16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 21, 1966 Turn Your "Don't Wants' Into Dollars -With Times mp Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent 17--Femole Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R.J. SCOTT se chews ie Cig a na a tS CPO TNDV. Fao a YAMAHA ___ |e pare gweaings ar, enn pment fin. Wy" EPARTSCYCLES [partie Ee meow, : mes epri b QO tt apenas 14--Business Opportunities aeCiasea- CASY iC ton look after one SMALL prosperous "3 busi " 4,000 miles ful! worranty, for sa te GMC teock ond alemnoren ioe Wile eee Mi da housexeen. ; adders. Cash.. Will consider trade for |. i cas Ser iste bot re ena er Nae ee tins tetore sme Telephone 668- mm, sons. jax, 942-! a.m, to p.m. LADIES with sewing mach machines reqi required Accountants Barristers Janitor Service Septic Service RS "ee 723-8711 with a desire to- expand seeks a party veryihitg seni mee ee a eittashn te. ct EES Sai sna EE ne ---- + . a : . e ustom i SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prom? service , : ; a Interested in investing in a businessiCushion, George St., BranMord, Ontario, rtified General HUMPHREYS, B' BOYCHYN, . . HILL : "i aoe , ARS presently _showi fenid. growth. inter- __ George St. Brantford, Ontaric pee eta suite 2050, Oshawa Shop-|MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, rb a ; SPRING CLEAN UP Dost whteg doe: be ata Chestnut Street nso go Weg . RO- DON SPORTS ested parties pasted receive fon details by| CLEANING woman required one day Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, Soe ¥. ' MOOG, 2 ' on ti. ' TAUNTON RD: E. writing to PO Box 102, Whitby, O1 weekly. Telephone Whitby 668-2861. ping Centre, 725-9983. ___J.°'". 'S. Boychyn- QC; W. A. Hillman, ond ~~ |@UARANTEED REPAIRS to all wincer| tS ey ey 2 : fh Pana rt bic tiation BOB CLANCY'S Accounting | Service.) I', j, 'D. Humphreys, BA, LLOB. Office REMOVAL SERVICE Waehers bad rahpes, Pree eetimaien Con| > (ust Beat of 5 colnis) COMMERCIAL property just listed, down- LAW OFFICE vires bookkeeper and Complete bookkeeping service, 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, 728-1742 or 723-0611. ul : : ne town location, operated now as thriving sant e reply it) handwriting, South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. Ae and} Man with half- ton, No job FUJIYAMA= ' Discover the swinging world of bball witte Box 1012" Ochows' tian See ea ener nond sirest | teuthin Etalacbi janes too. small. Surveyors JAPANESE LORE HAS IT YAMAHA can be used as salon, clothing store, res- | Whitby E 723-4833. Building Trades 668-6311 H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| 12,365 FEES HIGH; 1,000 FEE' [~ 2 syctant ies Stes. Nor aston Call} | BABYSITTER re required, shilt work. South ALBERT HOSMAR, Charlered Accoun- wore' 113 Elgin Street East. Phone FOR EACH MONTH OF THE YEAR pe ee Wintee 36 -RaY" Saaiens ict, Mo housework. Veleohone 72- i ee eee aeD censina dona. Tetephone' 0h BONBVAN eed FCRIGERMMANACSoicaz| AND.AN ADDISIONAL Foot Fon, oe, © FOWLER T.V. ® hight manutacturing Re ol Ontario. Telepnone 723-122 CONTRACT hous ee DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario| gacy pAy oF TE. YEAR- Z aes what have you? Write Box 18214, Oshawa '18--Male_ Help | Wanted Pre ter- _|Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND Lo ae CELLARS, YARDS cleaned. Also 11 Ontario Stree?, 725-5632 The newest color or black Tien ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- P are a' ; lor | c eae bea oak » On- ( 5 walk slabs and cement blocks for sale. oaryopeeeauaamad ; ' and white TV's in_ stock. VARIETY STORE -- Three bedroom | ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa. ' : wae v Ey bos he rey a ie Las Mest E Call Joe and Son, 723-2068. TV--Radio | Repairs $A BI Ly OU? Largest trade-in allowance, | forme, attached. large. lot, eco location "Large modern expand- Ate 4 re - ! immediate possession. Phone 723-1168! AND cO., 400 Mary St. E. Money To Loan : 3 HIPPOPOTAMUS WHatis tin | PO 1S] Bi ered pen gl Mol oe Lines . pin bate a 2 its ge tom AVERAGE LENGTH iM THE ier ga sl pede ate Pa niger Prpne Pulp and tees in Bankruptcy, | «stenaae nated Whitby 668-6462 reasonable rate of interest to consolidate Tl ' ABout FouR OF AMERICAN AND YS > bE . 