--------"w ~~ ~-----IEnglish Only' Allan Introduced |Copy 0f Security Act Change |"Phoney' Agents [sit i2"Sumtitie Forcing Sales? =. man is sent to the hows, Canada S) Future For Economy Tax Increase Bill Given To Paper Before House TORONTO (CP) -- Agents|pares a 'on ist of eantty i ' TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney-|til Mr, Wishart rose in the|¥°Tking for private developers|pairs, supposedly required un- » : | : a General Arthur Wishart said|house. are posing as city housing 'in-/der a bylaw, Mr. Cook said. Ss ] e a 10n TORONTO (CP) -- Litera-) TORONTO (CP) -- Legigla-jtions tax and Ontario's 21-per-|'Thursday he gave a copy of a|ANSWERS CRITICISM spectors to frighten downtown The owner is told he faces Satie 'Weacante "Pian ca|ineseaves announced in the|tax collected in the province, Etats aecnidien 'Tho Saeco nana Sreaans sail: inl orrey cael decals. aaa ; ervices Insurance Plan was p it d in the province. | business newspaper, The Finan-|answer to Mr. Renwick that » city council's commit-jimmediately and)in many cases By THE CANADIAN PRESS ready share a faith that Canada | ot prepared in any language|budget speech Feb. 9 was intro-/ The gasoline tax will be in-|cial Post, more than' five hours|while action might rded|'ee on public welfare and hous-|is only, too willing to sell to the Separatism and the objections|can successfully be a viable and|pyt English for "purely eco-|duced in the legislature 'hurs-|creased to i6 cenis a gallot|pefore the vili was introduced|by some 23 an i ent) ng. was told Thursday, developer, he added of Quebec fo the Fulloz-Fa-lindependent nation. nom reasons, the legiatre|day by Provincial Treasure from 15 inthe Ieislature Wednesday. upon the rules ofthe house, he, GEOPEE Cook, ity housing a)". Cad ald ity iepector 5 "The only people who don't| Was toid inursday. SRIROS Asay - Cigareiie prices wili go up a| Replying to a question from|"d Hoi regard it as sucli, oe tae pers. Agent carry seaneney, : y - . - pei Seis is Detarto share that faith are @ small --. cca rongh apg > Mi a Pyeng a aa rd > five pion iMag vax yp Fey ag Jim Renwick (NDP -- River-| He said he was aware that might use the phoney inspector homeowners ask to see it. and Saskatchewan legislatures. |mnonty Across Me. "in the |trom 'Liberal 'Leader 'Andrew|Per cent from three and tax|pacco tax to one-tenth of a cent made the bill available to theleome first to the attention. of The houses are two of nine 'etetigs i : i id "it sonsid-|hikes will be applied to gaso-\a cigarette from one-twentieth now in seasion. The'New Bruns American. republic, and a mi-|Thompson, sai ; i yg agg line, cigarettes and liguor. The; qe 'price ot fi vent ke newspaper at 10 a.m. Wednes-jthe house, But he felt that in . 5 iow | i ox: » els * | or wi i i i ifi wick legislature reopens Tues- nority in Quebec which espouses ni age tg onde' sales tax increase will apply to'raised - ate Pie . Pde day at its request because the od case his yan was justified Congratulations ee di . complete separatism," he said. : prep: any goods delivered after Aprillhottle for th h £€ipaper was going to press that|because the in formation given y: : guage literature. -- : i |bottle for the cheaper brands|morning and would not appear|to The Financial Post in ad- Bert Lawrence (PC--Russell) | DEFINE OBJECTIONS | Mr. Dymond said that only foule tee wale Manes 'of and 30 cents for the more ex-jon the streets until the next|vance would not be made pub- told the Ontario legislature he} The Saskatchewan legislature|1.5 per cent of Ontario's almost nly two J pensive brands. Thus the cheap-|day. lic until after it was announced does not believe the people of|approved a motion 31 to 23 urg-|7,000,000 population has French|Provincial tax revenue will re-/est brand of rye will retail for The bil in the legislature. - i Quebec "have any desire to in-|ing an immediate federal-pro-|as its only language and only|main unchanged--the corpora-|¢4 9, Prolog aa eae pce ie Cee Hekik 1b </ ede i incial conference to determine i wn- : < : A ; . ods fans the oe iewnoee! pthc Gashpe's specific objections to 8 ap thing Fe eg -- |APPROVAL EXPECTED in the legislature about 3:30|view) said that in his opinion tism, separation in itself need|the Fulton-Favreau formula. | "This latter group," the min- $50 000 Asked: 'Mr, Allan said he expects the|P-m. Wednesday. At that time|the privileges of the house had not and:would not destroy Can-| , Davie Fulton and Guyjinister said, "is divided into ' # {bills imposing the price changes|Mr. Wishart. made a lengthy/been seriously offended by the ada. It would only change Can- Sictest respectively the rae many ethnic entitles " os . jwill have received final legisla- a regarding its con-jaction of the attorney-general. ada." Progressive Conservative and} Pr. Dymond also said there Injury Claimed: 22>0v2! Ha pee assent lis ren ete | ae bill hi iieaas eae : Donald C. MacDonald, On-|Liberal justice ministers,* de-jhasn't been sufficient corres- NG oy i : iday. e bill nor the attor-/changes in the Security ct af- On the O ning tario's New Democratic Party|vised a plan to amend the Brit-|pondence about OMSIP in lan-| OTTAWA (CP) -- A former eee nes ant piewie gt op age pcp Ad gg age tege de egyghr ee erg pe leader, said the overwhelming|ish North America Act to bring|guages other than English to|prisoner at Kingston penitenti-| 70" a7 ? A . majority of Canadians, includ-|control of it to Canada from| justify setting up a staff to re-|ary has filed a petition in the eee be os geingatng hg the legislature press gallery un-'pectuses. of Your New ing the people of Quebec, al-|the British Parliament. It must|ply in the language in which | Exchequer Court of Corey le ay Misael thet he te a be approved by all provinces.|the letters are written. seeking $50,000 in damages from Bicased 1h went 4048 ; A t t B ildi iQuebec has not agreed to the; Dr. Dymond said, however,|the government for injuries he Or lan "2 cents to 22 cents a sea : < : : par men Ul ing March Opposed, | formula. that "advertising in French-|claims he suffered while in peni-/84 0m yg st pa 4 . : 4 y ' Attorney-General D. V. Heald{language newspapers and on/tentiary. | ti ei Farmers Told said psn Quebec gt nin the French radio in Ontario has} The pees aoe Mac: ee doubled O08: PEF COnt-ris 40 : | eke ; . , ig og aw. "4 ims * -- had not been able to get across|been deliberately designed to a oe ae ae avgttar Over-all, the tax increases WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Pre-|to the rest of Canada what spe-|provide maximum detail about |he te + | will add an esti s mier John Robarts has told the! cial status they required. It was|OMSIP. prisoner fear Py oks B pe _ a0N to ihe. barge ee difficult to. contemplate. how A similar format has been|complete sight of his rig y*lthis year. The jump in the sales i rmers Union he is z 0 sania ; é rire: uae : Ontario Fa Quebec could be given special/employed for advertising in an and suffered 'disfigurement to fakin five her went Wal aoemaee PLUMBING fe by opposed to plans for a farmers} status without destroying xtensive list of ethnic publica-jhis nose. : i ; \ js stroying the|& . . 