Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Mar 1966, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 15, 1966 Turn Your "Dont Wants Into Dollars Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. ith Times Action Want Ads {14-Businese Onnortunities &--Articles. for Sale 18---Male Help Wanted eee a ae -p t ecarr Cacz 2004 ited, MIBIINCS | STORE FOR RENT, wuiteble for electrical COLTS SCRA DUN Wy aw oe rw ss Waa siméoe South, ASSEN. 255s" iy cay Sy Lia" Buiter io R EAL ESTATE Yl \ > 4 z H 'acuUMns, polishers. Re|Prince Street, FZ, J ifr te ae to all makes, New hoses, Phonelgmait Prosperous handiman's business : aN o 0 Jack Lees, 728-6956. for sale: '59 GMC truck and aluminum 1 ext® He Ps "Fale ladders. Cash. Wil! consider trade for MAI ff wax | ladder: i l\ PARTS OF UT reeeae ante Teleobene jate imeae yf waive for health ree We hove an opening for an } JAVA SOUNDED daytime 720-0444) evenings 666-6583, waved" * corona a experienced real estate sales- } Le GENDRON BABY CRIB, white with sna 7 servi Ato Hilo wad : HiGut Houn.y decals, $12, Gathette with removableltion for lease, fully equipped and ave mai a wee pe y hogy d Servi Menton Log |faaleedaP att MC tion Shue ee een el Socata Ot a at be H an ervice HOLLOW LL foot pedal, diaper tray, $12, Hig '|BILLIARDS -- § Feguiation snooker! snooker Accountants Barristers -- ed ' ideal Money To Loan me ---- pRuMS. beige york Ha G.B, washing machine ttabies and all equipment, excellent turn- residential house sales, both Era aii YCHYN, and HILL-|} WILL LOAN you up. to $5000 at a $75. 668- ccmarcttsnvrssutmes privtussmn (OVO, steady cilentele, n new and resale. We hove ap- GORDON R. DAY? Certified Gen we Hy gy pot yb shbond Te King} reasonable rate of nade, pratt APPLIANCE ee ANTIQUE CHAIRS, Carved, neediepoint, flee call Pi A aa at Sibby's Re: proximotely 150 new ores Street East, Oshawa; R. DB. Humphrey,|your bills or for any other worthwhile Xv fos pieces, T Reactant es lilesiing anit ictal Rng wyoen |e, °; Nee QName (ren ering et are, seal REPAIRS eR: aon "sari | Ue Sate RR oats POSTON. retin, loo? eat oe sos < ccoun Humphi i y' . i 'eur . atic xe ith a desire ex) $ 8 party r n a eon cuaNeys service, 299 Sim: cat les Humphreys, 25-4604; | Whitby,| 723-4631, Expert repairs to all makes "= Poition, 2100. Yolethone Ttaies cher tntereated "A tveting in @ business ment sales, and pilin South, 725-0397. Res. 723-760: | 668 728-4326; 725-5133, NHA and of wasners, dryers, ranges, b{] pm, i . presently showing 'rapid growth. inter- rentals, etc. Good workin iH GUTMANN, Chartered n-fother fir "morigage funds available, Mortgages etc. mi sr -- "~~ lested parties may receive full details by NS, RING soeary Sur a "inl Street] mc OO re "wre! @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ J AQUARIUM, 10 gallon, complete, hod vl writing to PO Box 102, Whitby,. Ont. conditions, good advertising East pane Tee. [Building Trades _ | | ' Has han beeke wr ely 'ceri GARAGE and service station, approxim-|. and plenty of -opportunity. ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered: "Accaun-| ----| | ALCAN . Telephone 728-$674 ately 35 miles trom Oshawa. A thriving] This office consists of 6 mole fe Telophone TA. | MORTGAGE { GOLF CLUBS and bag tor #-|price to inctude nineraom home envone| salesmen only. If you would \e' . ic PY pen y lo. Telephone 723-1221 | FURNITURE 'unc a : lent condition: pew last Auguit, 670. Yale coy ta ee 'appointment to see call) ike to join cur stoff and ore HOPKINS, BEADLE AND "GO. Charter WINTER RA | 452 Simcoe 5, -- oF it phone 7230793, George Martin 932-8392 Millbrook, (Rep.)] interested in making real es- | é : a Aecwontente, Financial frede, Be | | LOANS } hbinscinabe 733. Ooi" COCOA 4811 Mt ON "MARSHALL maliress, and box| for W. 0. Martin Realtor 7288103 Oshawa.! tote q career, and are com. i g 2 ' ¢ < ull size, quilted top--sacrifice iets ' tari, 728-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA; H E Till March 21st | GROWS DIRK the og pring, ful gilt, aullleg fop-aneritice, 15--Employment Wa Wanted -- able of making good earnings, Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, CA, = | e ADDITIONS | Moneys available' for first | - amen Hales «aati aatis FROM AKE TRUN} 5 vision, 19%, portable, good conditior ts. adhcinst Aeon call for an appointment. