VIOLA MacMILLAN, well-known Canadian stock promoter was committed for trial Wednesday in To- ronto on two charges of Mrs. Viola MacMillan Ordered To Stand Trial TORONTO (CP)--Viola Mac- Millan, one of the most spec- tacular figures in Canada's min- ing industry, is to stand trial on two charges of manipulating trading in the shares of Con- solidated Golden Arrow Mines Ltd. July 10, 1964. Magistrate Joseph Addison dropped two similar charges against her husband, George, at their preliminary hearing Wed- nesday, but said those against Mrs. MacMillan required ex planation and should be decided by a jury. She elected trial by judge and | 2 FINANCE BILLS GET ASSENT AT 11th HOUR | | { | | J | OTTAWA (CP) -- Lester B. Pearson's minority Liberal gov- ernment tottered out of another assent was given tyvo financial bills at the 11th hour. The government found itself with its back against the finan- cial wall in the 27th day of a debate on 1965-66 departmental spending estimates If assent hadn't been given the $7,000,000,000 in estimates Wednesday, cheques to. thou- sands of civil servants would have been delayed. Employees of contractors on government jobs also might have felt the pinch Even by Wednesday, a dwin- dling cash account forced the government to hold back about $1,750,000 in cheques to casual jemployees and some small con | tractors. |HAD NO AUTHORITY The money was in the treas- ury but the government didn't have the authority to spend it. However, the Commons whipped through the remaining 1965-66. estimates Wednesday. opening the way for an interim supply bill to allow $398,062,262 in government spending _ this month A critical Senate spent 70 minutes on the bills, finally passed them and paved the way for royal assent to make them law Senator Wallace McCutcheon (PC--Ontario) said proper scru- wash-trading in the shares of Consolidated Golden Arrow Mines Ltd. in July 1964. --CP Wirephoto Consolidated traded in Wind- fall shares during this period. Mrs. MacMillan is president of | \the company and her husband|tiny of the interim supply bill | vice-president. would normally take a week. Main evidence presented by Senator Jean-Francois Pouliot the Crown at Wednesday's hear-|(I--Quebec) also protested the ing was a statement by R. J.| Pressure on the upper house to Breckenridge, a partner in|set the bills through. |Breckenridge, McDonald Co.,| REVERSED ITS STAND Toronto stock brokers Bitterest moments of the de- The statement said Mrs. Mac-| bate that began in the Commons Millan directed the purchase|Feb. 1 came last Friday as the and sale of 244,000 Consolidated | Sovernment reversed its stand Golden Arrow shares in ac-|0n the George Victor Spencer counts she opened in July Spy, case. It said the transactions were! ~ New House Cris The government held out for a week against an inquiry on the grounds of national securi crisis Wednesday night/as royal] and the fact that Spencer hadn't|by the Soviet embassy. asked for one. Then Prime Minister son, after learning that the fired Vancouver postal clerk wanted a hearing, announced that a judicial inquiry would be held if Spencer really wanted it. Pear- | Opposition Leader Diefen-| baker, gvho had clashed with) Justice Minister Cardin re- |peatediy over the case, said the prime 'minister had pulled the chair from under Mr. Cardin. The fuming justice minister javoided reporters until Wednes- day, when he told them that he with only Quebec colleagues in the cab- inet. CARDIN SMILES AGAIN The 47 - year - old minister smiled publicly for the first time in a week as Liberal MPs gave him a_ cheering, desk thumping hand during a vote on a Conservative motion. The motion by Erik Nielsen (PC--Yukon) for tabling of cor respondence between the gov- ernment and the Industrial De jvelopment Bank was defeated 1148 to 81. The Commons easily through estimates of the tary's department the RCMP The RCMP overlooked in justice debate Solicitor General Pennell promised Andrew Brewin (NDP --Toronto Danforth) another look at the case of Ottawa busi nessman David Maunder, who was convicted of selling goods illegally to Communist coun- tries Mr. Brewin said Mr, Maun der was tried after co-operating drew a letter of