April meeting would be|spiring devotional period on|sick members. Get-well wishes KING STREET UCW sides with Dr. Phillip Rioley| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16, 1966. 19 : The gs : : Seenthaeh loccteast cass |Brazil led by Mrs. Chesley|were extended by the Noble} The King Street U nitedjof the Ottawa_ experimenta DISTAFF DIARY ole Blagg, ~A ae Sener, g |Grand. Annie Shorten reported) Church Women held their March | farm, showing slides gS trip ber 16. There will be an execu-|April 7 at 2.00 p.m. and the : road, : Mrs. Cyril Campbell spoke onjon the membership committee. | meeting in St. Andrew's United around the world, in Harmony tive meeting on April 7, The|rummage sale on April 15, The Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Mrs. McKee and her group|the health and sanitation -prob-;The report of the CPT commit- | Church, The devotional period| United Church Hall on Wednes-| next general meeting is on members were asked to bring Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports iserved refreshments and thellems facing the Brazilians. Mrs.|tee was given by Mary Yeo who|was on the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. day, March 30, at 8.00 p.m., at|Thursday, April 14, at 8.00 p.m. |articles for the tea and bazaar, shawa ' hostess, Mrs. Wilkins, was|Ray Hatter spoke about the announced that there were play-| Wellington Trainor, and other|which there would be a shor'|in st. Andrew's United Church. May 26, to the next meeting. submitted by their secretaries. lthanked for the use of her|work done by the missionaries|ing cards for sale. PNG aoe oo es ts -- eae ---- po eye aes peace During the social time refresh-| April 13. : jin the slum areas and. Mrs.|Thompson read the correspond-|took part. reading, "The might be obtained from any of|ments were served by members| Refreshments were served b ST. MARY'S CWL were asked to try to attend. |"°™* /Arthur Meddings told of thatjence and thank-you notes. An-|Flower Growers' 23rd Psalm," | the unit members; that the-Fel-! of the Cheerful Givers' Unit 7. |Mrs. James Eilis and an post a St. Mary's of the PeoplejMrs. George Fletcher, educa-/) WOMEN'S INSTITUTE = (done by the missionaries in the/nouncements for members to) was given. lowship Unit 4 were selling cof- | tant. Catholic Women League' Sjtional secretary, read a section' Ontario South District of the, field of education. jremember were: March 19.; Mrs, Wilbur Russell presided |fee spoons with a picture of King| ALBERT STREET uUCcWl1 March meeting was opened byjon Christian Symbolism from; women's Institute held its} Mrs. Meddings told of the|when the Grand Master Lea far the hucineve ond announced! Strect Church on the) The reguiar meeting of Unit] NOQ NAPPING IN COURT | ine piesiaent, Mrs. Lenardsine book "The Parish Question|spring board meeting in the! position of women in Brazil. She; Mawson of Ottawa would be inithat the all-dav quilting was at! handle and all unite wantd havall af Alhert Straat IWnitad! + ana. taop ees Weeks. Box". : Tywnsnip Hall, Brookiin, onjsaid that the women had been|town; an invitation to Heather| her home the second Wednesday|boxes of chocolate covered|Church Women was held recent-| topped proceedings in the Law { Mrs. William Edwards intro-| Services during lent will be/Monday. Mrs. Annis, District/ held back until the last century,|/Lodge birthday party, Orono,|of each month. Part of the pro-|almonds and chocolate bars for|ly with the leader, Mrs. Allan|Courts while an usher investi- @uced three local students injheld on Wednesday mornings fa resident opened the meeting|were confinec tc their homes |r, march 22; a banquet on|ceeds would be for missions and|sale; that the Del Mar Unit 5/Fice, presiding. gated "a soporific noise" from acknowledgment of their ef-/7.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. and in| with the Institute Ode and Mary|and seldom seen and only re-| prj] 9; and No. 3 Rebekah|the rest to build up a fund to|have home-made Easter eggs; The worship service. was|the public gallery. A snoring forts in being finalists in the/the evenings at 7.30 p.m. "De-|Stewart Collect. Mrs. William|ceived the franchise in 1932. Lodge birthday April 27. buy something for the new/|for sale and Unit 10 had a deco-\taken by Mrs, Ross Clark on|woman in the back row was public speaking contest sponsor-|votion and Bible Study" will be! Heron, District secretary-treas-|Some married at the early age DDP Jean 'Rutter reminded | Church. irated well suitable for bridal or|the theme 'Witness and Exam-|escorted out--so she went into 'ed by the Catholic Women'sheld. urer presented the financial|of twelve. Women accepted the -- She also announced that the | baby showers for rent. iple." Mrs. William Yourkevich|the next court and repeated the League. Miss Debora Irwin' jt was decided not to hold the | statement. Ten out of twelve|role of housewife