4 ses - . jn. for $153,000,000 of this. ( NADIAN ISK march on Queen's Park, OFU!whole concept of confederation. | tions in the province," Dr. Dy-! The petition allege s the in $15 this ANADIAN WHISKY President John Dolmer said ta other tesialas mond said. ipurtes. were Bagge SD gg see bring in an additional $17,000, Thursday. | r legisiatures: renner ------------|Hamilton who attacke ac- ' weeps ry z z no val fobipe L waraday. «to the union's head| Nova Scotia--Mines Minister|nioq because the patient can-{Dougall with a broom while(000,, liquor $10,000,000, tobacco One of Canada's 3 Great Whiskies Se office in Guelph, Premier Ro-| Donald Smith introduced a bill not afford them. | MacDougall was lying on a bed $6,000.00 + isstimner ice parts said that since the union|8 @ Private member to incor-|" Ajberta--Mike MacCagno (L/in a cell. The broom was ale" 7 iy 1a. forecast ex-| Pee oe ae eee has already made its demands|Porate an Atlantic stock ex-|_fao La Biche) and William/|lesedly thrust through the bars nanaitines dasne the brah fe. known to the government in its|Change in Halifax, The first | Ute (SC--Red Deer) urged the|0f, the cell. ; cal year starting April 1 of annual brief, he sees no value|Canada east of Montreal, it!) +ovincial government to start| The petition was filed under ore than $1,812,00,000, with in the demonstration. ete hs og earlier pga ond a fish hatchery to restock lakes | Section 3 of the Crown Liability adenine "ot $1.728,000,000. r i i i | | change in North) and introduce new species. Fish | Ct. ualebseshetvantths cae gongs sgn he would be! America because Halifax is eM reanat a hatclibey a by a|. MacDougall was released| del see : the Atlantic time zone, one hour|caigary brewery now are used|ftom prison Sept. 24, 1965, and pid paaee Li ieisate: a ahead of Eastern time. incneaineeiie. sought the help of the Ottawa: . Vemer said Fremier NO) Quebec -- Raymond Daniel,! Mr. Ure, chairman of a leg-/Citizen to launch his case. me peel oe Tnion's plans. [president of the Quebec College |islative committee on commer-| Ottawa law firm accepted the] eS jof Pharmacists, told a joint|cial fisheries, said the need for |CaS¢ On a legal aid basis. : The march, originally sched-|legislature committee on shefi-Igutchers "facilities in future| MacDougall, a native of ac \ ; uled for the latter part of this|cal insurance that medication| would be far beyond the capa-|Breton, was convicted of assault AN month, has been postponed un-|cannot be separated from medi-|city of the brewery hatchery. |and sentenced to four years in \\ . OPENING SPECIALS AT til early April because the un-|cal care in efforts to improve! Manitoba -- Agriculture Min-|Ptison on Oct. 5, 1962, at Van- \ ipn wanted to see what type of/health standards. ister George Hutton said the|couver. He was transferred to ; } 0! Peso ac 1 pttacnts sh Pharmacists want medication | provincial government will help| Kingston in July, 1964. ; at the Ae of "nl aaa costs included in any health in-| financially any municipality : | ie i surance scheme the government/fighting Dutch elm disease. A CARIBOU STILL GRAZE | There are estimated to be \ Up to 2,000 farmers are €X-|sets up. Mr. Daniel said thou-| bill to set up a system for com- e b pected to take part in the|/sands of prescriptions issued batting. the' disease received 13,000 woodland caribou: still march, Mr. Dolmer said. every year by doctors are not reading--approval in principle. living in Ontario. "SS 600 KING ST. E. OSHAWA Gasoline and diesel fuel will : GOLDEN CHURN -- CANADA FIRST GRADE Congratulations to... BUTTER au 9 DUNDAS MANOR || =. = Seas DRY GINGERALE 33%. 0: 10° BOTTLE DEPOSIT : : : : RECORD -- STANDARD c On The Opening |] CREAM STYLECORN «ze 2x. LO '@ Your Modern New KOUNTY KIST -- STANDARD c De ASSORTED PEAS :: x 10 Apartment Building a DUTCH LIQUID BLEACH == xxx LO° BIG CITY -- WHITE - CRACKED OR WHOLE WHEAT Cc el ek SLICED BREAD 2: 395 been privileged to build ONTARIO GROWN -- FANCY GRADE 59° this apartment building McINTOSH APPLE BASKET GRADE "A" -- PLUMP, TASTY, TENDER c FRESH TURKEYS = %° 43 ' SIZE MATT ROCSTEREN ( qepeeee we 339 CONSTRUCTION Ft Dt GENERAL CONTRACTOR for your Shopping Convenience Open Tonight till 9:30 p.m. OPEN SAT. TILL 6 P.M. -- Remember Money Tree Winner Selected : 4:30 p.m. SAT., MARCH 19th -- DO COME IN! WHITBY - ONTARIO