Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1966, p. 30

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BG THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 16, 1966 Turn Your "Don't Wants' Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. |8--Articles for Sale |13--Articles for Rent :17--Female Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT ou VITCLIPAL 1 B U 5 N ESS S E RVI CE D | K ' | KR ae ae oN cei OF -- 'KINDS so ow SANDING MACHINES Cottage Furniture Oscillating sanders, dise sand- Apply Mr. Campbe For Sole oh belt sanders, floor sand- GENOSHA HOTEL © f : - , Refrigerators, freezers, stoves, PLUMBER'S TOOLS MIDDLE-AGED woman to live in) adult Accountonts Barristers : Mortgages Sales and Service / : a beds, dressers, and other cot- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise heme, to do small chores, laundry, etc, eaten No heavy work." References required. nd HILL. , f 5 tage furniture. Complete line tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe | Telephone 723-2063 for appointment GORDON R. DAY, Certified General eri ded BOYCHYN, » 4 ; / i CHIMESE RIVER BOAT 1$ A FLOUR MILL, % . . Peointmn 'Accountant, 'Suite 206W, Oshawa Shop-|MA 2 "depots Be ay' 9 ariacet Before You Buy A : ANCHORED IK"HE YAMG(ZE RIVER, of furniture and re-upholster cutters, pipe threading dies, EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER. Apply ping Centre, 725-9953. ews Street $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, MO RTGAGE Piano or Organ, See ss RE eo don A Ra era ing. i ae urbane in arson. The Vague Beauty Selon, 10 BOB CLA ng LLB; J, D. Humphreys, BA, LLOB. Office gts ; : Imece Street North, Oshawa Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe) 751177; 'Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, HEINTZMAN : ices yh sti MATACKED 10 A Telephone 668-5481 39: 7723-760! : i » E Whitby tension ladders, ladder jocks two Fridays and one Saturday per month, Bi 725-5133. NHA and Stepladders, aluminum ex- | BABYSITTER WANTED from 9-4.15 p.m neice | 668-2761; 728-4355 | ; oF, NN, sta chartered Aceon. other first mortgage funds available. LOA NS - Company Ltd. ' Sm ; SCRAPS. 215 Dundas St. E., sta} eatnsiin paleisoiig Sharh are of pre-school age. Telephone \ pe e ie Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street) ----------- 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe -~ elephone 723-4833. Building Trades Moneys availoble for first TELEPHONE 728- 292) BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnityre sors, spray guns, -- wallpaper RELIABLE WOMAN to mind Children BERT HOSMAR, Chartered i Accoun- and second mortgages. Open and appliances. One location only, Se bad steamers, tarpaulins, blow ter to dpe age weekly, in Whitby 1 t, Suite 4, Oshawa, ¢ a Gisieitiin Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 sreen and eter area.) Telephone A a et er q mortgages. No bonus. First BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, L ' : ture, 444 Si _Sout torches, propane torches. rank ee 2 vas awnings. Complete service, free NEW, USED -- vacuums, pollshers, WELDING EQUIPMENT FT ; BEADLE AND CO., Charter- E RATES mortgages, second mortgages -|mates, Mil Jeinick, 728-1993. wi z, pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone] Acet iene waldens rica mo THORLETS HOME, middle-aged lady ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- and agreements for sale pur- " + Jack Lees, 728-6956. 200 % , Id ' to live in and care for three children, ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On : chased Septic Service HULERR GRUEH Wo Bale CAE cee amp. electric welders, One child welcome. Telephone 725-6708. tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, CA H. Till March 21st M. F. SWARTZ SEIGIC VANS cased iG WHAT Ant now! Whitby residents only. Telephone BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT RELIABLE GIRL for light housekeeping lens kat oad bp co.| @ ADDITIONS 2614 King St. on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street | AWO USES FOR i daytime 723-0444; evenings 668-6583, Cement mixers, finishing _| and baby sitting required to five in, Teles YALE, FRIEDLANDER 7 Bion c 261 King St. East West, Wiiltby, 668-2563. V. ct PEANUT SHELLS Gg ANTIQUE CHAIRS, carved, neediepoini,| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- {Phone 725-255 Sherteres Accounignts,, Uae sett @ BATHROOMS Oshawa, Ontario, nese 4 ee9 siete beautiful pleces. Telephone Bowmanville! tric virator, air compressor, ban viitnn required, shift work. South ee 4 ai 'vl Z be . 