Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmar~ ville, Ajax; Pickering and neighboring centres in Ons tario and Durham Counties. nd = VOL. 95 -- NO. 41 "Hoe Pot Weak Hore' Delivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1966 he Oshawa Times Author Second Class Mail Pi Gitily Ognaisnere Stare and ter parm of Pedtor te Weather Report Oiccade need an UE ayassssagy saaexe ce ae Tuesday. Winds ligh tonight, 30. . Low High Tuesday, EIGHTEEN PAGES SCHOOLS CLOSED Manitoba Digs Out Many doctors, unable to use their cars, were taken by power toboggans or police cruisers to WINNIPEG (CP) -- School-| ix children continued to enjoy an unscheduled vacation brought about by the big blizzard Friday'emergency house calls. while nearly all businesses were' 'There were 44 births reported back to normal today peace Friday. One baby was delivered ern Manitoba to the -Lakehead./at a home by two policemen All elementary high schools}who realized they couldn't get in the Greater Winnipeg area|the mother to hospital in time. wore closed today along with) Four people died as a result a. \Of the blizzard, three from ap- aid ype Bevin pet parent heart attacks and a mer plows cleared major fourth from frostbite. thoroughfares and transit buses GOT PAPERS SUNDAY Tan again. The Free Press and The An emergency committee ap- pyjpune published Friday al- pealed to all residents to leave though their Greater Winnipeg their cars at home today be-|qistribution was limited to a cause of lack of parking space few hundred. Friday's newspa- in the downtown area. Hundreds pers were delivered Saturday of cars, buried in deep snoW. nq sunday, along with Satur- were towed away Saturday and day editions. ' Sunday Devause be J rong ie fe In the city of St. Boniface, ee ee ais an hour police ironically were forced to| hipped P nowdrifts as high|USe Power toboggans on routine ee *.(|calls. Power toboggans are il- as 20 feet in some places Ae ecal on: Manitoba yoads the blizzard swirled across an|'©84! 0n Mani ms area of about 100,000 square| Postal services were back to miles Friday from eastern Man- normal today. There was ' itoba to the Lakehead. mail delivery Friday--for the The storm was described as first time on a weekday since the worst in memory. the general strike in 1919--and no mail had arrived in Winni- REPLENISH SUPPLIES peg until Saturday when airline woe i sete had and railway services resumed mi usiness § loperation. many Sealants went to replen-| ye fais Carindik ish their food supplies. § Northern Pacific train out crew works with shovels to dig OTTAWA (CP) -- High-rank- ing Conservatives rapped Jus- tice Minister Cardin during the weekend for his reference in the Commons Friday to the "Mon- seignor case" which drew news- Highway paper speculation of a 1961 sex- Mayor Stephen Juba Sunday predicted the storm will cost Winnipeg $1,000,000 but hoped for financial aid from senior governments. Some suburban areas were still snowbound. In the Greater Winnipeg city of St. James, snowdrifts piled as high as the roof tops. People dug tunnels to reach the streets. Loss Heavy n Dakotas FARGO, N.D. (AP) --Road- plowing crews and rescue mis- sions began bringing relief to- day to blizzard-batfered parts of the Dakotas and Minnesota where the toll of deaths stood at 16. : Ranchers were counting up a heavy loss of livestock, espe- cially in. South Dakota as heli- copters and airplanes, bulldo- zers and plows worked to re- | branch }major roads are open | province. |patrol reported officers had res- |cued 55 persons from stranded was open although still snow- blown late Sunday between Win- nipeg and Portage La Prairie, 50 miles to the west. From Kenora, Ont. to the Lakehead lit still was not cleared to its ifull width. The Manitoba highways said early today all in the lapsed under the snow on other ranches and killed some cows.' The North Dakota highway lears. Lt.-Gov. Charles Tighe, acting in the absence of vaca- tioning Governor William Guy lof North Dakota, said "our heli- copters are doing a good job," adding: "Saturday night we picked up and-security scandal involvmg a Conservative cabinet minister. Mr. Cardin will be in the forefront again today when the Commons resumes considera- tion of the justice department estimates. Without referring directly to Mr. Cardin's statement, Oppo- sition Leader Diefenbaker charged Saturday the minister was trying to blackmail him into silence on the Spencer spy case. "We will not be silenced," Mr. Diefenbaker said. He said he will press for establishment of a royal com- mission investigation into "all aspect" of Canada's security back to 1944, Some newspapers say Mr. Cardin's reference to the "Mon- seignor case" was a reference to an Olgo Munsinger, describ- ed as a voluptuous, blonde, "ex- German beauty queen" who was a clerk embassy in Ottawa. The Toronto: Globe and Mail said she was beilieved by some in a Communist' i sands stranded in\a child and a woman on sep-) ste Pheer termed the Da-jarate farms. They had pneu- | kotas' worst such storm in|monia, Today (Sunday) we're decades. |going after two children with Six of the storm deaths oc-!frostbitten feet. curred in South Dakota and five each in North Dakota and Min- esota. ) The staggering loss in cattle, was needed. He radioed for help : : : | heep may run in the mil-|and a sheriff used a powerful | S ape ' truck to buck drifts and take) ™ encer dollars. lions of an ill man to a hospital. 