resignation then moved the remaining state secre fisheries and were of the estimates the heat Liberals Survive 1S) with the RCMP who encouraged him to make the illegal export ty! sales after he was approached!" He de-) manded a full inquiry. State Secretary Judy La- Marsh's estimates were wrapped up after she said close study must be given CBC build- ing plans in Montreal as a re- sult of conflict between CBC ideas and those of the Fowler report on broadcasting. Georges Valade (PC--Mont-| real Ste. Marie) had demanded to know why the CBC wasn't going ahead with construction. | Most coastal MPs stayed out of the brief fisheries debate. Lloyd R, Crouse (PC--Queens-| Lunenburg) said the reason was that 'we are desirous of help- | under heavy pressure fromj|ing the government out of the!terial custody for political gain.| present situation." "We hope to make our points at a later date,' Mr. Crouse | said, referring to the 1968-67 spending estimates that will come up after April 1. SKS ABOUT LIMIT Tom Barnett (NDP--Comox Alberni), in the only lengthy speech, asked why the promised 12-mile fishing limits haven't been set Fisheries Minister Robichaud said he hopes to have some- thing firm to report on the limits during the" 1966-67 esti mates debate. Minor bills and resolution were to hold the floor today and Friday and government House Leader Mcllraith said a two- day supply debate will begin Monday This will allow the opposition to again test the government on non-confidence motions. Three were defeated, one narrowly, during the debate on the throne speech in January Mr. Mcliraith said the of capital punishment, on which issue ja free vote is expected, awvill come up next Wednesday. gination because THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, March 10, 1966 3 Cardin Told Back Story Or Resign CHATHAM, Ont. (CP)--Jus- tice Minister Cardin should ei- ther back up his charges in the Munsinger case or resign, Erik Nielsen, Conservative member of Parliament for the Yukon, said here Wednesd DIEFENBAKER SAYS: Rift Cou Governmen By BRUCE LEVETT tr Arterren Jeremy wre a at VY AIVUUY Vay (UL) om Uppy tion Leader Diefenbaker said Wednesday night that dissension within the Liberal cabinet--such as that concerning the George Victor Spencer spy controversy --could bring about the fall of the government. The Progressive Conservative party leader arrived by plane for a few days of fishing before speaking at the British Columbia party convention here Saturday. At a press conference, most of t "You can't heal schisms like night, | that," Mr. Diefenbaker said. "The minister of justice, per- haps in more of an emotional moment than in a reasonable one, deliberately implied impro- priety on the part of the leader of the Opposition in the handling of security cases in Canada," Mr. Nielsen said. "T say it is the minister's duty to either put up or follow the only honorable course left to him," Mr. Nielsen was addressing) rai' the Kent Riding Conservative| me questioning revolved around AGtatnn. the case of the postal worker The Yukon MP seid if the linked to expelled Russian diplo-| AYLMER, Ont. (CP) -- A siinlater's wards as, recorded in| Mats and the reversal by the white scarf, spattered with Hansard, were trite, he had used| Liberal government of its stand stains reggmbling blood, was information gleaned in his minis-|482inst_a full-scale hearing on|found Wednesday about three the matter, miles from the Aylmer home of He was asked? "Is the gov-/missing Georgia Jackson. ernment crumbling." He re-| Georgia, 20, disappeared Feb. | plied; "I can't conceive any | government able to continue for|bar to walk several blocks to any length of -time with the/her parents' house. cracks and crevices that have! The scarf was been evident," three-quarters of a mile from 7 Bankruptcy Bil . Gains Approva " " er! 