20 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Pridey, March 18, 1966 Turn Your "Don't Wants" Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent PNUE BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | - ge wiisizcceggadl|| soos | Scares |, Renrats, ak Fes fits for the whole family dur- JAMENT. 4,000 miles ful! warranty, y C y sce " Priced from $279, ing our Big Foll Sale. REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. / from $7.25 pr. massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bikes exercises ---- all Accountants Barristers Janitor Service Rug-Upholstery Service Pcie 723-8711 303 RIFLE sCubtsERs foots Bove ts Pee Cae se y ¥ heh Ys ¢ -- pipe GORDON R. DAY. Cartlied C0" Sm MUMPuREYS, "BOYEKYN. ond WILL] CODING CLEAN-UP 2 NOW OPEN @ Mona anervor. | RO-DON SPORTS clea "rods pine wi Acculintee 715-9953 'asia Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville 4 SHIPS PASSING TAUNTON RD. E. Known for its accuracy and tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe Cen i and JA : i I Son ELAWEY'SAccwunling Servien |0C;,°; §, Rovenym OCW. Anime © RE AQVAT SERVICE PE PEND a soley Sic Cau aE ace reliability, this rugged gun | cutters, pipe threading dies, Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe )79¢.1177; "Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, DARLINGTON PELORUS SOUND AMD epi avlnt oinal will deliver years of satis- toilet auger. South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605, 668-2761; 728-4326;. 725-5133. NHA. and} Man with half-ton, No ijob UPHOLSTERY Z\, ; AASMAN BAY, Discover the swinging world of factory shooting, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- JOSEPH OUTMARN. NS band tiie! sain ction a _| too small. 102 Ki "Ww B it " NEW ZEALAND, YAMAHA $24 95 stepladders, ladder jacks, tant, Licensed Trustee, i 3, ay tie le ; steel scaffolding, compressors, LL Bu, ann a Accoun- Building Trades 668-631 ] 623- f f SNOW Tl spray guns, wallpaper steam- re SOE f i 5 i if i CELLARS CLEANED trash removed, eo a RES ers gece blow. torches, alg Foleo bls : household repairs done. Telephone 723- Sale: s and Service ee 4 ' ' propane torches : HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- WINTER RATES ET rca SARS NE AOS = Fis, McNEIL S All nylon construction, full BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- Ae haga Pe elgg ca li ~ Aig ol Specks tor ae APPLIANCE f -- depth traction tread. A brand cement mixers, finishing ing, Sih) $1 Hook a Call Joe and Son, 7252 : : FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERING | -new winter tire priced almost | trowels, wheel barrows, elec. tario, 728-3909; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. Till March 21st Call Joe and Son, 723-2368, REPAIRS areeP HIGH SPEED as low as @ retread, tric vibrator, air compressor, Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. Pen ee oft i TE- FRIEDLANDER AND tO.) @ ADDITIONS Money To Loan Expert repairs to all makes Spy : WHAT ARE Tit rreuoNy A Cottage Furniture from $17.56 up jack hammers, hand trowels, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Troe) = @ BATHROOMS {WILL LOAN you up to $8000 ai a| Of washers, dryers, ranges, NEEBERGS OFTHE =| KummingBinds For Sale water. pumps, portable heat- fees in Bankruptcy, 4 oe oe reasonable rate of interest to consolidate; etc HA GRE F ffol 1 A i. OUGHT AMATON RIVER WINGS 40 BE. ; ers, steel scaffolding, electric North, Oshawa, 728-7371 aia e py dere he Voor tls ot 1 say ater. eateuila| @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE © A ones ae + aera vats Refrigerators, freezers, stoves, DOMINION generator, ramset power rol- WALL, PERKIN, ii, MacMILCAN q ALL TRAD purpose providing you are steadily em r.) ¢ ane Dees beds, dressers, and other cot- ae oonitere pe Chartered Accountants, 36% King. Street CO-ORDI NATED ployed and have good credit. Telephone ALCAN . THE RING WK A FLOATING ISLANDS | FAST AS A PERSON tage furniture. Complete line nny kaw, bGliding lacks B.cemm., CA; David G. Perkin, CA; $$$ $$ LASS EYE. ¢ wm | COVERED WITH CAN SEE SUCK of furniture and re-upholster- TIRE STORE fnortar mikers arortor! bescek J Groner Machen Cs aia REMODELLERS Mortgages piped ria ar heen "0% | YUNGLE GRASS. | Mot ae ing. ; chain: hoist, miter saw, elec- DEL * ' FREE € ES 2 es . ' iresbecndnelecaloccns 7 PARK ROAD SOUTH tric plane, tarpaulins, sand Accountants: G. A lephone 668-5481 1 plane, torp " See can RIA: B. R.. Waters, CA,| 723-0966 Telephone 