Whitby; Aurora Youths Win Oratorical Test wo outstanding orators,|Porter, who live at 935 Kingiand a replica to John Porter 7 whune high pen A youth and| Street, West, Oshawa. His father the prepared speech winner, an Aurora young man have wonlis the pastor of Westminister also a Hydro shield and a- the right to represent the four | United Church, Whitby Town-/ miniature shield to Michael Ray- counties of:Halton, Peei, York|ship. John Porter has been in-/mond the impromptu speech (outside Metro Toronto) and On-|terested in public speaking for winner, James Ross, vice chair- taris in the provincial piblie!the past five years in grade|man of Whitby Public Utilities speaking contest for secondary! and high school. He hopes to go| Commission, assisted Mr. Arta- school students on April 11|to university and make politics strong and presented book pri- (Easter Monday) at the Shera-|his career. zes to the two winners as well ton-King Edwa:d Hotel, Toronto., In winning the impromptu) as books to the 17 runners-up. They are: John S, Porter, 15,| speech honors, Michael Ray-| The chairman of the prepared a Grade 10 student at Anderson) mond, of Dr. G. W. Williams | speech contest was Principal W. Collegiate Vocational Institute, secondary school, Aurora, dis-}A. Andrew of Anderson Colle- Whitby, who captured top honors played originality also remark-|giate, and the chairman for in the prepared speech section; |able organization of his subject|the impromptu speech 'compe- and Michael Raymond, 18, a/matter, great poise and excel- | tition was G, Alles, head of the Grade 13 student at Dr. G. W.|lent delivery, He spoke on the| English department of Anderson Williams Secondary school, Au-|subject: "How to live with a, Collegiate. rora, the impromptu speech win-| younger brother". Michael Ray-| 'The judges for the prepared ner in the Zone 4 (provincial|mond is the son of Dr. Frank speech competition were Messrs semi-final) oratorical . contest Raymond and Mrs. Raymond, /Geraid Grant, of Oshawa, a for- held at Anderson Collegiate in|36 Kitimat cres., Aurora. His!mer Master of Upper Canada Whitby. 'father is a scientist with the College, and Principal O. B. Nineteen contestants took part|Ontario Department of Lands Edgeley of Henry High School, in the zone public speaking com-|and Forests, at Maple. Michael! whithy, with Mrs. G. Heard, of petition, They were from high| Raymond has been taking part!the guidance department, Mc- schools in Aurora, Brampton, in Public speaking for the past aughlin Collegiate and Voca- Burlington, King City , George-|five years. He hopes to go to/ tional Institute, Oshawa, as cha- town, Milton, Oshawa, Port Cre-| university and study arche0-|irman, dit, Port Perry, Central Peel|!08y or anthropology. The impromptu speech sect- County, Whitby and Woodbridge. prESENT HYDRO TROPHIES ion judges were Miss Joan Mar- There were eleven capable!" the zone 4 public speaking |chut, of Central Collegiate, Osh- JOHN §. Whitby, who 4 (provincial ton, Peel, PORTER, 15, grade 10 student at Ander- pa -son Collegiate Institute, an Township. John Porter Jr. lic speaking contest for high schoo) students from Hal- pa York, Metro Toronto) and Ontario won the Zone semi-final) pub- co (outside wi Counties, is shown with his speakers to win Rev. John Porter Porter, of Whitby rents, d Mrs. ten other the pre- red speech section. He Il go on to the 1966 On- mpeted with which he Toronto on April 11. He and his parents are looking at a dictionary which he won in addition to the Hydro silver cup and a miniature cup, retains, (Ontario Hydro Phote) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 22, 1966 §» Gas Company Seeks Franchise ORONO (TC) -- The Consu- mers Gas Company anticipates installing gas mains in the vil- lage of Orono this year. This information was provided by C. H. World, manager East Central District. of Consumers Gas Com- pany, Oshawa, who was in Or- no. The company is to file a re-| quest for a franchise from the Township