x ___}38--Coming Events ] OBITUARIES , = ) STOCK M ARKE | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16, 1966 33> $6--Lege! NOTICE OF APPLICA | v ALBEE Ue HNEY | ; TORONTO 10:49 A.M. STOCKS U Buffadn 4500 57 36 56 6 268104 104 104 --1% 0 e ee ' "3 rg | MRS. ALBERT AUGHI pe : 4 Distributed by CP Un Keno . 250 $00 $00 500 710 $254 25% 25% | t Pp F 1] ' TION TO THE si ga JAYCEES | Requiem High Mass was sung) = ae) Leese Se See mcnens| Uae etme Sima ers FOLOW MUNICIPAL BOARD by j , panes re " i ' beg St, Gertrude's Roman Catho- A P| Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Bx-| Vespar 1000 100° 74 72 72 -- 1 llie Church, at 10 a.m. today, : rights, xw-----Ex-warrants. Net change is} Violam 1100 2 42 +1% i a 55 $42 d for Mrs. Albert Aughney who % bse ri from previous board-lot closing sale, Wasmac 300 1400 5% ~~ 'R And C d The Corporation of Mo a) sfer ldied, Mar. 14, at the Oshawa MINES West wire 400 , gga omans Tusa ers the City of Oshawa 'General Hospital. . we ; ie wat oe le 3 ct ee : for approval of a by- | Rev. John Myers, pastor of |P @ holes Wish Low am. Choe] Wintoy > mea tse. 198 73 ae oe a By MEL SUFRIN victory was celebrated by the 0 2 te land D | K St. Gertrude's Church, sang the aan ; 1 Sh Se Sa Yale Lead 4500 -- V2} Husky : 8 & massacre of 20,000 Jews. oe eee |mass. Interment was in Resur- . & yam ue. eee Sn aw eet | eee eae Wee, Tea vo? por 30 of The Cie CT NT [rection Cemetery: : oS Rove GAS eer sae ae Zulana rs 5 25S HB ONG 1% 1% | _ Pena acl pear ane MOSLEMS MOVED IN | '9 Section es | The pallbearers were Ron!' 4 149 1 149 + OILS, GAS imp Oli is ssies Saiav sats then: th ns;--Bysantines,; The Mestems oncusicd Sone Planning Act. "k Drinkle, Cleo Ou-| : 232-245 282 + 7 |. " Be Se as 335 + 5 | Moslems and Crusaders--nowjarea in 638 after a seven-year 9 Leonard, Jack as Si ae ak eo +10} tniand Gas 200 399 ° ithe Hotel Corp. of America. {siege that vanquished the Byz- ec] lette, John Mowinski, Mike Ry-|. 4" : V "y ) TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- | Admission 50c an and Don MacLellan 1% ; a : 2s ' Bent 3200 17% ie, Ym + vs nem be pe tt * _|. Situated on the Mediterranean antine church which had held cil of the Corporation of the | / ' Be : <f:| Bankfieid f "2| CS Pete 1200 276 275 iBM 5 'coast between Haifa and Tel|/POwer here for three centuries. City of Oshawa intends to | 3 : a a 78 § " 7| i | 275 BM | Barex 2 C Delhiw 257 61 61 Int Nickel + ¥laviv, Caesarea is a striking) The Arabs ruled until 1101 | 'UNE 7 x 300 3 - 2900 util Aa ; : ng apply to The Ontario Munici- Two Jackpots ses ee ane na F i =i S oe eae ee ee inipr P L im itu iblend of old and new, when the Crusaders captured pol Boord pursuant to the | . GORDO! : : gh + ay Sine So a a ae int Stl P $6 ve The remains of an eqveduet the city, slaughtering several provisions of Section 30 of | NOS, 54 AND 59 The memoria! service for W.) C Homestd 100 205 inv Gre hs ag 4 av thousand defenders. Unable to 205 205 4 a " | 9 y James Stl 10% 00: 'tre The Planning Act for approv- Gordon Hines, who died at the) 500 13% 13Ve 13? oo ee eT tel setterasn 4 yiand a rebuilt outdoor theatre! otect the whole 400 acres of : ; He + A' ri } = w\are