723-0011 -- | Telepho 6 TELEPHONE 725-6511 blaster, power post hole Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7 act ' Cla oF Aceh MORTGAGE % | 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby | _ z Ropers auger, ascillating sanders, Barr ee Before You Buy A TV--Radio Repairs |6--Marine Equipment ---------- - disc sonders, acetylene weld- ---- --- Piano or Organ, See ------ omneacean ae ss ange cat Sali ie Suieariy Reedy ®* FOWLER T.V. ® | ing outfits, 200 amp electric ANTHONY y EDWARD ~LASKOWSKY, BA, LOANS welders. Nee vaaah cid gre fs HEINTZMAN FAST T.V. SERVICE Pasted WALLPAPERS The newest color or black Street. Office hours r) Evening | eects. ee CONTRACT Moneys available for first & C Ltd Service Call only $2.50 PRING While They Last and white TV's in stock. ' GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici sapany : oe oat : ' ' , sie henaerce prone ak sree] WELDING ond second mortgages. Open | 79 Simcoe St. N.,_ Oshawa DOMINION All At Holt Price gg gg hg a Sat mortgages. No bonus. First | EL EDHONE 728-2921 ALE At EDGAR'S Decorating Cent USED TELEVISION Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. Pisa Thomas Jermyn, BAY LLB: mortgages, second martgaces TELEVISION t ecorating Centre Pasast; Themes H. sermin, BA LLBi| ~--" 400 Mary St. E. d ts for. sol -- eroaherstonin 34 King St. W., Oshawa From... . $39.95 233 King St. W., Oshawa 725-2662. and agreements for. sale pur- BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can- 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. : Bins Bal Wi a 1 aS = hike x one - qoare wane Se Se| Whitby 668-6462 | "4 ¢ cwanre (cP An work guranteed, Boats & Motors . ogres loan. ysl ava King Street Ccuiateamientilasininiacssa BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture Service on all makes! SBOP Taare ah nt Ta. Cot darn) PEN RT as awa, 728-1 ao Re Y King St. East we we --- and appliances. One location only. Pretty . JAMES MACDONALD, BA, - LLB, Repair Welding ay i He gta Septic Serv e Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327) 306 King W. 725-1685 Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub of all types : SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prom service) OSHAWA AND WHITBY ® NEW e@ NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-|30" KENMORE electric range. Automatic] es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee lic, The Commercial Building me 723-4697 pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone|with rotisserie. Good condition. Also Vik-| Urns Punch Bowis, Bridal . on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Heavy construction w hitby, 668-2563, NIGHT SERVICE 12' 3 ( @ Jack Lees, 728-6956 99 SEIOORC, MRREG WN QO08 CONETNON aa As Banani Wty 7 a gweye ', ' 7 716 or 725-4717. ne eggs = available. 725-4716 o! FULLER BRUSH ic Sale offered on wax| Telephone 725-3924, one equipment, trucks etc. - orienta ' TEED REPAIRS to all wrince aU nts eeoeee 3 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call] 722-8041 or 668-5830 Aluminum now! Whitby residents only. Telephone |CABIN 14' x 12, Insulated, manopeny| Ox Furs, Mink Stoles, VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Fabrication, portable 7 daytime 723-0444; evenings 668-6583 lined, oll. heat, wired. Asking $400, Ne t Building, 5 Simcoe be 28-1742 or 723-0011. CARTOP | daytim 7_evening tee 5 , . Asking , New. ' Brest aon Shave, Vani; T. OK machine rentals Mortgage Loans - RAE'S COMPLETE *|50* KELVINATOR electric heavy duty| castle, 987-4446 SARGEANT'S RENTALS aed Surveyors i cleaner; AIR CONDITIONER, General Electric! 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 Creighton, ; or residences: G nl h 4 stove. Also a Viking Aseggs HE2 Drynan, QC, G. Lb. Murdoch 1 re) guoranteed 6 years and new |with attachments. Telephone 668-8352 original cost $290, used only short time Qc; 723-4768; J.C. Victor, 57115. AA ARCLY SPECIALS 72% H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land RADIO & TELEVISION 1965, 3 H.P. Evinrude CHROME KITCHEN SUITE, 4 chairs, in| Will sacrifice, $150. Before & p.my tele LIFT TRUCK Mortgages arranged. ; A ag 3 Elgin Street East. Phone| city Tv TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| Limited quantity at this price {good condition; vacuum, floor polisher |Pnone 723- OEE Save up to 15% during Feb- 75 % OF VALUE os ch RO mf Aly work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue and other household articles, Telephone|}ONE 