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND - | i ' é | and second mortgages. Open | Bef B A AND THE MAIN wo rine OF MEW CUINEA I Lady's Borge coat, beige, size 12, $10.) RELIABLE LADY will do housework, 9 LLOYD METCALF Real Es- Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus| @ BATHROOMS ie: ; is Renu hint 4 efore You Buy BRANCHES, GIVING ford tne womips | MATIVES, 15 Piel 238 ' ~--|!0 3 By the day, Simcoe area preferred.| tote Limited, 40 King Street tees in Renretsy - & Simcoe $ | e KITCHENS E TC | mortgages. ° wus Piano or Organ, See 1 TUE APPEARANCE OLDEST JOKES Riow Wiven, MAHOGANY dining-room suite. Table, six Telephone 728-2043 anytime. ep Hl A Seow fopee, ee \ JES | mortgages, second mortgages | | OF WAVING BEEM 4 An chalra, butter and corner china cabinet,| 'BUTCH LADY will do house work, 9 to 3, ; WALL, PERKIN, MacMiLLAN AND €0.| ALL TRADES | and agreements for sale pur- j HEINTZMAN AMTIFICIA j £200, Telephone 728.4690 c y 141 Alex-lby the day, 728-9186, K. Mart area pre 728 4678 Chartered Accountants, 36/2 King Street] ee) ORDINATED [od | A e i | errs Greet fo lly $5. Bed, eck se ph gy die Boe 3 all i RTZ & Company Ltd i h==) ae yiaak: cam an °* fapring, matire be FULLY EXPERIENCED carpenter B.Comm., CA; David G REMODELLERS mM F. dik £ , ' | ms) TREES : gees. oe MOTOR CYCLE ai Enfield, $78,| ith t position, erei et Sri ia a sa rc cra ac t i. "und rs lad aarg MA Gihowa, Ontér TELEPHONE. 728- -2921 ' |?erneoe 13-4073 = " : - ' | faa ae 0 a Rien, CA, RIA) B ll cA 793. 0966 | 723-4697 \Satiboe GRAPRE, vecon Une [IHS O.5-A. LIGHTNING | ROCKET Gi) 17- -Female | Help W lante Experienced Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728 aadet ' ;¥as awnings, Complete service, free esti i | " B isters Sponsoring Member of H.O,P.E. mates. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 5--Troilers 8--Articles for Sale | o'¢lock } arri a o all wringer |-- |30 KELVINATOR electric heavy duty} ° ANT NG SKY, BA iaacnea uid tanneries po maton Col jstove, Also 8 Viking vacuum cleaner | er ANTHONY ete ee | Bowe | M tac :. yaNns 1728-1742 or 723-00 . i YAMAHA with attachments. Telephone 668-8352 Sees See kerk: Pam. = EM oF NELLIS' ortgage Lc j ---- HOLIDAY and ROCKET | ' ; TILT ARBOR SAW, striniess steel sink Evening appointment. isl 725-164). | 14, Of |Septic Service TRAVEL TRAILERS | SPORTSCYCLES [ond taps, usea totter end tank. Telephone For Lumber and pba Mone chides ' ite tet | 5 GREER AND pap re fae abe 7 HOME 7V2 70 | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prom service) 15 Rocket 4 sleeper | All médels 'now available IMMEDIATELY hen hagdents Phones; J, M Greer | . War UM a eT SAe 6 sleeper $1,445 ' \ ; 9----Market Basket ee re, Rew ee rhe yay ec PROVEMENT 75% OF VALUE West, Whitby, 668-256 | 7 irapnal : 4,000 miles ful ty iar | uilding upply Veaier . J ae he ' VEMENI <> rr r pees persian sae mep |NO. | NAD NO. 2 Ontario polatoes. Free > 728-8832; Thomas H, Jermyh, BA, LLB I N "RTE $2 24° Priced. fror |delivery. Telephone 72 7-065. 3 Young Ladies 725-2662, eseaeira i: GENERAL | ALL la dot 15 Holidc 4 es to 10 ¢ i CAN SUPPLY Bae bs Must be fully acquainted with OSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicit and -NE ree ¢ 4 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario ey ] : ae t , dt, . ; Money to loan. Off 14% King Street 7 ot | 726. 