Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Mar 1966, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Merch 4, 1966 'urn Your "Don't + WwW ants" Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Sek Ses -- Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. |8--Articles For Sale _|13--Articles For Rent 117---Female Help Wanted -- ee ee SCOTT'S Sy R J. SCOTT b2 RECTORY I~ --_ rand i i NYiIN Estate Sole | RENTALS \ A JOMEN Chesterfield, two chairs $50; OF ALL KINDS ANTED Kitchen Cabinet $15; Couch é $12; G.E. Frig $100; Dinette SANDING MACHINES Casual Catering and | Suite $12; Sewing Machine Oscillating sanders, disc sand- domestic work Y $7;° Chest Drawers $J0; ers, belt sanders, floor sand- . ; Mortgages Sales and Service Man vou Writing Desk $5; Chest $12; ers. PHONE Accountants gee jorrgeg é 4 AKD SEO RONN Table, 5 choirs $75; Lawn PLUMBER'S TOOLS lteter 2 * i SOME. OFTHE RELIC i . F : : ; DELOITTE, PLENDER, on ae Aa and Fogg EF MANGAN, ac, Salicie. APPLIANCE : aa at DAY Ae Sas es at a Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise 725" 9388 ee RIA 6. waters, CA, osh'| Bast,' Oshawa, 728-8232, : SERMONS MUST MAVE | j be tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe Riel EA, RIAs 5. A sats le MORTGAGE REPAIRS : y ' BIEN Wo HOURS Machine $25; ~ Veranda cutters, pipe threading dies, - ----_-- WALL, BA, CORE en Hea Building Trades Expert repairs to all makes \) eave Sal bie: Eels ae | ee 'STENOGRAPHER nt , s iy 4 cc e bl n Chartered Accounts Sy Hall, LOANS of washers, dryers, ronges, tort, May. be seen Friday and PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT BOOKKEEPER : id % "perk, CA; etc. : ' Stepladders, aluminum ex- 5: Graham macilan -- WINTER RATES ' @ ALSO PARTS.AVAILABLE @ Ce |. Monday up to 2 o'clock, all tension ladders, ladder jacks, Required' for accounting of- : day Sunday fice. Must be experienced. @ORDON R. DAY, Certified Genera! : Moneys available for first ; : oly steel scaffolding, compres- , ; enced, Accountant, Suite 206W, Oshawa Shop- Till March 21st and second mortgages. Open ALCAN 840 SIMCOE N sors, spray guns, wallpaper State qualifications, experi- i | / . i ilability ond salary oo Pic chd anette e ADDITIONS mortgages. No bonus. First FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES | steamers, tarpaulins, blow ence, avai y canes Accounting . on Cc i " quirement to: pd , Keeping service, 299 vidios @ BATHROOMS mortgages, second mortgages 353 Cpa $<. Odes 123. 7026 torches, propane torches. fequiremery South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7608. | @ KITCHENS, ETC. are arene for sale pur- Telephone 723-0011 4 WELDING EQUIPMENT BOX 16833 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered A . SLs ee nhs Aad ' - -- Acetylene welding outfits, tant, Licensed Trustee, 17° Bond 'Street ALL TRADES F. SWARTZ --- ce = oe ee OSHAWA TIMES. Ets Teembon a8 _--| CO-ORDINATED | ™F. Septic Service ai, | YAMAHA reer ietiserd a ALBERT HOSMAR, Charter 26¥2 King St. East SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service OMAHAWK / : ~ Sih ah ie ' P Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, M 4 Pie ' hy A WOODPECKERS Cement mixers, finishing JU | R pi Tolephens 723-1221. : RE ODELLERS Oshawa, Ontario. Wart Witten etic ereen ment CHEYENNE RIVER. LOCATE INSEC | SPOR TSCYCLES trowels, wheel borrows, elec- N O HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- FREE ESTIMATES 723-4697 |] Sioux NDIAK, 15 SAID 40 Gorowies mine AN " ie Satuc tric virétor Wie. comprenior, CLERK ed Accountants, Financial Trade Burt 723-0966 Surveyors 2 | WAVE BEEN 4KE ONE WHO ARELS ? gYELAS a kann jack hommers, hand. trowel, 108, ios Sc0h vt Hopkins, CA; H. E 5 ina Member oF HOPE orem ~|DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario) !LLED SITTING BULL THE 7 IVES LESS @ Rentols water pumps, portable heat- For telephone ond general Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, C _| 2Pensoring Member o . Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prinis cakes BY SouxDing. ANAK MOMS, '" ' ers, steel scaffolding, electric office duties. Apply stad teste -- ot EI SRR ae ATER io Street, | u SSACREL» nasseemanemeers | to | m. t set i YALE, FRIEDLAND' AND CO M & sf | Pe meme eer emg war ova er prerenet am Pp generator, ramset, power ro ' ccountants, Licensed Trus- Oortgage LOGNS |i: rtim AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lona ote 27 im outh ar. mero sie Simcoe Street gag Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone! 723-8711 ers, electric hammers, mason 3 Simcoe Se ' ary saw, building jacks Sg ____} NELLIS 7 fe) 725-6881. * |LADIES' nylon "honey, Make axtve No! 2% ------ $$. ----_-- ; R DON P. + mortar mixers, mortar boxes, | mone . - * ' y selling