15---Employment Wanted aper Mill on Vancouver North, Oshawa, 728-7371 your bills or for any other worthwhile FEET WHEN ORINOCO CROCODILES, OR RENT Island requires: LADY wishes fo do housework three or| . WALL, PERKIN, Ny MacMiLLAN i AND CO., ; Purpose providing you are steadily em- A ad 'TIRED THE LARGES SPECIES 5 ' Chartered Accountants, 36/2 King Street} @ Repair Welding ployed and have good credit. Telephone FEELING 9 M5 Bites Setpe Service on all makes! four days weekly. Telephone Whitby | } ; William C. Hail, ; 723-4631. : Lead Cie 3) taKt FATAL fo MU ' 8250 bel 6 and 8 Bicomm Ca; "pavia G. Perkin, cAi| Of ll types os --_------I|GRAND OPENING 5 Wt ae nse NAN | 306 King W.._ 725-1685 | Peneet ore P| ' 4 f he . 0.12 a6 ides J. Graham MacMillan, CA, @ Heavy "construction Mortgages = ; Se gegen: ~~ jlarge lot, on quiet street. Near = | JOURNEYMEN DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS and equipment, trucks etc. '8 fing Peters Byctcon ta Ta Wa tle ee Sole in Sunworthy Ready General Motors, 728-4572. SELLS, Meh Accountants: G. A : Stee Somers ones * trochine rents MISTER TOWERS Pasted WALLPAPERS 17--Female Help "Wanted | Journeymen Mechanics Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7527. machine rentals - MORTGAGE 2 i While They Lost ferably h Barristers. (Sonatas ae TRESS : 3--Sportsman's Column _|8--Arrticles for Sale All At. Hel€ Price [-PRerArpery wen Glee meena ee a For Best T.V. Reception Call ---- ized A . ' , BA, nize renticeship an arr Ome cons] © MARCH SPECIALS LOANS MISTER TOWERS __|llcenses. New "and used "guns, fishing Ar EDGAR'S Decorating Cente | OUR CLIENTS St B years instal dx $ : 9am. - 530 BM) coe to 15% during Feb- tackle, boats. Valley Creek, 16 Bond SKATES 34 King St. W., Oshawo to years Industrial ex- bidw ie at Telephone 723-7351 ARE perience as a Journeyman Dial 723-166) , March on Rec, Rooms, 'Kit- Moneys available for first PHP. MANOAN, GC, Solicitor and second mortgages. Open SPECIALISTS IN ' ; : Big savings..on Skating Out- |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture DESPERATE | are required in the follow- ' ing trades: All models now ava'lable. sane to loan. Office, 'aia King Street} chens, Bath Rooms, Floors, East, Oshawa, 728-8232. ea Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all mortgages. No bonus. First O --- ----_------ and appliances. One location only. Pretty JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB.) Genero! Repairs mortgages, second martgaces TOWERS fits for - mle family dur> Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, Barrister and Solicifor and Notary Pub- ae Vv 7 ond agreements for sale pur- ing our Big Fall Sale NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re- ; lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King H. McKOY 725-8576 hased HOLIDAY and ROCKET airs to all makes, New hoses. Phone; they need women with good West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking een] ONG M. F. SWARTZ TRAVEL TRAILERS rom ' PI. [oace Lees, 728-0956. office skills perhaps you * ~ 5-4716 or 725-4717. RT PAVING, 22 cents square foot oe en rd Siicekinsccalniay inet b alee Cw re nciudes grading and fill, two-year guar- 26% K St. East R ORS 15 Rocket 4 sleepe FISHING RODS and reeis. Repairs to} might be just the right per- MILLWRIGHTS oN, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and Y2 ing A 38 . all Coleman preducts, Sportsman's Cor- Odd: Il b VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries,|antee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841 Oshawa, Ontario. $1,395, -- 6 sleeper $1,445, ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (Bleck| 20": aes Ore you will be. . Bank of Commerce Building, 5 oe A-) CARPENTRY, brick and "hock work. 723 '4697 : F , 17 Imeprial --- 6. sleeper ak ot Four Corners.) . for at Drake Personnel we ob- " Street North, Oshawa, 721-3446; T. K-|Free estimates. Phone 668-8014. 2 - March Discount Specia $2,245 Known for its accuracy ond | ieq@inENT'~eleciric organs halt pedal] tain employment for every " INSTRUMENT Srna, SL eas Ge Murdoch, NEW PLASTERING and | repairs, 'stucco, set ig 2a Ua hee _| 40° Structor All Wave Aerial Holiday --- 4. sleeper reliability, this rugged gun | with bench, Like new. Whitby 668-8674 2.6 people that register with QC; 7234768; J.C. Victor, 985-7115.|sidewalks, remodelling, recrooms. Free only $49.00 $1,545. -- 6 sleeper $1,595. will deliver years of satis- 1 Us: Mortgages arranged. 398-017 "FIRST and SECOND Coll 18 Holiday -- 6 sleeper factory shooting. 