23-CUBIC FOOT deep-fre: 2 Ton Capacity Classified Rates March on Rec. Rooms, Kit- : DONEVAN aid FLEISCHMANN, Ontario| Telephone 725-0500 @ USE ° 728-4105 ater 6 cellent condition. Telephone 72 FOR RENT OR LEAS : sar | Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints. -- D KET. Muskrat. Used a. | DISHWASHER, portable, "Hobart Kilch- OR E WORD ADS chens, Bath Rooms, Floors, CALL Tl Ontario Street, 725-5632 Ww. il Drilli Di FUR JACKET. Muskrat. Used one, 30 ; portable, "Hobart Kitch. Day -- Week -- Month ' g . e rilling-- igging i 1 Like new. Price $175. Telephonejen Aid,' used as demonstrator, list price y Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, Apes Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all me | ONLY eer $379. Now selling at $265. Wayne Appli App! additional words, 41/4¢. each; "| General Repairs 728-1653 - TV--Radio Repairs WELL DIGGING by machine specializing) ]Q) HP : j € i----z-| ances, 78 Simcoe. Street North, M. GREENBERG secutive insertions of 24 wer, 82 BB, 0 8576 iH in 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut CHRYSLER FISHING RODS and = nae rey to Giae AUTO' Bae geo ey D SO additional words 12¢. each, con H. McK be 725- Street West, Whitby. ¢ 668- 2563 or 668 3809, | R yall Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- 'ARTS, batteries, tires, AND SONS LTD. »f 24 words, $5.04 : GUARANTY TRUST a {ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (Block| motors; we buy scrap radiators $4; gens., eeputive -losertions, 1-48 \ WESTBEND * \west of Four Corners.) Starters, 6V S0c.; 12V 90c.; batteries 308 Bloor E. 728-7301-2 additional words 21¢. each. | EXPERT PAVING, 2 cents square foot 2--Personal ' n nod Papi AMMR cia dant SE janie ditional eharge| iNcludes grading and fill, two-year guar- reghlvterld ea dy lta ATTENTION a - "EMINENT' electric or $1.50. 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Si. CHAIRS, card and banauel tables, church Charge---10 per cent additional Chorge| aniee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841 + 32 King St. E., 1 674 | BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|aisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 if not paid within 8 days. Pi ster AAS +e Removal o of "superfluous hair 1 ONLY | with bench. Like new, Whi t i ere lacl CARPENTRY, brick and block work Marie Murduff will be in 20 HP TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, caah{Pllances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2254|Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2424 Method of Counting -- Less than 24|Free « estimates. Phone 668-8014 Oshawa, Ontario Oshawa, Mar. 21st, 22nd and PCIE: registers. Good prices! Valley Creek. : 2 ____| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred words counts os 24 words; each word, |New PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, os 58rd. Phone Genosha Hotel CHRYSLER Telephone 728-4401. TWO 6.55-14 BULLDOG Victura fires,|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban initial, figure or abbreviation counts! icewaiks, remodelling, rec-rooms. " ' i rie WESTBEND *| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 4041,|2°!¥En 2,000 miles, $20, each; algo 14-inch!quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, as one word; phone number counts|>ctimates. A.C, Woods, 728-3420 or FIRST. and SECOND: on these dotes for. appoint- structure, hot dipped galvanized 1 tower|082Y moon hubs set, $7. Bob, 728-2383. | parking. 7: ath two words, 1728-4717, ment, included, single all-channel antenna cor-|PIANO, reasonable. in very Good con-| WHEEL CHA hosp beds, walker: : s peaennneecsne eee MORTGAGES n lete, installed, tax included, guaranteed |dition, Telephone 725-0568, reducing machines, sick room supplle BIRTHS--DEATHS-- ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. MISTER TOWERS | ONLY : py ear, $50. See all towers at TRIO|- Snnenerteniniininian INE Rentals, 1 105 Beatrice, 725- Maar f SOCIAL NOTICES Free estimates; 22c. square foot. Ali -- All Classes -- ELECTROLYSIS 45 HP. one. year, $50. See all towers, at TRIO 9--Market Basket i e, 725-1644, $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi-|Work guaranteed. Call 723-028), -- City, Rural, Vacation -- 723-4641 CHRYSLER Ui agh so : aes anh 14 Gopectuilinn if *®|BABY BARGAINS at Wilson's. Clear- tional charges if noi paid within 8 days.;COMPLETE HOME iMPROVEMENTS jdone to your satisfaction Call Oshawa SUMMERLAND WESTBEND BAe Nee eda ase cided tee re Basa cag ary A 55 words ond Se, Home _!mprovements, T5908. SECURITIES LIMITED MISTER TOWERS YOUNG GENTLEMAN wovid like ride to electric start long shoft $29.95, baby strollers $7.88, high chairs FREE DRAW > cling DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 fo 6 yards de- i N.