reminders of Roman times. aw nie aor at $500 [Oshawa General Hospital, Mar.) NEW AMBASSADOR | 5°, .:s oes --1"| Henan He to's "en" + 5) 300M. 3 SEY Se os" --SIA big cistern is lett trom the|™e, Colony, the Crusaders en- possed on the 21st doy oF ' }12, in his 67th year, was held) 4 E, Ritchie, 49, a career { Srovl Reet : 9 + Dev-Pal 205 190 205 Kelsey Co 200 $ 1% -- |Byzantine period. And @ hand: jclosed one-tenth .of the area. povageny Peacoat g aie ee [at 2 p.m. Mar. 15 at the Arm) Gitomat, is Canada's new | Brmmmk mM } Dome Pete $15% 1570 15% reo 2 4 nae ad "|The present walls of the fortress the by-law is furnished here- IN 50 NOS, OR LESS strong Funeral Home. iplomat, vanada's 1 | Bosker Wi , 31% 4 beamiie ws a aes LOnt Cem 4 5a + Y¥isome ss is a relic of the ' with, A note giving an ex- | I The service was conducted by ambassador to Washington. Cadamet 000 9 Fargo 35 (318315 heures 8 4 164 | Crusader', ; are those repaired and restored planation of the purpose ond ramnee Yount Interment was| since 1964 he has been dep- ting 18 ; Gre Ollsds $24 126 126 tay Fas | Today they share the setting Ce oe fone ee ffect of the by-low is set $200. 7 nag ety Bee" "| uty undersecretary of state 3 5 5 = int Helium 170 173. Lav F 63w 900 160 160° a ban i se engr |raesarea as a base. yh ie Fe in Oshawa Union Cemetery: | for external affairs. A na- | © Faraday ) 3 : Co eee | Levy + ts with the Caesarea, an air-con-| Bach period of settlement In announced Nos The pallbearers were Charles} Cdn Keely 314+ 41 perme : ' 2Y Levy B pr 2 --widitioned 120-room hotel built bylysed the. remains of earlier seeder et " | tive of Andover, N.B. and a ¢ 54 15 (15 2 ' My Life invest : ips Any person interested ma Skea, Harry Tresise, Ray Lunn.) 194) Rnodes scholar, he join- Pp "4 eel J Life Inv wt 300. 20 0 --15 |Barond Edmond de Rothschild|structures for building mate- within fourteen (14) days $25 Consolation Prize Duke Andrews, Jack O'Brien] oo°1.) department in 1944 Cassior 5 1 Saale 7 ' ; 1 i | jand operated by the Hotel Corp.|riais, Statues taken from tem- after the date of this notice i f and Peter Makarchuk end aati dsb e 1 | Sa Ker ee S i3 Ranger 7% 7) ~ "of America. les ' . os $10 per line both games Piette bus: sm Aeon ' He worked with the United 401 Scurry Rn 7 ry : ples were erected in streets lald 39--Notices Nations from 1946 to 1948 fie ? son 4 6 + 4%,|_ Its manager is Albert Elovic,jout by Byzantines. Floors of acadana . Rn Se Oe when he. rejoined external | ¢ i tS al ee Fe a : +a former general in the Czechiearly Arab houses were made affairs. He succeeds Charles | © § eae ae W Decale 200 380 380 30-5) we pR 3 h + wie ane bypricier one a of eae torn from -law together with o Wael 5 iil ean Applications. either by tele- S. A. Ritchie, nd relation, | MM Me | Mon an wa before be-|Roman walls. " -- oF ihe grounds of ag iasate torial: phone or in writing will be who becomes ambassador to xiv INDUSTRIALS | wl ; 'a+ Veling transferred here. Modern Caesarea began to | p+8 He maintains that accommo-jevolve in the 1920s when Ed- | such an objection 20 Regular $20 games pay received by the undersigned NATO in Paris. - | 200 $7 Alta Gas $35% 35% 35Y 290 , double