24 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, March 17, 1966 urn Your "Don't Wants" Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 17----Femole Help Wanted PONTTC CPR AR Ame Se en eee i NG. % Oniario potatoes, Free scor iv SNA DWV by K. J, SCOTT: delivery. "Telephone 728-1306 or 723-0615, USINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY SKATES SSEERZ-=| START , Big savings on Skating Out- ae ae sicond areas, 51.25 ing abs ead ie Bre setae gee Saxe] IMMEDIATELY : tee 10--Farmer's Column 3 Young Ladies Accountants Barristers nee Mortgages Sales and Service acti 4 oe 303 RIFLE DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock 18. 33 picked up promptly. Margwill Fur ripe UMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- 7 if} GORDON R. DAY, Certified General)H ; PPLIANCG . Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 2 " h 8 MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King ' p : bine Contes ins amar ioe Street East, Oshawa; RD. Humphrey, H Knewn for its arcumcy ond (ey Nicene. To work irl promotion depart- Seer nWcY'S "Accounting Service |°C7, 6: S- Bovehyn, QC; W. efiliman, REPAIRS ~ HER é reliobility, this rugged gun | ONTARIO POTATOES FOR SALE. istac| ment for periodical soles On c z. . D. 1» BA, . Office ; : i ij is- 'ermai e e ' n ; ; Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe asi; b Micrer 725-4604; Whitby, Expert repairs to all makes , 4. " bight years. of sotls- Oe Non business calls for, major na- - "| factory shooting. tional publisher. Good start- South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. 0 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA of washers, dryers, ranges, -- " JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-jother first mortgage funds available, etc. ; $24.95 11--Pets and Livestock ing salary plus' transporta- fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street @ ALSO PARTS AVATLABLE e fy Veg GOLD and white miniature Collie pup-| tion expenses. Neat appeare East. Telephone 723- 4833. Building Trades Moneys available for first i c } pcs. Also Laorad puppies and one ence an asset, ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Agena and second mortgages, Open ALCAN (() ' i er SNOW TIRES house trained terrier. $25. $50 delivered, 0 Sie face eee mortgages. No born. Fist \ eee Apply MR. MASON RoeKIa, BEADLE AND G0; Charter N RATES mortgages, second mortgages: | FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES D «/ All nylon construction, full | BLACK miniature poodle puppy tor Ear bigger a Financial Trade Solr } and agreements for sale pur- 452 Simcoe S, ----- Oshawa CASHEW if 7 depth traction tread. A -- = tt Hi os le Ba " GENOSHA HOTEL t, Oshawa, On- i i i 'ennels, is ing, We ing iby Waoxine CA; H, E. Till March 21 chased Telephone 723-0011 NUTS new winter tire priced almost' {¢ Aan Shaghard pups" Depeale for Ger . tario, 725-3509; jo i arc st M. F. SWARTZ ) AS as low as a retread Beadle, CA: E. Lukow, CA, DDITIONS ee ie GROW ON } oM Utter accepted. "Falomina, Pinto pony. 10 A.M. -- 4 P.M. oe ERIRDLANDER AND t01| @ A 2616 King St. East AfeoricaL | whiat pints | TH from $17.56 up |Asnourn #85-4662 evenings, YALE, FRIEDLANDER 7 eaeabtingieidnavahie Chartered Accountants, Licensed True} @ BATHROOMS Oshawa, Ontario, Before You Buy A EVERGREEN) IROQUO}S INDIANS PARR, Born 1x ENGLAND 1X favioen | nine Cet peal gh aph Thursday only Bankrupt 52'2 Simcoe Street « * 4 MAME 4HE PLANT wi } North,' Oshawa, 728737. @ KITCHENS, ETC. 723-4697 Piano or Organ, See + Can uAcieNe tite 483; LIVED 10 SEE 10 KINGS AND DO MINIO N Oshawa Aquarium 299 Simcoe South of WALLS PERKIN, MecMiLLAN AND CO. ALL TRADES PULPIT QUEENS ON THE BRITISH THROKE, telephone 725-4585. <= Chartered Accountants, 36% King Street CO-ORDINATED . HEINTZMAN : 7 HE 1s SAID 40 HAVE DIED IN 1635 OSHAWA AQAUARIUM specializes in ia coon Tae: ome'. at] CO- & Company te Se Sina ormevans a | TIDE STORE [aamietantaemecec| © WAITRESSES gongs ; » CA: ' M-PHE-CRAD MON MS. : faham MacMillan, CA. REMODELLERS B17 ing. 299 Simcoe South 725-4585, : DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS and -MODELLE Mortgage Loans TELEPLIONE oy Actor he Pam i ls ea 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's required SELLS, ae Ve ge ae G. A 1, Of, £6- ey Maple Leat,"' registered Appaloosa, high Riehl, CA, RIA R._ Waters, CA, 723-0966 TAY TELEPHONE 725-6511 |point 3-year-old for Ontario 1965; son ot} 7 A.M, to 4 P.M, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 726-7527 7270 BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can Ontario's champion halter and pertor- ' p 1 4 | « - ee ee mance stallion "Lucky Hancock." Stand Bar isters Sponsoring Member of H.0.P.E. 75% OF VALUE rotee MP iene isa free esti 5--Trailers |8--Articles for Sole i | YAMAHA ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne, Dun- 4 P.M. to ] ] P.M. ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, : CALL Se a een a LEE TA ERE 8 Full 1 eptic Service. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for ull or part time Street. Office nours: am, ~ 3.20 Bim. , ike cia webues M. GREENBERG SPORTSCYCLES _ | training, tanking "sisin® Anon' ttt, °F e Evening appointment, Dial. 723-1661. CONTRACT 728-1653 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Promt service) HOLIDAY an & SONS LTD Broad, 114 Elgin Sest. G HA HOTEL Evening sn aCLy aa = sia iy a Wien danas: 204 Chestnut Street TRAVEL TRAILERS N & Used fs All models now ava'loble. POODLE PUPPIES, whil Eos ENOS 1 Barristers, Solici- es: itby, ew y " bi eg) Nang Street East. Dial GUARANTY TRUST iakbih a LE rola See a 15 Rocket 4 sleeper Ancles ~~ Booms 4,000 miles full warranty. [three-year-old black female miniature. : Phones: J. M. Greer, GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer ngies e Boston terrier pups, registered. Reason. fl 7232278. Residence Phones: J. M. ee fC di washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call $1,395. -- 6 sleeper $1,445. Flatbars --- Channels Priced from $279 able prices, Telephone 728- 9122. HAI RDRESSERS QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, QC, E Company of Canada yuirel ar Teer, TY. Jingudal' «co &: oleaner Tagast Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB; 400 Mary Stak. TE paG Sheets -- Plates 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. TWO PONIES, geldings, part Welsh, part ICENSED ini : 32 King St. E., Suivavare $2,245 Square tubing -- Pipe Shetland, three years old, $85 each. Tele. LICENS jose iP. MANGAN, "QC; | Solicitor Whitby 668-6462 Oshawa, Ontario y 15 Holiday --- 4 sleeper Contact 723-8711 itl ial te bu An tab to assist in shompoo 'and re- Money to loan. Office, 14/2 King Street y : , H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land $1,545. -- 6 sleeper $1,595 308 Bloor E.. 728-7301-2 LABRADOR PUPPIES for sale, Seven ception work, Full time. or East, Oshawa, 726-8232. cikseerponaieunocaas --| Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone Holiday -- 6. sleeper as Ped sith BE Es rn Bad RO-DON SPORTS weeks old. Bowmanville 623-7669. ort tinte: became CHESTNUT SADDLE HORSE and west:| °° : JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB.) @ Repoir Welding SECURES Be el : Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub OF all. types FIRST and SECOND DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onjario Leia Truck Camper 10'6" PARTS TAUNTON RD, E. see fnddle. After 4 p.m. telephone Creative Styling by John lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King MORTGAGES Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints $1,710 ¢ For Washers, Stoves and (Just East of 5 points) adhe OES Cee eee available. 725-4716 or 725-4717, All Classes -- ------ ------=------ | Holiday Truck Camper "De- Dryers Discover the swinging world of |12- Articles Wanted : ; ' 198 King St. East West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking) @ Heavy construction 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, me equipment, trucks ete, CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and --= City, Rural; Vatation -- TV--Radio | o Repairs luxe $2,310 ELECTRIC MOTOR YAMAHA Sait tl oh VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries,| @ Fabrication, portable j a '. & | R i Beeeks WANTED TO BUY -- Travel trailer to ~y eos CN Ohainn: iar tias) mee machine rentals eat Tork resi oie Pe caste OSHAWA _APPLIANC ES 2 " z CARPENTERS Goa) ferably dia} - 28-095] Ms 4 eee eae z JR ' b , prefera Y ra ial | ---- Bryan OCe 79R4554; G. L Murdoch 112 Simeoe St. N.--725-3568 TV TOWERS WILDE RENTAL 186 Simeoe S. 728-7535 arm. Good condition only. 7256233, QC) 723-4768; J, C. Victor, 985-7115.