Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Mar 1966, p. 21

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nT pay ge "a THE OSHAWA TIMES, )- Seturday March 12, 1966 2] BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER "JHE AIR FORCE CHIEF, FRIENDLY TO THE REBELS, GETS AN IDEA, ALL TIRES FROM PLANES AND REMOVE t St! STORE UNTIL WE CAN GET REPLACEMENTS AND SPRAINED MY WRI6T ] (Top record-holder in Individual Championship Ploy) EB 00, © BR PANAZUELAN GOVERNMENT. PLANE BUSTS Fy Fire ne writen ~~ rere = lens F South dealer, ; North-South vulnerable, UZ SAWYER end I [Noe Ni ete ad OT BUT-PP-HE \/ ISN'T ON TILL TOMORROW / NIGHT" © Ki @ Fenturs Syndicate, Ine, 1966, World rights reserved ats | I FING | LET'S FOLLOW MES OF FAME, PERCY WILLIAMS MILE IN THE FINALS OF THEE 1 MPICS, AND THE ' HUMAN IN THE WORLD 7O RUN AGAIN SUDDENLY AS iTS BEGINNING. AT THE BRITISH EMPIRE GAMES IN HAMILTON, 1930, HE be geod IN HIS LEFT Opening lead--jack of spades. This hand was played many years ago. It is not easy to see that declarer can make all thir teen tricks against the spade CAN, PIT ON MORE WOOD, LUKE! YOULL NEED LIONT AMERICANS AGAINST HIM LL SHOW ANNIE 4m 70 STUDY THIS (0°Y OF er Ney BARRIOS PLANS! fi a irs sricl quire ABSIT LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE King Fotenren Sputhoni Coc 10a. Wa shin nerve " OH=I SEE LIGHTS Just up AHEAD DISTANCES ARE DECEPTIVE IN THIS CLEAR AIR-- WHO7F MEF ON' BERMUDA |ONS 3-12) iT WORRY, ROSALINVA . 000 NAKE WON'T GET ME. GUT BB CAREFUL AROUND DOLL. HER e id WHY IS GRANDMA 60 PEEVED AT AW, I WAG JUST WATCHING HER WORK -AND I PUTIN THREE ot aaa SHE'D BEEN LOOKING FOR SINC LAGT WEEK / «IS EVERYBODY aye TO HAVE TWO? WANT TO THINK... BUT MY BRAIN IS ALL IT'S ALL SO SIMPLE, » AND SKEETS LOVES EVE, | LOVE YOU AND YOU DON'T LOVE YOU, DID YOU SAY SIMPLE? THE LONE RANGER HOW 7O DROP THAT MEXICAN WHEN, HG A THE COLONELS CAR IS WELL-BQUIPPED, DONNA --- SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK RADIO TRANSMITTER, FIRST= AID KIT, AND A COMPLETE THERE ARE ONLY TWO KINDS OF ELECTRICIT™. A.C. AND o.c.! OH, & WHAT DOES a THAT MEAN? A.C. 1S ALTERNATING CURRENT, AND DC. gee . 7ANO DEMAND ' DIRECT CURRENT. o AT LEAST IT WILL HERE er. ER! i . TELEVISION LOG Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiltea 2--Buttalo 3--Barrie 64--Church Service 2--Fronters Of Faith 11:30 A.M. @Fiying Fisherman &--The Christophers T--Discovery '66 12:00 NOON %--Itallan Album TV 6--Tween Set 7--Personal Dimension 12:18 P.M, ix The Cat eng eee 9--Voyage To The Bottom | 2-Slience Please 6--This Land of Ours Of The Sea 63--This Land of Ours 3--Shindig 2--Checkmate 4--Wrestling 6:30 PLM, 11-7--$Shindig 3--Musicel Showcase 6:45 PLM, 3-4-43--News; Weather; 'Sports 7:00 P.M, %--Jackle Gleason Vi--Peter Gunn J--Big Show of the Wi &3--Beverly Hillbillies 4--Facing the Financial -Heve wm Tri 6--Danger Man 4--Jackle Gleason 2--McHale's Navy 8:00 P.M. 1--Jamboree 9--Academy Performance &2--I Dream of esa BLets Sing Out 7--Lawrence Welk 63--NHL Hockey Chicago at Toronto 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M, N--Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 4--The Loner 10:00 P.M. 9--Run For Your Life 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 6-3--Juliette 10:30 PLM, Ti--Beex buster 7--The King Family 11:00 P.M. N04) 4439 Newas Weether) Sports 145 P.M. Buster 14:20 PLM, 7-49--Late Show 6 Bpertt 11:30 PLM, 6--Feature Showcase 3--Movie 1:4 PM 9--Movie Paacye 06 A.M. ictobenel Chimes 9--Tides and Trails 7--Shenanigans 8--B'wans Don 9:30 A.M. N--Itatlan Journal %--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Peeter Potamus B--The Anewer 10:00 A.M, NW--Carasello t--Herasid of Trum #-8--Rocketship é--Sunday School ch lav 6--Extension 2--This is The Life 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 11:00 A.M. 11--OHA Jr. "A" &--This is The ile 7--Bullwinkie now Hockey 8:30 P.M. N--Club 11 Dance Party | 12:30 PLM. 11--Spectrum &--My Hero 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 4--Living Word 2--Herald of Truth tFamity 6--French For Love 4--Ted Mack 3--Sir Francis Drake 1:30 P.M. 11--$potlight 