in 17 Nos. or less | until noon, Monday, March pitoiates a 7 5 Alta Gasw 865 865 845 Y |dations are more sumptuous|mond de Rothschild, grand- send by registered ma dei to the Clerk of the | pica sive oarsoe, 4% | $175 Jackpot objection to approve! of the The Ontario Municipal Boord sic 640° Gans 21st for the transportation by jG Morin: ae ee in ie Allene A To a | cog . jeven than in the Ist century|father of the present baron, may approve of the said by e bus or buses of the elementary | BOWLING SCORES pil 235 2 s+ at Atoms 65 $6% 365% 36% + V when King Herod built a ma-|bought much of the surrounding law but before doing so it Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M school children within the 700° 735 Alum 4\4p $42% 42% 42% w %* | \iestic city here. and named itjarea for possible settlement by moy appoint a time and place Alum 10 321% 21% 21% Mi rand rr ash $§ Darlington for : ? wm tl r Mv aa : ( when ony objection to the by EXTRA PRIZES et ae et Sap. ha ek op Fields 42 m2 sdsme date dome || Moore / " i poke Emperor Augus sowilty romnees, 2 pone ee i Notic t j ne ible th Geor: Hard. ee 2 thes | .Nt Contain 30 --* mcd " epapeg§ ¥ it hernia i yi E Th , d ee cape aiada it geht en 008. 215 Pye a at calayre ae! e 11% 1 r. Nat Drug i : Elovic mentions with a man-|Sdot Yam, was established of ony va "Very urs ay I 200 Scores Eva McCabe 231 and 0 9 s Nat Dr pr + Ys\ager's pride the big swimming |nearby. h Wb en only t | Nic 4 1 1 1 | Nat Trust Ve 21V V3 i Ire agg ang ~ * Nicola Lavergne 224 | 3000 18 ¥ Meg : tn ye leae 3 2a s+ y|pool, the sandy beaches, fash-| In the late 1950s the baron de- Applications to be prepored | Points -- Lolly Pops 3, Beaties-0; How] D'E 3 et hie' dint 4 th j | ---- 3, 39 39 \ k 1 q 2 Y 1% one s jection at the ts iaeat with the bead Ot Now 3 "i Jinks 0 and Sixes 3, Sweet $709 70Ve | Nor lionable dining rooms an e|cided to develop Caesarea as a 7.30 P.M. in Township Hall, | ., Standings How Now 15, Sixes 13,| Dunraine 150 "a 3 $55V2 55a be Hae ae . > | ~~ V | m 2 Wat) t $22 2 ey hy *'nearby. golf course, Israel's only|resort area. Excavation and The last day for filing objec lolly Pops 12, High Jinks 6, Beatles 5) East Sull 225 820 820 82 Bell Phone 1396 $56% S6ve | on her iM + | 1E-hole layout restoration of part of the Cru- Py se ae Se tions will be MARCH 23rd, Jubilee Pavilion Hampton, Monday, March and Sweet Marie's 3 | Flwest T 3) P Bow Val w 175 960 960 52.| Pembina 5 ¥ sader town be in 1960. ms per ee : pt | Rew: Comp f BS ie egan in : 1966 21st : ae AB » j02: 100 : , a" ; | Premium | 600 --%0 ep aeapemugt a Today, inside the fortress T CITY " ; ' MOTOR CITY ST Genex Von toate Oy ; 1003 3 4 ; f ut his eyes really light up|walls are two structures that DATED AT THE CITY OF j t M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen, | : ( Sranish 29 5 5 i Ma y 12% 12% + Vol OSHAWA THIS 9th DAY OF SUSE LEAVING 2H es. Ee | git Garret Un Neg, cas| crnae | a Ba a C joo $91 650650 --20 (When he talks about the sum-lappear to be part of the past MARCH, 1966 FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00 Telephone 263-2401 or Black 454 (235,219); Kay Manilla 453| Gunnar 2 i : 00 $2658 4 -- oo |mer