of Clarke which it hopes will be considered by council at its April meeting. If the franchise is granted the company work on the project Final Series WHITBY (Staff) °-- Sudden death will spell disaster for one of two hockey teams playing in the Whitby Mercantile Hockey League at the Whitby Com- munity Arena, The Sunday afternoon junket; left Ottenbrites and-Roya! Hote! tied in the final series gvith two games apiece, Ice surface comes out of the arena Mar. 28 leaving no ice for future games. Ottenbrites snapped an early tario final competition in young speakers in the prepared ontest at Whitby was sponsored|awa, Rev. J. Van Harmelen, " : speech section and eight in the!) the Ontario School Trustees|pastor of Hebron Christian Re- impromptu section. The judges| 444 Ratepayers' Association, the formed church, Oshawa, with A. reported that the calibre of ontario Educational Association|P. Micheli, of the English de- speeches was the highest they| ang the Ontario Municipal Elec-| partment, Central Collegiate In- have ever heard. \trie Association, District 4. The/stitute Oshawa, as the chair-| § |competition was ably organized | man. | we redeeal Ualiy" won the sub-|and conducted by Principal W.| The zone 4 winners, John Por-| Public School Board could commence in the month of May. Wage Scale. Is Rejected ORONO (TC) -- Clarke Town- ship Public Schodl teachers have rejected the scale of increases in their wage schedule lead in the hard fought 6-5 over- time game Sunday which the clothiers won the hard way. Art Rennick, Aime Rousseau and Gordon Piatt did the honors for Ottenbrites, Harvey Rob- Mercantile Hockey League All Tied Up to take the lead for only @ moment. Royals evened the score on the next play. Doug. McLean scored for Ottenbrites and Terry Davis fired one for the Royals. Ten minutes stop-time over- time was required to settle the game. John. Vesters and Art Rennick potted a pair for Otten. brites to wrap up the game, George Mitchell fired a single counter for the Royals. Sudden death overtime period will be used if necessary next Sunday following the reg- ular overtime period which may be required. erts scored for the losers. In the second period the! Royals took command -of the game, blinking the red light twice, Mel Brown and Terry | Davis scored. Fighting back in the third {frame Ottenbrites potted a goal Mrs. Barlow reported to the area hoard that crease in all categories for mini- imum and maximum, plus the annual increment of $200 did not meet with the approval of the majority of the teachers. The teachers, she pointed out, FOOD FOR THOUGHT Students at Mindanao State University, the Philippines, get free canteen meals as part of scholarships or part-time salar- | ies. dust Arrived ! SPRING Made-to-Measure Clothes, Tailored by HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN TIP TOP TAILORS Freemans Formal Rentels -- at-- USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 are asking for an increase of $200 to the minimum and $1,000 | to the manimum in Class 1,} plus the annual increment. In- creases in other categories range from $300 to $500 to the minimum and $1,100 to $1,300 TOWN OF Sealed Tend RCT WHITBY ers Market |A. Andrew of Anderson Colle-|ter, of Anderson Collegiate, Whi-| Rate Cut Indic ated interesting, th ht-| ;. a ee ee Whitby. ltby, and Michaw! Raymond, of} provoking talk given by John /siate, to the maximum. "TENDERS FOR FOUR TRUCKS" To be received up to 5 e'clock p.m., Thurs., Merch 24th, 1966. Address tenders ¢/e Mr. John R. Frost, Township of Whitby, 405 Dundes St. W., Whitby, Ontario. Tender forms eveilable at Municipal Engineer's Office. Signed R. Attersiey, Choirmon, ond Town Property Committee Mrs. €. Moore, Chairman, Sanitation Committee. cedaiiieaaciie eer -- One Complete Program Each -- Evening -- Starting At 7:30 BROCK The first day brought the terror! The second day brought the woman. «.two men are one man on "THE THIRD DAY" ENTERTAINMENT Begins 9 