9--Dougias Fisher jeok| @--My Little Margle 7--Sunday Playhouse potiogied Calendar W--This "space, "hee, | gsc Special Music' | 4---NFL Game 3--AFL Foto 3:30 P.M. biMovie | 7--Dialogue | 4---NFL Game 4:00 PLM. | 2--Sports in Action |11--Top Cat &Movie 4:30 P.M, epeherdg Golt ent n--Tiny Talent Tine 9--Bilk | 63-Sight and Cast | 4-Cadabout Gaddis 5:00 P.M. Ni--Family Theatre %--Canadian Talent Showcase 7--Wrestling @3--Nature of Things 4--Gadabout Gaddis 2--Wild Kingdom 5:30 PLM, %--Peter Potamus 7--Big Show of the Week | 6--Hymn Sing 3--Lost In Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour | & College Bowl 6:00 P.M, o--Walt Disney Presents 4--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century 7--Golf Tournament 6:3 PLM. jl--Loat In Space | 3--Fiipper 2--Bell acetone Hour | 7:00 %--Please bent 'Hat The Daisies i 7--Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea 6-3--Hank | +--Leasle 7:30 PLM. llewA.H.L. Hockey | %--Amos Burke &2--Disney's World of Color 6-3---F lashback | 4--My Favorite Martian 8:00 P.M, ?--The FBI Tourna- | | ay Ship in The Arm' 63--This "Hour Hes Seven Days 10:30 P.M. Wifhet's My Line 11:00 P.M. NO6-7-6-4-3-5-- Newsy Weather, Sperte * 11:20 P.M. 11--This Space Age 7-4+0--Lete Show t--Awers Theetre 11:30 PLM. é--international Cinema 11:40 PLM, 11--Wrestling %--Dougias Fisher MONGAT 6:00 AM 6--Coptain Kangeres 6:30 A.M, il--Albert J. Steed 9--Romper Room 9:00 A.M. 9--Playtime with Uncle 4--Mike's -- tJ 4--Gypsy Rose che Show 2--boble Gillis 16:08 A.M 11--News §-2--Fractured Phrases 4+! Love Lucy 10:88 AA, li--Ed Allen 9--Bingo 6 Pa enceniatan ne ery Glant 4--The McCoys a aah, 11--Mike Douglas Show %--Mr, and Mrs. 8-2--Morning Star 4-3--Butternut Square +-Andy of Mayberry 11:30 A.M, 4Dick Van Dyke 2~Abracadaban 12:00 NOOR %--Toronto Today 8-2---Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4+--News and Weefher 12:18 PLM, or at the Howse 118 Pm %--! Love Lucy 3-2--Play Post Office 64--Seach for Tomorrow y Report 12:48 PLM. V--Racing Forum &4--Guiding Light 100 Pm, | l--Theatre %--Morning Star Matinee 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers | 9 James Beard Show &4--As Tha World Turns 2:00 PA 9--Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M. %--Dear Cheriotte 2:38 Pia. %--People In Conflict $4--The Occtors 7--A Time For Us 6--Zane Grey Theatre 4---Linkletter's Party +43-8d Swittven shew | >-Movie 8:30 P.M, \--fpectei Mevie 9--Peyton Place | +3--Branded 9:00 P.M. 8-6-3---Bonanza 4--Perry Mason 9:30 PLM, %--Payton Place 10:00 P.M. ji lovie f--Dr, Kildare ate Pm 11--Donna Reed 68--Another World 9--Fractured Phrases 7--@eneral efi | 63--To Tell The Truth 00 Pm ae py hg ig i Your Move | bai Don'? Say | 7--The 63--Taxe 4+--Sdge of Night @--Cartoon Carnivel | CROSSWORD ACROSS 6. Trotsky 1."Great bells 7. God of the began to sky: --_--": Babyl. 'Tennyson 8. Shape 6. Resin 9. Lustrous 9. Pushed mineral 10. Adam's 11. Cached grandson = 13, Wire 12, Compassion measure 13, Ascend 15. Rhoderick 14. Article Dhu 15. Revolve 16. God of 17, Toward Arcadia 18, Extreme 19. Oxeye, 21, Pro for one 22, Soon 20. Indian of 23. Prize Peru ribbon 21. Chi 24.Manifesto 93. Hee 24, The British [PIL TAIY Me HIE IW] A EIGIEMBAIUION IT) (OPTI TIE mm C TRI AIZIEY JAJF TT MC [ATL MEO} VIAMBE LAI INIS} EILJEIVIATOMRIS| SILALLINMELE IHU Al Sil oo dived a ea = 2 RIAIVIA] oe TAIGT Ie 'mms i rt ISTEINIOIABMEIAISIEIL 26. Stripe (CIEIEIREMEIYIE!O} 28.Sesame Yesterdsy's Answer 30. Heart 31, The Eternal City's 32, Molt 34, Yellow, Black, Red, etc. 27. Tableland 26. Goatee 28, Sherman V7 (Ss a a or Stalin 29. Wages 30. Ashes YY 33. Preposition 34. Vended 35. Exclama- tion 36. Alllide to 88, Cupola lead. Readers who enjoy double- '}dummy problems (which simply means that declarer is permit- ted to look at all four hands in trying to solve the problem) are welcome to try this one. Ob- viously, if declarer were to stake the hand on the club fi- nesse--which would be a rea- sonable thing' to do--he would go down one. But if declarer either omnis- ciently or surreptitiously de- cides that East has both black kings, he can make the contract regardless of how the