Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1966, p. 36

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16, 1966 COUNCIL MEMBER J. L. E. Couillard, for- mer ambassador to Vene- zuela, Norway and Iceland, was appointed vice-chair- man of the Economic Coun- cil of Canada in 1964. BOWLING NEWS WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES 600 Games -- Shirley Powere 458 (158, 197, 303); Verna Dewell 655 (240, 189, 226) June Bird 635 (224, 244, 167); Lorraine Worden 632 (209, 217, 206); Brenda Web Mer 625 (164, 221, 240); Fin Bracey 610 (199, 276, 135) and Alice Langley 696 (160, 227, 219) 200 Games -- 8. Grennon 249, P. Loge man 238, E. Hutchuk 225, J. Beaton 224, R. Trowasse 221, G. May 219, J. Cobble dick 215, D. Bowen 214, E. Saunders 206, ua 203, B. Lean 200 and S. Bryans Lemmon League -- Gail Sheriden 96. | Team Standings -- Happy Gang 3, Luck| $ix_5, Flippers 8, Shindigs 5, Dippty Do's 4, Dreamers 0, The Mice 2 and Ringos 5. SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE Points Taken --- Peppermints 3, Smar- fles 1; Kit-Kats 3, Humbugs 1; Cracker Jacks 1, Lollipops 3 Total Points -- Kit-Kats 19, Cracker- Jacks 19, Lollipops 18, Smarties 17, Hum- bugs 12 and Peppermints 1! ith only one more night left in this : > ; ' : ne E ' section, It looks like next week will be a 28 : is ; 5 he < & 4 : P. ; F De Silas fight to the finish. m 3 % 5 ee ; ee : Z s Bs Hicks Over 600 -- Marg Ferguson 608 (270) ee Re bo aap over mo ont : Lyd ie: Do-It-Y If Alumi WINDOWS Over 200 -- Yvonne Wats on 249, Gwen 3 : ce F é ; hat 8 al d DOORS Kane 234, Helen Garason 233, 204, Rose oe s ' 2 bs B - § é ° ourse u inum an pba an py Oot a tielen igi S8 ; i : i, j aa 4 oe % y The. EASY ECONOMICAL Way To Keep Your Home Cool Through Summer's Heat . . . Warm Through Winter's Worst! Brown 206, Dawn Carr 203, Joyce Sanders P} oot OES % ae $ igs Lae %, ote ' 203, Millie Bawks 202 and Janice Hughes|> [i fe % se %: ; 4 Al Si /$ Wi d Al St $ Fs ae. : Ske cS uminum orm/ocreen win ows umInum Siorm/ screen Voors Lemon League -- Chery! Lynde 99, ea ' ' . 5 ' Tihe-savirs ae driti eady d ee ime-saving overlop that's pre-drilied and reo to Marie Ferguson 97, Jean Jackson 91, Dor " 3 ' ij Z Z 3 he 4 designs othy Gibson Bs, 8, Lenore Wright 77 and j ; : 4 ' : : j ' os ses (screws. included). 3. Aue C. "TRI-LITE' 11%' ALUMINUM DOOR -- With inter- Audrey Clark 71 3 3 a P ee : : a : ' Se z A, DOUBLE HUNG With self-storing screens, If <8, pene bl (st re ) full-t h Hele ge : ; oe. me ; Ms ee ; nite fmestino roll with orooved interlock, Seifdtainin : changeable (storm/screen) full-length panel. eavy- MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL Ae gee : s CPt SS : j ae % : Sashes con be raised at one-inch intervals, duty. Oilite bearing hin Automotiv sh-botton Play Boys 3, Motor City 2, Reynolds 2, % ; es > ga . ; ; : Up to 59 United Inches i] ges. e type pu: ' Pic-O-Mats 2, Imperiais 1, Dairy Queens e % é 4 : : é ae , tach : latch. Grille not included. 4 sizes: 30 x 78", 32 x 80", 1, Westmount 1 and Acadians 0. Bis 96 : ga tS ge é pes ae P From 59 te 75 United Inches. " " iteh Tre 6 : ; Bs : 2 fs $ : § : ; : ne ae ° ed in 34 x 82" ond 36 x 84", Helmecke 785, 0. O'Brien 77 . @ : a Se 2 3 $ i. # ' z hs is Each mier 742, B. Taylor 711, D. Wotton 495, : Chae Pe ee - bees 2 os rons 75 to 87 United Inches. ac J. Butler 658, C. Winacott 655, D. Wil i # Z @ P 4 : x i 3 oc ane " " Hams 652, J. Hedges 648, W. Smith 642 8 Pee EM ae? ae OP ; : ; nog Be : 1 87 to 101 United Inches, STORM-TITE" DOOR -- (not illustrated), Heavy, La Maurice ay IHig 620, C. Weeks $ : ' 2 Bt gfe ey 874 oe 3 : é foch beste corners, heavy kick panels.: Weather-stripped High Singles D. O'Brien 375, W 5 on : i he is Bh Ss z : . pied leds Mans aes. (not illustreted) -- non-operating. Double "Z" bar frames fitted with pneumatic closers, 4 Oilite fleimache 37, & Fggp cond aM, 355 255, Up to 75 United Inches. ; bearing hinges. Self-storing screen, 4 sizes: 30 x 78", Taylor 240, D. Wotton 257, 8. Gallant oH - Fe 32 x 80", 34 x 82" and 36 x 84" and G Chere 250. From 75 te 100 United Inches, ' ° (ST. 15 PP ing . os B. Weir 92, 8. Weeks Special Offer ! Save 3. 