stockings. Your own busi- Barristers HOM : TV--Readio Repairs |8--Articles for Sale : |8--Articles for Sale O ON SPORTS chain hoist, miter saws, elec- |nese Easy sales, tremendous profits. Un, EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and) II te 75% OF VALUE sana * PET ern | TAUNTON RD. E tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' |matched quality and price $3, doz. and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, ' Uust East of 5 Points) band sow, 4" joiner, sand |™more Wrile now for free literature and } z » sow, J ' wholesale catalogue. Resion, 10383 Hebert a Hpaanl Se Cantons 723046; t K| IMPROVEMENTS CALL KATES Yo PRICE Discover the swinging world of blaster, power tamper, power {St., Montreal North, Quebec. Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K. post hole auger ° Bryan 66, FAS Sits, anne and GENERAL 728-1653 YAMAHA week. st) Yo ert" Nagata Ws Horwoce $60 to start. 942-2212. 96 Harwood QC; 723-47 ECONOMY AND Big savings on Skating Out- en ees snes | S TA N : S South, Aiax Mortgages arranged. -- its for the whole family dur- -ENIRER Saree GREER AND aa re aa, folic REPAIRS GUARANTY TRUST DELUXE es bag Sy Arg Sead ANTENNA 7 ae ene SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD. {colonial Restaurant Teoma "Sreet Went, r : 5 Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, Company ef Coneda Priced to suit your budget - : . 233 K t. West, Oshawa oe CLERK -- experienced, over 25, Ge, sa Terence V. vig Se 728-2061 fe 6 St. E TERMS ARRANGED from $7.25 pr. SALE ae ee ' peat 723-3224 If nour' week. ABPIY B32 arin to. 1 ame Thomas H. Jermyn, ' - 3 ing . = " VOL P| a.m, to 12, Tam Iblyn Drugstore, Oshawa Shopping Centre, ; Flatbars -- Channels | -- ~ KOWSKY, BA, Oshawa, Ontario 303 RIFLE ' ont : | : QUALIFIED HAIRDRESSER wanted. ANTHONY SOMES USEMETLN| Evenings 723-8987 | OSHAWA TV 1 Only -- 10 Element RMS sheets -- Plate Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- [Cant wettin conmnoReSSen, tat Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5.30 a. e ¢ a 4 Travelling wave type Chan- Square tubing Pipe es Cutlery, Glasses, "Coffea Heidi's Modern Hairstyling, 367 Wilson Evening appointmen GEE Ss ete alae eco FIRST and SECOND SUPPLY LIMITED ee oe nels. Reg. 59.00 Contact Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridol |South. (Windsor Plaza), 723-5631, HUMPHREYS N, and HILL- reliability, this rugged gun 3 3| 28-7301-2 e / . |EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES n BAN. Barristers, Oraiciors. "a6 King MORTGAGES TAUNTON RD. E. will deliver years of satis- SALE 29.50 308 Bloor E., 728-7301-2 Wear, Men's aghons White |RIN Restaurant, 415 Brock south o Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, bask f 6 price? All Classes ---- Just East of Ritson factory 'shooting | TELEVISION, 21" console model, power| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles Plaza Cc: G. §. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, ooking for i ' ; . 10" speaker. Telephone sity 1; engenca? 725s Whitby SUMMERLAND 123 8]3] $24.95 3 Only 7 Element RMS {os Seth SARGEANT'S RENTALS |HOUSEKEEPER jo heip care for three y small children, one school-age. Light uaa ce ta NMA On Remodelling kitchens, bath- SUMMERLAND Travelling Wave type Chan- |j-6.m> ELeeTRIC jtypewriter Compiete-| 463. Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 housework tor approximately one Is. Reg. 49.00 liy overhauled, by 1.B.M. factory. Tele - ~ month. Telephone 725- 9980. rst mortgage funds available. | SECURITIES LIMITED SNOW | IRES bu |phone 728-8147 a Bead tech Bwithedecbes sina rooms, rec-rooms, saan A der is LOCKE'S FLORIST, Oshawa Shoppi SALE 2450 ELECTRIC STOVE, four burner, LIFT TRUCK 0 a] Jam ancroony sentir 4 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 Centre, requires the services of a full tle, The Commercial Building, 286 King/ PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for All nylon construction, ; wee Wert Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking CALL all mortgages. Mortgages and agree- TELEVISION -- RADIO 1 Only 5 Elements RMS __ | 68-3604 Whitby depth traction tread. A brand wallable. 