Sie amnesia gaa BNA heer : ST. MARY'S CWL FOLLOWS ST. PATRICK'S THEME AT NIGHT OF CARDS here with the committee making the arrangements. From the left are: Mrs. Thomas Cullen, a co-con- vener of prizes; Mrs. John J. Kelly, general convener, Women's League has its an- nual St. Patrick's night of cards. All the prizes are wrapped up in the tradi- tional green and white and many of them can be seen Sure, the shamrocks come from Ireland, but there will be plenty in Oshawa Mon- day evening in the St. Mary of the People Church Audi- torium, where the Catholic Controlling Temper New Lieutenant-Governor's Wife "SOCIAL NOTICES & French, English THE OSHAWA TiMES, Friday, Moreh 13, 1966 75 Canuck Women | Share Hopes, Goals, and Ideals MONTREAL (CP) -- The French - Canadian woman has much the same hopes and goals as her English-Canadian sister but there may be subtle differ- ences in annraach This was the general conclu- sion of a day-long panel discus- sion sponsored by the Montreal Advertising and Sales Execu- tive Club. Supervised by speakers from the business and academic fields, the panels scrutinized the status of the French-Cana- dian woman in such categories as work, family, love, food and dress. Discussing clothing and makeup, Lise Watier, director of Charme et Beaute Inc., said: "The French - Canadian woman is open to all sugges- tions. She is inclined to be sire to please is much stronger. | "From our Latin origins we inherit this type of aggressive femininity which urges. us to full steam ahead in our seduc- tive designs." Miss Watier said the English- Canadian puts her trust in na- tural beauty and charm and doesn't indulge in fashion arte- facts and the additional allure lof beauty products. "This does not mean she is wrong. She can captivate, she jcan please. But the French-Ca- nadian woman needs to be un- Mrs. 'Leonard J. Weeks, seated, president of the CWL: Mrs. Victor Sheffield, and Mrs. Archie Sutherland, co-conveners of prizes "The English woman can speak in a very objective way of the service given in a par- |ticular store. The French-Cana- dien Cilent fas a Very Personal laid subjective concept of serv- lice," | On the family: "Tradi- tionally, the French - Canadian woman had the responsibility of maintaining basic family val- ues," said Mare Laplante, pro- fessor of sociology at the University of Montreal. "But in this period of eco- nomic, social and cultural de- jvelopment of French-Canadian society, changes will affect the |woman radically, On one hand, they risk losing their status in the family if they forgo theif status as 'keepers of tradition'. "On the other hand they run more of a coquette than the the risk of being left behind if!my husband this was the only English-Canadian and her de-|they persist in holding on. But place I liked." if women relinquish part of \their contro] inside the family by entering the working world, ithey can recover lost ground by jusing their participation in fam- lily finance to introduce addi- tional needs and services to the family." PAYS TO BE DRIVEN MONTREAL (CP) --. The successful saleswoman has a Takes. Willpower By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: | Do you have any suggestions that will help me control the i t er that is holding pointe, has lieutenant-governor, is my forward to living again in Que- od.|bee City--"a place of so. much me back in my work? My temper has been weakness ever since childho' Welcomes Return To Quebec ;might become lieutenant-gover La-|nor and had settled into a pat- tern of London life that they both expected would last an- other five years. The heavy formal entertain- By CAROL KENNEDY LONDON (CP)--Lucette wife of Quebec's new looking tic ego and a resilient dis- a ina RN mistakably sure she can seduce |"°U'° ENGAGEMENT land will stop at nothing to position, says Alec Hazen of the Mr. and Mrs. George J. Scott,' achieve her aim." faculty of commerce at Sir Taunton, wish to announce the ee AeA engagement of their daughter,|LOVE COMES FIRST Williams Univer. Sandra Joyce, to Mr. Michael, On love: 'For that generous Sity here. Prof, Hazen predicts David Denmark, son of Mr. and|warm-blooded woman who is|women in the future will out- Mrs. Henry Denmark Newca-|La Canadienne - Francaise, aS|nymber men in sales work. stle, Ontario. Wedding plans will|indeed for women everywhere,' r eS George be announced at a later date love is the most important thing in the world," said H. L FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE NM A ing she will have to do as wife Hobden, account executive and and it gets on the loose in the|character and charm"--where ; ioe erly sr sentative in| Mr. and Mrs, Thomas ; ch as anywhere|her husband Hugues formerly of the Queen's represen office as mu Quebec does not daunt her, alw Raveney, Ajax. wish to ann-|an advertising agency. 