'Ayeggr erl Roope tee ar place where the girl's blood- . » | that Justice Minister Cardi ' d In Principle pene the Spencer pod ga Feb. 27, sii Nestea ontsse not be opened, to be followed) Council in this town near St OTTAWA (CP)--The Senate Dy Prime Minister Pearson bow-|Thomas has offered $500 reward Wednesday gave second reading | ing to Conservative demands for|for information leading to the --approval in principle -- to a\ hearing. girl's whereabouts. cision from now on, the question will be 'is this the final decision or nearly the final one?'"' He said the government had "no other course-open to them" but to resign "if they had fol- lowed constitutional principle." Mr. Diefenbaker said any in- quiry into the Spencer case, or Blood-spattered Scarf Is Found 18 after she left work at a snack} found about| Spar Fall the whole question of security of the country, would have to be "When a minister makes a de-| conductea in private, "As far as the RCMP is con- cerned .. . I have a tremen- dous regard and respect for that body. I hope any investigation that takes place will support my view of that force." After the press conference Mr. Diefenbaker was presented with a deerstailker cap. He donned the double-peaked, Sherlock Holmes-type headgear for photographers and termed it a 'Liberal minister's cap--when you've got it on nobody knogrs which way you're going." HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS bill tightening bankruptcy legis- lation Earlier Senator (L--Ontario) 'said are "fed up" with bankruptcies After second reading, the bill was sent to the Senate's com- mittee on banking and com- merce for further study. With this bill, Senator Croll said, a few people involved in fraudulent bankruptcies could be thrown in jail. This would slow the practice down. Also needed, he said, is a fed- eral bankruptcy administrator who has "some spark and ima- caution will David Croll the people fraudulent Soon, the get him nowhere . the Provincial attorneys - general must supply mre help berause WE DO ANYTHING TO HOLD ONTO OUR CUSTOMERS ! gentle, expert care we give dry cleaning begins to make an impression on our customers ! sparkling clean look of the clothes. jury but no trial date was set.|carried 'out at the prevailing The couple, connected with;market price of 25 cents a the provinces are responsible for actual prosecution, the Sen- Negroes Top PARLIAMENT-AT-A-GLANCE mining for more than 35 years, | share. will appear at another prelimi- nary hearing May 9 on charges of defrauding the public in rela- tion. to shares in Windfall Oils and Mines Ltd. They were charged after a royal com- mission report on Windfall was released last October The charges heard Wednesday said the Consolidated trading, was done with the "intent to} create a false or misleading ap- =" of active public trad- ng. Mr, MacMillan was Wind- fall's president and his wife the company's promoter when its shares rose to $5.60 from 56 cents in July, 1964, on rumors! the company had found ore on its property near Timmins, Ont Shares fell more than $3 over- night when it was announced no ore had been found. GM's Profits vist Jump 137 PC By KARL MANTYLA DETROIT (AP) President Johnson talks about it in the White House. JoeDoak, the auto worker, discusses it happily with his buddies while standing in line at the bank The topic is the five-year boom in the U.S. economy, and par ticularly in the automotive in dustry. It is a five-year upsurge .in which Chrysler Corp. recorded a 2.000-per-cent increase in prof its At the same time, Chrysler's sales rose 149 per cent General Motors Corp world's most profitable corpora 341 Industries Move To Ontario HANOVER, Ont mier Robarts said Wednesday Ontario has attracted 341 new branch industries during the last two vears and nearly all are manufacturing goods previously imported or not sold in Canada In addition, "he said than 200 licensing arrangements were made during the same pe- riod by Ontario-based compa nies. He cited the figures dur- ing the official opening of the $2.600.000 furniture plant of Stancor Lid.'s Peppler division The new plant is expected to increase Peppler's annual furni- ture production to 5,000,000 from 1,700,000 units, and later to 8,000,000 units. Its initial whole- sale value is estimated at $5,- 900.000 annually Mr. Robarts said Ontario's ex panded production has contrib uted substantialy to a 5.f-per cent increase in Canada's ex ports which totalled nearly $9, 00,000,000 last year He said the production also helped create 75,000 new jobs in the province