Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1966, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, --- Fridey, March 11, 1966 ,]7 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Play) - MR. DITHERS, HOW CAN YOU SAY A: THING acd BUT IM AFRAIO I Mery cor on oui Like THAT YOU'RE MIN' MAKE | ? MISTAKES ON THAT wera 'ae aN | F : |, |(Top record-holder in Dy ; ; ' : ' € Individuel Championship BIDDING QUIZ You are South, both sides vul- nerable. The bidding has been "South West North East 19. Pass 2 Pass te: - Pass 3$ Pass heh ga bam Hee bid peg with eac e following four AFTER BS gy 4 My nd ae hands? Serene 76 CANADA. IN SEPTEMBER, 1928, THE MOST 1. @A83 yAQso2 WORSHIPPED IDOL IN OUR : 2 @Ko32 » FORWARD, REVIEWING STANDS ARE BUILT... INVITATIONS ISSUED... FARADES ARRANGED, SMALL WONDER THEY CALLS HIM "TH GREATEST "7 HES ONLY NUMBER ONE ON ig OO hd 1, Three clubs. Whenever the responding hand names a new suit, the opening bidder is forced to bid again. Both re- sponses by North are therefore treated as 100 per cent forcing bids and we must bid again. neg only problem is what to id. Since partner named clubs ahead of spades, it is reason+ able to assume that he has more clubs than spades, Had they been of equal length, North presumable yould have bid the higher - ranking suit (spades) first. Since we cannot bid two notrump without a dia- mond stopper, and have run out of heart bids, the best thing to do is show a preference for North's longer suit by bidding three clubs. 2.. Four spades, The three club bid in the preceding hand, coming on top of the signoff bid of two hearts, showed that we had started with a minimum opening bid. Both bids indicated that we were acting only under the compulsion of partner's forcing bids. In the same way, if we were to bid only three spades now, partner could rightfully assume that our hand was of the abso- lutely minimum class. However; this is far from the truth. Our hand rose tremendously in value with the discovery of a spade fit, and we can express by re- sponding now in more than minimum terms. 3. Three notrump. The same r ing applies in this case. A two notrump bid would sound weak, because it could be based on a minimum hand including some facility for notrump play. Actually, we had values in reserve when we bid two hearts. These extra values--15 high- card points instead of the 12 or 13 we might have had--can now be shown by jumping to three notrump. This certainly does not announce a giant hand or interest in a slam--the two heart bid which preceded it in- dicated an opening bid of the minimum class. ; 4.Three hearts. Having pened the bidding with only 11 high-card points, all we can do now, in the interests of accu- raey, is persist in hearts and thus warn partner that the opening bid was based more on heart length than on high-card strength. With a slightly better hand--let's say, add the queen of diamonds--we would jump to four hearts. '(PERCY WILL GO TO SA x [S-1) "AFTER... BUT A (~ = WE DIDN'T FINISH THE BARRACKS TILL AN HOUR AGO, LUKE/ BUT NOW '/ CAN TELL. YOU HOW 70 HIT THE GOVERNOR "ay TOMORROW / ITS --ITS-- OH WHO A COULD HAVE WORDS FOR IT? MOMENT AND GET OUT-- I WANT YOU To SEE THE DESERT IN ALL ITS THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SORRY, COLONEL -- Ei BUT FoR THis DEAL Mi YOU'RE OUR SILENT HAVE YOU TAUGHT THE IT PROBABLY HIM HOW 'TO ey WL oe vA WHISKER / SECRET AGENT X9 you ics IN BOTH | A OASSND LITERATU DONALD DUCK CROSSWORD DOWN 1, Snare 2, Lith i 3. Victorian, for one 4. Suffix used with law, saw, etc. 5. Rodent: So, Am, 6. Toss 7. Kind of cheese TELEVISION LOG 9:30 PLM, }--Petticoat Junction 62--Mr. Roberts 7--The Farmer's Daughter |3---Top Ce! | 4The Smothers Broa, | 7?