725-4716 or 725-4717. ments of sale purchased. Creighton, 'A V lay v7 hon- 11958 PONTIAC, Aci condition; 104 model| : PHELAN Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "Bar- 24 HOUR SERVICE new winter tire priced almost Travelling Wave type: Chan: [PR Comune! Viking floor model TV; WV ei Reg. 39.00 A vr | risters".) as low as a retread. enls, Reg. 3 Iplastic laminating machine. Apply 14¥s pply EXPERIENCED seamstress En oila® Classified Rates Construction Co | HOLMES SALE 19 50 |Bond Street East, Apt. 2, or call 723-8485 M. GREENBERG speaking, part-time, Telephone 728-5311 WORD ADS pay ht esate ll athe from $ 17.56 up : Ifill 2 p.m, After 3 p.m., call 668-2069 AND SONS LTD. or. apply Len Pullan, 10 Prince Street. all mortgages. ¢ - ° Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; | _ on libata' See ant chased, Creighton, : |TWO CONTINENTAL BEDS, 30", $55;| 308 Bloor E 728-7301-2 | SECRETARY for land surveying "firm. additional words, 41¢. each; 3 con 668-6032 Brytiah; Moreen Gnd Victor. (see Ber: 4 Only Wineguord LD4 [1 large stand up bassinette, $7. Phone] Typing, shorthand required. Some book: secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88; risters") Channels. Reg. 39.00 668-3734 |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| keeping expected. Write Box 18991, Osh- ' sd $ 9. 97 GENERAL ELECTRIC, reducing machines, sick room supplies.|awa Times Angles --- Beams recon- FOR RENT OR LEASE Should apply, in person, between the hi f 1 "m. = m. i Dey --.Week -- Month Jat ag 0° a.m 6 p.m. at Locke's | full ditioned, in good shape. Call after 5 p.m | 2 Ton Capacity time flower arranger. Interested parties | | additional words 12¢. each, 6 con- i i eines, ' i built-in double, 4 ois secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04; | FIRST AND SECOND. mortga | A yen 2 rand on fire cee te tee Deeiriom ae yee > baby-sit three additional words 21¢, each. able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock for prompt service SALE 19.50 - |ov One See | Gey _ Syenerrater Gave beh nian toy eee, eee j -- -- Strest Nocth. 468-3208, Coll TIRE STORE | List price $559, will sacrifice.| CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| days per week in my home. Live In or s ft North. 668-3338. FOOT, | i | n Applianc 78 Simcoe Street/aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412j/out. Vicinity, Adelaide and Division, for F ppc, eins pli sie MARCH SPECIALS FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale Whitb --668-5679 | 1 Only Wineguard Tele rth |Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2424 jone pre-schooler and three school-age, if not paid within wd agreements purchased and sold. Hennick) Y ¥ ! !! 9 fi : ine 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH fron T4 gold anodized Chan- por CRUISER, 1965. Good condition, 728-5557 after 5.30 i : Method ef Counting -- Less than Ly Save 00 to 15% during Feb: | [the Mais. Pareles: 0) ine: Pree} : nels. Reg. 45.00. best offer. Bowmanville 623-5478 |14--Business _ Opportuni LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper and words counts @s 24 words; each wor March on Rec. Rooms, Kit- SALE 22 50 METAL DOUBLE BED complete, se] tls Please reply in handwriting, itial, figure or ebbreviction counts or HOT DIPPED | GALVANIZED TEREP OME Tes 501) marital status and exper: as one word; phone number eounts| chens, Both Rooms, Floors, Musical Services TV TOWERS vision, lamps, couch with mattress, win- EXCEPTIONAL Anca WA Bee Hie ke Meee ; OPPORTUNITY pills 4 Walls, Ceili Til ij dows, full screens, combination door ': TELEPHONE canvasser, st: employ- ' 2 ition ¢ <i canvass: steady ploy: SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable, exper- -S | sump pump, rug and pad, 7'x9', Tele-| BIRTHS---DEATHS-- General Repairs lenced. Reliable. Reasonable, Phone ARE THE BEST MOTORCYCLES 1 Only acked super | phone 725.2974 SOCIAL NOTICES Ted Taylor, Alex 942-1663. $195. UP Katey Channels. Reg. 45.00. [iW PIECE CHESTERFIELD. Like new ment, Apply Dumont Aluminum, 333 Sim- $2.00 per Insertion with 28 eants adai-| HH. McKOY 725-8567 : "oe | WAY SETTLE FOR Less! 25 used: Hondos, Suzukis, SALE 22,50 [Reasonable for quick sole." Telephone! en between 25 and 40 wishs {tee Sov tional charges If net paid within 8 days. exeene paVviNes n cents aquare foal Optometrist Yamohas, Bridgestones, Duc- , 723-7596, ing to improve their present |SECRETARY for private lew office: enlaiindiinneiane pores oe hy Shorthand and typi i Nectri IN MEMORIAMS includes grading and fill, two-year guer-|F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe T R | O cate, etc. Repairs all makes. ELECTRIC STOVE, four-burner, | eamings. orthan. ping. essential (electri¢ , typewriter). Start Monday. Telephone $2.00 for the first 35 words ond Se.|2ntee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841. Sieest North Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone Radess Special {in perfect Gondition, $25. 