| MARCH SPECIALS | b iets : Service ond Sales : bu 1 HUMAN HAIR -- » minimu of 87 1 KITCHEN HELP Mortgages arranged. PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for 1415 Dundos St.' E C length. Cash. or credit at shop. Heidi's ing 15% dur Feb- |all_mortaages. Mortgages and agree ECONOMY AND meee 68.3226 MOTORCYCLES Modern Hair Styling, 367 Wilson Road, S. cue Sove up to during Fe ments of sale purchased. Creighton, Whitby hone 668-32 FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERING | (Windsor Plaza) 723-5631. REQUIRED Classified Rates March on Rec. Rooms, Kit- | Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar DELUXE Magne Coe e $195, UP on LS ! a 4P.M. to 11 PM WORD ADS chens, Bath Rooms, Floors, |risters'.) fea nlite Priced to suit your budget 30' TRAILER, three rooms, sleeps four,, 25 used. Hondas, Suzukis, Cottoae: Furniture 13--Articles for for Rent _ "iM. to MM, Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08;} Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all |FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale electric refrigerator, propane range, three-| Yomahas, Bridgestones, Due- 9 Apply Mr. Campbell additional words, 4c. each; 3 Cone ral pil agreements purchased and sold. Hennick TERMS ARRANGED piece bath, Sell or trade for late model cate, etc. Repairs all makes. For Sale GENOSHA HOTEL secutive insertions of 24 words, id Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street car, Dial 623-2444. additional words 12c. each, H. McKOY 725-8576 East, 723-7232 aie bese -- - as eer Ports, Accessories Refrigerators, freezers, stoves, ENTALS ------------_ secutive insertions of 24 words, $5 sind be FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale OSHAWA TV 6--Marine Equipment HONDA SHOP Leds dresaata, Ghd ailar cote FULL TIME housekeeper, east Oshawa, additional words 2ic, each. sxpuat baviie me "Goai| @areements purchased and sold. Hennick oe - en Tee King W. 728-4242 teak Furdtars Complete: line OF ALL KINDS Permanent position. Whitby 668-6806. Charge--10 per: cent edditiotial charge|inciudes creding end file hw t]and Mennick, Barristers, 31 King. Street SUPPLY LIMITED : : Gt furniture and racunholaters SANDING MACHINES LAW OFFICE fequires bookkeeper and if not poid within 8 days. jantee, Terrano. Paving, sh se ea eeteas i tre TAUNTON RC. E xf f receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, ns 4. t. TYPEWRITER, | portable, $30.) Standard, ing Oscillating sanders, disc sand- stating age, marital status. and' exper- A-) CARPENTRY, brick and block Musical Servic 7 c i M of Counting -- Less thon 24 usica es Just East of Ritson $35. Electric adding machine, $40. Elec- By lence. Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times, aoe tore ord cach word | Free estimates. Phone 66t-8014. i a " soa tric typewriter, electric cash register, $85. Telephone 668-5481 ers, belt sanders, floor sand Whitby or SMALL DANCE BAND available. Exper- 123 ers Lisson acl i aS initial, figure or abbreviation counts|NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, fenced, Rellabla. R ble. Ph Tad lis si NO FARR Ca : ' DENTAL ASSISTANT -- Pleas r as one word; phone number eounts|sidewalks, remodelling, rec-raoms. Free| 'enced. Reliable, Reasonable, Phone - ALE FILTER QUEEN 'Sales and Service| 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby PLUMBER'S TOOLS Stating sp; educations. auelfficatiens ae twe words, estimates. A, C. Woods, 728-3420 or 'a mise aes a -- Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise perience, if any, and. salary expected. 728-4717, pee a Eco MUSIC for your dances, |mates. 323 King West, 728-7552. WaT ROG scar eect tripod ipe wrenches ipe Health benefits available. Apply to Box O/RTHS--DEATHS-- ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. |P2rlies, Panquets. Fer Information call 4 Seeeseamen M HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE -- ool Sol 5 hy Read fters, 'pipe threading dies, --|18!13_ Oshawa Times { = goin é SOCIAL NOTICES |Free estimates; 2c. square foot. Ali| 58-6464. Boats & otors = "going ole in Sunworthy Ready cutters, pipe threading dies, EXPERIENCED" HAIRORNGIER Kogy i F * " aa out of business at 205 John Street, Whitby. $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi-| work guaranteed. Call 723-028 i Rerson. The Vogle: Geauly. Solan nn: | MOF DIPPED GALVANIZED Bargains on all stock. 668-6361, Posted WALLPAPERS toilet auger. f noi paid within 8 days. | -- TM. ____}Opeometrist ~ Monae cnnrs }f net Po) nn 8 &°¥*" COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS|~ > € a TV TOWERS e@ NEW e DEW WORMS -- minnows. Best quality, While. They Lest PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Simese Street North, Oshawa IN MEMORIAMS |done to your satisfaction. Call Oshawalr RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136. Simeoe available in Oshawa, 843 Ritson South, Stepladders, aluminum ex- BABYSITTER WANTED from 9-4.15 p.m $2.00 for the first 35 words and 5Sc,|/Home improvements, 725-9428. Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone ARE THE BEST 12' 728-3222 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait All At Half Price tension ladders, ladder jacks, | two Fridays and one Saturday per month, je. eoch thereafter pius 12c. per line of | ORIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 to 6 yards < 723-4191, Company : i * steel scaffolding, compres- Children are of pre-school age. Telephone verse; 25c, additional charge if not livered, $2, per yard. Telephone 725-0697. WHY SETTLE: FOR LESS! Al FILING CABINETS, $4, with lock, four-| At EDGAR'S Decorating Centre sors, spray guns wallpaper |7ESeS oe Rec are urs : J uminum drawer, large stock, all sizes, take the 34 King St. W., Oshawa i RELIABLE WOMAN to mind children paid within 8 days. Paintin and Decoratin ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- ig ig ste t lins, blow : " ail : ii. aston (50 cent ride to Raglan, save dollars ($) 745} steamers, . tarpaulins, two to three d eekly, in Whitby $2.00 for the tat) 38 words ond Se,|piacex" masonry." Gord" May, Whitey, ce ea: pr ee eh UR Abedin sieaiahinuns ade eat torches, propane torches, (Green and St. Peter area.) Telephone $2.00 for the first 35 words a | 668-27 PAINTING AND : COMPLETE lWat BUY, sail and' exchahes Ohad Fucnk nein WELDING EQUIPMENT 668-6918, eoch thereafter with 25¢. additional | 68-2774. hi if not paid within 8 days. |ROOFING, HOT TAR AND GRAVEL |ture or anything you have. The City|BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture Acetylene welding _ outfits, BABYSITTER required, shift work. South charge pa | 6 DECORATING TELEVISION qguoronteed 6 years and new | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street) and appliances. One location ye ald 200 amp. electric Se . district, no housework. Telephone 728- a x 3603. shingles, repairs, large and small jobs. a + COMING EVENTS |L, and H. Roofing and Construction, 725-} . INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Corner Bond and Division 16483 HP Eunnuls j South, 723-1671 lel Mae (ical dod = BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT icles $2.10 per. inch (display); $1.50 for the/$937, | _ Broadioom, Custom Draperies 728-5143 a é [GUNS '-- Bought, 'sold, traded, repaired| NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re Cement -- mixers finishing |YOUNG LADY for teller's position in first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter| MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS -- FREE ESTIMATES Limited quantity at this price [at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,|pairs to all_ makes, New hoses, Phone ciara ' g banking office. Please reply to P.O. Box (Word Ads). rental, tar. an Grivel, exterior palmine } SCAT CL any ane EO |? 28-9731 Jack Lees, 728-6956. trowels, wheel barrows, elec- 248 Oshawa and cement. 24-Hour service, 723-8416. DODD and SOUTER BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used.| FULLER BRUSH Ic Sale offered on wax| tric virator, air compressor, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanied? $20 PER INCH PER INSERTION, ROY'S CUSTOM FURNITURE, aitera- 668- 5862 TELEVISION -- RADIO e USED @ Sireat eet cea amr 204 Bondinow! Whitby residents only, Telaohene| - jock hammers, hand trowels, [hours 11:90 a. to 7398 p.m., closed on tions. Coffee, night tables, chests, rec _ is Wetec Meee = 24 HOUR SERVICE Street East, 725-6344. | daytime 723-0444; evenings 668- ' water pumps, portable heat- [holidays and Sundays, minimum starting DEADLINES room bars and rec-rooms, _ate. 723-5862. VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses,|GOLF CLUBS and bag for ani coer ors: steal scaffolding, electric rate. Apply Crystal Grill, 29 12 King East. es He NSE OB RS RA 1 ONLY brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| lent condition, new last August RELIABLE PERSON fo bat baby sit twe word ApS eave Dentistry PAINTING and 10 HP Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,| 'phone 723-0793 ae generator, ramset, power roll- | ai Chigren In employer's home. Tele p.m. : | Pickering MOTOR CYCLE, 1957, Royal Enfield, $75. ers, electric hammers, mason- Phone 723-5539 LOST AND FOUND Suroeon, 8 King sivest' Een,' cahewe, Int DECORATING CHRYSLER |TV TOWERS "SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower| Guitar