Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Victorian Order Nurse Busy During February WHITBY (Staff) -- A total of} The VON Board, meeting in B44 wintdn emu mnda in Whith: BA Vinato Were maawe st hv the Victorian Order Nurse |... ; dur' Wiis, Tee Hundred!" . yp eg visits have been |cases were listed during 1 made this year. lary. | Women's Group Collecting Nylons The Almonds United Churchjare sent to Trinidad for distri- Women Afternoon Group held|bution there. its March meeting wednesday; A bus trip is being planned in the Sunday school hall. |for sometime in May. A com-| The meeting was opened by|mittee was appointed to make President, Mrs. F. J, Reed who'arrangements. spoke on the theme of the Wo-| Mrs. George Bowcott, who w men's World day of Prayer|in charge of the devotional per- "Here are my Witnesses'. Shejiod, gave a fine message on mentioned some of the witnes-|"Brotherhood". Mrs. Percy Pas- sing being done in Korea. 'coe read the scripture selections. A letter from the Evening} A skit entitled "how long is Group invited the members tojever After" was given by Mrs. meet with them on the evening|John Newton and Mrs. Loyal of April 19. \Pogue. An informal discussion Members were asked to bring;and a social time was spent in their old nylons to be sentjover a cup of tea. to Korea and also used copies} The next meeting will be of the 'Upper Room" which April 6, at 1 p.m. | Business Luncheon Discussed St. Andrews Presbyterian Wo-jwedding reception April 9 and men, Group No. 2, met Mon-jthe auction sale in the Whitby . day evening at the home of}Community Arena, April 23 R d I Mrs. A. pad Thickson rd. s.| Mrs. Gray was named con-! equire n for its monthly meeting which|venor for the nursery which the opened-with dessert and coffee,|Group is to be in charge of at WHITBY (Staff) -- At least followed by the business and'the Auction. three new school sites are re- Bible Study. Rev. W. J. S. McClure led the quired by. the: Whitby Public Plans were discussed for the/discussion on the study "Hymn School system in the next two business luncheon to be held atijof Creation" and closed the'or three years. Such recom- the Sunday School April 20, the meeting with prayer mendation was made by the Whitby. School Board upon re- Members Approve Club Rules quest by the Ontario County Public School Consultative Com- The Whitby Whittlers TOPS;tion should be shown to these mittee. Club met Tuesday evening at;members at all future meet-| School sites should be obtain- Kathleen Rowe School. Thejings ed in the Bowman - Anderson meeting was opened by the| The "Queen" for the month'area; west of Annes st. and, club leader, Mrs. Alice Boy-jof February was Mrs. Kayienlargement of the present site chyn, who had each memberjAllen. She was crowned and;occupied by the Palmerson st recite the 'Tops Pledge." jpresented with a gift by the school. Property just west of The executive drew up some|club leader, The "Queen" for the Palmerston school may be very interesting items concern-|the week was Mrs. Anna Fowler |available ing club rules and procedures.|with a 84 pounds lost Negotiations are now under- The membership gave a Mrs. Millie Jones was the!way to acquire a site for the thorough discussion and sup-|club's guest for the evening proposed 22-room senior public port to these matters. and a warm welcome was ex- school. Other school sites will Whitby Whittlers now have'tended to her by all members. also be required in the future three KOPS: Mrs. Mary Hew-! Total loss for members in to provide educational facilities lett; Mrs. Margaret Devolin'the past week was 3414 pounds. 'for in-filling of neighborhoods and Mrs. Lorraine Willets. All| Coffee was served by Mrs. within. the town boundaries. are very proud of the efforts;Anne Galas and Mrs. Doreen These requirements would be of these girls. Special recogni-'Carrington more acute should annexation i or amalgamation become a Spring Bonnet Tea Planned reality, The school board explained St. Mark's United Churchi'Getting to Know You," wasiseveral solutions to problems Women held its general meet-'led by Mrs. -H. T. Fallaise with |faced by the local educators in the Assembly Hall Mar. 1,/Units One and Two taking! Establishment of a five-year with a very good attendance. part. plan with staging of needs in! Members of All Saints' Angli-' Mrs. C. Broughton, Miss J./priorities is one program that can Church were guests. Newton and Mrs. J. Smithjis regarded as a 'must'. Such The president, Mrs. A. Price,'!spoke on various ways of "Get- program could be accomplished opened the meeting using|ting to Know You," such asiout of current funds. "Friendship" as her thought for/working, studying, exchanging) Another phase of correction the day. Mrs. M. Beadle read of ideas, worshipping, sociabil- for the problems could be the the minutes of the February ity and learning to appreciate planning of a five-year plan for meeting. jeach other. capital expenditures. These It was announced that the} Mrs. G. EF. Broughton render- | could be drawn over this period, Spring Bonnet Tea would be ed a solo called "Charity."" She from current funds with the held Mar. 25 from 2.30 till 5 was accompanied by Mrs. R. A. assistance of the department of p.m. Hand-made hats will be Phair jeducation renovation grants modelled and there will be a Unit No. 10, under Mrs.