Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Mar 1966, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Monday, March 7, 1966 urn Your "Don't Wants" Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sale -- 14--Business Opportunities 17--Female Help Wanted T') SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT YAMAHA EXCEPTIONAL STENOGRAPHER | ' Rees 3 C Rs sparTscyci es |, OPPORTUNITY -- |" ROOKKEEPER Mortgages Sales and Service | ; Kequired tor accounting ot- @ Soles men between 25 and 40 wish- fice. Must be experienced. Brauer : © Service ing to improve their present State: 'qualifications, éxperis HE AUSTRALIAN MofoR-SHiP @ Rentols cabbie Je ence, availabilit id sal KAHIMBLA WAS SAID 40 BETHE. ¥: MOT, SOY FIRST LINER INTHE WORLD 10' Gm. 6:10 pm Phone 728-9434 requirement to: LICENSED ASA ' fle pec av ated BROADCASTING 723-8711 WAYSIDE snack bar and service sta- BOX 16833 ARTS . aC ~ STATION. jon for lease, fully equipped and stock- OSHAWA TIM JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Gags gg) oh 16 4KE TERROR. - RO DON SPOR ed. Reasonably pi Priced. 728-054 5, ES OP yong Fiona la ag Before You Buy A BIRD, COULD NOT FLY. 3 m TS -- |pueraunany location, equipped, plus LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper and A E Piano or Organ See AKEY PURSUED THEIR. SS <-- TAUNTON RD: E two apartments, for lease on main artery receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, B ildi T de: « PREY ex Foot, \ . . re! in Oshawa. Telephone 723-1168 Douglas add age, marital status and exper- GORDON R. tay. "cain ressarsi uilding Trades ; : (Just East of 5 Points) JM. Bullied, Realtor. ience, Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times, ee conics Fest oD eal atc meal HEINTZMAN { Discover the swinging world of 15--E, n Ww. d \ pace ng Centre, LOANS RC Sed wy --Employment Wante RECEPTIONIST required from S pm. to ompany Ltd. } es ates ploy - ee B08 CLANCY'S Accounting Service. AT C vet YAMAHA p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 jete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa g as : \ = GENTLEMAN -- early forties, bilingual, an to 5 p.m. Saturdays, Must be a corr 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. Moneys available for first TELEPHONE 728-2921 P 8 i ' 9. M k Bask bondable, holds cosdattien and one abel typist. Apploy Lloyd Metcalt Real 4 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accou Till March 21st and second mortgages. Open sb . --Market Basket in First Aid, 1S years police experience, |fate Limited, 49 King Street Eest, Osh- Bond " hit 2 a ¢! Se "Shu. Doliciane | 8eeks position of trust, Oshawa area, has | awa. we pote ea. us Sire @ ADDITIONS mortgages. No bonus. First Septic Service 4 Courtland, Tide per bushel ue, gneeat own transportation. Write Box 14492 Osh- pre seoregitireiets Sean amend ALBERT HOSMAR, Charlered Accoun) @ BATHROOMS mortgages, second mortgages | sepri¢ TANKS cleaned. Prompt service : containers. Algoma Orchards, Thickson|@¥* Times 18--Male Help Wanted 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, @ KITCHENS, ETC and agreements for sale pur- jon calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut street d Be, Road North, Whitby, YOUNG MOTHER wilh one child will i io. Telephone 723-1221. ALL TRADES chosed. West, Whitby, 668- 2563, NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free veh oe " "ps val ms Bike hgh yd HOPKINS; BEADLE AND CO. Charter- - ete Rasta ---- . delivery. Telephone 728-1306 or 723-0615. |home. Location East end of city. 728-5567. Here eee wingnats! ine Build. CO-ORD! NATED M. F. SWARTZ Surveyors Liaw. Many CLEMENT Poultry, Roasting Chickens,|WILL CARE for child in my home while ASSISTANT ge A ae go 262 King St. Eost DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onfario| "| BILLION Foo DROPLETS 1b ae Te Coll calleet Shr aaay, "oPons 5c: |mother works. Apply 180 Bruce Street Saati, CA; E. ya eee REMODELLE RS Oshawa, Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, WOULD 1 TAKE To j lla at da Rac bk dohuidie . 1A ; : * 11_Ontario Street, 725-5632 FILL A TEASPO VENUS 15 At 1-CAN SUPPLY you with Ontario or| => ------_________---- YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., FREE ESTIMATES 723-4697 RLiW AND TROLLOPED Goleio tana] | We watenp M5 We Ber ss P.E.