"Hh 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 5, 1966 IN THE INTEREST OF HELP TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN DUPLATE (Canada) LTD. OSHAWA T. G. GALE LTD. THESE SERVICES THESE SERVICES 284 Ritson Rd. North Oshawe ARE ARE " 5 See | PROVIDED BY 7 PROVIDED B . ive SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. YOUR | | EASTER SEAL a e.. EASTER SEAL phic ea, er, DOLLARS : .. i DOLLARS ie tite : | , HAMBLY BEVERAGES LTD. sm 4 ; 2 385 Bloor St. West 723-1141 Visits x : y ' = © Weeks At Camp -- | é R 3 © Hearing, Speech, PEDLAR PEOPLE LTD. © Medical Clinics y Physical and OSHAWA Occupational © Crutches > bolle | Some) 0 ae Therapy IS Oshawa Shopping Centre NORTHSIDE-CHRYSLER (Whitby Ltd.) 916 Brock St. North Whitby 668-3368 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 266 King St. West Oshewe Like Hundreds of Other Unfortunate Boys and Girls, Depend On Your Generosity for Help! CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB 1965 : = : 933 Ritson Rd. South Oshewe [EX AND Fis | CREDIT BUREAU (OF OSHAWA LTD.) 286 King St. West | C ' c D eC c A MILLS CUSTOM FLOORS - Sa" mee 6 he oe ee © ss al PEACOCK LUMBER Every crippled child in Ontario must have encouragemeni end the opportunity to overcome their handicap. LTD. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children and its associated service clubs asks the public's support through Easter Seal ' contributions to make this goal possible. 328 Ritson Ra. North bessiee td In every community -- small hamlet and large cities in Ontario -- there are crippled children needing help. ; Social position, race, colour or creed offer no immunity. Crippling conditions can occur in many ways, Babies are born with cleft palates, deformed or missing limbs, absence of nerve and muscle control or one of scores of impediments to LES EVENISS SALES LTD natural physical development. Disease causes many physical disabilities that can have a life-long effect. In these days of greater speed and increased accidents on the highways, children too are being involved each year in greater numbers -- so accidents contribute to many crippling conditions. : Prince St., Oshawa 725-4632 The finest programme of treatment and rehabilitation for crippled children can be found right here in Ontarie and this has only been possible because the people of this province have faithfully supported the Easter Seal campaign. Every Easter Seal contribution is beneficial to a crippled child. Every Ontario citizen who can help -- should help. ARMSTRONG Custom Homes OSHAWA AJAX Rolling Hills Estetes Southwoed Park YOU ARE SER <] Ge POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY MR, JAMES McCANSH, Trecsurer Easter $eal Campaign, Bank of Montreal, 38 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA, ONT. TO HELP ROTARY CLUB OF OSHAWA ted ith Srterio Seciety For Crippled Children. ARETURN YOUR PINK ENVELOPE -- GIVE GENEROUSLY § FITTINGS LimrTED Sponsored by Oshawa Rotary Club in conjunction with -Ontario Society for Crippled Children 135 BRUCE OSHAWA Gi ) my» COULTER MANUFACTURING 28 Richmond St. W. 725-4736