723-1411 Phone 728-9434 Whitby 668-8871, oe Parts. Accessories T Cho is. R 15.00 reaft lus 12¢, line of ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- seat gs rapper nmnels. Keg. FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free. | -- peated Dermat ent Bat i -- namatterproon hess Rate Consens erry tel ly cdditionel hires if not|roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- TELEVISION R HONDA SHOP SALE 7 50 Guaranteed trouble-free winter _ if you | PROMISING ski resort needs capital 18----Male Help Wanted paid within 8 days. places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby Painting 'and Decorating Corner Bond and Division 199 King Ww. 728 4242: ° purchase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212. |for future expansion, Modern facilities, 668-2774. -- pau ac, Leelee lees CLEARANCE, new and' used" akates (Ter etc: 20 miles north-west, Shares GO ae a Wer 6 seins ond. Sc. 1A RPENTERI Rec. | rooms cr re PAINTING AND 728-5143 PARTS The above pricts, ee for the | Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725- |inerestea OO Me ass ea THE etc' Free estimates. Phone co! si a oi ' we - Channel 'only an iO Not in- : Times. pa Mg ghd oO i > ag Port Parry 985-2002. DECORATING WINTERTIME For Washers, Stoves and clude delivery or installation. BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM. windows, lematc prosperous handiman's business SOT ae eae ewipment and men! INTERIOR and EXTERIOR T.V. TIME Dryers doors, awmings railings, atc. Lew, low | rae: OMe frock ond siminn| BELL. TELEPHONE COMING EVENTS available from January 24, 1966. Exper- ' "Ve : i |iadders. Cash. Will consider trade for Inch (display); $1.80 for the anced, in repair and structural, Phone Broadloom, Custom Draperies T.V. Service Anytime ELECTRIC MOTOR OSHAWA TV NEW, USED vacuums, polishers, Re-|jate model car. Selling for health rea- COMPANY , words end Be, each thereafter cans os ai FREE ESTIMATES sHkw or PLT ATICE pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone] sons, Alax, 942-3616 Word Ads). ING, concrete floors, fiat roofing, ees, 728-69 Aictuicesespoicipialiaidiediae cena wie . our specialty, New work and repairs. DODD. and SOUTER T R | O fe) A WAYSIDE snack bar and service sta- AUCTION SALES Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing 668 5862 186 Simcoe S 728-7535 SUPPLY LIMITED REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12;|tion for lease, fully equipped and stock- requires n oh new smooth - top mattresses, $19.95;/ed. Reasonably priced, 728-0545. $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. a SE TELEVISION HUS-SKI SNOWMOBILE, used. Also new stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; a= a j i LARGE INCOME HOME fully rented and ¢ ARPENTRY, Rermodell and Repairs. |Polaris snowmobile. Affer 6 evenings jspace savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome r DEADLINES 5 aisles, daotehe Tony ater Telephone 728-6772 ] ] sets, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley|equipped, linen, china etc. Lease eon yer) oe Semen Tony "PAINTING d ts bly. Toronto 481-0759. CLASS "A WORD ADS S p.m. 728-3151 an FOR YOUR WATKINS (quality) producls Creek, 16 Bond Street West. 728-4401. tents reasonably. Toronto 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS - » Telephone 728-2383 any time TAUNTON ROAD EAS |FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service,| JUST LISTED well equipped garage with tt ' Hi Doing excellent turn- roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire FAST. 7. V. SERVICE | Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti- |94S0line pumps. Doing exc iu | LOST AND FOUND 1 bg masonry. Gord Ma' Whitby Interior, exterior, Reasonable CUSTOM MADE furniture -- Coffee tab GUust east of Ritson Rd.) |mates, 323 King West, 728-7552 over, showing high profits, Ideal for 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION 'enti we rotes, All work guaranteed Service Call only $2.50 les, night tables, chests, rec-room bars | : i : partnership, Purchase price Includes ga- 2 i een 4 23-5862, | HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE joing|rage, 45 x 40, all equipment and 9-room MECHANIC BIRTHS AND DEATHS A-) CARPENTRY, brick and block work ree estimates FLOOR COVERING clear-outs. Thou-| RESTAURANT TABLES and chairs, good| ut of business at 205 John Street, Whitby.|house, extra lot. Asking $32,500 _ with 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION Free estimates. Phone 668-8014. M Loo le & Son DOMINION sands of yard of discontinued saiterns for rec-room or bar. Southend Restau. | Barga ns on all stock, 668-6361, terms. For particulars call 728-5013. W. 0. NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco . p TELEVISION from 29¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20|}rant. Apply 5 Bloor Street East am 19. Mark Bask Set bene 3M aceite must have CLASSIFIED DISPLAY sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free 668-2418 Church Street DAVID' BROWN tractor. Heavy duly in| ?