| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 3, 1966 27 | OTe STOCK MAREET TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS | Crowpat 11000 0 41 Distributed by CP Daering 6500 w4u+ Toronto Stock Exchange--March 3 D'Eldone 10200 t - 1 Quotations in cents unless marked $, cost Pac -- 1000 1--Odd fot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Deni 200 |30--Automobiles for Sale |35--Lost and Found |36--Legal a eee 13-SHEVY 4H sadan Excellent! LOST -- Larae, "white _ dog ~ with "tight | " tEVY: ndition. New 4, many extras. Must|brown markings, wearing brown coir |cona bec fuse ¢f business arrangements.| and two tags, february 20. Reward. An- | Telephone 728-7790 swers to Lucky. 728-3429. ae ane =< ACRIFICE! must "yeli_1963 Corvair con- LOST -- Small green change purse con vortibie a4opeed. Fully equipped. Best of-| taining white gold Bulova watch, small TO CREDITORS 30--Automobiles | for Sale : pe Semis Peewee | SAT URDAY 7 MARCHA axe aetsge -- Dan and Joyce (nee "SUNNYSIDE PARK to 'announce 'the 3 ere proud hity thelr "deuanter, Deborah Jo-Anne, onster born at the Oshawa General Hospitai 5 ia February 19, 1966, weighing 6) Farm implements and house bs. 2 ozs. Many thanks to Dr. Morris} hold: furniture Allis Chalmer |and 'in rigor sey | rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is 500 sane ~ 45 ware na THURS., Mar. 3rd. | | MONTEBELLO -- Leo and Winnie are} {om Previous boerd-let clostte aus; sae a draulic point hitch wit | Proud to announce the birth of a baby ft : plow and cultivator; 1 Mas- daughter, Rosanne, weight 8 ibs. 10 ozs., Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge) 700 as February 15, 1966 at Osh General | ' sey Ferguson fertilizer 5 é $250 JACKPOTS jon spital, A little aster, for Rita syivara | IN S | 160 des disc dri!!. Like new Massey JACKPOT Nos. 55 and 58 |Many thanks to Dr. E. Millan and fourth} Acad Uran Sia SA + | % | . 2000 +1 Ferguson hay baler; like | floor nurses. A y 17% +t fe r small car | 1956 FORD two-door, club. sedan, V6. automatic, radio with rear speaker. Good con ndition and clean, 728-631) before 5.) tires, Best offer Store. Reward. 28-391 inet eon AIR Monza, licence 68029J. ees C Automatic, radio, beige with minn':|36--Legal iiteriots Stalker Motor Sales 723-6322, 723-| ---- ee ROBERT HAROLD SULLY, seen, $395 down, For a good deal on 6 | Sales 723-6322, 773-6311 $35 : Body fair. Asking, $225 or will trade | pa anks MOTOR SALES fence '53 BUICK sedan, body, motor, | 63 OLDSMOBILE Super. 86, 4-door hard-| |) CHEV IMPALA four-door hardtop, | NOTICE bower steering, V8, automatic, four LP od Itires, four play nylon. Very clean, Must Ibe seen, $830 or nearest offer, 725-5042 Gentleman, deceased. | Fords call Lou 668-6606. 1959 CHEVROLET, four-door, Bel-Air, NG THE Telephone 728-47 77 Saturdays after 6 good 20 King St. East, 'o, fully power equipped inciuding win-| AND OTHERS In the Estate of JOHN ASHWORTH WILSON, Retired, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Ashworth Wilson, late of the Town of Whitby, in. the County of Ontario, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of Dec- ember, 1965, are hereby not- ified to send in to the under- signed Persorial Represent- atives of the said deceased on or before the 17th doy of March, 1966, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said dote the Per- sonal Representatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then hove mn e Dated at Oshawa this 14th day of February, 1966 EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO and NORMAN EDWARD WILSON, Executors, By their solicitors Messers, McGIBBON & Al parsane having claims against the estate of Robert Harold dully, iate of ine wny of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 11th day of December, 1965, are hereby notified to 'send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 17th day of? March, 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the sajd deceas- ed having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice Dated at Oshawa this 14th day of February, 1966. EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Executors, By his solicitors, Messers, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 32 Simcoe Street South, OSHAWA, Ontario. new IHC side delivery rake On rucbcer; Massey fertilizer soreader and full line of implements; large quantity of household furni- ture, some antique articles, at lot 22 - Broken Front Whitby, 1 mile south to Vic- toria St., turn east on Base- line, 1 mile turn south. First farm, the PROPERTY OF WM, F. P. SMITH. No re- s@rve-- form sold. Terms cash, SALE AT 1 P.M. SHARP Alvin §. Farmer, Auctioneer. Phone Gormley 887-5311. 