100,000 : = presen Frank Macie- HELP TOO LATE jewsky Sr. of Timber Lake, At rural Morristown, S.D., $.D., estimated his at $100,000. another pilot saw the words "T had 400 to 500 cattle and the '""HELP" tramped out in the r of sheep," he snow. Néarby, lay the "ireiess} me oe cattin bunched up ade : an elderly rancher who a feedlot and lived alone a ta sheep got! Otto Mettler, a 48-year-old smothered, too, in those deep rancher, his wife and their drifts. seven-year-old son Lyle, waited me a cee ee | "One of my neighbors Jost 150 nearly 60 hours in their Ma on yone for his si " cows in a corral and another|rooned car near McLaughlin, : lost 100. A couple of barns col- S.D. : | The 62-year-old former postal| a seer <M Ga ME ----|clerk was interviewed in Van-| couver by Jack Webster on- the! CBC program This Hour Has! Seven Days Never Spied OTTAWA (CP) Victor Spencer appeared on a nation- wide television program Sunday night to deny ever spying for| fig the Russians. But he admitted |i having made a "mistake," ii Spencer, subject of headlined} House of Commons debate as an alleged spy fired from the! postal service, refused to lay| Virginia Court Upholds Anti-Miscegenation Law RICHMOND, Va. (AP)---The| Virginia Supreme Court of Ap- peals today upheld the constitu- tionality of the state's anti-mis- cegenation law and the convic- tions of a Carolina County He refused to say under direct questioning whether he had re- ceived $3,000 to $4,000 from Rus- sian embassy officials as stated| in the Commons by Justice Min- ister Cardin. But he added "I never betrayed my coun- " and charged with violating the State law They pleaded guilty and were sentenced to a year in prison, Ty. | but county Judge Leon M. Ba-| He admitted being guilty. '"'of| zille suspended the sentence on|being friendly" to Russia, being condition that they leave the|a member of the Canada-Soviet NP Mainstreeter passenger train - MINISTER couple charged with its , viola- tion. Convicted under the-state law against intermarriage between whites and Negroes were Rich- ard Perry Loving, 32, a white man, and his wife, Mildred, 26, who is part Negro and part In- dian. The appeals court acted in their appeal from a decision of the Caroline county circuit court. However, the' appeals court reversed the lower court's holding on the validity of their conviction, and sent ease back for further proceed ings on this point. In its unanimous opinion, the *|judge ; Sen-!seeks to maintain the tences imposed at the time of}, the state and not return, for a 25-'Friendship Society, and having year period Four years ago, in financial hiner yeas ey oe se He also welcomed the judicial rina bP bir? fee a in re-|{@quiry Prime Minister Pearson| turning to Virginia to live. on to investigate his} Kennedy interested the|~* | American Civil Liberties Union| He said he would "like the} in the case mystery to be cleared up," per-| ACLU took [haps an indication that Spencer | WELCOMES INQUIRY Jan. 27, 1965, the the case before a special three-|himself would like the scope of federal court. It agreed|the inquiry extended to include the miscegenation la w{|not only his treatment by the purity of 20vernment. but the activities white race but doeg not af-|0Ver which he was dismissed. lford the same treatment to Ne-| . D0 you feel your rights were} groes, who are free to marry | Violated as a Canadian citizen "jand decorated war veteran," other non - whites. the desire to travel.to Russia. |' Feb 11, 1965, : the federal | Mr: Webster asked Supreme Court noted that the/ court ruled that the Livings had} "No," Spencer replied, at point usta RA to be a Communist agent and that .she allegedly enjoyed a liaison with a Conservative cab- inet minister. The newspaper said photographs acquired by the RCMP in 1961 showed her and the Conservative minister in a compromising situation. Dalton Camp, national presi- dent of the Progressive Con- servative Association, said in a speech to young Conservatives Saturday the Liberal party's latest aberration was its insinu- ation in referring to the case. "Just call it the