1 . PS z ist ve North, Oshawa, 726-737) @ KITCHENS, ETC. 723-4697 Surveyors pal EVELOPED THE ART f ake jeanne. ey jock hammers, hand trowels, |isirict, no housework. Telephone 728: -- -- wee rf . rte és HE oegiem ge USEDAS A 1965 VIKING automatic range, n ble h sesienthpinecinegibicaliaaal a HALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO., ALL TRADES : H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Be SOME WORTH hese , woter pumps, portable heat- - - Sir chat Se; willlam G. Hall, CO ORDINATED : aah aH sooner -| Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone| AN EX'ENS 4HA1 MOT ONLY MANY SUBSTITUTE FoR $1,000 APOUND, | Condition, $150. Telephone 728-8383 afte ers, steel scaffolding, electric Teleptone mma: er Sar re ir} y rn af p.m. East, Oshawa, 725-6539; Willlam C. Hail, 725-6881, DANCES, BUT EVEN 4HEIR PRAYERS CORK AHD 1, ARE MANUFACIURED pmol. varkbek bower Heke : 4 B.cComm., CA: David G. Perkin, CA; DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario, ARE PERFORMED WitH HAND GESTURES MAKING PLASTICS. FROM HUMAN HAIR: AQUARIUM, 10 gallon, complete, 30 trop g . eet, P YOUNG LADY for feller's position in J Graham MacMillan, CA ? aioe REMODELLERS Mortgage Loans Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints pan leat figh, ni filter ae Also chester- ers, electric hammers, mason- Shs Bsa Please reply to P.O. Box DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS and € 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, © King Fare frets bn Oe Waal wpe ee fleld, high back, very clean, com ory saw, building jacks, : ee SELLS, Chartered Accountants: G. A FREE ESTIMATES WAN ey -- z telephone 72a3676 mortar mixers, mortar boxes. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted; 7 Char Ac ? | Ee Byes" Ser aS j » me ' Riehl, CA, RIA; B. R. Waters, CA, a) / pee ' H GOLF CLUBS and bag fer sale, excel at te hours 11.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m., closed on Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7527. | eX, 0966 7Va 70 TY--Radio Repairs | lent condition, new last August, $70. Tele. : Aa Jaina asad nis -- helidays and Sundays, minimum starting v- Tay Bean ld A, | Sponsoring Member of H.0.P.E. 75% OF VALUE 5. Phallans 8--Articles for Sale phone 723-0793 a plane, jpre ins, é rate Apply Crystal 'Grill, 29 King East. e 0 c jomme TH os s and saw ' joiner, san - - - _ iatieasntioibiaia ep taiteesicmnasanae NB ce have tee tee --|ONE MARSHALL mattress, and box ' , ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY sa ; spring, full size, quilted top--sacrifice.| blaster, power tamper, power 18--Male Help Wanted ahaa eae ster and Solicitor, 73 Centre CALL bi \ ] One vinyl occasional chair, $10. Tele! post hole auger eae -- pedis Ah, ic ision, 19 rtable, good condition , Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.| CONTRACT 728 1653 HOLIDAY and ROCKET vision, 19', portable, _ anditio 72 * Lady's Borge coat, beige, size 12, $10, 7] Evening appcintment. Dial 723-166) i ECONOMY AND TRAVE! TRAILERS s S 7 x N S ; Ri etek _-- 728-1238. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici me : oe hay ; REAL ESTATE Petite tree| WELDING GUARANTY TRUST reed Petros ame ee thers nd crea bn | SHARPENING. & RENTALS LTD ac as na terme Kelly, QC,| 400 M St E j Company .of Canado Priced to suit your budget a tees 6 a $ aang: $300. Telephone 725-4690 or apply t41 Alex-| 233 King St. West, Oshawa SALESMAN 28.5832; Thor j os meprial -- slee apiae hs andra Street, One tea-wagon, $5. Bed, @ 72658324 Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB; | ary 32--King Se TERMS ARRANGED trvsestignte Hag KU _ Ispring, mattress and night table PHONE 723-3224 We hove on dsenine ter de = agent "aes Solicite : ol leeper CreClenTiGUs PUB NGAGE Ver | AGROR CYCLE, 1957, Royal Enfield, $75.| experienced real estate sal JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Solicitor S ad 5 Holiday 4 5 E, r estate sales- thonay te: ian. Office, 10% Ring Sirest| Whitby 668 6462 Oshawa, Ontario OSHAWA ay. $1,545 6 sleeper $1,595 untarily Pledging to honestly Guitar and fier, $110, Telephone af |14--Business Opportunities mon to fill a newly created East, Oshawa, 728-8232 | ' ia retest. S Th ntiden - 6 sleeper promote better built products. / ternoons 6023 lsvORM FOR RENT, sottable tor lecirical vacancy. This man must be Weldir ci} - ts jets ' t vices," F ING ROCKET 450] , sultable for electrica ' JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, @ epoir ing FIRST and SECOND SUPPLY LIMITED $2,410 and better services, "KU" IME DSA. LIGHTHING " ROCKET (5p) STORE POR RENT, sultabie tor electrical) py ith on dele cate Commercial "Buliding, 26 Kina| of; all types Rot an TAUNTON RD. E Rocket Truck Camper 10°6" recommendations. A "KU Delock ' phone 728-5311 or apply Len Puilen, 10] residential house sales,' both