P.M. RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ALSO -- ADDED ATTRACTION SHOWN AT 7:30 "The Gorgon" In Color Starring Peter Cushing -- Christopher Lee RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT OSHAWA SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Tender for 1 Ton Truck Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 P.M, April 11, 1966, for the supply of a 7600-8000 Ib. G.V.W. truck - cab and chassis. A 1961 Chevrolet, Model C3603, will be offered in trade. : . ' | illi Q hool Porter of Anderson Collegiate,| 'John T. Armstrong, chairman|Dr. Williams Secondary School, : he board ual the 0100 Whitby, in winning the prepared|of Georgetown Hydro Commis-/Aurora, will -- aye AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax, The board said the gym-jtee and town council for cea omen cage i gy - Bose speech first place honors, He|sion, and a former mayor ofjother winners from lh bo "é |Public School Board announced|nasium would be a self contain-| opinion and suggestions. \seak ta the tarhers, Willan | showed careful Se, of/Georgetown, who is the presi- the province in the 1966 ering 1966 budget Monday night/ed unit which could be easily| oR SCHOOL USE annus salt the wane achadiile his subject material and master-|dent of the Ontario Municipal |final public speaking ries '~|which indicated a .04 decrease|sealed off from the school and) yr Gowdy said the board|was about the same as neigh- ful delivery. He is the son of|Electric Association, District 4,/ion for secondary schools OM|', the public school mill rate!would have its own heating would be amiss in planning that| poring municipalities, Lawrence Rev. John Porter and Mrs. presented a Hydro silver cup| Easter Nery Oa aus te for Ajax taxpayers this year. |plant, washrooms, showers and|ine recreation committee could | Coon mead fale the teachers ee. Peter Kducational Association) The board's finance a Ey : 'll be con-\US, the, facilities without first/were not overpaid as offices : . » Shera-|man, D. J. Reid, said the in- © gymnasium wi "\asking its advice. Mr. Reid/are offering similar amounts| WHITBY PERSONALS pogghteng ote hotel ie dustrial rate would be 28.1 mills|Structed at the south end of the|nointed out that the primary|with no evening work. | : ; ithe competition is being spon-|While residential school taxes school facing Exeter rd. at @M)reason for the gymnasium was) The Clarke township wage| Mrs. R. A. Phair was called;able evening lunch was served.| ad by the OFA, the On-|would be 5.29 mills. expected cost of $190,000. __|school use. schedule, not including the pro-| je aeceeen See ee Hensal earers, . *| Associati io Hydro.|pected to maintain a constant| oe é chairman D. W. Kemp said the/1 -- minimum $3,400, maximum nephew the late Glenn Samp-|second birthday today. Agenciabon ant Uae id ee geo for next year as well|!0F : apes mabe last Hyg Was finishing touches were being! $4,600: Class 2 -- minimum, | son. The funeral will be held d i | a p|toially inadequate and he an-|completed at the Lord Durham|799, maximum, $4,900; Class 3| Mrs. M. G. McCarthy, 319/ and that this would be the sixth|/. | a 1/700, ma » $4,900; C1 today. | Euclid st., is opening her home BOWLING NEWS lyear of maintaining a constant| ticipated thatthe structure now Schaal addition and go aoa = ee ose ad ; i WHITBY AND DISTRICT | budget. z cee ¢ jciassrooms -- re ; Class 4, minimum, Dan Ne gaat fe Wines Uae he ie MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE | 2 - ed that in-| Community every evening of the! would be finished by the end of| 390, maximum $5,500. Principals | Windsor, Nova Scotia, are visit-| Church Women, Unit No. 4, for | The board announced that in-| k. ike snonth | I 150 plea ing for a couple of weeks at/its monthly meeting. pe agtond spate Rh jcluded in its budget of $369,427) rhe board decided that before! af wg i dug ear an extra $150 per clas the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred mothe Rag Ao ekg 1 ;|were salary increases for all|,;.; F ' .