FOR THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE FAMILY jackets, easily made, one from printed challies with under arm ribbon ties, the other of albatross, delicate- ly trimmed with feather- Is there a new baby at home? Infant tastes run to soft woolen sacques for morning and afternoon. Here is a pattern -- two 2dle- this newspaper, asking for leaf- let No, E2122. of handling to the Ne in- fo work Department of stitching. If you wish structions, please send self- addressed stamped envelope and ten cents to cover cost Golf Clubs, Hospital Auxiliaries Replace Prestige Organizations By JEAN SHARP "The WI was created for a Canadian Press Women's Editor;community of young married The big national women's |people, but with the passing clubs are losing ground. Women| years the young women became are joining golf clubs, hospitaljolder women and the WIs puxiliaries, adult education|changed to meet theit changed eourses or nothing at all. They|needs." are not joining the established; It is not just the WI. The country-wide organizations. Imperial Order Daughters completely different categories: |changing its name to modernize Those given by insiders and/its image. those given by outsiders. The! Somehow the collective club- fact is generally acknowledged} woman remains the woolly lady and everyone has some reason./with the pouter-pigeon build and Clear-cut solutions are not so/the frivolous hat. She is a do- In the period since 1939, dur-|g0oder, a social climber, a tea- ing which Canada's population|drinking time - waster, lovable has almost doubled, member-|maybe, but laughable. ship in the national organiza- GIVE NEEDED AID tions has dropped from wartime|.... : : highs to pre-war numbers. Teal Senior women in several of {the groups recognize the image ohh ht dr the best-known and wince. They acknowledge of The explanations fall into two|the Empire has even considered i . . |Slipping membership and worry. The Federated Women's Insti-/They also point with justifiable pride to the work the groups do. Much of it is unknown to the; doubters. tutes of Canada in 1939 had 74,- 625 members. It had 83,234 in 1951. By 1958 it had slipped to | j 4 |ber they are a recent phenom-|and outlets for education of al! jenon and originally a largely|kinds for their women. : | 'North American one. Most were) Have the parent groups in| founded 50 or 60 years ago for|\Canada lost this sense of im-| some specific purpose and at-|mediate purpose? Have they, | tracting members was no prob-|like dinosaurs, outgrown their lem. usefulness and outlived their) They grew quickly as women |time? } flocked to a cause, followed a -- | leader, found an excuse to get WIFE TURNED DOWN CASH| out of the house and take par ; S "p)__. in the life of their communities. WOOTTON, England (CP)-- | All of the groups had at least Football pools executives were | F ity speechless when Mrs. Valen- a spark of the burgeoning fem-| >. 4 ini ; ; tine Day, wife of the village| inine revolution and social pro-| bd : : id | test in their hearts. In their storekeeper, asked if he cour | youth they were modern, glam-| 8'V® back the £36,000 ($108,000) | 4 ' 4 he had just won. She said they | orous, avant-garde. They have x ' s | often been half a step ahead of|tad-lived here happily all their i een lives and she did not want the society in seeking to do some- : ; thing about a problem money to spoil things.. But she | rat changed her mind when Valen- | Now they are vast. Mostitine said he would not give up| jhave developed international | the store. | /branches and affiliations which/ jinvolve hundreds of thousands} lof women. In new countries they are still expanding, often with the help of governments which| recognize their value as sources CITY HAS CLEAN YEAR The city of Oslo had no polio cases in 1965 for the first -year since 1940. HOUSE OF FASHION }if anyone Keys To Safety Using Aerosols With aerosols almost a way of life today, will future Ca-| nadians be born with small, hereditary dents on their fore- fingers? In Canada last year, a total of 61,914,117 aerosol sprays were enid, most of tham for h hold use and r: from milady's perfume to instant ban- dages. Aside from the conventional sprays, however, there are some that must be treated with respect. Among these are the in- creasing number of pesticides being packaged in spray con- tainers for plant and insect con- trol and which are to be found in most households. } The National Safety League of Canada, in co-operation with the Canadian Agricultural Chemicals Association, is em- barking on a program to make farm and urban families more aware of the dangers of acci- dental poisoning. According to the League, accidental poison- ing can be prevented by follow- ing these 'four keys to safety". Follow the instructions on the Ibel implicity. Use common sense to bridge the gap between Public Libraries Provided Basic Knowledge For Executive By ROBERTA ROESCH Job-holders who want to im- prove themselves could copy the How To Succeed tale of a dynamic executive we talked to recently and make a list of the subjects about which they know very little Then as he did, they can go to public libraries to learn additional facts about what interests them. This approach that is free to us all was one of the pushes in the right direction that took the aforementioned executive, Wal- ter Heiby--a former mathemat- ics major at the University of Chicago--to his present success. Heiby is: President of the world's largest industrial mail order firm; chairman of the board of other enter prises; holder of many financial inter- ests; and author of Stock Mar- ket Profits Through Dynamic Synthesis, a 608-page combina- tion of unique methods for pre- dicting stock market move- ments. * "When I started out," Heiby said, "I used to have fun mak- the instructions