|. potatoes, 10-25-75 Ibs. weekly. Egge|17---Female Help Wanted TO THE Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- 723 0966 Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone ' 40 OUR EYES 1415 at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh-|------_____"__ tees in "Bankruptcy, sts Simcoe Street - ot i) ala SEVEN ONLY A VERY 4HIN CRESCENS LIKE. A NEW MOON. awa, Whitby, Ajax, 655-4983. Service Mana er lorth, Oshawa, ; oe - . van plaege ¥ M00 acne 01 Member of H.O.P.E. ----a nate nin 1$ 1§ TIME THAT THE PLANET 16 NEARE WALL, PERKIN, 'MacMILTAN BNO, CO Sponsoring r e) TVRadis | Repairs ANE EARAM AND MUCK TE BRIGHISSE, 4 10--Farmer' s Column KEY PUNCH g Chart ccountants, i pats ey was East, Oshawa, 725-6539) William C. Hall, Mortgage Loans 1 Rane ttm eh on mea @ Service advisor B.comm., CA; David G. Perkin, CA; WANTED ' J. Graham MacMillan, CA. NELLIS MW% TV TOWERS Local tank is plow, herrue OPERATOR @ Claims clerk Barristers _ HOME 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale disc, rake and grass seed 4 REQUIRED @ Generally assist Service GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, s, Soliel 75% OF VALUE ECONOMY AND Fe ee a acres with his own equipment, manager in his duties tors, etc., ing Stree . this 'sprin Apply Mount 3-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, - Aah a 8-308 a sige v. ey ie IMPROVEMENTS CALL DELUXE 1 Lawn Memorial Park. In a large key punch section on ae wohteg ib +5832; Thomas bys dada tad y Priced to suit your budget SKATES V/ PRICE ; eparin 'ork for Honey- : -- and GENERAL 728-1653 Rakes 2 i) wall" Colnpuer System, An. | OMI: ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, TERMS ARRANGED Big sovings on Skating Out- | DEAD and crippled farm stock Pick@d) oticonts must have a:minimum BCL, any oe eiener Letts REPAIRS Hig' far the while family dur ANTENNA up promptly Ssh Seah slog Ge pede wk 4 Mechanical knowledge, book- Street. Office rs: am. < a.m. ~ S y - elephone ollec ampton -2721 ° ce) months key punc ' e Evening Dist 723-1661. GUARANTY TRUST OSHAWA TV ing our Bia Fall Sale Licence 4-C-66 y ge and typing is an as experience in a high volume HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- Company of Canada OAT STRAW for sale, 40 cents bale.| operation. Excellent sale . » 36) PPLY LIMI -2351. Ps ; wpa dina : ints EaiSttiwek'S: Aimee] 728-206] 32 King St, UME Te thorn 97.25: pr. SALE ee rangement and compete pro- | Salary open, depending on QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, TAUNTON RD. E. 11--Pets and Livestock gram of employee benefits. qualifications, psn % Mimonres 6A, LOB, Sic Evenings 723-8987 -- Just East of Ritson 303 RIFLE : 10 El RMS [APPALOOSA STALLION at stud; chest For appointment please writ 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and ' ARLE : . ement f nut with white blanket, four white stock Please write or call or eau tack Wh vse bce 1 : rf th first mortgage funds availabie. ae 7238131 a . a g wave type Chan- ings, white bi . Teleph H ti ee MACOGHALDD 8A, LLB FIRST and SECOND Known for its accuracy and : 59.00. ae ee MRS. McINTYRE pie Moneaee. JAMES MACDONALD, BA, L aiid Ps SESE EC MN ee RES Barrister and Solicitor 'and Notary Pub. MORTGAGES reliability, this rugged gun SALE 29.50 COZY-J RANCH KENNELS. German llc, The Commercial Building, 286 King . xe All Clos siceicoiepboisinbaasantioieni will deliver years of satis- ' Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. Personnel Department West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking Looking for a price en 4 rae : Ok DIPPED: GALVANIZED factory shooting Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies, Ashbu » Lai available. 725-4716 or . -- City, Rural, acation -- £ 1 7 " e 655-4662 evenings estab nig oe es nad -- 3 ly t RMS ' wa ' CREIGHTON, DR MURDO | ae $24.95 } chink BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, =s,| Remodelling kitchens, bath SUMMERLAND TV TOWERS Travelling Wave type Chan- training, taiking strains Apply Mrs, MOTORS LTD. Bank of Commerce Building, i rable eeesronha: SECURITIES LIMITED ARE THE BEST nels. Reg. 49.00. Broad, 114 Elgin East 166 King St. E., Bowmanville eee S 112. Seoe St. N==725.9568 SNOW TIRES SALE 24.50 |roweaawinn crow exp aw bp z a -------- emales, 9 months old, registered. Appl Ger Faris de. Victor, "Mas-7h15 CALL PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for| WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Ei