MICKEY MOUSE IT NOT ONLY CLEARED OUT THE OLD CAVITIES, BUT IT MADE NEW ONES! IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE-- ZERO ISN'T * WANTED HERE AN' MR. FLING WATCH TV WHILE YOU'RE DOING YOUR © King Festoree Syodioatn, In, 1960, Weeld tights reeurved, AND THAT'S AN ORDER/ SECRET AGENT X9 MUGGS AND SKEETER Wy WEB Ze Ni) {ZZ | I HEARD HIM RUN ACROSS THE ROOF,..0 PROBABLY COMIN' DOWN THE OTHER SIDE, Swen Warr iN THE WAITING ROOM WHILE You GIVE BOOTS HER SHOT ! -- Sy) JUST BAKED SMELL DELICIOUS AND TASTE WONDERFUL / (ym /..NOW IF THEY ONLY LOOKED coop,' ) SS IN LDP ae 4 Qe ee en OK, BOYS...TLL ] ONLY BEA ya) FAT MINUTE! YS NAA _ 1S EARL DELMONICO, NO, I'M NOT CALLING FROM PARIS, I'M HERE AT TH _. AIR TERMINAL ~ SHB BEAT HIM To THE PUNCH WITH HER gael > "s fork vine eared nt Foatorwe Syndicate, fae, 1966. Wi 1] MY WAY THERE, NO _. j| QUESTIONS, EARL. JUST STAY DONALD DUCK BUT UNOFFICIALLY, BUZ, MY DARLING, You MASTERMINOED THE OVERTHROW OF THE 'TINKLE, AN V THEN CLEAR OUT, OFFICIALLY WE DID NOTHING, © Kine Fcaruree Syadicata, foe, 1966 World rights reserved. WE SHALL /N. CONTROLLED WAGES AND OE WORK, UN ENT INBURAK CE "a THE LONE RANGER lar behind Uang's position, bce Yu cute himself' Free w END UNFAIR ADVERTISING, AND DY STOCK DEALINGS Y' Py | Pye Vil i) I TO THIS, ALL CHARTERED ISOVED THEIR TES THE VERY FACT THAT THOSE ASSASSINS WERE &T/LL iN THIS AREA Pi 'S THAT THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE ANOTHER ATTEMPT ON H/S LIFE/ MO, WED NEVER FIND EM IN THE DARK, BUT WE RE MOVING CAMP/ NOTHING'S GOING 70 WRECK OUR PLANS TO DROP THE GOVERNOR While Phil and Donna watch a deadly trap being set om fn ambush to snare this American patrol, unaware of the disaster waiting just yards ahead, age! 3 YOU ASKED ME, I'VE GIVEN UP "CROSSWORD 2. Ringlet . Seed covering . Rent again . Wool refuse . Smell . Compensa- tion . Not wasteful ,On the ocean Serf Sailor 9, Drum- beat . Small parrot ACROSS 1, Blemish 5. Eng, lobster cage 9, French river 10, German river 11, One kind of fool 12, Hat 14, Helmet (light) 16. Carpets 17, North Syrian deity 18. Urchin 20, Fleming TELEVISION LOG 9:30 PLM, | 11:00 A.M, | 1Petticoat Junction |"--Previews of Progress | #2--Mr, Roberts | $Milton The Monster 7--The Farmer's Daughter *2--Top Cat 4-The Smothers Bros. Ver oeipal ; 'om a erry | Wee: FM 1:30 A.M, jseeary Grin 9--Peter Potamus 6-2---U.N.C.L.E 7--Magilla Gorilla | 7--Deb Stars of 1966 6--Robin Hood &-Trials of O'Brien 4--Quick Draw McGraw 12:30 PLM. 10:30 P.M, i--Spotlight On 9--Theatre 8-2--Exploring 11:00 PLM, 11-0-0-7-6-69-0---Newes | 7--Milton The Monater | Weether Sports 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 1:15 PM, o-Whiplesh | t--thetre Pinel | 6-Viewpotat Channei 2--Buttalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel %~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton erent ieee PRIDAY BY BOMHNG Yesterday's Answer --Shindig &Lleoyd 9 Thewten 5:30 P.M. @-Leeve K to Beever 7--Rocketship 7 | @--Music Hop | 6:00 P.M. The Press 7-2--News 6--Flipper | signals | . Varnish | ingredient 3. Armpit . Triumphs . Pronoun Mitigate 42. Finished 43, Bud- dhist language 45. Mexican Indian 1:00 P.M, ~The White Hunter or Smith 21. Vipers \ Roberts | 11:20 P.M. Seerts wth | qi | 00--The Mevies 7-4--Christmas Program | 7--Bowling 7s 7 16 a News. 24. Swish 26. Be ill 9 6-3--Wrestling 1:30 PLM, Chwok &-Shindig | é--Wight Metre 6:20 P.M, | 11:30 P.M, 28. Pastoral sound 29. Keg Vi-Hows i--Late Show 6:30 P.M 7--~Twilight Theatre +2--Tenight shew fee. 0) 6--New Year's Eve ii-Lons John Silver | 7--American Bandstand GY 32, Talon 35. Palmyra 4--News N--Femity Theatre 3~--Movie 2:00 P.M. leaf. 86, Revolver 11:40 PLM. 11--OHA 4--Premiere Theatre | Hockey #--Huntley-Brinkley ows Junior N. 7--Cheyenne 38. Greek letter | ¢--Acress Caneda, 9--Convoy | 9--HI-Time | |8-2--NCAA Football | 1l--Honey West SATUROAY | $9. Superior, for one @--The Flintstones 2 Movie 7:00 P.M. | | #:00 A.M. | 7--American / Bandstand 1, ' | 63--Sports Presents 41, Composer 4--News, Weather, ae : | ¥--Stan Roberts Sports | Farm end Home Mowr 4B askethall 4--Peonle Are Punny | 4--Bowery Boys | 3:00 P.M, for the 88's 44, Reverie 46. Ellipticals | 3--Comoat | 8:30 A.M. |6-3--Golf Clasale 2--Huntley-Brinkley late tet Mawes | Basketball 47, Plateau 48, Trade | 3 P.M. 9--Cartoons 2:20 PM. Ni--Wild, Wild West 2--Funny Co. Bowlers Tournament 49, Stalk 50, Assam 9--Smothers Brothers 4:00 PLM, 7--Flintstones 9:00 A.M: | 11--Out Doors Unilimited silkworm DOWN é--Addams Family 4--Fun To Learn 4--The Wiid Wild West) 2--Porky P | #--after Four B--Camp Runamuck | oe Ae | -2---NCAA Football | 7--Sports 1, Calyx 8:00 P.M |11--The Sonins 9--Patty Duke Show =| g_wereviee | 4--Golf 5-3Bowling leaves 7--Tammy 10:00 A.M. | 63--Get Smart t--Reller Dorey §-2--Secret Squirrel 4:30 PLM, /YOUR HEALTH © Dear Dr. Molner: What is meant by dehydration? I have heard of being de hydrated have . this disease or ailment? Is the water all used up in the body? Is it. fatal?--C. D. W. Dehydration isn't a disease in the usual sense. It is a loss of water, It can he dangerous. In babies it can be fatal The body is constantly losing water under normal conditions Through the kidneys, by per spiration, and in rather large amounts, in the course of the day, through the breath--note the film of moisture when you breathe on vour glasses, or blow on a That little mult plied by 2,000 times a person exhales in a day, adds children Do adults cold window pane hit of water the nearl _ Dehydration Can Be Fatal To Tots By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 7--Tammy | 2--Hank | | 7--Popeye 8:30 PLM. | i 1--Man From UNCLE | See eomen 9--A GoGo & 4--Mighty Mouse @-2--Convoy Playhouse v--Addams Family $+3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hogan's Heroes 9:00 P.M. %--Movie ?--Honey West 4--Friday Movie 4--Gomer Pyle 2--The Wild Wild West | (1--Hawkeye | @-Sports Presents %--World of Sports 4--Golf Classic 10:30 A.M. | 5:00 P.M. l1--Hobby Time with | 11--Dennis the Menace Zane Grey $-3--Forest Rangers 4--Beat The Camp -- Bowling Series. 9--Casper 8-2--Under Dog | 7--The Beatles | 5:20 P.M. é--Cousin Bill |I1--Johnny_ Quest 4LInus The Lionhearted 63--Bugs Bunny |dehydration can be fatal if not|patient can take food by mouth. lrecognized and promptly -cor-| Loss of the water itself is not A person, deprived of water rected. Babies have no way of|the only danger. Sodium, chlor- for two days, is in dire straits. saying they are thirsty * ides and other chemical con- |In the dry heat of a desert, he! In adults, deKydration usually| stituents are lost, causing weak- dies that soon jis related to some unusual situa-|ness and shock, But sheer lack Excessive loss of water oc-|tion. Some elderly or feeble| of water means that poisons are curs with vomiting. and diar-|people suffer some degree of|not disposed of, and a toxic con- rhea. Fever of course acceler-jdehydration because it is too|dition soon develops. ates perspiration, With extreme| much effort to get water, Others Yes, dehydration dehydration, body temperature|may restrict fluids because they) adults, too can rise because of lack of per-|are bothered by frequent urina Signs of dehydration are eas- spiration which is the body's|tion at night ana hope to avoid |ily recognized if you know what method of keeping itself cool. |getting up. If you have an in-ito. look for: Dryness of skin ~ Thirst is the automatic warn-| Valid in the home, remember tojand tongue; softening of the ing that the hody needs more | keep drinking vii within his Aina B boveog of fever; e 2 y "narme | or er arms reach, decrease g yi ete oar: me : Ripa ang ton A person badly wounded cries} Dear Dr. Molner< | have a amount. for water because loss of|problem tryjng-to convince my {blood has dehydrated him. An|40-year- daughter that wear- CAN BE FATAL leonscious person naturallyjing sun glasses all the time is In babies and small children,|cannot drink, so that is why|injurious and could cause can swiftly |fluids are given intravenously|shrinking of the eyeballs. She when ill. |after an. operation. The water|reads newspaners. 