Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Mar 1966, p. 28

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28. THEOSHAWA TIMES, NOW 70 AND PUT THEM BACK ON Thursday, March 17, 1966 TAKE THE THE GOVERNMENT PLANES AIRPLANE TIRES GENERAL LOPEZ GROUNDED, Cone, || BRIDGE (Top record-holder in Masters' _|Individuel Chompionship Play) | T'S J + marapoa yi Wi Sum Own YOU SHOULD NIRVERE : hove ff , SILLY FAULT, GO INTO A BULL RING ' eae ery oa WEARING YOUR ARE UNDER PAGWOO0D 4 a fErocious | : = RED PAJAMAS West dealer. Both sides vulnerable, @ NORTH @AKW6 @9 BUZ SAWYER "REASON IS, THEY Gor 4) WE SCT -- THEN HE SASHAYS ae BACK, AN'= CHUCKLE S?- RUNS THROUGH IT FO'US ! AND NO LONGER BRITAIN THE VETO OR CALLED peni eas " We eee Fer aaae lead ace of dia 'This hand occurred in a team mitch. At both tables, aggres- a pea : re Ey sie bidding paid off when OT on) || Se EF Gaga re Bice. } s Cer =M/ game even though his only high cards consisted of two jacks and a queen. At the first table, West, on lead against five diamonds, chose the ace of diamonds as, his opening shot. Had he led the king of hearts originally, as most players would, South would have made eleven tricks quite ¢asily by the simple pro- cess Of ruffing a heart in dum: ~~ 5 o my. sip Leica But when West led the ace OM SS oS and another diamond, the pee # for a heart ruff disapy HE WAS PRETTY HE DONIT GET TO CARRY : ; P aE : von . rn peared and South had to look "THRILLED ABOUT NICH FOREIGN MAIL, | ai, Very Tiene, | HetpHononen cotoner aw ) ciee colons seers Bic Me einen see IT WANT IN WHISPER, LIEUTENANT 4 | FAMOUS JOURNALIST / AND THEN TELL YoU or ie ee oe LIEUTENANT/ brag YANG »» ; BE OUR SPECIAL MISSION / dummy, he cashed the a Not Wake Jed he COMFORTABLY IN| & y A clubs, discarding a heart» COLONEL! ie Cis ; ; THE PRIVACY OF > [TF : t |ruffed a club. é : S He then played a diamon the king and ruffed anot club, West dropping the kf South then led a spade to ace and played. the jack clubs. East followed low, putting declarer to a guess, but South guessed correctly when he dis- carded a heart on the club. A: a result, he lost only a diamond and a heart, and made five diamonds. At the second table, the bid- HOW MANY ON TSK,TSK, INCOME TAX. | |ding started the same way, but, tana dah woe THIS ONE? ONLY ONE! UNDER NATURAL over three diamonds, South bid DIDI LOSE ON DIGASTERS/ three spades instead of four THIS HOLE? y spades and this became the con- - tract. West led the king of hearts, as almost anyone would, and South had no trouble making the contract. Peculiarly enougt at this time also, the lead o the ace and another diamon would have worked best, anc in fact, would have defeated tt ; contract, A case can be made to sho that the ace of diamonds '5 highly feasible lead becaus North-South are likely t- >ow CROSSWORD nine diamonds on the 1 but this contention is muc. * . ier to prove after you low ACROSS _ 8. Ahead 21, Pat SOF at Chane) 2--Butiato ste mt, Pale p_Tort it? NOON all four hands. Traft: 23. Arma- + Channel 3--Barrie ' erv Griffin onew | Toronto ay 1, Traffic &. Erpers ae . UIs ors Channel 4--Buttalo $#-2--Dean Martin Show |8-2--Jeopardy 4 sign 5, Sunk fences dillo a Channel 6--Toronto | 7--The Long, Hot