38--Coming | Events JAYCEES "Monster. BINGO, Both Jackpots Pay Double in 52 Nos. or less $10 PER LINE PLUS BALANCE | FOR FULL CARD $25.00 CONSOLATION PRIZE 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular Games Pay Double in 17 Nos. or less 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD $50.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA | WELDON -- Patricia and Roy are! pleased to announce the arrival of @ son,| ig aig Andrew, weight & ibs. 74 Ofs., on Saturday. February 26. 1966. at the Osh! jawa General Hovpite!. A lite promer; A arcade ad Ross, | Argosy | Aunor Bank | Bankfield DEATHS | Biase | Betletere Bethim BL Hawk Bralorne Brunowk Bunker H Cadamet C Tung 228 Cdn Keely 3 Candore | CUCINATO -- Germano and Esther) (nee Bowden) are happy to announce the safe arrival of a daughter, Angela Chris- |tina, 7 Ibs. 4 o7s., on Tuesday, March 1, | 1966, at the Oshawa General Hospital |Thanks fo Dr, Doherty and 4th floor! | DRAPAK, Mary Entered into rest in the Oshawa General) Cantre |Hospital on Wednesday, March 2, 1966,; Cassier |Mary Drapak, beloved daughter of Mrs.| Cent Pat |Annie Checko and the late Alec Yourke-| Chester \vich; sister' of Mrs. Deugias Warren) Chimo |(Sophie), Oshawa and Morris York,| Coin Lake | Windsor, In her 39th year. Resting at the | Comb Met Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with | Coniagas funeral service in St, John's Ukrainian} Con-Key |Orthodox Church, Friday, March 4, at; Con Shaw i? 30 a.m. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- Cons Brew jtery. Prayers will be held at the funeral) C Callinan |home Thursday at 8.15 p.m Con Gillies | WILSON, John George CG Arrow | Entered into rest in the Oshawa General] C Halli Hospital, on Wednesday, March 2, 1966,| C Mogul John George Wilson, beloved husband of} C Morrisn the late Jane Ann Winship; father of Mrs. ¢< Mosher G. Paterson (Dorothy), Toronto; Mis#) Con Nichol Grace Wilson, Alfred and Gordon, Osh-| C Rambier jawa; brother of Mrs, Margaret Firth,| C Red Pop | Bowmanville, in his @ist year. Resting at, Conwest jthe Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa.| Cop Fields jwith funeral service in the chapel Friday,| Cop Man 1 ale |March 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn! Coulee Cemetery. Cowich 400 400 ©6400 $id Te 14a Va} 33¥8 33 9 Vi 15% 15% 15% 3 3B $)5ve 15 5 165 165 + 2) 22% 224 2+ Ve 55. 152: 183 + «(1 +. Butautt petty "AM Leitch Macdon Madsen Man Bar Martin Mattomi MeKen McWat Merrill Min-Ore Multi-M Nealon New Ath New Cal Neonex w N Hosco N Kelore Newlund Nisto Norgold Norlex Norpax N Bordu bd ; 134 -- Ve M4 300 aa A no s=-% 205 203 205 i" 1% 1% oh 46 228 2% 228 18% 18% 184 3083 83 265 260 265 + 8 179 177 170 = 7 | ee a © 6 320 «315 (315 700 247, 246 246 YW 10% 10) ie vw ab) 9 1% 1% 13% 13% 13% w~ Ww Ss n 92 92 «92 i if if Children under 16 not admitted | ZUBRISKY, Elizabeth Mary ill alban ie q bray 4 KS 'oc! " Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hosp! North y | |tal_on Monday, February 28, 1966, Eliza-|Princess, Big Way C., Scotty P. H, and) erthgat is Vv Admission 50c Two Jackpots NOS. 52 AND 57 $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos, iia RARGE tan door standard. radio. white walls. Real nice car. $495. ase | lenndition, Teleohone 725-2932. 