12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 11, 1966 THIN Orange Ptl. Sal Rizzi has injured hand attended after storming murder suspect's barricade here Wednesday. The suspect, Samuel! Stout of Newark, was sought in con- nection with dual slaying BLUE LINE HOLDS TRUE earlier of David and Hilde- gardé DeVose in Newark. Stout had barricaded him- self in two-storey frame dwelling and shot it out with police from six departments and other officers shot Stout during battle in which a de- tective was shot. Orange Det. Sgt. Herman Peccar- elli died of a head wound Wednesday afternoon. before being killed. Rizzi (AP Wirephoto) Defence In Dispu TORONTO (CP)--E. B. Jol- liffe, counsel for 24 persons charged with contempt of court, argued Thursday that an injunc- tion restricting picketing at Tilco Plastics Ltd. in Peterbor- ough did not prohibit a recent demonstration that led to the! contempt proceedings. Mr. Jolliffe began his defence after Frank Callaghan, senior counsel for the attorney-gen- eral, closed his argument be- fore Chief Justice G. A. Gale of the Ontario Supreme Court. Mr. Callaghan said the demon- stration was a public defiance of a court order and constituted contempt of court. The Crown attorney said five of the seven persons aided, abetted, assisted and counselled participation in mass picketing. Witnesses have testified that at the peak of the two-day dem- onstration that began Feb. 23, as many as 350 persons paraded around the Tilco plant where 35 employees have been on strike since December. The strikers are members of the Textile Workers Union of America (CLC). The defence contends that the demonstration was a protest Youths Kidnapped But As A Stunt CAPE TOWN, South Africa) (Reuters) Fellow students here have kidnapped as a stunt the sons of Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith and British Governor Sir Humphrey Gibbs, | the Afrikaans paper Die Buer-| ger reported today. | Both youths are studying at/ Cape Town University. | Die Burger said the students; sent a telegram to Rhodesia de-| manding a "ransom" -- that) Presents Case te At Tilco Co. against laws permitting injunc-|textile union, and Victor Skur- tions in labor-management dis-|jat, president of the Toronto putes and was not related t0/ board of the union. | we gag of the plant by aad In Peterborough Thursday ad |Donald G. Tripp, a part-owner ONE CLEARED | of the Tilco plant, was fined $10 The case against one of the| when he was found guilty of as- 27, Daniel Dean, international] saulting Paul Hadwyn, 16, a representative of the Interna-| picket at the plant. Hadwyn told tional Association of Machinists|the court Tripp bragged him by (CLC), was dismissed Thursday | the throat outside the plant Feb. by Chief Justice Gale for lack|11 after he accidentally hit of evidence that he took part/Tripp's car. His hand struck the in the demonstration. }car, he said, as he jumped out Mr. Jolliffe said the injunc-/0f the way when it entered the tion order issued by Mr. Justice| Plant. Boy Innocent In Death Case, MP Feels Sure OTTAWA (CP)---A strong ap- peal was mae in the Commons Thursday night for a broad royal commission Inquiry into the investigation arid trial that led to a death sentence in 1959 \for Stephen 'Truscott, then 14. James Byrne (L---Kootenay East) said in an adjournment debate he is willing to stake his seat in the Commons on the in- nocence of the boy. Truscott was convicted of the rape and murder of a 12-year- old girl In Clinton, Ont., andjnesses during investigation of seateanes Se J hanged, The ithe case, the disposal of it by life. ere. y peewee 2 |a juvenile court judge, publicity Mr. Byrne said that from the | Juring the trial, "'the public atti- outset the "cards were stacked"|tude in Huron County," and the against the boy by a community | conduct of everyone from judge that wanted a conviction. to witnesses during the trial. The British Columbia MP) 'I am personally so convinced asked a royal commission intojof this boy's innocence that I the questioning of child wit-jam prepared to stake my seat on the outcome of a royal com- mission ... . into the trial." Mr. Byrne referred to a book on the 'Truscott case by a Tor- onto author. Solicitor-General . Pennel] re- plied that the book will be studied closely by the depart- ment of justice. It would be inappropriate for him to make a statement now but Mr. Byrne might bring the question up again, : ' TENTH GOES FOR PLAY Swedish families now spend 10 per cent of their income on recreation and leisure ac- tivities, about $1,000,000,000 yearly. . J. M. King Dec. 20 restrained) strikers and others from watch- ing, besetting or picketing the plant with more than 12° per- sons. It also barred anyone from molesting, assaulting intimidat- ing or threatening anyone seek- ing entry or exit from the plant. The entire contempt proceed- ings, he said, rest on the court order, which is alleged to have been breached. The vital words, he added, are watching, beset- ting and picketing. Neither the word demonstration nor parad- ing is to be found in the injunc- tion order. Mr. Jolliffe said there are no} allegations or evidence of any breach of the order prohibiting molesting, intimidation or as- sault. CAN'T BE CONTEMPT His submission, he sald, would, be that there could be no con-| tempt unléss the contempt alle-| gations fell within the picketing elance ar thea clause nreventing molesting of persons. | When Mr, Jolliffe completes his submission, he pwvill be fol-| | lowed by Ian Scott. counsel for| the other two persons. They are} Charles Clark, organizer of the | why is electric heating so clean? Simple. Electric heating is flameless. Because it does not burn fuel there are no products of combustion. It can't create dirt, dust, film or fumes. To find out more about the many advantages of electric heating, speak to your qualified electric heating con- tractor, or... your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ....... AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ....... .. TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . . . . . . TELEPHONE 942-2930 . TELEPHONE OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 668-5878 Smith and Gibbs meet to dis-| cuss the Rhodesian situation. | ee | Smith, leader of the white-mi-| GLENBORO, Man. (CP) -- -- hg egg inde-| Veterinarian Walter McMickan| pendence from Britain, does not} H recognize the authority of rts ss southwestern meapnopa British-appointed governor. , © jcommunity has a complete Robert Smith, 18, is studying | pediatric service for piglets, mechanical engineering at Cape | from birth to weaning. Farmers Town, and Kenneth Gibbs is a/can sign up their hogs for $1.50 student in civil engineering. | Die Burger repectad ther twa (ttet and seven local farmers were being "held somewhere in|have already put more than 400 the city." 'on Dr. MeMickan's books. agi Permits for occasional, temporary or per- manent utilization of municipally owned play areas and/or related facilities may be obtained. by submitting your requests in writing as soon as possible to -- The Oshawa Recreation Dept. Box 10, Oshawa Airport, Attention -- P. J. McGarrity. a enim