Oshawa Aquarium 299° Simeoe South of CANADA LTD 623-3396 Mortgages arranged. : Ohya "Sorenioes nt? later, pe i eek A nd 1 Only -- 5 Elements RMS i ithe Bi tim , ments of sale irchases re ton, + y Ss : ~ _ -- -- dining PHELAN Drinan, Muraaeh gad Wictor. (aee Tae T R | depth traction trea Spade Travelling Wave type Chon- |MINIATURE Scotch coilie pups (Shel WHITBY 1 yP ifi R risters",) new winter tire priced almost Ie R 39.00 fies). Wonderful pets. Telephone Lind Classified Rates Construction Co. as low as a retread enls, Reg, 37.00: say 324-3095 WORD ADS all mortgages. Mortgages and agree- PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for TELEVISION | pase pee rs Cosh -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 'e 08; ments of sale purchased, Creighton, Corner Bond and Division from $ ] 7.56 up SALE 19.50 Sunes aid whitey Rnd exenie 668-3361 THE re jorange and white, 7 weeks old--excellent dditional words, 41¢. eac' aa hunting stock, Telephone 725-9615, See O bartiote ef 24 words, $2.88; 668-6032 Drynan,, Murdoch and Victor. (See.""B 728-5143 4 Only -- Wineguord LD4 | -- BLL SEL eos additional words I2¢. each, 6 con- -- -- - | re Channels. Reg. 39,00. |12--Articles Wanted © utive inserti words, $5.04; FIRST AND SECOND mort vail ne sional word 2¥e. och __|abisW,,sertamann eatin. 1 Breck] TELEVISION -- RADIO DOMINION SALE 19.50 MATURE COMPANY 10 per sent additional .eh 24 HOUR SERVICE WANTED -- Cha 0 itional charge ) mortgage. Sale if aX pala fithin 8 days. MARCH § SPECIALS comcast pameee ol rg TIRE STORE 1 Only Winequard Tele- Baby Grand Piano YOU NG LADY requires ick, Barristers, 31 King Street i ri c Method of Counting -- Less thon 24) Save up to 15% during Feb- Diaper ooly HOLMES tron T4 gold anodized Chan- I : 25 to 40 yeors of age, with a words County oe a Sbrevlation' esunts| March on Rec. Rooms, Kit- | nam 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH nels. Reg. 45.00. For Church Auditorium. Must | 2ycctigt soles record: Also as one word; phone number counts) chens, Both Rooms, Floors, |Optometrist ELECTRONICS TELEPHONE 725-6511 SALE 22.50. | Faith Baptist Church -- 421 own car, CLASS "A" two words. Walls, Ceiling Tiles ond all F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe e : Brock St. N., Whitby -- @ All leads supplied SIRTHS--DEATHS-- General Repairs. Street, North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone 39 cn ee MOTORCYCLES 1 Only Stacked super 668-2508 @ Good commissions, ete. LICENSED H. McKOY 725-8567 ee Ht Katey Channels. Reg. 45.00. |CARPENTER'S SAW, preferably radial $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents addi- ; Paintin id De ° tin $195. UP arm. Good: dit nly. 725-8233 Apply in person onl tional charges if not paid within 8 days, |-----_--____--__--_-- ae g an ecora' ng s: : c 300d: condition only. 725-8233. pply Pp y ea i " e EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot Whitby: -668- 5679 25 used; Hondas, Suzukis, ALE 22.50 HUMAN HAIR -- a minimu of &" in 149 BROCK NORTH MECHANIC IN includes grading and fill, two-year er i any eng: ash or credit at shop. Heidi's bhai hed the Tirst 3 ards im se. antee. Terrano Paving, 74-3841 rae gO Tg ---------- ----- a hos soap -- 3 Only - Radess Special jeep Hair i a a Wilson Road, $.| + WHITBY must have ch thereafter plus ize. per line OLlALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- f eu pra Trapper Channels Soba alibati ch verse; 25¢. additional <harge if Notiroofing, chimneys, savestroughing, ws WINTERTIME Parts. Accessories capper Ghennele: Seg. 14.00 SMALL used outboard motors -- cash. at | p.m. any day except Car & Truck paid 'within 8 days. places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby INTERIOR and EXTERIOR T.V. TIME HONDA SHOP SALE 7.50 Valley koh J Bond Street West, Wednesday i CARDS OF THAN KS vane ee -------- Broadioom, Custom Draperies T.V. Service Anytime 199 King W. 728-4242 e shawa, 728-440 Experience r ic. ec. rooms alterations, Neaedeer abit snteclealnblanontetin pove p h pon thereafter wyith 25e, 'edditional etc, Free estimates. Phone eer FREE ESTIMATES a EBe SUOVE BiCeS: OL8 Ir Te 13--Articles_ for Rent charge if not pald within 8 days. Port Perry 985-2802. DODD and SOUTER 7 R : : C). PARTS chi diver} pragma Fae ORM OFFICE CLE RK knowledge of COMING EVENTS CARPENTRY, Remodeling "and" Repairs.) 