----Market asket 15--_ En sai +W ri 7a ay | column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol-lestimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. USED AUTO PARTS -- Anything. Chos-|dustrial loader. Telephone 668-2100 APPLES -- Mcintosh, Spy, Delicious,| - 2 = MPloymen ante Car & Truck -- PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, + \ umns or larger--10 a.m, day previous, | 728 4711 ms eas nn ane ee oe Al dork aucrntued kavich Auto | Wreckers, 6 miles east) FRIGIDAIRE 40" electric range, warm-| Courtland, $1.25 per bushel up. Bring own! LADY wants to do housework by the day CANCELLATIONS AND ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE Schmidt, 725-9572 Oshawa, No. 2 Hwy. 725-4920 ng oven, storage drawer, deepwell cook-|Containers. Algoma Orchards, Thickson| Telephone 725-0434. E * CORRECTIONS Free estimates; 22c. square foot. All! | REPAIRS to ail Coleman Products: er, automatic oven timer clock. Good con-| Road North, Whitby GENTLEMAN = eariy forties, bilingual, xperience 1 ay HAVE inter' ti i Fig degll 6 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION werk Seer Ce er. DAVE "your. inte pe Painting iene, pow OSHAWA AND WHITBY |ing rods and reels, Sportsman's. Corner, |dition: Call 723-7047 NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario Fr holds and one label } 'as aay ee Any advertisement concelled before 89876. LI Pal 103 Byron S., Whitby (block west of TELEVISION, 17-inch, $42. Baby car- date Telephone 728- 1306 or 723-0615. |in First Aid, 15 years police experience, knowledge of publication will be eharged one day's Dentistry SAE SOP RS erating ae ona Fae ee, N IGHT SERVICE Four Corners.) i age, best offer. Viking wringer washer, [CLEMENT Poultry, Roasting Chickens, |5@@ks position of trust, Oshawa area, has do insertion. CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental ane OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits,|best offer, Apply 168 Cadillac North. 725 [214 Ibs. - 4 Ibs... 0c, per ib. Capons ssc, [OWN transportation. Write Box 1442 OSh-IB1 J] 1 DOZING & WELDING Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa.|EXPERIENCED painter and decorator 725-8541 or 668-5830 figure work, custom picture framing. |3 |per Ib. Call collect 987-4353 awa Times z j x F timat: Jeph 7 - 7: 9. rrabaas REE Be pa BOX NUMBER RENTAL--SOc, For appointment, 728-517). a ee Clark Studio. Telephone 668-4497. 325 COMBINATION CRIB and youth bed fol) CAN SUPPLY you with Oniarioor|ROOM AND BOARD for one child. Day EQUIPMENT While every hea gt will oe made D eaimali nae er sss Slumbin ond Heatin RAE'S Brock North, Whitby. ngle bed; 3 extension gates; 3-pi hee P.E.1. potatoes, 10-25-75 Ibs. weekly. Eggs| care also available. Telephone 668-6976 to divi Mocigir Mag Pigg ly ressmaking 9 g BUY AND SELE = Good used furniture | chrome sire a All good condition.| a+ attractive prices. Free delivery. Osh-|YOUNG MOTHER with one child will also preferable rt ir $ and appliances. One location only. Pretty | Brooklin awa, Why toy Alax &S 4983, take care of one or two children in her we accept no liobilit respect of /DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses,|BEFORE YOU BUY give us a try Gas n | ie * . ] wy, accep dances' cent peer ice latterations, slip covers, drepes. Fitting [and oll heating installations Killingbecki RADIO & TELEVISION Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | sige PROJECTOR for asleywil Ve. ----|ttna Uses Bath tnd Se a8 ke AGE LIMIT 35 through eithe: itu i 'or-| Specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. | Heati ting Phone 723 9079 ama rf " si i" "|FULLER BRUSH Products. Specials of-|mote control, screen and six trays. All _-- armer' s élunin eis ough either failure or deloy in f an bln Aton coll sie I Ww Please A ly in Person warding such replies, however caused/DRESSMAKING -- suits, dresses, efc.|ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, fered now. Telephone daytimes 723-0444; Jin ene Reasonable. Tele- a ee _ 17--Female | He Pp. anted as pply in rst whether by negligence or otherwise.| minor alterations. Telephone 723-8697, new and used - materials. Reasonable TV SERVICE evenings. 