and mother,the members of the projects of : 1 " | i 4 We ' ) h| Mrs. Jack Coleman has been|introduced the study book on|performance. She was eject spoke on "John Griffin'; |gattodil bridge this year, and; branches answered the roll call jand put up with philandering|the Assembly President Audrey UCW conference was on Marc | | George Zupora on "Slot Carltg put more effort into the near-| Mrs. Kenneth Ward, who rep-|husbands and infidelity. Whitehead of the visual eye 22 at Harmony United Church; |visiting the unit meetings to) Brazil. : from four courts before off Racing" and Peter lanHaaf ioe hive ted the district at the Cen-, Mrs. Leonard Carrington pre- eye |the Loyal Workers 'Unit 8 st a about the bazaar to be) The members were reminded hie A removed her from the Ghose "FC. Commercials" Couns Po oye ties. lect Ares Ciactaa ta Corbate aided for tho buniness The |bank and the Home at Barrie. isponsoring a night of colored |held in the UAW Hall on Novem-'of the cooking demonstration, ' building. The annual Communion break-|Cyrrie will look after this event'in November reported the high- | membership decided to charge | st will be held in April and) which has been so profitable in| lights and her impressions of $11.00 per quilt for quilting, 1 ere will be further discussion)the past, and a tentative date|the convention. jwhich would include the bind. | on this at the next meeting. /has heen set for May 13. | Mrs. Samuel Cawker of|ing and $10.00 per quilt without | Mrs. Max Coleman read a let-| Phe next meeting will be held | Honeydale Branch reported on|the binding. | ter from Father Awako of the/o, the regular meeting day, at'the luncheon and meeting of} Refreshments were served by Congo thanking members for|the home of Mrs. J. R. Hamil-|Subdivision 8 at the home of|Mrs. Hatter, Mrs."Meddings and gifts ee a ye agen ton, Simcoe street north. Mrs. Garnet -- Gormley, /Mrs. Campbell. rsecution of fis village an! |Board Director 0 ie sub-| s ve eir, great need for help and KING STREET UCW 9 ee At this meeting, busi-| REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 prayers. The March meeting of the ness of the fall meeting of The regular meeting of Osh- * Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, mem-|t oval Workers' Unit of King) FWIO Board was discussed and|awa 'Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was} bership convener, urged each\street United Church Women plans: made for district annual | opened by the Noble Grand, | member to take and read the) was held at the home of Mrs. meetings.. Ontario South was! Luella Smith. j League magazine. Mrs. Gordon)Theodore Wilkins, Royal street,|giyen May 26 for their meet-| Presentation of the flag | Dignam, program convener, an-| with 18 members present. Mrs. | ing. the country was made by the | nounced that the Reverend John: Leslie Hall presided. The remainder of the after-|color-bearer, Sarah Vande-| Mark of St. Gregory's gait Mrs. H. 0. McKee was in noon was spent in planning a' Walker. would be the guest speaker next charge of the program. Mrs.'full program for the Ontario) Chaplain Betty Parm_ per-| month and would show slides Of vi cicita Burdge sang "The Lord|South District Annual meeting formed the devotional session. | the Holy Land. 1 Is My Shepherd" and "Beyond'to be held in Brougham United Past Noble Grand Pear! Pea- | Tuesday, April 19, the annua' Tomorrow" 'Church, Thursday, May 26. cock escorted and introduced regional meeting dinner will be Mrs. Earl Luke reported 16) The meeting closed with the'DDP Jean Rutter of Port Hope, | held in St. Gertrude's Rasch home and 23 hospital calls were |national Anthem, followed by a!District Deputy President of hall, All members were invite made. A coming event arranged|social half hour. District No. 87 Ushawa East; ch agesn _.|by Unit 9 is a world tour by eee PNG Elsie Potts of Port Hope Mrs. Lenard Weeks @nnounc:| ciored slides with Dr. P. O WESTMINSTER UCW , was also present. NG Luella ed that all Ry Sore reports) piney, and other program! At their meeting held recent- Smith welcomed these two must be ready next month to De items, Wednesday, March 30, at|ly in the lower hall, members visitors. sent to Toronto Arch Diocese 8.00 p.m. in Harmony United/of Westminster United Church; Very Grand Dorothy Holds- | ep en with the Canadian| Church hall. Women participated in an in-iworth gave a Jengthy report on centennial celebration next year Mrs. M. Cobham, convener of the Vanier Institute of the Fam-| ily for Toronto, Arch Diocese, explained the works and aims of' the Vanier Institute to the members. She told of the need to raise the family dignity of the world and how it could best be done. It was the great hope of the Vanier Institute that all de- nominations, welfare and social workers could work to streng- then the structure of the peace and happiness of the Canadian family and thus to help stamp out