Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Mar 1966, p. 17

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'THE OSHAWA TIMES, _ . Soturdey, Merch 19, 1966 17 - YoU MEAN YOU DON'T WANT 'TO HEAR HOW SHE RAN OFF WITH EDDIE CORKLE? * MONTHS HE. WOULDN'T DO e ELSES"--BUT i . AH CORN-VINCED HIM IT WARN'T PATRIOTIC FO'SEA FOOD TO ABSOLUTELY HOPELESS / THEY ARE LAZY AN! Hf THE LONE RANGER HIGH UP.,...WHERE HE WON'T THINK TO LOOK! stig 'al SECRET AGENT X9 ON COLONEL. YU'S ORDERS MY ASSISTANT AND I WILL JOIN YOU TO RECORD YOUR HEROIC DONALD DUCK PE FIGURE YOLI GAVE ME 16 TWO DOLLARS AND TWELVE CENTS AND SIXTY-TWO MILLS! nel %--Toronte Channel 11--Hamilies SATURDAY SVE, %--Voyage To The Bottom) 6--This Land of Ours | Of The See 63--This Land of Ours 3--Shindig 3--Checx mate 4--Wrestling 4:30 PLM. 11-7--Shindig 3--Musical Showcase 6:45. PLM, 7-4-43--News) Weather) pervs 7:00 P.M, %--Jackle Gleason N--Peter Gunn 7--Big Show of the Week 64--Church Service 2--Fronters Of Faith 11:30 A.M. @Fiying Fisherman &--The Christophers Discovery '66 12:00 NOON %--Itatlen Album TV 6--Tween Set 7--Personal Dimension 12:18 P.M. @--Felix The Cat 4-Cangr ese 2-Slience Please 12:30 P.M. |11--Spectrum &wMy Hero &-Tennessee Tuxedo 4--Liv'ng Word 3--Heraid of Truth Family Plevnewes 1:00 PLM, --Centinentet Mintetere |, Spectrum 6--Meet The Pres 6--French For Love 4--Ted Mack 3--Sir Francis Drake 1:30 P.M, 14--Spotlight 9--Dougias Fisher My Little Margie 7~Sund: 63--Beverly 4--Facing the Financial ave @un Wi Travel 7:30 P.M. | 63--Country Calendar | 2:00 P.M, ll---This Space Age TELEVISION LOG $2--Wackiest Ship in The A rmy 43--This Hour Has Seven Days 10:30 PLM. o ty Lime 11:00 PLM, NSO) +425 Newey Weather, Sperte 11:20 PLM, li--This Space Age 7-+0--Late Show t--Awers Theatre 11:30 P.M. é--International Cinema 11:40 PLM, Wrestling 9--Dougias Fisher MAOMBAT 6:00 AM, o--Coptein Kangeres 2 AM, l}--Albert J. Steed 9--Romoer Room 108 AM. %--Piaytime with Uncle Bobby %--Disiing ter Dotters Giri Tak 4--Mike's Carnival 7:38 A.M. 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Show 2--Dobie Gilils CROSSWORD ACROSS 4, Embark 5. Strike- breaker 9. Lift 0. Musical sounds 12, Patriarch 13. Half an em 14. Wartime refugee; abbr. 15, Custard, cherry or lemon 11. Reaches 16, Fuel across 17. Music note 16, Minced 18, At home oath 19. Defend 19. First 22, Like some hopes 24. Freezes 2. Conceal 3. Danish fjord 4. Through 1 engine 6. Plotted 7. Indefinite article 8. Former name of Liberty Island 9. Quick governor of 37. Seed Canada SISTAMECIEISIS} 20.Pro- Pay Sarai Cave ERIE Le HUM ts LAIPIPRIOIVIE} [EIEINI aageeeas 39 rr SIA 3 TAIL IEIN TIS) (AIUIK} IMEIRIAIL IDS] 5.One kind of oy lool} 43, Neighbor of N. B, and covering NH, 25. One kind of shell Ym ww 26. Part of "to be" 27. Deception 29. Promise 32. Likened By 8. JAY BECKER . (Top rvcord-holder im Mesters' Individuel Chempionship Play) "East dealer. | East-West vulnerable, @Ks10875. es 876 543 'The bidding: «bei "East South West Norte) 1@ 16 Pass 46 . Opening lead -- to of dias. monds. _-- four spades and West leads a diamond, You win it with the: discarding a diamond. Everye since your only problem appar~ ently is to ruff a club in dum- my to make the contract. Accordingly, you lead ee jack of clubs at trick four, b the unfortunate effect of this and go down one. It is not easy trick on this hand with the seemingly normal lead of a club at trick four, but that is what eventually happens. East wins the club with the king, cashes a diamond, and . continues with a diamond which you ruff with the ten. When you then play another which you ruff with the jack. cash the A-Q of spades, but from dummy, your last two cards are the K-8 of spadeg, nine of spades and queen of of spades and you must go down, one. ; The difficult part of the hand is to realize at the beginning that this complication may