668-658 ati phone...2 ADs form ° . : setinatoeot TFT ! a - | up prompt t » Tyron / The Times will not_be responsible fot Sage ego yen per ecan trates: Estimated tree:-T2STIT, J." Fore RAW GE ENING TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower|35" ELECTRIC RANGE -- very "good Telephone. Collect Hampton" 263-2721,| EMPLOYMENT OFFICE replies uncariéd for in 20 days. wear, girls' wear and alterations. Tele-/ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup 3 structure all-channel antenna installed,|ccndition, automatic. Reasonable. APPIY| Licence 4-C-66 i phone 723-1729 : "|plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H 728-5286 $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | 229 Gliddon Avenue a 64 Kin E REGULATIONS 2 : Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engi. Road East, just east of Ritson Road [BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap:|CAT STRAW. for sale, 40 cents bale g Ec. ; . F pte ampton 263 The Oshawa Times will not be re-|Pelaing 'Avent tor Not Amenect|neering, 255 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA DEW WORMS -- minnows. Best quality, |pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294) "2™P Men. fn sponsible for errors in advertisements Fashion Frocks Kg, 728- 1823 a - available in Oshawa, 843 Ritson South,| or 263-2995 OAT STRAW for sale, Telephone 623-5077. on, ri. submitted otherwise thon in writing not Rug-Upholstery Service ELECTRONICS pees ot 1, Omawe Live Ball Gone < Bought, sold; treded, reosired 11_P d Li hie For general clerical duties, 9-12 '54 oe fnore nan one insertion of ory "|Ga ard id : Sane lies 2 0 singh at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,|#!---Pets and Livestoc od typist, shorthand re- advertisement mor beyond the price| Gar rdening « an UPP! goc ypist, $i e > Lice THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No| 728.9731 rN charge for a single insertion in which [City TV TOWER, | ANTENNAS, 8190 FODRIES A aon caument: Sis marty, "ah tenecT CAR Uitte LEREEr vont cote Butt "quired; some bookkeeping error occurs. ? All_ work guaranteed. 511 Dean Avenue.|Car,, 424 King West, 728-9191. f TYPEWRITER, portable, $30.; Standard,|nut with white blanket, four white stock q F C PH ERI | Telephone 725-0500 9 $35. Electric adding machine, $40, Elec-|ings, white blaze,. Telephone Hampton! experience helpful. Position The Oshawa Times reserves the right 41 . Ml ------|PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; me-| tric typewriter, electric cash register, $85.| 263-2050 ; FITTERS to classify advertising according to Enjoy Yourself AT ITS | Well Drilling--Digging ternity Gresses, sizes 14-16. Very clean, |723-44%4 leoz¥i RANCH KENNELS Geman| offers variety and excellent its proper classification. got sopaiion, Dpoly 28 Drew Sree, | GuaRANTERD weed @ringer weaherl thetic teslnad grown stock; pups.| opportunity for advancement. WELL DIGGING by machine specializing! ADDING MACHINES, cash registers, television, refr gerator etc. $34.50 and up.|Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies, Ashbu © " ; In the cases of display advertisements SUNFLOWER SEED BEST FOR LESS in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnutliypewriters, new and used, $35 up. Al {| Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-| 655-4662. evenings Permanent--5 day week, Two fitters required, Must be The Times will not be held respon- Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. hin ped x per' e oy sible for more space than that which WILD BIRD MIX machines guaranteed. Expert service.jcoe South. 723-0011 {BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for - FO + é sh L Machines 728-3664, | gi . able to do layout work. No the actual error occupies. The pub-|CRACKED CORN @ FREE ESTIMATES 2---Personci Syulies eg achines 728-3664. | FEL EVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- dott |training, faiking strain, Apply Mrs, T? Apply in person y lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- ILLET (Day or Evening) ce ee bes : ses | structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower | Broad, 114 Elgi n East others need opply. Steady j vertising matter correctly, but assume M WE BUY, seil and exchange used furni-|inciuded, single all-channel antenna com |POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW" ina' bok 66 Russett Avenue pply. ob no liability of advertisement if an Ss) | RMS ture or anything you have. The City | plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed |; rag i inaccuracies In any form are contained WHEAT @ EASY CREDIT TERMS Removal of superfluous hair trading Post. Store, 446 Simcoe. Street |on year, $50, See all towers at TRIO|{cmales, 9 moiPhs old, registered. Apply e 0} therein. BIRD FEEDING STATIONS Marie Murduff will be in |south, 723-1671 Televis on corner Bond. and. Division,| Oshawa Aquarium 299 Simcoe South or ERO EPREDR O --_----|. for right men. jtelephone 725-4585 e Oshawa, Mar. 21st, 22nd ond | RANGE -- "Frigidaire" heavy duty; six-| 728-5143 ANDREW ANTENNA IT'S EASY TO PLACE A WATER SOFT SALT HARWOOD 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel [piece oak dining room suite, crib andleuenituRE -- 3 rooms, new qvaliy| AUSTRALIAN KELPIE also Colic Min] TWDIST _ CLERK CO. LTD TIMES ACTION WANT AD ICE SALT c Uphol on these dates for appoint- jmeliress. Telephone 728-7057. furniture, only $299 inc. complete bed-|puppies, $20. and $50. delivered. Port : : i Classifi rn ustom Upholstering 35" BEACH electric range, Lloyd baby|room, living room, kitchen ensembles.