Mudslinger case," he said. Facing the justice minister on his estimates is a censure mo- tion moved by David Lewis, deputyleader of the New Demo- cratic Party, to reduce Mr. Cardin's ministerial salary to $1. ' Mr. Lewis offered to withdraw the motion Friday when Prime Minister Pearson agreed after many refusals to hold an in- quiry into some issues of the case of Victor Spencer, former postal clerk alleged to have re- ceived money for supplying in- formation to th Russians. The Conservatives denied the unanimous consent needed to withdraw the motion and it might come to a vote before the justice estimates are approved. called Eagle's Nest in west- ern North Dakota. Train was PPED freed Sunday. (AP Wirephoto) This car, buried deep in snow, was one of any SAVAGE WINTER BLITZ DEALS HEAVY BLOWS TO MANITOBA AND THE DAKOTAS 4 nipeg area during Friday's savage blizzard. left abandoned Greater Win- vehicles through the yran out a week ago and casual | Cabinet Has Early Meeting met at 9:15 a.m. EST today,| TORONTO (CP)-- The 8 i .| h -- The Star ees ace be ct Justice Minister Cardin is jexpected to resign from the and the appointment of a closed lcabinet as the federal govern- judicial inquiry into the Victor|ment heads into a parliament- 'lary crisis. employees ard' Some service | Spencer case. | C di contractors must be paid today. | ar in Government ap pr opriations The government is gg Par spending estimates for | a will be approved by Parliament as oO Cardin To Resign Soon, Report Says 'PM Also May Yield Post mate (ce)-1m atin, LO Avert Vote: Report "The issues are opposition dissatisfaction with the handling of the Victor Spencer Spy case and the government's desperate need for' parliamentary val of its money," says i Star. : vied "Tt Cardin's departure is enough to soothe the angry position parties, informed ob- servers speculate Prime Minis- ter Pearson himself might have to resign to prevent another " election. ... "4 "The effect Cardin's resigna- tion would have on the Liberal party in Quebec was discussed at_an early - morning meeting today of ministers from that later: today. the Commons. Another stormy p y However, the estimates of five | departments, including justice, | debate was expected on the OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min-| Spencer case following his ap-|icter Cardin declined today to! province. The hour - long meet- ing was held in the office of Quebec Leader Giy Favreau." still remain to be approved in pearance in a CBC television interview Sunday night. | Candace, Nephew Freed wvtee wie eran For Russia (In Husband's Slaying B + of adored children and to "pick "2 up the pieces" of a $33,000,000 ~ banking and loan business, + ference following their acquittal ; Sunday in the 1964 slaying of Mel Powers be married." By ARTHUR EVERETT | MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Blonde} Candace Mossler set out today,! as she put it, to mother a brood | Sie was asked "in the pres ence of her nephew, Melvin Lane Powers, at a press con- her multi-millionaire husband: "Mrs. Mossler, will you and With a trace of vexation, Mrs. Mossler replied: "We don't have any intentions in that direction." Union between aunt and nephew is generally forbidden by U.S. law. Powers is a son. of Mrs. Mossler's sister. Less than three hours earlier,| they had been acquitted by an all-male jury of the slaying of) her husband, Jacques, 69, who,! in the words of the state, was) standing in the way of an | cestuous love affair between his wife and her nephew. Mossler died June 30, 1964 of a heavy blow atop the head and confirm or deny press reports} The Star says that if Conser- that he is about to resign from|vative opposition continues jthe cabinet over the Victor|"the only way the government can get money to pay its bills Spencer security case. "T have no answer to give at all,' he told reporters who asked him about the resignation reports after a cabinet meeting. Prime Minister Pearson said he could not discuss the cabinet meeting before the Commons convened at 2:30 p.m. EST. But he added 'no question of any resignation arose." The cabinet meeting lasted more than three hours. Presum- ably it discussed the Spencer case and the appropriations deadlock in the Commons. Mr. Cardin, looking preoccu- pied, walked away quickly from the meeting room in the main Parliament Building. Police Check On Identifications GATINEAU, Que. (CP) -- Provincial police today were} checking the identification pa-| pers of 50 young people ar- rested in two raids on drinking | establishments Saturday night! in this town seven miles east.of| Hull. | More than 20 officers took| part in the continuing check on under-age drinking in the Hull area. Those rounded up were taken to QPP headquarters in