6A THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Seturday, Merch 12, 1966 Victor Mature Quit Hollywood * HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- What, gomebody asked, ever became of Victor Mature? He's living on his four-acre estate at Rancho Santa Fe, a few miles north of San Diego; playing golf and, at the mo- ment, pondering two movie of- fers. "It's so quiet here you can hhear the grass grow," Mature boomed over the phone, sound- ing robust at 530. In the back- ground yapped his cocker spaniel, Tina. The house, he said, is a rambling ranch type surrounded by palm and euca- lyptus trees. * ' The beautiful hunk of man," FLUBBER FROM 'THE PROFESSOR' was going te. Then Peter Sellers | also starring Sellers and his called one day and said he had | wifé, Swedish actress Britt Ek- a crazy part I might like." lund, in Reme last October. Vic finished the film, After | Mature plays "a wild movie the Fox, a mystery comedy | actor." as he was once billed, left Hol- lywood after Hannibal five years ago. He had invested profitably in Los Angeles real estate. "-- just quit; always said I Peter Kastner and Juli bye", which opens Thurs- Biggs, in a scene from the | day, March 17, at the Bilt- film "Nobody Waved Good- more Theatre. MOTOR HOTEL THE "REVELAIRES" popular Rhythms, Style and Smooth Harmony In the "VINTAGE ROOM" VISIT THEIR NEW DINING ROOM @ SPECIAL @ NESSMAN'S LUNCH DAILY