9--Market Basket Bel listed f th MECHANICS rng Sage 9 ee area te, er ATLANTIC PAVING "AND" CONCRETE. MORTGAGES Mister Towers To-day $2,410 igus $24.95 NO. 1 NAD NO, 2 Ontario potatoes. Free pees 500 " jobs. avallable ' 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,|Free estimates; 22c square foot. So ATTA lees Fer you Home Suney Rocket Truck Camper 10'6 delivery. Telephone 7 728-1306 or TE-0615. throughout: various parte of . ec, 7283368; Terence. V. Kelly, QC,|work guaranteed, Cali.723-0281.. City, Rural, Vacatio $1,710. : 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,|coMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS; ~-- City, Rural, Vacation -- Holiday Truck C De- SNOW TIRES 10--Farmer' 's Column Metropolitan Toronto, Now if WELDERS 725-2662. ldone to your gitlistaction. Cal Oshawa SUMMERLAND ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY hag AN ae amper De Sake AND ERIBRIRG toe ties| You ore interested in than. or 1 ements, 5 , ' : od Home evel at "as de| SECURITIES LIMITED 378 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA | Savings up to $50. on sales All nylon construction, full | picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,| Or perhaps just interested in Classified Rates DRIVEWAY » 4 to 6 yan ' 725-3568 gee depth traction tread. A brand | Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263-1 obtaining a Toronto position, (Welders would be reained to : livered, $2, per yard. Telephone 725-0697. | 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-356 Cull Mister Towers 'Fo-dey tox. Buy w Pp 'a 721. Licence 4-C-66 Sheniscall WAr.. Macaanahe. WORD ADS : ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monie: WILDE RENTAL new winter tire priced almost DAVID BROWN ivaclor, heawdulv.| Donald ot 728-6051 to on Obtain British Columbian-pres- h -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; ; : Sdaitional words, 4¥¢. each; 3 con-|roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- mortgages. Mortgages and agree- 723 9525 Service and Sales as low as a retread. industrial loader, best offer. Telephone Tenge 0: 'personal interviav sure tickets) 2.88;|places, masonry, Gord May, Whitby,|ments of sale purchased. Creighton, # 2100. por Aa Negba egg aaah ig con. | 668-2774, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar- 1415 Dundos St. E from $ ] 7.56 up = -- = Also, to arrange reservation ; additiona ze Mis $500: i GRAVEL | risters"") Whitby -- Phone 668-3226 CHOICE HEREFORD and Durham yi rouge db + Salary rate is $3.44 per hour secutive insertions o wor! ROOFING, HOT TAR Al Lucky number draw on the old and two-year-old stocker steers andj via chartered bus to Toronto ; additional words 2c. each. shingles, repairs, large and small jobs.!FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale in' sabes neO er tah ' -- hei Sele. Wadnesday, March 30 Friday, March 25th with normal Health, Welfare JL. and H. Roofing and Construction, 725-| agreements purchased and sold. Hennick! first 1,000 towers sold. Win- DOMINION George A. McGowan. Telephone eu : and Benefit Pi le! Charge--1!0 per can geditiene! charge | 6937 and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street; mers will receive portable TV Authorized Dealers for: oh.sdhatt adnsadtichon stuicadtnd ; Nchaiias are aol. ats is ahh rca available. if not paid within 8 days TTT ae SVEMENTS --| East. 723-7232 t pl | refund eply in confidence to your MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS be rae ie set plus aerial refund. Cc t Glendett = ana Livestock inh th " , tar and gravel, exterior painting/FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail e@ itation @ endette @ new job that day. haw > + ' COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger- Oshawa National, Employ Method of Counting -- Less than 24/re-roof Te} and cement. 24-Hour service. 