gr THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 25, 1966 - CANTERBURY'S TEXT VATICAN CITY (AP)--Fol- inwine {a the text of Arch- bishop Michael Ramsey's ' to Pope Paul VI as by the Vatican press ice. 'our Holiness, dear brother im Christ, it is with heartfelt gtatitude and brotherly affec- tion in Christ that I greet you as your guest in this Vatican City. I greet you in my office as' Archbis! of Canterbury. and as president of the Lam- beth conference of bishops from every part of the Angli- can communion through the world. Peace be unto you, and unto all Christians who live atid pray within the obedience ofthe Roman Catholic Church. 'I have come with the long- fing in my heart which I know tobe in your heart also, that we may by our- meeting to- gether help in the fulfilment of the prayer of our divine Lerd that all his disciples may come to unity in the truth. All Christendom gives thanks to almighty God for what was done in the service of unity by the greatly loving and tly loved Pope John TI. It is in the same di- vine inspiration that Your Ho- liness works and prays for unity, and to that end you met with the ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras in Jerusalem and you now receive me here in Rome. May the grace of God enable us to serve His divine e by our meeting, and enable Christians everywhere to feel the pain of their divi- sions, and to seek unity in truth and holiness. On the road to unity there are formidable difficulties of docirine. Aii ike more thors fore it is my hope, and the hope of Your Holiness, too, that there may be increasing dialogue between theologians, Roman Catholic and Anglican, and of other traditions, so as to explore together the divine revelation. On the road to unity there are also: difficult practical matters about which the consciences and feelings of Christian people can be hurt. All the more therefore must such matters be dis- cussed together in patience and charity. If the final goal of unity is yet some way ahead, Christians can rejoice already in the fact of their common baptism into the name of the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and they can already pray to- gether, bear witness to God together and together serve humanity in Christ's name. It is only as the world sees us Christians growing visibly in unity that it will accept through us the divine message of peace. I would join my voice to the voice of Your Holiness in pleading that the nations agree to abandon weapons of destruction, to set- tle their quarrels without war, and to find a sovereignty greater than the sovereignty of each separate state. So may the song of the angels 'be echoed in the wills and ac- tions of men: Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax. Photography Show Opens OTTAWA {CP)--Roloff Beny of New. York, London, Paris, Rome and Lethbridge, Alta., is in Ottawa today for the opening of -his-phetegraphy exhibit Pleasure of Photography--The peoes of Roloff Beny at the Na- onal Gallery of Canada. Mr. Beny, who was born in Medicine Hat, Alta., is the son of an Alberta auto dealer. Tall and supple with a soft voice, he walks like a Siamese cat and has black hair touched with silver gray around the temples. At 41, he is one of the world's leading art photographers. photographs of Canada, Odyssey|rarely seen, except as part of in Time, which is to be pub-|an ancient temple or frozen into lished in April, 1967. timelessness as statues. One ex- "Tl -Jeft Canada to live injception is a Buddhist monk, en- Europe in the 1940's. This book| grossed in a book near an old has been quite a love affair) Asian temple. with the country all over again} The exhibit is to be opened by for me." another internationally - known Mr, Bene ocriee.crnssed the! Canadian photographer, Yousuf country five times in four years| Karsh. It will also be shown at to get the pictures for-the new|the Vancouver Art Gallery, the book. Art Gallery of Toronto, the Con- He likes to make his pictures|federation Art Gallery and the in the early morning light or|Montreal Musuem o; Fine Arts. at dusk, and favors scenes of} Almost 60 photographs, some nature to pictures of people. as high as six feet, show works "There are certainly no politi-|of art from countries of the cians in my book. People don't] Mediterranean and Far East. From Young Couples A- Courtin' To Anniversery Celebrants Cevortin', it's @ Per- : appear unless they are com- pletely integrated with their surroundings." This is true of his exhibit which will tour the country fol- lowing its stay here. People are Uppermost on Mr. Beny's mind as he talked to a reporter SATURDAY Wednesday is his new book of Salazar Has. Warning For Members Of NATO NEW YORK (AP) -- Portu- Salazar said Portugal has de- ALFRED HITCHCOCK's |) "MARNIE" SEAN CONNERY - TIPPI HEDRIN |] i "THE BIRDS" Rod Taylor - Suzanne Pleshette |) BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (in Color) | BAY RIDGES D. |. | HWY. NO. 2 BLOCK EAST OF LIVERPOOL ROAD } FREE ELECTRIC HEATERS ee EET | NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY TURNER: VELTRI Medel RED BARN | Waited NEW TORNADOS TECHNICOLO Toronto's Most Versatile Group PICTURE ACTRESS DIRECTOR 3 FORSYTHE KEIR DULLEA vANry, r DISCOUNT > BOMBSHELL SATURDAY 17 ONLY 53 Pce. DINNER SET Grace your table now with « beoutiful 53 piece Dinner set from K mart. You will add beauty and style to your kitchen, also make your meals