concerts in the Roman the-|but are as much of the present. | 263-2608 (218, 235}; Mabel Moss 441 (216, 225);| Hard Rock ; ats Cen Com 1s $e Gh aM | Rel +5 latre timed to start just as the|One i ta Th i, AND 7:15 P.M irene Campbell 430 (219, 211); Ev. Stine; Headway 1 Pa Wie i C Paka (100 88) Reichhid : P | i 3 i One is a restaurant. The other L. R. BARRAND, ESQ, } rena Caen sings bavckey ani. Tent a| C PackB 150 $83 Reitman A hs 14 |Sun is setting over the Mediter-lis a skin-diving centre used by CITY CLERK, and Returning after the Bingo 241); Mari. MeNell 417 (233)7 Clete Well-| Hollinger s : Can Perm $12 +) ranean. tourists and archeologists hunt 80 CENTRE STREET man 414 (281); Cella Wigg 410 (253) and| Huds Bay 7 €_ Safe 4pr $97 97a 97h " | And k i ; : pologists a Ak ONTARIO Children under 16 not admitted We Biscay 40 tebe. 2058 | Hu-Pam 000. " és 337% eas 7k Tene) AAG he SecORneee that theling for coins and other relics -- 4 : BIRTHS 200 Games Myrna Baldwin 260,) {rish be 23 3 CSL. pr 56 $6% 6 : . + jarcheological attractions ofion the floor of the Mediterran- EXPLANATION OF PURPOSE a Sue ee Ts tie teean| 18 im im im <2) € Brew A | Sinus a | coally interesting to tomtietn, helo AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW 217, Mary Frobe! 217, June Crowle 214,| gia ode igo gs Cc Srew Bx Va 482 48 i -- | really interesting to tourists, the 10-66 SUNNYSIDE Mickey. Knopp 213,° Estelle Patterson 209,| yi ei peel ide Boge a 5 313% .icomforts of his modern hotel . KEMP -- Dennis and Lynda (nae Top: |Meri Wenner 3 and Mary 'Bel 3 ma | Senc'e asta Su Su m notwithstanding. Brussels Police Kerr Add Inv 4 39 #8 The area's history dates from This by-low amends the use pings) are proud to announce the arrivai; Team Standings Angus Graydon 12, * - -* permitted in C-1 use districts a ae weight 0 Ibs, on Tuesday,| Thomson and Kernaghan 11, Nu-Way Rug} Pe hel ae : See a 3 h ? the 4th century B.C. when the Back On The Job in" 21 Phoenicians built a harbor here by permitting o specialized March 15, 1966, at the cere General | 10, a tary ee, " renal er cee Min 3 30. | find. eo sia five automobile service shop deal- | O 1) S e f -- A baby brother for Richard snd) it, 4, Swan's Hardware 5 Kinlogh's| + Dufaul of i : ar an tae ae Men's Wear 5 and Modern Upholstering Latin ¢ a On $563 and called it Straton's Tower] BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reut- sim 1 after the king of Sidon. ers) -- Brussels policemen re- ~e the ay fe sue parts | teitcn 7 0; CPR Pr $87 87% and o service shop for the in- , Liberian r 1 $12Ve 12Ve ' TOUGH Gord and Theima (nee Lored 150 120 1 2 C Tire A 362% I stallation of auto ports sold | cruikshanks) wish to announce the ar akeiune: Ganvae cHvatH Feuuieet ike tie = oa ae Be | 5s uM S After periods of Persian and|ported back for duty today after on the premises [rival ot @ deughter, 5 Ibs. 5 ozs. on eee ae wer ae th te, 100 246 246 245 + C Vickers 2635 $19% 19 tle 4 ,|Greek domination, the site|their 24-hour strike to back a thanks fo Dr, Heler-|244). afd Sommerville 707 (261 rs ners 5 Cop. Bide 0 44% 34M came into its own around 22/claim for better guns and more | Cdn Pet LAW NUMBER 40-66 | erai