723-8416. able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock r | c p words counts as 24 words; each word, Street North, 668-3338 @ Corsai @ Rambler man Shepherd pups. Deposits for next] $390 plus --- RIGHT hand ment Service Office. A Com- initial, figure or abbreviation counts|ROY'S CUSTOM FURNITURE, alfera- ceetipiceltiahenpsti Truck Campers 7 litter accepted. Palomino, Pinto pony. ' . ; as one word; phone number counts|tions, Coffee, night tables, chests, rec 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH Ashburn es4eh eventnge for top man! Good secretor. pany Representative will be twe words. room bars and rec-rooms, etc. 723-5862 Musical Services Parts - Service - Hitches - Awnings TELEPHONE 725-6511 a _________| jg] _ skills, pleasing telephone : da POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and both J sie i in this office on March 23rd, ROOFING, chimneys, all types of ce-|§MALL DANCE BAND available. Exper- manner and knowledge of BIRTHS--DEATHS } Be ie oe hg ne O O K EAR Ee? SE --__--___. |females, 9 months old, registered. Apply " 1966, for confidential imter- "pe 2am » _ STOOPS. ienced. Reliable. Reasonable, Phone Ted ( i coe Sot iT] to | French SOCIAL NOTICES ee ee RR 3, Osh 655-3061. teat it ECONOMY AND Oshawa Aquarium 299 Simcoe South or| or willingness to learn Fre! Frank MeCenny R 3, Oshawa Taylor, Ajax 942-1663. as _ AB 5 telephone 725-4585. will qualify you for this high views. $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addi- salsiuaihsciibiatulehinsddigeiaceaspoestialaniie NE terectrionerse RT reo Se Oe RE rt tional charges if no: paid within 8 days. Dentistry RECORDED MUSIC for your dances, DELUXE TRAILER SALES watts ae SHAK AGAUARIG Toads "| payina' potion parties, banquets. For information cal! Pp S oe North healthy tropical fish; hel: 'ou start ie icici 2464. riced to suit your budget Simcoe r ; ealthy tropical fis Lys * BF oo nine first 3. words ond Sc.|CAREFOOT, DR, JOHN M,. Dentailoe i (past city limits) © Fa 2 eee ing. 299. Simeoe South 1254885, 8 $400. plus -- MATURITY MacMILLAN, "4 f ¢| Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. A TERMS ARRANGED @ DUCATI ing in ab NA Lan ir. OR ROE d fh eoch thereafter plus 12c. per line o' Optometr st 723-9534 Re, ia seal STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hanco&'s| 97d 9 Sense of humour are a Repairs and service a fightin! : must for this high paying pos- BLOEDEL & ' verse; 25¢. additional charge if mot|For appointment, 728-5171. A i é E. P., Dental Surgeon,|F. RICHARD } Simcoe O A mee Vek' tian Maple Leaf," registered Appaloosa, high} stra eialbeld days gp otha North, Oshawa, *fFor| Sireet North, Sulte 6, » Telephone HA u 6--Marine 'Equipment Hy STEVENSON RDC SOUTH point 3-year-old for Ontario 1965; gon of| ition as secretary to a top ji ¥ 723-419) TY Mok Ontario's champion halter and perfor- St he Ae Wane SUPPLY LIMITED 728-7780" mance stallion 'Lucky Hancock. 'tang-| @xecutive. POWELL each thereafter with 25¢, Serre! Dressmaking Painting ond Decorating TAUNTON RD. E CHRYSLER Sow ELuek kia cE a | ee a9. : i $325 plus -- BOOKKEEPER/ ice apa "+ |DRESSMAKING -- Sults, coats, dresses Just East of Ritson matched" and. registered, sn Telephone | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for] CLERK --- mature woman RIVER LTD. COMING EVENTS alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting « PAINTING AND OUTBOARDS 1728-850) training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T.| with good experience required $2.10 per inch (display); $1.50 for the] specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. lp vite, pieces in| Broad, 114 Elgin East. to fill responsible position with ALB | : ); x ; DECORATING 723-8] 3] |DININGROOM sulle, eight pieces in fh ts pe Sida ee pi =) ERNI PULP & first 20 words and Se, each thereafter "TTYVVY an "ae if | good ndition, Phone 723-7760. CHESTNUT SADDLE HORSE and ft DRESSMAKING -- suits, dresses, etc. good co 0! 1 and wes! downtown mining company. (Word Ads). Minor alterations. Telephone 723-8697. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Peterborough Fibreglass Boats lieder tert Bok Al m Boats, ob enn abc at ibrealoes Boate, [BABY CARRIAGE that converls Info orn Leng saedle. After 4 p.m. telephone |" Must be able to handle full AUCTION SALES EXPERIENCED. dressmake: ladies' H cas | stroller and a car bed; also Jolly Jumper| set of books to trial balance. $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION. wear, girls' wear and alterations, Tele- wise" alg Wiscott Boat Trailers. jand high chair. Call 723-6483 |PART-MORGAN MARE. Very aood rid-| £1 01 | ean bel Would PORT ALBERNI, B. C. phone 700 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Special deals on complete |TV ANTENNA, ail channels, complete) ind Norse, $175. Telephone 668-2103, _} ecays DEADLINES ALTERATIONS, pants culfing, zippers} DODD and SOUTER os with rota, rota box, 20 ft. of pipe, $25.