Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Flood Plain Mapping Gets Final Approval WHITBY (Staff) -- The Cen- ing in conjunction with Whithy tral Lake Ontario Conservation|Tcwn Council on the plan which Authority wants to size up the}would generally outline areas capability of flooding in Whitby.jt} t may be flooded in spring Tuesday night it gave final|/thaws or heavy rains. approval to a $4,000 flood plain) A request is also being sent mapping project for Pringle and) ,y the authority to the depart- Lynde Creeks in the town, ; : The authority will send its|ment for flood plain mapping plan to the conservation au-|south of Taunton rd. of the thority branch, Toronto, of the/Lynde, Farewell, Harmony, Department of Energy and Re-|Bowmanville and Soper Creeks. ources for the last ratification.|The authority wants the govern- The authority has been work- ment to undertake this project. Fire Results In Water Damage Volunteer firemen did a|by John's Moving and Cartage, 'double-take' in Whitby yester-| did receive considerable water day when a fire broke out at}damage. the former Canadian National) Acting promptly the Whitby Railway station, Dundas st. e. Volunteer Fire Department an- i t d i ; ae ts ce hat 4 mie swered the call with three utes before the regular noon|trucks and had the fire under hour whistle blows at the fire|control in record time. Dense station. jclouds of smoke poured from Although the fire did little| windows on the main floor of} damage to the buildigg, the con-| the building but little if any| tents, stored on the premises flames. | Church Plans Sacred Cantata | Conforming with the Easter| suitable solos will be presented season, a. special Sacred Can-|by the choir interspersed with) tata--will_-be--presentedat St.| Easter scripture messages. | eri aig Church,! gcripture messages will be Whitby, Sunday morning. | 4 ; Directed by Mrs. Peter Spratt,| Provided by Rev. W. J. 5. Mc choir master, the church's sen-|Clure. The public is invited to ior choir will take over the reg-| attend and join in the special ular morning service. Several worship. Thankoffering Meeting Planned TOWN WORKMEN REMOVING MANY TREES The tree in the above photo is being 'trimmed to size' by Whitby Public Utility Commission workmen. Town Death of stately trees is the byword in Whitby these days as town workmen cut down trees all over town. MILTON, Ont. (CP) --Farm- ers should not be subjected to land for agriculture, a provin- cial government commission re- viewing local .gavernment in Peel and Halton counties was told Thursday. Denzil Lawrence, reading a brief prepared jointly by the Peel and Halton federations of agriculture, said the federations can see the day coming when Canada can' not raise enough food to feed itself and more land must be preserved for agriculture. Mr. Lawrence, president of the Halton federation, said: "The farmer feels that under our present system of taxation he is being called on to pay taxes for some services not re- quired by farmers but which are demanded by suburbia to- re He said farmers have almost lost their voice in local govern- ment because the number of farmers is declining while the number of urban people {is in- creasing. CITES OAKVILLE Peter McWilliams, Halton to comment on the report although it is rather disturb- ing." 'Perhaps I could comment at at a later date. a later date but not at this --Oshawa Times photo |time," Trustee John Howard - said. He agreed with the reso- works department employ- ees will cut down the stumps lution passed by the board. Fred Ing,'a member of the | e Secondary School Board, said St. Mark's United Church, speaker will be Miss Beatrice l t e rges e V & & he had read the report but had s no comment to make. 