MR. DITHERS~ 've Gor A GREAT IDEA TO INCREASE ™ won Syodicain, Inn, 1966, World sights renerwedh Fone TY Quick, My. BOY + TELL ME, WHAT IS IT? LET'S PUTA B8UBBLE-GUM MACHINE IN-THE WHY COULDN'T. You HAVE BEEN AS SMART AS YOU ARE DUMB? ANAZUELAN, AGENTS ARE BUSY HIDING FO' SAVIN' MAH LIFE = aa BUT "TWARN'TAS EXTRAVAGANT WELL, YOU SLEPT OVER--OR GOLLY~GEE, SLEPT-- A WHOLE MISS TERRY-- I FEEL LIKE I'VE BEEN SLEEPIN LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY wave LAST CONTINENT WE'LL BE LANDING THING I REMEMBER WAS BEIN' WAKED UP IN THE MIPPLE OF THE NIGHT TO GET TO THE AIRPORT-- WHY": WE PO THAT? STOP BEING $0 NOISY! HERE, LET ME SHOW ~\ YOu HOW/ /" HE'S ABOARD THE PLANE, TOO, DEAR- RIDING IN HIS OWN FIRST-CLASS CABIN, "DOG FASHION- IT'S A GOO? THING YOU HAVE ME A TO TEACH YOU MANNERS io MEON IF 30) Fw. c 'TO 37 | ROSALINDA AWAY FROM (T & RAUL! HE 6 THE ONE T TOOK THE VERY BEGINNING/ i HIS HEART iS COVE ar 5 AT ALL COSTS, HE MUST AVOID STRENUOUS EXERCISE ., "N VANCOUVER , AT 15, PERCY WILLIAMS 18 STRICKEN CRIPPLING aoe" "EXPECT UPRISING AGAINST ACADA." * ONLY ONE LOYAL TO * REVOLUTION EXPECTED ACADA 1S INAUGURATED. GENERALS SION GROWS, PLAN REVOLT. TEN REDS CREATE RIOTS." HIS: UP THE IN SCHOOL, HE Panes MOST iN a WitH ASSASSINS FLEE DOWN THE LONE RANGER LUKE LEADING, THE AY WOULD-BE 'THE MAZE OF PASSAGEWAYS «++ SECRET AGENT X39 HEALTH, HAS A RUNNING 'STYLE AT 18, WEIGHS ALL OF 1/0 L8s.7 GENERAL BELIEVED ACADA." MOMENT THOUGH HE THE FRAILEST MOST LE, AND GROUND way CAPTAIN, THEY VE © King Feotores Syedenn, Ine. 1060. World rights cover vod. RODE; of DONALD DUCK ORTEGAS MICKEY MOUSE APPRECIATE IT! START BOTTIOMCE THE FE STAIRS AND WORK [| T Al YOUR WAY UP'! TO ROSALINDA HOUSE, GALGA! GOo! 660! Hg Pas Som sintn fan 186k. Werkd pee ramen u-M/ MUST NOT HAVE BEEN ANYTHING IMPORTANT... HE bt WASN'T SCREECHING / MUGGS AND SKEETER -------- .) EALOUS AND HURT, SKEETS PRICE ,, EVE'S ROOMMATE ,, HAS SENT AN ANONYMOUS LETTER TO EARL DELMONICO.., HEY, EARL. YOU FORGOT TO \. READ YOUR (2 NO RETURN ADDRESS. AND IT'S CERTAINLY NOT FROM EVE, > - | 4, Member ofa proverbial trio ACROSS 1. Adhesive 6. Deadly 11,A part owner, on Broadway and off 12. Worship 13. Pal 14. Willie Mays' teammates 15. Evening sun god 16. Biggest 17, Municipal officer in Scotland Peddled Compass point Cameroons tribe sound 6. Sprites 7. Proverb 8. Accent 9. Lincoln Center specialties 10. For fear that 14. Dolls, in a way 16, Chinese 19. measure 21, 19. Vichy, 22. for one 5. Stammering 18. Girl's name = > my GQ & 23. Forbid 24, Ex- clama- tion Put in cay fz en ojo 26. Denes WG) =r Wiclob 28. Saturday's Answer Hades: Old Eng. 33. Make amends for 34, Abraham's birthplace 35. Colombian Indian 36, Winglike 31. 37. Cowpoke's nickname 39. Egyptian god 40. Disembark 42, Abyss 44. Academic degree 25. | Te 27. Beg Miss 5 14 9 |10 ye Bernhardt 29. Roman bronze 80. Babyl, god 32. Separation center 83, Kidnap 35. More flavorful 38. Man's nickname 41. Apportions 42, Cougar 43. New England state 44. American buffalo 45. Fortified 46, Booth DOWN 1. Covenant 2. Dull pain 3. Falls | YOUR HEALTH Trying But 0 for a boy of 12 to be completely matured?. His voice has changed and his feet are large, under- arm hair has appeared, there is fuzz on his lip and pimples over his nose. And why would he have an underarm odor. de- deodorants? --Mrs. D. F. ahead of average age of puberty but there can be quite a varia- tion without being abnormal. If any serious glandular disturb- ance were present, you prob- ably would have detected signs of it a good deal earlier. Assuming that the boy is just a good bit on the early side, here are some suggestions The oil and sweat glands be- come extremely active at lu- berty, which accounts for both spite a daily bath and use of| This lad is about two years| Puberty Variation kay By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Is