| perry 985-2645 a : : i Set Scenes Direct SAND = ae "er buggy, both very good condilion, Apply|Pay 'only 3. Weehly. Unbeatable vaivel anivien BULLOSS | For general office work and WHITBY, ONT. 723-3492 a PHONE 942-1500 ELECTROLYSIS 74 Oshawa Boulevard North Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S Sead With: chiiaren, ataul 14 ae loco! industry. Must be ac- VACUUM repairs, all makes, hose s,|COMBINATION oil and gas, white kil-|Telephane 725-1380 curate. Good wooing sonal Phone Mr, Mayall, 668-3348 brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.;chen range, good condition, apartment tions. 5 day week. elfore i ESE INDEX TO . PET SUPPLIES 723-4641 Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|size. Telephone 723-1410 GERMAN SHEPHERD registered pup suze A. a _._. |pies, black and tan, 6 weeks old. Excel benefits. Immediate employ- CLASSIFICATIONS i @ NOW FEN © LADIES ONLY! UF you think alcohol Is a] eee BEDROOM suite, also TV 17-inch. Rea-|\ent show stock, West Hill. Telephone] ment, NEW and USED f ooper- mit Servirig Oshawa, Bowmanville | srobiem to you, we can help. For more|P-A. SYSTEM, 60 watt output, willl/sonable, Telephone 263-2248. 282-733). 1--Women's Column ond. orea Lee oe A ee ase ster bare ne RUMP. ORGAN, good working condition, | MINIATURE Scotch collie pups (Shel-| Write stating full qualifica- CAR 2--Personol COMPANY DARLINGTON replies in strictest confidence! $40. Telephone 725-318 ties). Wonderful pets. Telephone Lind 3--Sportsman's Column : ----|WEDDING DRESS, beige spring coat, say 324-3095 tions to:--- L EN pala 16 CELINA ST. UEHOLS TERY 3--Sportsman's C Column is all For parcutare taletnone: saenee ange Hader Wie. ncrautic. File als PUPS -- part German Shepherd, $3.00 Bs ne 7 re 3 $3. Pubuce avd tore We Deliver 102 King W., Bowmanville SKATE EXCHANGE -- SHARPENING:|" rt Poon entero ere] blade} MP shield bantam truck moUntedlior male er female, Phone senate BOX 16821 NEEDED NOW S--articles for sale 723-1139 723-2312 623-7341 sire waads Beier Hockey equipment! os condition Atk Saaaels atin Ff iT imine eee teenie : "a FOR OPENING OF de ar Bs sa Bt Fer] Valley. Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401, 904 condition. Alax 9420615 a p.m.) Telephone Orono 2 12---Articles Wanted AWA TIMES AWA 10--Farmer's Column Sit we te ~~ Sivled Etc cane emunared "and fect KITCHEN TABLE and four chairs, din-| RANGE -- "General Electric," 24" push:| i. is OSHAW : MODERN OSH 11--Pets ond Livestock IM? Call Sim. Or I'll cut picts +4 i 6 ingroom table, one pair double width! button, window in oven door. Perfect con 12. Articles Wanted r them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or oe cigbalth mee Uphoistering, 75 Marine Equipment drapes. Phone after 5.30 p.m. and week-| dition, Phone 655-2856. WANTED -- - SHOWROOM 13--Articles for Rent 728-0610. sees etd + .-|12-FOOT car-top. boat, $65; box trailer, for|&nd: 725-9 REFRIGERATOR -- 2 HP cooling equip For interview appointment 14----Business Opportunities wey annem |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish- campin: urposes 75. Both good condi Dp Ping Purp . $ 9 u ' BAR BELLS and weight lifting equipment|ment pius storage door. Price $1,000 Baby Grand Piano Phone Bowmanville 15--£mployment Wanted Instruction. ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed.| tion. Telephone 728-3569 'for sale, Telephone 723-2648 Acoma Orchards, 'Thickson Rowd, gz 623-2534 7 For Church Auditorium J 2 16--Agents Wanted a -- nnn | Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses -- ---- -- --- -- . Must 17--Fonale Hel Wonted PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS, Grad-|re-builf, furniture refinished, Oshawa Up-|BUY NOW aed - save Starcraft". |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture | 46! t 1 dit L \ 18--Male Help Wanted ed teaching. Trial course includes loaned|holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311. "Grew", "Traveler" boats, "Evinrude" land appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 ASSORTED AQUARIAMS -- (12), two be in excellent cory ition required es MacDonald or 19---Mole or Female Help Wonted instrument. Phone 728-3969 emeipsnen Sethe ke ee sree and Supply Ltd.,; Dundas East, Whitby 668-548] pumps, over 300 fish, also baby alligator Faith Baptist Church --- 421 Stu Macintosh 20--Reol Estate for Sole TUITION in Latin, french or MatheS@les and Service err cabanivnie ¥ pony, |SHESTERFIELD (2 pieces), recliner] Must be sold in one fot. Best offer. Appiy| Brock St. N., Whitby -- 17 A.M. to 4 P.M. MacDONALD FORD 200--Summer Properties