up of Ptymouths in Plymouth history! This summer, two great lines of bright and breezy convertibles, spacious fun-filled wagons to choose from--the hig-action Fury and the hot new Belvedere! Every model standard-equipped with the biggest range of holiday-fon featares ever. Every one a beautiful buy! Make your vacation plans now--around a big-action Fury or a hot new Belvedere negotiations since 1958 when he first came here for the Amc® ican - British - Soviet test ban talks. | ..n old hand at intricate polit- ical negotiations, Tsarapkin first represented the Soviet "dat the drawn-out peace talks in Korea. He then rose to become one of the leaders of the Soviet} foreign office's department for international] organizations.. ( FREE PARKING | where Broodwoy : meets Times Squore NEW YORK CITY FREE PARKING avoilable in the heart of the theatrical end entertainment district e«-close to shopping, sight-seeing ond business appointments. You'll enjoy the convenience and hos- pitality of the Paramount «+». 700 newly refurbished rooms, all with private bath, TV, and oir condi- tioning. SPECIAL FAMILY PLAN RATES every one a Available From $10 single, $13 double Telephoren Circte 6-5500 couvertible or wagon. As the Plymouth tiger says-- 'we're the gr-r-r-eatest tiger family in the land!' Go for fan? Go Plymouth ~--at your Plymouth dealer's-- now! Hot new Belvedere *" Satetfite Convertible. Wheelbase 216 ina. CF family in the land! Fury VIP 5-YEAR--50,000-MILE POWER-TRAIN WARRANTY Fury I. 0. 01. Sport Fury Belvedere I. II. Satellite FREE OFFER "TRUE VALUE" NEW CAR BUYER'S GUIDE Comparative facts on all the popular 1966 cars TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR NEW CAR BUYING DECISION... ATYOUR CHRYSLER DEALER'S IT'S FREE! or Teletype 212 640-448! lt te Va CHRYSLER CANADA LTD. CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO DISNEY MOTORS PICKERING, ONTARIO LIMITED KINGSTON ROAD AND CHURCH, ie