jthreatened when he failed to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Merch 10, 1966 99 UAW Plans Inve ntory Registration Is Suspended (defendants "who were acqultied. couver Stock Exchange to stop|River after the stock rose to $7 |The verdict is being appealed by Of Canadian Forecaster ithe Crows. trading shares of Columbialfrom $1 in two weeks, Of Studebaker Employees : | eee TORONTO (CP) -- Southern|Ganda Silver Mines Ltd. and\Commission prohibited members RENT A Cc AW = = Brokerage and Holding Co. Inc.|Victoria Algoma Mineral Co. ; \of Toronto, publisher of the Ca-|Ltd., both of Toronto, and Co- . the Montreal .and Canadian nadian Forecaster, a stock mar-|lumbia River Mines Ltd. of Van-|St0ck exchanges from trading DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH & lamnlovees hac heen started hy!_..._. f whe become _anemoloved ase ket advisory service, has had|couver--have recently drawn the! Victoria Algoma shares because : the United Auto Workers of|sidebaker workers elsewhere 3 its registration suspended by the|attention of authorities. \the commission had not re- | (35.00 PER DAY & Aute Of S th ts "|result of the U.S,-Canada auto ; ities C issi ; ilv ing | nei America (CLC) in co-operation ore wenn SP Work: | trade agreement up te 75 per sigak pecan Coe LO Silver came up during |ceived a prospectus. : HAMILTON (CP) -- A man- situation. Mr. Moroz said a ma-jafter the Transitional Assistance power inventory of Studebaker|jor handicap in placement of Benefits which entitles worker: PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE ae eFeA ' saw wee Win ine AWM EMPVyMeEN)" Jon Munro, MP for Hamilton|CeME Of Mel normal wages, de-logc 'said 'Tuesday the suspen-|and a Buffalo resident charged| The OSC stopped primary dis- | he te i seovias "ive East, told the Studebaker work- pending on length of service. | .ion' order was made "pending |with extortion. The alleged vic- \tribution of Victoria Algoma) R U T H E R F o R D ri S aes told to continue on their ers he would push for the im-/ MEET CHALLENGE completion of present investiga-|tim was Richard Roy Angle,/March 3 because an incomplete | jobs until they are released and plementation of a program dis-| The Studebaker situation is|tions." He said an appealjowner of Southern Brokerage) oo aatus had bean fad | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS reparations to find them new|cussed in Ottawa earlier. thisjone of the first challenges to be against the order has been filed, |until October, 1964, and a stock {Prospectus Aad' been filed. | prep 4 week, met by the newly-created man-|but refused further comment. | promoter and principal share-' Last November, the British} 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa waauee We Mek AA ERE caRwaE j y en completed, The ; F ; jobs have been complete Mr. Munro is seeking an as-|power department under Mr.| Three companies recom-jholder in Ganda. (Columbia Securities Commis-| announced its decision|.; r jC Ce caaes eoueations ast Wank. sistance program patterned|Marchand. mended in The Forecaster --| It was alleged Angle wasision asked members of the Van-' At a special membership meeting of Local 525 Tuesday CHAIRMAN night, more than 400 Studebaker Keith MacDonald of Mont- |workers were asked to fill out -- real is the chairman of the {forms listing job skills, wages, ; Canadian Highway Safety |previous experience, willingness Council. Mr. MacDonald |to relocate and other informa- | 'says human error causes 90 tion which might be of help. per cent of road accidents, | Frank Moroz, UAW interna- '_ --~- tional representative, said a joint committee of the union, Kidisked 2220 Meet the top salesman for the = r ; : me roe ieee and orders run out. Some opera- ' . s tions may continue for months ine nits unless the plant is sold. ' At present there are 411 hour- sins ' P ly-rated and 196 salaried work- , TORONTO (CP) -- Trying tolers and 37 field representatives , provide 10-per-cent security for| Canadian UAW director 'people who invest speculative |George Burt, today asked the mining companies will destroy|tederal manpower minister, o Canada's mining industry, the| Jean Marchand, to call a meet- , Prospectors and Developers As-|ing to discuss the Studebaker sociation convention was told} ------ i M sine RO Tuesday night. @ ¢ Robert Macaulay, former On- OSC Suspends | 'tario resources minister and now , president of a small mining Advisory Service | 'company with holdings in Aus- | tralia, said too-tight controls bee) TORONTO (CP) -- Southern} 'cause of isolated "'bad situa- Brokerage and Holding Co. Inc } 'tions'? would mean that only) of Toronto, publisher of The Ca-} major companies would be left, nadian Forecaster, a stock mar-| ' with resources to promote or de-| ket advisory service, has had| velop a property. its registration suspended by the "Unquestionably, that would Ontario Securities Commission be a tragedy," he told a dis- H. S. Bray, a director of the cussion on securities regulations. | OSC, said Tuesday that the re- Mr. Macaulay said means| cent suspension order was made ' must be found by which junior | "pending completion of present 'mining ventures can raise| investigations.' He said an ap- money peal against the order has been} "At the same time we must | filed, but refused further com-! protect the investor, the specu-| ment. 