| Mr, Kemp sai e student Fr : guben AR No. 1, Whitby. BB os ag Sao of eg nod Mrs. | se"3, Legion Ola' Sweets 0, Red 'Wings board employees. giving fans re ned ad switchover would be on the first The teachers ee : | Ralp ougias, is celebrating |2, Ken Smith Const. 1; Wadden Bros. 2, ik teat t : : ;+.|Monday in April and that the/establis e minimum : j Mr. and Mrs. M. Gouldburn,|his second birthday today. | Gruasties'2) Teston' Ne. 2 af eireman -- sen ba.snoed ine plans to the recreation commit: i901 would hold an open house|1 at $3,600 and the maximum 1608 Dufferin st. have returned | ; |"a" 2 Post Office 1; Legionnaires 2,|/ Sepa) : for residents to view the new/at $5,600. Class 4 would change | from a five-week trip to a eee gg Pee igre oer 1 ee 1966 budget, favorably. | A * Cl b |quarters during the first week|to $4,800 to a maximum of $6,-| | Mr. Re ; i =m nyer | 4 | pe ~~ gg where| Puclid st, on the occasion of{%3 (71. 20; Marty Jordan 809 "Ge,| AUDITORIUM ntique u |after Easter. |800. Ged Means trent intertationsi|thelt 14th 'wedding anniversary seums'9e" aes" ail Gorgon ras|_ ThE board unanimously pass rom soronty lto be celebrated today. (277, 294); Bob McAllister 783 (340); Jim}ed a motion that the architects, Pl W rk Airport. Bruschle 771, (354); Bill Jordan 767 (261./ Clifford and Lorrie, be instruct- ans 0 ' i 5 | David, son of Mr. and Mrs.|70))'726°ttn9). Doc. Dafoe 708; Keith Mac |ed to begin working drawings of 'The Biisnes Benticy at wore | Paul Chevrier, is celebrating Donald, 701, (294); Dave Holley 699; Jack the St. Andrew's Gymnasium at) Plans for future meetings, ret Conway, Toronto, were his eighth birthday toda Osier 681; Warren Watson 694; Doug Row-| |, d that th roject be|which will feature speakers st weekend guests at the home|""® ©8 y y: don 690; Dave Henderson 492 (302);;0nce and tha ie Pre) | dealing with the refinishing and of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Heitz-| Ret de ee z Elmer Archer 675 (272); Ed. Samanski| tendered as soon as approval} ye 4 . a 5. Mrs. Fergus Curl will convene 302; Merle Reeson 289; Paul Frank 292,| 2. received from the Depart-| buying of antiques and a tour ner, 312 Cochrane st. lthe Whitby Women's Institute|Dovg Brooks 277, Roy Waddon 264. soe taceation of the Henry House Museum, | meeting to be held in the IOOF | : : were discussed by the Antique Mr. and Mrs. Monte Hennessy | hall March 23. S a t Pl REAL EST Thomas Holmes, 925 Green- c1e 7 ans |the establishment of a pioneer) 4 bus trip to the Brantford | village. Reports from the vain | Antique Show in May is eager- " jous committee chairmen willl), anticipated by the members. Sales o Valuations Mr. and Mrs. William Mitch- " : - : o.. cessful card party Friday eve-|his grandmother, Mrs. Maryling of the Pickering Township|ical items will be on display.) Alex Ingram which illustrated onsultationsa ning at the school auditorium.| Mitchell, 306 Colborne. st. w. | Historical Society will be held|Members and friends who havelin a most interesting manner In charge were Mrs. Reginald | April 6, at the Township Hall,/such items are requested tOlthe story of Dearborn Village Ronald Greer, Mrs. G. W.|the occasion of his birthday| tation of suggested plans pre-| A special entertainment pro-| The meeting concluded with a 668-8841 or 728-6661 | | | Club. ident, Mr. Gunn, and their son, Stephen, spent Club. The pres 3 his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Doug-| wood cres., celebrated his birth- Pp - t St d The Sinclair Home and School ) Y | be heard. | Highlight of the meeting was Green, assisted by Mrs. Eric, Belated birthday wishes to) Brougham, at 8 p.m. |bring them for display that! and the Henry Ford Museum | }of the museum grounds, and sided. last weekend in Picton visiting! 8 pres: las Hennessy. day Sunday. Association held a most suc-lell, Brockville, recently visited) BROUGHAM--A public meet-| Exhibits of interesting histor-|the showing of two films by Branton, Mrs. Art Smith, Mrs.