1653 Land Surve Commercial blue prints $1,545 6 sleeper $1,59 eae AEE pot endl Ly aaleer, fogs 18 23 merchandising 'n this field, East, Oshawa, 728-6232 REPAIRS | 1 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632 18 Holiday 6 sleepe 723-8711 |awa, Whitby, Alax, 655-498 . sles bande aad ond capoble of hendling from Tx 'se - i 1 | - ° or in r ad * eee sant por | GUARANTY TRUST H. Be ieliga iAonps ot pod Sehene ouele Comper 10'6' RO-DON SPORTS |CLEMENT Poultr iy, Roasting Chickens, hae te purines! asics on 8 to 12 trucks with staff of of dt \ Rock Truck Camper . a % apons 55c . 4 fle, The Commercial Bullding, 286 King} ; Company of Ce | 725-6881 $1710 y NITON Ff I bey i Call < + 987-4353 business calls for major na- 30 men. Salary commensur- West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking} 728- 2061 " isa si nf + : j tional publisher, Good start- t th Full available, 725-4716 or 725-47) -O King St. £ TV--Radio Repairs Holiday Tr Camper East of 5 Points [Ares ir a SECO a sr 1a i J ' eis eal ote wi experience, u - a Ge * 10 | bushel iso first grade, control! | vs] m us r rtG- CREIGHTON, DRYNAN prebatatge nhe os ¢ 792 2007 ha rio luxe' 92,31 $50 er the swinging world of |mosphere, Mcir Spy. and Delicious mg. eye Neat esol compony benefits. Apply te VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors Evenings 723-8987 | -- Savings up to $50 s , |Bring own containers. Algoma Orchards,| tion expenses, Neat oppe ae a ee a Te Se ere tax. Buy now YAMAHA | Thiekson Road North, Whitby, ence an asset, W. F. SLEEP ree h aw cat 7 'AL -- - - ve ' ri cgi Maen = 2 ss TV TOWERS WILDE RENT ae : Brymeny Qc Yaesis4; "GL mur Bagge Ea Seige one § . een" |10--Farmer's Column Apply MR. MASON =| KINGSWAY LUMBER QC; i478; J ctor, = MORTGAGES ec 1415 D R leis Ac ge ree ee aR Mortgages arranged. © O C oe cies ECONOMY AND 4) : excaghy. dared Pos ham ierae! eT C NTRA T | All © ep : DELUXE Whitby -- Phone _ New & pres | ve Brompt Collect. Hampton 963-2721 GENOSHA HOTEL 728-4688 t --_-- y Aura acotion Angles - oeam: yea WELDING | SUMMERLAND See a ARE ES |G--Moring Equipment tbars--Chonnels | ae ae] 10 AM. --4 PM. WORD ADS | | iatenip in | arine quipm Sheets -- Plates | 14 calves, all Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; } ty x, Ce SECURITIES LIMI TED T M ARRANGED oneets one Hereford. Hereford bi 4 calves, a | eae wipe. each, 3 con-| 400 Mary St. E SEC S sae | ERMS Sauate tubing ---- Pipe | oes. chs ir Ervin, 108 Dundee Thursday only REAL ESTATE secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88; | oa Frwomit i i i q Contact 0 i Seat alan, titzetacra'sss1| | Whitby 668-6462 | pnivare ano conponate OSHAWA TV ARYSLER Bloor E, 728-7301-2 _/7}__Pets and Livestock SALES MANAGER secutive insertions of 24 words Msi. and THAADE sic eroepemaces (a al Sauie pemen 9! 4 SUPPLY LIMITED OUTBOARDS me [GERMAN SHEPHERD sume worl = WAITRESSES MMi Charge---I0 per cent ad ai charge} @ : rd See "Ba TAUNTON RD. F PARTS lwhite, two black and silver. 'Telephone REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY if not paid within 8 days Llbah ' re fee? Bok A j r Washers, Stoves ond | 728-1872 re - to monoge soles and person- @ Heavy constr FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail lust East of Ritson 4] Petar peuGh 'ot Dryers POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and both required nel ral ever pe on-sh Method of Counting Hea V : able. W. Schatrmann Realtor, 114. Brock } rere se J | rt ECTRIC MOTOR females, % months old, registered. gad v4 A t A Pp office. Must be experienced words counts os 24 wor equipme t " ' | Street North $68 3338. | Wiscot A 1 in Oshawa Aquarium 29 Simcoe South or M. -M. initial, rare ei eas ty Bl & Febricat sbrtable FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale 723-8131 fee te Repair and Exchange }telephone 725-4585 2 0 ond capable of handling per- as one word; phone number 0 ic ] purchased and sold. Hennick Spe ye nal : OSHAWA AGAUARIUM specializes in sonnel and promotions, Ex- two words macnine renta Barristers, 3) King Stree oe i t OSHAWA APPLIANCES I enithy tropical fishi helps