immorality, broken homes, delinquency and crime. The guest speaker, Mrs. J. Slattery, convener of social and child welfare for the arch dio- O O ers e cerea cesan of Toronto, spoke on "Love". The spiritual director, the Reverend Norbert Gignac e spoke a few timely words for Lent, Refreshments were serv- a e ] ed. ST. GEORGE'S UKRAINIAN CWL (Junior Auxiliary) O our a The regular meeting of Saint a George's Ukrainian Catholic ; 'Women's League was held in the parish residence. Mrs. John Bodnaryk entertained the mem- bers by playing a record of the Greatest Story Ever Told, of Christ speaking to his Apostles at the Last Supper, by Bishop Sheen. It was decided that the awards for religious standing in grades 7 and 8 at J. F. Ken- nedy School would go to the : ' most deserving pupils to be cho- 3 sen by the Sisters. It was decided to cancel the hh U us hh € annual spring polka party. The ' date for the Hallowe'en Dance would be October 29 and a bowl- ing party was planned for er : | + Marcha, ne members and i, e. GIRLS' ALL-WEATHER COATS BY friends and there will be: la- : : eee dies and men's prizes for the : ae 3 winners with refreshments to be served at the parish hall. "g -- 4G yy Communion breakfast was My, ; ie planned for April 3. z ' ? | , DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA j 4 j | _ The Daughters of Isabella, -- | DUE TO A VERY SPECIAL PURCHASE WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER YOU THESE uit die is beaver sad sims: ma o « | METICULOUSLY TAILORED COATS AT THESE FANTASTIC SAVINGS! BUT DON'T rebiag A gr goa --. : he | DELAY-- AS THIS SPECIAL OFFER CANNOT BE REPEATED. in the evening with the World "3 Union of Catholic Women. The circle is sponsoring a| Regular Values Regular Values springtime dance, to be held at! the Oshawa Airport Recreation| : - q | 17.98 to 19.98 16.98 to 19.98 all on May 14 3 | Mrs. William Eyre, - regent, p ie ie i thanked the convener, Mrs. ' me ae 4 'a Roland McKenna, and co-con- ee" A . 3 vener Mrs. Gerry Forestall for - ~ . f f the success of the bridge and a Ah e euchre party. In return Mrs. ee e McKenna complimented all the committee for their zeal and co operation in accomplishing a ' : 3 eee - a fine evening's entertainment: erber of course a Basic reversible coat for the "Young Adult" (12 to 15 c James Bond inspired trench coat. In heath coat poplin. Mrs. Allan Robinson was wel- eee e | | teens). In heath coat poplin, Reverses from beige to brown, Many other styles in this group are in balmacan, reversible comed back to the Circle after | beige to loden or beige to navy. Sizes 8-14X. from plain to plain. White, gold, brown, loden, black, navy a long and serious illness. | a : or beige. 7 to 14, canur wemebias, wa' | b Trench coat with a military air. Front and back yoke : ee ; (Martha Group). s | Your baby is much more likely to enjoy his cereal studded with brass. Double breasted styling with brass d Low stitched waistline tops flap pockets and continues The members of the Martha _ Gerber { ititstextureis pleasing to the tongue. Smooth, a Wide self buckle belt, im Canadian mist. Navy, around hack. A swinging coat with two front pleats and a Group of Christ Memorial Sees urgundy, camel or blue. Sizes 8-14X. back kick pleat. Novelty buttons. In Canadian Mist. Wotien's Auxillary met at the creamy Gerber Cereals give him just that texture Green, burgundy, camel or blue. 7 to 14. home of the treasurer, Mrs. I. b (and a variety of delicate flavours, too) when opine a a. i i you mix them with milk or formula. Garrett welcomed a new mem- ; And how readily they mix! In seconds they're ber, Mrs. D. W. Charlewood to the' group. 5 Ra all set to serve. Depend on them to stay creamy- A letter was read from the e t : smooth all through the feeding, even when : > secretary of the Oshawa Dean- baby dawdl ery announcing a tea and dis- é y dawdles. | 9 play of Pakistan embroidery to a Most important, Gerber Cereal Rice Cereal | fy LK = be held March 24 in St. George's AR sacl : : ee ee eo ; | Ry Memorial Church from 2.00 Oatmeal, a Mixed Cereal and Protein Cereal | p.m. to 9.00 p.m. All members Food... provide your darling with nutrittonal benefits. fron and B-vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin) have been added to every one of them. | 7 Where TONIA Ss But isn't that typical of the extra care you get... from a company that Good Taste In F Is Not ' pany H ashion Expensive. Variety ia Shop Specializes in good things for baby? v e OPEN NOW : M. AG hd . ei Babies are our business...our only business! serving Meals, and Light Lunches Late Night Smacks, Plus Sai Open Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m Lac nie tar Perks Os Pee Gerber Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA P y ne Phone oheod for toke Loe aie ; Thursday and Friday to 9 p.m. PHONE 725-3772 205 Bond St. W. --- Oshawa The above styles are just representative of many.