ANN LANDERS Isn't There A Penalty Dear Ann Landers: Last night my husband and I went to visit friends who just moved into a new high-rise building. When I noticed a telescope in the bed- room I said: "I didn't know you were interested in astronomy." The woman replied: "We aren't. We're interested in peo- ple, and boy do we see plenty through this thing!" I said: 'You don't mean you actually look in people's win- dows?" She answered: "Where have you been? It's the most popular urban pastime. Tele- scopes are selling like hot cakes, Besides, it isn't window peeping exactly.. Psychiatrists say people who don't want to be seen, pull down their shades. So you see, they get their kicks out of it, too." I was stunned and so was my husband. Are they sick or are we square? Your opinion will be appreciated. -- Unsophisti- cated Urbanites Dear Urhanites: People who get their jollies from looking into windows are pretty darned sick. If this is our city dwellers' most popular pastime. we're in real trouble. Dear Ann Landers: I am planning to marry a widower of $2, He is the father of four chil- dren under six years of age. I am a registered nurse, age 30. My intended is a school teacher who does TV repair work on the side to supplement his modest income. My mother is disappointed. She said: "After having been exposed to} so many high income profes- sional men, why did you settle for him?" : My father says the man is latching on to me because he needs a housekeeper, cook, For Snoonina, Peenina? nied dept a baby tender--and what more could' a widower with four motherless kids ask for than an RN,? I feel that at 30 I'd' better not pass up this opportunity be- cause there many not be many others. My decision to marry this man has alienated me from my entire family. Am I. taking a bigger bite than I can swallow? --RN With a High 1.Q. Dear RN: Nowhere in your letter do you mention your fond- ness for the man or your inter- est in his children. The only thing that comes through loud and clear is that you are settling for this man because you fear it may be your last chance to marry. Un- less you can generate more enthusiasm than your letter re- flects, I say forget it. ORGANDY FROM Svwitz- erland and color - fast threads from England are used in beautiful pieces of embroidery such as the cloth above, made by women and girls in villages in Paki- stan. Trained by Miss Elsa ° Peter, they receive Chris- tian teaching as they learn | Confidential To Sore Back, |Aching Feet, Tight Husband: iSince he seems to spend so 'much time in church and puts so much faith in the preacher, quote Billy Sunday. He said: "It and for the first time in their lives they receive a living wage. It is only through the sale of these embroideries that more wo- men can be trained and more materials purchased is better to buy a wife a new washing machine than to put silver handles on her casket." St. George's Memorial WA Plans, Sale Of Pakistani Embroidery The Woman's Auxiliary of St.j|embroider, learn to read and/ George's Memorial Church is/|write, are instructed in hygiene| holding a display and sale of and are taught the Christian) Pakistani embroideries during | faith. Thursday afternoon and even-! ing March 24. WA of the Anglicz Shure' ae Wi » Anglican Church of} Pi big aggringy imote [Canada has promoted the sale|1 made in Pakistan by simple] o¢ these embroideries in their| village women trained by an = § tie your tongue and tell ; jeni has _|branches all across Canada. The So untie 3} 3 Anglican Missionary, Miss El is bola hare tate kent wispy her. But don't say 'Your neck ; ; sa Peter, and her Pakistani | omen ant cirla employed aiid Confidential To Sick And} Tired Of The Daily Grind: Your litany of petty complaints | made me sick and tired, lady. Just think how happy you'd be if you lost everything you now have and then suddenly got it jall back, | For the past twelve years the|1 Confidential To Tongue Tied: EASY FRUIT SNOW dessert." \% package flavored jelly powder (raspberry, lemon or cherry) cup boiling water 1% cup cold water tablespoon lemon juice 2-3 cup skim milk powder few grains salt \% cup sugar TME ACHAWA TIMES Tuesday. March 15. 1966 6TH ANNIVERSARY | 20% ea ines war MAM T Dunina 1 a we PS ee | beans Mrs. W. H. James, Adelaide avenue. east» will be the host- ess tonight when the Literary Group of the Lyceum Club gath- ers at her home for the continu- ation of its study of 'Martin | Chuzzlewit"' by Charles Dickens. Mrs. Lucas Peacock, Simcoe street north, invited members of the Lyceum Club to her home, Wednesday evening, March 23, 'SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Tetephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Mr, and Mrs, Thomas L. Wil- son, Colborne street east, re- turned this past weekend from a three-week cruise in the Carib- Fhe Mayfair Salon 728-0662 27 CELINA ST. 728-0662 | when the travel group will meet and Mrs, Peacock will show |color slides of Finland and Scandinavia. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swartz, Park road north, returned last week from a winter vacation in Miami, On their way home they visited their daughter, Tobie, Mrs. John David Lipson and their son-in-law who is doing post graduate study at Har- vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mrs. Lipson teaches French at Cambridge High. New styles, new fobrics, expert service and workmanship, Our | Dies-Revived - | Now Recovering! | | TORONTO (CP)--Last April! 30 a nurse in Toronto's East|terday afternoon. Mrs. walked General hospital in Travel through Yugoslavia and Bulgaria and sight-seeing in Istanbul, Turkey, was the} subject of an illustrated talk by |Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle to mem- |bers of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association yes- D. to|Conant introduced the speaker |-- new business offers you free estimates and pick-up and delivery service, Give us a call. . . our votes are bow! PHONE 623-7341 Darlington Upholstery Serving Oshawo, Bowmanville and Aree - ss Mrs. Bernard Purslow's room| and Mrs. R. A. Wallace express- | A nice and easy low calorie |and found no respiration and no|ed thanks. Mrs. Avern Taylor pulse, Mrs. Purslow, a hemor hage. staff speaker. specially was They had only four) |minutes from the time her heart |», stopped until the lack of oxygen) Dissolve jelly powder in boil-| would damage her brain beyond sum- is dirty." Say, "Your jewelry colleagues. They are available jhas left a mark on your neck.|in a variety of articles and a |I"m sure when you see it you'll| wide range of patterns. This' 'want to wash it off. exquisite shadow-work is em- St. Christopher's CPTA Reports A Varied Program At Meeting St. Chrisopher's Catholic Par-| Mrs. Ann Marie Rasmussen and| ent Teaclier Association met in the school auditorium with Mrs. Wilfred Ottenbrite presiding. The Reverend Joseph Borg, spiritual director, gave a time- ly message on the Holy Season of Lent in. preparation for the great solemnity of Easter. The annual convention of the Toronto Archdiocesan Council Catholic Parent Teacher Asso- ciations was held at St. Ga- briel's Church, Willowdale. Mrs. Ottenbrite and Mrs. T. J. Cot- nam attended the convention. Mrs. Ottenbrite gave a brief re- port on the convention and it's theme "An Active CPTA for the Family of God'. A letter from Father Awaka in the Belgium Congo, thanking the Catholic Women's League was read by Mrs. Ottenbrite. The budget for 1965-66 school year was presented and ac- cepted. Nomination forms were dis- tributed. among the membership for a new executive for the 1966- 67 school year. A microscope purchased by the CPTA was on display and the membership was invited to! view the slides prepared by Mrs. Frederick Gimblett. Sister Mary Beatrice, princi- pal of St introduced two new teachers -- coudseaioiebercet SNE THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Another good day! As with Tuesday, both business and per- sonal interests will be governed by exceptionally generous influ- ences,--with..emphasis on the former during the hours, and on the latter through- out the p.m. An excellent Venus aspect especially favors ro- mance, artistic and cultural pursuits FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that even if, during the last couple of months, you may have been disappointed in the progress of material interests, it would be advisable to step up efforts now, since you recently entered a fine planetary cycle which will last until April 15 -- a cycle which will be highly beneficial omees where both job and monetary interests are concerned. Other good financial breaks are prom- Christopher's School) morning |broidered on the best quality) |Swiss organdie using color-fast threads. When this project was start- jed in 1948 it employed only} jfour women. There are now isix hundred lvillages regularly earning en- ough to not only have food for their families but to educate their children. They are taught to knit, to! |Mrs. Hazel Excel. Mr. Ruttan's Grade 6 class won the senior class count an enabled Miss Peter to train | ing water, then chill until almost | repair. others. set. Measure the cold water| the op-|mixing bowl. Add skim milk|ists and hung onto life. powder and salt and blend well. | of women who want portunity to learn and to earn, / but before teaching others Miss |Beat with Peter must be assured of a(an electric mixer (medium-highjher intravenously for a steady flow of orders from Can-|Speed) until mixture stands in|weeks and then switched to ada. The promotion and sale | firm peaks -- about 5 minutes. |nose tube. women in thirty|of these embroideries provides | Gradually beat in sugar. Beat} She could not move, speak, all the women of the Church jelly until foamy, then fold into|open her eyes or swallow. H to link hands with their sisters| Whipped mixture. Turn inte/only way of communication w across the seas and so share|jelly mold and chill until firm)}a slight squeeze of her hand. in this practical Christian so-|-- about 1 hour. To turn out| Then two months later s Sister Mary Irene's Grade won the junior class count. Miss Mary Wibbs of the teach- ing staff introduced Sister Ag- nes Theresa, Supervising Prin- cipal of the Oshawa Separate Schools. Sister spoke on the unity of purpose and ideals with- in a PTA and the fact that edu-| cators and parents were con-| cerned about children and were working toward a common goal. The child must be the centre of education. Everything in ajing of contemporary silver jew- school should teach the child/eiry. | and be functional. Sister asked| 'I sold a ring and a necklace} the parents to learn to listen to\to the wife of a photographer | children and to give children re-| who was photographing Cardin's sponsibility. when they were/fashion collection in Paris,"| ready. |said the Swedish girl, who spent} Teachers and parents should|her childhood in South Africa. | work together as a team. School) "When Mr. Cardin saw her| authority comes from. parent|wearing my jewelry, he was authority and the best authority|enthusiastic about my work and is loving rather than fearing.|suggested I exhibit in Paris. In discussing the discovery|¥'om that moment, I began approach Sister said that there|'#king my jewelry designing) was nothing new under the sun|Seriously and in time completed only different ways of looking at|® 50-Piece collection. it -- in discovering new know- Miss Blumenberg, 30, who ledge the child will find great/@ttended the School of Arts and satisfaction, Sister Agnes Ther-\Ct@ft in Johannesburg and ran esa touched upon many other|her own art studio there for subjects and displayed audio| ight years, said she originally and visual teaching aides. jturned. to designing jewelry as his toceaine Pacoune le relaxation after the exhausting Giher teuchar thanked Sister 00. of designing and executing a rippin havens 1,500-square-koot mural for the he a. ___ |Durban ocean terminal in 1961. | Ps: was ag only a ere over | jthree months to complete the | SOCIAL NOTICES |mural and I had worked 16 ae oe hours a day without any days M rn ae ggag off. Every tessera (the small ms yey BF aps H. | pieces used in mosaic work) had Magee, to an-|to be individually laid." nounce the engagement of their | |daughter, Patricia May, to Eric|/PAniniiED IN LONDON |M. Smith, Oshawa, son, of the| Frida never did exhibit in late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas|Paris because 'there was too Smith of Albert, New Bruns-|™much red tape to go through." wick. The ceremony is to take|But she put on an exhibition in place on Saturday, April 30,|London instead. She had been |1966, at 3.00 p.m. in St. George's |@ Pupil of the Central School of Memorial Church, Anglican, | Arts there and was later asked |to institute a diploma course in MARRIAGE jewelry at the school. | The marriage is announced, Her work has since been dis of Glenda Elvina Kelly, daugh-| played in Washington and Mu- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl|nich. She has been in Montreal {McAllister Cooksville, to Roc. |since last August. erick Douglas Dickson, son of! "I chose to come to Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomp-| because I was feeling a little son Dickson, Oshawa. The cere- confined in London and going to mony took place on Saturday, a young country appealed to me March 12, 1966 in Islington strongly." |United Church, with the Rever-| Frida's jewelry is light in jend Stewart East officiating. | weight because "most women MONTREAL (CP) -- Paris; fashion designer Pierre Cardin was responsible for Frida Blum- enberg's desertion of her orig- inal art forms for the sculptur-| | wee we een eres war ¥ marmmar ised in mid-July and during the first week of October. Neverthe less, it would be well to avoid extravagance in May and June; also from mid-October to mid- | Announce New Jewelry Designing Hobby Is Exciting Career For New Arrival cial service. dessert, dip mold into warni) seed ~ erm | water for a few seconds, 6 serv- | ings. (52 calories per serving).