nearby Buckingham and re-| leased after questioning. | 39 stab wounds after scream-| Cpl. Trancrede Paquette sual ing: "Don't, don't do that to) summonses would be forwarded me." .The scene was the Key|to those unable to-prove they) Biscayne apartment wher Si ree Cree 20, legal drinking age| Mossler lived with his wife and|in. Quebec province. their four adopted children. BIG AGE SPREAD Mrs. Mossler, sensitive about her age, places it at 40. Powers, six-foot-three, darkly handsome, 'Queen Elizabeth | sn Bound For Home | is 29. | The jury heard more than 100) HALIFAX (CP)--A : witnesses during the seven-|man at Halifax International of icts| Airport said an aircraft. carry- week trial, including convicts|: Ra N the state called from peniten-/'"8 Queen Elizabeth back to tiaries who swore Mrs. Mossler and her nephew had shopped for| two years to hire someone. to//@% at 5:00 a.m. ADT today. spokes- | = London following a one-month| ; Caribbean tour flew over Hali-|- is to dissolve Parliament--or to get a new leader for whom the DEFENCE MINISTER CARDIN Tories will pass the estimates. "Cardin's expected resigna-| "Sources said so - called tion is tied to Pearson's deci-|"moderate' elements within the sion to reverse course and hold|Conservatives were making no an inquiry into the firing of|headway with Diefenbaker in Spencer from his postal clerk's|arguing that the parliamentary job for espionage activities. showdown should be avoided," NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Decision Delayed On Clay Fight TORONTO (CP) -- Labor Minister Rowntree of Ontario de- layed giving approval today to the proposed March 29 -Cas« sius Clay - Ernie Terrell heavy-weight title fight after a meet- ing with Ontario's athletics commission, Merv McKenzie. © A spokesman for Mr. Rowntree said after the morning meeting "'there has been no authorization so far." He said the minister and the commissioner were inquiring into.a 'number of matters related to the application." Structural Failures Alleged LONDON (AP) -- Aviation Minister Fred Mulley said today preliminary investigations of the BOAC airliner crash Satur- day in Japan showed that the Boeing 707 suffered structural failure before crashing. Mulley was answering questions in the House of Commons about the Mount Fuji crash in which 123 persons died. He said: "The reason for the failure is not yet known . . . I have no reason to doubt that the Japanese authorities will conduct an inquiry and I will ap- point an accredited representative in it." Communist Share-plan Advanced WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senator Robert 'F. Kennedy (Dem. N.Y.) said today the United States must be prepared to see the Communists share the power in South Viet. Nam if the war there is to be settled through negotiations. His brother, Senator Edward M. Kennedy (Dem, Mass.) called, meanwhile for direct negotiations with the Viet Cong guerrillas.of South Viet Nam in an effort to end the conflict. _ ...In THE TIMES today ., 60 Acres Offered for Community College Site -- P. 9 Twenty-two Get Citizenship Certificates -- P. 5 kill her husband. Failing that, the state|craft had made a one-hour re- The spokesman said the air-|2 Gen, Clinch 4th Sopt -- St. Kitts Here Tuesday Night -- P. 6 claimed, they undertook to do it|fueling stop at Boston after a Ann Landers -- 10 Obits -- 17 "There's: nothing in this life courts. perfect. I've made mistakes if the! ~ 1 Peas | couple had married outside the)not exhausted all their avenues] state and returned to Virginia.'of appeal.in the state The Lovings were married{But the court June 2, 1958, in Wast ton D.C., and returned to the ay ee a ee te themselves -- Powers actually|flight from Montego Bay, Ja-|; doing the job maica. The Queen slept during |= The jury started deliberating! the stop Thursday night, declared them-| The Super VC-10, originally selves hopelessly deadlocked|scheduled to take on fuel at oline county home to live jjudge court would retain juris-|interpreted what has hap-| Mossler, in close for an edie eu Pb es he ae ser rae gar ik ac Ail Be be si weeks later they were arrested'diction in the case. r pened," Spencer replied, " embrace after they were --AP Wirephoto pie a seeks al besa "louis tat Noe Cusadiees 'aiapaet. a € * 4 ( City News -- 9 Classified -- 14, 15, 16, 1 Comics -- 13 Editorial -- 4 Financial: -- 17, Sports 6, 7, 8 * Theatre -- 12 Whitby News -- 5 Women's -- 10, 11 Weather -- 2 a i A OE ae Powers his aunt, Candace said that tate preme court of a found innocent of first de- gree murder charge in the death of her husband Sun- day. Melvin Lane Had his actions heen w ongly| : or any reason decided not telinterprete y authorities? aos iterpre d by au horities draws Fhe authorities haven't mis-| Five