West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking! @ Heavy construction MORTGAGES jock Eee ee Bite $1,710 Home Wiring Checking Kit Se KULVINATOR CRG heawi aay Prince sires. : |, few ond tesdle. We have aes. available, 725-4716 or 725-4717 | equipment, trucks etc. "lasses Holiday Truck Camper De- A Certified eae - ity |stove. Also @ Viking vacuum Wsaner SMALL Prosperous "pangimany proximotely 150 new homes DOCH j Rur 'it Sonstruc ome an a ttachments, Teleph 668-8352. or sale: ' ruck 'an ERBIGHTON, DRYNAN, @ Fabrication, portable / Vacation i luxe $2,310 nay t eee 4 KU" Lux- itl occnbo bon siy abd ~---=--| ladders. Cash. Will consider trade to sell this summer together Vv rristers ich | SUMMERLAND Savings up to $50, on sales -ifetime Certifie UX CHROME KITCHEN SUITE, 4 chairs, In|iate model car. Selling for health rea with resales, land and apart- Bank * comin ge | machine rentals ¢ tox. Buy now ury Home Electrical Instal- [good condition; vacuum, floor polisher! gons, Ajax, 942-5616, ment sales, and dpartment Street North shawa, 723-3446; | | é y 4 | ssehold tich Telephone} . Jae AE PRS 3 Creighton, QC; or residences: G se ---- -- _-- 1 SECURITIES 725-3568 un. te WILDE RENTAL otion helps Listed Thrifty nate Lig: dey aliases Ud oe | WAYSIDE snack bar and service sta- rentals, etc. Good working Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G, 1. Murdoch,| | 2 Simcoe St. N.-- 5 fe . 5 Average Wage Eamers pre- _ -- - jtion for lease, fully equipped and stock- 'ea ; 7115, | servi r | 9 T. f sea conditions, good advertisin peng alloc hag Vie ET MARGIT SPECIALS |snvsre AND CORPORATE monies for -- v Tt GALVANIZED te yd bi id Se * vent becoming another un- ig Bos gull eae ATE #4 velephone (et Reasonably priced. 728-0845, and plenty * cppeftuinite Mortgages arrang: | pi all mortgages. Mortgages and aocree 1415 Dundas St shine y *U I. Fn e000 |BILLIARDS -- § regulation snooker Save up to 15% during Feb ments of sale purchased, Creighton, V TOWE RS Whitby -- Phone 668-3226 suspecting victim of Unrea -----|tables and all equipment, excellent turn-| This office consists of 6 male Classified Rates zed Short-Cuts that cause un- FISHING RODS and reels. Repairs tol over, steady clientele, For more Informa- salesmen only, If you would WORD ADS | March on Rec. Rooms, Kit- {Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar. ' % b ] rister ma RE Ii Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- call T + Sibby' '| 5 chens, Bath petite ae, | if Pi pias TRE BEST Marine Equipment pogincs Financial Embar- oe Ps! South, Whitby (Block Se faery, Zexerew at Sibby's Rea' pave to ei cur vee one ore Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all | ical Servi | '- ESS 1 6 P rassmen west of Four Corners. : LOCALLY ESTABLISHED ot" basiness interested in making real es- additional words, 4Yac. each; 3 ¢on-| General Repairs Musical S iced WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! For information without obli- |gminENT' electric organ, hal pedal with a desire to expand seeks businens tate a coreer, and are cap- secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88 H. McKOY 725-8576 SMALL DANCE BAND available. Exper- y - gation ~ Consult Brenton's, with bench. Like new. Whitby 668-8674 interested in investing in a business! able of making good earnings, dditi | 'ds 12¢. each, 6- con- jience eliabie. Reasonab Phi Ted Cc { r Seosticn inuections af 24 words, $5.04; lexpenT SEVIS cae Gite fai Tayi: ea ee 1. R. |. C) CHRYSLER Corbyville, Ont, |LADIES' CLOTHING--maternity clothe r|Bresently showing rapid growin. jones call for an appointment. itional words 21¢. @ach : a discal and red jacket, size 16. Floor-length eve- | ested parties may receive full details by LLOYD METCALF Real Es- additional : {includes grading and fill, two-year gUar-|RECORDED MUSIC for your dances, TELEVISION OUTBOARDS -- a --|ning dress, size 1415. Baby clothes,| writing to PO Box 102, Whitby, Ont. Cherge--10 per cent additional charge | 2ntee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841 |parties, banquets. For Information cali! carry chair. 725-2363 (GARAGE end service station: 7 eparanint tate Limited, 40 King Street ff fet paid within & days |A-l CARPENTRY, brick and block work, | 668-8464 a Corner Bond and Divisior M.. GREENBERG A thriving] East | | Free estimates. Phone 668-8014. TWO-WHEEL BOX TRAILER, $45. Also ately 35 miles from Oshawa - Spring Bok Aluminum Boots RS 35° miles % nee Sneed . ' as Bante SONS LTD. wanted, good used boat trailer. Telephone| business for the right person, Purchase 8 8 Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 | NEW PLASTERING and repairs, siccx,| Optometrist 728-5143 Peterboroug ass Boats,. | 72 -467| ough Fibreg rough Fibreg words counts os 24 words; each word, i nt Free|--- ' 8 Wiscott Boat Trailers. initial, figure or obbreviation counts|smewalks remodelling, rec-rooms. Free! 2iciaen pLacK, OD, 136 Simcoe ' os one word; phone number counts 728-4717, , Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone TELEVISION some RADIO Special deals on complete Fiatbars -- Channels " 0! | 723-4191 ee ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. > 24 HOUR SERVICE unit sales Sheets -- Plates BIRTHS--DEATHS-- rise eairnanet). 