you start 2/4 P. M. to ] ] P. M. Hent ' teeth BIRTHS--DEATHS sihili | 86 Simcoe 7 |relaxing hobby. Free advice, free park-| resthong CRP eTtUny: 101° ee ri D HS~ anil | vIMCOe d oe weg ; right mon. ICES HOT DIPPE VANIZED | ling. 299 Simcoe South 725-4585 Full or part time " a age Ay 5 S Mut al Service; e RIPPED GALVANIZED | WILDE REN TAL ¥ apg acne = ee P All inquiries treated in full Insertion with 25 cents o MARCH SP CIAL! usic ia | MOTORCY CLES STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's et Ciirgun If toi obid ttn & dove | TV TOWERS | Service j | MIT . Maple Leal," registered Appaloosa nigh| GENOSHA HOTEL confidence, for appointment 9 | Save up to 15% during Feb- |SMALL DANCH BAND avaliable Exper 4 BEST | $195. UP point 3-year-old for Ontario 1945; son of a i IN MEMORIAMS | ch « ie, Ke oper cece emer: Prone Yee 1415 Dundas St. E., Whitt 25 Hondas, Suzukis, Ontario's champion halter and, perfor-|-- ! Beata a8 wort and te| More ae "| ARE THE | 1418 Dundos St. €, Famches, andgetonan Buc: [Rural gar Minos 44 4 Der pear [W. O. MARTIN REALTOR neres sie Js c,. per ECORDED MUSI for Jr dances ieee rnone 100~3 € 13 re ng at amond ar ne verse; | 25¢ nal charge if not all , For intormation WHY SETTLE FOR LES ete, Repairs all makes. {barton 697.3779 epi see 728-9714 paid within & days sener | 6s 8464 : ae MO iad Gale juraanel oe Accessories BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for Conable. of dole woblified 4 RA R57 ©) "Grew", "T Ag ene Evinrude ; training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T, $200 for we tie 38. words ccna ws |Optometrist +t \motors.'Maring Storage and Supply Lidl HONDA i PAU book. AA Bhd. SidRcood ---------| work, Highest eommissions sach thereafter with 25c. add | EXPERT. PAVING, ears Selly RICHARD BLACK, gg OE TELEVISION | Brooklin 655-3641 199 King W. _728-4242 | eoopLe PUPPIES, white minature, also . ithin | includes grading and fill, two-year guar- Bk paca aOOT j R SELLING furniture or ap-|three-year-old black female miniature, i le essured, Osh- Fl ERS charge If not pald w 8 days jantee. Terrano Paving, 723-584 a | Street vo! vite 6, Oshawa, Telephone Corner Bond and Division a+-FOOT CABIN ERUIER) 0 HP BUYING 4 SBLLIN Hasratan shaataal mentee tartar Seed" Reser} paid. Cliantel as ssu - T T COMING EVENTS A) CARPENTRY, t 1 block work 728-5143 fies Aratier mnplete Apply oF 263-269: able prices. T e 7: psc oewa Shopping Centre, Phone $2.10 per inch (di isplay $1.50 for the|Free estimates. Phone. 668-8014 Be | ee eT NORE L Siu Shoes * Jackman Road m TYPEWRITER, portable, $30. Standard,| TOY COLLIE, year old male, good Two fitters required, Must be first 20 words an eoch thereofter|iEW PLASTERING and st |Painting ond Decorating EVINRUDE 74 4 elects Sect nacht. Se. ace |WAh ONC tere eee ee MRS HUGHES ie Aen Saar nates ohn pagy FOP waar | PAINTING AND TELEVISION -- RADIO | condition, $75. 8 @ 423-5078 afte typewriter, electric cash register, $85. Ta-cAsticles Wented ' able to do layout work. Ne AUCTION SALES : {728-4 ey rou nS Dl, 24 HOUR SERVICE ee 7 1 Poser DB Ae heed hd Ne $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION. evince AND CONCRETE | DECORATING Tune ond boner feleeipns tatrigeretor ek so ana up| EARPENTERS SAW, Cs 668-2377 orhern need ane Bnet 1 Ne Free estimates; 22. square foot. Alil i Be EXTER! | Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim- jarm, Good condition only: ies f for righ DEADLINES \ werk caiaramioed, Colt Seat INTERIOR and EXTERIOR H [ E ITHREE-PIECE BATHS, sé abinets,tcoe South, 723-0011 {HUMAN HAIR -- a minimu of 8? In 'or right men. WORD ADS ats mt es ' or Broadiloom, Custom Draperies | sinks; sump purr pressure syste | ; ice.