Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1966, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 25, 1966 Turn Your "Don't Wants' Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call: The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. : |8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 13---Articles for Rent & FOWLER TY. e Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ; 4 SK ATES es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee N I} The newest color or black din samc Bowl cone es Big savings on Skating Out- and white TV's in_ stock. Fon tus gh Bbagewr eh ite fits for the whole family dur- Largest trade-in allowance, , ing our Big Fall Sale. USED TELEVISION SARGEANT'S RENTALS AREA CHINESE pe from $7.25 pr. From... . $39.95 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 DELICACY. OR RENT Accountants Barristers |Gardening and Supplies Rug-Upholstery Service i HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun-|HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL-|TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim. Or I'll cut 1 AGE TURNS Service on all makes! LIFT TRUCK ALBERT | HosMareet, suite 4, Oshawa, (MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 362 King|them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or @ NOW OPEN @ THE WHYTE oF . . : 306 King | W. 725-1685 2 Ton Capacity eee Son 1221 Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, | 728-0610. UE EGG A JET BLACK Known for its accuracy and UL sate dard FOR RENT OR LE Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman,| -------- Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville + Ae ANC ccaer oe EN eh reliability, this rugged. gun [FILING CABINETS, $@, with Tock, tour- R LEASE HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charier-|i1 a.) '5 Humphreys, BA, LLOB. Otfice| Instructi ond area. 40 AYEW ; J ; drawer, large stock, all sizes, take the Day ;-- ee. -- Month @f Accountants, Financial Trade Build- MST Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, |Uese UU CtION DARLINGTON 4HEM 1§ KHOWH OXLY TO A FE %: s : will deliver years of satis- |50 cent ride to Ragian, save dollars ($) ing, 187 cd ead East, Osha' On-| 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and PHOLSTERY CHINESE FAMILIES. oA . factory shooting. Bill. Hamilton. A Gattnuena tario, 725-3509; S. T. Ye gy * = ' other first mortgage funds available. | 3 U 5 . $24 95 FLOOR COVERING <clear-culs. Thov- 3AND SONS LTD. Beadie, adie, CA; E. Luke ow, ae ipeanbine > ----|HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME 102 King W., Bowmanville SCS SOOM AFTER ' sands of yard¢ of discontinued patterns ane bic 8 oa: bs iy nor "Desued Thee Building Trades ae ; IN SPARE TIME 623-734] ener tat Aut crv. WAR from 296 per. foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 oor E. 7301-2 tees in Bankruptcy, a Simcoe Street - ~ NOT WAR "IN THE U+S4 SN OW TIRE a sleet Ker own 787 Sales and Service a coi Guns, Bova, a aa ZPRTe WHEEL CHAIR, fos ade, wala HALL, PERKIN, i MggICCAR AND €O., CONTRACT Low monthly payments in- / Se note All nylon' construction, full [3289731 ne cn ae mupplies. fan Gohawar Teac) Wittiem. Sail clude text books and instruc- ~ APPLIANCE : CARDIFF, H.¥% depth traction tread. A brand |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture CHAIRS, card and banauel ange erd Bicone, Che David G. Perkin. CAr on P s you to ach PENNSYLVANIA SW inition' i new winter tire priced almost |and appliances. One location only. Pretty/aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 i Granam MacMillan, CA Side ar ane REPAIRS WAS Mot yaa 98 A bs low as 6 fanned Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. _|Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2424," Te) ae Te Ontario iploma by means NAMED AF(ER. OPLE , * : sect ei DELOITTE, PLENDE HASKINS "an ae 400 Mary ot: E. : é Expert repairs to all makes WILLIAM PENN, BO CENTS A ' ; from $ ] 7.56 up 9--Market Basket -- ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred SELLS, Chartered Accountants of Provincial examination H | 16 CHCKEM MEAD 40 VIEW people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- , ° | $ NDER \ O VIE Riehl, CA, RIA; B. R. Waters, cA; f washers, dryers, ranges, FOUNDER OFTHE Tg, oR DIMINISHED WE PE(RIFIED. quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7527 Whitby 668-6462 For FREE information--write, etc. : : obs Sut WHENANERAWBIRD | peoy'peroae, i DOMINION parking, 723-2140 mornings. NR. DAY, Cerlified General @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE LD * ; ee : ceartarcrmmeirys| Whitby. kno Sy og," |As0 pnrs Avance @| Saain | RUReirc ds | Res tesiy Aw) ( FREE DRAW -- |14--Besinets