--725-3568 Toronto arriving at 8 to 8.30 a.m. Please $9.88, crib mattresses $10.88, playpens BOWLING For Best T.V. Reception Call f 112 Simcoe St. N. pel Mie" additional toute if ie livered, $2. per yard. Telephone 725-0697. _ s telephone 728-8207, $9.88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. paid within 8 days. ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --|PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for SPECIALISTS IN So --I! @ FEATURING THIS YEAR e |BEAT THE TAX: buy now end seve, NOTHING TO BUY! roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-|al! mortgages. Mortgages' and agree- 3--Sportsman's Column -- 2piece chesterfield suites with foam ALLEY CARDS OF THANKS places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby,|ments of sale purchased. Creighto ' cushions, $134, 3-piece bedroom suites, $2.00 for the first 38 words and 5c. 6682774 Be Mareen ene Vicia. (008 ae TOWERS Ismacr risnine equipment; oun| 14 Gresser, chest' and bookcase bed, $118 Complete the coupon additional we cisters'!.) censes, New and used guns, fishing) | ApSTRAKE S-piece kitchen suites $37. Wilson's Furni- and drop in box et each thereofter with 25c. 7 charge if not paid within 8 days. | ROOFING, HOT TAR "AND GRA "|FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale tackle, boats. Valley Creek, 16 Bond ; ture, 20 Church Street. $39,000.00 with terms. One shingles, repairs, large and small job: Aluminum hain SR SLMS Oe - |L. and H. Roofing and Construction, 725-| agreements purchased and sold. Hennick West. *|REMINGTON Totalia, Smith Corona TRI-COUNTY mortgage. Bowling alley COMING EVENTS | 6937 and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street _ r ---- - |Addox, Underwood Adder, Sales, Service. buildi 40 x 140 een $2.10 per inch (display); $1.50 for the - MpROVEMENTS fe 227 ROTORS 5--Trailers Flat vinyl covered floor, sleep- | eayy' uty Calc-Mult. Reg. $399. Demo ilding 'a first 20 words and Se. each thereofter MODERN none eclerior painting|FIRST AND SECOND morigages avail ------_______--_ er seats, padded dash, takes [Price $29. One year guarantee. Bill) FARMMERS MARKET eight lanes (lanes to be pur- (Word Ads). and cement. 24-Hour service, 723-8416 able, W. Schatzmann, Realtor, 114 Brock : tend ahale moter Hamilton, Raglan. 1275 SIMCOE NORTH chased separately). Located AUCTION SALES ROVE CUSTOM FURNITURE, anare [oat North. 38 March Discount Specio REFRIGERATORS, $2 $24.95; 5 Beda $12: in East Central Ontario, Town $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION. tions. Coffee, night tables, chests, rec! Musical Services 40' Structor All Wove Aerial Ram er THESE BARGAINS a aks Bgl s1095) TV's ane, \ population 3500 with large room bars and rec-rooms, etc. 723-5862.;""" N= Pino Teen only $49.00 AND MORE AT sceca Salers ASL¥S; accuse, cenrenhe EASTER DRA W rural area to draw from. Must = ealrbe dnt saat ! » $54.95; : i DEADLINES -- SMALL DANCE BAND availabie. Exper- ' sets, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley be sold. This is your. chance. WORD ADS Dentistry lienced, Reliable. Reasonable. Phone Ted Call Trailers Creek, 16 Bond Street West. 728-4401. Entry must be in by Offers wonted. For further de- ar % gerragr ween i Aa a eS Mister Towers To-day LADY'S MUSKRAT fur coat, size 36-38, ' CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M. DentaligeCORDED MUSIC for your dances, OSHAWA good Son vairiopelied, $70. Solid SAT., April 2nd--3 p.m. lee sede inspect call Harold wainut office desk, executive type, double Groth, LOST AND FOUND Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa.|oarties, banquets. For information call For your Home Survey 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Pe Senet, 7810). 