--C@rtoon 10:00 P.M. saat daddy ye te hy! A.M. li--Merv Griffin 9--Peter Potamus 8-2--U.N.C.L.E. 7T--Magilla Gorilla 7--Deb Stars of 1966 6--Robin Hood | ick str of C'arien | SUES raw eeiew 10:30 P.M, 21, Baby- lonian water god: poss, 22. Gr. wine pitcher 23. Check 24. Pro- noun 27, Con- ducted, as ACROSS 1. Drama 8. Excl tion of disgust ' ®. Faithful, old style 10, Examine account books 12. Aquatic mammal 13, Fad RIT MR SICIAINg OS wma DIVEBRIATTIDIE IR) |AIGIETS) Neyecs Nv) : IRIAISIEISMEMIE IF IT} Channet Channel Channel Channei Channel 2--Buttaloe 3--Barrie 4--Butfale é--Toronte 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton | 11:00 A.M, |11--Previews _of Progress | 9--Milton The Monster + PRIDAY BYRNE 5:00 P.M. 1}--Pamily Thestre 8--Movie @--Superman ¢--Flipper E| PIRI EIR MMViolGlule} [SIOMSMMOIRIAC Mt France Dispatches Notes On NATO Yesterday's Answer 12:30 P.M, 87. Century 19% ir Wah Disney Productions World Rights Reserved eee. hae * THEY'RE JUST AT THAT AWKWARD AGEI 8. Shrivel 9. Bakery items 11, Spreads grass to dry 15. Manx 17. Wicked 18, Path 14, Astern 15. Soothed 16. Neighbor of.N. C. 17, Guidonian note 19. Canadian to a seat 28. Moorish drum 30. Dutch commune 31, Haul 32. Stormed 36. Wisteria plant 38. Equipment 39. Two aspiring, for one 41. Charge 42.---- of the land 7 16 Y Y 26. Hawaiian iT tree 29. Drowziest +--Spotlight On 11:00 P.M, (1-O-B7 4 68-6 Mewes Weetios Raper ie 1:18 P.M, 9--Metre Pinal 6--Viewpoint --Shindig Lloyd 5:30 P.M, 8--Leeve & to Beever 7--Rocketship 7 6--Music Hop 6:00 P.M, O--Moet The Press | 7-2--News 6--Mr, Roberts 11:20 PLM. pitied be wm 7-4--Christmas Program & biteglat bebo 11:30 P.M, li--Lete Show 08 Tenignt shew 6--New Year's Eve 3-Shindig 6:20 P.M, Ni--News 7--Twilight Theatre N--Femily Thestre | 9--Theatre 8-2--Exploring 7--Milton The Monater é--Tennessee Tuxedo 3--Whiplash | 1:00 P.M. \11--The White Hunter OO The bhevies 7--~Bowling 46-3--Wrestling 1:30 P.M, 1i--Long John: Sliver 7--~American Bandstand 4--News PARIS (Reuters)--The French government today sent notes on its plans to remove France from NATO integration in Eu- rope to Canada, Bewain and West Germany--the NATO gov- ernments mainly concerned. Information Secretary Yvon Bourges said the meesages were similar to the one sent Monday to President Johnson, and messages would be going to other heads of Allied govern- ments within the next few days, §-Movie 2:00 P.M. 11:40 P.M. 11--OHA Junior | 6--Premiere Theetre Hockey | 9--Convoy 9--HI-Time saTenoay betas ego : 8:00 A.M. tal eall op Avert | 63-=Sports Presents '\--Outdoors Unlimited | 7~Stan Roberts ¥--Farm end Home Mowr | 4 Basketball 4--Bowery Boys | 8:30 AM. 1i--Sehnitzel House | 9--Cartoons | Funny Co. | 9:00 A.M, MICKEY MOUSE . 6--Huntley-Brink 31, Physician: uniay rinkiey J--Cheyenne heroes SALLY'S SALLIES 7:00 P.M, 1l--Honey West &The Flintstenea Movie | +News, Weather, Sports 4--Peepie Are Pweny 3--Comoat Railay Brinkley 7: P.M. 1i--Wild, Wild West 9--Smothers Brothers IN THE PLAY I JUST WROTE, GRANDMA CAN BE THE GORGEOUS EROINE / AND BUTCH WILL PLAY THE PART OF THE OLD WITCH / Tt SHOULDN'T IT BE THE OTHER WAY -- AROUND ? NOT IF WE WANT GRANDMA TO BE EXTRA GENEROUS WITH BAKED GOODIES./ . Societ; 39. y $-3--Golf Classic | 4--Basketball 3: P.M. Bowlers Teurnament 4:00 P.M. 4--Addams Family | 4--Fun To Learn 1i--Out D Uniimited 4--The Wiid Wild West) 3--Porky Pig | soatter jE a amp Runamuck 100 Aw | BE NEAA Footbalt 1l--The Sonins | bane i 8-Herowtes $-3--Bowling | teller Derby | 4:30 P.M, | |1--Hawkeye 6--Sports Presents %--World of § 4--Golf Classic 5:00 P.M. | 11--Dennis the Menace |$+3--Forest Rangers 4--Beat The Camp -- Bowling Serles, 5:30 P.M, gal 40. Nimble 41, Fauna's partner 43, Birthplace Certain 44. tripod 45. Bambi, for one 46. Looked at 7--F lintstones a < TA at eet ee es 8:00 P.M. 9--Patty Duke Show 7--Tammy 6-3--Get Smart 7--Tammy 2--Hank 10:00 A.M, §-2---Secret Squirrel 7--Popeye 6--Extension 4---Mighty Mouse Playhouse 10:30 A.M. 1l--Hobby Time with 6:30 P.M, 11--Man From UNCLE CHAG GoGo KUHN- YOUR HEALTH New Birth Control Devices Long Known By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD arnity +3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hopan's Heroes [". WAS SLIDING DOWN THE T 100! UP. Teste. 