Hospital. Many art Martin Malenic 72 " + eRe ey 30 $134 1344 s BY-t oe Man oc gh oD 817% 174 17 BC when Herod decided to build|pay ended at midnight Tuesday. Andres, and 4th floor staff 14 im Py 491 (208 Man Bar 5 5 Chemc! Ip 1 $20 20 tT PPL $91 P Men over Les Baran . nani 00 2 2 1 iv 3 4 A ; 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE | 1-JACKPOT en Het 600, Les Baranya | Maro. Comite D1 Os 1 Snbull oi td a city. After 12 years it was| The bulk of the capital's 3,000- CITY OF OSHAWA | : Cobb os At As Doug, Smith 637/ 50 $15 : Con MS 20 $43% 43% 43/4 Un Gorvla pain p complete, with harbor, white;man police force took part in MUST GO! Men aver 200 Cec Lemb 290, Gord Cy oa) oe Se ce 0 marble palaces, colonnaded|the walkout which snowballed Og": Bata DEATHS Brown 244, Nerm Naish "2s, Maurice) MW . 3 Coes We a ee Versatd a a streets, a huge hippodrome,}among the rest og Belgium's Fonir wo . Voodoock 274, m Leurie 3 2 M r 2100 7 7 rust 1 1AVe AV 1 ersa 3 4 4 1 4. , of i mid y Two) ackpots Be ee ee ee ak tare ee in 6 67 ' Crush int $i4 a Wa ae +i) oe : Mag theatre and amphitheatre. 7,000 provincial police who Martin 212 Raa on ae 1| Bral' Seog 150 $364 3614 36a -- 0] Walk GW $34% In later years it was a centre|staged token solidarity stop- BE IT ENACTED AND IT 1S Nos. 53 and 57 CUNNINGHAM, Emily Elizabeth ane. over 600 Terry Gerrow 657) minOre 1500 33 D Bridge $254 25\4 254 -- Val hie ign = of both Jewish and Christian|pages. HEREBY ENACTED os @ by $500 At Oshawe Genera! Hospital on, satur| Ladies. over 200 joyce Lamb 262,| pon 3 A Bom Elect $16% 1654 16% | Weateet 4 poet 2% 22% -- vilearning and also the scene of| But in Brussels and in the pro- law of The Corporation of the . Cunainanan of 22 Dunlop - Z, wait-| ene alg Roar A tae Prk a Ruth pee orn 100 35 Sal |. Doteece moni nes oom + "i Wsupple we $10 10 10 bloody violence. 'The' apostle|vincial towns the absence of po- by; beloved sister of Mrs, Eldred Odium|smaii 216, Audry White 204, 224, Betty a | pen Sie oS i a West Awt 105 $12 12.«12 Paul was brought from Jerusa-|lice on their usual patrols did + + ++44+4+! being © by-law to further Ww is A 10 10 w City of Oshawa by the Coun- | IN 52. NOS. OR LESS M dred Od Suppis 200 $ ell thereof as follows: Nos \ 22 st gg FR ag ea jr cigs noid| sammmervitie ats Thelma Owen 209 and} Niund 4 4 +%| D Scot pr $4646 SO | Zeit 400 210 210 210 lem and imprisoned here for|not upset traffic or unleash a 1. Th \ ner 3415 | Jon Tuesday, March 15, at the W..C. Town!" Points Taken Doves 4. Hawks 3,| " wi WE oe po IR 'ie a |two years before being sent, at}wave of crime. co landlesd safle | |Funeral Chapel, Whitby. The Rev. John) Ravens 3, Crows 3, Larks 2, Wrens 2) WN Que Ragl 0 S75 575 Pont $2, 42a Ma sasgulabieisiue his own request, to Rome for| The government was consider- inded is hereby further M. Smith officiating. Interment at Mount 4 0. Du 2 pact taninains , |Lawn Memorial Park, Oshawa. Pe eee er ee el Nae ; "| East Ch Tr 46 46 ab FOREIGN TRADING trial by the emperor. ing a plan to reorganize the po- amended by amending Sec- { § gs _-- Doves. 