and amplifier, $110. Telephone af ory saw, building jacks, |WoMAN, age 25 to a, for housework 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION For appointment, 728-5121 ee vias ELECTRONICS WESTBEND ° |siructure all-channel antenna | Installed, ternoons 723-6023. mortar mixers, mortar boxes, and look after three children, five-day - rates 1 work guaranteed, | awa Upply Limited, Taun' 1965 D.S.A. LIGHTNING ROCKET 650 } k ; | week, 6.30 to 4,30, Telephone 7728-1056, ! BIALEK, DR. E. P., Dental Surgeon, Road East, t east of Rits Road. S.A, A chain hoist, miter sows, elec- athe BIRTHS AND DEATHS pRoed East. just seat: of: Bison: Re Best offer. Alax 9425988 after 6) tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' |WOMAN to care for two children, one +1 A Free estimate ; 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For ates. 1 ONLY - 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION acpoininant a 5842 or Res, 728-B44) M L | for prompt service 20 HP |Buy AND SELL -- Good used furniture tock. ' " d school age. Shopping Centre area. Able to it BIORIAME cde Soden & oop e Son Coll 4 . jand appliances. MeNeil's Furniture (for-| 555 KELVINATOR "elecitic heavy duty band saw, 4" joiner, san work General Motors airl shift, Before 3 CARDS OF THANKS Dressmaking 668-2418 Whitb 668. 5679 CHRYSLER mer ante cee 215 Dundas sieve. Also @ Viking vacuum cleaner a oe tamper, power |p.m., 728-1098; after 723-3868, «p.m. DAY PREVIOUS a et 1 | bad ESTBEND : Sacer com | with aftachments. Telephone 668 8352 post hole auger. -- "i Ge" ARROW cisco! DRESSMAKING -- Suif s y WES * TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks, CHROME KITCHEN SUITE, @ chairs, In 18--Male Help Wanted con 'es: aa " : alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting « Wierda gee one EEE jchairs, Terms. We buy, sell, rent, service, Seas ' 4 Bi ini CLASSIFIED DISPLAY specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 MICHAEL COLLINS 1 ONLY |trade. iw, ueed. 'Bill ttamniite : good Seoraitions vere 100k. pollsfitr > 1 eolumn-- vious; 2 ¢ = u , ' HE php i sti Pie ale eNboreay DRESSMAKING -- suils, dresses, etc Painter & Decorator WINTERTIME A5 H.-P. | 9 O| BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM windows,| 728-4108 after 6. _ISHARPENING & RENTALS LT "Large modern expand- Minor alterations. Telephone 723-8697 : . doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low a TIE Casi LATIONS AND ;|| Reasonable rates. All work T.V. TIME CHRYSLER prices! Call 728-8385 or 723-3692. FUR JACKET. Muskrat. Used one sea-| 933 King St. West, Oshawa ; West Coast Pul nd CANCELL SA JEXPERIENCED dressmaker: ladies ge : son, Like new. Price $175, Telephone ing s be) pa CORRECTIONS lwe ris' wear and alterations. Tele guaranteed, Estimotes free, T.V. Service Anytime WESTBEND |TOOLS (sheet metal, used), complete| 728-8860 PHONE 723-3224 ' qe ey Sa! rue eure NPR ovata ML cot Phone 725-7734 electric start long shoft jet. ingivalng, Drake end. lock former. ic ishing RODS and rede, RaeIy to ---- --________| Paper Mill on Vancouver advertisemen cancelle efore = - i Homar Machine, Box 36, Stirling, On- he lALTERATIONS: pants cuffing, zippers, ce ' O 0! 11 Col roducts, Sportsman's Cor : pe il a x ) a coleman produ: Pp $ no wu De charged one day's! mending, Agent. tor North Americen| If No Answer Phone After R, . @ FEATURING THIS YEAR @ |!@tlo. Telephone 395-210 er, 103 Byron South, Whitby "(Block] Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Island hic tch hes prs n h Froc 18 5 P.M |CHEST FREESER - Good condition,|west of Four Corners.) tl ldstas, Crith TELEVISION |$135. or offers 7235858 es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee a NUMBER RENTAL@~50¢ ! "EMINENT electric organ, half pedal! Urns. Punch Bowls, Bridal ; PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, Decorat 14 rns, Punch Bowls, la While every endeavor will be made --ling. Do it now! Free estimates, Call F 728-5143 LAPSTRAKE Pagel Re Pe Jump- with bench. Like il Whitby 668-8674 | Wear, Men's Formals, White to forward replies to box numb to Schmidt, 725-9572 TYPEWRITERS, addin himidt, 725-9572 adding machines, cash| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles | Phone 728-6691 registers. Good prices! Valley Creek , *|SPANISH GUITAR, 'Goya,' inciuding| Telephone 728-4401. ae SARGEANT'S RENTALS Jéurneyinan: "Weabaaile Flat vinyl covered floor, sleep- case, Cost $195 new, one year old, will MAKE OFFER! Huskie 444, new Philips the advertisers os soon as p le, rae pearsaties ze Aluminum we meCeDt | No liability in respect of "GARDEN TIME" Free estimates. Teles inter «and, decorator FAST T.V. SERVICE 288 or damage alleged to arise \.RUDEIN Mr F timates. Telephone 723-5 PAST-1.