Youth Conference at Pickering THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mats 23, 1966 9 © Growth In Population pases Cis ast. See ails ie kk and Glenn Squire presented the|skate at Brooklin. Mr. Westney entered she meee asia! Smith read the| Friends of Mr. and Mrs.|tal on Geaday. as Causes Church Problem 9 [B%inesy cu wir noa| Serta tetas Arno ay Eat Mata a euchre in the school this Sat-|pital. Mrs. Westney has been Wednesday of last week after @ KEDRON (TC) -- As the re-jprotect the over-worked minis- Raglan, and the other Kedron, urday night. Arrangements havel there since she suffered a slight! two-month holiday in Florida. sult of a special meeting of the| ters, and keep them from break-|ghich now has 193 families on official board of the Columbus-|ing down in health, or leaving} the roil. Kedron - Raglan pastoral charge|the church and going into less| The Kedron United Church last week, a committee consist-| strentous occupations," Mr.|choir presented its "Let's Get ing of one member from the! Norman said. Up A Concert" program to a session, the committee of stew-! ir. Norman went on to say capacity audience Friday night ards and the United Church|that the Columbus - Kedron|at Hagiai. Tie concert will bs Women was set up to consider! charge is one in the presbytery presented at Enniskillen Mar. possible changes in the charge./that is giving some concern. A 25 and at Hampton Mar. 28. Rey. H. G. Lester, superin-|three-pomt charge, with mul.) Frank Lee, of Kedron, was tendent of Home Missions of the|tiple boards, committees and) one of the tenants who lost their Bay of Quinte Conference and|the pastoral care of 425 fami- possessions in the Simcoe Manor: Rev. T. Rex Norman, of Ajax,|lies, is an impossible task for Apartment fire. His furniture chairman of the Oshawa Pres-, one minister. and personal effects were a bytery Extension Council and| "Presbytery considers alta! loss. A few treasured chairman of the realignment) iiree-point charge with 209|Photos and personal » papers committee of the presbytery,|families a sufficient load for| Were in fair condition in a desk. met with the official board. any minister," Mr. Norman| Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee enier- Mr. Norman said two grave|said. "The General Councii|tained about 25 members of the problems: confront the church|allows a charge a full-time young people's Sunday School and Oshawa Presbytery in par-| ordained minister with 175 fam-|Classes at a dinner party on ticular, The church is faced ilies." Sunday. Hal. Bohaker gave a with the problem of carrying on! Mr. Norman pointed out that| talk and Jed a discussion on the a more effective ministry in| he came to the official board,) question "Who Am 1?" | rapidly growing . areas. The|on behalf of presbytery, with-| Rev. Winnifred Bridges ad- Oshawa suburban area has one| out any answer to the problem, dressed the Kedron Hi-C Club of the largest growth rates. | and bl making any de- pera ng an one ~ ow | cision before coming. He hoped|tures taken while she was mis- | We have to 'safeguard and) sn |the, people of the Pepe one -- e ee. eltild J K-2rer charge and presbyte Ts ruce MacDonald is a | PROBE TAIL SECRET | couid find a haley 'soletied tol patient in Oshawa General Hos- NSTALLED BIRMINGHAM, England/the problem. |pital, recovering from surgery. NEW MEMBERS I |(CP)--Scientists at Birmingham | bri ene - --_ rn ALIDLEY (Te) = Menten al) } , 4 ers 0 of Oshawa, George Ireland, | Andrews. The service club | University cast doubt on the be-|7-"0n, tS tM sath on atthe His atte ; 7 oe ee tne left and David Perkin, right, has approximately 155 (lief that dogs wag their talls|g by arvoneiag for Foci cals ech Ja bad ssc ai gt), CANADIAN RYE WHISKY inducted at the Monday are seen being welcomed by members. : 'because they are happy. Biolo-|for the minister. Another Pos. FALSE TEET noe conan exveasenr ured _ meeting of the Rot Rotary Club _the club president, Geoffrey ? --Oshawa Times Photo gists have discovered a previ- |sible solution would be to di-} " ously unknown gland in the tail) | vide the charge into two, one of That Loosen h b was up only 18 ch |the same base, was up which they think. works when wai ene te Columbus-| Need Not Embarrass Ex orts } um iper cent, to 133.1 from 130.7, | | Newsprint was the largest sin-| the tail is wagged hard enough, | Many wearers of false teeth have | p p |gle commodity exported in 1965) nut they still don't know why, A. E. JOHNSON, O.D. jf} ther plats dropped, aineed oF wob- with a value of . $869,586,000 bled at just the wrong time. V Wheat; the i964 leader, ranked|S°8* SO __f| OPTOMETRIST |} iesstauot sh perincaze jsecond at $840,175,000. "Eon * . 