'books and (Inadequate fluid intake from|itself is urgent, but salt, sugar|magazines In a re*lining posi breast feeding or underfeeding|and vitamins can be given that|tion. Her only excuse for wear: jean be a factor.) In infants, |way at the same time until the|ing dark glasses continuously is imperils dehydration" occur and easily they are 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 25, 1966 BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chompionship Play) BIDDING QUIZ Partner bids One Heart, next player passes, both sides -vul- nerable. What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? 4 . @AQHS 95857 OTS HIER . 98652 Yl @KQI6 4962" $5 9K98642 8 4QJ843" 4. §6 WKID4 @AI72 BKISE 1. Two hearts, The principle of anticipation plays a highly important role in bidding. Be- fore a player makes a bid he should look ahead to see wheth- er or not he may be creating a later problem for himself. For example, suppose you re- spond to the heart bid with a spade and your partner bids two hearts. What now? If you pass, you have failed to show the heart support; if you bid three hearts, you have done too much bidding for the limited values you have. The way to get out of this trap is not to create it in the first place. Just raise one heart to two, indicating 6 to 9 points and a trump fit. That's what you have, and that's what you should bid. The decision on how far to go should be placed right where it belongs--in partner's lap. 2. One spade. One of the hard- est things to sell some players is the idea that a suit response in the one level does not neces- sarily indicate greater strength than a notrump response. 1 A one notrump response or- dinarily ranges from 6 to 9 points, while a suit response may have 6 to 16 points, but what is highly significant is that either response may have as few as 6 points. The oppor- tunity to bid a five-card major should not be bypassed merely because the suit is weak. Major suit games are an important target in bidding, and they can be too easily missed if a player does not show a five-card major when he has one. 3. Four hearts. This is a pre- emptive bid, combining the chance that four hearts can be made with the chance of block- ing opponents out of the bid- ding on a hand where they may © be able to take a great many tricks with spades or diamonds as trumps. The leap to four hearts may succeed in silencin the enemy gvhen a lesser bi would not. 4. Three hearts, This bid, forcing to game, says in effect that you have an opening bid facing an opening bid. The high- card point count is usually 12 to 15, but where distributional factors are present, the raise may be given with fewer points. Four er more trumps are prac- tically guaranteed. It is not necessary or desir- able to bid diamonds or clubs, neither being a five-card suit. The direct raise is best. SALLY'S SALLIES "He never made the team, but he was the best whistler in town." 54 Persons Die Indonesia Flood SINGAPORE (AP) --- Fifty. four persons have died in floods that swept Indonesia's central Java area, Radio Jakarta re- ported tonight Ina broadcast monitored here, the official government radio said Army Chief Lt.-Gen, Suharto, Indonesia's new mill- tary strong man, visited the stricken area around Surakarta --50 air miles northeast of Ja- karta--and called the floods a national disaster, The radio said 18,000 persons have been evacuated and 47 are missing. It added that seven bridges have been damaged and "hundreds of acres' inundated. jthat she looks better in them. --Mrs. R. S. Nevada. Sorry, but'dark glasses won't cause "shrinking of the eye- ball." The Nevada sun is bright, and it is better to reduce the glare with glasses than to risk damage from too much ultra- violet. Mrs. F. M.: The two are en- tirely different. A brain tumor is a growth. A cerebral hemor- rhage is a rupture, and hence bleeding, of a blood vessel in the brain, but causing pressure on brain tissues, too. Dear Dr. Molner: Is prema- ture gray hair from worry or from heredity? A friend tells me hers is from worry. L, say her opinion is just-a supersti- tion. Who is right? You are..There are cases in which a severe emotional upset appears to have been involved, but the physiological effect, if any, is not known. I refer to some dreadfully harrowing shock, not ordinary worry If worry did it. I can think of plenty. of peojle who ough! to have gray hair, but don't. Es- sentially, it is heredity.