House leader, said outside the Commons his party has not de- cided whether to move a non- confidence motion. |Public school rate of 34.6 miils. Over-all cost per. pupil including \debenture payments for new schools is $323 for Area One yearly and $364 for Area Two. day, immediately after the sup- ply motion is dealt with. : Meanwhile, first reading was given to a bill that would give the federal cabinet wide powers & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 17, 1966 Ouster Vote Chance Looms School Board Cuts Levy GREENWOOD (Staff) --The Pickering Township Area 1 School Board approved its 1966 budget recently and announced a 3 mill decrease in the Public School Tax rate for the area of Pickering east of Ajax and Annual Meet OTTAWA (CP)--The opposi- tion parties next week get their first' chance since the Spencer and Munsinger crises to vote the minority Liberal govern- ment out of office. George Mcliraith, government House leader, told the Com- Hospital Plans WHITBY (Stafty af an tart} soo BM MENTION MUNSINGER There was only one mention of the Munsinger case in the Commons Wednesday. Marcel Lambert (PC -- Ed- monton West) complained about a CBC television program Tues- day night in which the German beauty was interviewed for a to finance fisheries development projects. The fisheries department also would be empowered to aid fi- nancing of cold-storage plants for fishermen and commercial bait-freezing plants. The deparimeni would be abie to enter into agreements with ihe provinces iv finance Gevei- opment of new fishing techni- ques, new types of fishing ves- sels and equipment and eco- nomic studies. $5,000 fee. quiries will henceforth be re- placed by "trial by television." But his query was ruled out of order by Speaker Lucien La- moureux. Mr. Mcliraith also announced that the historic debate on whether to abolish capital pun- ighment will begin next Wednes- BROCK Evening Prog WHITBY Saturday Matinee Starts north of a0] the Third Concession. of the Whitby The 3 ie iargeiy | += i wii be eid rural pa wnship was|at 7.30 p.m. March 31, in the set at 12 mills residential and|council chamber of the Whitby 13.7 mills industrial. Municipal Building. ; Total budget for the 15! The meeting will discuss the schools educating some 1,300|proposed changes in bylaws. students is $420,000. Of this|The financial report will be amount the provincial grant is| presented and an election of expected to pay $225,900, sur-| governors will be held. plus funds from 1965 are $119.-| 'The status of the campaign| 000 while the remainder will)fo, funds, the building and) come from property taxes. _| other matters of importance Salaries for 44 teachers will] wit) also be discussed. verre to Bm, Gebeatines Copies of the present bylaws will cost $33,900, administra- ti ; and the proposed new bylaws on $12,500, plant operation and F 4 ; ' + |may be obtained from the hos maintenance $56,000, instruction pital catipaign office. 101. Dun: supplies $20,000, transportation ' nual meeti mons Wednesday a supply mo- Generai + iion will be introduced Monday, meaning an automatic two-day debate with opportunities to move non-confidence motions. Justice Minister Cardin's sex- and-security allegations in the Gerda Munsinger affair have brought demands from some opposition MPs for his resigna- tion. And Prime Minister Pear- son's statements in the Com- mons have resulted in. criticism from the opposition and de- mands in some newspaper edi- torials for his resignation. During the debate on the George Victor Spencer spy case HYDRO RANKS HIGH Canada is second only to the United States as a world pro- ducer of hydroelectricity. rams at 7 and 9 1:30 ¥ % WHITBY TEACHERS' EXECUTIVE COUNCIL SCREENS IDEAS Clearing problems before they become more than mi- nor, the Whitby elementary school teachers have their own special organization serving as a clearing house for all ideas, complaints if any and, all other situations befronting the local teachers. Heading up the combined groups is the Whitby Teach- er's executive council, shown in the above photo. The executive members are front row, left to right: Mrs. Virginia Sandford, sec- retary; Frank Hiusser, chairman; Jerry Stachow, vice-chairman