4 |\ STAIR RAIL! UPRIGHT PIECES Z ARE THE Gramps, 4 +» AND ON VERY Tun 4 ' ! I WOULONT TRY v--Honey Wet 4--Friday Movie omer Pyle Cousin Bill '--Johnny Quest ~The Wild Wild Weet «Linus The Lionheearted |+3--Bugs Bunny INCOME TAX %--The Beatles of bleeding which, naturally!most of the white. Will this irisks infection. There may be clear up? Or cause trouble? It pelvic discomfort. jhas not disturbed my vision! It is necessary for the woman|yet.--L. C. E. to make fairly frequent visits to| And it won't bother your vi- the doctor to make sure the sion or be dangerous. This ap- device is in proper ger pearance of blood in the eye can : rit {When pregnancy occurs with|be frig ing, i must I go fo 8 special clinic to| From such reports as I have| the ps pg is a high inci- wise en it is; eS tar. Bag ohiain thems : il jencountered, my feeling is that|dence of tubal pregnancies, | at your age the capillaries rok have been taking the pils|disadvantages" outnumber 24-) Because the devices are ir-(small surface blood. vesels) ke me tired and nervous. agree with me. : jtating to some individuals, one/can become unduly fragile, and make me 'vagal b might suspect that there is ajsome slight injury (rubbing the ad ee sound ideal.) Adyantages are: No personal|risk of cancer. However, this eye, a slight bump, straining me ee effort is required, no need to| apparently is not the case,'from a sneeze, etc.) can rupture There is no perfect method of |. member to take a pill for 20/Which is important to know. one. If your blood pressure is contraception except sexual ab-|days on schedule, There are no| It is not necessary to go to/elevated, that may be a factor. stinence, so the best advice I|systemic effects such as head-|special clinics for these devices.! However, this blood will ab- can offer is to choose the one |ache, nausea or bloating. |There are many doctors who sorb in about 10 days with no that has the fewest disadvan-' Yor the other side of the pic-|Consider them an effective con- harinful aftereffects tages for you. ture, the devices do not always|traceptive. I think there are depos sega sheared The present I.U.C.D.'s. are|stay in place. The expulsion|/More, however, who think the' Be sure to get ample Vitamin updated models of devices that|rate (slipping out of position) is | disadvantages outweigh the ad- ¢ (citrus juices) and calcium have been: used for many cen- reported as high as 20 per cent| vantages. (milk'or skim milk is the most turies. Today's models may be'(that is, occurring. with one of} Dear Dr. Molner: I am 73. plentiful source) in your diet, thin steel rings, plastic spirals;five users). There is .a similar|Recently a blood vessel byrst injwhich may lessen any tendency or circles of nvlon thread percentage of removal hecaukeliny eve, and the blond coversitoward future hieeding. | Sradteate, ime. 1064. World rights maerved. The Empioyee's Income Tax Service Which has been operating in the area for the past three years is now located in the Auto Workers Credit Union Bld, (King St. W.) T.! Short Form $2.00 Dear Dr. Molner: I have, There seems to be no agree- beem reading .about the new | ment as to precisely why they 1.C.U.D,'s' (intra-uterine contra-|prevent conception, but they do, ceptive devices). Are they injeven though not 100 per cent of general use by physicians or/the time. MUGGS AND SKEETER a 2 an. | f/ YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME. YOU'VE KNOWN SKEETS OVER A YEAR. LISTEN, WHIT,. | COULD BE MEAN, AND SELFISH...AND.., AND OUT AFTER YOUR +»-BUT IT WOULDN'T MATTER, | LOVE SOMEONE ELSE... DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? THAT WON'T CHAnGE., Py EVER, JULIET JONES A : _~ EVERYTHING CHANGES.) LL WAIT. / BGA

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