668-5862 TELEVISION For Warhars,. Stoves and RENTALS age ain ei i $2.10 per Inch (display); $1.50 for Pa S p.m. 728-315) 78-514 yers first 20 words end Se, each thereafter lait Types BUILDING REPAIRS --| PAINTING and 728-5 5143 ELECTRIC MOTOR OSHAWA TV OF ALL KINDS For general clerical duties, Mili Pete Poo gir 8 dag ee DECORATING . Repair and Exchange good typist, shorthand re- also preferable $2.0 PER INCH PER INSERTION. eoaind aeRO Interio terior, Reasonabl FAST T.V. SERVICE OSHAWA APPLIANCE SUPPLY LIMITED SANDING UNS ISES quired some bookkeeping AGE LIMIT 35 Pesan A CARPENTRY, brick and Block Work] oe A vork quaronteed, Service Call only $2.50 186 Simcoe S. 728-7535 : Oscillating schders, disc sand- sane ear 9 ge ve 5) mae a Free estimates, Phone 668-8014 . oO . m ers, belt sanders, floor sand- enperence NOIPTY). shi ease Apply in Person s a Free estimates CUSTOM MADE furniture -- Coffee tab- - ' j YORD ABS, eevious Beas ee re dN toosie & Son DOMINION ee eet FR er. offers variety ond ellont | 2a MEN OMFICE % 723 lL 'S / estimates. "A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or| ° p 16) TELEVISION 23-5862, as Be TAUNTON ROAD EAST PLUMBER'S TOOLS . Opportunity for advancement. c LOST AND FOUND 72-4717. 668-2418 FLOOR COVERING clear-ouls. Thou be Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise Permanent--5 day week, 64 King E Gam DAY OF PUBLICATION . [ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE: | pairing; PAPERANGING, Gacorat| 728-5154 9 a.m. 109 p.m. |immmt af Lorstaat Gramines paerss| ust east of Ritson Re) -- | tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe .™ BIRTHS AND DEA work povteshen me on ravers foot. si ng. Do it now! Free estimates, Call F All _work guoranteed Church Street. cutters, pipe threading dies, Apply in person Mon, - Fri Ben DAY OF PUBLICATION % --------___--__--| Sctimidt, 725-9572. ie -- USED AUTO PARTS -- Anything. Chos- M. GREENBERG mpilet auger, 66 R tt A : é CLASSIFIED DISPLAY entistry me cc. HAVE your interior Painting done now OSHAWA AND WHITBY. Kavich Auto, Agape dee miles east! z SONS LTD . PAINTER'S cipuadeaeein' usse venue O2:39 is Jak 1 eolumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol-|CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dentall roe 9974 Lioyd Simpson P - : -- | . tepladders, aluminum ex- : urns or larger--i0 em, day previous,| Surgeon, 172 King, Street East, Oshawa.| Decorating. en *™) NIGHT SERVICE [REPAIRS to all Coleman Products: Fish New & Used tension ladders, ladder jacks, eas 28 ie e _ 1! Mier ce 4 oes Angles -- Beams | ffolding, compres- CANCE r ------| EXPERIENCED painter and decorat 103 'Byron S., Whitby (block west of | gles steel scaffc g, Pp CORRECTIONS NP Dressmoking |Free estineies: Tetopeere ae '| ©-725-8541 or 668-5830 | Four dormers' Flatbars -- Channels fom, tory Gore, woleoele 1 UY PIO) ae FITTERS OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, _ portraits, Sheets -- Plates steamers, tarpaulins, blow 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION scbeicc acest SURO tao, -- Any advertisement cancelled before| ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses.| Plumbing and Heatin RAE'S figure work, custom picture framing as 4 For general office work and publication will be charged one day's| alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a sot abled a Clark Studio. Telephone. 668-4497. 325 Square tubing -- Pipe torches, propane torches. | ° J Must be Two fitters required, Must be eatin: specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |BEFORE YOU BUY give us a try Gas RADI TELEVISION _ | Brock North. wnitby Contact WELDING EQUIPMENT ocal industry. Must ac- q . BOX NUMBER Ri DRESSMAKING -- 'suits, dresses, efc.| MM i0) prone yorgon si asaaaal We QO & 7 O BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|___ 308 Bloor E., 728-7301-2 Acetylene welding outfits curate, Good working condi- Box M ENTAL--50c, Minor alterations. Telephone 723-8607 ti one, 723-9079 nd appliances, One location only. Pretty! RESTAURANT TABLES and chairs. good 200 amp. electric welders, tions. 