oppor ping Centre, 725-9953 ® Repalt aden Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario ALCAN piscue Dobie ailioaieee "mi on nar tee a tin ee ENGLISH NAVY YES. ig lhe lg TIRE RE Jete bookkeeping service, 299 Sim 2 I ae Laces WAS A PIECE OF CARVED G7/P5UMs Complete aeons "Tatas" | @ Heavy construction oe a es FURNITURE ort APPLIANCES ADMIRAL» ' Pe : NOTHING TO BUY! SNACK BAR JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun equipment, trucks etc. : U7 Fee COA Bee Complete the coupor spe ee tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street} gp Address 665 vicee cos cxs Telephone 723-0011 TELEPHONE 725-6511 : bana GAS PUMPS East, Telephone 723-48 : ape vet Pony ; ond Gree th, Bex ot Avoilobie April Ist in Ost ahead ells a - machine r ; s Bepcb cat Dele srs : : . ' ° vailoble April Ist in Oshowa Barristers Before You Buy A TV--Radio Repairs |8--Articles for Sale ABS TF RI-COUNTY. orea_with 'four. room opart- amen -- 4 ment to be let on profit shor- YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE sHoP = | FARMERS MARKET | ing plon. Tenome" shore "of @. BS.A. @ TRIUMPH profits after expenses but Re Patina Ronee Toa Tk Wel en ee ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, @ Additions @ Waterproof PAUL POGUE Piano or Organ, See | yeh ap Hil Pam 530 pm, @ Garages °° Eavestrough BEAUTY SCHOOLS HEINTZMAN é Evening appointment. Dial 723-166 Train fora highly-paid. future & Company Ltd TV TOWERS SPORTSCYCLES @ DUCATI ; 1275 SIMCOE NORTH before employees wages if ame Faget -AN, QC, 50 or. himn C +s JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicito' @ Rooting @ Chimneys as a Hair Stylists, Cosmetic- Repairs and service required, approx. $14,000 to Money to loan. Office, 14/2 King Street AH, Salon Manoder or Soles 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshowa OMY AND A | ae : ' East, Oshawa, 728-6232, 0 | @ $=Paintin @ Concrete Bas one aa é ECONC All models now available ib aebinedad OO. eens Mfedmacal EASTER DRAW $19,000 yearly depending on = 3] epresentative Learn to TELEPHONE 728-2921 DELUXE 1006 wailek full waren: 14 STEVENSON RD., SOUTH tenant ability. Open fifteen JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Scheie dal vtec Sarrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub " create under personal guid- »|§AMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can. 2 BA y rs the Commercial Baticing, 286 King @ Driveways @ Brick ance. Call or write to PAUL vas awnings. Complete service, free esti Priced to suit your budget Priced from $279, i 728- 7 80 Entry must be in by hours per doy seven days * West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking FREE ESTIMATES POGUE -- leading Cosmetic | mates. Mil Jeinick, 728-1993. TERMS ARRANGED SAT., April 2nd -- 3 p.m. week. Prefer couple without available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. . énd -Holr-Styling Sensi ee - + 10 a.m. to 10 p.m, MOTORCYCLES _ 3 WINNERS OF PRODUCE children under sixteen to live CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and CO-ORDINATED 237 Yonge Street Septic Service OSHAWA TV 723-8711 | $195. UP (Must answer Qualifying Question)| |" apartment for best man- VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, : agement and operation, but c Building, 5 Simcoe Toronto 7, Ontario, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Promt service 25 used. Hondas, Suzukis, Sr eet Norte Oshawa, 72300) 7. K REMODELLERS HU 7-2107 on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street SUPPLY LIMITED RO-DON SPORTS reads et Bridgestones, ae will consider others. Only in- Creighton, QC: or residences: G. West, Whitby, 668-2563 TAUNTON RD. E. TAUNTON RD raha , Naina: 1. vestment required is $1,000 249 Queens Avenue Pee R i" k, Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoc! < : rengeray cate, etc epairs all makes. es London, Ontario. GUARANTEED REPAIRS fo all wringer Just East of Ritson Uust East of 5 points) Ports, Accessorie: Address cash for snack bor merchan- QC; 723-4768; J. C, Victor, "5715 723-0966 'f washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call called adki " f O.P.E gies duh bond va cok Mail 723 8] 3] Discover the swiAgir ig world of HONDA SHOP * pene be able to be bond- GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici-| Sponsoring Member of H.O ae | : oe athe - YAMAHA 199 K w 728-A2A2 Telephone ok aes ee ec pply to Box 19272 tors, etc, 114 King Street East. Dial JQUALIFIED TUTORING, Grade 48. Surveyors 79 King : Oshawa Times. 