44) OLDSMOBILE Super 88, aoe hardtop, power steering, power brakes, | radio, seven: whitewali tires, silver grey land white exterior, red and white interior 47,000 miles, Excellent condition, $1200. Call 728-697 1962 FORD FAIRLANE, standard coach,| automatic transmission, radio, modest mileage. Telephone 726-1179, 1965 CHEVROLET convertible, licence.) H30126, super sport, V-8 automatic, ful-| |é-cylinder automatic. This car runs like | la charm, body fair, Asking $295. Ajax! | 942-6086. MARCH AT . 1966 PARISIENNE two-door hardtop | automatic, power steering and power brake, other extras $3,700. Phone 623-2614 GARWOOD factory-made trailer, 16 ft sleeps 4. Completely furnished, toilet heate retri ator, stove, sink, 2 pre Telephone 723-9696. do and seats. No down payment, | BOWMANVILLE dows At see nis Gus Brown| BASTEDO 7' | Barristers & Solicitors Telephone 623-5487 32 Simeoe Street South OPEN 8 A.M. to 9 P.M i P vignelaaes Telephone 728-8384 before amount of mone' wae new Dominion In the Estate of |i962 FORD. A biack beauty, Must be] ly equipped. Demonstrator, Stalker weet ieee OLDSMOBILE, hardtop, black, four | Hurry! Gus Brown 56 OLDSMOBILE sedan, good condition. | NS ie Must sell! Best offer! Telephone 723-9696 OSHAWA, Ontario "69 ENVOY, medium green, matching in terior, push-button radio, economical. A good second car for your family, Li @ cence 42250. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 5 5 +7 $10% 10% 10% + % 8 8 8 $25 Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $150 Jackpot $20 per line. $50 full card. beloved wife of Julian J. Zubrisky, dear 5 U5 Whitby, on Friday, March 4 at 10 a.m.|7-Royal Nimble C., Boyce | three-year-olds and up. Purse $700 (6). | Kindness beyond Price, yet hie FUNERAL CHAPEL [302 Dickie 8. Scratched, Andy, Flashy | Savane a. oe Boy C ' Satellite Line cho O Valley, Alexand mother of Bernard, Agincourt; Mrs. W.|.. FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) ig > 450 Dredhart (Valarie) of Windsor; in her| three-year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8) 183 sist year. Resting at the W. ¢: Town SONS HY SR ee ' $000 14 13 11.10 7.10 4.10 i \ Interment Resurrection Cemetery, Whit-|, Also Started: Johnny Forbes C., Brave| by Township. Rosary 7 p.m. Thursday.|Mergaret, Isotta Ben, Advocate Dillard) pick Crow Pine Point |3-Hi Acres Averill, Stirton 3.60 2,60 2.60 id Que Lith $600 | withth reach of all. jSLady Violet Direct, Hilliard 2.70 2.60) Que Man j Rayrock 130 130 130 -- 4 | Rio Algom 202 $20 19% 19% -- % 390 KING STREET WEST | 'sixtH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for a three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (6)| Telephone 728-6226 best trance, Greg Setellie Sil Eureka er 2.60 vase Started: Jarvis age Swift Cava- Her, re Armbro AC Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for Requie: Visitors commencing 7 p.m. Wednesday. | @"d Ben Majesty, Porc Pay 2-Amber Direct C., Smith 3.30] Quemont $140, in 56 Nos, Rockwin Demers 2.90 2.30 2.10 Silvrfids Bing N, TOR, 5 and 6 PAID $7.20 $10 each Horizontal $200. in 54 Nos. |beth Mary Konopsky (of RR 1, Brooklin),, Peggy May Peters V. | 1 13 Mass in'St. John The Evangelist Church, {Mac Dillon S., Hilliard <..93.40 10.20 9.10 Every Friday 7:45 te = ------| FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for) Preston |Also Started: Tawney Van, Sudsgate GERROW Also Started: Tewney Van, Sudsgate| ausnto Ryanor $20 Consolation Pb a Chip, Findley 2.60 Hp Silvmaq Siscoe 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Opening Evenings about the 9th day of Dec- ember, 1965, are hereby not- ified to send in to the under- signed Personal Represento- tive of the said deceased on been filed DATED at OSHAWA, Ontario, this 21st day of February, A.D, 1966 20 Regular $20 games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. Five $30 games $20 Consolation Free Admission -- Free Parking|®*™2Y March 3, 1962 NELSON -- In loving memory of our | three-year-olds and up, P dear mother, Fannie Nelson, who passed |7-Scottadee, Gareth 2000 ey s-Andy Counsel, Wes Coke 4K. G, Direct, Gilmour SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for 20.00 9.60 4.80 5.10 3.50) Peacefully sleeping, resting at tast, No Children Pleose The world's weary