|PUREBRED German Shepherd pups, WORD ADS mending. Agent for North American TV TOWERS unit sales Also 35 T-posts, 7' feet long, 50 centsithree months old, two miles south of 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Fashion Frocks, 728-1823. 668-5862 each. 668-6780 after 6 pm. | Manitta on County Road 2, Mickey Oliver.) 325. --- STENO ------ To work Bs AES ee RNS GO™ TRIE AA oN ARE THE BEST WILDE RENTAL THREE ROOMS of furniture for sale.| YOUNG BUGGIES, assorted "colors, good| 'in accounting dept. -- gen- LOST AND FOUND Gardening and Supplies PAINTING d Livingroom, kitchen and bedroom. Apply|'stock. Tel e 723-5816 Spm. | eral secretarial duties plus ARK 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION an WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Service dnd Salee 643 Somerville Street, Oshawa, some.' simple" ure Work. BIRTHS AND DEATHS DECORATING icc TOE et eer SPECIAL -- a0 12--Articles Wanted Friendly office atmosphere reepniaind > anqeaaraam ""GARDEN TIME" Interior, exterior. Rapsonople + R | O 1418, Dundas' 5}, <6) Whitby | included singh i utchbicel oath ns com- | CARPENTER'S SAW, preferably radial -- East End firm IN MEMORIAMS and rates. All work guaranteed. m ee . Phone 668-3226 plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed|arm. Good condition only. 725-8233. n CARDS OF THANKS BEGONIA BULBS Free estimates TELEVISION [eames oe BF ved ae OLD "SURE, swerds, Ragone eee cnperienced bl . DAY PREVIOUS - " .) sais oie io dashes " badges wanted. rite Ox |, Os upervi: i 9, aes GLOXINIA BULBS M. bee & Son Corner Bond and Division BUY NOW ond save. "Starcrart",| 72851424 : mba hry wanting challenging, position Hes @ steady job for @ LASSIFIED DISPLAY C EDS : Srew", "Traveler" boats, "Evinrude" | otalia, Si orona | ----------____ a ' : : ys ie ae A Eeeehe 668-2418 728-5143 Fela: Marios Sichope aie! supply Lies! pe nel hoa pone Sale, teres: 13--Articles For Rent can find ideal opportunity young mon. Age 25 to 30 LU On MIO Ue an reine POTTING SOIL: --------_--__--_--__---- --|-- ----~| Brooklin 655-3641, | eer Duty Calc-Mult. Reg. $399. Demo] © > with well-known company. . =) rome | ( e " = anienaemionaiinn -- -- em | Pri $299. One tee, Bil! CANCEL CTioNe ane VERMICULITE MICHAEL COLLINS TELEVISION --. RADIO J--Swep ond Garter Price $279. One year' guarantee Hodis 2 « 10 pin yeohs,: wanting: team ta : PEAT POTS 24 HOUR SERVICE ii -- ------ |REFRIGERATORS, 82498) beds, S12" RENTALS $325 plus -- TYPIST -- detail Sit business. CORRECTIONS P. & D : No. P ainter ecorator THREE-PIECE BATHS, $55; cabinets, . y : 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION 0-DAM new smooth - top mattresses, . $19.95; Alert, enthusiastic and public iy ivastiaateaht oanslind bate ORMA PRAY ; sinks; sump pUMpS, pressure systems,| roves $24.95; crite: $1095+ TV's, $29.95; i } ay sectvartisamen Baw ed as SOR, NT SPRA Reasonable rates. All: work } 1OLMES laundry tubs, piping fittings. H. Chinn, |<, savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome OF ALL KINDS relations minded -- work with insertion, EER IL} ZERS" guoronteed, Estimotes free. corner Hillside and Park South. |sets, radios, Guns, new and used. Valley sales correspondents, deoli @ Oil Delivery T Phone 725-7734 is ' f cheeks 38 Bond Street West. 728-440. with customers, etc. Aptitude x NI , 50 C eet ~ -- ; , etc. BOX NUMBER RENTAL--=50c FLE( | RONIC . 8--Articles for Sale __|GIRLS COATS (2); dresses, sizes 1012] REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- for: figures for varied duties: @ Furnace Maintenonce While 'every endeavor will be made CLL. 10-6-4 If No Answer Phone After jall in new condition. Telephone 725-8419. oO - "| ~ massaging belts, rowing ma- toad get Anna Hy Ranh gens Ng Sosceeeen Ue cane Ker prompt service M. GREENBERG | Twin STROLLER, "in 90d condition. pera exercises ~ all Scarborough e $ e, elephon 7 3 g s gg Oe Ma Painging, PAPERS, Beare & SONS LTD. |inseren-seonsgureuriecna mar} $6, pet menth $420, lus--PROGRAMMER | Apply In Person 8 ° mage a ° c , ° + Soli , ' through either failure or delay. in for. GARDEN SO-GREEN Schmidt, 725-9572 Whitby-668- 5679. New & Used m $125 or best reasonable offer. Whitby fico Ss bea. ge -- pipe pect ind cn tt aed - 43 King St. West warding such replies, however coused EXPERIENCED painter and decorator Angles --- Beams 7 668-4876 cleaning rods, pipe