5 day week. Welfare While every endeavor will be madelEXPERIENCED dressmaker: ladies' [ALL TYPES of repairs 'and remodelling, TV SERVIC Furattoeas 4a. Simcoe Scuthiy 23-0771." lear vecront or Het Sauthene RistOO Reh : benefits. Immediate employ- others need apply. Steady job the advertiser as soon cxumbers fOlwear. girls' wear and alterations. MEstimoted tren 7a il91. or Foley. E 2 FULLER BRUSH Products. Specials of-|rant. Apply 5 Bloor Street East BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ment : he vertise soon as .possible,|phone 723-1729 . is ti 1 uilivien 7 -- Cement = mixers, finishing . we accept no liability in respect of|---- 7 eas va fe DAY OR EVENING fered now. Telephone daytimes 723-0444; |357 ELECTRIC RANGE -- ver ood " for right men. ines or damage alleged "te, orice ALTERATIONS, pants cuifing, zippers, ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING " sup 728-5286 evenings 668-6583 ay | eondition, aytornatic: Penionitle. ay trowels, wheel barrows, elec- Write stating full qualifica- through either failure or delay in for-|mending. Agent for North American) cs... iq Plumbing, Heating and Engi- A TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot Oe Gliddon Avenve. tric virator, air compressor, tions to:-- ANDREW ANTENNA warding such replies, however caused| Fashion Frocks, 728-1823 S structure all-channel ant talled, NG furn 5 Se scl hiatal snide nd neering, 255 Simcoe Street South. ur enna insta BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap. jock hammers, hand trowels, er by negligence or otherwise G d es ----___----- OSHAWA $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294| _ water pumps " portable heat co. LTD. The Times will not be responsible tor|Gardening and 'Supplies _ ___|Rug-Upholstery Ser Road East, just east of Ritson Road. |b, 263-2995, app replies uncalled for in 20 days. bE a ' sis ers, steel scaffolding, electric WHITBY ONT ELECTRON ICS W WORMS i oe a ee |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired generator. ramset, power 'roll- : i ~ aPrre Sree Pe af Arr Gun Snop; Te Bond 7 REGULATIONS. CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs "or 72-7112. Oshawa Live Baif|3%part Street "Wesir |)" ers, electric hammers, mason- Phone Mr. Mayall, 668-3348 The Oshawa Times will not be re- "GARDEN TIME" UPHOLSTERING Seana bye 511 Dean Avenue. | Company. | TYPEWRITER, portable, $ Preps ory saw, building jacks, sponsible for errors in advertisements THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. Noles Electric adding machine, $40, Elec-| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, submitted otherwise thon in writing not ¢ 166s "------"|down payment, $15 monthly, at Honest ' ; for more than one insertion of ony Popes ps ire AT ITS Well Drilling--Digging Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191, rr tale. (pewter, Seciriy: Can) telnet Me) chain hoist, miter pin alec; WAITRESSES NEW and USED verti: mt nor beyon price L 2 ---- ae nese -s SEW eae CABERNET | t chorge for a single insertion in which FLOWER SEEDS BEST FOR L S WELL DIGGING by machine specializing PARTY DRESS. turquoise, size 10; ma- GUARANTEED used wringer washers, ae png Pee ae ao CAR error occurs, VEGETABLE SEEDS S ES in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut whe y rao oe. yh tee clean, | television, refrigerator etc. $34.50 and up. 7 | reas Fa trad ee ' a POTTING SOIL Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. |900d Condition. Apply 23 Drew Street. | Aican Furniture and Appliances, 482 Sim-| blaster, power tamper, power q A we cee. renerves the | rg =| ADDING MACHINES, cash registers,|coe South. 723-0011 ost hole auger. Ss LESMEN t lassif i M @ FREE ESTIMATES eal " See s = Pp ts Pia lhe dnp lvobe, according to a Geay GGrs: (Br be Evecinas a --Personal typewriters, new and used. $35 up. All| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL . aol. ' 7 A.M. to 4 P.M, NO-DAMP : ; | oararne® guarantees, finest parasce | structure, hot dipped galvanized 1 tower STAN'S REOPENING. OF In the f displ idvert t . 4 Fgh dal "| included, single all-channel antenna com FOR OPENIN in the cases of display advertisements mreacee Cok AY @ EASY CREDIT TERMS Removal of superfluous hair | Evenings 725-9748 ___| plete, instaiea, tax' included, guaranteed | cis aRPENING & RENTALS LTD 4 P.M. to 11 P.M. MODERN OSLIAWA sible for more space than that which Marie Murduff will be in |WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-jone year, $50. See all towers at TRIO|~ NING : . 