Summer) 7--Money Movie 5. Biblical 6.A win 24, Indi- Channel 7~Buffalo 6--A Man Called | 6--Luncheon Date x 4 verb 7. Classify vidual Channel &--Rochester | Shenandoah 9. Pebble B.All: Latin 25.Cun- PRERRMMsiriris] | Ehennet trotemiten | ° a" From UNCLE | | Ses BOWLING NEW: 10. Reserved 9. Shinto ning SiTIOP em |g The Serial " M. 12. Fedora temple 27. Louise, [SIP ON MET IA! | hiatal ava, 11:00 P.M. ice Bote an ged LEAGUE a a 13.Magna ----<- 11."In the fire' for SS Tats P.M. | 11-9-8-7-4-43-8--Mewe, :30 PLM. iin i) aiver Oe ea 14, Time item pond f ete Bae emi psi | we ti [N--Neon me Purple 6: Tranih i). Broan 3) Cine designa. 13. Indian, 29. Sm ' i Superman | 8-2---Let's Pl lve S Beige 4; Yellow 4; A 2% tion originally cut Yesterday's Answer $ Passport To Adventure) S--Atetre Final Gh cuatch ek Tene ge i aE Ne ti Sleek Ay 15.Teut. night- of Canada 81.La bar olga ee as te t---Heenday Report High singles -- J. Lawson 237, Gr mare demon 15, Hetero- Tosca, 87. Route -M. | EE as aie Halloran 217, M. ise: 202; Di Sykes 17. Child eneous for one 39. Gambling | SLeave | e--Might Met $4--Gulding Light ight 203. Wu, 1966 18. Line of 16, Pang 32. Abyss die | Pint scape vo 7 | 330 P.M. 1:00 P.M, ', vAW LADIES AUX. No. 27 r } | sic i pa U ubles -- Ellen Burrus 454 (280° : MoRTY, YouRE) S\!\!/ . action -- 19. Stagger 83. Dollar bills 40, Entire | 'boas : (Theatre ier toes Rete ae ee NO USE! 2 CANT ; I COULDN'T \ A GENIUS! j\\ My rgiay 21, Acquire 20. More 84, Wight or ¢ Coto to "6:00PM. | 0 PM. Boe yotp' > Relygl Hall 403. (217) feos FINISH AY NEW N incisors stagnant Man 3, Behold 7--Twilight Theatre | é--Gunemoke é--Luncheon Date High Singles -- Fran Bradley 224, Ro RACER! 22. Spigots &McHales Nevy %--Plerre Berton .. ..| 4--Meet The Millers Ellls 217, Mona' Melinchuk 217, Isobel M eb . Girt' 2 4+ Y 6 j7 {8 4--News, Sports with 3--Movie Farland 208, Olive Clark 205 and Lill! 26, Girl's name Y VA, Chuck -- Heety 12:30 A.M. 2--Mike Douglas Show Braund 205 27. Place for Y 6:20 P.M. jn meget ne: . 1:38 BAM There were nine Lemons! 1--N: ie acre oints Taken -- Stars 3, Pussy Cat: ice ari 4, beriaye 30 PM. | 6--Newscap ode ge Phy Il Busy bees 4 rte Try Hards 3 t uttons WAS | 11--Femily Theatre Me, 2] PRIDAY s The World Tune |cals 0; Green gals 2, Pacers 1. 28. Goddess of ago pl Weather 2:00 P.M. Team Standing -- Busy Bees 26, Loc volcanoes : 29. Wages Y 30. City in 'SS New York THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 HA A DONALD DUCK 4--Captein Kengeree | 7--The Gator Bowl Try Hards 17, Go-Go's 16 and Pus 9:00 A.M. 64--Password Cats 13, end rte @--Huntley-Brinkley News 3--Profile %-Playtime With Unele! 2_pays of Our Lives SUNDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Y 00 : - itd | 9:18-OM Over Bill Smith 816 (329, 2é $2. Hawaiian ze li-Parmers' Daughter | *~Ruing fer Comore |e 218); Barb. Smith 463 (202, 210, 2517 sr food Y, $--The Munsters lke's C | sPaeiuck Hill 626 (210, 250); Lovie Kelemen 6 5 85. Dock @--Littleet Hobe | ee See | 2:30 P.M. (217, 230); Darlene Rines 624 (211, 227. 