00 Sq. yd! tach vanes y dwicsca tka & 17.95 Each From 100 te 120 United Inches, MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR 'a' tach : 22,95 4' SELF-STORING ALUMINUM DOOR--(not illustrat. B. BASEMENT WINDOWS -- Non-operating, complete with screen vs Good quality self-storing combination door. 3 Oilite Lucky Strikes 2, L. Piper e Ristich 754 and J. Mc con be installed only. where wooden frame exists), 2 sizes 60 United Inches 49 bearing hinges. Door closer and safety chain, 4 sizes: 30 6 - * a a : Dutchies 6; Ozark# 7, Up to 9 icky A Per '97 as peneeee + ' , " " ' (300), and R. Nesbitt 713), Les Sabres 7. pene Gay erer ee: 78", 32 x 80", 34x 82" ond 36x 84". Om QR R. Cowlson 760, L. Sabins 739 and D. Con , "ide ee ae 11,85 : Nn boy 706; Team 7 4, $, Hime 774 (306) and D. Reynolds 713; Sports 5, A. Goguen 802 Please Allow Three Weeks For Delivery On Windows * All doors with either left- or Ere hinges. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 453 PHONE 725.7373 C. Taylor 767 and R. Swartz 714; Mick 7a (33) an .-- rs, Rich-looking . . . Long-wearing ... Easy to Look After ! Cosnails 253, 8. High Singles -- J Ristich, 410, H. Gil lard 41 and L. Sabins 397 ae Triples -- Keller 950, Lugtenberg tall nei . . 3 Ward 9 ? ; wh lags Rees 704 Resilient-Acrilan carpet, keyed to today's mood of casual elegance, yet en- : ' Plastic Runner Saves Group 2? -- Blowers 6, $. Rogers ° iJ and D. Bishop 683; Cyctones 4, G. Element Ordinarily dowed with stamina and resistance to the wear and tear of an active family. 71) #(272), J. Klapow 696 (282) and T.!/ , Loomed with the look of warmth and beauty you'd expect in traditional Stogwin 659; Lucky Bees 8, R. Wilson 733 c e ) ¢ aa ee : 3 ; Jets 5, D. Henning 703 (349); Die Hear : é : 4 i H Se tia at oa hardtwist, the tight permanent twist in each of its 'tufts gives it superior re- § a pean Hey Carpets From Spring! $; Hope Fullg 4, D. Skinner 784 (280) and fom PPP (203)) Hi balls 8. Cr lcioce ins 4 5 i sistance to matting, flattening and feetmarks, so it should stay 'alive' and at 'Averages --_ H. Ballem 285 D e e new looking for years. Spots and stains can be sponged out quickly; soil and A " : rs 278 : : : ee ide Selec Vani Gar Wobalor ahr grit tend to stay on the surface to be whisked away with the vacuum cleaner, ee ! eae ' Lay it down wherever the family tracks smew and and Shaddick 393 ' ' ee and more it's moth-resistant, non-allergenic and dis ages stat It : j 4 : fia Geet 9', 12' and 15' widths } i a ees nth ae " ; te : mud in use for stairs, precious carpet areas 881 and H. Ballem 862 comes in high-fashion, deep-dyed, fade-resistant colours of grain gold, Gre- Big ; ; utes 7P . DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE | ies gold, suede, Spanish moss, sage green, mocha, chestnut, ocean turquoise, i i : : ..- Or put it under baby's high chair! Heavy plas- Ist Section Winners -- McLaughlin ronze-green, bittersweet, martini. See it amd ord es or f ; : : ie-ri Fuel, 52. (33,679) * c , OD j et, ee a oraer in room sizes or or Beas Psi Spee y is ; tic-rid ed runner measure x " ss ean, Seton Winners -- White Stars, $0 Special, Sq. yd. wall-to-wall installation while you can save 3.00 on each beautiful yard! ' Ta SECU HES TRGR as Baus i k i w de ri Makan Fs epee Aare Pe es AON um end-frames to keep it lying flat. ard Section Tg -- George's TV Towers, 25 (12,7 iia aaa se 'Easylay' Foamed Rubber Under-Gushioning : eg | SPECIAL, 1 eg Al Rich, 405; High $ e with Handicap -- G. Petrolia, 403; H gh Triple with Handicap -- H. Appleton, 876; Lemon a to help prolong the life of your carpet and provide a feeling of extra depth League -- B. Smith, 42 , We have five weeks of reguiar bowling and resilience. Approx. 