last year and reduce unemployment to 2.5 per cent, lowest in Canada. the (CP)--Pre- more i 30% OFF Greeting Cards Toys ~ Hobby Kits Purchoses Over $1.00 Special Change-Over Sale ' at Newton's 23 ATHOL ST. WEST, OSHAWA } , James Wolfson, a trader for Breckenridge, McDonald, car- ried out all the transactions on the floor of the Toronto Stock Exchange. He said the first order he re ceived was to "cross 44,000 i uns shares" which he did in lots. By BOB HORTON Crossing stock is the buying WASHINGTON (AP) De and selling of the security by/|fence department figures show the same broker. that proportionately more Ne- Mr. Wolfson said he later re-|_-oes have died in Viet Nam ceived instructions to cross 200,- 000 shares, which he did in lots, | han military personnel of other three of 50,000 each, one of 45,-|races. 000 and one of 5,000. The department provided fig- He testified there was noth-|jres Wednesday from what it ing unusual about crossing | 44 é stack. called a "one - time survey Joseph Sedgwick, Mrs. Mac- Which showed that Negroes Millan's lawyer, said there was make up 148 per cent of the not a word of evidence to show |army force in Viet Nam, but she did anything fictitious or), ... suffered 18.3 per cent 'of false t the deaths 1961 Viet Dead Toll: Washington sictaleidd seein since January, | Negroes comprise 8.9 per cent \of the marine total in Viet Nam When only enlisted men are lcounted, the army's Negro |deaths jump to 22.1 per cent of the total casualties, and the ma Negro deaths are upped to 12 per cent jrines its profits ascend 137 The 1961. And | cent tion, saw 3 per cent in 1965 over that 137 per cent is measured viet jin more than $1,000,000,000 GM's sales climbed 82 per cent in these last five years reaching 98 military personnel Nam at the close of December, showed 16,531 z in the army, 3,580 in marine corps, and 500 (5.8 Ford Motor Co.. second big-|cent) in the navy (an estimate gest of the Big Three auto mak-|based on Negro numbers in the ers, said its sales rose nearly navy and around the world) 72 per and ts 72 t and i va ata er eS E § USAF TOTAL soared than during the five alr force, | using tie 2 : available through last The total worldwide emplo ; ber, puts its Negro total in Viet ment of-the maior auto firms in. 908 (8.3 1965 was. 1,265,854 per ee survey per of in Ne zroes the per cent more Orofits | pga 2 profi GI 71 per cent ears 16 figures Septem The per cent) onls one Nam in force navy PAY GOOD gro death This prosperity meant an 1961-65, -- while average pay cheque of $160.69 a showed none. week to Ford's employees in the. Of the army's 1,078 Viet Nam United States last year. At GM,!qeaths at the end of 1965, 197 the average worker spent nearly were Negro including six Negro 43 hours a week on the job and officers. Of the marines' 346 fa- got paid $159.55 for it in 1965.|talities, 39 were Negro includ Ford expects to spend $600,- ing two Negro officers 000,000 on expansion and mod- »s. the number ernization this year im its North, é es ar : American operation General sin } the ' ie oe 7 Motors is looking forward to ee mn while the deaths average. spending $1,400,000,000 14.6 per cent. President Lynn Townsend of _ If the figures Chrysler has predicted 10,990,- 9"8 defence 000 cars will be sold by serted, "it is the 1970 if present business trends Nesto in combat continue reported in Viet the c § Ne air anything spokesman as valor of the show yearly Officials emphasized that Ne Pau! F. Lorenz, head of Ford's groes are not singled out for haz |Lincoln-Mercury division, goes|ardous missions in battle areas farther to say this year will re They say many Negro deaths pratt in "new car sales at leastioccur in forward airborne 'units on a part with the record 9,-| where the number of Negro vol- 300,000-level last year, and pos-'unteers is high isibly as high as 10,000,000 last} jator said, The attorneys-general jhad not been too helpful in the | past Senator Salter Hayden (L-- Ontario) said governments can not legislate against business failures. The most that could be done was to provide legislation to make it "unprofitable and un- attractive" to undertake a frau- | dulent bankruptcy. | ments were passed in