| Donald Munroe, 212 Athol st., on) Of special interest is a presen-| evening. near Detroit. Bryant, Mrs. Jack Hoar, Mrs.| celebrated Monday. pared by the township planning| gram, arranged by Harry/|social time and discussion of Murray Brown, Mrs. Charles ao |director for the township cen-|Spang, will be followed by re-|the next meeting to be held Love and Mrs. Henry Ostertag the tennial project -- the extension! freshments. | April 19 at 7.30 p.m. | Out-of-town visitors at Ladies' high,|home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Frank Parrinder; ladies'|COwx, Dundas st. w., on the oc- low, Mrs. Alma Burns; men's} Casion of Mrs, Cowx' 88th birth- high, Thomas Dart: men's low,| day were: Mr, and Mrs. Harold Norman Woodward: lone hand, | Dodd, Alliston; Joseph Cowx Art Smith. Winners of door|Jt., Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs, Sam- prizes were: Mr. and Mrs. Mas-|Uel Johnston, Sarnia; Mr. and son Morrison, Larry Johnstone|Mrs. Frank Stevens, Toronto, and Lloyd Sonley. Mrs. Dodd and Joseph Cowx, Jr,, are the daughter and son most enjoy-'of Mr. and Mrs, Cowx Sr. Winners were: Tender forms, specifications and further informa- tion may be obtained from the office of the under- At the close of a signed, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. No need fo get foofweary. Bh Praise of Wine "Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used."... Shakespeare 1564 - 1616 -- Othello, Act. Ii, Scene DI W, A, TWELVETREES, P. Eng, Engineer and Secretory Oshawe Suburban Roed Commission 605 Rossland Rood East Whitby, Ontario TALKS CARS Nearby you'll find 1 podiatrist When the label says "Imported" ou usually expect to paya ot more. One notable exception is the family of imported Paarl Dessert Wines of the Cape. Smooth and mellow Paarl Old Tawny Port; full-flavoured Paarl, Rich Ruby Port; fragrant Paarl Muscatel. These delightful imported dessert wines will compare with any in 16 shoe stores 2 riding academies In The Spring A Young Man Should the world .., yet the prices e ge é Think About His Tires are surprisingly moderate. 'Try 8 tax! firms eee and just about Because all the pot-holed, snow banked, them soon and discover your i F: ice rutted Winter long they've been special favourite. any shop or se rvice The theeks is tale mildly felt, the tires you can think of ! 3 bicycle shops took full force. A tire hitting a pothole is usuelly forced in a new direction by the shape of the hole. The car weight in hundreds of foot-tons bears down on the steering mechanism. If the force is great enough, tightened joints give. Imported Paarl Wines If a front tire is one-half inch out of alignment, it will rub SIDEWAYS 87 feet for each mile of travel. Extreme weor re- sults from this friction, difficult steering and strain on all mechanico! ports concerned, Saga isnt Wheel bel is next in imp: @, Wheeis and broke drums ore normally out of balance and no tire wears evenly. If it is one ounce out of bolance, the vibroting force will be 12 pounds, The vibration causes shimmy, cupping, uneven tread wear and rough riding. Our locality has a lot to off, ~~ Gen Sane Services. Good pent : © look first to home for your needs. Let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow pa to find the above people. . . and many others. Everything's here , . . in town! aes S 4 AK This is not just good sense. It saves a: lot of cents -- and dollars. Would you readily pay 25 percent more than normal YELLOW i» PAGES | 68 : for tires? Bad alignment and balance can easily cost you that Yi : ; in excessive wear. So take heed. ar RES Here is some pleasant news. The per-pound price of tires hoe fallen from $1.67 in the days of the 1922 Hupmobile to $1.16 for this year's model, while tire life has. multiplied tenfold. z Bsc ay " Mons new...» wr 3 5 NORTHSIDE 918 BROCK < Ta at? tenn " einsaeeot Dh heed a tno, prey aon Ratha, see ih hn enter om pange OU ay) Dipgies my wD 5 ee aaa Ww NEST LER BON RMR ER ENGR ET CI