7 irritati t s me|Practised law. we ee as edited putea The new role will mean a though like' most hostesses she| ounce the forthcoming marriage despite my best resolutions. [change of pace and much less (prefers to hold informal dinner|of their daughter, Dianne, to I recently learned that this|private life than in the five parties i personal trait cost me a good | years Lapointe has been Quebec pointe was a member of the St Mrs promotion, so I am ready to|agent-general in London |Laurent government, she en-| Whitby, and the late Mr. Kell-| On food buying ' joyed campaigning and public/ett,. The marriage is to takelthat the French attempt anything that would; "It's been a very free life . : : x - help me mend my ways. If you|over here, and we have usually -- will hold few terrors for) place on Saturday, April 9, 1966\woman and her English coun have any advice that you mail/been able to go to a theatre or lhactete 3 put, please send it right away.!concert at least once a week,, The daughter of an Ottawa nadette's Roman surgeon, the late Dr. R. E.|Church, Ajax B.R. and spend weekends with )St ; Dear B. R.: lfriends in the country," said|Valin, she married Lapointe in igny, market analyst for 1938. The couple have no chil- fiction--occupied most of her|!arge chain of grocery stores. Edward Kellett, RR 1,|fulfitment in this relationship.' W.\director of French services for | "She wants equality of rights | . 3 and satisfaction from marriage. | In the days when La-|Mr. Edward Kelleti, Jr., son Ofighe wants to reach complete| at 12.00 o'clock noon in St Ber-|terpart have two very different Catholic notions of what kind of service| | they want,"' said Therese Sev- U DRAPERY NEEDS "Tt is evident | | | | : Canadian | | =I CURTAINS -- DRAPES -- DRAPERY HARDWARE |" SHOWER CURTAINS He ai ai One-Room School Is Now Modern Home OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- A one-room schoolhouse built in 1876 has been converted into a well - equipped home with a character to match its 90 years. "At least that's what we think," cay Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hauphoff, who have spent 13 years renovating and remoaei- ling Pine Grove School into a wooden haven in the middle of a busy residential subdivision. An artist and photographer, Mrs. Hauphoff dislikes modern homes. feeling for old buildings that I don't like to destroy a monu- ment from the past." In 1946, after the school was closed, it was used alternately as a community hall, polling station and interdenominational Sunday school. | "When we first drove on the |mud road past the school I iold At the time the yellow brick building was the only structure lin the countryside. Behind it 'was a forest, to the side an or- chard. "My husband and the real] lestate men kidded me about "T have such a_ sentimental | wanting the place because it wasn't up for sale, But half a/ year later it did come up and we finally bought it." | The upstairs was converted | into three apartments. Trees} were planted in front and a rose | arbor was built. A big aquarium | was installed and a huge sun-| room constructed. In keeping with the tradition | of the building, the Hauphoffs| rent the three upstairs apart: | ments only to teachers | "We wanted to create a| peaceful surrounding where) iteachers could study. | "._ a_i | Before I offer any advice On ithe brown - haired Mme. La- dren. spere time in London. how to control a temper, I want |pointe, a warm friendly women Clothes are a orga interest "We had a record collection and she buys a lot in Canada but here there are so to be the first to say that it's|with a shy smile. a whole lot easier hy | Relaxing on a golden silk-up-| printed words on the subject) istered sofa in the lounge of| "I'm easily tempted," she many concerts and operas I than it is to practice the ad-|i,., yanointes' fifth-floor May-|said, laughing. She looks for|don't think I've bought a record monitions--if your temper is ja fair apartment with a panora-|plain classic lines--"something in five years." uncontrollable as you say it IN| nie yiew of Hyde Park, Mme. that will make me look slim,| che enjoys cooking--'T like to As you have found out, Un-/r s5ointe talked of the first be-|nothing frilly"--and particularly |ynorimeni"--but with a full-| predictable tempers get you N0-| Viidered days after Prime Min-|likes the work of London de-|tine cook and manservant in| where fast in a job, so get it 2 ister Pearson telephoned to|signer Michael, noted