|The present five-year plan for home bake sale. James Anstey's leadership, | capital expenditures requiring The spring luncheon will be served tea. A social time was debenture issues by the town on May 3. Reports were given enjoyed by all should also be up-dated: from the Oshawa Presbyterial) The next general meeting) Continued in-service. training annual meeting by Mrs. G. will be the Easter Thankoffer- and education of the present Sawyer and Mrs. Harold Quan-|ing April 5, at & p.m. with school staff allied to a competi- trill. Miss B. McLean as guest |tive salary schedule was recom- The program, on the theme'speaker. mended. This will promote pro-| eee us . q "fessional growth and attract! Hydro Utility Bill Defeated RAE R. TORONTO (CP)----About 20,-|sell power to residents at rates 000 residents of a built-up area!lower than the rural rates in Pickering Township on the Ross Whicher (L--Bruce) sup- eastern limits of Metropolitan|ported the bill, claiming that Toronto lost out in a bid Thurs.|rural hydro users were not re- day to pay urban instead of|ceiving a square deal from Hy- rural hydro rates. dro. He said their rates were} Pickering Township asked the twice as high as urban dwel-| legislature's private bills com. 'lers mittee to approve a bill that! The bill also had some Con- would let the urban area of the Servalive support harnessed by wote--to--estoblight Alhort. Walker..(PC.._.Otftame)| its own hydro utility whose riding includes Picker-! The idea was that the loca}/i"8- The bill was defeated by hydro. commission could then/the committee by a vote of 51) purchase power from Ontario to ll. 4a. re tat ule Wwiantwy 1h wae HYDRO HONORS Ontario Hydro Chairman W. Ross Strike, left, pre- sents long-service award to Howard §. Graham, who has served 15 years on the Newcastle Public Utilities Commission. Mr, Graham was one of 21 municipal commissioners honored for eahodine Utes munmicipanty Snag mate nAe A. mma SAMO BR Adaw Maseh A. I98a. @ ar a ; = Fe¥m WOE 6 tiene Road Work" Subsidy Set The 1966 allotments to muni-| cipalities tor normal work ex- penditures eligible for subsidy were announced in the legis. lature this week by Hon. C. §.|- nington, $10,000; Pickering, $25,- 000; Port Perry, $25,000. The allocations for Durham County municipalites are: Cart- wright, $52,000; Cavan, $68,000; Clarke, $110,000; Darlington, $165,000; Hope, $70,000; Man- vers, $50,000; Bowmanville, $45,- 000; Port Hope, $71,000; Mill- brook, $13,000; Newcastle, $13,- no Three School Sites REAL ESTATE Sales * Caluations Pe y Vonrut Heart Consultations. = minister of high-| FUN! FUNI FUNI The total for Ontario County | is $3,248,000 of which $1,610,000 is for construction and $1,638,- 000 for maintenance. The total for Durham and Northumber- land Counties is $2,213,000 of which $815,000 is for construc- | j tion. The County of Ontario allo- jcation amounts to $965,000 of| AREA RESIDENT jwhich $500,000 1s for construc-| |tion. Oshawa's total is $980,000 : a gary of which #599900 is for con- Ae ae ee rith joint (struction, The total for Whitby annual meeting of the On- |i8 $135,000 of which the con- tario Municipal Electric |Struction portion is $75,000. | Association and the Associ- The figures for Ontario County | ation of Municipal Electri- | municipalities are: Brock cal Utilities in Toronto, Feb. |Township, $80,000; Mara Town-| 97-Mar. 2. ship, $70,000; Pickering Town-| --Ontario Hydro Photo |ship, $340,000: Rama Township, | $30,000; Reach Township, $80,-| 000; Scott Township, $50,000; Scugog Township, $20,000; Tho- rah Township, $40,000 Uxbridge Twonship, $70,000; Whitby Town- ra ship, $150,000; East Whitby' Whitb Township, $90,006. y Ajax, $40,000; Uxbridge, $27,- 000; Beaverton, $20,000 needed personnel, the local pea Serene board suggested. County Council, Should the high The size of the school Sys-|school districts be located sat- tem should be continually ex- | isfactorily they. may provide for| panded, This fact is made ap-lestablishment. of Boards of parent by the prospective nat- | education. ural increases within the town and the possibility, of annexa- tion or amalgamation. The school board suggested a broad approach to educational needs be. taken. Amalgamation of town and township schools through joint action of the two boards or through total amal- gamation of the two municipali through grade 13. ties may be necessary. The board suggested a grad- The establishment of a board | Ually increased assessment base | of education could also be con-|!8 necessary especially to in- sidered when the Whitby Dis-| Crease the proportion of indus- rict High School Board and trial assessment to residential public schools of the area cover Expanded industrial growth will the same district. Such estab- make possible the required| lishment could be carried out as educational facilities without} has been done in other dis- greatly increasing the taxes to} tricts, it was suggested the town's property owners | The effects of annexation by In ending the brief, the local the town of portions of the board recommended establish- township could have great in-)ment of a county consulting fluence on the school systems|committee for secondary school | of both municipalities. Through! matters. This committee should such action or, amalgamation|meet jointly with the public of the boards, improved main-|school consulting committee. ' Consideration could also be