the last- minute drive WEDNESDAY, March 9, 1966 Justice Minister Cardin con- | The Commons passed all firmed that he had peepee gio re ft resigning over government re- 1965-66 spending estimates versal on the Spencer spy and sent a supply bill to the case incident in the Commons Senate for approval. but would stay on, Senate approval was given Both he and Prime Minis- after some debate and royal ter Pearson were applauded | assent made it law. By THE CANADIAN PRESS CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 92 WOLFE 725-3555 at a Liberal caucus. The action ended a building THURSDAY, March 10 financial crisis because the The 'Commons sits at 2:30 government did not have au- p.m. EST to consider estab- thority to meet. March bills. lishment of three joint com- Estimates of the secretary mittees.. The Senate meets at of state and fisheries depart- 3pm Memberships Up 6.4 PC-Unions BEN WARD \ (CP)--Trade union p |}membership in Canada in |STEEL IS BIGGEST creased 6.4 per cent to reach Still on top was the United 1,588,755 early in 1965, best per-| Steelworkers of America (CLC) gain of any year since| With 110,000 members. 195 a federal labor depart The other nine, in order of ment survey shows. A year ear-\size; Canadian Union of Public {lier it stood at 1,493,173 Employees, 84,800; United Auto The survey, released Wednes-| Workers, 77,500; United Broth- day, said the total was a record| erhood of Carpenters and Join- high and represented 29.7 per 64,000; International Wood- cent of all non-farm paid work-| workers of America, 43,600; ers in the country. In 1964 this|International Brotherhood of }percentage was 29.4 Teamsters, 42,400; International Canadian Labor Congress un-| Association of Machinists, 41,- ions claimed 1,181,147 members,|200; International Brotherhood an increase of 75,000 or 6.8 per jof Electrical Workers, 38,000; The CLC's Quebec-based! International Brotherhood of jrival, the Confederation of Na-| Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill tional Trade Unions, . reported| Workers, 36,900; Canadian 150.053 members for a jump of} Brotherhood of Railway, Trans- 28.500 or 9d per cent port and General Currently the CLC puts its! 100 membership at 1,250,000 and the All of the big 10 are affiliated CNTU is claiming close to 200,-| with the CLC except the Team- 000 sters, expelled from the Cong- The "big 10" list of individual) ress in 1960 for raiding. unions remained unchanged be- Biggest numatical gain in the tween 1964 and 1965 although year went to the Auto Workers, some of the positions were jug-|up 14,000. The Steelworkers gled. Together they accounted| added 8,000. 90% MORE INTEREST 100% MORE HOURS Central Ontario Trust OFFERS the Oshawa 50% More interest . working man on sovings By OTTAWA for cent 36 per of all union) membershi | 5 ers cent Workers; (We ALWAYS have) With the exception of Ameri can Motors Corp., which is in an auto sales slump, the auto firms have reported record and |near - record sales during the | first two months this year. Many plants have been scheduling overtime for workers Good Noames To Remember hen Buying or Selling wi REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--President Bill MeFeeters--Vice Pres, Schofieid-Aker Ltd, 723-2265 CA% and compounded quarterly the day the account is opened. No waiting 54 Minimum account. poid from period. 100% More Saving Hours POUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE FINAL FUR CLEARANCE 75 King St. E., Oshawa a.m. to 6 om. Menday te Thursday a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridey a.m, te S-p.m. Seturdey Plus ! e 4% Account Estote Planning Mortgage Loans Reol Estote Sales ond Purchases Pre-paid Save-by-Mail. kits Free Hockey Ticket Drow e 6% Certificotes--1 to & Guaranteed Investment years * Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 723-5221 @ Investment Funds Stake your claim on ADAMS GOLD STRIPE CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Get in on the Gold Rush--to Adams Gold Stripe. Gold Stripe has that robust "unsinkable flavor" to enjoy with any mix--right to the bottom of the drink. Now's the time to strike it rich with Adams Gold Stripe--at a popular price,