troubles and trials; Also Started: 6.60 Billey' Halliday, Victor) aihstinin Arid are past; High C., Penny Chiet, Bar Gold end In silence she suffered, in patience she! mystery ory Zoltan, Nick and Dan's Your Authorized Datsun and Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 60 Sinmcoe South 728-0051 bore, Till God called her home to suffer no re. ~Always remembered by the family. Just Published 1966 Home-Study Course in HOWTO INVEST YOUR MONEY IN BONDS AND STOCKS This practical, ten-lesson home-study course describes and illus trates Canadian securities, i tment terms, principles and procedures ond their wise use in the Investment of your money, Based on questions of hundreds of Canadian investors and the experience of leading investment dealers, this course includes @ 325-page text book, illustrative material, self-test questions and @ free question and answer service on all course material. Total fee Is $10. 00. For descriptive folder and registration write to: investment Dealers' Association of Canade 55 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario x Central Council of Jess Ames Ralph Kelly Hap Palmer Tom Palmer Telephone STOUGHTON -- We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation: for jeverything we have received after the; st r loss we suffered by fire. Special thanks to h -- Fir World War, | ir. and Mrs, Francis Leneck for the @ served four years OVErseaS |use of their home in Gooderham and to |with the 20th Battalion. all others who have so kindly assisted! us Predeceased May 26, 1956, by family ee eee |his wife, the former Jane Ann aa [Winship, Me. Wilson is survived] @ Pp PEATQ CT | RESULTS |} Paterson (Dorothy) of Toronto and Miss Grace Wilson of Osh- jawa_ and two sons, Alfred and} WEDNESDAY, March | |Gordon Wilson, of Oshawa. He| First RACE "a 1 Mie (Pace) for was predeceased by a son, John, |three-vear-olds and up. Purse $800 (7)./ 4-Cloveriand Ace, Walsh 3.70 2.80 2.10 \6-Jipa, Kingston 3.00 2.30 |April 10, 1960. | 3-Royal Dominion, Findley 22 Also surviving are a sister,| Also Started: Perfect Time, Winning \Mre, Margaret Firth of Bow-| chance Svcer Babe C, and Success Cur! " 5 | manville; 14 grandchildfen and| SECOND RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for 7 pat. nhi three-year-olds and up. Purse $800 (7).} € seven great-grandchildren. 7Galen's Boy, Curran' 5.00 2.90 240 Prima Pick, Wes Come 3.40 2.70 The memorial service will be |deveres Kingston eg 5 Also Started: Davie Blue, Kawartha! Telephone | BOYCHYN Dated at Oshawa, Ont., this Ist doy of March, 1966. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED 21 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario. 28-7 | Ee ® 165 MUSTANG automatic, -- floor-consul,| NOTICE | McPHAIL POLSON, deceased: adio, whitewalls, in excellent sont) All persons having claim i950 PLYMOUTH. Body and tires in fair| bove-named deceased, late W condition. Motor good. $50 or best offer Q' L O THE NE elephone 725-4047 after 6 of the City of Oshawa, in A S Ui ile Mate elie ir| AND OTHERS the County of Ontario, Insur- terior clean, good tires, ali power. Best In the Estate of | offer or would consider small car as El th d f December, . CHRYSLER part payment. Phone Ajax 942-0826. LEWIS RUSSELL SPINKS a 1964 are Tea weal had fore the All persons having claims the undersigned be id DODGE } against the estote of Lewis | 24th day of March, A.D. | SABYAN Russell Spinks, late of the 1966. After the said date the e y Estate having regard only to 'ok I Servi County of Ontario, Retired, Vo --- pa ge at se deceased, who died on or claims of which notices have | Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M. | | ® BELVEDERE EXTRA PRIZES eee after the said dote the Per- ' by their Solicitor, |2-Chief Saint, Wes Cok « CORONET sonal Representative will djs- SALMERS, BAL, |-Noral - Gal Sica 6.30 7 20 it ge ' sfe Pe ggg ge AP wien MOUNT LAWN ETERNAL!' ninth race -- 1 mile (Pace) tor} white star then hove notice. ~ Jubilee Pavilion | re0rge lison BRONZE MEMORIALS three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (7)| Wilco