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, |After 6 p.m., telephone 728-3990 Harv & Marj Brooks QC, 7253368; Terence V. Kelly, "QC, ee ee Pas ae DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario illing----Digai : Sere 1 Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, NELLIS HOME Land Surveyor, Commercial bive prints Well Drilling~--Digaing NEW IN. OSHAWA Sole in Sunworthy Ready FOR RENT -- Restaurant, fully equip: | Janitor Service 11 Ontario Street 2 1 : NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free |P&¢, good location, immediate posses- IMPROVEMENTS | ___|11_ Ontario Street, 725-563 WELL DIGGING by machine specializing) White Elna Sewing Centre Posted WALLPAPERS delivery. Telephone. 728-1306 or 72-0615. {sion elastin' esi te a poses ; for_clean-|H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut 4 West. -725:7181 | Vhi _|lars Classified Rates Repairs. remodelling [ATTENTION: HOUSEWIVES, for clean Surveyoos, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone|Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. 38 Bond West, 72 : | While They Last io F Col s5-OR : and additions Fred's Window and General Cleaning, | 725-688). Sewing machine special. Free All At Half Price armer' S ee business er sane Son You at WORD ADS e sh 4 wae, 8108 All work guaranteed. 668-6973 ~------~|2-Personal cabinet up to $ value with : : ' DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock|forens yl He 84 MA ca piliness er licasl wont. 4Veb. each; 3 con- 728- 2061 lCELLARS CLEANED trash removed, TV--Radio_ 'Repairs Removal of superfluous hair purchase of any new sewing At EDGAR'S Decorating Centre picked We pk ALO Las Ey acre sal 728-82 Glenda i e r se ( c 5 Me Fea i rone. elephone olle mien _--maee -- secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88;| =) /§ {VY #VM ted { housshotd repairs done, Telephone 723- Msvie Murdutt' wil' Bec 1A machoine 34 King St. W., Oshawa a Licence 4C-66. VARIETY STORE room ee-bedr additional words 2c. each, 6 con- JRE, fr t ------ |home attached, large lot, HOUSEHOLD. FURNITURE, frig, stove, Telephone 723-7351 RODNEY SEED OATS, mercial |for eounte ney Rah attend Perey pcls ive insertio #24 words, $5.04; : - nonihiate wa, April 4th, 5th, ond 7 = 5 pr Siabe ci eh eh nS Ais hOB Al RE : Saditional wore ie: "nen : MARCH SPECIALS lesan ana "coment veces ree sare: ATTENTION tad i Genosha Hotel 100, Brock Street socal esncsialball rai EENBERG grade. Telephone Ia me PRES puedale Bowe nan Phone 723-1168 Charge--!0 per cent additional charge ----~ ae aus a Fall 900 And Sony TR on these dates for appoint FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free 4p Sette LTD 11--Pets and Livestock -FOOT MEAT -CGUNTER--wi "Tez Lee ee chens Bath Rooms Floors Money. To Loan me Oe c Sale. irom wanton iia 5121 K t ONE YEAR OLD maie Weish Corge, (walk In box, very good condition, Excel. words tcunts an 2h words, each word,| Walls, Ceilin Tiles and all fi ji v GRAND OPENING wc i ig ELECTRIC SHAVER shave re New & Used beautiful solid 1 tri-color, Obedience train- |lent for summer resorts or butcher shops, words counts as 24 words; each word, q 9 : oe 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5000 at 723-464] tary Yaa fae anineted won! coat Angles --- Beams ed. Telephone 725-8992 | very reasonable. Telephone 728-0529. initial, figure or abbreviation counts} General Repairs reasonable rate of interest to consolidate Were eee ae ery ana ay athare sx Chonnels SPANIEL PUP (eae Sea LEME (ne Ga 'as on o 'ounts | your bills or for any other worthwhile - } as_one word; phone number counts) 11 AA KOY 795-8576 bitpusa Denviling. wae are sheet. orn s One pair high top insulated leather heets -- Plates pets for children, $25. Telephone 723-8235 Hi cigaret vending machine route. two words | $ beige 8 Ail ka rea Telactons " a5. | Telephone 723.9007 ao oe ee et 3--Sportsman's Column jane: oan ee ascii Square tubing -- Pipe PUPPIES for sale. Border Collies, six in MELT NG eauir "gun | 1964 FRIG by RCA, Whirlpool, ( ct weeks old, male or female, $5. Telephone INCREASED BUSINESS closer to home PaUIEr Serene neennnr e) SMELT: FISHING: 'acuinmment: . GUNla aunuose Vintn freerer on" tor e Conta 7 1795-4394.) to sell our Oshawa outlet at p._Terrano Paving, 72 EAELS Mort ages licenses. New and used guns, fishing| Bloor E., 728-7301-2 Ws, Simcoe North. Selling candy, cheese, NEW PLASTERING and repairs, slucco, gag OR SR For Best T.V. Reception Call |tackle, boats. Valley Creek, 16 Bond | COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger-/dairy products, honey, sliced meats, end sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free Laem eer or Bes' ive cep West STOVE -- Frigidaire 30°, e ent "or PARTS man Shepherd pups. Deposits for next | baked goods. Many other liney may be estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 er - ---------| dition, $90; sink, white enamel with. fix-| litter accepted. Palomino, Pinto pony.