|!ength. -Cash or credit at shop. Heldi's : WORD APS onevioul Pg = Sig gw gl urd ps chin ELLTER,, SUG S08. AS okey Wa Sse tr woot Rows ANDREW ANTENNA ' } TIM lcorner Hillside and Park South : : A (Windsor Plaza) j A pial a 2428 Saelp aa i | ; stes. 323 King West, 728-7552 Sahel eas mune CO. LTD. Son DAY Oe bo - DODD and SOUTER ELECTRONICS lo . i HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE = going|WANTED -- man's 3. or treed accor | 9am, D u iON | DRIVEWAY GRAVEL é 668-5862 |\8--Articles for Sale Neen eee res Whitt laion, Want be In' ocel conuttion,. Tae. BOOK WHITBY. ONT per yard. Telephone 58 es out 0 lt | ' BIRTHS AND DEA Al wear SERINE' REPAIRS, ihc fOr PIORIDE NORYICR | Bargains on all stock, 668-6361, Be falas ache we : 9 a.m. DAY OF PU et CATION ding, chimneys." savesirano) ng ave | PAINTING { Whi b 68 5679 | | DEW WORMS -- minnows, + Best jest aut ity, 13- Ar icles For Rent | required for public ac- Phone Mr. Mayall, 668-3348 IN _MEMORIAMS ang : masonry, Gord May, Whitby anc itby-- - [avallebie' In Oshawa, 66s. Ritson -Soutt, med ry 'oe Stat 668-274 7 L ountant's office, ate -- CARDS OF THANKS : DEC ORATING sarees \ : } ; na : 3 mpa on lificat id exper- j TAR D GRAVE ed a c itications and e Am ey _-- tole care nas ine I jobs| WINTERTIME i Big so FILING CABINETS, $40. with lock, four- RE NTALS slash as is TWO FOREMEN Cased Hieelis ig Ai yo al : "oie ry vile Lae rahe Sa ial 'ie drawer, large stock, all sizes, take the -- | ience to REQUIRED CLAS DISPL) | rate All work guaranteec TV. Ti Co. ve wh dur 50 cent ride to Regian, save dollars ($) | i tanec ws a fe $ IMPROVEMENTS | Free estimate T.V. Service Anytime | ing our Big Fali Sale Bill Hamilton. OF ALL KINDS epee (4 Pp aie c i umns or larger-- day . Ve OSFVIC { | am pa y medium sized Paving Con- I er okoke ' GUITAR -- Martin D2, cost $500, ne DING NES i CANCELLATIONS AND Rose warcles M Loople & Son woe. from $7.25 Pre vins Gibson crushproof case, oO. cs fui - haggis sand- |-- _ OSHAWA TIMES _ tractor, Rate for one $2,50 c Be : 8 $4 r for 'ack stereo tape re- scillating sanders, cise nd- | yeasty) ee PUBLICA ROY'S CUSTOM FURNITURE r" é 68-24] T mee I. C). ae ie 25018" ater oe sre belt comdara: Hoor sends end $2.75 -- Any advertiseme eee : rec-rcor ; TELEVISION SAXOPHONE B T y| er KITCH N publication w e MICHAEL COLL INS Asking $250 or ee otiee Must sell. PLUMBER'S TOOLS f tion r g saetry R-5143 | for. it P , none pists me oe Dentistry Painter & Decorator Tees : ee Ca epee "¢ . tieeaeeae SMMERCTAL Sia water| Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise REQUIRED Maintenance Man - > vr , this gc r | 65- . BoX NUMBER RENTAL--Sc CARUPSOT, GATOR Tbe ; on a | slcblin, tis rugged oun |GaaLtgt cOMMENETAE oa eair] fod *tac" wrencioe® nie | 4 PM SUT PM. | states opto tee wa Nile every wie Mill be @ | Surg King #, Oshawa. | FAST T.V."SERVICEs | Wil -Geliver. years . n, Ideal for service station or auto-| cutters, pipe threading dies, Apply Mr. Campbell Write Box 18126, a o-terwe ppoiitnrrert; 72a ws apy ey factory..shootin: 6-~car..washer..... Telenhone..725-6851 toilet-auger Osh. Tinins th id $ 6 ' c 4 Service Call on $2.50 comenin TEL showa Times we advertiser fob |Dressmaking Phone 725 -7734 : $24.95 |tRavELLING CASE, large size, isleather | PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT |GENOSHA H Gough either DRES | io A Pt Af DOMINION for $20. Feleohene. 72 aa $79. WIN $81" Stepladde oe o | HOW TO EARN nrough eit RE SS se : : . ------------- | tension ladders, ladder jacks warding such replies, howe sed ers, z tting a} =65 TIRES EA i Lioyd bab : > : URGENTLY REQUIRED warding (ch, renin, over, coved train, a ie TELEVISION | SNOW nth We gt ats ial] steel "scaffolding "compres: | URGENTLY. REQU MORE MONEY NOW! The Times will not be res e PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, Decorat P " 6 ns, wallpoper | s) a, replies Unbaliad for in 40 Gon DRESSMAKING -- suits, dresses, etc hs timates, Coll 28-5154 9 am. to9pm | ay alan cebu |74 Oshawa Boulevard North sors, spray guns, 'i j COMPANION 1 need a full or part time ~ aiterations. Telephone 723-8697. | sctimi dt, 198-9872 All work guaranteed, eae? pth troction n