'Jator and even the stock gam-| Three companies recom- bler. But there must be some|™ended in The Forecaster-- balance between these objec-|Ganda Silver Mines Ltd. and tives." Victoria Algoma Mineral Co. Ltd., both of Toronto, and Co WON'T CHANGE PROBLEM lumbia River Mines Ltd. of Van William Somerville, executive couver -- have recently drawn vice-president of the Toronto the attention: of the authorities Stock Exchange, said creating a . new exchange to handle specu- TIPPLERS WIN STRIKE lative companies wouldn't re-| BILBAO (AP)--Topers in Es- ally change the problems of tao village, Spain, won a stock promotion. months-long strike when a boy J. E. R. Wood of Vancouver jcott forced local barkeepers to complained about delays in the} return to the old price of 80 cen- timing of offering shares in new|timos (% cents) for a "chi- companies. If a company ob-|quito" of wine. The price had tained property in a hot area, it;earlier been raised to one pe- should be able to get shares to! seta. the public quickly to take ad-| vantage of the excitement, he! suggested, | H. S. Bray, director of the On-| FINANCIAL tario Securities Commis- sion, while agreeing that the problem of getting national list- PLAN NING ings is a real one, said some cynics wonder whether a delay through in getting shares out to the pub- lic in times of an exciting strike MUTUAL FUNDS is not beneficial, "if that's the company's only merchandising American Growth Fund merit." oe Canadian Trusted Income Fund ices ols inscatnisiaecoensapeon i Growth Equity Fund Montcalm 8-33 2-door hardtop DON JUAN GUNNED DOWN 67 KING ST. E. OSHAWA, ONTARIO BANGKOK (AP)--Mrs. Rach- ani Sea Lao, 23, told a Thailand ial court that she knew Sumit, 40, 123-8801 had had eight other wives be- fore he married her, but she warned him to curb his roving Representatives: eye. He didn't so she shot him | = nay last August. She was sentenced ace age to 18 years in prison. "We will be happy to serve you"' GCARW6/ TING | Just alook and a drive and you'll know why thousands are joining | Meteor is the car that goes right out and sells itself. Tempted? Go ahead. Start it; after aii, that's what Whether you're looking fc ibie, nard Meteor shows you-at first glance that it's the style Meteor is all about. Meteor does like to show off its. sedan or ie py -, oll aaa pag ; leader in the popular price field. Clean, sweeping lines performance: plenty of power... accelerates quickly, salesman. Join the Meteor Admiration Society toda if and the "just-right" use of trim accents tell you this is passes surely, safely. Rides nice and quietly, too, you'll v the prestige car for you. find it's your kind of car. howe : : : : : _ Meteor is your "open-sesame" to the treasure of The Meteor station wagon has a neat little trick to 4 Ieee y ' id 1 i i i interior beauty and luxury you've long wished for. It show you, too. 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Meteor is waiting The Cary is the latest addition to our line of beautifully styled surround vo If with M | "ae ° ladies' frames, The soft luxurious colors blending from dark t 3 yourselr with eteor elegance, at your local Mercury showroom. i i ieee a eee ae ang from dark. y y the prestige car in the popular price field joy to old--e thrill to w ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PRICE y ae > Join now-take a membership drive COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS 42% "18 COMPLETE WITH FRAME, LENSES AND CASE DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN __@ FOR CHILDREN © BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE | © BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT WE FILL ALL P.S.L., OCULISTS' AND OPTOMETRISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES. Montcalm station wagon 17 Bond Street Hours: Test drive the exciting Comet, Meteor, Mercury, Anglia, Cortina at your Mercury Dealer aime | camiaue | ee SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED Oshawa, Ont. 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