it normal|the pimples and odor. Scrupu-| lous bathing is essential but} shaving underarm hair. will also help besides. Frequent use of soap and wa- ter on the face, and copious rinsing can do much to pre- jvent pimples (acne); however, your doctor may have other sug- | gestions if the trouble continués. I doubt that you have any need to worry, but an examina- tion by your doctor would set at rest any doubt on that score. Dear Dr. Molner: My 13-year- old daughter has a noticeable growth of dark hair on her up- per lip. She has become ex- it. Is there any way this hair _ TELEVISION 10:00 P.M. 11--The Merv Griffin Show | %The Big Valley | #2--Run For Your Life 7--Ben Casey 6-3--The Sixtiees 4--Art Linkietter 10:30 P.M. 6--Toronto File 3--Mona McCluskey Channei 2--Buftaio Channel 3--! Channet Channel Channe} Channel 8--Rochester Channel %Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton creneamnetenres meme ats MONDAY EVEMH® 5:00 P.M, | 10:45 A.M. N--Paemiy Treetre 6-3--Chez see 1:00 P. ee ta 19-4-7-4-4-3-9--News) 6--Music Hop | Were el Pee. 1:15 P.M, 6-- Viewpoint $--Metro Final 11:20 P.M, 2.4--Lete Show | Nigh Haire | 11:30 P.M, Saint S-Leave mn To Beever) | 6:00 P.M. 7--Twilight Theatre é--Reach For The Top | 4--News, Sporte with | Check Heely 6:20 P.M, News 30 PLM. N--Femily Theatre ar ~The 4--Sports -- Weather #-2--Tonight 3--Third- Man nin 1:40 PM | +-3--N eether %--Plerre Berton | i were 7 4--The Long Hot. Summer} 12:30 A.M. | li--News; Weather; Soprts) News Cap | * @--Huntley-Brinkley News 3--Cheyenne é--Aqoss Coneda 7:00 P.M. Ti--My Three Sons 9--Thunderbirds &--Dobie Gillis | 4--News, Weather, Sports| 4--Mike's Carnival 4--Littlest Hobo %--Piaytime With Uncle 3--Honey West Bobby 2--Huntley-Brinkiey | % 01 For Dollars With Girt Fe i 9:30 A.M. 9--Meta #2--Hullabaloo | 7--12 O'clock High | Scorer aun Lae 63--Don Messer's Jubliee| - ig 4--To Tell The Truth 10:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M, | 1}--Whiplash #2--John Forsythe Show +3--The Fugitive } | 4--I've Get A Seerel | 6-3--Ivanhoe | 8:30 PLM. 4! Love Lucy | Sait tong 10:30 A.M. | --Andy Griffith i h-Dr. Klidare aie 7--The Legend of Jesse James se | i coewtraee Show | 7--Donna Reed sige: Paes igh |63--Friendly Giant | %--Country Music Hen | 4--The McCoys | 82--Kraft Music Hall 10:45 A.M. 7--Man Called | Bobby | #2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Chez Helene | 11:00 A.M, i |--Mike Douglas | | ®--Mr. and Mrs |8-2--Morning | Star 7--Supermarket Sweep $-3--Butternut Square Shenandoah +3--Show of the Week 4--Andy Griffith 9:30 PLM. Y JPeyton Place 4--The Law and Mr. Jones | 11:20 A.M. \63--Across Canada point. troubles, but more likely is the|it will not Further, while similar growth apparent. Fine hair in brunettes} moved the is more prominent. lyou of this The three main' ways of /have remedying the situation are by by electrolysis. |They don't. Bleaching 's_ simplest quite often satisfactory. Try it| humidifier solves your daughter's self-con-|J. M. sciousness. | to popular belief, make }. | %Playtime With Uncl | 1---@eneral Heepttes |+42--To Tell The Trot 7 axe W been thinking that these new hairs shaving, bleaching, or removal/are the old ones growing back. and) Dear Dr. LOG 11:30 A.M. $--Abracedabra &2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 1i--Noon Time %--1 Love 8-2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrow jeonday Repert 12:45 P.M, l--News ¢4----Gulding Light 1:00 P.M, Theatre 9--Morning Star 6--Matines 7--Ben Ca: 6--Luncheon Date 4-hemtt the Millers Movie 2-Alke ~Deugles Show 1:30 P.M. 9--James Beard Show Kids Is People 7--Nurses 4-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 PLM, %--Deer Charlotte 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. 