ANN LANDERS Tom's Horses Won't Make Good Bedmates Dear Ann Landers: I have been going with Tom for three Feats, avo wis sigur mame anu in town." TTA? nf oan anaae Oe dinner at the finest restaurant you can use it. Our friends and relatives know all about this situation and you won't embar- rass me one bit. Tom was supposed to give me a ring for my birthday two years ago but his horse got sick and the ring money went for an operation. He took the band off his cigar and said "We are en- gaged." That was it. . Tom spends every spare min- ute at the barn. He owns three horses and if one doesn't look right he will break a date with me to sit and talk to the vet. Last night I was trying to get him to set a wedding date and! he called me 'Debbie' (that's the name of his filly). His whole life is wrapped up in horses. He even smells like a horse. He says he loves me as much as he can love a woman but the horses come first. sufferabie jackass who nas a iot of crust trying to make me over. The other half of me says if he wasn't interested he wouldn't have been so brazen. How do you figure it? -- Bowled Over Dear Bowled: He may be an insufferable jackass but I' bet 'you'd look a lot better if you lost 15 pounds, let your hair grow back to its natural color and put on a little lipstick. Why don't you take him up on it? He}, may have to stand in line to! buy you that dinner. Dear Ann Landers: I am a |15-year-old girl who feels as if She is ready for the booby hatch. There are four genera- tions living in this house and it's more than I can stand. My mom is all right, and we | would get along fine if only her TOMORROW IS THE '17th' OF OLD IRELAND St. Patrick's Dinner In Eire Can Be A Treat To Remember emer 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16, 1966 pital workers. Hospital workers are among the lowest of any public employees. The only! weapon a union or a person has, is to withdraw his services. We have to have this right, even though we may never use bi ga BAN IS COMPLETE a 1 x Mrs, "Hartman says she has) ne han on females entering met no resentment from the'the Greek religious retreat of men in her union since she be-| Mount Athos extends even to came president. female animals, "I think at first I wasn't quite ing dates mostly for weekends and evenings. "If you're working you owe your first responsibility to your job." is i TORONTO (CP) '-- Grace Hartman says that since she has been president of her. un- ion, women members have been taking more interest in it. 'And I think they should. In a union like ours, it's pretty much a°50-50 split between men and women members." Mrs. Hartman is Ontario divi- sion president and national vice- president of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. She has SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT | Should I marry him if I can|mother and her grandmother get him to agree on a June/weren't on her back every min- wedding? --Undecided ute. Dear Undecided: Any woman| My grandmother is 62 years who would consider marrying a)old,. old-fashioned and bossy. man after he has told her that! She tells mom that all teen- she is running fourth (after|agers today are wild and that I three horses yet) doesn't need|should not be allowed to date advice. She needs a saliva test.!ynti} I am out of high school. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Code! cup sweetened whipped wish to announce the engage- cream ment of their daughter, Donna Bake apples as usual in low! Louise, to Vincent Robert Rus- heat-resistant dish that can go) Sell, - slg Mrs, Vin- " ivi {to table. When nearly done,|cent Russell, all of Oshawa. rand seus ro a ke wee about 30 minutes, brush all over|The marriage is to take place woodsy scent of the countryside. with mixture of butter, nutmeg,|0n Saturday, April 30, 1966, at By JO ALDWINCKLE If you have travelled in Ire- land at this time of the year you would have a lasting mem- 1 1 | | | } | | St. lemon rind and juice and Irish/ 3:30 p.m. in St. Paul's Presby- ' Dear Ann Landers: I don't know whether to laugh or cry, feel complimented or insulted, slap the guy's face or give him a great big hug. Here's the rundown and I'd like your advice. I'm 20, single, not beautiful, but no house- Great-grandma is 83 years old Patrick's Day dinner is jand she bosses both my grand-, usually elegant as served in the jmother and my mother. 'also bosses me. My dad says I have to respectful of my elders must mind them all. Please, please give me some help.