tread A brand |WE BUY, sell and exchange ee mn steamers, tarpaulins, blow | in Whitb mon to help meet the demand EGULATIONS EXPERIENCED ~ oressmnker: Tadltt' HAVE your rior painin@ 7a ~~ | ew winter tire priced almost |< 2% Sung, you, pave. The Civ) torches, propane tarches. | for elderly couple in Whitby, | 'an fe help meet the demand The oo Tienes W 9 a a ele Free estimates, a ae ND WHITBY } ic Pier '6 ™ WELDING EQUIPMENT | Live in. Private bedroom and for motorists, Pleasant, dig- nae a 23-1729 289876. Joya OSHAWA AND H | ° ¢ w as ely 56 aang Bough, sold, waded; repaivea| Acetylene welding outfits, living room, Please telephone nified, good paying gree 9 submitted otherwise t t ALTERATIONS, pants Decorating. i : up in Tans 18 Mane aeeaar We 200 amp. electric welders. "§ for more than any | ent EXPERIENCED aa acoror| NIGHT SERVICE } rom F [Fear Gun Shop, 18 Bond Sireet West, BUILDERS EQUIPMENT ft .. No wie Roe hal fea oa advertisement be p r Frock, 728-18 Free estimates, Te one 723-5956 a. 1 = a 'a £ ; after 6: WV, a cor is, For information charge for a + : "renga | 725-8541 or 668-5830 | |BiKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used.| Cement mixers, _ finishing a error occurs. Gardening and Supplies obeyed ly paling: Sparen Paint-| } DOMIN | Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond! -- trowels, wheel barrows, elec- wot One Supervisor, - dle Sty ; | ' | eet East, 725-6344 ir -compressor, - ! Bt te : Ave d amg naan ler bri sista RAE S i |ix) VY TRAILER In good condition jock Tic hand wowske, sassity advertising accord --~ i F ace for four or five, Gas stove, ice bos : ihe : . ts. proper. ¢ ' "GARDEN | TIME'? Plumbing and | Heating RADIO & TELEVISION | TIRE STORE | and builtin cupboards: Telephone 72547181 water pumps, portable heat- EXCEPTIONAL pie ALL TYPES of repairs and + . ---- ox vacuum repairs, all makes, hoses,| ers, Steel scaffolding, electric for furniture end appliance OPPORTUNITY t be NIA BULE jnew and use A i ; $, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.) generator, ramset, power roll- store -- typing and book- For 2 ambitious aggressive tie actual ator cece 5 a "i ea aaa ei Wearing | TV SERVICE sien : [Eirias Veron Service, Main Streets) ers, electric hammers, mone keeping experience necessary. men between 25 and 40 wish- Pengaph vi ngs sup-) DAY OR EVENING = : r w, building jacks : ing +t ove ir present ihers_ endeavor 2 p es, Telephone, 725521, ares, DA oe Hy NG |FLOOR COVERING clear-culs. Thou-|TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- -- "dotoc tower ob ag mortar bexer, For appointment i Poa their prese vertisi ter co iy St Ltd., Plumbing, -H ng y " 'sands of yard of a ed patterns'structure all-channel antenn nstalie issih) etd i no liability of 'advertisemen y neering, 255 Simcoe Street South irom. 296 per, foot. W Furniture, 20,$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton) chain hoist, miter saws, elec- : 728-252! Phone 728-9434 asi PRY TOES ore containe ' pacha eae OSHAWA iChurch Street, E Ust_east of Ritson Road. tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° |iiopte-ageD women to live In, eduti--_-__--c <n T POT |Rug-Upholstery Service OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits luseD ecoTHINe 'Yor sale. Trovsers,|° band saw, 4' joiner, sand |home to do small chores, ws: laundry, etc. DRIVING T' Sy LAC NO.DAMP rs Re ee one k, at icture framing.jcoats, dresses, etc. From $1.50. Apply wi N heavy work, ences requir fuse Berio. want i. IF M ANT SPRAY ELECTRON ICS one Stud 0. "Taechota 368-4497 325} Len Pullen, 0 Prince Streeet after 1 p.m. peg go ial bees i 713-2063 for ppaintment INSTRUCTORS : Brock North, Whitby, NEW IN OSHAWA -- White Eine Sewing ii TENCED HAIRDRESSER, Appiy : ; Gall Clossified Dire aa | UPHOLSTERING |; work guarant- Sinn, she Taare REMINGTON Totalia, "Smith" "Corona | Centre 38 Bond West, 725-7181, Special! r] In person. The Vogue Beauty Salon, 10] Wanted full time, with lote _723.