22. square. fot, '|Painting and Decorating _ ee | South, Whitby. Phone 668-2022 * OCIAL NOTICES work guaranteed. Cali 723-078) Square tubing -- Pipe 9--Market Basket ad iit lira ome Ex erienced 2 Oe ie: tens ber Wtth 9 cents edd COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS) - HOLMES WILDE RENTAL Contact NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free | |15--Employment Wanted p " ¥ | loo 7 1 sansitia tional charges if noi paid within 8 days.|done to your satisfaction. Call Oshawa] PAINTING AND Service and Sales 308 Bloor E., 728-7301-2 _ |delivery. Telephone 722- an = iar _ | DUTCH LADY will do house work, 9 to 3, with Ontario or ° Home Improvements, 725-9428 : | CAN SUPPLY you Sh < } ) by the see 728-9186, K. Mart area pre IN MEMORIAMS DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 to 6 yards de ECORATING FL E( | RONI( S 1415 Dundos St. &., Whitby PARTS P.E.1. potatoes, 10-25-75 Ibs. weekly. Eggs) DY th Ipper 2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc i AS at atiractive prices. Free delivery, Osh i te ach thereafter plus 12c. per line of|!lvered, $2. per yard. Telephone 725-0697 INTERIOR and EXTERIOR ne é r Washer tove: awa, Whitby, Ajax, 655-4983. |FULLY EXPERIENCED carpenter 7 ditional eh: f not|ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS Phone e coe ul ~ | wish t position. Telephone verse: 25¢ a itione ¢ rge | no ary ir 1 y 4 ft r for rompt service 1 sti sg 7 | wisl es permanen' Position, e paid 'within 8 days roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire| | Brood sel Seale ies wane | sath : Dryers CLEMENT Poultry, Roasting Chickens.| PME Pr gee 1602 For Lumber and places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby FREE ESTIMATES BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft" ELECTRIC MOTOR 0 bs. | -- nen CARDS OF THANKS 668-2774 | | Whi b 668 5679 , T er" boats. Evinrude' per Ib. Call collect 987-4353 LADY wishes to do housework three or $2.00 for the first 38 words and 5c id OER | DODD and SOUTER | it y . ior "Marine Storace and Sophy L1G; Repair and Exchange APPLES, Mcintosh, second grade, $1.25| four days weekly. Telephone Whitby 668 Building Su pl Dealer ach thereafter with 25¢. additional|ROORING, HOT TAR AND GRAVEL 668-5862 yok lin 655-364 OSHAWA APPLIANCES [bushel. Also first grade, controtied at-/8250 between 6 and 8 p.m g -upply oot ered shingles, repairs, large and small jobs./ 668- | | Brookiir 5-364 A harge if not id within 8 days. 7 7 ie sil } | = mosphere. Mcintosh, Spy and Delicious | WILL CARE for child in my y home while charge i pa! |L. and H, Roofing and Construction, 725- | WINTERTIME | EVINRUDE 712 H.P. outboard, excellent 186 Simcoe § 728-7535 Bring own containers. Algoma Orchards,! mother works. Location north-west area. Must be fully acquainted with COMING EVENTS | | | 6937. condition, $75. Bowmanville 623-5078 after $5 Bs ae 4 . " ; pk biotin i M ondition, $75. Thickson Road North, Whitby | Telephone 728-0693, ; $2.10 per inch (dispioy); $1.50 for the| MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS =| PAINTING and T.V. TIME Ig 0 p.m 4) | en sane mere merchandising in this. field, first 20 words and 5c. eoch thereofter|'@-roof, tar and gravel, exterior painting DECORATING T.V, Service Anytime 14-FT. FIBERGLASS runabout. Selectr i | price to Include nine-room home on one. New & Used orien ----------| acre lot, For appointment to see call Angles -- Beams TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash! George Martin 932-5392 Millbrook. (Rep.)) os registers, 1 9 algo Valley. Creek. for w. O. Martin Realtor 728- 5103 Oshawa, Telenhone 72594 |STORE FOR RENT, 204 Brock Street MOTORCYCLES 7 | WOMAN WILL CARE for two children in (Word Ads). and cement. 24-Hour service. 723-8416. | with 40 H.P. Evinrude motor. Very good 10--Farmer's Column jher own home. Telephone 723-8726. ond capable of handling from ROY'S CUSTOM FURNITURE, aitera terior, exterior, Reasonable 7 R | tC) Condition... 725-0789, AUCTION SALES tions. Coffee, night tables, chests, rec rates. All work guaranteed. $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, room bars and rec-rooms, etc. 723-5862.! 