-- jt and!! She| average middle class home. The able is laid with a full size be| White Irish linen cloth, the glass s quite often a "suite'"' of Ire- jland's famous Waterford Glass, Baked Apples take on a very | built up over the years; the Mist, if used. Replace in oven until fully baked. Serve warm "as is' with whipped cream or flambe for a special occasion. When 'flambed the Tullamore |festive appearance and acquire terian Church. MARRIAGE The marriage is announced }of Mary Elizabeth Edwards to | Patrick Milosh, both of Oshawa, |The ceremony took place on Friday, March 4, 1966, at West- been president of the 40,000- member provincial group for two years and vice-president of the 86,000 --member national body for a year. She says when she began working at the North York| Township offices 10 years ago) she gave no thought to ing a union executive, , |she had some interest in unions. Her husband, Joseph, is a sheet metal worker and a union mem- ber. Mrs. Hartman applied for |work with the township because he office was close to home. |Now she is in the planning de- partment and says the work is so interesting she would stay leven without her union respon- | sibilities. Mieten She says she believes that the| individual needs the security of-} Wit ian Minot OF Th. 7'..8s sweeoue ss © = =... VT Wadiwdd 274i WA UE Appreciate Madam President pted, but now I have invita- Pat & Mike's 1 |tions to attend outside meetings, u FISH & CHI te shores: eo ae | iaiiaa friends have sometimes advised me to send a man to speak, but I've never had any trouble." She says she accepts speak- _ 086 1951 tion 89 of the Labor Relations: Act. Under section 89 any muni¢ipality may deny its em- ployees benefits under the La- bor Relations Act. | "We have always been told by |! government that we are a re- |sponsible union. But we're told |) that because we have hospital workers in our union, the gov-|) ernment can't afford to take the chance that hospital workers will go out and jeopardize the}; lives of patients. "One of the worst pieces of legislation is the recent one of compulsory arbitration for hos- GET ALL YOUR DRAPERY NEEDS oe AP as ZELLER"S * CURTAINS -- DRAPES -- DRAPERY HARDWARE SHOWER CURTAINS q _ TRADE-IN WATCH SALE |place settings are often family|a delightful caramelized flavor. jheirloom sterling silver; the! All alcohol in the spirits used is |dishes are usually Irish bone|burned up in the flambe pro- ; china, often rimmed with gold. | cess. | By St. Patrick's Day, spring} Prepare the. apples according jis underway in Ireland so the/to the preceding recipe. mount United Church, with the/fered by the collective strength Reverend Frank H. Ward offi-|of a union and in closed shops. ciating. "If you get the benefits a un- Seis as --------lion brings, you have a respon- TWO TURN CENTURY | sibility to support it." haunter either. A very attrac-|Loonsville tive man, also single, (and one! Dear L: I agree that you must I'd like to know better) came/|be respectful of your elders, but by my desk a few minutes ago/you should not be disciplined by and said: "If you will lose 15'all those women. It's up to your pounds, let your hair grow back|parents to set the limits for you |floral arrangement is of spring Place heat-resistant dish of to its natural color and put onjand I hope they will get every- a little lipstick I will buy yourjone else out of the act. Unusual Facts About Africa Discussed By Beta Sigma Phi At their bi-monthly meeting;welded on their ankles, each members of XI Alpha Sigma/15-20 pound ring so cumber- Chapter of Beta Sigma Phijsome as to excuse its owner heard Mrs. D. S. Platts speak|from heavy labor for life and on the subject of 'Africa', at/to render walking almost im- the home of Mrs. Ronald Mc-!possible. Eachern, Northview avenue. She told of the Azande sul-|¢ flowers, hyacinths, daffodils and early tulips, often grown in- jdoors by the hostess from |bulbs. A few sprigs of shamrock . fide howl taint are usually laid at each place, |¢nts on tray: a bowl containing A typical company dinner|! CUP sweetened whipped might include Pigs-in-Blankets|CTe2m; cup shredded blanch- as a savory and Tullamore |¢d almonds; two tbsp. whiskey, |Apples for Dessert. The menu|Well-warmed in a small sauce |might be: First Course, Choice |P8n by letting it stand in boil- of Pigs-in-Blankets or Smoked |ing water. Shannon Salmon with a bever-| Light the whiskey; pour it age or Sliabh Mish watercress|flaming over the apples with a soup and snippets of Irish soda |long-handled spoon basting them bread, homemade or purchased. | well. While the dessert is flam- Main