668-8464, Handled exclusively edestal, swivel chair, almost new, cost} 3 WINNERS OF PRODUCE BIALEK, DR. E. P., Dental Surgeon, |--------- senses ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY ; pe ae act Aa Psd BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For Optometrist in Me see ys ss YAC HT AVEN Sood condition, cost $50, Tor'sis ta H.p,| (Must answer Qualifying Question) 742-4234 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-844) SSoe? ava 378 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA rinks auiabie, far ca, Gaeatenl Gone seicine F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Sition, $8. Call 728-8547 : CARDS OF THANKS. Dressmaking eee ee © CMnewe. Telenens! Call Mister Towers To-day BUDDY LTD GIRLS COATS (2); dresses, sizes to12,| Nome .. or write BOWES and COCKS * p.m. DAY PREVIOUS DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,| ----------- ee tadcsellay waitin fe all in. new condition. Telephone 725-8419. Limited, Realtors,- Peterbo- -- sui ' S be aura - 5° Ae nd CLASSIFIED DISPLAY alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a|Painting and Decorating 723-9525 TRAI LERS 24° MOFFAT. electric range, automatic) Address ...... rough, specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |------------=--------_________S___ HARBOR ROAD timer, looks new; chrome kitchen table, 1 1 'cohumnand p.m. day previous; 2 ¢ ae 4 chairs -- grey and biack. Telephone £ol- | ORESSMAKING -- ; , ete y } pa ' SMALL handiman' ' umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous. | ARESSMANINS a PAINTING AND _ | bucky number drow on. the PORT HOPE H NEW PHONE NO 725-2253 Telephone for sale: 59 GMC. truck. and aluntinure nor alterations. hone " first 1,000 rowers sold. Win ' $ TWIN §$ i ~ condi Ses a _ , TROLLER, in good condition. ladders. Cash. Will consider trade for SELLATIONS AND |EXPERIENCED dressmaker: Indies' DECORATING 401 and 28 ; RECTIONS 6 hon ye a lang ahh Oa bh ners will receive portable TV Telephone 728-3964 after 7.30 p.m. Horv & Morj_8 Brooks late modei car. Selling for health rea- e 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION phone 723-1729 INTERIOR and EXTERIOR set plus oerial refund 193 Re 8] 86 SIMPLICITY GARDEN TRACTOR with|NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free | 205. Alax, 942-5616 saat Any advertisement cancelled before -- zt cultivator and disc, like new, $250. orjdelivery. Telephone 728-1306 or 723- |LOCALLY ESTABLISHED arf business ALTERATIONS, pants cuffing, zippers,| Broadloom, Custom Draperies |----------------___ best offer. Whitby 668-3834, CLEMENT Poultry, Roasting - with a desire to expand seeks a party publication will be charged one day's Big re pt te remnacin iain wa FREE ESTIMATES ORDER NOW! MODERN BEDROOM SUITE, solid wood, |2"% Ibs, - ; interested in investing in @ | business aoe S ' < i it ent presently showing rapid growth. Inter- BOX NUMBER RENTAL--50c DODD and SOUTER SAVE THE TAX i HYDROPLANE, plywood hwil, 74 HP 185 of best reasonable offer. Whitby|per Ib. Call collect '987- 4353, sted. patian irisy. fAcHIva HA Aolbile bP V every endeavor will be mode Gardening and Supplies _668- 5862 Evinrude motor. $150. Telephone Whitby APPLES, Mcintosh, second grade, $1.25|writing to PO Box 102, Whitby, Ont r) ! to appa e 668-6767 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 pieces, biack!bushel. Also first grade, controlled at- yeh Aldacgar da Mecca gg % : | | and silver, $40. Telephone 723-6860, after|mosphere. Mcintosh, Spy and Delicious. STORE FOR RENT. 204 Brock Street tla ic vag Magy rat ECONOMY AND | 4 o'clock. Bring own containers. Algoma Orchards, South, Whitby. Phone 668-2022 : ce 1 5 ct of | -- or Hevioua allied 10 aie 'GARDEN TIME" PAINTING ied . DELUXE Early season prices 7--Swap and Barter SeneeAL ECRCTRIC a -|Thickson Road North, Whitby. GROCERY AND BUTCHER store, with mec -- ---- ~ four-burner _ ~ in effect THREE-PIECE BATHS, $55; cabinets; n living quarters, excellent turnover, gcod 24 Ad electric range, in. good condition. Rea-;| FANCY MAC'S, $1.50 per bushel. W. T. warding such replies, however caused SONI - DECORATING Priced to suit your budget A sinks; sump pumps, pressure systems, sonably priced. Apply 21 Westmoreland|;Cox, North of Boys' Training School, dhpoes an ly icestinal ane yey a whether by negligence or otherwise BEGONIA' BULBS Interior, exterior. "Reasonable TEDA Open Sunday afternoon laundry tubs, piping fittings. H. Chinn.