9 » of Free estimates TELEVISION $195, UP - - - aint on ioe id DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm aoe | 8 to 12 trucks with staff of 25 used. Hondas, Suzukis, | picked up promptly. Marqwill Fur Farm, \17--Female Help Wanted Telephone Collect Hampton 263-|-------------_--_--_____ 30 men. Salary eommensur- 2721. Licence 4-C-66. | ote with experience, Full |THREE-PIECE BATHS, $55; cabinets,| | ' a DEADLINES Dentistry M. Loople & Son } 728-5143 |sinks; sump pumps, pressure pomers| Parts, Accessories, dake Telephone Pa5eS Thomnton START company benefits. Apply te oe 7--Swap and Barter | Yamahos, Bridgestones, Duc- Tyrone. ae cate, etc. Repairs all makes hone WORD ADS Ta o | | ence indry tubs, piping fittings. H. Chinn,| Kerman. | Telep! Spm. DAY PREVIOUS CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN W.. Dental 668-2418 corner' Hilsise 'apd Park South | tog BCNDA SHOP [Aves Har W. F. SLEEP LOST AND FOUND i A coed ool Ln NB MI FI LLIN FAST T.V. SERVICE BS cApicles for Sele | ac 728-4242 _|11__Pets and Livestock _ ee Samer et meatemere| MICHAEL COLLINS | seaica Call oni, 280 [AOA ---- eee adectntabe vee cena suerven® te fez.ge! IMMEDIATELY | KINGSWAY LUMBER BIRTHS AND DEATHS 1° |appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441 Painter & Decorator ION |tric typewriter, electric cash register, $85.| White, two black and silver. Telephone| 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION Nesutile Wide de DOMINIO |723-4434 972 LES 728-4688 Pacsniaila wh : i ies | | pone RAWIAN "CHOW CHOW and both . IN -MEMORIAMS and ieee a guaranteed. Estimates free, | | TELEVISION SKATES [Resairs to a muses vacguma" Free wit |female.-? mont lg, reasered Amy] 3 Young Ladies --_-- r ee one DRESSMAKING -- Siults, coats, dresses 577 Oshawa. Aquarium 299 Simcoe South o « p.m. DAY PREVIOUS alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a| Phone 7257734 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Big sayings on Skoting Out- |omweane ee wel TTS , telephone 725-4585 18 . 23 3 J say S ' CLASSIFIE SPL Se eer) IF No Answer Phone: After All work guaranteed fits for the whole family dur- ol of butlnee . WAREHOUSE Whitoy. [OSHAWA AQAUARIUM "specializes "in REAL ESTATE BAnesIntED DISPLAY DRESSMAKING -- suits, 'dresses, eel 5 pA -- ----- Hl Cal : healthy tropical fish; helps you start a ' ) 1} column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-|Minor alterations. Telephone 723-8497 | ) PLN ing our Big Fall Sale Bargains on all stock. 668-6361 relaxing hobby, Free 'advice, tres pari: To work in promotion yaa umns or larger---10 o.m. day previous. |SeeRimNcED dressmaker? ladies PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, Decorat OSHAWA AND WHITBY from $7.25 PF, [DEW WORMS -- minnows. penal auality, |ing 299 Simcoe South 725-4585 |. ment for periodical sales on SALES MANAGER CANCELLATIONS AND Wear, girls' wear and alterations. Tele-/in ee estimates, Call F |728-3222 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait;STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's| business calls for major na- : ' Tk ts a ad phone 723-1729 Schmidt, 725-9 | Maple Leaf,' registered Appaloosa, high tional publisher. Good start- REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY CORRECTIONS Pp' as Company j I Tv) y ate r | r-old for Ontario 1965; gon of 1 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION |ALTERATIONS, pants cuffing, zippers,|EXPERIENCED painter and decorator 303 RIFLE FILING c point 3-year-o! ing salary plus transporta- to monage soles and person- Anette + 4 j stliviates peli hdd si is ABINETS, $40. with lock, four-|Ontario's: champion halter and_ perfor- 9 Any advertisement cancelled before|mending. Agent for North American| Free estimates. Telephone 723-5956 725-8541 or 668-5830 |drawer, large stock, all sizes, take thel ree' sain "Lucky Hancock." Stand-| tion expenses. Neat appear- nel in our ever expanding publication will be charg n 7 1823 ~ i cot n e charged one day's| Fashion Frocks, 728-1823 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! inte 1 Known for its accuracy and |50 cent ride to Raglan, save dollars ($)|ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne, Dun ence an asset, office. Must be experienced nse rlor and exterior. painting. Sparton Paint RAE'S n fo 'Gardening and Supplies reliability, this rugged gun | Bil! Hamilton ida _| barton sac Ad os and capable of handling per- . Ptews he atitae aks t |35" BEACH electric range, Lloyd baby|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Apply MR. MASON s RADIO & TELEVISION will deliver years of satis |buagy, both very good condition, Apply| training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, T