CLOAK IS SHARED The cloak of Pope Paul offered him money collected VI is shared by Marco by the parishioners of the Perisse, 6, at the Church of district for the needy chil- Santa Maria Liberatrice in dren of the world. The visit Rome's working class dis- of Pope Paul to the district trict of Testaccio. The pon- was made today. tiff made this gesture of (AP Wirephoto by cable kindliness after the boy had fro mRome) Pope Calls On Saragat By GERALD MILLER \cialist party, called himself 8 ROME (AP) -- Pope Pauljfree thinker in religion. But drove through the streets of|since his wife's death in 1961 Rome today to pay an official, he is known to have returned to call on President Giuseppe Sa-| the practice of the Roman Ca- ragat, Italy's first Socialist pres- tholic faith. ident. Friends say that since Sara- The pontiff's call was the) gat became president in 1964, fourth by a pope on an Italian/he and the Pope have devel- vhief of state in nearly 100| oped a deep friendship enhanced years. Its purpose was to thank| by the work of the Vatican ecu- Saragat for the hospitality) menical council and the Pope's shown by Italy to the 2,300 Ro-| personal peace efforts. man Catholic prelates who at-| It is considered significant tended the 1962-65 ecumenical|that during the last year the council. Socialists have ceased to men- Foreign Minister Amintore|tion their long opposition to Fanfani greeted the Pope as he;Some aspects of the 1929 con- crossed the line in St. Peter's)cordat between Italy and the Square between 'Vatican City| Vatican. and the Italian republic. Mayor Among the government and Amerigo Petrucci of Rome politicaal leaders who greeted greeted the Pope on behalf of the Pope inside the presidential the city in the Piazza Venezia.| Palace were Premier Aldo Moro \s the papal cortege moved|and Vice-Premier Pietro Nenni, Into the main courtyard of the Ita ly's outstanding Socialist presidential palace, Saragat leader. He and the Pope shook crossed the cobblestones to, hands warmly. shake the Pope's hand and lead The president praised the him inside. peace efforts of the Pope and Pope Paul raised his arms in the endeavors of the Vatican blessing ecumenical council to meet the The visit was seen as mark ing a new high point in rela tions between the Vatican and the Italian state moe showed church leaders who at- RETURNS TO CHURCH tended the council. He also In his earlier years Saragat,|praisedthe 'reciprocal respect" ern world, The Pope thanked Italian au- thorities. for hospitality they Regional Winners Selected , In Dominion Drama Festival By THE CANADIAN PRESS |The Magistrate and in Kastern Winners of four regional|/Quebec La Marmite players of drama festivals have been se- Jonquiere took top honors with lected, but nene have been as-\their La Bonne Planque (The sured a berth in the Dominion Soft Job) Drama Festival finals in Vic- Best acting toria May 15-21 UNB's avid Festivals in Prince Edward Lewis Island, Saskatchewan and East ern Quebec ended during the weekend and the New Bruns wick competition wound up the previous weekend Nine other festivals will be held between now and April 2 The University of New Bruns wick Drama Society took five of seven major awards with presentation of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman in that province's festival, Adjudicator Jacques Zouvi of Montreal also adjudicated the P.E.I. festival which ended Sa turday night, awarding a trophy for the best play to the Sum merside RCAF Players produe- tion of the American comedy Under the Yum Yum Tree : Mr. Zouvi will select regional winners from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and :choose the} best of the four to represent the awards went to Attis and Kate Alvin Shaw who di- » university entry was named best director by Mr. Zouvi ; Summerside actor John Perry was chosen best actor in the P.E.L. festival while the Sum- merside group's director, Peter M. Zuntermann, won the award for best director Best actress of the festival was Grace Wells-Finley of Char Sg eee Children's Theatre Gr her role in Rumpelstiltskin The Magistrate, a farce by Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, has a two-out-of-three chance at mak- ing it to Victoria. its Saskatchewan - Alberta - British Columbia zone will be chosen by adjudicator Peter Boretski of Winnipeg to appear at the fi- nals, In the Saskatchewan festival, Mr. Boretski picked Vickie DIKES BUILT IN GREATER WINNIPEG DISTRICT WINNIPEG (CP) --_ Diking operations swung into high gear in flood - threatened areas of southern Alberta today as the swollen Red River neared its peak at various points south of the international border. Troops moved into the Elm Park residential district of Greater Winnipeg Sunday to start sandbagging and diking to. protect 40 threatened homes. The Red is expected to spill its banks here early next month. In other parts of the Greater Winnipeg area, volunteers are building the primary dike sys- tem up to, 30 feet to keep out floodwaters. The 64-mile system has 26 miles built up to 30 feet high gvith the rest ranging down to 26.5 feet. < It's hoped to raise the whole system to 30 feet before the crest arrives. ained Red River Nears Its Peak frozen at Winnipeg, Premier Duff Roblin was cautiously opti- mistic at a press conference Sunday. 'As far as we can tell at present, everybody behind the primary dike is safe." As hundreds of volunteers 'went to the dikes in. Winnipeg to clear snow and fill sandbags, residents of flood - threatened areas along the Red continued to build up earthen dikes to protect low-lying areas. Farmers began moving grain to elevators for storage and a © group of students from nearby schools went to Emerson, at the international: border, and built a three - foot - high dike across the main street. Emerson, 60 miles south of Winnipeg, was flooded last year when the Winnipeg crest was only 21 feet. The Red is pre- dicted to crest at Emerson only two feet below the 1950 peak and at Winnipeg between 26 to 28 feet. At Morris, 35 miles to the south, diking of low-lying areas continued and elevators were busy handling the arrival of grain shipments. Meanwhile, at Fargo, N.D., 230, miles to the south, the Red cannes erost today at 27.5 feet--three feet below the 1965 level. At Halstad, Minh., 190 miles to the south, the Red was ex- pected to rise to 'between "32 and 38 feet by Tuesday, well over the flood stage of 17 feet. At Grand Forks, 45 miles north of Halstad, a crest of 47 to 48 feet is forecast for Fri- day. The flood stage there is 28 feet. Pembina, N.D., near the in- ternational border, will have a predicted crest of 51 to 52 feet March 30, about 10 feet over flood stage. senertad ta THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 21, 1966 J Chiang Again Is Re-elected TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--The National Assembly elected Chiang Kai shek today to a fourth six - year term as presi- dent of the Republic of China. Chiang is 78. Of the 1,425 votes cast, Chiang received 1,405, and 20 votes were declared invalid. Premier C. K, Yen, Chiang's 60-year-old running mate, will be elected vice - president Tues- day. Both were nominated by the Kuomintang, Chiang's ruling party. They will start their terms May 20, Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, @ pleasant sikailing (non-acid) acuta, holds fi teeth more firmly.To eat and talk in more. © sprinkle @ little PAS=| TEETH on your plates. No gummy, govey, pasiy imeve UR AcolinS, Uawven "plate odor" (denture breath). Get me FASTEETH at any drug counter. pressing problems of the mod- t Two winning entries from the} While the Red rem 7 SURVIVED | SALT MIX-UP BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP) (AP)--"I'm one of the salt babies," four - year - old Lor- raine Johnson sometimes an- nounces She is one of seven surviv~- ors of a sugar-salt mixup at Binghamton General Hospital that killed six newborns four years ago this month. The _ survivors apparently did not suffer physical dam- | age after having been fed a formula laden with salt, al- though salt poisoning killed the six others. A possible exception Is a boy now in the Rome State School for the Mentally Re- tarded. Whether he is there because of the salt may never be determined. Most of the parents told | reporter in interviews that they had not thought their children would survive. the father of Douglas R. Woodford Jr. said. "I figured if there was going to be some- thing wrong, he'd take him. Said the mother of Daniel A. Williams Jr:: | "All I have to say is thank God, and I'd like to forget it. I hope it never happens again anywhere." Most of the parents of the survivors said they held no | grudge against the hospital, where a practical nurse acci- dentally took: salt for sugar to mix in a formula, The salt and sugar were stored in side- by-side cans in the hospital kitchen. 