|added. A complete business opersti IN _MEMORIAMS 72-4717 e MISTER TOWERS 5--Trailers tures, $15; two. chrome kitchen suites pe Pont eee Ashburn 655-4662 evenings |year round, Friday and Saturday only pl dll id yg Prag Sg hedge eee \ > CRETE ' good condition, $25 and $15. Telephone r ashers, Stoves an SOMEMANIAN CHOW CHOW Gad Kalk MUUEInOnT. ond Bitek ar Meet mere verse (ie eaten \ hoon it free eatin ohbieed ee mae sind hd SPECIALISTS IN 725-2784 Dryers females, 9 months old, registered, Apply | Good Income, no waste, no preparation. verse 5¢. additional charge i ree estimates; ic. square foot. . ad af , Very reasonable terms. See if i \e paid within 8 days. work guaranieed. Cail 723-0281 HOLIDAY and ROCKET MOTORCYCLE -- i967 Trivmph Bonne | ELECTRIC MOTOR Bane. reat BF Simcoe Sou "or| orY renonable Serrmas, See, Ht in opera: CARDS OF THANKS COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS TOWERS TRAVEL TRAILERS Ht eds yee Repair and Exchange Shahan Aaa UAkiGM --geciaitac Ta Hegde ie 15 Rocket - 4 sleeper' |RANGE, electric, four-burner, automa OSaen APPLIANCES |heaithy tropical fish; helps you stert aj EXCAVATING BUSINESS = Purchase done to your satisfaction. Call Oshaw $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se.j00 ts D renee lab foe =e # r tional | Hor provements, 725-9421 Moneys available for first ec. 5 Ie, clock , wi ven door, $50 ing hobby. F ce, free park-|Price Includes modern home, all equip- eoch thereafter with 25¢. additiona Avs Ope AERIAI S $1,395. 6 sleeper $1,445. tic, clock timer, window o 86 Simeoe S 728 7535 relax ng hobby. Free advi *. ree pi ee Mnclages made: seule. in- heli Prin Seas G EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot) BIRTHS--DEATHS-- includes grading and fill, two-year. guar-! SOCIAL NOTICES antee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841 | $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi- onal charges if no: paid within 8 days phone 668-8190 charge if not paid within 8 doys. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, (4 to 6 yards de- and second mortgages 17 Imeprial -- 6. sleeper lalso small bunk beds. Phone 723-0805 _ ling. 299 Simcoe South 725-458: Lesh i r : ' 'ibekonae € $45,000. t ; ee ra livered, $2. per yard. Telephone 725-0697. | mortgages. No bonus, First $2.245 P COLDSPOT refrigerator, 7.5 ft. aiso| FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service.|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|hoae BN Tg Mg A COMING ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| mortgages, second martgaces ROTORS ' one 9 cu. fe, and Astral with stand, very | Repairs fo all makes vacuums. Free estl- ltraining, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T.| Martin, 732-5392 Millbrook a $2.10 per Inch (display); $1.50 for the|roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire and agreements for sale pur- Holiday -- 4 sleeper clean, good working order. Telephone|mates. 323 King West, 728-7552, '| Broad, 114 Elgin East tin Raakee PEO ook or W. 0. Mar. first 20 re and Se, each thereafter proces, masonry. Gord May, Whitby. chaeed s ~~ 6 sleeper $1,595 725-7962. HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE -- going|ENGLISH BULLDOG, one year old. GROCERY STORE sulauie "tor ve. vere er vir A F. SWARTZ March Discount Specia liday -- 6 sleeper {BUILDER'S BARROW, 4 x 8, steel win-|oU! of business at 205 John Street, Whitby lGnedlence trained: excellent ber for eri) tired couple or small family, living quar- AUCTION SALES ROOFING, HOT TAR AND GRAVEL M. F, 40' Structor All Wave Aerial $2 dows; Lionel train set; picnic t 57| Bargains on all stock, 668-6361, -- jdren, with dog house, $75. Telephone! ters, store on same floor, good potential $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, shingles, repairs, large and small jobs 26% King St. East only: $49.00 Rocket Truck Camper 10'6" |Ford wagon, motor good. 623-2869 REMINGTON Totalia, Smith Corona| 725-1424 _"__|for the right person. To see, call W. 0. L. and H. Rooting 'and Construction, 725 Oshawa, Ontario TENT, 9 x 9. Tourist, $20. 106 Connaught | Adcox, Underwond Adder, Sales, Service.| STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's| Martin Realtor, 728. 5103, DEADLINES id e si lise ei ] Call $1,710. | D Street, Oshawa as Heavy Duty Calc-Mult. Reg. $399. Demo/ Maple Leaf,' registered Appaloosa, high| WORD ADS MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS -- osiitnad ie Holiday Truck Camper De- OR SELLING furniture or ap. |PTS®,,8297., One year guarantee. Bill point s-year-old for Ontario 1965; gon of . AY PREVIOUS re-roof, tar and gravel, exterior painting Mister: Towers To-day luxe $2,310 cede Ds a yorekagt hl eS Manin Aas |Ontario's champion halter and pertor- dee oe eee phil ing nats linaad Ane hectord UO Gem meses For your Home Survey Savings up to $50. on sales [Or "n0265 ee ""|MUSKRAT COAT,. hip-length, size 16,|™mance stallion "Lucky: Hancock.' Stand- poly ve ree ngllly = LOST AND FOUND ROY'S CUSTOM FURNITURE, altere- : nn tae ENTS OF HOME, incloding "oak | USd_ne Season, $159. Telephone 728-8860. ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne, Dun-|part-time. Urgent. Telephone 723-806. 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION tions. Coffee, night tables, chests, rec "FIRST and 4 SECOND ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY DE. RENTAL Giningroom: suite, 'Viking. electric "stove| GUITAR = Fender four pedal, steel, two| remot S27 MOTHER WITH ONE CHILD will take room bars and rec-rooms, etc, 723-5862 MORTGAGES ri WIL n cinitigtcon. Siler HI eee TO etc like rent RARIeIteT hal n| PART-MORGAN MARE. Very good rid-|Care of one or two children in her home BIRTHS AND DEATHS ROOFING, chimneys, all types of ce ic 378 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA Service and Sales chine. Many miscellaneous items. Tele-/Saw, six months old, Telephone 723-5370. jing horse, $175. Telephone 668-2103. ee werk. East-end of city. chi nah ait hehe agli: ment work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops All c sire ere 1415 Dundas St. E |phone 725-4886 INDOOR GARDENER'S bench with sheif,| BRITTANY Spaniel pups, nine weeks old, IN MEMORIAMS and Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061 -- City, Rural, Vacation -- Call Mister Towers To-doy Whitby ---:Phone 668-3226 EMINENT electric organ, half peddle fitted with lights, 4'-6" x 2' also six 2-f | cegistered,, excellent hunting stock. Tele- Peon alg Mig 8) jake "care or CARDS OF THANKS SUMMERLAND with bench' and ear phones. Like new. flourescent lights. 728-5311, or 72-9583, | |Phone j ; apartment ife full time, hus- 2 _ | ~ 8 " time. Phone 728- ft ney Gay EE Cartage rep crenuill aa LIMITED 72379520 |Phone 668-8674 TYPEWRITER, portable, $30; standard,|STANDARD white male poodle, seven|nin ? 2422 atter § MAN with 'a-ton pick-up truck available! 3568 Authorized Deolers tor |6s B.S.A. 650 twin, lightning price, $980. $85; adding machine, $25; IBM electric] months old, $50. Telephone 668-5240 after CLASSIFIED DISPLAY anytime, Telephone 798 4879 1 Simcoe St. N.--725-356 : sags < Telephone 725-7607, 12 to 4 p.m typewr $60; comptometer, $25; cas sh-|5 172 Femal | ; : uc . j Tel 25-7607, 1 , : _-- le e Help Wanted 1 eclumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col é iat Lucky number draw on the @ Citation @ Glendette Alighater dor cc (register. 723-4434 : | PEMALE, brown chihuehue, seven weeks umns or larger--!0 a.m. day previous. Dentistry fer Mon ones Ridelow gn f B Sear first 1,000 towers sold. Win- @ Corsair > Rambler lin Coeyhbviadt, Gacleukl dS tate, 0 CCl abs CHRSYERRIRLD, Two eaaching ol, reg siered, goad with cnikivan. Passe on raed Ok " Bees 4 "ti ill y tobl * re 8 chairs, $175; automatic washer, $150;| call 7 after : : CANCELLATIONS AND CARRPOOT, OR. JOHN Ly Dentall!® Dulld your custom better built home|: Hers WV" fee oe ™ @ Truck Campers Ir AIR silat antigo Moffat refrigerator, 13 cu. ft, double|§TUD SERVICE offered. Registered stan. Holiday Magic CORRECTIONS Surgeon, 172 King Street-East, Oshawa,|{n0W by Marianna developments. 723-0575 set plus oerial refund " TWO PAIRS BAMBOO drapes for gale.|\door, $175; all in excellent condition, 623. Tard pried' toetin at Peyids ah eae 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION For appointment, 728-5171 [Private AND CORPORATE monies for Parts - Service - Hitches - Awnings | Good condition, also lady's white plastic] sese Biod- fs, S1me. Telephone 728-7626 bg Di t ib t Ar odvertisement cancelled before! sj; my us ee rs jroeon,|8l! mortgages Mortgages and agree. car coat, size 20, never worr 723-8635) ; SERIE Sj ripu or publication will be. charged one day's WE eae ene Co or ments of sale purchased. Creighton, C OO K after 5 poorest RANGE, 4", Secovent condi {TWO SHETLAND ponies, 2/2 years of Aaaablor 1 ry , a) mn & 00. Telephone 723 | broken to ride and are very lov se ointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-844 c n, Murdoch and Victor (See "Bar OT DIPED GALVANI Fr Ace bue Sais aleve $ age, ' iene dictaci aia rs' Basa iatee aie TRAILER. SALES Tee Peta I ete uate chattitiae: tases VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, Jable. Telephone Whitby after 3.30. 