- 3492 FERTILIZER Telephone 725-0500 Addox, Underwood Adder, Sales, Service.| Zig-Zag Portable, complete $69.80. Trade. STAN Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. model cars. Will be trained ot ae; Heavy Duty Calc oa. $ be Bil abllnict he SEGUE SSSA) Pa aR BABYSITTER WANTED from 9-4.15 p.m.| the school. Good wages i . 'Well Dril i Price $299. vavaniee, Si" |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD. | ii ihth ven eee eaturaey per moran Osh Dri i: hool E ) BEST FOR L ESS aiprae -- --| Hamilton, Ragiar fas and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215) 233 King St. West, Oshawa Children are of pre-school age. Telephone awa iving Schoo INDEX TO } ' ated }WELL DIGGING t by machine specializing| ADDING MACHINES, ters,| Dur East PHONE 723-3224 728-3855. | 728-0091 CLASSIF! YN < in 20-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnutitypewriters, new and | TYPEWRITERS. EPER to care for three smal CLASSIFICATIONS / SO-GREE @ FREE ESTIMATES Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. machines evarantesd. Exvert an fer -- : epee oleae hoalge, abpronietely és LEAD GUITAR, drummer aid elaae ccachh locates x . & . ee ----------- Osh sine Aachines a Wi ohana Column | Day or Evening \2- --Personal nvaninns pated trade. New, | used Bi Ham Ree he a LIFT TRUCK jor 3 "ine 725-9980 from, 56.30 P.M. OF roan. tor band. Write Box 192, Whitby. sites i C is wth ested -- - T oe ce a 3--Sportsman's Colume Cooper-Smith Co @ FASY CREDIT TERMS | REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; b QUALITY ALUM pay insews, 2 Ton Capacity MAN to mind children, HERE'S AN EXCELLENT opportunity a Troilers new smooth top m . all Pe sses on 7234 3692. FOR RENT OR LEAS {RECIASLS WOMAN BA ae tern for a good salesman who wants to earn @ Equ " 6 CE A ST Remoy superfluous hair |. , $24.95 Xi 2 eS "f ae ; i wo" to iY [minimum of $6,000 a year. Car neces- Fchecs ond : , jae ict will be a ee CHESTERFIELD and matching] Day -- Week -- Month (Green and St. Peter area.) Telephone |ran/mun, C1 sone 2 Year, Cor neces. &--Articies for S 7 } 39499 HH A R W O O D her ikeas as 49 : sets, radios r Best offer. Aliso studio couch and Apply 668-6918. 30 and over. Paid each day in cash, plus 9--Market Basket é I-49 | Oshawa 2st, 22nd and |ereek, 16 Bond Street We piy 58 Kenneth Street, Telephone M. GREENB MOTHERLESS HOME, middle-aged lady monthly bonus. If interested gee Mr. G. 10---Farmer's Colu ' 2 Genosha Hotel VISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40+ | ND SON to live In-and care for three children. Smith at Twin Oaks Motel, RR 1, Orono, i--Pets ond FREE To TRIM? Sim. Or Pit cot astom Upholstering a ates for appoint bape oe "Br nized Boeri isheel metal, used), complete AND SONS |One child weicome, Telephone 725-6705. | Highway 115, between 7 and 9 p.m, |\2--Articies Wan them down, Free estimates, 725-5118 o i = poke A lB - ;: brake and lock former.| 308 Bloor E |RELIABLE GIRL for light housekeeping BARMAN, experienced for new dining eae ars pila 28-0610 PHONE 942-1500 a plete, install » Box 36, Stirling, On-|--- land baby sitting required to live in, Tele-|lounge. Apply Southend Tavern, $ Bloor 5--Emplovment ¥ nies" Instruct ELECTROLYSIS jone year 95-2101. phone 725,355 Street East, i6---Agents Wanted STEVECION sie i Television CHEST FREGSER -- Good -- FULL TIME or rn agg east st Gahawa, OFFICE MANAGER for in of 17--=Female Help Wanted PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad 23-464) [725104 ES AO fe 5858 permanent position. Whitby 668-6006. __ purchasing, accounting, and, off ee func 8--Mole Helo Wanted ed teaching. T % des loans i 43> ' {BABY BARGAIN Wilson's, Clear: "Sopyagie hair dryer and & Jolly Jump- IRL fo 1 eee for tlons of @ contracting office In the 19M ielp We t ° 8-39) ss ile ah by carr rom WwW M Formal White | RELIABL® GIRL fo live in and care for Oshawa-Whitby