'Russ Defence Spending Up? MOSCOW (AP)--Russia may be secretly increasing defence spending while publicly empha- sizing economic programs that appear to promote world peace. Informed sources say a suspi- cious gap between admitted military expenditures and lim- its still placed on civilian spend- ing could indicate that money is being diverted to secret de- fence costs. The Soviet government main- ains a- military establishment > officially reported to have 2,-| 423,000 men, It now is modern- izing it and equipping it for non- nuclear warfare, an expensive | process. There also are signs that the Russians are moving 'troops from old positions facing West- ern Europe to areas along the frontier with China. This would jinvolve 'considerable expendi- tures for logistic support. | Military spending also is be- lieved linked directiy with the Kremlin's ambitious space pro- gram. Soviet authorities have been emphasizing consumer goods as never before and advocating the spread of communism by setting an example of prosper- ity rather than the use of force. But the Soviet Communist party. recenily ordered eco- nomic pianners to cut economic goals set in 1961 for achieve- ment by 1970. Atlantic zone in the Victoria fi-| nals The Regina Little Theatre So Charnetski and Howard Ballin of Saskatoon's Gateway Thea [ tre's production of Teahouse of ciety won the Saskatchewan fes-'the August Moon for individual tival with their production ofjacting honors ROCKHOUNDS & JEWELLERY HOBBYISTS MAKE YOUR OWN COSTUME JEWELLERY BRACELETS, NECKCHAINS, KEYCHAINS, 10" EACH. MANY OTHER ITEMS. FREE PRICE LIST -- SEND TODAY BULMER'S GEMSTONES ' AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO, CANADA GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada Oshawa Shopping Cahtre PHONE 725-4563 "It was up to the Lord," | | tions ' Uncle Of Slain Girl Scores Police Chief Anjfor the rape-slaying of the 20-;of inaction on his part were to- Jackson| year-old waitress, who dis- tally unfourfded. He said his 8ix-| appeared. Feb. 18 and whose|man force did everything in its} body was found last Wednesday|power to locate the missing| in a woodlot four miles north- girl. ' | east of here. "We generally wait 48 hours| hoped that the killer before we put out a missing re-: might be drawn to the funeral) port on telex," he said. 'But oi his victim. However, none at|they (the family) were so in-| the service seemed to rouse po-) sistent it was foul play we put! lice suspicion it out right away. Georgia's parents, Mr. and "This missing persons report Mrs. George Jackson, and her| 80 immediate action. three brothers and two sisters) -|arrived more than an hour be-| fore the funeral service began.) They sat quietly near the closed coffin during a 25-minute ad dress by a Jehovah's Witnesses preacher, AYLMER, Ont. (CP) uncle of slain Georgia said Saturday he will go to the attorney - general's department | with his claim that Aylmer Po lice "Chief Harold Henderson was lax in his search for the girl. Russell Piggott of London had jearlier planned to present a brief to town council heye today |demanding the resignation of Chief Henderson. "But since the attorney-ge eral's department is now inves tigating the matter, I feel it would be proper to place m; facts before them rather than }town council," he said. FOILS GUNMAN Mrs. Marvin Keeler, 22, grabbed the pistol a gun- man used in holding her family hostage four hours. While she struggled for gun, police shot the man. Mrs. Keeler holds her son, Michael, 18 months, at the police station following the ordeal. They Police Probe Vandalism Acts | RUNNYMEDE, England (Reuters)--Police today investi- gated a new attack pf vandalism on President Kefinedy's memo- rial stone here which was deeply scoared by two-inch-high names--Andy and Dell." Police said the names were so deeply carved they might have been