'omen, Unit No. 4. met at the}McLean. Her subject will be home of Mrs. M. G. McCarty;|"'The Holy Land Today". Euclid st. In the absence of the Mr. Schilling stated he had presented copies of the report to It was reported that 34 visits bd leader, Mrs. Fred Ollen-Bittle,| were made to sick and shut-in. | Ins jall members of both boards. In charge of the worship, sery- "The Secondary School trustees Mrs. R. H. MacCar! chaired the meeting. She opened the meet-|ice was Mrs. Ear! Fairman, ing with a poem _ entitled|/her theme was "Citizenship". WHITBY (Staff) -- Five;mated current budget of $402,. He would make no comment! had the report before the Public School Board," he said. Tax Penalties Cut Proposed THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 25, 1966 § Crown attorney, who said he was speaking as a private cit- WHITBY DISTRICT irs 2,20, fie ey BOWLING NEWS Amell 208; Katie Loyst 205 and Liz Martin 204, -- j Cellar Dwellers -- Dorothy Brandt 79; Mildred Thomas 99, 90, 88 and Ede Walker 94. © WHITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points for the day: Allsorts 4, tax penalties for trying to save|izen, said the need for regional|Gumdrops 3; Humbugs 2, Jelly parkland. He said although there is lit- Lake Ontario in Halton County, of parkland in recent years be- cause the town has a park in the vicinity. feel the need for another park, |G Special commissioner Thomas Plunkett said he hopes to file government is illustrated by|Beans 4; Life Savers 0, Lolli- Oakville council's approach to|pops 2; Maple Buds 1 and Pep- permints 0. tle public land bordering on|coe 752; Jean King 698; Grace Sandford 689; Gladys Wiles 663; Oakville turned down an offer Fynieccallg erg 620 and Jean} tionally adverti loth- Moase 584; Florence Moore 557; Although Oakville may not/Alice Anderson 548; Mr. McWilliams said, the park-| alice Bradley 521: (i land is necessary to the county. ing 518 : nd A ary phe gg in his review findings with the On- 281, 229; Bernice Moase 281; Now in Whithy The Finest Quality No- Triples over 600: Betty Pas- ing for men by Michaels - Stern. SEE OUR FINE SELECTION SOON Triples over 500: Bernice Dimple ough 539; Barb Calberry 538; Singles over 200: Jean King MERCANTILE ber. tario government by Septem-|Jean Ainsworth 268, 204; Grace. _-BEPT, STORE Sandford 266, 227; Betty Pascoe 260, 253, 239; Gladys Wiles 260, Whitby Plaza 1966 TV's 237; +" Florence Moore 256; $9.00 Per Month Laurraine Myers 243, Doreen 2 paceman a WHY RENT -- WHEN | YOU CAN BUY -- | 216 Brock St. $. -- Whitby | DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadloom @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER secret agent. i] you where the spies Ht are! BROCK Evening Programs at 7 and 9 P.M. - WHITBY Saturday Matinee at . . . 1:30 Jason Love' IN COLOR AND PANAVISION DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 Jon the report. PARKS LEAD HAND TOWN OF WHITBY "Spring" and a -- She} Mrs, R. H. gree os a dis- charges have been levelled at|398.86. welcomed 12 members and two/cussion on "Christians -- in} > : ; : has | oS the Whitby District High School} WEMBERS COMMENT : | visitors, and thanked Mrs. Mc-/Church and ee ' Board by Godfrey Schilling. Mr.| Gordon Mcllwain, chairman than oo Agana Carty for i spageide her home | meeting he oma picre ite! Schilling, a member of the Whit-| the Whitby Public School Board,| was. 'hot os ti6 5 "Coriain Final plans were made to ol iar ded 4 hi A oP fe" by Public School Board, is the|said there is nothing the trus:|things te he e4 10n. : pong sist with the "Spring ag read by oe A re oe 4 board representative on the high|tees can do ssihotally. about tel ae xe Pigg make it tea March 25. The regular yo A social "r our sgh school board. The high school! report other than to file it. "The |i hogeg vé 8 ef ne anyone to ter Thankoffering meeting wi | with Mrs. E. M. Freek and Mrs.) 0474 js expected to deal withlact does not allow us to in-| a . e said. would not be held April 5 at 8 p.m. The'Earl Fairman as hostesses. the matter at its regular meet-|terfere with the Secondary Vina on the report s 2 ing. School Board," he said. i a : WI Hears Executive Meeting Report In a written report, Mr. Schill-) Mr. MclIlwain suggested re eegy leds sae Aga ye img this week asked the public) idea of resigning was Mr. Schill- | responsibility to gee on the rs port. "There is nothing in the jact that suggests we can do PERMANENT POSITION PARKS LEAD HAND REQUIRED Grade 10 education and some horticultural experience prefer- AE R. J fy y E Ms) Wits Superise, tid Whntee fos. 'bake = vee REAL ESTATE Sales - Valuations Consultations. 