22nd and |ture or anything you have. The City| Television, corner Bond and Division,| 233 King St. West, Oshawa Full or part time SHOWROOM the actual error occupies. The pub- ut ut Oshawa, Mar, 21st lishers endeavor to reproduce ll "ad. FERTILIZERS HARWOOD 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel [Scum str. en PHONE 723-3224 GENOSHA HOTEL For Inharslew 'coodininent : rrecnty, OUT assume ' ' 4 a | -- 3 rooms, new quality no liability of advertisement if any C.LL. 10-6-4 Custom Upholstering on these dates for appoint- |pange -- "Frigidaire" heavy duty; six-{furniture, only $299., inc, complete bed- dias alaisinaecataententunloi Phone. Bowmanville iocetrocies In any form are contained GOLFGREEN : ment piece oak scining room suite, crib and | room, hving room, Kitchen ensembles, LIFT TRUCK Eat Malian OH) Absit 623-2534 erein, EVERGREEN A PHONE 942-1500 mattreds, Telephone 728-7057. ay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable value inrar tone to fake care of two Co. : . % S 7 - oe vase Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe S : Les MacDonald or IT'S EASY TO PLACE A SO-GREEN ELECTROLYSIS 35' BEACH electric range, Lioyd baby 2 Ton Capacity hildren in home, for approximately one buggy, both very good condition, Apply|COMBINATION oil and gas, white kil- * month. Reply Box MI7105 Oshawa Times Stu MacIntosh TIMES ACTION WANT GARDEN SO-GREEN u Ais FOR RENT OR LEASE vB Mitel es oes a ra 723-4641 74 Oshawa Boulevard North chen range, good condition, apartment OR TeenWMeRG GATT BRC as MacDONALD FORD ie rec! soca sate oi = si ) ae WW ee ° : @ NOW OPEN e "abies ONLY Gopinne | TWO SNOW TIRES, 5.00, 5.20.x 14, Cheap. [ter oemnone 2a A Day Week Month or night shift. Salary $50 clear per week SALES 723-3492 Cooper-Smith Co, Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville poet hg Pet Maan loin" Rees Telephone 723-7773 after S p.m. HUBERT MAINTAINER with hydraulic Apply Apply Rainbow Restaurant, Whitby. and areo. Information Call. 668-8103, or 725-8533, "All| WEDDING DRESS, beige spring coal,|pnme, Nace, also, Mydrauilc front end) M. GREENBERG Phie Meee 16 CELINA ST, DARLINGTON replies in strictest confidence! bridesmaid's dress: moss green, ail sizelwith backhoe and shovel attachment AND SONS LTD: HOUSEKEEPER for Whitby area to look LITHO CAMERA INDEX TO UPHOLSTERY er OF Sarieulars selemnans. 72)-e0 er: | Telephone: Orne 20, _308 Bloor E. 728-7301-2 after children and home. No charwork. Tage 139 cee 723-23 1 2 3--Sportsman', & ; Column BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture REFRIGERATOR -- 3 HP cooling equip. a nnnnnnnnnnem= | Must be of gentle and mature disposition. MAN CLASSIFICATIONS 102 King W.., T eimatiaiad ------ ---- and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 i ; é ; A ' Will be made to feel as one of the family. 623-734 SKATE EXCHANGE -- SHARPENING:|Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 Manne 'ononeree, cy A Ai ok "Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish Own quarters with radio and TV. Em- Some experience necessary, 1--Women's Column TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim. Or I'l cot . New, used. Bauer; Hockey equipment a . iaiecaicnes es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee |ployers are professional people. Write uv vf ces PIANOS -- New, by Willis. Established | 4961. | ' Bal 894. Srarhors B: b Immediate employment, 2--Personal them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsiered and re| Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401.11871, $550.00 up. Guaranteed tuned, de- ---- =| Ums, Punch - Bowls, Bridal: | Box 574 scakporo 0, Sabor. Ont. 3--Sportsman's Column 728-0610. styled. Free estimate. See our material ' livered, Reconditioned pianos, $150.00 up daha Reign iether sonics mpl Wear, Men's Formals, White |LADIES' nylon hostery. Make extra PHONE WHITBY 5--Trailers - |for recovering, Dalton Upholstering, 75 6--Marine Equipment Reliable Plana, 2924 Danforth Avenue, |ce0ar chest, dehumidifier, all in, new) Foc. "Mink Stoles money seiling. stockings, Your. own. busk 668-5951 $--Marine Eouioment Instruction _ Charles Street, 723-7212 near Shopper's World, 699-1654 See Parewell Aven phim thks 3 , ness. Easy sales, tremendous profits. Un- --Swap an jorter parr a BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft" ba Pe ca EON # matched quality and price $3. doz. and ony -- = 8--Articles for Sale PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad. RE. UPHOLSTERY by experts. Esiablish. 