18, obins | Nisto fd Emco 145 $144 14 A | Boholo 100 $1014 10% 10% Th ti inch A tion 32 thereof by adding ot | In announced Nos $$$ ~ yilfnbeg opi 7 bh bya el bing ost Norbeau 30 (130 ¢ Emp Life 15$188 188 188 +18 | MacMillan 30 $272 27% 272-4} e first incidents in the re-jlice, provide better fire arms to the end thereof the following $25 Consolation Prize | : "Eiphialsc ater ese ie J ' 1 Exquisite 200 $10% 10% 10% + | C Shawkey 300 73 73 73 \volt of the Jews against the/match those of the gangsters » end the ! : «825 Consolatic Kindness beyond Price, yet ; Falcon 100 100 | Discovery 700 240 240 240 +15 |Romans occurred here in 66 ADjand meet demands for danger (a.q.) specialized auto- $10 per line both games | within reach of all A Fed Farm 200 Multi-M 20 20 ge } ORANGE LEAGUE | North Exp 2 | | | 0 + mobile service shop decl- FPE-Pn pr 210 $65 as 65 7% 7 --12 and four years later the Roman/bonuses. GERROW High Triples ~- Jack Goodman 753) Northgat eid te f ing in the sale of auto parts $] 5h) Jackpot $$$ ecestisasa penastagnaie end a service shop for the | 248, 235, 270); Bob Poole 720 (254, 231,| Norsp Aw inseetion of ane. ports | $20. PER LINE | FUNERAL CHAPEL [fi} Soe" kongen 302" (sau. tar" 201);| Obaska sold on the premises." $50. FULL CARD | Elmer Marshall 662 (297, 195, 170);| O'Brier it | 390 KING STREET WEST |Bernie Derry 640 (229, 143, 268); Sam} O'Leary ; ' oe ome et eS nee $800 Teleohone 728-4226 [iatactk mt im | oon ily KEEPING CUSTOMERS Because they're re-orders. touch with customers, to sort shell come late force without | : [Moyer 200) reat Kairies 247, 215;| Patino 30 $11 11% It! 1S COMMUNICATION out prospects, to revive | the oepproval of The Ontario REGULAR GAMES | 1Den Fisher 213, 233; Alfons Kern 203,| Pax int 3500 33 3 5 pret ac seca And re-orders come your way , to revive Inactive 0. accounts -- fo pick up profits! Ps ~ | Municipal Board but subject PER AE 219; Garry Bickle 250; Kay Marshall] Peerless 00 14 thereto this by-law shall take $20. PER. GAME fat ae chase" Paine ash care Pine Point S74 58 + only one way: by keeping Try it. Communicate with yo effect as from the dote of its $40 IN 17 NOS, OR LESS | Wood 222; Paul Kerrington 222; Ray-| Pow Rou -- 100i de, your customer sold. How? - your passing mond Cooney 219; Joan Ellis 217; Falth| Maga } y i customers. By Long Distance. | You 215; A. K. Ferguson 212; Louise we i 315 315 j j 2s $] 50. Young 715) A. K. Ferguson. 212) Louies! Que, Ct ae By keeping in touch, telling It pays. By-law, read a first time this 4 bot 206; Marlyn Burns 203 and Ib Engel: | @ Mattom! 1500. 16 4 him what's new, serving him : 2}st day of February 1966 SPECIAL GAMES FRIZZELL -- in loving-memory of a bert 20! __| Quemont 30 $1 "a 1 ' , : : By-law read a second time this $50 DOOR ee husband, father end grandfather, Lemons Marg. Coe 94 ae Radiore 6400 1 5 10 And if he's an out-of-town IY, : Engelbert 93 and Bonnie Robbins 81 Rayroc 5 21st day of February 1966 PRIZES The rolling stream of life rolls on, Points 'Taken Pin-Plekers. 