106" wide. lett Standings -- McLaughlin Fuel, 31 (83, SPECIAL, sq. yd. by ¢ 961); George's TV Towers, 25 (83,074); sie BATONS LOWES ahha cise acid Dove's Fina, 24 (80,667); White Stars 24 (82,138); Motor City, 19 (79,313) There will be on extra re al of 25c sq. yd. for making up rug under padding for area- = Scott's Chicken Villa, 18 (79,440):] Harm rugs more than 106" wid * - bot pena 14 (79,155); Cullen's Esso, 13 7 | D H 145}; Oshawa Auto Trim, 7 (76,790); and Wood Carvers, 2 (75,058). Portab e omestic Don't lose heart fellows. even if you e Ld 4 can't win the top division, we have a two- division playoff for everyone. The first | re | € vy ing ac ines four teams playoff and the last six teams Playoff two weeks total fal! ; Things are picondy ia ha making for Reg. 149.95 ! aged evening for your banquet on : Save on this portable! It's fun to sew -- Later on there will be # special night Created by and ave by -- ago eit and/or the children's clothes on this labour-sav- of bowling put on by our entertainment chairman. More on this later. master furniture craftsmen... ' ar SRUAPIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS The answer to your ing machine which does almost anything! seiit,Doneham was on top of the heap oo, 1S Look at these features to give your sew- is w w $4, 225); Dick St: 4 i & ar to. ea ee [- ; ~ wood care problems ing a professional look: 2); Garnet Palmer 624 (249, 203); Wes 4 4 MAKES BUTTONHOLES ) McCoy 614 (200, * | § 228) and Al Smith 608 (218, 206%. ; ; DAVIS of LONDON SEWS ON BUTTONS Games over 200 -- Claude Glasstord ' e 268, Doug Nickle 259, Louise Richardson Pople ele 240, Stew Tippett 231, Lucy Peeling 228 OVERCASTS SEAMS : \ @ lige Te Cie ire and Bob HAS BUILT-IN DROP FEED FOR Miller 218, A : E Rabinson Zid, Alok MeDonia ath ere ; Val Grrl ure VARIOUS, FABRICS Morgan 209, Molly Hartshorn 208, Wayne a at Thompson 207, Stan Hartshorn 206, Bill i You can also do Lend darning and mend- Elliott 203, Bernice Palmer 202, June ¥ aie 28g i ' " u" Smith and Dot Elliott 201 be ing by. means of the "pop-up" release. ik, Poe 2 Petes inoe ca ¢ = Has push-button reverse for finishing off \ : seams, sewing-light over the needle and Go-Go's 7 and Clowns 6 points. an automatic bobbin winder. With sew- MONDAY NIGHT LADIES ' The points taken: during our leit eve ae ; ing instructions available by appointment ning were as fol! 6 " at) A H sf ; took 7 points from Alley Cote 6. Pons ' Never rub in this special wax .. , at our Sewing Centre. took $ from Nations 2 and GoofBalls took \ we just smooth ifXen, wipe it off to get With Handsome Carrying 8 88.88 Triple -- R. Brown, @ High Single ° a s Sturdy and buoyant, foamed rubber under-padding backed with heavy jute each . PHONE 725-7373 5 points from Walk 700 Scores = liege 728 Yong hard, d wy -- oe or Seay Sale ee Case. SPECIAL, each Bt Scores Gloria Bowler 594, L. anh Llewellyn $72 and Gail Millar 537 ee won't cling to, fingers will be hard to Scores -- L. Mayer 265, M Major 251, Bev Lamb 243, Diane Henesey 277 Anion : mark! A secret formula containing Sil- A. Beckett 222, L. Li i 222, jewellyn 22%, Gloria Also available in Cowie 2 and Pat gage icones . . . it works equally well on ce High Triples -- 8 Vv light or dark woods, on all your pre- Walnut Finished Lemon League -- vie ckt West 92. and! Ruth Shuiga 34 cious pieces. Try it. for plastic, glass, HUMORESQUM BLIND LeaouE chromium-plated surfaces; also tiles Console acon bowler for this week was Sent i e | tH icColeman (147, 113) 2 follow: 4 name anering, Ade McDonough | (83 ar eran or 9 Machine drops away when not #) 1 r a . " Suddard in use, Ensures comfortable sewing at the correct height. 9-oz. Has large work area sparhg eae te ° sic, 118.88 ing Stones 5, Skittles 2 and The Dutty's 5, Corner Pins 2 "Over 600 -- Dave Duncan (802) 200, 227 ' Clos (any Ne, Hee aA Bead vinhll EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 SATS ee, ee (622) 23 150, 7 th . Ca) 10.207" Heth : PHONE 725.7373 PHONE 725-7373 207, 203; Ben Fisher. (423) 198, 213, 21 Ron Brown (637) 205, 218, 714 and Audrey Peer he EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Monday to Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Lemon League -- May Mcilwraith "| and George Day 54.

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