|ave. or telephone 725-1917. Bowmanville 623-2267. by calling Sibby's Real Estate Lta., The Times. will not be_respons GLOXINIA BULBS rates. All work guaranteed TERMS ARRANGED , Sommer. Hilleide ang ark Sih OWN 108 BARDD fulton FUG alee la . replies uncalled for in 20 days. FLOWER SEEDS Fess' aiviotan TELEPHONE Pygarerser nage ang onee atominune "eameer" siease' "oor 1O--Farmer's Column oer ag ag Ag Rag a « '8-- REGULATIONS VEGETABLE SEEDS M. Loo le & Son OSHAWA TV PORT HOPE aR ebb dalla cctssd Mbt CT * Pegs fie Brock Street West, Osh-!5ea5 AND CRIPPLED farm siock| All equipment in stock with long term POTTING SOIL ig p awa, after 6 p.m, picked up promptly. Margwill, Fur Farm,|lease.. Asking $6,000. Will accept terms. Mls as wd oc ao Te VERMICULITE 668- 2418 SUPPLY LIMITED 885-4245 M. GREENBERG TRIANG TRAIN SET, large layout board,| Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263-| Telephone Doug Gower W. Frank Real bathed Saris ean heal PEAT POTS : ---- 5 NS LTD four engines, 2721, Licence 4-C-66. i Estate Limited 728-1005 or 673-3393. for more than one. insertion of any] NO-DAMP TAUNTON RD. E. & SO : cars, tig ae 'ONTARIO POTATOES FOR SALE. Isaac' COMMERCIAL property [ust listed, down advertisement nor beyond the price| DORMANT SPRAY MICHAEL COLLINS Just East of Ritson New & Used cycle, $15. Phone '| Kerman. Telephone 725-5933, Thornton|town location, operated now as thriving charge for a single t hich | . prs VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses,| Road North. jbeauty 'salon, equipment may be pur- : goat ugos Wed bias Painter & Decorator 723 813] HOLIDAY and ROCKET sng Is ore Barn through either failure or delay in for error occurs, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| payin BROWN tracior, heavy duty, chased separately. A 'versatile property, foc T 7 R el Flatbars -- Channels Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|; can be used as salon, clothing store, res- The Oshowa Times reserves the right | FER ILI E S$ Reasonable rates. All work TRAVEL TRAILERS Sheets -- Plates Pickering. 668-210. loader, best offer. Telephone! tsurant etc. $32,500 full asking price. Call © to classify advertising according to| CIL. 10-6-4 guaranteed. Estimotes free. 15 Rocket 4 sleeper Square tubing -- Pipe TV TOWERS SPECIAL 0-foot tower W, 9. MATIN: Ree 720-5108, ; a EF OROT: E:QearTIeR TION | x --_-- $1,395. -- 6 sleeper $1,445 C structure all-channel antenna installed, acid WANTED TO BUY -- smaii business, GOLFGREEN one 734 P ' Contact ets and Livestoc tis the cokes of daple asittadeniois EVERGREEN 17. Imeprial - 6 sleeper | 8-7301-2 $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton _jlight manufacturing -- retail store -- or The Times. will fre he hat gp : 5O-GREEN if No Answer Phone' After HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED $2,245 308 Bloor E., 72 ced Road East, just east of Ritson Road. |GOLD and white miniature Collie pup-|what have you? Write Box 18214, Oshawa ' 4 fest 2 J ' 2 as sf aoe =i a ies. Also Labrad s and one! Times, ble for' mote space than that "whi GARDEN S0-GREEN 5 P.M TV TOWERS. 4 15° Holiday A viene PARTS BUY AND SELL -- Giod used Turniture | ise trained: terrier. $28 p30 Geilvereds| ee -- th 10 or o¢cupi ae tas « | eat . e $ lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad FAINTING: PAPERUANGING, -Dacaral ARE THE BEST $1,545, -- 6 sleeper $1,595 Bee merly Goold's Furniture), 215 Dundas|POrt Perry 985-2645, 15--Employment 'Wanted _ ing matter correctly, but assume ' ling. Do it now! Free estimates, Call F 18 Holiday -- 6 sleeper For Washers, Stoves and East, Whitby, 668-5481. | BLACK miniature poodle puppy for Eas- a 3 re bility of t f ooper- nit 1@) Schmidt, 725-9572, Dryers 5 ter, Nine weeks old. Male 728-078) ) LADY wishes to do housework three or ability of advertisement if any . $2,410 ryers TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks, di rit . : four days weekly. ae Whitby 668- 'acies In any form are contained 16 CELINA ST EXPERIENCED painter » decorator. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ELECTRIC MOTOR chairs. Terms, We buy, sell, rent, service,|COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger-|8250 between 6 and R p.m trade, New, used, Bill Hamilton, Raglan.|man Shepherd pups. Deposits for next Setatttnd Free estimates. T. r Rocket Truck Camper 10'6" WILL CARE. for child In my home while rr artes -- 1,710 Repair and Exchange a i i Pi B SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDI inte. $1, Pp litter accepted. Palomino, Pinto pony. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 723-1139 --~. 