matics by J. C. Luck, BA. 648- 3866. ea - a ipigsing joat,|chair, lady's golf clubs, plywood boat./55 Drew Street (rear entrance), p.m 2508 21--Farms for Sale | wings nield and controls, with 15 HP!Excellent condition. Telephone 725-2998. |only, 7 668 4 P M to ] ] Pp M SALES 52--Lo B % f } HUMAN HAIR -- in f 8" V\, AVG ere? jag ' 22--Lots for Sole) Janitor 'Service Before You Buy A 724-3330." $250, Good, condition. Dial! piano WITH BENCH, 40-inch console, TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand Nenath. Caan or ereuitc at ehoc balaiee 24----Stores 'Offices wa Storege CELLARS CLEANED trash removed: Piano or Organ See _ used cnly a few times, value $800; sacri-jards, portables, electrics. The ideal gift] sider Hair Styling, 367 Wilson Road, $ Full or part time peice Un eg t tej grill, man O5. Houses tor Rent household repsirs dona, Telephone' 723. t FOOT CABIN CRUISER; 4 HP.|fice $525. 723-7996 for students. Large stock to choose from. | (Windsor, Plaza). 72-5631 lor charcoal broil, itby area. Speed, 4 Evinrude electric start; heavy duty Tee One year full guarantee. Low prices. aR efficiency and cleanliness essential. After eae te kok mtd HEINTZMAN Nee: trailer. Complete $1200. Apply 52| VIKING 'NORDIC, electric range, 30°! Jenkins Business Machines, Sales and|SMALL used outboard motors -- cash.| GENOSHA HOTEL. |S telepnone oazs3as " 34--Rooms and Beard CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and base- Jackman Road, Bowmanville. y sulomatic, removable oven sides|servicy yan77as Open. evenings Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, > EXPERIENCED MAN required tor ser: and door, one year old. Like new. Tele = Oshawa, 728-4401. eee ' 29---Wonted to Rent oe i ae taken away. Call Joe 2 & Company Ltd. 7_ Ss Headphone 728-2755 BED - CHESTERFIELD complete set; _____ | HOUSEKEEPER Tor Whitby area to Took |Yice. Station. Willing to work shifts, In- 30--~Automobiles for Sole " 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa -- wap an Barter on cedar chest, dehumidifier, all in new cluding nights and weekends, Apply Al rahe a a ELECTRIC RAN@®, four hen ar ches ; 44:cAsticles for Rent after children and home. No charwork. 31--Compact Cars for Sole TELEPHONE 728-2921 r Sie teepurners Ne8VY! condition. TV towers, $50;'up, 723-7521 --Articles for Ren Must be of gentle and mature disposition. |Dearborn's Shell Service Highway 2, 32--Trucks for Sole Money To Loan THREE-PIECE BATHS, $55; cabinety,|duty, 24", automatic timer, perfect con-i thee arewell, Ave | h ge bd posi Thickson's Rd. No Phone calls please. 33--Automobiles Wonted ---------- GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ail wringer sinks: sump pumps, pressure systems,|dition. Telephone after 6, 728-9379 | |LirT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 ibs--lift| Will be made to feel ae ne of ne ernity EXPERIENCED ; payee mp pum pressu r 7 "agar eo" uae \16, 4 : ek or: menth. A }Own quarters with radio and m waiter wanter pp 34--Automobile Repair 1 WILL LOAN "you up te $5000 at ai washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call laundry tubs, piping fittings. H. Chinn, SONAR AND LINCOLN Citizen Band ted ee T radio am ecord o rent by wei ion pply y | corner Hillsi Park South Good condition. Sullable for re-|Mackie's Van and § 3 rs are professional people, Write Queen's Hotel. 67 Simcoe Street North 35~--Lost end Found reasonable rate of interest to consolidate! 728-1742 or 774.00 orner ida and Park Sou |trancievers, Acetylene welding outfit Och oom. Apply 11 r : x 874 Scarboro P.O, Scarboro, Ont 36--Legal your bills or fer any other worthwhi le} NEW IN OSHAWA nchester pump gun, case and cleaning! °" ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to cne hundred! WAITER for part-time werk in cocktail 37--~Auctions purpose providing you are steadily em-|BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can-|Centre, 38 Bond Wes: 725-7181. Spec Use Brand new Gray-Bonny complete| TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashier 5 Oshawa Clu for ban-| PART-TIME help wanted for dusting of-jlounge. Must be experienced. Apply Man: 38--Coming Events ployed and have good credit, Telephone|vasx awnings. Complete service, free esti- Zig Zag Portable, coveints $67.50, Trade. chisel and punch set, Telephone Ron,| chairs. Terms. We buy, sell, rent, y S, parties, weddin kitchen,|fices, Telephone 728-5758 er apply 124 On-|ager, Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street 39---Notices 74-4601, mates, Mil Jelinek, 728-1992, ina accepted, 725-7181, 6 728-220 after 6 p.m. trade, New, used, Bil Hamilton, Ragien, 'parking, 723-2140 mornings, tario Street after 4 p.m, West, Oshawa, Sd - 4

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