defense carries on. Declarer ducks the jack of spades in dummy and wins it with the ace. He then draws five rounds of trumps, discarding the queen of clubs on the fifth one, When he now cashes the A-K-Q of diamonds, this be- comes the position: ~ North South next leads the six of diamonds to the jack. West cannot afford to discard the nine of spades because, if he does, declarer will lead the queen from dummy, trapping. East's king and West's ten om -- same trick, and thus pro the eight into a tricks sO let's say that West discards a club. Dummy wins the diamond and now East feels the pinch. He cannot discard the six of spades because South will ruff the eight, felling the king and making the queen a trick, So East discards:the club ten. Declarer thereupon cashes the ace of clubs and makes tha last two tricks with the six of hearts and deuce of clubs. SALLY'S SALLIES "Couldn't you think of an easier way to meet me?" 40, Assam silkworm 41. Placed in @ row 43. Affirmative 44. Mineral ite ly DOWN 1. Gift for 20th anniversary 2. Torrid 3. Creeper 4, Pronoun 5. Verbal ending YOUR HEALTH For Falling Hair By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I have had excessively falling hair for years, and at 50 it is getting worse. During my five preg- nancies it came in thick and |healthy, only to return to its former pattern two or three months affer childbirth. Would this suggest a lack of hor- mones? Are hair dyes applied at home detrimental to scalp or general health?--MRS. F I would have to agree that hormonal activity might be part, but not all, of the explana- tion. However, I doubt that hor- mone would help. There is endless variation in the quality of hair -- brittle, | strong, Young Marries: | Sparse, heavy, thin, abundant, readily graying durable color. No way has been discovered to change the type treatment of any sort) or of} of hair we have inherited. In- stead we have to do whatever is best to maintain the kind of hair we have. This pattern of abundant hair in pregnancy and a return to the thinner hair afterward is not at all uncommon and is due to an increase in the body's gen-' eral well being at that time.' Trying to stimulate this vigor artificially (as with hormone applications or dosage) is not practical. Thus my suggestion is to be' as reasonably careful of your hair as possible and make the best of it. Keep this in mind: Women do so many things to their hair that you must differentiate be- tween shafts breaking off, and actual loss of grow! Under |normal conditions, hair. follicles vary in productivity. They can become dormant, and hair falls. Reactivated, they produce hair again. Yet other thinning can mean that the follicles are pro- ducing hair but it breaks off short, Vigorous brushing can break ~ off the hair. So can improper .- use of home permanents and setting solutions. (Follow direc- - tions exactly!) Tight coiffures ' can break shafts and also con- tribute to true hair loss. Per« haps hormonal changes as the years pass will have an effect, but thinning may also be due to © deficient blood supply to the hair follicles. ms As to hair dye, a patch should always be done first, to -. determine whether the skin hap-- pens to be sensitive to it. Recent advances in hair dye chemistry -: make most of them safe to use, provided you exercise care-- that is, use a patch test -- against the chance of hypersen- « sitivity. $ Other than that, preserving your hair rather than hoping to stimulate vigorous growth which is not natural for you is the best course. Dear Dr. Molner: Is it com-+ mon for boys 13 or 14 to have soft tumors or "kernels'"' in the stomach and between the elbow 'and underarm? The doctor said they weren't anything to be alarmed about. Will you ex- \plain?--Mrs. J. M. From your desiription-and the doctor's remark, they sound as though they might be small lymph nodes -- lymph glands which have swelled because of fighting off infection. If that's it, they usually get*- smaller; if they persist or get... larger, then further investiga- ition (including blood count and * chest x-ray) would be advisable, y ;

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