723-2312 irae R O BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM windows, mother works. Location north-west area, id exterior painting. Spart: int Holiday Truck Camper De- c Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. TIMES ACTION WANT AD ling and. Decorating "Cat woe P SHAWA APPLIANCES doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low sc cn a Telephone 728-0693. luxe $2,310 « rices! Call 728-5385 or 12- 3692. POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and both 5 i " Rag ere ind é ' ef Re VISION : , ete 186 Simcoe S 728-7535 |? Preah. WOMAN WILL CARE for two children in 99-3490. sSsree es Plumbing ud Heating ME sae sch ae Savings up to $50. on sales TOOLS (sheet metal, used), compiete|'emales, 9 months old, registered. APPIY|her own home. Telephone 723-8726. es | therein ' Oshawa Aquarium 299 Simcoe South or tax. Buy now set, including brake and lock former.| t )am a 5 ws ipebicians sascha ii 5-4585. = ALL TYP f aa - MOTORCYCLES Homar Machine, Box 36, Stirling, On- enone 7 oh : i SMITH'S TREE ALL Te BS oi repairs and remodelling, 728 5143 WILDE RENTAL $195. UP tario. Telephone 395-2101, | OSHAWA" AQAUARIUM apecializes in! 17 -Female Help Wanted _ rates. Estimate# free. 723-1191, J. Foley.) ~ x Service and Sales * CHEST FREESER -- Good c condition, healthy tropical fish; helps you start a : - ga = _ ee 6 S 25 used. Hondas, Suzukis, relaxing hobby. Free advice, free park- CLASSIFICATHONS FARM Att PrUeine est hea as TELEVISION aes RADIO Whitby. : a ha sie 3206 Yamahas, Bridgestones, Duc- ae PRINTING $= Lecdscapea portraits, Ing. 299 Simcoe South 725-4585. HAI RDRESSERS i : : . s, = a Plaka rie Selene SSE Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engi- 24 HOUR SERVICES cate, etc. Repoirs all makes. figure work, custom picture framing.| STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's LICENSED 1--Women's Column Supplying wholesale or retail neering, 255 Simcoe Street South. . Waris. Accusaciles Clark Studio, Telephone 668-4497, 325; Maple Leaf, ee Appaloosa, high i hy ersonal @ Cedars for hedges R -anepenaad 6--Marine Equipment HONDA. SHOP Brock North, Whitby, Grint chaneien "Cater cee ei to, cana a 8 sa rt and re- ' ; Wee: 7 portsman's Column ug-Upholstery Service " a GUARANTEED used wringer washers,| mance stallion "Lucky Hancock," Stand- ception work. Full time or Trailers @ White birch, shade trees, 199 K Ww 728- 4242 - ort time 6--Morine Equipment evarcieens ing television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up.|ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Mane, Dun- Pi * . Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-j barton 839-3779. . + 7-----Swap and Barter TYPEWRITER, portable, $30; Standard, i EP lua AHERN Nocatee 8--Articles for Sale @ Posts, 'poles -- all sizes UPHOLSTERING ELECTRONICS CHRYSLER ols" Westae aiding machine, $40. Elec: | coe South, 723-0011, _| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Creative Styling 9--Morket Basket @ Monure,) top 1. mulch gi tric t pewriter, electric cash register, $85,| BUTCHER COUNTER, scale, cash reg-|training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T. 10--Farmer's Column Soil, ee ip Br service OUT BOARDS ne AY ister, dairy cage, deep freeze, shelving. Broad, 114 Elgin East. by John -- % 'a Tr ee 4 11---Pets and Livestock AT ITS |FILTER QUEEN $ and bervice, bere ae se ae: Aeoly: a06° BCOeK! Fil5 poMIms, 'peldings, park Welsh. Bart 198 King St. East i : : ee 5 ; Sales i aL Anticies Wanted For free estimates call Call spring Bok Aluminum Boats, | Repairs to all makes vacuums, Free esti. | !reet South. Phone 668-2022. ----.| Shetland, three years old, $85 each. Tele-| 728-0951 licens tmen lias Newtonville collect 786-2283 BEST FOR LESS Whitby--668- 5679 Peterborough Fibreglass Boats, |mates, 323 King West, 728-7552. NEW in Courtice -- TV Towers. rocf|phone Pickering 942-1924 15--Employment Wanted Wiscott Boat Trailers HONEST. CAL'S WAREHOUSE ---- going| antennas, automatic and manual rotors. iS--Agents Wanted 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL ' : ou of business at 205:10hn Steet, WHIDY. eg ne eae" experiences" Ft tool weeks. O18. Bowmanvile €1-74H8. "permanent positon Why sen4aoee APRIL ORDERS cf Hipage YONTERTIME wor sagcid deals on complete -- | Bargains on all stock. 668-6361. estimates. Call Courtice. TV. _728-6879.| CHESTNUT SADDLE HORSE and west: YOUNG LADY for ieller's position in - vee. TIME UNIT soles DEW WORMS minnows, Best quality, BiKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used.