Course, Roast leg of|ing, spoon in at the side of the warm baked apples on a good- Set following. three ingredi- Mrs. Platts, using a large|tans of Sudanese blood who map of Africa, gave many in-|think nothing of having a fam- teresting facts about Africa, |ily of anything up to 300 wives She told of the Yafouba|2"d 1,000 children. women of the Ivory Coast|. Commenting on the extremes) who wear brass wedding rings|{n stature, Mrs. Platts said that) the Watussi of Rwanda were) \the tallest people of the earth --! KEEP IN TRIM jattaining a height of 8-feet nine jinches, compared to the small- Nervous Tension . jinches. | Increases Appetite Speaking of the various types| |Of homes Mrs. Platts mentioned By IDA JEAN KAIN Spring Lamb, boiled new pota-|baking dish: 1 tbsp. Irish Mist. toes, green peas; salad of cu-|Shake dish gently to help com- cumber, chives and cream/bine the juices. Strew almonds dressing. lover apples. Serve topped with Dessert, Tullamore baked ap-| whipped cream. ssi dleccha |How Can A Woman Build Up Energy? By ROBERTA ROESCH PIGS-IN-BLANKETS The items needed, per per son, for this delicay are three! raw oysters. and three thin) slices of bacon. Wrap oysters in bacon slices; secure with picks. | Grill until bacon is almost crisp} What can a working woman and serve at once on picks. |do to build up energy and keep TULLAMORE BAKED APPLES |b¢?self physically fit? (To serve six) If she is highly successful in 6 well - sweetened, almost -|business or a profession, est midgets, the Pygmies, who were considered tall if they at- |tained a height of four feet five |the cave dwellers of Matmata *T need to lose 50 pounds, but ;who lived entirely underground I'm afraid I haven't much will| wer. When I get nervous and} itable, I notice that I eat a} Jreat deal more. Could you sug-| gest something for me to do at limes like these? Perhaps with your encouragement, I could muster the will to slim down." This plea comes from a young mother. Take a fresh approach so that you can develop insight into the problem. Instead of attempting to use your will as a brake, rea- son out what is back of your Irritation. It isn't really helpful to attempt to exert will power to resist food when nervous and upset. You are aware of how you lend to react in certain situa- tions. Being an intelligent young woman, you are capable of clarifying what it is that is mak- Ing you nervous You sense your recurrent re- action pattern is no help at all, to you ask what to do at these limes. First, understand that your compulsion to overeat at these times is an effort to re- lease tension. In the grip of tea- tion, it is too late to cope. A more positive approach is to lerret out what is back of your frustrations, so you can see the picture in perspective. This is not easy to do, but you will find It makes life far more reward- Ing. NEED FRESH INSIGHT A reducing diet is secondary What you really need is fresh in pits dug out of the soil. In Tunisia the lemon growers keep their camels on the roofs of their houses to work the rudimentary pumps which pull up from deep wells, the water needed for the orchards. To conclude her program, Mrs. Patts read a chapter on jthe Sonjo tribe of Northern |Tanganyka. This group of peo-| ple had managed to survive |without the word for "money" in their vocabulary. | Mrs. Clarence Freek thanked) \Mrs, Platts. | During the business portion of the meeting, presided over by, the vice-president, Mrs. John! |Beaupre, members discussed jthe role played by Beta Sigma {Phi City Council. It was decided that a recom-| mendation~ be forwarded to the} council expressing the desire of XI Alpha Sigma to channel any! monies available from the coun-; cil towards scholarships or any} similar cultural endeavor. Since the sorority was basically a cul-| tural organization members felt that small service projects done at chapter level should be suffi- cient. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James; Carson, Bedford drive, with! Mrs, Ronald McEachern pre senting the program on "Rus-| sia", } 2 | PARSON MISSED WEDDING| ABERDEEN, Scotland (CP)| baked apples stuffed with rai-;chances are she can take her- sins and chopped blanched al-|Self to a glamorous spa where monds. she will be pampered and put il jinto shape in surroundings filled |with luxury. But if she is your neighbor jacross the street, or a woman like you and I, with scarcely time for the discipline of even one bend and stretch exercise, what can she do to make her- self feel like accomplishing her aims and ambitions? According to Dr. Anne-Marie |Bennstrom, who has made a career in the beauty and health |field, there are five things peo- |ple can do. And all five are tied jup with her belief that man |(and that includes woman) lives in a field of dynamic forces tbsp. melted butter Y tsp. nutmeg % lemon, grated rind and juice tbsp. Irish Mist (a liqueur) optional. which are all essential foods for = living. "Phus; ize ourselves to these forces for jliving, the better we will feel," isays Swedish-born Dr. Benn- strom. She has been director of la famous health and beauty resort in California for more \than seven years, and recently |has been appointed to a similar post at the Palm Springs Spa. EARNED HER DOCTORATE The wife pf Robert Prescott, |president of the Fiying Tigers Airlines, Dr. Bennstrom trained for her career at the Swedish University of Lund, where seven jyears of concentrated studies in ha-more--we-hasmo the-more-we-harmon RETIRING Mrs. L F, Richardson, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference United Insight and new hope. You mat-'A4 new yariation on the. old| ried young and with two little theme of heing left at the ones pre-school age you may church happened here when| have what other young mothers|the bride turned up and the | rall "cabin fever." Now that groom was on time but there the warm, balmy days are com-'was no: sign of the minister. Ing plan to get out of the house./Rey, P. M.. Hollands said Don't stay in with your worries. |Jater, "I was sure the wedding Church Women, will complete her two year tenure of of- fice at the annual meeting being held at Harmony Unit- ed Church, March 22 and 23. United Church. Women of seven presbyteries will be represented at open sessions and the chief speaker will be Mrs. W. M. Mcintyre, chairman of the Board of physical culture and medicine jearned her the right to be ad- dressed as "Dr." Later she studied for four years in California, specializing lin the physical and bio-chemical aspects of the human body, To |keep herself fit for her own job, she works out regulerly and sticks to a diet that is mostly Be alert to the need for vari-! was next Saturday." Women. fresh fruits and vegetables. tty. Deliberately upset the! routine. You'll find fresh zest lor living. Monotony is deadly dulling. Try the "Y" for young! mothers. Children play in the Y | aursery. Could you meet with other mothers in the park or at the play ground? Just for fun, why | not take some stretch - bend- swings? Grab hold of this promise You are not fixed in your reac-| tion pattern. You are young and flexible, - Face what is bothering you ynd talk out your troubles so there will be less urge to take them out in overeating. You will need to swing into the right pattern of eating in order lo reduce. But when you don't leel goaded into turning to food to cope with tensions, slimming flown will become a stimulating challenge, vase For Your Personal Appointment Phone 723-6901 House of Flare . The House of Flaire Coiffeurs Welcomes "Ursula" Ursula Zluktik who brings back to her customers co- operative services plus con- siderable experience and in- vites you to come at, your convenience to the House of Flaire. COIFFEURS 14 Ontario Street timate In Hoir Styling" VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mrs. |Robert Abernethy and Mrs. look -back on colonial when Canada celebrates its jcentenary. Both celebrated itheir own 100th birthdays within a week of each other. days |WANT CHANGE IN ACT Currently Mrs. Hartman's un- sized silver tray, or other metal. | Margaret MacMillan expect to|ion is fighting to prevent the jintegration of municipal jsion funds schemes. | They also have a long-time battle running to get the On- |tario government to repeal sec- pen- with government Reduci It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself, It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour 'this into a pint bottle and add enough tapefruit juice to fill the bottle. Fave two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you @ simple easy way to CoA Soe 22k ss {2 New Home Recipe ng Plan lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness, Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. CONTINUES CHOOSE IT AND CHARGE IT! JEWELLERS 20 Simeoe North In Downtown Oshowe 46" Silk Prints .....0.. + 98¢ yd. 45" Slub Linen. ......... 980 yd 45" Printed Linen ....... 1.69 yd. 45" Printed Shrowloch Linen . . 1.29 yd. 54" Celanese Lining. ...... 89¢ yd, Cutron Percales ...... 59 yd. Bonded Knits... .. 2,98 to 4.98 yd, Gulden Spindle TEXTILES 32 KING ST, WEST