given to re-organizing or join- ing of present high school dis- tricts to promote areas of suf-| ficient size and numbers of} pupils. This program would} help provide a full range of services from _ kindergarten Hard-muscled power for medi- ibility a fisherman wants for slow-speed trolling. Chrysier en- gineered to give you dependable performance, More hp. per pound than other major out- boards in its class. SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS 3.5+6+9.2+20+35+45 80 +75 +105 HP Wilde Renta Service & Sales 1415 Dundas St, E. WHITBY Ph: 668-3226 tenance services could be pro- vided at a greatly reduced cost. Stronger purchasing power could also be obtained. Agreements among. several school boards in the district could also lead to improved special services on a broader regional basis. It may be pos- sible to provide . psychological services, a central film library, and other special consultant services. These would be serv- ices that smaller boards could not economically afford Another point brought for- ward in the brief to the Coun- ty Consultative Committee dealt GRADER OPERATOR TOWN OF WHITBY PERMANENT POSITION Experienced Grader Operator Required Applications should be submitted to Mr. G. €. Gouldburn, Works Supervisor, Town ef Whitby, 405 Dundes St. W., Whitby, Ontario. Reeve--Everett Quentrill, Chai » P ¢ le with even more far reaching implications. It was suggested that reorganization or consolida- tion of the present high school) and public school areas might} be considered by the Ontario | JONES The Graduates Up Beat Music for g & z Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M, Matinee Soturdey 3 P.M, to S P.M. 7] DUNDAS Hydro and distribute ittohome-| owners at lower rates than those charged by hydro for rural dwellers A private bill was necessary because of general legislation, passed in 1951 prohibiting any portion of a municipality from establishing its own hydro utility by av of the affected rate- pidinditly 5 L. R. McDonald, counsel for Ontario Hydro, told the com mittee there was no proof that a local hydro utility in the built-up area of Pickering could PHONE AT RIGHT TIME NORTHAMPTON, Eng- land (CP)--An advertisement in a local paper offering a truck for sale advises interested buy- ers to telephone at any :time ex-| cept during the owner's favorite! television show. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP © Wolipeper and Murele @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ C.LL. Paints and Varnishes @ Fle-Giaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 i think | At ony rate, more than company fleet | managers used to think after figuring the whole thing out on their computers Seagram' CANADIAN RYE WHISKY DHTRLED AnED AnD borTLAD 8! BOND UNCER CAKADAN COVERIAIENT BLN JOSEPH E. SEAGRAM & SONS You wont believe the price! HOW MUCH LUXURY IS ECONOMICAL? In our changing times, more than you The stripped-down company austerity model with 6 cylinders and "pizezz"' is gradually being prepleced with middle and top-line V-8 models. How come? For economical reasons. The tastes of used car buyers reflecting our wealthy economy has created a premium morket for the luxury model used car. um-size runabouts, plus the flex- | -- a This is largely offsetting the cost to the original owner A survey of 82 companies buying and leasing fleets of cars, shows better then half are replacing the typical company "tin can' with higher priced models, Automatic transmissions ere standard and power optionals commonplace. The fleet monagers said the bigger V-8. motors enabled them to keep cars on the rood longer with less maintenance. There is @ lesson in this for mony private Whitby and Oshawa Grea owners who purchase a 6 cylinder with economy in mind when they do a lot of highway driving. There is just no economy in ges or maintenance in driving @ six cylinder car ot high speeds on the highwoy, Decide what you went. Reminds me of the movie starlet who confronted her monoger as lad) | on her budding: coreer: "Do | buy a sweater too smoll and >" become a star or one too large and become a folk singer? NORTAGIDE CHRYSLER DODGE 918 BROCK ST_N « WHI ONT wT Ok SE On w= alelelal 4 DISCOUNT = BOMBSHELL 10 ONLY English Bone China DINNER SETS 40 pieces (open stock) Heritage Georgian Shape, Roslyn design. rh aleieiela; DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 12 ONLY TRAY AND GLASS SETS Queens Lustre ware, 6 glosses, ice bucket and mirror chrome tray. 9.99 4 DISCOUNT > BOMBSHELL 100 ONLY English Bone China CUPS and SAUCERS English bone china cups and saucers, choose from beautiful potterns and colors by Aynsley. Boxed for gift giving. 147 60 ONLY Royal Orchid Tex Made Blankets 72 x 84 Tex-Made Blankets in pink, blue, mauve, roses with white background, made of viscose and nylon, KRYy DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL La id I" ™ King Size Corduroy | GUSH Ss ho 20 x 20 in Kelly green, tongerine, gold and red colors. 60 ONLY DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 4.99 Lsialala/ DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL 200 YDS. EUROPEAN SAIL CLOTH in fancy assorted kitchen prints. 57°. 18 ONLY KITCHEN CHROME CHAIRS Sturdy tubular construction in mauve, yellow and 9.99 ... On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby blue only.

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