|ef? oping saddle. After 4 p.m. telephone banking office. Please reply to P.O, Box O--Real Estate for en ---------------- | @ EASY CREDIT TERMS T.V. Service Anytime available in Serb ial 843 Ritson South,| Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| 623- beri 248 Oshawa a 728-3222 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Balt ronnie, "ea Summer Proport es TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim, Or Ill cut Ce Street East, 725-6344 : RELIABLE PERSON to baby sit two Farms for Sale them down. Free estimetes:725-5118 or T R | O WI LDE RENTAL mpany ~~ | Sis TEALIAN. PROWINCIAL parse S700. 12. Articles Wanted _ small Chitiren in ampleyar'a Seana. Tele Lots for Sale 610 : P Pt FILING CABINETS, $4, with lock, four ------= hone' 723-5539, --Real Estate Wanted . H A R W O O D service and Sales drawer, large stock, all sizes, take the| "ill, sell for $350. Excellent condition e "4 WANTED To Buy - - Travel trailer to ~ --------------_--- = ' es Offices and Storoge Instruction TELE | 50 cen? ride to Raglan, save dollars (s) |APPIY $26 Ghaucer Avenue, Apt. 18. | sieeg's, phone 723-6593 WOMAN, age 25 to 40, for housework 25---Houses for Rent 5 j ELEVISION 1415 Dundos St. E., Whitby | Bi Hamilton |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired| CappENTERS and _ look after three children, five-day 6--Apartments for Rent Custom Upholstering , ------ lat Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, SAW, preferably radial week, 6.30 to 4.30. Telephone 728-1056. 57 Rx _-- PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad 728- 5143 | Phone 668.3226 WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- 728-9731, arm. Good condition only, 725-8233. - 27---Rooms for Rent ¢d teaching. Trial course includes loaned PH F He th Ee ture or anything you have. The City nq - i idepabccabe sn ---|WOMAN to care for two children, one 28--Room and Boord 'abana' Pham tana ONE 942-1500 on ee & re iS waitin i7,|HUMAN HAIR" -- a minimu of 8" in| school age. Shopping Centre area Able to 29...Wanted to Rent ument. Ph 28-3909. | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street UDENT'S ING desk and chair, length. Cash or credit at shop. Heidi's _ an Hoye ae ' 3 Sa j 2g South, 723-1671 light oak color. Benweider weights and Q wor! enera! jotors girl shift, Before 30--Automobiles for Sale TUITION in Latin, French or Mathe RE-UPHOLSTER eran rer eterea TV SERVICE BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft" | bench, 200 ibs. Cooey semi-automatic rifle,| Modern Hair Styling, 367 -Wilson Road, S.!5.m,, 728-1098; after 723-3868, 31---Compact Cors for Sale c , Cc. Luck, BA. Telephone yt by @ ex is. Establish "Grew", "Traveler" boats, "Evinrude" FLOOR COVERING clear-outs.. Thou- 22 cal. 668-6311 (Windsor Plaza) 723-5631. -- - -- ----- tucks for Sole cal Fe ce esenites, Connie. uarenteed. DAY_OR EVENING motors, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,/$4098 of yarde of discontinued patterns = --=-----|YOUNG COUPLE requires camping. caren or partie, experienced Automobiles Wanted _ Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses 728-528 Brooktin 66saael PP rom .29¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20|AUTOMATIC WASHER, McClary Easy, requires camping hairdresser required for Salon in Ajax, re-built, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up 28-5286 jengsel 2 dr Church Street used demonstrator, originally $250 ea ae ac ed be in good condition. Telephone 942-3583 | ry 3 jobile Repair pring Bhs 4 Want-Ads Don't holsterina, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311 i W-FT, FIBERGLASS runabout. Selectric cinnituRE fooms, new quality, NW only $135. Telephone 723-1411 RELIABLE LADY {0 look after one 10 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re OSHAWA eee Be i Evy vee Motor, Very. GOT seniture, only $299. inc. complete béd-|MRIGIDAIRE refriperalar, 12 cubic. fool,| WANT AOS reach thoussnas oF iterester ,¢chool aue child and do light housekeep: Auctions s styled. Free estimate. See our' mat al | ted room, living room, kitchen ensembles. |defroster, good condition; Thor range,| prospects every day. Take advantage ofjing. Willing to work for room and board 38--Coming Events Cost-T ey Pay for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering, 15 ELECTRONICS WANTED -- 3¥2 HP. Johnson or Evin-|Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable value! | (large size), automatic oven. Many|the vast audience by telepnoning /23-3492|or small remuneration. Telephone 668+ 39---Notices Charies Street, 723-7212, ' "s rude motor. Bowmanville 623-5078, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 5.1 extras, Reasonable, Telephone 728-4214,end piece your ad before them now, 6295 before 4 p.m,