for his'\:,.; tondon onortment has harness by convincing yourself] 'itorm her husband of the death|smooth - flowing, easy - ee went i tate! the that you, as a person, are big-/,¢ poy} Comtois and to offer|wear suits and dresses. On her Liishen ger than your temper. him the Quebec appointment. | three or four trips to Paris since | setae | Ir WON'T BE EASY | The Lapointes had been out|coming to London she has oe vl ed -- ide This will take time and pa-|to dinner Monday, Feb. 21, and|bought hats rather than clothes. tee roy tha or ; a et aie tience, and there probably will|had just returned home when! The afternoon of the interview oie ea i 2 reet mar-| be disappointing failures. the Ottawa call came through. |she wore a simple, beautifully-/f°\s in search of bargain an- ape te flew t bec next § acket in French | tques But you can do it if you try,) apomle flew to Quebe cut oo waa in a small| 'Often I've come away with and if you put your intelligence | morning. awa ; ) 1 i hop adjoi a nearby hotel, nothing, but sometimes I've above your emotions. Convince LIKES ENTERTAINING nee Bereening f picked up a few hits and pieces yourself when you want to lash)" Apart from the tragic circum-|PLAYS GOLF of china. I'd like to get some- out, that the only thing you can | stances that led to it, Mme. La-| Music, art galleries, golf once thing as a souvenir of London | tern rote 4 7 a is to nointe said she was pleasedjor twice a week, theatre-going| before we leave for Canada, but y , |with the appointment. She hadjand reading--mostly biography |I haven't yet decided what it rng ina a. obtain never dreamt her husband/and history with a sprinkling of 'will be." transportation from the organ- izations for which they work if CANADA reg. 7.8. fhey have no cars? As a result of reading one of ! Friday and Saturday Afternoons 10 LUCKY WINNERS since I do not own a car, I must know about transportation be- fore I commit myself. Each Hour on the Half Hour Both Friday and Saturday Afternoons a gallon of LUCITE Given FREE To Some Lucky Person in the Store. ZELLERS aU PONT, Mrs. H. A. Dear Mrs. H. A.: In some instances and under some circumstances, transpor- tation may be arranged. But on the whole, I think you will find most volunteer workers get themselves back and forth on their own. essarried Mothers Should Be Relieved! Of Financial Woes AUCKLAND (Reuters) -- Un- married mothers. from all sec-| tors of society in New Zealand} need help to alleviate financial | or mental distress, welfare workers report. Katherine Bailey, an official; of the Fairleigh Maternity Hos- pital, advocates official recogni-| tion of the financial burden faced by unmarried mothers| who bring up their own chil-| dren. Mrs. Bailey. speaks for a} charitable institution run by the Motherhood of Man. In terms of hard cash, she says, it costs the unmarried) mother '"'surprisingly little' to have her child and pay for a foster home until adoption. But this does not take into account the loss of income from a ca- THIS WEEK ONLY : | LUCITE DULUX WALL PAINT SATIN SHEEN | ZELLER'S CALLING ALL FLED weveirs BOYS and reer--or the mental distres in- volved. Many girls, she says, 20", 24",.26" SIZES -- MADE IN CANADA ask for help long before their confinements. Mrs. Bailey said there should be some finanial help for the 1 6.95 gal. or |7.95gal.or a ors ae who brings 2.25 qt. 2.59 qt. "I feel the unmarried mother | is in much the same position as the widow but does not have 95 Years at 85 Simcoe St. N. 725-3529 Your family will cycle in style "Zelco" bicycles .. . plated rims. Join the cycling Zeller's smashing new bicycles. » a widow's pension. "Organizations such as the Motherhood of Man have helped to conceal the size of this prob- lem from the public but it is time the public realized the enormity of it. : Pot & Mike's FISH & CHIPS 688 HORTOP 723-1951 @ Deep Fried Shrimp & Scallops @ Helibut @ Generous Servings Closed Sun. & Mon. Zeller's own brand! Dunlop tires and tubes with white mud guards, chrome with sturdily constructed Canadian circle soon with one of 38.9 NO DOWN PAYMENT 1.25 WEEKLY See Our Wide Assortment of TRICYCLES from 9.99 to 15.99 AT OUR BICYCLE SHOP ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "Abmt Tofm" Au Sommers Ladies! 