eventually arise, and, at the same time, to take the steps necessary to prevent it. The, solution is simple ~ you have the foresight to anti- cipate the end position. heart at trick four and ruff it, after which you proceed with your plan of ruffing a club in dummy, This apparently unim- portant play permits you to score the five of spades, as well as the 8-7 when they are latet played on the A-Q, and allows you to make the contract in- stead of going down. SALLY'S SALLIES "If that's The Bell Song, they can 'Lakme' up." keep them mobile, moving theii{_ to the fullest extent possible, BRIDGE / - Let's say you're declarer at -- ace and cash the A-K of hearts,"" thing now seems hunky-dory; ° play is that you later must lose ~ a trick to the nine of spades: : to associate the loss of a trump. . club, East takes it with the ace" and leads still another diamond--- Now you trump a club and _ while West at this point has the clubs, West must make his nine ' All you have to do is lead a .. ae + MICKEY MOUSE 34, Bovine WU 35. Bone 19 [20 36. Narrow spade 87. Portion of a erwved Uns 38. Guido's note $9, Land measure 40, Canal boat 42. Give back, as money 44, Bay oh Van bee -- tb, sd 45. River: 8! 2--Abracadaban 46. Bare 12:09 NOOR DOWN -L. Salt marsh will keep them from "freezing" * or becoming stiffer. Keep in: ! mind the difference between- using and moving these joints,- * and exerting them. Aspirin a t heat (whether ary heat oF. ? warm baths) are the time. / tested, reliable methods of eags: 5 ing discomfort. Other medicaa. # tions for the most part depends } on supervision by your doctég,. | Rheumatoid arthritis, un 4 osteoarthritis, is a disease. It. » can jump from one joing to an-* * other, and requires the most, } careful medical attention in its + acute phase--medication, res. } sometimes complete bed resby: 10:08 AM, 1i--News 8-2--Fractured Phrases 4-1 Love Lucy 1:88 AM, 118d Allen 9--Bingo 8-2---Concentration 7--Donna Reed &3--Friendly Giant 4~The McCoys 8:30 P.M. Party 11:68 AA, N--Club 11 Dance Pa 40 RM. 1i--Mike Douglas Show 7--Lawrence Welk 2--Sports in Action 9--Mr. and Mrs. &3--NHL Hockey Ni--Top Cat 8-2--Morning Star Chicago at Toronte Movie 3--Butternut. Square 4--Andy of Mayberry 1--Candid Camere | year ioe Hockey 4 62--Fiipper | 6 pecial Music whe ne LY, ; 6--Danger Man | 4---NFL Game Wh bn ue' SS 4--Jackie Gleason | i LLL Btn Va McHale's Navy BT TAA aon } 17g WEEN eniLina €o ) TAKE THAT SIGN MUCH SINCE I PUT IT UP } #2! Dream of Jeannie DOWN va : BLete Sing Out Zs = 7--Dislogue 4--NFL Game sepese' Agent 4:90 P. 9:00 P.M. 2--Crosby Golf Tourna- te mer 9:0 PLM, i--Tiny Talent Time 1--Great Music 9--Bilko 7--Hollywood Palace 6-3--Sight and Cast 4--The Loner 4--Cadabout Gaddis 10:00 P.M. %--Toronto Today 5:00 P.M, 1S EXERCISE HIS LUNGS; SINCE WE GOT HERE! 1@ King Feataree Syedimte, tan, (P66. KNOCK IT OFF, AL, f WE'RE TAKING PICTURES," NOT RUNNING FOR %--Run For Your Life 4--Gunsmoke 10:18 PLM. 63--Jullette 'bueter 7--The King Family 11:00 P.M, 1081-443 9--Newer Weether: 18 PLM. Beeter 9:00 A.M. VW--Cethedrel Chimes 9--Tides and Trails 7--Shenanigans &--B'wene Don 9:30 A.M. Hi--itallan Journal %--Cartoon Playhouse 7---Peeter Potamus &--The Anewer 10:00 A.M, N--Carasello S--Hersid of frum 1-8--Rocketship 6--Sunday School 8--Church inviteties 10:30 A.M, 9--Meta 6--Extension 2--This is The Life 4--Uncle Jerry's Club Ti u 7--Bullwinkie Show Parity %--Canadian Talent? Showcase 7--Wrestling &3--Nature of Thi 4--Gadabout Gaddis 2--Wild Kingdom 5:30 P.M. %--Peter Potamus 7--Big Show of the Week é--Hymn Sing 3--Lost In Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour §--College Bowl 6:00 P.M. f--Walt Disney Presents 4--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Centu | 7--Golf Tournament 4:30 P.M, |H--Lost In Space 3--F lipper 32--Bell Teieohone Hour 7:00 P.M. ®--Please Don't Bat The Daisies 