vise excellent opportunity of get- , . whether by negligence or otherwise. ' Free estimates. Telephone 723-5956, Flatbars --~- Channels |ONE 1965 FARGO hall-ton truck. Also tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe ting ahead in well-known Ba Hood J Rime Cooper Smith Co SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! --inle WINTERTIME Sides Plata on num camper. Sleeps four! cutters, pipe threading dies, company _ (Eglinton-Warden Oshawa : 16 CELINA ST. rior and exterior painting. Sparton Paint T.V. TIME Seine Sabina «Bink A 5 Brock Street West, Osh} soitet guger. area, Terrific fringe benefits. REGULATIONS ing and Decorating. Call 942-3172 * ¢; q C oR Pp v 6 p.m PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- V. Service Anytime ONntaG TRIANG TRAIN SET, large layout board, F $325 LOTS of t The Oshawa Times will not. be re-| 723-1139 -- 723-2312 ita. 308 Bloor E.. 728-7301-2 lo ' c Sransiaren qurataht stepladders, ladder jacks, -- oF variety sions iol for, oron odvertisemants ee ee . : [Plumbing and Heating P wae 2 da bia's ons --__--_--_-- care, awhichns ete $88. Also are: bi. steel scaffolding, compressors, here for a dectaphone typist- TWO FOREMEN ke te Eg Os oon all ee a @ PARTS VACUUM aac oY aC GATE a tee Oe | Ree aaa, eae ak jascnee a t r r VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, aulins, blow torches elex, duplicator, general du- ; perg Soak single Taare Such SMITH"S TREE ci Ned dalbnlne dba iat AI TELEVISION For Washers, Stoves and brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, gazona, ers tarp ive : tes Gnd: switchlipeald" AND By medium sized Paving Con- | iar ciuie ; ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- Bivars Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,| Propane torches. a fit sh ft troctor. Rate for one $2. 50, Pr occurs. plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H : ryers Pickering, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- profit snaring ofter one This and $2.75 per hour, The Qshowo Times reserves the right FARM near ss" aemeoe rae son Engi- | -- a i ELECTRIC MOTOR TV TOWERS SPECIAL --aotool tower| cement mixers, finishing $245, LEARN the Dicta, This to cigssify advertising according to shh discreet bideielintndh EAST TV SERVICE _ Repair and Exchange structure all-channel antenna installed.| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- centrally located office will ALSO its proper classification. $50. Osha TV Supply Limited, Taunt ; train a good typist. . : ol Aerviin Gell tee 4285 OSHAWA APPLIANCES |Rosd 'east, just east of Ritson Roag. | {fic vibrator, air compressor, | train @ good typ! Maintenance Man n e cases of display advertisements @ Cedars for hedges 4 y . 186 Simcoe S$ 728-7535 |a0Y AND SELL < Good bask Fone jac ammers, hand trowels, $350. plus -- CAN you look : The Times will not be helu respon- betbjlobd portable heat- Starting at $2.50 per hour. sible Yor more space thon thet which} © White birch, shade trees, | @ NOW OPEN @ DOMINION - i jane, geallonces: MeNeife Furniture' dor] Water, Pumps, pocrable eet. | after this man? He needs a Weite Bow 18126 D meri 'old's iture), indas rs, g, ec ; { the actual error occupies. The pub. evergreens , Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville TELEVISION MOTORCYCLES East, Whitby, 6668481, genetator, ramset power rol- seciataly we earn real Gahcwe Tinie : \ perience to assist him in co- lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- ; ' d vertising matter correctly; but assume; @ Posts, poles -- all sizes ond grea. $195. UP TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks)! ers, electric hammers, mas- ? 4 ordinating his work as well ho liability of advertisement if any bp soit DARLINGTON 728-5154 9 rs 5 arent, service, inaccuracies In any form are contained} @ Manure,' top soil, mulch, UP LSTERY 28-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m. 25 used. Hondas, Suzukis, : ; Hamilton, Saplan: onry saw, building jacks, ae the regular secretarial Wik: erein. wor uorantee amohos, Bridgestones, Duc- _ mortor xers, Oxes, ie For free estimates call 102 K oS af lon ill All k 9 teed ¥ a M4 gest iI as BEST QUAL -ALUMINUM windows, ae i ee ee ties of typing correspondence, DRIVING IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Newtonville 'collect 784.2983 623-7341 Porte, Acceueriog [etre momma Collings: ate. La