1 . the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on . ® ] | Sales to the United States BACK TO THE ISLES 14% King St. East your plates. Hold false teeth more firmly, so they feel more comfort- | i : i were significantly higher both in} GARRABOST, Scotland (CP) is able. Does not sour. Checks "plate pri pag the full year. iRev. John MacSween of the! i 723-2721 | odor breath". Get FASTEETE at OTTAWA (CP) -- Exports wi hare year, and the former rec- Sales to Britain, Canada's No. 2| drug counters everywhere. December 1965, were up 11.4 perjord high. market, dropped slightly in both! cent from December of 1964 at} The bureau said the advance periods $795,524,000, the Dominion Bu-|for the full year was primarily, U.S. purchases for the year Lewis, the most rea. of Statistics reported to-\que to a gain in volume rather|reached $4,838,668,000 compared|land in the Hebrides. He will day. ithan price. The volume index, \to $4,271,059,000 in 1964, The|be first minister of the Point This put total exports for 1965) based on 1948 equalling 100, rose|British took $1, 174,359,000 worth| Free Church "'rebels,"' a splin- at a record $8,522,953,000 com- |to 910.2 from 203.3, a rise of 3.4/of goods in 1965 compared to| ter group which left the Knock pared to $8,094,360,000 the pre-|per cent. The price index, on|$1,199, 779, 000 the 3 year before. Free Church five years ago. Toronto Free Church is return-! ing to his native village on northerly is- Birds Eye Frozen Food j i 4 . Save 2e! 12-02. Pkg. y 3 GREEN PEAS : 2 for 47c B Nee} Save 40 10-08. phe . 4 MEAT-O-RAMA Corn, Carrots with Pearl Onions Lin isa rg gormmmme™" YOU SHOULD! "THE KING" OFFERS Sore tli. Tm ; YOU NOTHING BUT FANTASTIC hl SAVINGS AND THE BEST QUALITY LOIN PEAMEAL York Kernel Corn 6:99% | BIG 99c FEATURES! 1 theutid Shea er | BEST BUY! Save I6c! ii] Save 24c! Pineapple-Grapefruit 48-07. Tin 1¢-ox. Tins Ti STOKEI Heinz Tomato Soup 8:99: || PING 3:99 c||}| Rump Roast - PORK CHOPS | BACK BACON | +e ee BUY! ---- 19¢! he ll ama we 24-o7. Jars AYLMER JAMS 2:99 Mik 6:99c{]|_ 9% | omen. | 69% | 79: NO DEALERS PLEASE | BEST BUY! Save Ic! Br. Bafiard's 15-oz. Tins Save l6c! Fancy Quality Champion Pot Foot B99 1 SEAS 5:99 Brea = Shert Ri 20-oz. Tins riBBY' $ BEANS 4:99 : Breakfast Parrasionens c i ¢ |] tithes tomato oy ue EL sey Ib : BEST BUY! Save 17¢! New Dessert Sensation 33-07. Pkgs. Catsup 3:99 ' | BACON ps a Blade Roast sf Jello ' Baby Rath or Butterfinger itp 2ic Curtiss [ii Sir an segs | Seth2:9 9c | te bettas | ri etergent £27 7¢ i 3 q |HAMS 6 4y BEST BUY! Save 12c! 12" Wide Groth eee an | Beef Kidney Stuart House 'sive 3:99. faci novaie 6:79. | Beet Heart 31.00 |surts Specially Releciad « Value Check'd BLADE ROAST i} Ma I Sit Becale oS Why Pay More And Get Less? Hi | . ; Waa Iuter « Boa bed | Brown's | Grade 'A'|Butter5Q¢| Srargarine Menie how Margarine |1| BREAD CHEESE y a tee ice Greem | Tgertshe | SLICES vase I Sm 1.00] 2551.29) 79, | 401.00 | 3 '1.00 Short Rib oasts 65: 1 Need A Freezer Order Big or Small! Phone Paul For Meat Loaves or Burgers -- Fresh Minced FAMILY SIZE TOP - BLUE BRAND Ground Beef 21:99 iit] vans ve COMMERCIAL Beet et 9 | ) = FREEZER oon SIDES SIDES Save 6c! S: Manzanifla L- 0! Iba. mms UNSHINE PRODUCE! = | McLAREN'S OLIVES 39 ste Were 45: 33: 54i. year Food TOMATOES ib. 29: | SUNSPUN "ICE CREAM "79: | arene 'Tender, juicy, ht house No.1 Luscious Red F N Save 16! ig? ag lg HINDS tuborina3: Grapes Fea. | SPReme arms mie "38°1/9149,00| 53: | 62: | 63% . Sunbeam | SPROUTS 29 Onions 3 -25c | Hot Cross Bunettes 4Se Chocolate Swiss Rolls 39¢ Cut And Wrapped And Delivered FREE SPROULE'S | ,, WILSON | BROWN'S | MAPLEGROVE | Red and White | Red and White | Red and White | Red and White == Corner Simeoe at Mill Shopping Plaza Brooklin, Ont. Maple Grove, Ont. 909 Simcoe St. N. (at the Crosswalk) The Home of "The King" of Meat 728-3361