668-3889 Desires Salesladies Ao oe MBER RENTAL--50c ' 3 ; ah eitay 4 brus Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 | 10r c I new, best f over fifty dollars, y ER PANIEL PUPPIES, f week very endester' wil be_yrode| OFessmaking cine Amo acon "neripeee taal = TW TOWERS meoe North ig Saye! Fieming Vacuum' Service, Mein' Siret,| Wa TEC RS Wat atures at, Foaphons to bex numb 0|DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coate _Aresses ce Napier Bart $, 31 King Street ARE THE BEST past city limi ts) beet iavuie sublighea | Pickering |72 3.8394 Phone 723-9302 oon as possible, | alterations, slip covers, drapes ? st tt ars. Publisher's|STOVE -- Viking Deluxe, $130 Phone | AU NRF Retr ALO : ae : WALI SETTLE EAD LECCE! 723 9534 Gpduring the. ta ree years sher's | ST 9 MINIATURE COLLIES, sx weeks old reiweT AND SECOND mortgages avall ver destin ' aed price. 39.46. SPECS Sa Site o wth $5-¢11.. Completely new In original | /4 : [Telephone 65 fas * EXPERIENCED. dressmaker tac able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock |boxes, Ail 90 for $7.80 each: ABPIY S31 YSED AUTO" PRRTS/> deletes oth Iwo waa ping --adalilane FULL TIME *SMALES WELSH : tg calf r girls' wear ahd alterations Stree! North, 668-3338 [King St. East motors; we buy scrap radiators $4; geng > such replies however coused| Weer Girls' buy B | inmiched, 42 inches high, broken to ride by negligence or otherwise, |PNe winthetdes | i o Th ty SUBWAY TRAILER |CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR: st| Starters, 6V S0c.; 12V 90c.; batteries! and drive; also buggy, sleigh and single Times will not be responsible for| ALTERATION®, pants cuffing zippers, \Musical Services color, very comfortable, suitable for rec-/$1-50. 725-2162, 1175 Nelson St harness. Must be sold in one parcel, $700 uncalled for in 20 ae |mending. Ager for lort Amer TELEVISION PARK & SALES room or cottage, extra arm covers, $50.|WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-|.Telephone 263-2246, 5 [Fashion Frocks, " peians _| SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable. Exper- Co B D u Owner moving. Telephone 723-5974 ture or anything you have. The City - " 5g 3 TO 11 SHIFT REGULATIONS IG. aad 45 ij "Jienced. Reliable, Reasoriable. Phone Ted Corner Bond and Division 1010 Dundas St. E. Whitby CHILDREN'S TRICYCLES, man's fwo.t Trading Post Store, 44 Simcoe Street/12-- Articles Wanted : The Oshowo Times will not be re-/@Ordening an upplies aylor, Alex 942 s : wheeled bicycle, $10.; large size doli| South, 723-1671 x Ce SaeEpaniGT Gina sponsible for errors. in advertisements | --|RECORDED MUSIC for your dances,|_ i _728 5143 re s Golden Falcon Travel Trailers carriage. All in good condition. Tele-| REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12; eer aeee coanin only, 58033. " Spey a Sea submitted otherwise than in writing not| = banquets. For Information call Suck Myices uid Seniion phone 728-1881 new smooth-top mattresses, $19.95; : : GENOSHA HOTEL for more than one insertion of any! 4 FP jo TELEVISION RADIO. COLEMAN fioor furnace, reasonable St Ne ee nln TV's, $29.95; | WANTED TO BUY -- used piano. Tele : advertisement nor beyond the price GARDEN TIME -- Sais STURDY TWO-WHEEL car trailer, with|COLEMA smali home or cottage. Tele. Sf savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome| phone 728-7614 STL ae a charge for a single insertion: in' which} Optometrist 24 HOUR SERVICE A Pay Say Te ene phone 725-6 sets, radios. Guns, new and a Valley|OLD GUNS, swords, weapons, medals, | hairdresser sr Bartime, experienced airee bieriks Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. i Wet | f 7 * u ECAR ' ! ; ; : mare badges wanted. Write PO Box 204,| Telephone 942-3583. ee ONIA Bl F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe 6--Marine Equipment See ein. euenics. AC volume ay 3a SLOT. CAN raciio Tack com Osrawe a = Re HENS NEETE T s N s four one year books, in bookcase.|4' BY 16' S acing track ¢ Oshawa Times reserves the right| LOXINIA Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone é Bus lene Ene Ye I Case. | siete. Thirty-gallon aquarium complete |--------__--__--__--_-- ----|LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper and f classify | odvertisina 'according to} a OWER elephone 725-6706. with fish and heater. Telephone 725-4325. 