and, Milton Vanderveen, treasurer. Back row, left to right, executive members are, left to right: Don Stock; Miss Meada Speiran; Mrs. Glenna Bai- ley; Mrs. Cecile Thompson and Reginald - Fulton. --Oshawa Times Photo Equalized Assessment Causes Heated Debate WHITBY (Staff) -- County as- sessment has constantly been a subject that begins an argument at Ontario County Council. The council session on Wednesday was no exception with a heated debate arising from the pre- sentation of the second report of the Standing Committee on Assessment and taxation. Leading the attacking force, in opposition to the report was Mrs. Jean McPherson, deputy- reeve of Pickering Township. Mrs. McPherson questioned the committee on the exact cost of assessing Pickering Township. The committee report revealed! a cost of $41,773.40 but, Mrs.; McPherson charged the cost was! reported to be in the neighbor-) hood of $71,773.40. $30,000 ADDITIONAL The deputy-reeve complained she had been told of the addi- tional $30,000 during a township| report council meeting attended by the/actually be $5,600. County Assessor G. D. Hep-) ditch. "He told the council that if the entire county did not swing over to county assessment it would cost Pickering Township the additional $30,000 for assess- ing the township," she said. An alternative. was suggested with the entire county helping to pay the township's cost provid- ing all municipalities joined the system. 'I think he was just i t |John L. Dancey, reeve of Brock | Township. plained the township was told the assessment only be $3,800 but the current explained that in almost every case considerable work must be done mapping the various aréas, Mapping is necessary to obtain an accurate picture of proper assessment for each municipal- | ment. He said Whitby had an excellent assessment service and were opposed to the county assessment for this reason. Brooks further explained, Whit- by representatives could see no county assessment for any mu- nicipality in the county, a sec- ond reason for their opposition. "Taxpayers pay their taxes at the municipal offices and they have a right to check the as- sessment picture on their prop- erty within minutes not days or weeks as is the case where the county system is in_ force," Brooks stated. BROCK OBJECTION Another objection to the com- mittee report was raised by j | Mr. Dancey com- charge would reveals the cost will The assessment commissioner 'Kinettes Planning Inter-Club Rally AJAX -- The Ajax Kinettes held their general meeting, Mar. 15, at the home of Mrs. Danny Noland. The president, Marney Richards, chaired the meeting. commendation that the rate for; The Ajax Kinettes are host- the local assessment division be|ing the Zone E Kinette Inter- dropped one mill. | Club meeting May 18 at the new Deputy Reeve Nesbitt said|Carousel Inn, Ajax. Kinette such action would mean the as-| Marie Hiss is chairman of this sessment division could not! project hire more help to speed up the; The theme for the Inter-Club assessing and in fact, would be/ meeting will be "Japanese." forced to reduce the present! Members are busy making their staff. } costumes. In charge of the deco- FOUR ABSENT | ea re moe is Kinette Phyl Approval of the report was sade burgess finally obtained in total on a| A new member, Barbara Wal- $27,000, tuition fees for students das st. pw. residing in Area One but study- ing in other schools $1,000, aux-) iliary services $3,000 and $2,500) for sundry items. The board announced capital expenses would total $25,000 in 1966. The board owes the town- ship $20,000 for under levied {unit in Canada is the militia of St. 1708 and the forerunner of the| ment. Royal Newfoundland Regiment.