¥.- SERVICE through either failure or delay in for bl SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! ini nk Col 2 sell for $115, Before 3 p.m. call 723-$405, wording such replies however caused BEGONIA BULBS rior and exterior painting. Sparton "pint Service Call only $2.50 er seats, padded dosh, takes | -- "PAINTINGS Landscapes postr Saas ie, Maree ace pogo Pek Biba 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 preferably with a recog- whether by negligence or otherwise Cl 9 and Decorating. Call 949-3172 i | tir ub i rgan: se : y , WER Tekie A tae rn: GLOXINIA BULBS Ng and Decorating, Call 942-3172 DOMINION long shaft motor figure work, custom picture framing. wine chesterfield, chair; toboggan. Bill nized Apprenticeship and replies uncalied for in 20 d FLOWER SEEDS : : Clark Studio. Telephone 668-4497. 325) Hamilton. 985-7160 4 CNR eds VEGETABLE SEEDS Plumbing and Heating TELEVISION THESE BARGAINS Brock North, Whitby. __| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- aon. ee TRUCK. 3 to 5 years Industrial ex- REGULATIONS POTTING SO! ALL TYPES of irs d iii 3 |GUARANTEED used wringer washers, structure, hot dipped galvanized 1' tower 2 Ton Capacity : The Oshowa Times will not be re- gts lg new and "used aan fecal 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 pm, AND MORE AT television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up. incuaad, single all-channel antenna com FOR RENT ae LEASE perience asa Journeyman sponsible for errors in advertisements PEAT POTS rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. All: work: guaronteed Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-j plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed TRIO] _ Day ---- Week -- Month are required in the follow- _ . South, 723-0011, one year, $50. See all towers at submitted otherwise than in writing not ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING su; at a for, more than one insertion of any ~.NO-DAMP plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold | 28 SUE BUTCHER COUNTER, scale, cash reg- eee en Bane se: Dison, Apply ing trades: advertisement nor beyond the price DORMANT SPRAY Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Eng ister, dairy case, 'deep freeze, shelving. | 728-5143-4 sais me M. GREENBERG g ' charge for 4 single insertion in which neering, 258 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA AND WHITBY Best offer accepted. Apply 204 Brock|BABY BARGAINS at Wilson's. Ciear- AND SONS LTD error occurs, "FERT| LIZERS" - ---- YAC HTHAVEN Street South. Phone 668. 2022. ance of 1965 model baby carriages from . ar ------|$29.95, baby strollers $7.88, high chairs} 308 Bloor E. 728-7301-2 * te a ee Rug-Upholstery Service | NIGHT SERVICE Rianees Cal! 'Eimer Humpion® a¢b238|82 crib" matiresses' $10.8, playpens MILLWRIGH to classify odvert sing according to CAL, 10-6-4 P ro 4h " $9.88. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. | -------- its proper classification, GOLFGREE 725-8541 or 668-5830 or 263-2695, _ CHAIRS, card and banavet tables, church 3OLFGREEN LTD GASOLINE powered brush cutter with|BEAT THE TAX, buy now and save.|aisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 1 Sik eraid oF Gholey advertharn . » EVERGREEN UPHOLSTERING 1 ° atiachments, flame sprayer for land|2-Piece chestertield suite _with foam| Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2424 * The Times will not be hela re: SO-GREEN RAE S clearing, Also electric drill and circular bedi ee ay bookoase cad suits | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to ohe hundred INSTRUMENT sible for more space than that which GARDEN SO-GREEN HARBOR ROAD sew 7Anch ane Sater sow, Velaphone!: piece kitchen suites $37, Wilson's Furni-|People? Oshawa 'Tennis Club for ban- N = the octual error occupies, The pub- AT ITS RADIO & TELEVISION 723-5635 fare: 36 Church: Street jquets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, lishers endeavor to reproduce al od- : é | NEW in Courtice -- TV Towers, roof -- parking. 