4, Biow. Rio Algom 1 ; 20 customer? Bell Can d By-law read a third time and tesla id gai' Chale tne amile . (Hearts 4 Lucky Strikes 3, Spitfires 3, Rockwin 0 ' ' ada finally passed this 21st day of | EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 | of the one who once sat there strike ours, 1, TryHards le Aley-cely 8) Towa ; Call him Long Distance. February 1966 --Always remembered by wife Edith and! Standings Pin-Pickers 12, Spitfires| Satellite Y i Rone Admission $1.00 family 10. strikeQuis 9, Lucky-Strikes 4 Try-| Sherri ese id cadaver ny LYMA' A. GIFFORD i ' etween personal visits. at's MAYOR Every Thu rsday and Flintstones 1 | Silvmag P | JOHNSTON -- in loving memory of @ | Siscoe 0 0 230 33 9 d when Long Distance pays off -- L. R. BARRAND RED BARN dear wite, mother and grandmioth Steep. R 400 630 2 aren t orders. the fast, friendly, personal Herds 4, Blow-Hearts 4, Alley-Cats 4 Sil Eureka Florence Johnston, who passed away WIRE AND HARNESS Sud Cont March 16, 1965 Team Standings -- Alley Cats 29, Lucky} Sullivan SS pilosa fae God saw you getting weary strikes 28, Head Pins 22, Gay Six 21,{ Teck Corp s i hey're conversation, the importance SR : $0 'He did what He thought best, » Pickers 21, Go Getters 19, Jesters 17, , : 1 23 Auctions ss cage BUSES LEAV NG He came and stood beside you Fiyers 15, Hi Los 14 and Hi Balls 6 | Texore we 3 ' of a phone call from out of FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00 | ana whispered "Come and rest Over 600 Raiph Jennings 750 (280,| vorbrit 4 ? And it i h AND 7:30 P.M | She wished no one a last farewell, 252, 218); Leo Gorman 657 (233, 221, 203); | Towas meee ro town, And it is such an ~ " Nor even said "Goodbye Jack McLean 650 (272, 200); Harvey Sin-| Tribag Ss 1 L e j H ki j AUCTION "\iidren Under 16 Not Admitted) She was gone before we knew it, guiar 640 (239, 223); Elmo Lynburner 636 | _U Asbestos inexpensive way to keep in , And enly God knows why. (271, 203); Tom Barclay 636 (264, 220); | ----_--__--0--_ a ----e | _Lovingly remembered by Ollie,' Bob,| Jack Laverty 629 (351); Barb Wilson 611 i Beth, Bilt, Helen and grandchildren (256) and Audrey Bulmer 602 (307) The undersigned auctioneer Over 200 -- Steve Lovelock 291. Mikel BM GOA Oeearerreg / Ee will sell by public auction at ST. GEORGE'S HALL Mackinnon 378, Bill Smith 260, Audrey|| Mths aD & WO MadskaAWk Maka ad Stirtevont's Auction Hall, 33 : : SMITH -- In loving memory of a| Burrill 256 a Ay Melanie brigh lf Hall St., Oshawa. on Thurs- | N | grandson, Donald Leslie, and a dear son, | 2010"m y 201, Doreen Abremc f KENNELS , | i Ewen Moreau 231, June Laverty 229, Bill dey, March 17th at 7:30 Deane WORN ee Dene To Er ae Sohn Acres a Pauline: Bell! . j 226, Rill Harding 219, Rich Wilson 214,/§ @ Grooming & Clipping oll breed as Bc gage oe ALBERT and JACKSON STS Lovingly remembered through the 209, Ciitf Hutchigon. 210, 'Ross Kossatz il © Boarding & Training age phase ae igi range, years. Dad and Mother 210, Floyd Fowler 208, Marilyn Rosseau || @ Pick Up & Delivery resser chest of drawers, : 208, Yvonne Smith 206, Ray PI Gina's side sewing mecnna, | EVERY WEDNESDAY in lovin memory ot a deer ay pariiage 25, Nara Nurren 2061 == CALL BROOKLIN 4 bia ' n y T1901, Cyril Weeks 203, Peter Ruttan 203,/ . dishes and mony other ar- 7 45 Id. Woodrow Smith, who! Cari Burrill 203 and Slim Bell 20) ticles too numerous to men 18 GAMES AT $10 jpawsed away March 16, 1960. Lemon League -- Caro! Gendron 94, Bud 