11--Donna Reed %--Fractured Phrases $4--Another World 3:30 P.M, 1i--Funny Company %--It's Your Move &-You Don't Sey 7--Superman Show 4--tdge of Wight &--Kartoon Karnivel 4:00 P.M. $--Mickey Mouse Chub 8--The Match Geme 7--Early Show 6-3--Bonnie Rudden Show 4--Secret 3--Rocky and His Priends THE OSHAWA TIARS,. _ 'Monday, March 7, 1966 13 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Individual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS North dealer. East-West vulnerable, wore @Al042 © o-- K1T6483 3h: Opening lead--four of hearts, This hand occurred in the Trials played in Dallas in 1964. At five of the nine tables where the deal was played, the final contract was six diamonds, usu- ally with South as declarer. The three club bid was Stay- man and requested South to re- spont with a four-card major suit if he had one, Three dia- monds was an artificial re- sponse denying a four-card ma- jor. North then jumped to six diamonds. In most cases South made seven. He won the heart (or diamond) lead, drew trumps, and discarded dummy's clubs on the A-K-Q of hearts. A suc- cessful spade finesse then gave him all the tricks for a score of 940 points. At one table South stopped at five diamonds, and at two tables South played in three no- trump, It was at the ninth table that South became declarer at an extraordinary contract--six clubs! 8 This came about in the fol- lowing manner: 2 Pass Pasa 8NT 4@ Pass Pass 4NT Pass Obviously, the final contract was inferior to six diamonds. The two club bid followed by two notrump showed a balanced. hand with at least 22 points, The three club bid was Staye man, The response of three no trump, as played by this par ticular pair (Kantar and Mathe), not only denied a four card major but indicated that the opener's longest suit was clubs. Something must have gone wrong in the subsequent bid-« ding, because the final contract was six clubs. The odds were at least 20 to 1 against making six clubs. Among other things, the trumps had to be divided 3-3 with East having the A-Q, but when this turned out to be the case, South made the slam for a score of 920 points. DEVICE REVOLUTIONARY NEW YORK (AP) -- Radio Corp. of America announced. it had developed a tiny semi-con- ductor device that may open a wide range of untapped micro- wave frequencies for use in pic- ture - taking radar and indus- trial and military communica- tions and control. The device ppp rg microwaves at up to 40,000,000,000 cycles a second, the first solid-state type known to operate reliably above 10,000,- 000,000 cycles a second. SALLY'S SALLIES you're Featherweight Cham pion, please use a pillow in stead of your fist." INCOME from the psychological stand-|vidual hairs by electrolysis is | |perfectly feasible and is the At this age, the hair growth! only permanent method. Once a | rarely is related to glandular|hair is removed 'by this means, return. It is possible result of family characteristics. |for hairs, now very fine, to be- come more noticeable as time | may occur in blondes, it is not!passes, and they can be re- same way. I warn because some folks needlessly upset, Molner: Would a help my sinus trou- and see whether it sufficiently|ble? Our house is very dry -- If at other times of your year | If not, shaving is safe and|sinuses aren't bothersome, it is tremely self - conscious aboutjeffective. It does not, contrary|a reasonable supposition that the | the | dryness is irritating the tissues, ican be removed safely? -- Mrs./hairs grow coarser or heavier,|and some method of keeping the 8. J Yes, something can be done, | and it is important to do so but does have to be repeated /air moist regularly to prevent stubble. ~ humidifier or pans jof water near the heating vents Finally, removal of the indi-ijshould be expected to help you. "s TAX The Employee's Income Tax Service Which has been operating in the area for the past three years is now located in the Auto Workers Credit Union Bld. (King St. W.) T.f Short Form