Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Mar 1966, p. 13

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DISTAFF. DIARY Summary of reports of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. WESTMOUNT U.C.W. On Tuesday evening the regu- lar general meeting og the West- mount U.C.W. was. held in the Sunday School auditorium, the president Mrs. Percy Neal wel- eamed. the members and visi- - tors and rea d a poem 'House-| cleaning"'. The devotional service was led by Miss. Shirley Skinner who took as her subject 'Building Crosses'. Mrs. Ralph Bailey sang "Art Thou The Christ'. by O'Hara, and the Resurrec- tion Morn" by Vaughan, ac- companied by Mrs. Frank Ward. Miss Skiner read a poem "When I Think of His Love for me." | Mrs. Stephen Saywell gave a. interesting book review on a number of editions including "My Adventures With God", "The Treasure Chest of Clip- pings', 'Memoirs of Dr. Mut- more, Christian Homes', and the current series of "Easter Ideals". Mrs. A. E. Small reported for the supply and social assi- stance committee and the mem-| bers were reminded to save] their good used clothing for the overseas bail. It was decided that the hairstyling show plan- ned for March would be post- poned until October 3. The members are taking part in a talent drive donating a it IE EROS: meetings and activities of Oshawa on June 7. Plans will be discu, at the next meeting. Wofthy District Deputy Dor- een Kadd presided for the in- stallafion of Annie Mitchell as treasurer. Nominations were held for District Deputy, with --------------. aa alanta aaaeismaae Sa Final plans were made for the theatre party to the Royal Alexandra in Toronto March 19. Dinner will be at The Town and Country Club at 5,30 p.m, The bus will leave at 4.00 p.m. from the Orange Temple. It was announced that the next regular meeting would be held on Tuesday, April 5. } LEND--A--HAND CLUB: The lend-A-Hand Club cele- brated its 39th birthday with a chicken dinner in Simcoe hall, Lena Harper, president, as- sisted by Ann Cook, received the members and guests, Lue- lla Amith Noble Grand and Dor- othy Holdsworth Very Grand of Rebekah Lodge No 3. Ann Cook wished a speedy recovery for those in hospital. Lena Harper presented the three charter members, Mable Disney, Idella Spencer, and E4- club. Bingo was played followed by refreshments and birthday cake ith Evans with a gift from the|, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, March 19, 1966 43! 'THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Romantic interests still con- tinue in planetary favor, as do social and creative pursuits, so Sunday should be an exception- ally pleasant day. Also favored: Travel and outdoor activities. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, day, your pianeiary couiguca- some interesting patterns in your job, business and financial affairs. For the Piscean, the period between now and April 15 should be notable for fine forward strides along the afore- mentioned lines, with still fur- ther boosts promised in mid- July, the first week of October, the last week in December and the first week of next January, when you will enter another ex- cellent three-month cycle gov- erning all your interests. Just one admonition: During May and June, and between Oct, 15 and Dec.-15, do avoid extrava- gance or you could ofset previ- ous gains, Personal relationships will tions for the year ahead indicate: also be star-blessed during the) coming year, with emphasis onjoptimism and romance between April 1 and) April 15, in late August, late! cause you to splurge needlessly. October and December, Most propitious periods for travel: -|The weeks betpveen June 1 and Sept. 15; also late Octobcz, tate December and early next Janu- ary. A child born on this day will be warm - hearted, extremely gregarious and unusually tal-| ented along creative lines. | ) FOR MONDAY | It may require unusual pa-| = 10) but keep plugging. If you don't jnst "give up," you can come through handsomely, FOR THE. BIRTHDAY | I Monday is your birthday, the next year, while not-prom- ising anything sensational in the way of attainment, does indi-| cate some: good periods for advancement in both job and monetaty interests. Nice steps forward can be made between now and April 15, in mid-July, early Otobecr and late Decem- ber. Then, during an excellent three - month period beginning with next Jan. 1, you can begin to expand operations. During months not listed above, how- ever, it would be well to operate conservatively or you could| offset gains. Don't let over-} recklessness--| typical Piscean tendencies-- dollar and by their own talent increasing the value for the) and Lena Harper. month of April and May. They|FADE-A-WEIGH TOPS CLUB were reminded of the Bay of Quinte Conference to be held|TOPS Club recently in Harmony United Church Mar 22-23. The Oshawa Fade-A-weigh ) crowned Shirley Shermit queen for 1965 with a loss of 45% Ibs. 2nd The group will be catering to;runner up was Gladys Roberts a Girl Guide mother and dau- ghter banquet to be held March 25. Mrs. Ralph Boneham gave the jwith a loss of 40% Ibs. Division winners wero Laur- el Eadie, Gloria English, Bea- trice Colvin, Brenda Chernick, visiting committee report.. Mrs.|and Rosella Caron. Rupert Harrison, program con- vener, announced that at the April meeting, Mrs. Kimberly will give the background on a film of Brazil at a thank offer- ing service with visiting groups. There will be a housecleaning bee of the church kitchen, Tues- day, March 22. A variety con- cert is to be held in April spon- sored by the evening unit. The members. wil Ibe asked to billet a number of representatives to the Bay of Quinte Hi-C Confer- ence in April. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Commingle Unit) The March meeting of the Commingle Unit of Simcoe Street United Church Women was held recently with the lead- er, Mrs. Rex Harper, presid-| ing. Plans were made for future} projects. | Guest speaker for the even- ing was Pauling Shaw leader |of the Losin' Lassies Tops, Paul- line advised all KOPS not to be lover confident as it was very jeasy to backslide, and gave the success story of Marilyn Nash, jOntario Provincial Queen for 11965, who crowned the new | queen. | All division winners were pre- sented with suitable gifts. The queen and runners up were pre |sented with flowers, cheque and jsuitable gifts. | Pauline Shaw and Marilyn Nash each received gifts in ap- preciation for their help in mak- ing the evening a success. Low calorie diet refreshments were served. Ann Leavens, Gladys Roberts Barbara Kernohan, and Marg Sawyer were recently given |KOPS showers and presented| which was cut by Mable Disney | Wow : 200 TO Just Cash Your Baby Bonus Cheques at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GET a LOAD. with IDEAL DAIRY 3- Quart AMIL SIZE f. The devotion period was led|with Kops ribbons. Dianne Om- by Mrs. Albert Dawn. The pro-|elanchuk, Beatrice Colvin, Jer- gram consisted of two readings|ry Spencer, Brenda Chernick, by Mrs. Fred Thompson, /Violet Yourth, Jackie Mackey, "Friendship" and 'Then and|Myrna Brown and Shirley Sher- Now." mit are now KIW and all hope) Refreshments were served by/to graduate at the coming con- | Mrs. Thompson and her com-! vention this May. | mittee. E 4TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. PYTHIAN SISTERS | A pot-luck supper was held Ontario Temple No. 1 of the|recently for the mothers and Pythian Sisters opened in the|their sons of the 4th Scout usual form with 12 members|Group Auxiliary after which attending. |the mothers held their regular Manager Jean Fitches and | meeting. Jessie Goyne presented the' Mrs. Gravelle of the District flags. Scout Group Auxiliary presided There were a few members| for the election and installation on the sick list, Iva Cliff, Mina} of officers as follows: Sheariden, Annie. Stevens and| president. Mrs. F Ma b , s, Fred Thomp- ee ean ese hoped | son: vice-president, Mrs. Archie thie. Pitches ar War Black; recording _ secretary,; @ Deposit entry form into ballot box at the flag pole in the 5 ches a &|Mrs. Edward Robertson; treas- mall Carrey helped at the Gift Shop) yrer, Mrs. Edward Elliott; so- ; in the hospital, and Emaleen|ciaj convener, Mrs. Murray @ Entry selection this month will be made on Thursday, Henderson, Alice Short and) Hainer; assistant social con- March 31. Mary Shields helped at Hills-| yener, Mrs. Arthur Cory; phone dale Manor in the Tuck Shop.| convener for cubs, Mrs. Mel- May Feasby and Mary Sheilds| ville Peyton; phone convener are still doing cancer dressings! for scouts, Mrs. Everett Gra D | ; s. E 7ra- and Red Cross work. _ |ham; sewing conveners,, Mrs Plans were made for the Cop-| James Potter, Mrs. Elliott and per Carnival on April 12: which|/ Mrs.) Edward Robertson is the next meeting night. There) Mrs Gravelle wished the new will be a short meeting, start-| officers every success in the ing at 6.30 p.m. and the mem-! coming year. Se a at to help by Plans for the father and son a ng early. banquet to be held April 16 Refreshments were served bY| were made. Next : Ann Holt and her committee. | he March 91. =r speek, Oe DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND [~ The Daughters of England, Empress of India Lodge 26, held) : ite vernlar meetiig at ine The Women's Welfare League of Oshawa, Directors of Orange Temple on Tuesday eve- * 5 a ning. SIMCOE HALL Se The worthy president, Edna BOYS CLUB Eastview Huband, presided with the vice- president, Sarah Vande-Walker, announce s REGISTRATIONS for given by the chaplain, Elizabeth | iri "oer sat eee! SPRING SWIMMING CLASSES bers was given and Annie Mitchell was welcomed back! after a long illness. on An invitation to attend the 75th anniversary of the "Prin- cess of Wales' Lodge, at Lon- don, Ontario, on May: 25 was accepted. Brampton, concerning a visit to Tadpole Beginne 6% j Junior , You assisting Letters were read by the ? THURSDAY March 24th -- 9.30 a.m. A letter was also read from Bring Vas | Ad. ARTO DISPOSABLE PURE-PAK BRIGHT LASTI niy... Sold Only at Your Store You may win up to $200. in cash! HERE'S HOW... @ Cosh your family allowance cheque at the Centre and ask for free entry form ENTER NOW... & 2% B.F. Oshawa Shopping Centre OSHAWA CENTRE AT MOST STORES Idea!-Dairy. supplies a complete line of Quality Fresh Dairy Products . . . at Your Store or to Your Door... Be sure you ask for "'Ideal", No breakage --- No returns Personalized container No deposits ----- Easily disposed of Compact -- Takes less storage space ASK FOR IDEAL'S FAMILY SIZE CARTON) ¢ Sold Only at Your Store! CHILDREN Mondey 4:18 P.M. 7:00 P.M, Tadpole Tadpole Beginner Beginner Beginner Intermediate Junior Junior Senior The devotional session was secretary, Doris McDonald. 8:00 P.M. the Rose of Brampton Lodge, Tuesday Tadpole Junior Beginner Senior Intermedia Bronze Wednesday ff e Tadpole Tadpole Junior Beginner Beginner Intermediate Junior Junior Bronze packaged and supplied by IDEAL DAIRY LTD. ADULTS POR ALL Your Tuesday Mixed 9:00 P.M, Bridal Shoes 20 TINTED PREE j CHOOSE DANCEY'S SOwiTowN CeMAWA 10:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M, Beginner Beginner snior Senior Junior Junior Thursdey Ledies 10.30 A.M, Beginner Intermediate Bronze Intermediate Senior The above programs will commence on Monda April 4th, 1966. No applications will be accepted for the obeve program prior to above scheduled date and time. Application forms are now available, Child- ter must be members of the Boys' Club. Fee is $4.00 for a 12 week cours'. Adults fee: $10.00 for 12 week course. For further information call 728-5121 390 Ritson Road North Oshawa 728-6241

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