and the actual chemical application; | Use the correct spray at the right time for the job to be done. Keep children away from} the application area; Store pesticide sprays in a cabinet -- or preferably in a locked room -- where they do ing lists of subjects about which I felt ignorant. Then I would go to the library and read a stack of books until my ignorance was somewhat reduced in that particular area. The stock mar- ket pvas one subject I listed nearly 25 years ago." With that systematic and not come into contact with food; | Dispose of empty containers! immediately. Never throw] "empty" containers in garbage cans or dumps accessible to! children. The League also advises that ho has been using! pesticides suddenly becomes ill or feels faint, the family doc- tor should be called immediate- ly. Most hospitals have poison control centres equipped to treat accidental. poisoning cases promptly and effectively. STORE HOURS OPEN TONIGHT Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights Till 10 O'clock e@ Ample Free OFF STREET PARKING @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16, 1966 9] analytical approach, Heiby read whatever he could find on the subject of stocks. Then he began to keep graphs he developed on his own, apply scientific techniques and analyses for both my business and stock market investments," he said. "For the past 20 years, I have also directed a group of statis- tical analysts in the develop-| ment of an institute for produc- ing stock market profits. The bcd of my book grew out of When it comes to achieving financial success, Heiby offers this operating formula: '"Elim- inate guesswork, or reduce it to an absolute minimum. Later when he had paid his college debts via regular jobs in ri business eae sae ects in teaching, he took h "fotune" of $180 and bought stocks. Through a series of rapid in-and-out transactions he ran this investment up to a : $5,000 figure. "With that $5,000, I started selling business equipment by mail," Heiby said. 'Several years later, I was able to begin using some of this firm's profits to invest in the drilling of oil wells. "T have always attempted to 20% orr PERMS Offer Good Until March 17th Open Tues. to Sat, -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open Thurs. and Fri. evenings by appointment SUZANN 5 John St. W. and Simcoe South For Appointment HAIR STYLING Call 725-4541 COMPLETELY INSTALLED CHOICE OF 12 BEAUTIFUL DECORATOR COLOURS CARPET SPECIALISTS ou Look How for SPROULE'S HAVE THE MEAT VALUES Grade "A" Fresh Killed Never ( Frozen... 5 to 8 Ibs. | GRADE "A" 75,122. and now lists its total at! The IODE raises and gives 71,000, Some of this may be ac- away about $1,000,000 each year, 1 counted for by the shrinking|, third of it in scholarships, You can sense the excitement you will rural population. But the IODE shows the same) rise and fall. In 1940 there were | 26,473 members. In 1945 there| were 34,676. In 1965 the order estimated its membership at 28,064. MEMBERS GROW OLDER | The decline and one of the commonest reasons given for it Were touched on in a speech by Mrs. L. R. Trivers of Thessalon, president of the Women's Insti- ge to the disadvantaged. | woman to the edge of the Arctic student loans and teaching aids to schools, The National Council of Jew- ish Women has led the way in experimental programs to bene- | fit the elderly and to lend a Women's Institutes send 4 to spend her summers encour-| aging Indians and Eskimos to! join the WI and through it Ca- nadian life. | The Business and Professional | enjoy in our magnificent collection of... % HATS % SUITS 3% DRESSES lb BARBEQUE CHICKENS @ FRESH FISH TURKEYS Imported -- Small Lean . . . Half or Whole Fresh Choice Quality spies pn onagraige , |Women's Clubs and National Women are still joiners, but/Council of Women 'regularly what are -they joining--curling|<i5ply members to government oo. social clubs or Women's hoards and commissions. Their merenteet ; . _,. |Officers meet every year with Mrs. Trivers said the insti-| rime minister and cabinet to futes need to update their/hand on resolutions passed by image. A questionnaire dis- their members tributed three years ago showed/ , ie more than half of Ontario's WI) FLOURISHED AT START members are more than 50) So familiar do the clubs now years old. iseem that it is hard to remem- %& SPORTSWEAR { | Edna Ann Hate | Oshawa Shopping Centre SPECIAL BIG SAV SALE PRICE from SPECIAL OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Thurs. & Fri, BOYS' SUITS Tailored just like dad's in worsted material. Shades of blue, grey, brown and charcoal. Plains and neat checks, single breasted style, 3 button front, centre vent or 2 side vents. Sizes 8 to 18. eee een eee Extra Special - BOYS' SHIRTS Real neat dress shirts with tab or button-down collar. Sanforized shrunk. Open to 9 p.m. PURCHASE SALE INGS 14.88 rae USE YOUR CREDIT LEGS OF LAMB ». 69° CHICKEN Wings3-: 1.00 WIENERS SPROULE"S HAVE THE GROCERY VALUES... GRANULATED SUGAR Robinhood Celebration Chain "A" 43¢ CAKE MIXES Cash Your 7e Coupons for Oxydot e Spice and Span Chain 1.03 OXYDOL 10-LB. 7% GIANT SiZe 29° 93° Chain "A" 2 for 4lc KLEENEX TISSUES 6 Off Pack Chain "A" 97¢ Chase and Sanborn COFFEE Get Your "More Playing with Plastic'. Chain "A" 49¢ JAVEX LIQUID CLEANER SPROULE'S HAVE THE FROZEN FOOD VALUES ... Swanson T.V. DINNERS YOUR CHOI & CHEESE HASH SPROULE'S HAVE THE BAKERY VALUES... SAVE 17¢ SUPER SAVE HAMBURG BUNS or 'WIENER ROLLS SPROULE'S HAVE THE PRODUCE VALUES... FRESH WHITE MUSHROOMS PKG. OF CE -- @ MACARONI @ SPAGHETTI AND @ MEAT BALLS @ CORNED BEEF Sproule's Are Big Enough To Serve You -- Small Enough To Appreciate You SPROUL E'S SUPER SAVE orner OF KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA UPER unm . MAR 2 us. 89° 2-29: 148. us 83° 64-02. 45° 2S] 4-99: st KETS