ow) CI est ete liek' cond 1 filing, ond: milking bis op- INSTRUCTORS TIMES ACTION WANT AD ? a ie OSHAWA AND WHITBY ors (ONDA SHOP bik pAIntiNGS. eee inschhesSMr sail Bikctr Lowa" post hole pointments. Electric typewrit- Wanted full time, with late 5 Sivicohieaion Siew Landscapes, portrai iN ster, ceucmemagre [10% DISCOUNT ON ALL ssapaaareey cess tems NIGHT SERVICE | ino torw, "SGkanaa (apr tex ear eae, ag| oat" eiising nde, |S Regeheaat ad toa '. Clark Studio, elephone 668-4497, 38 '< "f Si S. 723-3492 APRIL ORDERS |Free estimates. Credit terms Mattresses 725-8541 or 668-5830 |zvpews _ ---- - | Brock North, Whitby. disc pe alge gd sia ae $260 plus -- DICTA -- Oshawa Driving School re-built, fur r ; a ak AE eae oe eee: ae ane Avene, 750011, dis. Electric: siding annie Sto, eiee,|SUARANTEED used wringer washers,| ing outfits, aia eonis pl UL edcilenstie de Wc 728-0091 TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim. Or 1 cot 7 trie Sypewriter electric cash register, $68, television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up.| Welders, but be prepared to "pitch in" Ki INDEX TO ; cul CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re- A 2 ? @ieciric cash register, $85.) aican Furniture and, Appliances, 452 Sim ; hem down. Free estimates. 728-5118 OF styied, Free estimate. See our material 723+ leoe South, .723-0011 % for others if necessary. Some CLASSIFICATIONS 728-0610 for recovering. Delton. Upholsterings 781 ATIC) g, TELEVISION - FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service. GURLHER AUR Gar ee . T A N / S soles reports along with gen- TWO CLASS A aOR ------~|Charles Street, 723-7212 Repairs to all makes vacuums, Free esti- i 1--Women's Column instruction ib eral correspondence. Scarbor. = wats OP a he AE mates 323 King." West, 728- 7552. ister, dairy case, deep freeze, shelving ' 2--P. ! Ri AINA aT ARIE ORD Tea 5 s k . location Sseeraman's Coluon ae TV SERVICE _ |WoNest caus warenouse --seing|Siran°ssunt sine «ties, "| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | dh lecation MECHANICS 5 Troll 7 out of business at 205 John Street, Whitby. shaw 6--Morine Equipment HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME| DAY_OR EVENING Bargains on all stock. 668-6361. NEW in Courtice -- TV Towers, roof} 233 King St. W., Oshawa $325. EXPANDING young Apply in person to 7--Swop and Borter APPLIANCE 3 ~ DEW WORMS ~ ge ore antennas, automatic and manual rotors, h 723-3224 firm in Central area has an sacle for ote IN SPARE TIME REPAIRS 728-5286 svatlte Wh Oahawe' SS Rita becky [Roane erie: Satiatection | guaran pons 72% "opportunity for typist with |MeCALLUM TRANSPORT eo orkat, Bosket ; nasi oF 723-7112, Oshawa Live Bait'estimates. Call Courtice We lh dictaphone experience to. work Former's Column o A HasPate ral Livestock SiG "Gece ee Expert repoirs to all makes OSHAWA sat [BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, 'used.] Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- for the comptroller. Two years 25 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa --Articles Wanted . : o' 'asners ryers, ranges, - ¥ epairs all makes, Cycle Centre, on - ° usiness experience anc , experienced -- rg new dininy 12 y * Washers, dryers, ges, FILING CABINETS, $40. with lock, four-|R Il makes, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Guth Gincess. 'Coties f b d | BARMAN, | ° 13--Articles for. Rent ide text be and instrue- sic ELECTRONICS MR cracls ae stock; 'all alte. take the| Street East, 725-6344 -- ls LTS Bowie Bridal on aptitude for figures are |!ounge. Apply Southend Tavern, § Bloor 14----Business Oj u ride to gian, save dollars ($) ise ota gsc Urns, unc owis, rida ' t East. ieee ane Waaee repares you to achieve |@ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ [CITY TV TOWER, antennas; also repairs Pll! Hamilion. Soe wok SR) Fr tie Wack Jase Farol, White required, OFFICE MANAGER TorsupevuIoN A 16---Agents Wonted SAtaric "Diploma by meens Ail work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue.|WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- | Varge size), automatic oven. Many Fox Furs, Mink Stoles 370. BOOKKEEPER - t purchasing, accounting, and office func- 7--Female Help Wanted ALCAN elephone 725-0500 ture or anything you have. The Citylextras, Reasonable. Telephone 728-4214. $ © ltions of a contracting office In the igtae slp Wented Wicd rovincial examination Well Drillir Di Seaat asl Bd Store, 446 Simcoe Street hibhin Bub nce a Yaguse HOE = SARGEANT'S RENTALS handle three sets "ot books Oshawa-Whitby area. Write Box 17174, -- ot Female Help Wan -- jouth, 723-1671. Two N RUGS. One size 819' by ¢ | i Bocokoat teicte tor ack ; FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES " ing- igging a5 plain beige The pther rog # by 120 up to and including trial bal- | Oshawa Times. ance. Bay/Bloor location. Ty- | SALESMEN and salesiadies. Married or pninar Picnerting f 452 oe WELL DIGGING by machine specializing |FLOOR COVERING Clear-outs. Thou-| medallion pattern in. centre. Telephone} °° dred ee ee ricoh Schecl. Dect 8. 52 Simcoe S Oshawa in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut|S2nds of yards of discontinued patterns ")oaa/o" Pattern | é ping: essential: |single. Earn up to $150 weekly, Show. ots for Set : " Street West, Whit 6 9, {from 29¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Pin -- --_ ing our top quality desk and door name- sot talae 34, Oshawa, Ontario Telephone' 723- 001i OLY: ER OF SIN. I Crick Street. STOVE -- Viking Deluxe, $130. Phone LIFT TRUCK $346. ol YOUNG, | pintea, Ae te tari: sisi hele tay cnciseneatatianiacasaniaia FURNITURE -- nn 5.3 Ne = t Pius » 'awy- appearance. Apply in writing to Master 2--Pgrsonal 2 Ton Capacity, er is looking for top-notch Name Plate Limited P.O. Box 126 Osh- | furniture, only 3299., inc. complete bed-| USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires, Before You Buy A room, living room, kitchen ensembies | motor we buy scrap radiators gens., FOR RENT OR LEASE secretary with corporation awa. Piano or Organ Removal of superfluous hair |Pay only $3. weekly, Unbeatable valuei starters, 6V 50c.; 12V 90c.;_ batteries Day -- Week -- Month YOUNG MAN of heal anosarante: Ee 28--Room ond Boord Add ren Organ, See Mise Mardatt will be in |Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $.|$1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Nelson St Apply be ediabien for downtown | eetence In salen praterred. Geer nee: = t ss \ 7 SoncAunommbiion for Sale HEINTZMAN Oshawa, Mar. 21st, 22nd and |@UNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired| BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- M. GREENBERG RUEe Portation. All leads supplied. Excellent 31----Co Cars fi Le i : gw tgs Be at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,'pilances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 ONS LTD commission. For interview apply in per- --Compact Cars for Sole PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel 728-9731 or 263-2695. AND SONS ' : son, 1 p.m, only. 149 «Brock North, 32--Trucks for Sole ed teaching. Trial' course includes' loaned - Company -- a Hide Ss I ca ee 308 Bloor E 728-730}-2 ay ies Gay, SO | Whitby 33--Automobiles. Wanted irimant Phone. 4 Sinicoe: St shawa id aidan sail lth roflncarien, Gena cocank,, Automatic GUITAR, 12. string, 2 monthy old. Floor ot ment with rotisserie. Good conditicn, Also Vik- mike, 'arge amplifier, 4-way, Telephone|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, |EXP-RIENCED RODYMEN with fools, 34--Automobile Repair moa _~ 35--Lost ond Found TUITION hy es Mathe TELEPHONE 738: 2921 " wringer washer, in good condition, 723-6872 reducing machines, sick room supplies PERSONNEL per ae Top wages. Telephone --Lego y A ephone 5 - Jeph 725-392 | 728-7781. er ions 668-3866 ag ELECTROLYSIS Telephone 725-3924 39" BOOKCASE.BED frame, triple dress-| "10 Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. 5i- Kino Ste | RSET SP en cM Sale 38---Coming Evehte - QUALIFIED TuTORI ' BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can FULLER BRUSH Ic Sale offered on wax|er, bedside table. As new. $70 or best|CHAIRS, card and banavel tables, church g otc. MECHANIC and service station altend- . io ever re NG, Grade 4-8./vas awnings. Complete service, free esti- 41 now! Whitby residents only. Telephoneloffer, Girls' coats, grey flannel, size 10;{aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 728-6051 ant. Must be fully experienced with toold, 39---Notices er 6 p.m.g telephone 728-3990, mates, Mil Jeinick, 728-1993, 723-46 daytime 723-0444) evenings 668-6583, red wool, size 12, Telephone 668-2847, Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2424, ig Telephone 728-7781, Supplying wholesale or retail ou