3--Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea 63--Hank 4---Lacele 7:30 P.M, T1--A.H.L. Hockey 9--Amos Burke $2--Disney's World of Color 6-3--F lashback 4+--My Favorite Martien $:00 P.M. »--The FBI +-+3--Ed Swillven Ghee 4--Perry Mason 9:30 P.M, 9--Peyton Place %--Dr, Kildare 8-2----Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date ¢--News eno Weether 12:18 PLM 6 --Opesces of the Mew 12:58 Pam. 9--i Love Lucy 8-2--Play Post Office 64--Seach tor Tomorrow Report 12:48 Pee Vi--Recing Forum 64--Guiding Light 1:00 Pm, J--Theatre 9--Morning Star o--Matinee 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Allllers 9--James Beard Show &4--As Tho World Turns 0 Pm 9--Kids Is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:13 PLM. 9--Deer Charlotte 2:38 PA 9--People in Conflict Ot--The %--A Time For Us é--Zane Grey Thestre 4--Linklétter's Party 2--Movie sm Pe 1l--Donna Reed 63--Another World $--Fractured Phrases J--@enerai rospitet 63--To Tell The Truth 6:98 Pm. 1i--Funny Company $--it'e Your Meve 8--You Don't Say 7--The Young Merrtes é3--Taxe 4--Edge of Mi eee 3--Cartoon Carnival YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I recall son should treatment startled me as I was under the impression that arthritis could neither be cured nor prevented. Now I am sure I am develop- ing arthritis, enlarged knuckles, extreme tenderness to pressure. |I use my hands a great deal jand would be most interested in jany preventive treatments lavailable.--A.P. You are right in that the dis- ease cannot be cured or pre- vented, but patients wish so jfervently for such a treatment jthat arthritis inspires all man- jner of quackery. | The wise patient looks at the iproblem factually, and is guided by the valid fact that arthritis can be made more tol- "start preventive Quackery Danger In Arthritis 'Cures' By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD erable, and a good deal of dis- reading a comment that a per-|ability can be prevented. Arthritis is a broad term for arthritis." It}meaning creaky, painful or de- formed joints--an oversimpiifi- cation, perhaps, but it will do. But not all joint pains are arth- ritis, and not all arthritis is the same. Gouty arthritis, a common form, can be combatted by medication to control uric acid in the system. Osteoarthritis, or jthe "wear - and - tear" type of \joint trouble can't be prevented by medicine, diet or the '"'sec- ret treatments" that the charla- tans peddle. The true cause' may be the cumulative stresses of the years, or even injuries, | long forgotten, which have dam- jaged the tissues. | Avoiding excessive strain on ; these joints, yet using them to plus physical therapy, heat aps: plications and so on, nines Still other supposed "arthgi- tis,' on examination, can prove to be muscular pains, bursitis, sprains or injuries which can be corrected. The tender knuckles of the fingers are characteristic of a degenerative joint condition-- osteoarthritis. This is the type that occurs in the 40s or later, is not preventable but is not dig-_ abling, either. The swollen joints may be unsightly but no way has yet been learned to stop the process. Why this af- fects some people and not oth- ers is not known. But we do know the practical answer. Do what can be done to make the joints feel better. Keep them mobile. Keep them active. Do not subject them to extreme stress or strain. Dear Dr. Molner: My husband complains about his left eyeball hurting when he presses on it. What does.this mean?--M. F. One possibility is glaucoma, and for that reason he should be examined by an eye specia- list. If it turns out to be some lesser problem, good. But if it proves to be the beginning of glaucoma, the sooner he gets treatment, the better the chance of saving his sight, ] ' os CL PPR ERS Seether eee se 2s. 8 8 See es . «

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