| | prefer lightweight jewelry." The Cow Brand "I hammer and beat every) " th! would have if it were cast. It's! in a tub of i some painting and etching, said ellie bignalsfagoahed bath for just a few cents! silver for her jewelry. | "Eventually I my use gold in! HOUSEHOLD HINT | Baking Soda and forth silver she uses comes in sheet) « piece into shape. It's light as} hollow." | A halt a wonderful way to enjoy she had often been asked why t's also excelent to heip "T don't think my present de- | ways that would be compati-| When ironing nets and sheer Always lift up after gupens See Thursday's P. Try form. in your compared with the weight it package of The designer, who still does| C°™,Drand Baking Soda a soothing, relaxing daily she didn't use gold as well as} signs are for gold,"' she answers. ble." So fabrics, never run the iron back i. But Mrs. Purslow did respond | There is a long waiting list|and lemon juice into a deep/|to the efforts of cardiac special-| For six weeks she was semi- a rotary beater or} conscious. The hospital staff fed few out the words but the nurse un- for the big . »» Coming Soon at presided and reports were given | suburban|by group conveners, Mrs. Wal- Don Mills housewife, had ap-|!ace, Mrs. J. parenf*y died of a severe brain|Mrs. W. R. B. McGregor, Johnson and Mrs. L. S. Peacock. BURNS Wi JEWELLERS jbegan showing signs of recov-| kKkekkek * kKkekkkke ok jery. Her mother-in-law came to| * ee |* enter the exciting Samsonite Silhouette PAWALTAN trained medical |~~ aa ' F immediately moned over the hospital's loud- * see her from Winnipeg and the mily gathered to celebrate the | Purslows' 21st wedding anniver- | sary. "T have just a hazy recollec- tion," she says. "I think that was the day the nurse brought me a menu and asked me what \I'd like to eat. I couldn't make| ¥& | te | * a derstood that 1 wanted bacon and toast." Now, nearly a year later,| er|Mrs. Purslow is home again. | as|Her speech is painfully slow| and hesitant and she must walk he!with a cane. | i Fob ob Rb bb RRO ROE bbb bb OR Rob bb Rt bb ttt --_ trip to Hawalf for two via Canadien Pacific Airlines' Super DC-8 Jet, plus 7 all-expense paid days gt the fabulous HILTON HAWAIIAN VILLAGE plus $500 to spend. No obligation to purchase, Just pick up your contest entry form from us. You double the value of all prizes when you purchase Samsonite Silhouette luggage, or any other fine Samsonite luggage during the contest pertod. THERE ARE OVER 300 ADDITIONAL PRIZES! Read about these at the Hawaiian Holiday Display at our Iuggage counters. Contest ends April 30th, 1966. Visit us today. SALE NU-WAY RUG CENTRE aper For Full Details 20 SIMCOE NORTH In the Heart of Downtown Oshawe yt OR bob bbb bb bb ob tb ab bb at bt Be Sure To Visit ZELLER'S During The Exciting SPRING SALE March 17th Till March 23rd Watch For Our (2 Page Spring Cireular In Your Mail Soon -- Shop Early For Big Saving Kk kk kkk kkk kk kkk December, since your next up- trend along these lines will not occur until the first of next January, when you will enter Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch SPRING FASHION SHOW another excellent cycle on all scores. Social . and family do be on guard against tension and domestic friction between early November and mid-De- cember. Sentimental should prove unusually happy during most of the next months, but most outstanding periods for new romance and-or ria in early April, in late August, late Octo- marriage will occur ber and-or late December. Most propitious -per'cds for travel The weeks between June 1-and Sept. 15, the latier part of October and late December. A child born on this dav wil be artistically inclined, hi~'ly imaginative and emotional- even in the face of trivia. three-month | affairs | should be generally harmonious for most of the year ahead, but matters 12 Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids ... and repair damaged tissne. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissues. One hemorrhoidal case history after another reported "very strik- ing improvement." Pain was promptly and gently relieved , . . actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- tions. Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- portant of all, results were so thorough that this improvement | "Ss maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue, Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. In addition to actmally shrink- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids. Just ask your druggist for Pre- paration H Suppositories or Pre- paration H Ointment (with a special applicator), Satisfaction guaranteed or yous money refunded. To Be Held on Wednesday, March 23rd ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 8:30 P.M, NO-CHARGE Perfect travel companions, these easy knit coats styled to top everything from casual clothes to after five fashions. Sketched just 2 of an exciting collection. Sizes 5-15, A. Cardigan coat in cable knit Orion. Azure blue or white. B. Tailored classic Orlon knit by Irving $30 Posluns. Blue or mint green. Fashions since 1867