pply sonnel and promotions, Ex: O. SYEY . OCAGVOT Budgies mee & 'Plumbing and Heating Sida i factory shooting |74 Oshawa Boulevard North Broad, 114 Elgin East cellent opportunity for the 'odvertiter seq "toon, oh sb "GAR DEN TIME" ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, TV SERVICE $24.95 we BUY, sell and exchange | Used turn a Sippiaa white minatu GENOSHA HOTEL right man BOX NUMBER RENTAL--50c ng and Decorating. Call 942-3172 . respect new and used materials , Reasonable ture a ying you a ; three-year-old black female miniature. All inquiries treated in. full noge allece to arise . a a rates. Estimated free. 723-119 J Foley Trading Post 'ore, 441 imeoe Street} Boston terrier pups, registered, Reason- aithar toluee SF Oalay' tater BEGONIA BULBS FCUMETNS AWS HURTING oes DAY_OR EVENING South, 723-1671 able' prices. Telephone 128-9122 10 A.M, -- 4 P.M. continence, Tor Mepennnee such replies, however coused GLOX > r f : Ny " CON ws Pichon Sioa vn "dees pl Telephone 1, Harold #H 728-5286 | |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired) OG TRAINING CLASSES --. sponsored egligence of otherwise FLOWER SEED Hesiing "ana hes 2 | Jat Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,lby Oshawa Obedience Association. En Thursday only W. O. MARTIN REALTOR be responsible for VEGETABLE SEEDS ee cnet YI | nylon. construction,' full i D coiled for in -20- days: ; 3 & SEEDS eet South. } 728-9731 quiries invited for classes commencing ives lcd nde t POTTING SOIL stirs comnerae OS} LAWA depth trot 1 tread--A brand SPRINGTIME "Slee lApril 6. Telephone 723-9708 Ric MALS OUST pO 728-9714 REGULATIONS VERMICULITE Rug-Upholstery Service new winter tire priced almost Bassi: all makes. Cycle Cire, 204 Bond| TWO PONIES pari Welsh part Shetiend, The "Oshawa Times will not be re PEAT POTS : , go ELECTRONICS a8 low as a retread. ee Hil Ar gape rai aha Lada ae WAITRESSES »'O : ' xd pb Aodhan nn 42-1924 sponsible for errors in advertisements NO-DAMP CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs from $17.56 oe a MR ony MR dba by Space for four of five. Gas stove, ice bos|}LABRADOR PUPPIES for sale. Seven submitted otherwise than in writing not AK p } 1 . + We nee Han ona tain eo DORMANT SPRAY UPHOLSTERING Al Work guaranteed: 411 Cuan, Avenve and built-in cupboards, Telephone 725-6718.| weeks old. Bowmanville 623-7669 required : FITTERS int nor beyond 'the price - - | - VACUUM repairs, all_makes, hoses, Twi ers " " " ; akes, PUREBRED BOXER dog with pap: me een ania FERTILIZERS AT ITS | Well Drilling--Digging DOMINION brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.|and needles. Telephone 668-2684 after 5 v4 A.M, to 4 P.M. to Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, p.m. ¢ Two fitters required, Must be é CLL. 10-6-4 jal Pickering. * The Oshawa Times + ves the right WELL DIGGING by machine specializing) orem nnn | CHESTNUT SADDLE HORSE and west- : Mee S i , aoe lcivertning | Secording pili GOLFGREEN BEST FOR LESS in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut TV. TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower! ern roping saddle. After 4 p.m. telephone 0 able to do layout work, Ne EVERGREEN Street West, Whitby. 668. 2563 or 668-3809. Structure all-channel antenna __ installed, | 673-3846, others need apply. Steady job for right men. paid. Clientelle assuted. Osh- ts proper clo: ation. 3 j SO-GREEN @ FREE ESTIMATES : ay : $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | ----* pike or oeseiecoe Full or part. time In. the cases of display advertisements GARDEN SO-GREEN (Dav or Evenine 2--Personal | 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH « oad East, just east of Ritson Road 12-Articles | Wanted HA H EL he Times will not be helu respon . | TELEPHONE 725-6511 USED CLOTHING for sale. Trousers, EN S Be sible for more space than that which f y ORET . ' : e : coats, dresses, etc. From. $1.50. Apply, CARPENTER'S SAW rate "radial : Hits Paadatiraalundh actual error occupies. The pub a ; : : emoval of superflugus hair | Leri Pullen, 10 Prince Street after 1 p.m.jarm. Good condition onl 8233. 's endeavor to reproduce oll ad Cooper Smith Co. Marie Murduft will be in |FL0oR COVERING clear-outs. Thov-|syy AND SELL = Good Used furniture| HUMAN HAIR -- a minimu of 8° in HAIRSTYLIST ANDREW ANTENNA er 9 motter correctly, but assume 16 CELINA ST Ost M 21 22nd and sands of yard? of discontinued patterns i McNeil's - F q fi length. Cash or credit at shop. Heidi's CO LTD no liability of advertisement if on shawa, Mar, 21st, 2ind a 1 2, 20)8nd appliances. cNeil's Furniture (for- 5 K "al WN hance ~ ' a 4 W 83rd. Pronk "sasha: Hotel from 29c per foot. Wilson Furniture, merly Goold's Furniture), 215 Dundas! Modern Hair Styling, 367 Wilson Road, S. ineccura in ony form are containe aos - a 4 , nm Church Street 5 3 i 5631 therein. 