7) : é--News, Weather 9:30 A.M. | %Peopie in Confllet Leo' Gorman 623 (201, 226); Mel_McKir 36. Cry of Sports | ocMele | +The non 612 (299); Gord Johnson 605 (24 «| MICKEY MOUSE | 8:00 A.M, %--Kids is People 22, Pacers 22, Stars 21, Green Gals | | distress 4--Forest Rangers 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 7--A Time For Us ~ gb vera Ll Held ic ver ' itchard + Mar at DO THINGS A I DON'T THINK $0, }} |I'VE HAD THESAME | | IN IT I SUDDENLY BECOME --- | 38. Pedal arch sHuntayeenkiey - are | Sane, Sestr® -- | Donald. 256, steve Roznlck 246, 200, Jir PERSON DREAMS BUTCH / DREAM FOR YEARS, BEAUTIFUL,/..AND LOOKAT ME, 40. Miscellany 7:30 P.M + ia Movie Hutchison 245, Charles Rines 243, Ro EVER COME TRUE, NIGHT AFTER NIGHT,,.7 41, Of a mem- ae ty lscblay Pye 233, Nelson Wilson 231, 224, Peggy H 1l--Donna Reed e-- Playii hie With Uncle 3:00 PLM, Pacey 227, 211, Suzanne Smith 218, Earl GRANDMA ? Sf brane 9--Hollywood Palace | Bobby N--Donna Read Pye 218, Ted Smith 216, Ray Brown 212, 4 42. Calm 04---Danie Bnane 2--Fractured Phrases %--Fractured Phrases Haze! Austin 212, 205, Ken Pye 209, Mare 44.Rigid hair fF eeeine Waris tocr ton ey par rctiy BP a lene McKinnon 203, Marg Tipper 203, Mor- - ns | a rice Rutt 1 1 Ki 200. 45. Bridge loss 4--The Munsters | 10:30 AM. +43--To Tell The Trut® Larneny = tennis Billitte te 84, Mor- DOWN 2--The Adams Family l11~Ed Allen j 3:30 P.M. rice Ruff 98, Peter Rines 96, Rex Gil- 1, Panicky 8:00 P.M. i8-2--Concentration it--Funny Compan lette 94, Don Wild 90, Dian Noden 88 and flight N--OHA Jr. A. Hockey |'7--ponne Reed Sul Vou meme Carl Makelin 75. 5 7--Donnea Reed Show 4--The McCoys t4--Yeu Don? Sey Team Standings -- Screw Balls 21, Blue 2. He fled 6-3--Seaway \6-3--Friendly Giant ar Rendle, Birds 18, Spinners 18 Lucky Striker 16, Sodom 4--Gilliigan's isiand %--Bingo (3 Teke Hy fo Dough Heads 14, Misfits 10, Go Go ? page 4:30 P.M. 10:43 AM. | bape and Odd Balls 4. ; | Mgnt ' nll --" Your Move |63--cher Helene abasic Karnival aredo i | 11:00 A.M, 4:00 PLM, wR t Par eg Maige yi id | 1--Mike Douglas | %--Mickey Mouse Club WINNER RULED FLEET [tote Ana Ars Tre Between 1633 and 1817, the | YOUR HEALTH o--B antag eg |8:2--Morning Star | es Show . "s ' ; f 4 --Br 7--Supermarket Sweep | 63 Bonnie Prudden Show first English fishing captain to e 7--Bewitched 62--Butternut Square | 4--Becret sg orm | " 62--I Dream of Jeannie | 4a Mayber | reach Newfoundland each year FIST,OR AN ELBOW, | "¢--Movie ney of Mayberry | t-Reaky And His Friends : WITH A UFO. LF: UNIDENTIFIED vie S s ] R ] 11:20 A.M. 4:30. P.M. became '"'admiral' and ruled A VO le OR SOMETHING | ° m $--Quarter Back Club $--Aer he 2 Car BALL Scurre! FLYING < Nn urgica e ova | 9:20 P.M. ee it hk | Sse Hunt the fleet for the year. OBJECT. : | %--Lets Sing Out | ®~Abracadabra | 7--Barhy Show spauMep 8-2--Mona McCluskey 6-2--Paradise Bay |63--Rarzie Dazzle " Frequent Method en ste ERERLe leaee ee ALS SALLIE By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD % that does not heal, or a mole, Dear Dr. Molner: Is there a or similar blemish which|successful procedure for reliev- Dear Dr. Molner: You re-|cer, In other instances, if there, changes size or color, or bleeds|ing a constricted tendon in the cently wrote that when there isjis any question as to whether; without apparent reason. Not!palm of the hand? It is steadily suspected skin cancer, the tissue| cancerous tissue might remain. | all such sores or blemishes will| getting worse -- and the hand is removed, examined in the) x-ray may be used as a follow- prove to be. cancerous, but/soon will be crippled.