13. Articles for Rent receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, % proper clas: ication V EGE TABI c GAS STOVE, 30", Sutomatic timer IP STIR ABEL SH: od i stating age, marital status and exper- re -- ind EG Ee ' r fraettdidd a three SOOM, new qual-/------------ . - i a te Bi 1 i} ti a ee ot anes Ablleeeees| POTTING Painting and Decorating -- ELECTRONICS CHRYSLER reisserie, perfect' condition, three. years| FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual ~~ ee |S! 723.419 | : OUTBOARDS old, $125. Telephone 723-8704 ry Arn a fia hore ena ote s ica has tak at ' Be : - U FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, large size,'bies. Pay only $3: w .. Unbeatable RENTALS CAPABLE WOMEN for fish and chip res- Sccublan The panel A aie pet > PAINTING AND prom pt servi A:T 'candition, $100 or best ofter Mouton | value! Baron ne Furnishings, 424 a eadpate) afd "a atid pam. Only shers Weaver te . JO-DAMFE i. : ' coat, size 14, $40; maternity dress, 14-16.) Simcoe § rie . thers 'endeavor to repr DORMANT SPRAY DECORATING Ca Spring Bok Abunsirnaen Boats, {TSivshone 723-7448 SEVEN HUNDRUD Theale Ase eae OF ALL KINDS paid. Apply in person, 1220 Stmeoe St c bil t ji : 'i NITE ; : : sre . e : North iability of advertisement INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR Whitb 668-5679 Peterborough Fibreglass Boats, |soupRist TENT, twelve by twelve with Apply Manager, Biltmore Theatre : EOE RGIS ply racies in any form are contained " u" 2 y 3 inst Sucadea ees Wiscott Boat Trailers. outside frame, two air mattresses, one -- PART TIME experienced help wanted for FER) LIZERS ail Custom Draperies Colarian lantert; one Worse: sir CUSTOM BUILT 14! ski boat. Fully equip- REDUCING EQUIPMENT ---- {beauty salon. Apply 'in person to Dor f ESTIMATE WINTERTIME Special deals on complete contro! and: cables, Telephone 7 ped. Has a ee envy te fea Lbs prokidiging belt rowing peat Mar Beauly Salon, 105 Byron Street $, non : s 5 ap v y 1 D = Nhitby L OL )\D and SOUT ER T ¥. T IME unit sale GARDEN TRACTOR, plough. and 5-98 chines, bi kes eNeleee ae all vator, also Gilson tiller, almost mes will not helu re VERMIC IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD wer Phone : | Be WOMAN for general office work, typ- Classified Direct ER NI 668-5862 /. Service Anytime WILDE RENTAL Reasonable, Telephone 723-05 SKLAR chesterfield and chair Turquoise, $6. per month na and some. bookkeeping. upscionee > 4 x8 ery good condition, end tables, ee } a required, salary to commensurate with 723- 3492 J A R | O MacNEIL'S USED FURNITURE; 3 HP table, lamps, washing machine, chins ao ae ait experience. C, J. Power Automatic Tool ' mA e ; ° . & roto-tiller,, bench saw, stoves, fridges,|cabinette, vinyl felt back stair runner. cleaning rods, pi visi ; . 8 MICHAEL COLLINS TELEVISION caf keabalcedoaa tue washers, dressers, all. kinds. of -cottage| 66a-ss47, tripods, pipe shanties pipe onan Om ORL We Gate tae aT roe furniture. We aiso do re-uphoistering. 215 -- pares -- . 4 ' 0 babys' wo 8 - INDEX T Cooper- smith Co. Painter & Decorator 728-5143 1415° Dundes St. E., Whitby Ibundas East, Whitby. seecap |70 H.P. MERCURY motor. Elgin boat) cutters, pipe threading dies, [age children, and one pre-school child, e ; Alt © J < Ph 668.3226 Saurunth OR Lada 5 | trailer; overnight cabin cruiser, 17' by 7', toilet auger Monday to Friday, Live in or out. Tele ' : Reasonable rates. work : one N ncfuding kitchen| $1,000 complete. Telephone 728-7268 ( s CLASSIFICATIONS 16 CELINA scaratiiesd, Exits feb ceive Tidge,wamer, dis Dike Mevie| new woRMs.-sitaces--boravainy| PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- [Phone Jaber me i ju Ke for. Telephone Whitby '668 214 » minnows. Ss ali < 5 to live in and care 2 he!) ll cal 723-1139 Phone 195 7734 A SERVICE ab ea ns vail n Oshawa, 843 Ritson. South, tepladders, ladder jacks, |r two-year-old child. Phone 723-1452. --Persono ". af ONE 14) . > 18' OUTBOARD CABIN cruiser complete; TELEVISION TOWERS -- 30 ft 28-3222 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait steel scaffolding, compressors, LICENSED HAIRDRESSERS wanted for Asha : r VENING 3 --SP rtsmon's Column It } Ar After DAY OR EVENING with'two portable tanks, Sleeps 3. Almost|tower with 10 ft. mast and single B-2 spray guns, wallpaper steam- general work. Apply in person, Vincent's 6 Angad | is i Thi 0 ft y , s E S--Marine Equipment 5 P.M 728-5286 mannee: Required 'tinisuing taucien WY| stricture): TRIO. Televiaion, Corner ae TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower]. ers tarpaulins, blow torches, {Hair Styling, 110 King Street East. 7--Swap and Barter - ' - gente boat-minded craftsman. Also 2,000 Ib.!and Division, 728-5143-4 Hructore |. elicchapnel antenna lostelied:) ~ propane torches THE CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK of fete Gade Bhgy B SMI TH S TREE PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, Decorat- availar, Phone Cankaville. 