655-4487 tion © \ - | Oh, happy hours we once enjoyed, Myers 88, Judy Gannon 82 and Myrna : ae $20 | How sweet their memory stili, Burgess 54. TERM ASH 2 GAMES . | But death has left a loneliness a ------------ 5 ON SHARE. THE WEALTH The world can never fil : Sadly missed by brothers Neil, Gler $210 Jockpot 58 Nos and families. = ee $5 each Horizontal e . mgs Patt a % H 38--Coming Events Soe Daman $10 Consolatior SPENCER -- In loving memory of @ imports up 12 in 1965 ene $15 DOOR PRIZES dear brother, John Albert Spencer, who - } March 16, 1958 j j tne ladies' G gears Since gt hee Modernization of plant and equipment adl rou ee To me, saddest of the year, H i é The blow was hard, the shock severe needed to enable more industries to compete Social Bingo Myles King: auctioneer © part with one | loved So dear St. John's Hall |_-sadty missed by Sister Flossie against imports." Branch 7, PNU ieee eee Blow BNO a ( Z Wednesday, March 16 Permanent Memorialization THE Extends a cordio! invitation 8 P.M. Everyorie welcome is almost possible with the to attend it's inch served MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER BINGO, Bathe Park, . Evialie Avenue, i; 15th Anniversary Thursday, 2 p.m.- and Buctire, saturday, | that we supply ond install; apm Please call | MOUNT LAWN : EUCHRE PARTY -- Sf. Philip's Hali,| BANQUET AND Onto, street, Thurgdny, March "We 8 MEMORIAL PARK SYSTEM Mf OF FINANCING DANCE 39---Notices _ a provides funds for modernization of plant Saturday, March 19 ~~ | Ford Unveils | janine urday, Miarcn TAKE. NOTICE an equipment OF icine oe mnie |Cougar Design Would modernization improve your competi- ' is meeting be held Polish Hall 326 Bessborough Dr.'city | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The tive position? 168 Banting Avenue of Ost on the 20th doy of |Windsor Star published draw . 766, at the hour of jings Tuesday of the Ford Motor Miteh Zalewski's Orchestra 3 | afternoon, for the (Co,'s new auto, the Cougar, ee ie ; purpose of a general meeting jischeduled for production later ness project Call: For assistance with any industrial or busi- te the Cemeter known as EASTER TOUR PORT OSHAWA The new car will be added to April 9th htt CEMETERY the Mercury passenger-car line | COLONIAL VIRGINIA Rec a dae (ska ok as a 1967 model For Information Telephone Whitby 7 shio. The own- ; ; z 623.3265 | ers of Plots are requested to |tang, the Cougar will be built) THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA © BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE attend the meeting dated In e. ae, one model, a two-door THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY = GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA or write J v 4; 1966 airuahe). MONTREAL TRUST AN' COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE) Ne mbinson; Herbert |_ oe Sty. Says. the Cougar = P.O. Box 63 Robinson, Mosse Moynard. j will have a wheel-base of 111 Bowmonville, Ont | Plot Owners jinches with an over-all length jof about 190 inches. ;this year RoyNat Ltd, at HALIFAX, MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY or VANCOUVER Slightly longer than the Mus: or enquire through any branch of