'Grew", "Traveler" boats. "Evinrude" paibaield ol tthaleg bat pal chal \N REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12; assent ae S RENTALS more. Write now for free literature and/BASS PLAYER and lead guitar player $---Market Basket €d feaching. Trial course includes loaned Free estimates. Credit terme, Matiresses| Motors. Marine Storage and Supply Lid.slby seg4gne ee' NT Inew smooth - top mattresses, $19.95;| 463 Ritson Rd. S 725-3338 {wholesale catalogue, Resion, 10383 Hebert required for western band. Telephone 10--Farmer's Column instrument. Phone 728-2909 eps ¥i 8550S Brooklin 655-3641 Y : ee stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; St, Montreal North, Quebec. 728-6043 1 iooPets. and Livestock tht 3909. i re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa U RED CHESTERFIELD 7 reese severe. Shier 'See LIFT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 Ibs--lift -- - ed 12--Articles Wanted TUITION in Latin, French or Mathe-|holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311. 16FOOT CABIN CRUISER; 40 Ff sis, 058, Ales ahs TON ead bate lanier Kad vers, eee Wottey| 162 to rent by week or month, Apply| EXPERIENCED waitress needed, Apply, TWO MEN (full or part-time), with car, iS Articles for Rant matics by J, C. Luck, BA. 668-2866. vied --| Evinrude electric start; heavy duty Tee| sralr, "ay sd ci pen yc a phelonlts rods ce Bond street hol vu! -- PA °Y| Mackie's Van and Storage, Colonial _Restaurant, 10 Bond Street West |No ges bie toe necessary. Special adi 14--Business Opportunities ENGINEERING or high school training 'Sales and Service Nee trailer. Complete $1200.. Apply 8217257167 ; WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| HOUSEKEEPER fo help care for three| Work. excellent income, Mornings 9 to 12, 1s-ckmploynent Wonted s \ : Jackman Road, Bowmanville. FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service, i id a Light | Telephone 72 5--Employ' 'ante at home. No salesman will call. Free| lSomainaTioN 1, ai 4 | Re + ait k F ti | reducing: machines, sick room supplies. |sma children, one school-age. ig uoasrey rie radio and record) Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free @8tt- | .i4 Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 housework for approximately. one' EXPERIENCED MAN required for ser- able to do layout work. Ne 16--Agents Wanted Guidance Manual. C.1.S.T., Suite 63, 263| 1 17--Female Help Wanted Adelaide Street West, Toron! APPLIANCE. 7--Swap and Barter |player. Good condition. Suitable for re-| mates. 323 King West, 726-7552 ns month, Telephone 725-9980. vice station, Willing to work shifts, in- } ale Help Wanted » Toronto _.|creation room." Apply 118 Divisior HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE = oolng| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred a cluding nights and weekends. Apply Al 19--Male or Female Help Wonted | Te Na REPAIRS THREE-PIECE BATHS, 455; cabinets,|TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashicrs, deska,| out of business, at 105 lohn Street, Winiby,|Peop!e? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|LOCKE'S FLORIST, Oshawa Shopping Desrnorn's' Shell Service Highway 2% 20--Real Estate for Sale anitor Service : : : fi k sinks; sump pumps, Pressure systems,| chairs. Terms. We buy, sell, rent, service, Bargains on ail stock, 668-6361 ects Peta eaceiti Bar, kitchen, pine tibaee artante: nytt aves Thickson's Rd. No phone calls please. = _ ditepseenei-etnanblisipeicii "pert repoi i | 4 ing. 3-21 mornings | . 200--Summer Properties CELLARS CLEANED pert repairs to all makes laundry tubs, piping fitt H. Chinn, [trade New, used. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. | | TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD. Like new. - - ----.|ghould apply, in person, between the OFFICE MANAGER for supervision of 2i--Farms for Sale Trash removed, of washers rve 7 corner Hillside and Park 30 th. CHAIRS, id b 1 hurch househol ir ¢ f , dryers, ranges, 30u' nnable for: "aule » card and banquet tables, churc 10 am: % ' hasing, accounting, and office func- jousehold repairs done. Telephone 723- y vl _|ONE WOMAN'S RED COAT. Worn only) Reasonabi for quick sale. Telephone] ici runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, .412 lh ea oa 6 p.m. at Locke' * Hons of a coaracig ice the 22--Lots for Sale phi d , 2997 etc NEW IN OSHAWA -- While Eina Sewing|twice, $20. Telephone 725-5270 723-7596 CS RIE nike + ig ' LE vie f | ss _______|Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2424, CERES I @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |Senire. 