--M.0.F, laboratory under a microscope, up 'treatment and precautionary| there is no way for you to tell}. Assuming that this is a Du- and if cancer cells are found,! measure the difference. The sure way to) puytren's contracture, which it additional treatment is started.! These methods are successful/find uot is by biopsy--tking a] sounds like, such a constriction What does this treatment con-|in more than 90 per cent of | sample of the tissue for micro-|can be corrected surgically. [ee THE DAZED YOU TAKE & SHE WASN'T HOME BECAUSE SHE WAS sist of? cases. The failures, for the| scopic jexamination This sort of condition probably \ MUGGS AND SKEETER EXPRESSION? YOUR CORRECTLY, Al OUT WITH WHIT TRENIER ; K | I had two skin cancers re-|most part, result because the} Dear Dr. Molner: Is it true/originates from an injury. The MISS JONES WASN'T yi : THAT NASTY POISON-F moved surgically. The labora-| patient waited too long, and the|that women who have had altendon thickens and can draw EVEN HOME, L VERHEA Ae : at | tory report indicated that all of) cancer already had spread too|hysterectomy should not take|the fingers into a curled or 3 a | the cancer had- been removed.| much before the original growth! hormones?--V.T hooked position. Keep in mind There was no further treat-| was removed Quite the contrary, particu-|that such a thickening of a ten- ment. Should there have been' Of all cancers, skin cancer is|larly if the hysterectomy is|don can occur yet never be-| wnl.¥. the most readily curable be-|performed before menopause|come a problem. In cases in) ", » . it's older than I am, too, No. I used the term "'further|/¢ause it is slow growing and/and the ovaries are removed,| lwhich use of the hand is im-| but my husband's of the old treatment" because more thanican be seen and hence found] svhich creates a "surgical meno- t atred. surgical dissection of| @chool when % comes to spend- one method may be used, butiin its early stages, What wel pause " Hormones then are| the thickened tendon area is the; ing money." the goal is the same: To re-|must do is drum into folks' | heipful in preventing or sub-|approved way to restore, the f move -all of the cancerous tis-/minds that they mustn't wait.|/duing annoving symptoms such| hand to usefulness ae | sue, so it cannot spread If they go to the doctor quickly.J/as hot flashes. However, if the Dear Dr. Molner: A gentle- Surgical removal is the most|there is very little danger. Not|ovaries.are not removed. there} man where I work insists that) after birth, the doctor cuts this frequent method, but in certain/all skin cancers require further] would be no upset of the endo-jone of every 1,000 babies born| growth away. Is there any truth cases x-ray' may be used first| treatment crine balance and hormones! has some sign of a tail on thelin this?-~Mrs. P to shrink and destroy the can- Principal signs are. any sore! would not be necessary. ibase of the spine. Immediately None whatsoever, (oe 2) JULIET JONES

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