79-8017 : $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton} BU Epic EQUIPMENT Commerce, Pickering, requires an ex- Sparel Boke, ing. D Lee nates. Call. F OSHAWA __|€HRYSLER OUTBOARDS, iV ough|Road East, just east of Ritson Road { S EQUIPMENT ---- Iperienced teller having a good appear: Gis Forvisits Column FARM tmnidt, 73995 1% "ALUMINUM BOAT 'and trailer. Will chain . saws, Bridgestone | Cycles: BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture} cement -- mixer finishing |ance ahd pleasant personality. Telenhone Pets and Livestock <IV4 ge ga GUARANTEED! te I. ELECTRON ICS sell separat ke new, $295. Tele Chrys or, boats, Shark $2 heaw 's Furniture (for trowels, wheeh borrows, éléc 942-1411 for appzintment or apply in per- y Wanted ¢ erior painting. Spartan Paint-' ! Yen jnited Rent nid. Marine Go r 1§ Dundas! 'tric vibrator, air compressor ae rticies for Rent iil aie ( i ting. Ca 2 CRUISING SLOOP 18 ft. 7 ft. beam fixed fontals: | ' ie ; nee ' |BABYSITTER WANTED for four chile e > set f sails, spinnaker, Comp dren during days in Brooklin. Three (at Wilson), 7: 6 jack hammers, hand 'trowels, pportunities c s r he « fr ioe 4 € jf" j 2\, WR le er S| ors f EXPERIENCED PAINTER and decor) OSHAWA AND WHITBY ely overha "Goons equipped cra- LOWREY ORGAN, hi eluxe den Bid pebad AM se $s el ron % ervice KS] 'Water pumps, portable heat- school-age. Telephone 685-4575 after 6 ' i Plumbing and Heating - Terarcratit | Studios GUARANTEED used wringer washers} generator, ramset power rol- |SENIOR GIRL required for stock control or Femole Help Wanted rcles , 725-8541 or 668-5830 Fy " sacar Bunt. ak eer R AM A television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up. lers, electric hammers, mas- records. Grade 13 and experience nec- Estate for Sole F . ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING ications pads " Alc rniture and Appliances, 452 Sim nry. saw, building jacks meeely: Salary open depending on ability. at Properties pee enisle : Faisshone ey ' pistons, Marine: t Ise th, 723-0011 Bee Hee She Pei Bares, Good working hours. Ajax 942-1501 00 6. ft i N mor ixer mortar boxes, aahone 5-106 N a . . EK + permanen' tn ve RAE'S 'STARCRAFT"" Siew Traveler boats /¢7"0""_ 7 Se TNa araieunal, Neu, el chain hoist, miter say, elec: (nae al gueye ee a aee Estate Wonted { re lenoe RADIO. & TELEVISION Evinrude motors. Open eve. and week-|FRIGIDAIRE dual oven stove ar siect Bask eae : stl tric plane tarpaulinsp sand Offices and Storage I tony t 786-22 . , 1 remode . 1O Lt DTUIN ends. Mat age and Supply Ltd.,/cu, ft. refriger $10 c ust fe Sedat i eneaeh for Rent pied Pg iy : on one Brooklin, 655-364 be sold togethe rr 978 ! FULLER BRUSH Ic Sale offered on wax blaster, power WAITRESS, experienced, steady _posi- free 0 ¢ tion. Apply Southend Tavern, 5 Bloor | os " ont on Saturday wi Whitby residents of elephone| auger, ascillating sc | FAST T.V. SERVICE re aeehe A. vine EMT Om EY ee rderss.|street "Bact | e Storage and Supply Ltd., 7--Swap and Barter GARAGE DOORS (2 disc sanders, acetylene i i ds nly $2.50 A -|88", suitable for boathouse 5 et MAPLE SYRUP 35 Highway| ing outfits, 200 amp electric RELIABLE BABYSITTER | renuired two Pip sbetpa Ags - RE-UPHOLS . Sea THREE-PIECE BATHS, $55; cabl nets,| field with foam rubber 7 ¢ t Cartier. to Concession bf afternoons weekly, from 0 pm. A ere sale foros ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad eee h dp DOMINION sinks; sump pumps, pressure systems,|for cottage. 728-881¢ Manve 'Audtne Heatlip, phone} Welders Preferably in Wilson Road and Bilcor omooct Cors for Sale 9 c ° y anteed laundry tubs, piping fittings. H. Chinn,! etha Street area. Telephone 728-3663) rucks for Sale nstrumer 0 ' terms, Mattresses . - 4 : {TWO 12-FT. BOATS, both in good barr : SaAubcmmebiies Wanted | t re we Up TELEVISION corner Hillside. and Park South 7 speedboat ' pateait outth: tare : scuumms, polishers. Re = BABYSITTER, live in or out for three BR sata TUITION F gga prt nite Pac F anes : Err ade Waiksinee pithibalre te ' New Ph S 7 A N ' S mall children, four or five days a week. ost and Found sorndge! i hone CHESTERFIELDS Feng 6-3194 9 am 2m ssion #RH rea { 7 #5, - 778-49 See Mrs. Irene, Malla Glen Court, 835 468-3866 Cc : i Sate : } Oxterd St., Apt. 216, Saturda ; leicc aekneaGGNS er estir J FISHING RODS and reels. Repairs 2 eae grid & Rentals. Ltd. [gay "oniy P sthalra all Les 2OM3 -w 3 gue ' GE .COLOR TV. May be seen at all iets. Sportsman's ¢ . Service Ca APRII ORDE Rug-Upholstery Service 2 : * . . $ 4 G nade to CITY TV TOWER, ante Fy 523 es 4 --- attains 38--Coming Events a 4 w tor an er tolo Daltor ring, 75 Charley All w ; 1D Th, Pp ba " Whitt salt as Whi 233 King St. W., Oshawa EXPERIENCED hairdresse 5 v Charie: 'ork guaranteed, 5 Dean Ai ryue to Dundas~ Street East, Whitby, opposite/ ner South, Whitby (Block nairdresser wanted for 39--Notices ihe you pera oa cs, 723-7212, ' Telephone 725-0500 an Aven Cost- ey ay daacay Rotors Ut lash 6tROur COrhays. : Phone 723-3224 the Mayfair Salon, Telephone 728-0662,

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