723-2140 mornings. vertising matter corrictly, but' ossonn € es riiihaapamnacinchcnnalee Sepsis eae NEW PHONE NO. | ' : '|REMINGTON Totalia, Smith Corona ers ore - verana, wotier coveciy. but ome! COoper-Smith Co. | BEST FOR LESS [Srinnay, viomatic and' mal relrs| REMINGTON Tolan," Sih Corot me ec"cnatns> hassle Sadi Waar easonable prices. Satistactio guaran Heavy Duty Calc-Mult. Reg. $399. Demo|"educing machines, sick room supplies. inaccuracies in any form are contained 1 ELINA ST, | tee arantee i therein, e @ FREE ESTIMATES . Vv. SERVICE 723 = 8] 86 leavimnateas: Call "Courtice TW tn an, Price $299. One year guarantee. Bill|Ald Rentals, See oe pee * a ' hat Hamilton, Raglan yy S ey IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 723-1139 -- 723-2312 (Day or Evening) DAY_OR EVENING lFLooR COVERING Clear-outs. Thou. REFRIGERATORS, $2195) beds, 810, 14---Business Opportunities WELDERS TIMES ACTION WANT AO EASY CREDIT TERMS 728-5286 jsands of yardg of discontinued patterns 9.95; ' Sc age 5 a E s | new smooth top mattresses, $19.95; SMALL erous handiman' s Call Clossified Dir - id . : erent ----------|from 296 per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20/stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.9Silfor sale: G9 GAC. free nd ainiin 723. be ect aL dd TRIM? Call sen a OSHAWA Church Street. SPACE savers, $54.95; dressers, chromeliadders. Cash. Will consider trade for| (Welders would be reaired to - them Gown, Free estimates, 7: or FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality|sets, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley|jate model car. Selling for health rea- i 3492 i." 5 SZ ee H A R W O 9) D ELECTRONICS CHRYSLER furniture, only $299. Inc. 'complete bed-|Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. | ons. Ajax, 942-5616, . obtain British Columbian pres- Instruction' . room, living reem, kitchen ensembles, 2545 . ~ | RAYEIDE sneer, bare perviek fe sure tickets) INDEX TO ' i Custom Upholstering OUTBOARDS Pay only, $3, weekly, Unbeatable vaiual 19 9--Market | ket Basket tian far tease folly. eaulomie and' cies PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs Barons' Home Furnishings, trie ed. Reasonably priced. 728-0545. Salary rate is $3.44 per hour ccie ° -- i oe ed CLASSIFICATIONS ed teaching. Trial course includes toaned PHONE 942-1500 All work guaranteed, 51] Dean Avenue Spring Bok Aluminum Boats, |WALNUT BEDROOM ag 2% years FREE DRAW. LOCALLY ESTABLISHED art business) with normal Health, Welfore instrument. Phone 728-3909. Telephone 725-0500 old, triple dresser, mirror, "box with a desire fo expand seeks a party 1 womens Column TUITION in Latin, French or Mathe ---- --- _ Peterborough Fibreglass Boats, spring and mattress; Lewyt vacuum Interested in. investing in a business! ond. Benefit Rlens available: cleaner, five years old, Telephone 728-6367 natics by J, Luck, BA. Teleph aia Trai . : matics by J.C, Luck elephone e Now OPEN " Well D Ning-- --Digging Wiscott Boat Trailers. PIANO. Haalindnn' in vot Gost oe, Presently showing rapid samt, ner: Reply in confidence 46. age ae taioent TRIANG TRAIN SET, large inyout board) Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing] Special deals on complete |dition. Telephone 725-0568, NOTHING TO BUY! writing to PO Box 102, Whitby, Ont Oshawa National Employ- $--Marine Equipmen lat Ee ee | oe hd in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204° Chestnut) Unit. sales. G.E, ITALIAN PROVINCIAL stereo, $750. GARAGE Std IG TRIG Rea i Service Offite A Gane 8--Articies for Sole cars, switches etc, $85, Also man'# bi- ay ep Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. Will sell for $350. Excellent condition Complete the coupon ately 35 miles from Oshawa. A thriving) ent rervice : 2 SucMorkat Basket leycle, $15. Phone 668-3268 DARLINGTON ~ --------$______-- Apply 626 Chaucer Avenue, Apt. 18 enc. Hishiess let the Ppht: parame, Porches {pany Repieaaticiie, will i 10--Former's Column : eo fener ed UPHOLSTERY 2--Personal WILDE RENTAL © |s0Kenmore electric range. Aulomatic. ond" grop e price to include nine-room home on one-| in this office on March 23rd, acre lot.. For appointment to see call {incite aid Livestock Janitor Service : ee with rotisserie. Good condition. Also Vik- 2 12---Articles Wanted . 102 King W., Bowmanville Service and Sales ing wringer washer, in good. condition TRI-COUNTY George Martin 932-5392, Millbrook. (Rep.)