more enjoyable. Choose from beoutiful Large Mardon Rose or attractive Carna- tion design. guese Premier Antonio de Oli-|veloped satisfactory relations yeira Salazar has warned the|with Brazil, France, West Ger- other members of the North At-| many and Spain. But he accused lantic Treaty Organization that} Washington of undermining Por- they can no longer expect Por-/tugal's position and cited U.S. tugal's "automatic co - opera-/ failure to support Portugal when tion," the New York Times |the Indian government seized says. jthe Portuguese enclaves in In- in an interview in Lisbon with | dia. DIRK BOGARDE LAURENCE HARVE} gh. FEATURE TODAY: 2:15 - 4:35 - 6:55 - 9:20 Times correspondent Tad Szulc,| This and other remarks raised Salazar said NATO is ina-|the possibility Salazar might dequate for present needs and is a source of "'diastrous re-| sults," The Times account of the interview says the 77-year-old dictator proclaimed a policy of bilateral co-operation with coun- tries that are ready to cooper- ate fully with Portugal. consider terminating U.S. air and naval bases in the Azores, The Times says. Salazar ".. . gave the impres- sion . . .. that Portugal might review the terms. of her mem- bership in the Atlantic Alliance, particularly in the light of the position of France," Szule re- ee "err" Se bbbbbab bb bbb bbe ie ie The BIG Jtl*: * HL SHOW DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 36 ONLY Men's SPORT SHIRTS Dress up now In one of these hand- 36 ONLY Red Wood PLANTERS Get ready now for your spring plants, ported. Fathom, Sons Fon» | "FOR THE SWINGING SET" The Sth. Oshawa Scouts Fa-| ther and Son Banquet was held| THE in the Sunday School hall of, TWILIGHTS a Northminster United Church Dencing 9 p.m. till 1 recently. Admission 1.75 these ottractive Red Wood planters geome in two sizes. 1 67 AND 2.27 BACH some long sleeve sport shirts, Choose from checks, plaids, stripes and plains with button down or plain collar. In sizes small, medium and large. THIS WEEK FREE! Girls FREE @ Go-Go Contest @ Prizes cu ae © farsimenm Bao" Ue : Spb bbb hbbbbt | The banquet was catered and |i served by the 5th. Oshawa) Ladies' Auxiliary. Master of) ceremonies was Brian Wilson. i Head table guests included 50 ONLY RIBBED JAC SHIRTS Here is a buy you won't want to miss, Men's Ribbed Jac Shirts with short sleeves. Wonderful for golfing, boating er just lounging in, sizes small, medium and large. | 2 = 5.00 Revs OUNT Fa DISCOUNT the Rev. Dr. Harry Mellow, > BOMBSHELL ¢ i minister of Northminster Unit- a ae ee i ed Church; Miss Shirley Mc- Ae. sa Kee, Deaconess of Northe minster Church; Mrs. Fitches, president of the Oshawa Dis- trict Ladies' Auxiliary; Percy Graham, Oshawa District scout- master and Mrs. L. Goodman, president of the 5th. Oshawa) Ladies' Auxiliary. | A highlight of the evening) was the competitions and knot | relay held by the cubs and| scouts under the direction of/| their leaders. | Brian Wilson, winner of the | knot relay, was presented with his red cord and recommended for his Queen Scout badge. | Religion and life awards were | presented to Brian, W. Widdi- combe and D. Kimmesly. Eric Libby was presented with the "Scout of the Year" awara. J we IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S ® Presenting the "PHAETONS" Re-opening Night Tonight The RED RAVEN Knights of Columbus Hall, 84 Bond St. W. Dress: Shirt and Tie -- Dancing 8:30 -- 12. "BROACO FURY" IN COLOR HELD OVER THIRD BIG WEEK! THE "REVELAIRES" || Maen /AUDIE MURPHY: OUTLAW "TURNED #% CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY ON TOUR Bizet's immortal TONIGHT |} CARMEN hast IN COLOUR | | fe Thrilling Shows Daily from 6:45. Sat. from 1:30. adaptation Last Complete Show at 8:30 of the original 'opera comique" version PLUNDERING AcROSS THE @ananaurn 4 : SSOUURUNILU PLAINS \t. OF INDIA! is 50 ONLY Tex-Made and LaSalle BLANKETS BLANKETS -- BLANKETS -- BLANKETS-- Save $ now on this special, First quality Kingston and LaSalle blonkets, ail ma- chine washable, mothproof with mony more wonderful features. You'll love the soft texture and wide satin binding, an added attraction for any bedroom, Full double bed size and good selection of colors. 2 Rt:} 25 Pr. Only PINCH PLEAT PLASTIC DRAPES Here Is @ special value on plastic pinch pleated drapes, with buckram pleated top for regular or traverse rod, The overall size of these dropes is 88 x 90, Choose from beautiful shades of blue with dorker hues, and a. touch of green, or gray with wine lee dorker hues. 1.97 PAIR / COMEDY THE GOMER PYLE 3 SHOW POPULAR RHYTHM, STYLE AND SMOOTH K HARMONY 4 DISCOUNT la the = BOMBSHELL Vintage Room 9 P.M. CHANNEL oN 14 ONLY | . Le opera" i je Kidd. 12 7 STAGED LAVISHLY-- A SPARKLING VARIETY PRODUCTION. 115 3ii aa CHANNEL Vocational Institute 2 Be | (Stevenson Roed N.) "An excellent evening of Georg: \ Dress up your home for spring with a pair of these expensive lamps, now greatly reduced for your savings. Choose from several rich designs to suit any decor. TAT 12.17 MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd. South and Champlain Ave. 6 ' ! i | ; j : on. Mar. 28 | LEADING Phone -- 723-4693 WATCH COLOR 8:30 P.M. | = LADIES TELEVISION [8 sirxtee,srvir o rotem ae { ertecthsac™ wget ua a» oo re , pigeon and Saywell's and also at the Box Office 5:00 to 9:00 Choice ---- 8 Models immediate Delivery CHERNEY'S On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby KING ST OSHAWA