38 Bond West. 725-7181. Special! $50, CASH fo churchés, schools, clubs, or | 1958 PONTIAC, A-l condition} 104 model "--____--"____ | EXPERIENCED seamstress, Engli ngiis ni gsnewa: slid Ged Ade Mays et Lag 24--Stores Offices and Storage Zig Zag Portable, complete $69.50. Trade- 7 a 25--Houses for Rent Money To | Loan ny organization. Sell 50° bottles Watkins, Polaroid camera; Viking floor model TV; 14 Busines: -Opportuniti ies mig (rai. Were sa VOUhia AIT WANTED 2 Wo ROIS UE 26--Avartments_for Rent arrears or a | ALCAN ins accepted. 725-718) i Bula' SHranath VahtiiG Gnd WO peopen iDlasiic lamminatiig' Mace Apply 142 ' e tad wa su --Rooms for Rent you up to $5000 at a . For more information see your Watkins|Bond Street East, Apt. 2, or call 723-8485 |JUST LISTED well equipped garage with eT ar ious clerical duties within our Sajes 3o-- Wanted to Rent veoponanle rate of interest to consolidate! FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 8--Articles for Sale Distributor at 231 Mary Street, any eve-(till 2 p.m. After 3 p.m., call 668-2069 gasoline pumps. Doing excellent turn- RELIARLE "WOMAN ip Gaba free Department. Experience in the building 29---Wan' lo Reni our 's or for any other worthwhile? . See neeree 4 mpmarmeanerrd Li! | 7 ae ----lover, showing high profits. ideal for t. Vicinity, Adelaid od Divi lon, for{euney, "race an asset, Ov pplicants 30--Automobiles for Sole Purpose providing you are steadily em-| So Stnisne © a 14.5 FOOT MASON wood iapstrake with REFRIGERATOR in good condition.) \ a rinershin, Purchase price incl (at. Vicinity, ahae @ diol without experience having good educa- 31--Compact Cars for Sole ployed and have good credit Telephone | 432 le oe Oshawa convertible: top, 30 HP Evinrude, trailer,|FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free.|$60.00. Apply at 910 Donevan Crescent,| Pace, "s ~ 40, 'all Sauinnient be al ba ca pevecnemer Sr three school-a9®: lional qualifications and the ability to 32--Trucks for Sole 723-4631. Telephone 723-001 1 many accessories, 2 years old. Must sell; Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you| Whilby house, extra lot. Asking $32,500 with| 2too7 omer 5.9 ____.| work quickly and accurately will be con- 33--Automobiles Wanted ---!complete.. Motor and "boat just over- [Purchase | from Western Oll Co, 725-1212. iyikiNG NORDIC, electric range, 30",|terms. For particulars call 728-5013. W. O | SEASONAL HELP NEEDED a! once.|sidered. Salary, usual fringe benefits and Automobile Repair BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian b , can-lhauled. I'm in a hurry, will take first|CLEARANCE, new and used .vares.|fully automatic removable oven sides!Martin Realtor nt. sales work wilt) above aver- good possibilities for advancement. Write a and Found Want Ads Don't vas awnings. Complete se @, free esti-' good offer. 728-0884 ; Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725- 'a d 2. old, Like new, Tele-'¢ ai ~ r No experie nce necessary. Bc 700., Oshaw times, giving fill 36--Legal mate " elinek, 72 VACUUM repais ea - -- 16544 Headphone 728-275 SMALL prosperou andiman's bUSINESS | +h ine to i2-nod 238 details of your experience which will be 37. Auctions (SUARANTERD REPAIRE Toi ' a pa all make hoses, eR for sale 9 GMC truck te aluminum hel in strict confidence 38--Coming Events (: t Th Pp sh IRS to all wringer|brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.|BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM windows,|NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-|ladders, Cash, Will consider trade for| TELEPHONE 'canvasser, "shady employ- a _ . FH O Os ey ay washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cail|Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, }doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low|pairs to all maked, New hoses, Phone|late model car Salting for health rea- nent Apply Dumont Aluminum, 333 Sim-| EXPERIENCED waiter wanted. Apply 9--Netices 71744 or 723-0011, ickerina. 'prices! Call 728-5385 er 723-2492. Jack Lees, 728-6954 sons. Aiax, 942-56 South. Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street Norte

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