| Michael Starr, Conservative and on playgirl Gerda and her alleged involvement with for- mer Conservative ministers, there was no indication the four opposition parties would join in OLDEST ARMY UNIT The oldest British military John's, Nfld., formed in/a vote to turn out the govern- | | taxes. The Area 1 Board, which, has} jan assessment of $10,427,000, | | will built 11 new classrooms in | 1966 to existing schools while closing four of their old one- classroom institutions. Claremont Public School will get a four-classroom addition, | Greenwood school three and | Green River three. The board will close schools now operating | at Atha, Altona, Mount Pleas- ant and Whitevale. The board expects the new classrooms to be ready for occu- | pancy in September. | ZONE FINALS ONTARIO SCHOOL TRUSTEES RATEPAYER ASSOCIATION PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST -- At -- ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL -- WHITBY Friday, March 18 -- 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION FREE This Contest. is supported by your Hydro. | | | Area Two School Board re- | cently adopted a budget asking} for a 2.9 mill increase for a| lis, received her Kinette pin and was welcomed into the club. A delicious hot meal was ordered by Kinette Doris Ames. recorded vote of 28-8. There ¢ were four councillors absent when the vote was taken. Distribution of costs for as- TEA & BAKE SALE sessing the various municipali-| ties are as follows: Ajax, $19,-| 096.76; town of Uxbridge, $4,- | 053.10; Beaverton, $2,121.47; Cannington, $1,204.51; Pickering Village, $3,116.15; Port Perry, $3,907.07, Townships paying assessment charges are: Brock, $5,623.34; | Pickering, $41,773.40; Reach, | $5,902.97; Scugog, $1,265.14; Ux-| bridge, $4,756.40; and Township) of Whitby, $13,829.59. 1,0.0.F. HALL Friday, March 18th 2 P.M..TO 5 P.M, -- at the -- Proceeds forthe... Odd Fellows ond Rebekoh's Concer end Police Fund --Brock St. S. RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE Sales - Valuations Consultations 668-8841 or 728-6661 ty. The question and heated de- | bate over assessment charges | was introduced when part two of | he report was read. This por- | tion dealt with a previous re- trying to push county assess- ment when he knew I was oppos-| ed to it," Mrs. McPherson! charged. The assessor, stated Mrs. Mc Pherson, had misunderstood his comments which again touched off a heated debate. WHITBY BLAMED | Rozert L. Nesbitt, deputy) reeve of Uxbridge Township, claimed the town of Whitby was responsible for large assess- ment charges to individual mu- nicipalities because it was op-| posed to county assessment. Deputy Reeve George Brooks, Just Arrived { SPRING Made-to-Measure Clothes. Toilored b HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN TIP TOP TAILOR: | Freemens Formal Renjols -- et -- MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 of Whitby, answered the com- Thinking for *66? (It's like getting EZONITDA. The Nicest People Are. _Buy it now, before the April 1st tax change. 2800 miles free!) Don't be caught in the waiting line. See your Honda Dealer now! your first HONDA 199 KING OSHAWA SHOP ST. W., , ONT, a Soe ROUSSEAU HERITAGE 7 2= HOUSEA Whoh loving Snlovions Onlaves Soy oi 'rev veclcewe 216 MARY ST. E. These supe by a professional harmonized with 5 exciting coordinated colour schemes appropri- ately chosen from and Distinctive Stripes. The handsome Sofa is available in 96", 81" and 60" lengths with matching chair. Your choice of luxurious down filled pillow back or smartly tailored spring construction. Come in today and discover how beautifully your Living Room can be furn 96" Sofa, Pillow Bac 96" Sofa, 81" Sofe, 81° Sofe; 60" Love Seat, Pillow Back 359.00 60" Love Seat, Spring Back. 259:00 APRI WHITBY Spring Back .. Pillow Bock .. Spring Back .. ly efatted pieces have been carefully selected Interior Designer for scale and comfort and are Regal Velvets, Rich Damasks, Colorful Prints ished, so simply, so reasonably. k ... 535.00 419.00 449.00 335.00 Matching Chair, Pillow Bock 189.00 Matching Chair, Spring Back 159.00 High Bock Lounge Choir . 199.00 Tufted Tub Chair Showood Occasional Chair 179.00 (In Velvet) L Ist -- SALES TAX. INCREASE 668-3483 RED WING ORCHARDS TAKE A SLEEPING BEAUTY TO LUNCH!... Crisp and juicy controlled atmosphere Melntosh are the ideal lunch box treat. Located 22 Miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Highway ot the "BIG RED APPLES" is Courier Cloth? Just one of the finest all woo! worsteds on the market today that's alll Handsome--in our new Fall colors and patterns, Here now atonly $89.95 AND OURS ALONE MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Whitby Plaza 668-3468