723-1139 --- 723-2312 Gite Uoheitecns on these dates for appoint GRNTuRE "spines "aalng| a OY e851 © | QWindsor Plaza), 723-563 _.| Capable of doing qualified WHITBY, ONT, veaiilee ee : ; : ' TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks, A IT'S EASY To PLACE A 3 : Lae g : came ment furniture, only, $299,, inc. complete bed-| cnsirs Terms, We buy, Be Feat, Pies 3--Articles For Rent work. Highest commissions Phone Mr. Mayall, 668-3348 TIMES ACTION WANT AD TREE TO TRIM? Call' Sim: Or. 1 cut PHONE 942-1500 Rye room, living room, kitchen ensembles. /17 ade. New, used, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, |------s-- nee eined Phebe ais MES ACTIO' them down, Free estimates. 725-5118 or ELECTROLYSIS Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable vatuel eae nnn Coll Clossified Direct 778-0610. eG a! agai > Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $ nisi d QUALITY ane Adiga Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- eh ee Ph rege Roane ca ae REMINGTON" Totalia, . Smith Corona) f00r, awnings, railings, 62. I ses, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee awa Shopping Centre. Phone at i ral «,,NOW OBEN 9 se ee react ieee Sele iat meee cme im Poin Bons Wa TWO FOREMEN a + a | PRIVA A RDION SONS, Gr : é Pav uty Calc-Mu . $3 emo} a , , ' iy) ¢ . cco e Sate dio kd Serving Oshowa, Bowmanville WANTED -- ride to Toronto, Yonge_and price. $299. One. year guarantee. Bill|set, including brake and lock former Wear, Men's Formals, White MRS. HUGH ES REQUIRED id teaching al cou! includes' loaned y' g ; INDEX TO instrument. Phone 2909. and area Bloor area, arriving at 8.30 a.m. Tele-| iamiiton, Raglan, Homar Machine, Box 36, Stirling, On- Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. By weditin aleee Péting Cons hone 723-6039 after six -- ario. Telephone 101 CLASSIFICATIONS Janitor 'or Servi ce DARLINGTON niet GENTLEMAN would like Tide 1o/ REP RIGERATORS, $24.95; sated $12) oe eee Good condition,| SARGEANT'S RENTALS _ 668- 2377 tractor. Rate for one $2.50 ] new smooth top . mattresses. 1a Wernen's Column zs oe UPHOLSTERY Ielephone' 72-8207" 8 fo 8.30 a.m. Please | voves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95) '$135. or offer, 723-5858 463 Ritson Rd. S.. 725-3338 Peo -- ond $2.75 per hour, beat tds Olu 1 ele | Rits i ee Pe 3s 2 102 King W., Bowmanville |space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome --_---- 5 f 3 Eporame ~-- cle EAN UP 623-7341 --]eats, radios, Guns, new and used. Valley | 2 O'sewe nena gacthent sendin. lee ALSO 3 : mi Z . x 13 Sportsman's Column creck. 16 Bond. Street West, 728-4401. phone 728-6691 LIFE TRUCK Maint M rine Equipment REMOVAL SERVICE RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Esiablith| oe eccuanam -- SiiARPENING: TELEVIMON TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-4, ONE GRAY Baynes We ¥ ty Fh > Fon 'Capacity aintenance an wop and Borter 7 years. Workmanship guaranteed. vad structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower) " af ticles for Sale Man with half-ton. No job free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses "ote bf epee Hockey ant included, single all-channel antenna com- a eae: With rubber pad. Tele FOR RENT OR LEASE K Starting at $2.50 per hour. orket Basket ; : re-builf, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up-| Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-440) plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed|PMON@ 7238975, Write Box 18126, too sma j -- r Day -- Week -- Month rit x 10---Farmer's Co | hoistering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311 SMELT FISHING -- equipment; gun|one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO|ONE MAID'S dress. Color tur fies : Oshawa Times." id 668 63 ] ] CHE STERFIEL DS re-upholstered and re Hicenses. New and used guns, fishing] Telev s ; orner Bond and Division, Sune. pee ee aes Oe ete' size OEE, required for public ac- 2 vied, Free estimate. See our material tackle, boats. Vaiiey. Creek, 16 Bond! 728-51 A, Worn once. _ tihabssdl asta ee M. GREENBERG tant's office State CELLARS CLEANED wach removes, {or recovering. Dalton Uphotstering, 75-West BABY BARGAINS at Wilson's. Clear-| ADMIRAL television a" table model AND. SONS LTD one t fs if HOW TO EARN housek Tel Acari les Street, 773-7212 ae ee ass of 1965 model baby carriages from) with legs. $35. Working order. Telephone 1 Fc ualifications and exper- household repairs done Telephone 723 ie baby. strollers. $1.88, high chairs| 725-5650" afier" 6 308 Bloor f 728-75 301-2 rite i Pp MORE MONEY NOW! ? 