done while hundreds of tourists were at the memo- rial, unveiled by the Queen last year. | The latest act jwas the third months | In December, the US | embassy. appealed to Britons to] |help prevent further damage to! {the memorial after the name) | Glyn was found cut in the stone. Georgia was buried. in this town near St, Thomas Saturday as the search for her killer con | tinued i Your plainclothes provincial |police officers mingled with a |crowd of more than 400 which| | stood in and outside the funeral] home for the pre-burial service They were also on hand later at Aylmer Cemetery where 150 persons stood in chilling rain at The Jackson family belong to the Jehovah's Witnesses sect.| Georgia had been a - novice preacher Final results of an autopsy on the slain girl have not been dis- closed by the attorney-general's department. However, a prelim inary report said her. injuries) were not believed serious) enough to kill her, indicating the graveside that her abductor might have Police believe a mentally de-jleft her to freeze to death ranged person was responsible Chief Henderson said charges 'Christian Scholars Discuss City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 723-3431 vandalism five of within Simcoe N. (AP. Wirephoto) MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Extra Fast Service When You Want It! YOU CAN NOW . ¢ *50 TILL PAY DAY AT ONLY A COST OF .23¢ PER WEEK Run short between pay days? Need extra money? No need to worry if you do. All you have * to do is pick up the phone and call us. We would be most happy to assist you over the hump until next pay day. We may be able to extend you a little more credit, say $50 to $200, Call our local manager and arrange a credit in line with your requirements. Call him today, because... We like to say "Your Loan is 0K" CASH LOANS i "fs 4; $25 TO $5000 KY OPEN FRIDAY TILL8 P.M 4b NANCE COMPANY LIMITE O 61 KING STREET WEST Phone 723-3451 BRANCH OFFICE WHITBY 319 Brock Street Suite 1--Phone 668 32 Conveniently located branches throughout Ontaric Some Highly Sensitive Issues | | | } | | SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP)--A|clear that many of them regard |world gathering of Christian} the 'Vatican Council reforms as | scholars today pondered drama-| harbingers to still further devel- tic new possibilities of Roman) opments. Catholic and Protestant solidar A Roman Catholic expert on worship, Rev. Godfrey Diek- mann of Collegeville, Minn., said that liturgical changes are re- storing the layman to 'full citi- zenship" in the church, and al- low wider diversity This has destroyed "the im- age of the monolithic church," he said, and tended to make for reconciliation with the Protes- tant reformers. | the Uni-| Dame whose Theodore M it | "Among the exploratory ques Should they join in mu itual celebration of the Euchar- list, or the Lord's supper? | The highly sensitive issue with varying reactions to it came up at the start of an inter- national, pan-Christian confer- ence on implications of the Vat ican council It is being held versity of Notre president, Rey. Hesburgh, called it "the great- est theological event in the Western Hemisphere in our times." About 400 leading intellectuals of Roman Catholicism, Protes- tantism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Judaism are taking part in the seven-day meeting. | Opening discussions made}. j at If you think there is not @ | good ploce to eat in Osh-- fi} owe .... then you haven't tried the dining room ot the | | | | | | | HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA NOW OPEN! ALCAN Furniture & Appliances 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 Oshawa's New Furniture and Appliance Store feat- uring Admiral T.V., Zenith, Top Service and many top lines of furniture and appliances 2% TO 3 LB. GRADE "'A" -- OVEN READY WHILE THEY LAST! CHICKENS 39; STEAKS 59 69 LEAN RINDLESS C Ib BACON LEAN MINCED STEAK se Stake your claim on ADAMS GOLD STRIPE CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Get in on the Gold Rush--to Adams Gold Stripe. Gold Stripe has that robust unsinkable flavor" to enjoy with any mix--right to the bottom of the drink, Now's the time to strike it rich with Adams Gold Stripe--at a popular price,