| 1966, for confidential inter- 4] Removal of superfluous hoir Telephone 725-3924 for W. O. Martin Realtor 728-5103 Oshawa views 13--Articies for Rent < h 623-73 r Z 14--Business Opportunitien SPRING CLEAN - UP 2 Marie Murduff will be in 1415 Dundas St. E., Whitby |caBin 1° x 12%, insulated, mahogany! FARMAERS MARKET |store For RENT. 204 Brock Sireet Employment Wanted nd RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish Oshawa, Mar. 21st, 22nd and Phone 668.3226 lined, oi! heat, wired. Asking $400. New. South, Whitby. Phone 668-2022 e a 16--Agents Wante VI * manship guarantee as 4 - ; 16--~Agents Wanted REMOVAL SERVICE ya agiaets.. Workmanship queranteed.!" 52,4. Biche Genosha Hotel castie 987-4446 a ie: 1275 SIMCOE NORTH . |GRocerRY AND BUTCHER store, with MacMI LLAN, 7---Female Help Wanted Credit terms. AIR CONDITIONER, General Electric, living quarters, excellent turnover, good 18--Male Heip Wanted iit, furniture refinished. Oshawa U on these dotes fo s0INt 9--Male or r Fer mole Sig Wonted Man with half-ton. No job stering aT Bean Aen 705.0311 " " Hs for opr me . Joriginal cost $290, used only short time DRAW area. Be independent and your own boss, 20--Real Estate for ¢ Sous' aseuslt ment BUY NOW and. save "Starcratt'. | Will sacr fies, $150. Before 6 p.m., tele by calling Sibby's Real Estate Ltd., 728- BLOEDEL & mmer Pro ltiae. . CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re EC res Grew", "Traveler" boats, Evinrude' | phone 723 7576 f Darvon toe Sole ¢ ] styled, Free estimate. See our material ELECTROLYSIS motors, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., eo : ~_- $$$ sh ' fo 0 Dalt holstering, 75 roo 655-3 AUTOMATIC WASHER, McClary Easy, Entry must be in by . ig ag 668-6311 for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering Brooklin 655.364) GAT ae WeinanntTatere Geisinaty tase 15--Employment Wanted POWELL Estote Wanted ~ Ai he 'ipa EVINRUDE 7'2 H.P. cutboard, excellent! No nly $135. Telephone 723-1411 SAT., April 2nd 3 p.m. fe 723-464) condition, S15: Bonmanviig 6es hore ater ee ee a hes : DUTCH LADY will: do house work, 9 to 3, Stores Offices and Storage CELLARS CLEANED 'trash removed - as ne Houses ter Rant bodes Ae aS PEA SigaA. | DISHWASHER, portable, "Hobart Kitch re RONDLCE by the M8¥. OSI IC Mert bles ore Apartments for Rent household repairs done Telephone 723:| For ate gc Biol sa jen Aid,' used as demonstrator, list price) 3 WINNERS OF PRODUCE i gl es , RIVER LTD. ; , | x YOUNG GENTLEMAN would like ride tol \4-FT. FIBERGLASS Tonoboul Seleciric|$379. Now selling at $265. Wayne Appli:! (Must answer Qualifying Question) 27--Rooms for Re -- nm 28---Rooi CELLARS; YARDS Cleaned. Al is Toronto arriving at 8 to 8.30 a.m, Please | with 49 H.P. Evinrude motor. Very good 7B Si Street North. FULLY EXPERIENCED r 28--Room and Board $ cleaned. Also side} RESULTS telephone 728-8207. ition, 725-0789 if Se ee tele ae wishes permanent positl ALBERNI PULP & 30----Automobiles for Sole | Joe and Son,' 723-2368 c e ® WYOROPLANE, plywood hull, 7ia HP | cellent condition. Telephone 723-4979 OE SR 31--Compact Cors for Sale ae ~" TIMES 3--Sportsman's & 5 Column Evinrude motor. $150. Telephone Whitby] < "3 m.__| Nome ... LADY wishes to do housework three or Automobiles W: ee ec |SKATE EXCHANGE -- SHARPENING: fs oak color. Benweider weights and 8250 between 6 and & p.m _ RER 8 ito cincitie aan WILL LOAN yay up to $5000 at Classified New used. Baer; Hockey equipment bench, 200 Ibs. Cooey semi-automatic rifle, Address PORT ALBERNI, B C. 35 SO.iWartted 4 Rent walk slabs and cement blocks for sale, Soncition ONE 23-CUBIC FOOT deep-freeze. In ex. Port Perry 985-7682. PAPER DIVISION 32---Trucks for Sale Money To Loan peor 668-6767. STUDENT'S WRITING desk and chair, four days weekly, Telephone Whitby 668. --Lost and Found remsonable rate of interest to consolidate| alley Creek 16 Bond West. 722-aa1.|7---S wap and Barter cal, 668-63 WILL CARE for child In my home while -4 1} . nd af As ebb RR che ae si ed SCS FODSE REAR ME nother works, Location north-west area tor any other worthwhiles ACTION ADS SMELT FISHING equifiment: oun|THREE-PIECE BATHS, abinels,|USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires | Veatohe PEGs 4 ; cuehc a ; © providing you are steadily ml licenses. New and used)@ohs, fishing|sinks; sump pumps, ° ms,| motors; we buy scrap radiators $4; gens elephone . AKI DRIVERS, 35 years old and over, WOMAN WILL CARE for two children in| Guaranteed $60 weekly, Whitby resident '2 "~ " Jackie; boats, Valley Creek, 16 Bond/laundry tubs, piping fittings. H. inn, starters, 50c.;.. 12V . batte: 723-3492 West. corner Hiliside and Park $outh, 181,50, 725+ Hen. 1178 Nelson $t, Hory & Marj Brooks her'own home. Telephone 723-8726, preferred, Telephone 668-3363, Iploved: end habe good credit, Telephone | 723-4431,