1 : ~ - ------ - mattresses $10.88, playpens | a % i , --femole, Help, Wanted CELTARS YARDS denned Mins ge Sle8 and Service a res em cane ae erat Sion Poa eh Wt ca ee STR, sora. Sava cna'eecet eames Weal EIS ope | need 9 full or parttime "Me nah Jie eae ee or ee electric retrigersior, propane range, three BEAT THE TAX, buy now and save.| sell for $115. Before 3 p.m. call 723-5405, |Simcoe Street North, Call 723-247 man to help meet the demand male Help Wonted Call J nd Son, 723-2368 I pi ath. Sell or tr Sa ad allel As ac APPL IANCE a han ee tee with | fo8M) RANGE, "General Electric," d-inch, 1wo| ENTERTAINING -- Fi fty to one hundred! OSHAWA TIMES for a much needed service Estate for ; : ; r jal 2444 i ¢ ca al 623-244 sshic $134 bedroom suites rn 5 eg : ih LM 1g. | Storage bins and warming oven, automa-|peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban ae for motorists. Pleasant, dig- Money To Loan REPAIRS TRAVEL TRAILER to sleep Phone jdresse MMos fa) Wilsons Ferri tic. Good condition, $40, Telephone 725-Iquels, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,/FULL TIME housekeeper, east Oshawa, 4 Ae ae i WILL LOAN you up to $5000 at a! to. all makes ostorst |s-piece kitchen suit Wilson's Furni-: t955 parking, 723-2140 mornings jPermanent position, Whitby 668-6806 Ne edhance facia hae af oie aeuditclee ture et : - ag " © experience necessary bu reasonable rate of interest. to consolidate he dr ranges a 5. {Ol PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits,| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| RELIABLE GIRL fo live in and care for 1 to' wo dryer e "po L , s. Fo -- your Ditts. or for any other worthwhile; Sere wane Shai iar pin nce el ie traitor | figure work, custom picture framing.|reducing machines, sick room' supplies.|two-year-old. child. Phone 723-1452 9 car is. For full information purpose providing you are steadily em € , For bp oe seh oa ae "\Clark Studio, Telephone 668-4497, 325|Aid Rentals, 105 'Beatrice, 725- 164d RELIABLE woman to babysit; live In % contact O.A.A. Supervisor, ployed and have good credit. Telephone} @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE tires and es 400 x 87 Chord Organi | cree North, Whitby 0 iba ii t, Blair-Park Whitby. Tel pk 725-8402 793-462 -- ns chesterfield, chair; toboggan. Bill cicibiabicnic eT TRUCK Capacity 6,000 Ibs. lift|o! Sair-Park area, Whitby slephone hone 5 | AL "A RESULTS milton, 985-7160 GUARANTEED used wringer washers,|16', to ren! by week or month. Apply 668-8339 EXCELLENT opportunity to supplement Morgages | & N GASOLINE powered brush culter with| television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up,|Mackies Van and Storage |LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper and. your income. If you are available for a 2 sacl x sek a : ¢$ asta lame spre r lang|Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim marr ae ~~" Treceptionist. Please reply in handwriting,|few hours, evenings or: Saturdays, to su- -- _ } FURK TURE APPLIANC ~ attachments, flam prayer fo and e 'ep FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale| FURNITURE and LIANCES riled alectvle arin ircular|co® South, 723-0011 stating age, marital status and exper-|pervise boys and girls. Telephone 668-6446 clearing. Also c qd and circu ---- Ss agreements purchased and sold, Hennick| , 4 Oshawa | if saw 7-inch and Saber saw. Telephone|BUTCHER COUNTER, scale, cash req mart ience. Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times,' after 6.30 p.m. daily or after 10 a.m. Jand Hennick, Barristers 9 et Classified 53-5635 jister, dairy case, deep freeze, shelving Business {Whitby Saturday ast, fonPon a 79°46 4 | eoibiias Ey SOIL Bec Ue 2 a E 123-7232 F ne 723-0011 se lon eee: ; rs, rort{Dest offer accepted. Apply 204 Brock! Peonie |DENTAL ASSISTANT Please reniy EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION FIRST AND mortgage Sale ACTION ADS Pe BSR automatic and rs.) 5ireet Scuth, Phone 668-2027 acne | Sing 'the' Prdines jstating age, education, qualifications, ex- attendant. full time. Mus! be willing r sold. He k GUARANTEED REPAIRS } 9 ai } pr >a BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap. 2 | perience * any, and salary expected. work nights and weekend Apply Al nd Henn Bar King Street|washers and ranges. Free eatinaies Call 4 years' experi free|pliances. Call. Elmer, Hampton 263-2254] Of Oshawa Health benefits available, Apply to Box,Dearborn Shell Service,. Hwy. 2. @ | East, 723-7232. 728-1744 or 723-0011. 723-3492 » Call Courtice TV, 72h 6879, lor 263-2695, Action Ads 18113 Oshawa Times, 'Thickson's Road, No phone calls,

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