668-8841 or 728-6661 Councillor R. Attersley, Chairman, Town Property and Parks Committee. The meeting of Whitby prepared paper on the execu-|.. a ea rr ribeye Renae Women's Institute was held|tive meeting held recently in|>< hool trustees: for direction as ing's own thinking. "We did not : 4 < jto whether he should resign as| suggest. this to him," the chair- Wednesday evening in the IOOF Brooklin which she attended. lati ou , » WM ; : : the board appointee; should he| man explained. "We did, how- 1 hall with the vice-president, Plans were made for another)... ; $ A . € , lanythi ther than to fil : say nothing further about his|eyer, support him with vote anything other than to file the Mrs. Russell Saunders, presid-|euchre to be held at the home /¢,-); f » SUPP im with our vote | onort."" sh id ' ie (eelings or should he continue to| of confidence, showing him we|'°P0T SHe sald. ing. Roll call was answered byjof Mrs. Kathleen McKelvie, fight for what he considers the ence, § ng him Ee "something green", otherwise a'Green st., Whitby, April 25. rte apers a wanted him to continue on as; Norman Edmondson, newly fine had to be paid. A paper on "Resolutions" was right thing to do. He received a/oyr appointee." elected to the board, said he The motto 'Take each Day |given by Mrs. Earl Ward. The | vote of confidence from the) 'The Public School Board's|could only agree with the reso- as it Comes' was ably given|crocheted doily, donated by | board following the reading of full support was given to Mr. {lution passed at Monday's meet- by Mrs. Ida Simpson and|Mrs. Everett King, was drawn his report. Schilling," Leslie McFarlane,|ing. "'Wé voted to keep Godfrey brought out some good facts for|for and won by* Mts. Walter| CHARGE POLICY LACK vice-chairman of the elementary |Schilling as our appointee," he members to remember as they|Campbell. A contest, led by; Mr. Schillings report sug- board, stated. "No one wanted|said. "This I wholeheartedly go along day-by-day. Mrs. R. A. Smith, was won by|gested the high school board is|to see him resign. agree with. "I would not want Mrs. Carr Sr. donated $5 to/Mrs. Donna Martin. Lunch was operated in a 'flagrant man: | the Whitby General Hospital|served by Mrs. Gilbert Drury,|ner' which contravenes certain | Fund. The secretary, Mrs. Earl|Mrs. Carr Sr., Mrs. Ethel An-|sections of the act governing) ®@ Ward, was requested to send for|drus and Mrs. Walter Campbell. |school bodies. It stated, further, | more coffee spoons to be sold.| The April 27 meeting will be|no co-ordinated policy or pro-| The new designs are the Cana-|held at the home of Mrs. Wil-|gram of planned progress is| dian coat of arms and the 1967\liam Walsh, 221 Starr ave.,| being carried out by the high centennial. Whitby. The convener will be|school board. No mention was It was agreed to give the|Mrs. Russell Saunders. The hos-| made of the proposed addition to IOOF Triple Link Hall a dona-|tesses will be Mrs. William Bon-| Anderson High School at an esti-| tion for the use of the hall. |netta, Mrs. R. A. Smith and| mated cost of $900,000. | Mrs. R. A. Smith gave a well|Mrs. Earl Ward. | The high school board "i TOWN OF WHITBY TENDERS WANTED REFRESHMENT BOOTH AND CHANGE HOUSE AT LAKE Tenders will be received until the hour of 5 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, March 30th, 1966, for the operation of the Re- freshment Booth and Change House owned by the Town of Whitby at the Lake Shore. Persons tendering should stat rent they « pared to poy, what services will be available to the puvlic, at what hour the booth and change house will be open and who will be in charge. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, All tenders should be addressed to the undersigned. Mr. Robert Attersley, Choirmon, Town Property Committee, 405 Dundos Street, West, Whitby, Ontario, ur guarantee: a lackadaisical attendance at TOPS Club Crowns Two Queens | meetings. Mr. Schilling sald the| The weekly meeting of Whit-|ition off all members that a|board had failed to fully utilize) by Whittlers TOPS Club was | 'Male Division" of the TOPS its top executives. held at Kathleen Rowe School/Club has been formed in Osh-| He suggested the high school Tuesday evening. awa. -- |board lacked competence in op-| The club had two "Queens'",; Considering the all-out ef-|erating its business and meet-| Mrs. Rita Wels and Mrs. Lillian forts of Tops to assist the ladies|ings. This statement was made Smale, with a loss of four pound|of this area, who are over-jin the face of the board's esti-| each. The girls were com-|weight, the male Tops club) mended on their all-out effort |should be invaluable to the obese in their loosing - division. The|gentlemen of Oshawa, Whitby| All-around value leader! Club held a successful bake sale/ and District. Any gentleman who ' bers were also charged with FOR YOUNG MODERNS" "COOL JAZZ Enterteinment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Soturday 3 P.M. to 5 P.M, Mar. 19 at Simpson and Sears|wishes information -- concerning store, Simcoe st. n., Oshawa, It|this division of Tops is asked has been decided to hold an-jto call A. Leavens at 723-9179. other similar sale at the same|/A meeting will be held April f location April 2. All bake goods|2, anyone interested in attend- will be on display commencing:ing please contact the above! at 9.30 a.m member. It was drawn to the atten-| Coffee hostesses were Mrs. great whiskies blended into every bottle Ann Galas and Mrs. Doreen Church Elders |sise'istasn'clowa'twemese| a i. : on é sf Are Ordained -- | | \ Re 7 rivate Stoc | : j CANADIAN RYE WHISKY WHITBY -- The morning worship at St. Mark's United Shomud Hdan Church last Sunday included the| Service of Ordination and ad-; mission of newly elected elders | to the session. | Clerk of Session, Erle E. Bond| assisted the minister in admit- ting Elder Howard Hempstead and Douglas Harland. The minister's message was entitled 'Practical Faith' and the Anthem by the choir was Marchant's "Judge Eternal'. Next Sunday a number of young people will be received in the Service of Confirmation. | Members of the UCW will be! 'sorting and baling used cloth- ing sometime early in May for/ y\™ CHRYSLER shipping to the Toronto depot} jb 17 Cf e where it wil be disignated to! bell ' Tess TI fal various points of overseas re-} ) ' fase ; | lief. Good used clothing may be} > 4 left@at the church hall anytime. | , queens | 4 | 7 i: | Electric starting, full-length | : waite NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER D N DUNDAS ST WHITBY Adille rs Lded. On Sale| THE FINE ART OF SALESMANSHIP Anyone who has ever been confused by @ complicated new car purchase will know what | meon when | say -that appearances can be deceiving. Occasionally new car shoppers, for in- stance, may tour a number of towns and cities, in addition to our crea yntil they get the best offer (by about |$50.00). Then end up buying a different /model at @ much higher price. How does it Mippen? TI Simply get talked into it by the salesman, The $50.00 they were "saving" just got lost-in the shuffle of different model prices, optional equipment, acces- sories and finance terms. The trade slang for this type of high powered selling calls it spinning' the prospect. Out of the confusion of the final deal, the buyer clings to the thought that dominated his mind during the whole transaction, That he was "saving" $50.00! In case you're ready to seoff, let me add I've seen many educated and intelligent people fall into this trap! It's not so surprising though whn you realize most folks aren't even aware of the exact rate or amount of finance they are paying. j MORTGAGE Serutes sg pice hoes Pa | LOANS | @ FAST SERVICE Payments Planned To Suit Your Budget VICTORIA and GREY TRUST ' Whitby ummm Ime come: SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF» CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS 3.5+6+92+20+35+45 50 +75 +105 HP | Wilde Rental | Service & Sales 1415 Dundas. St. E. An ethical and reliable dealer will plainly state all the facts of the sale. Be sure you check them. Check the EXACT model and optional equipment if you are comparing price quotations. And buy where you can count on honesty in gudrantees and warranties . « » Be on the safe side! Deal with Northside! acoustical silencing chamber, | WHITBY (WHIT BY FIRST Vi qd Re 668-3483 : WHITBY Ph: 668-3226 "a A. 918 BROCK < "WHITBY S 70 BE_QN THE S/Di DFAL WITH NOk &

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