area, Write Box 17174, JX--Male or Female Help Wanted | ie WANTED -- ride to Toronto, Yonge. and| sug. 4, soy rollers $7.85, high cha Re Fe fer, Ma St lee IWO-YORI-O18 _Eiviba NOG ni eansekeay Oshaws Times Janitor Service oor area, arriving at 8.30 a.m. Tele-|Ss eq" coin mattresses $10.8 ypens | F NEARS ARETE : . RELIABLE WOMAN for light housekeep- | ¢7 eeieis-a saiaciadieny Martie or Heo arti ellis pies a ae | with bench, Like new, Witey seaahee | SARGEANT'S RENTALS a oe So ert cee ecnenee, oy chi single. Earn up to $150 weekly. Shows . cA > x ian. : esse = s + { t ality desk and door name EAN - UP me 3--Sportsman' 3 Column [Bear id ed TAX, ' ONE GRAY Barrymore rug, 9 by ¥. In| 463 Ritson Rd 725 Laughlin Boulevard area, 725-7680 or we iis | arog Hes We belek toa eae pep owe " me s, $134 c Ww rubber pad. Tele-|--- die Ba Apply in writing: to "Master REMOVAL CE | SKATE artuanne SHARPEN a est 4 book a 123-8975, eeuar Dias =f ie gs ihe se RELIABLE woman to babysit, live In or Name Plate Limited P.O. Box 126 Osh \O & ew. used. Bauer; Hockey equ ce kitchen suites $37 J . =" : ne "Fur. | Peo ere: TRNOIS Si a 3 ° Mt Biair-Park area, Whitby. Telephone awa. RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts sh ii € 1 nd West, 7-40) Page Nba ie ek el BRIDESMAID'S dress. Color tur ts, rties ddings. Bar, .kitcher bcc Ane aeoR ER: EEE CAEATSE EE ad. lf. YORrn Worktaaralde quereneeny (ne ee Bend | Wette [furor to'church tec se, Sizé 12-14. Shoes to match, size] tarying" 7939140, mornings | 968-8339. necinighorspackcsiiasin WHOMLLENT einer Yo. supplement Free estimates. Cr te Mattresses | SPANISH GUITAR ya ng W ce. Telephone 723-8975, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bedar wolker Law ¢ OFFICE. "requires bookkeeper and your income. if you are available for « lrebullt, furniture hawa Up case. Cost $195 new year E, "General Electric." a-inch, two} "4 # Nospital Cede, sikers lreceptionist. Please reply in hanawriting, | Yow hours, evenings or Saturdays, to su > hoist c A 7 -- | for $115, Before 3 ¢ 72 RANG oer be d forma jreducing machines, sick room supplies. tating age, merital status and exper-' pervise boys and girls. Telephone 468-6646 . 668-6311 tab see he etc Aon AMID. cabin trailer 1989) sell for ore 3 torage bins) and warming oven, automa-|aig Rentals, 105 Beatr 25-164 ace" are fter 6.30 p.m. dally or after 10 a.m O29 -- od condition, $40. Teleph 25 me. jtence. Write Box 1012 Oshawa. Times, aft: 30 p dally 0 CHESTERFIELDS ered a elient ondit! eeps | TRACTOR, Johr Deere ] 0K Nndition, it elephone GFT TRUCK ty 6,000 Ibs 11 | Whitby Saturday CELLARS CLEANED st ree est ht and v Reason ably| Telephone 263-2 pV ods Risa sshiciuodinaiae tse 3 i - ho 4 repairs done eph ste Telephone 725-1214 & OFFERT ou hilips | FURNITURE cms, new quality|ié\ "2 rent by week or month, APPIY/DENTAL ASSISTANT -- Please reply, EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION ---- fore ore mnt: FURIE a ic onl ay Inc. corplete bed Mackies Van 2 ane, stating age, education, qualifications, ex- 'attendant. full time, Must be willing to mu : ier) cy TRAILER three rooms, s leeps ste: e0 e ne oad 2 a chen ensertbies.|CHAIRS, card and ber quet tables, church|perience, if any, and salary expected. work nights and weekend, Apply al 37. t ce ARS, YARDS | " re rator three-} tir nd tub: x vn living oor kitchen ensertbies. | C Sacavint & atk Sate One coment biets sp Wier telpioce meth. Vell or' trate tec tate' wont te eas aie "Bill|Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable valuei|aisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412|Health benefits available. Apply to Box'Desrborn Shell Service, Hwy? anw a Ga dee tt Gane eta sab aareae wt "oo Me ee ee ee Hamilton, 985-7iab. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $.'Simooe Street North. Call 723-2424. 4113 Oshawa Times, Thickson's Road, No phone calls.

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