1 am very hoppy to be able to brine vou this aood news. The W. D. SALES, 272 College Ave. Oshowa is introducing 'to the ladies of the area a completely new line of famous hand- mode Princess Jewellery This iewellery is untarnishable, inex- pensivie, and very light in weight. It comes in various necklace ond earring sets with o DeguUTITUl selection oF fwvely SuvErun butterflies. This jewellery is o product of West Germany and:is beautifully hand-crafted to enhance your casual or evening wear. Although it is inexpensive, it has a very expensive ap- peorance, coming to you in, both gold and silver tones. For further information regarding this lovely jewellery, call Walter Devenish ot 725-5596. * * Girls! Are you thinking of buying a cor or trading the one you hove now for a newer model? As we both know, the cars of recent years have been very stylish and pretty to look at, but these are not reasons for buying a car. As Morley Stalker suggests, it is good advice to visit « car dealer of good reputa- tion and have him assist you in selecting o dependable, mechon- ically sound used car. Since we ore not mechanics, and know very little of what goes on under the hood, we depend upon an honest, capable car dealer such as Morley Stalker, of MORLEY STALKER MOTORS. Morley has had many years of experience in assisting you in selecting a car for your choice and matching your desire .for style and comfort with mechonical soundness ond dependability. Visit Morley today at 137 King West, Oshowa, * * Sport . . . Relaxation . . . Exercise! These are three of the many fectures of the game of bowling. Bowling is not restricted to any age or physical capacity and is enjoyed by young and old alike. Many people have been known to be bowlers of note even after they reach the age of 90. tl is also.a sport thet can be enjoyed by the entire family and requires no great skill to reap it's full benefits. EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES LTD. ore pleased to announce the Men's Beat the House Tournament is still going strong. On Thursday at 9:15, March 17 the pot could be $75.00 or more. Attention -- Junior League whose members bowl on Saturday at 10:15 -- we still have openings for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 18. "A place for everything and everything in it's place'. This Is the golden rule of a successful mover, as space is all important to ensure fast, efficient, safe moving of your personal effects with the minimum wasted area in the van. LOCKWOOD MOY. ING & STORAGE, 557 Bloor Street, have been moving people to and from the Oshawa orea and across town long enough to know exactly where to place your articles in their modern vans to assure a safe, efficient move. As in ony other business efficiency comes with practice and experience and LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE have that experience. For your next move, whether it be dcross town or to any other area call 725-2831 for fast, efficient service. * The FLYING DUTCHMAN is not only a legend, but also @ beoutiful motor hotel and restaurant "Where dining out is a real experience'. The FLYING DUTCHMAN MOT HOTEL specializes in steaks, roast beef, chicken ond turkey, Their atmosphere is very relaxing and provides a lovely setting for any "do", They cater to weddings, banquets, private parties, conventions, and sales meetings. There is accommodation for 250 people. It is completely air conditioned. So, whether you are planning to entertain 10 or 250, you will receive the same coreful attention from their expert and willing stoff. Mr. James Bourke, Manager, will invite all enquiries at no obliga- tion. THE FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL is located at Interchange 75 off the MacDonald Corier Freeway. * * * Once again the time has come for those popular Stanley Cup Playoffs! Are you sure your T.V, reception will be ot it's best so you will be able to hove a clear, snow-free screen? Stop 4 squinting and blinking . . . get your aerial in shape! Be it an ' aerial, tower, or rotator that is giving you problems, OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY, will replace, or repoir it to your complete sotis- faction. Their prices are so reasonable, you can't afford not to have.a new aerial. Call Mr. Bill Leask at 723-8131 ond he, or one of his experienced staff will be happy to discuss any of your problems with: you, They ore located on Taunton Road East, Oshawa, * * * Looking to purchase used furniture or appliances? ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES have some excellent fridges, stoves and 7T.V.'s (different mokes, oll sizes) at real good prices. Now is the time to start thinking of all your cottage or summer home needs. If you buy your furniture and appliances now, you will receive really great savings and also beot the summer rush! They have rental of new or used televisions, portables and consoles, by the week or monthly. Remember, when. you are looking for the best in repair service on your wringer washer, dryer, etc., call ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLI- ANCES at 723-0011, or drop by the store at 452 Simcoe $. Oshawa. + ee ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! A cozy wilderness hideaway, fust 15 minutes drive from Oshawa is now listed with W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. A beoutiful old stone house is situated on one hundred scenic treed acres. There is a large stocked trout pond for the fishing enthusiast. This stone house has a lovely fireplace which you can curl up in front of on those long nights. There ore several thousand xmas trees planted. This is an ideal property for the avid hunter or fisherman, ond will moke an excellent camp site. It is priced at only $24,000 with terms. For further information call 728-7518, or drop by the office at 21 King West in Bowmanville. * * * Outboard Marine Corporation offers a two year guarantee for ports and labour on the Evinrude Outboard Motors and Lawn Boy Power Mowers. You cannot afford to take a chance on any- thing else! Complete worranty service is handled right of the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN ot the Harbour. They have factory troined machanics ond a complete parts stock on hand at all times to ensure your getting the fastest, most efficient. service possible. Take your motors and mowers in for service now, and be ready fo: spring. For further information call Norm Courtney at 723-1901, ROR 2 Are you about to have a cold wave permanent? Make sure afl of your clothing is completely covered. Cold wave solutions can permanently stain fabrics, Mahy cold wave solutions are colour- less therefore you would not expect them t6 stdin or Gamage fabrics, The damage is « bleaching effect which cannot usually be repaired. It is not noticeable at first, but prolonged storage of the garment in o warm clothes closet will develop and permanently set the stain. If the dye of. the dress does not bleed, quickly sponge the area when the solution has spilled with cold water then take the dress os soon as possible to your dry cleone* ond tell him where the spill is. The OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING always appreciate your making mention of any stains on your clothing enabling them to remove them safer and easier. Call 723-1471 for pick-up and delivery.- Kook * TURNBERRY INTERIORS welcomes brides and grooms to-be to talk over a colour scheme ond the best basic furniture for their new apartments or homes. It is a very easy process at TURN- BERRY INTERIORS to choose carpets, upholstery pieces ond dropery to co-relate. This service is o feature at the store, and covers every room of the home including the lovely new types of kitchen suites. They have a full colour selection of the new imported Italian and Spanish bedspreads. The thick fringe on these bedspreads can also be bought by the yard. Do drop by and see the model home at 610 Braemor Court, opened Satur- doy March 5th. The special of the week is a heavily carved Italian marble table and lamp combination, priced at only $155.00, There is no porking problem at TURNBERRY INTERI- ORS in the Stevenson Ploza at 312 Stevenson Road North. Call 723-3889, x *& * Mr. Helmut Kitschke, the proprietor, of the OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE has now token over the management of the "RENDEZ- VOUS". The RENDEZVOUS is to be a teen-age club, where oll teens can get together to have good food at very reasonable prices. The teens will now be able to go to a nice restaurant ond sit at a cozy candle-lit table and listen to their choice of music. If you have a little band, or music group and would like to try out on stage, just give Mr: Kitschke a call at 725-9111 and he will assist you in ony way, There is a mystery teen burger on the menu, but, you will have to come out and find out tor yourself! If "GO GO" is your fancy, come one, come all to the new RENDEZVOUS located in the Lansdowne Plaza, Simcoe St. N. Open 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Sunday. * * The terrific permanent special! ot HEIDI'S MODERN HAIR- STYLING has now been extended to March 18th. This is your , last chance té have a perm at the low, low special prices being offered. Don't miss out!. There is a wide range of perms to choose from for normal, resistant, very dry, tinted or bleached hair. They offer: (1) Cream wave regular 10.50 now 8.00 (2) Steam wove regular 12.50, now 9.50 (3) Lanolin Both regular 12.50, now 10.50 (4) All weather body wave (by Wella) regular 17.50, now 14.50, Call for an appointment today at HEIDI'S MODERN HAIRSTYLING in the Wilson Plaza, 367 Wilson South where parking is mo problem, Their number is 723-5631. .