Dated at Oshawa this 14th IN THE MATTER OF THE! * VOLVO & PEUGOT } |2-Uncle Spud, Ha TRUCKS CHANGE OF NAME ACT | BUSES LEAVING General Hospital. Mr. Wilson, | : ise Started: Honeyville. Mist, Siiver| Yk" Bear' BILL GREENHALGH { ad General Repair and By his solicitors, jwho was in his 81st year, for-| ee Auto-Electric Service Messers. McGIBBON & _723- 2633 Zonmac Jake and Bill's Garage Barristers & Solicitors, CHAPTER 49, AND A son of the late Mr. and Permanent Memorialization @ | 449 Ritson Rd. South 32 Simcoe Street South, AMENDMENTS 'THERETO Children under 16 not admitted |Mrs. John Henry Wilson, the | is almost possible with the _ AND IN THE MATTER AFTER 9 P.M. i960 AUSTIN 650, transportation. ;____ : en leet noni OF THE CHANGE OF |He had been a resident of Can-| Please call jand Oshawa for 56 'years. | MOUNT LAWN \i92 ENVOY, 4 cylinder, 4 speed 1 623-5590 | mission, radio, whitewalls, snow tires wit 623-7535 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on opplication will be | color blue, 6 automatic, A-] shape, Best] |son was a member of Simcoe| | offer. Telephone 725-4103 | AND OTHERS neva United Church, Branch 43, (CARD OF THANKS of Ontario on the 7th day of - A at the eee cine Waianae taser Ward \ pre eRe tear tas wala vadloy wi In the estate of April, 1966, ot ten o'clock automatic, V-8, power brakes, power|-vinder, -automatic transmission, one OSHAWA CIVIC | SF eeramission. Actual mileage. 45,000 siege, : ; Order to change the name of AUDITORIUM ard transmi u ow mileage, handle: n ait ' stata A { = One owner Scaionably 'erieed. Call 723 | Yeoyit lig Fg Fg roe gainst the estate pi ai Josef Pelesko to Josef Vig and seats, '6 plates, Perfect condition. Tele | arter 6 p.m 9th day of November, }965, children, Josefina Pelesko to phone 7 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, $395, are hereby notified to send in Josefina Vig, Mary Pelesko to orem eee Sie nace, Ceara veer cai| Sean a SONTIAG automatic. Good condl-! anply 130 Helly Court, Oshawa doy of April, 1966, full: part- Pelesko to Joseph Zoran Vig, tion, 'Telephone 725-8526 after 6 p.m i959 VOLKSWAGEN window van, new| iculars of their claims, |Im- and Rose Pelesko to Rose Vig. PRIZES $1,500.00 Jackpot 45 OLDSMOBILE F285, '45 Chevrolet half Goo running condition. Apply 808 Brock) t ick-up. Both gocd condition. Can be Street West, V of the said deceased having Se +4 las oh regard only to claims of which HUMPHREYS, & HILLMAN, i ea " 20 Regular games $50. ea. 7 AYFAIR DODGE, xcellent | 5 or ith : : held at the Armstron uneral | enter nachenically, Telephone | 728 en et ee ee 9 Early Bird Games : is Funere |Cal, Ora G. Win, and Long n Lovely Solicitors for the Applicant. 7 P 9 door hardtop,- stand |minister of Simcoe Street Unit-|year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8), 1987 PONTIAC two doo' P. 3re 1955. CHEVROLET led «Church will conduct -the 2-Vital Victory, "Wellwood 3.50 2.70 2.60 or before the 17th day of CHILDS POLSON ond Tundra Every Thursday OBITUARY tribute the assets of the said 63 King St. West, Oshawa, |, Also Started: Gracie Lochinver and| Viclam {apartment 218, 300 Grenfell st., | : Ben Carey, Jeffrey 10.30 4.30 2.90) Willroy day of February, 1966 Should be arranged now, REVISED STATUTES OF jLaird, Apachies Pride and Judioator. Yukeno FOUR CORNERS AT 7:00) merty lived at 163 Burk st. Ateendance 5,109. Total Pool $279,833. _.|deceased was born June 14,| MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | Good 'Good running condition. Apply 808 Beech) NAME OF JOSEF NOTICE | Neighborhood Association An employee of General MEME Ole Ps rims. Body and motor in excellent condi-| 623-5419 made before His Honor Alex- iss FORD HARDTOP, 192 MORRIS Oxford. Radio, heater. in Canadian Legfon and in the forenoon, at his Cham- steering, radio, whitewalls, 27,000 miles:| owner, Licence H88164. Sabyan Motor all 723 ; Road South. 723-3461 Murdoch, late of to change the name of his FRIDAY deceased, '§ 1963 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, auto to the undersigned Rereanat Mary 'Vio. Livha: Pulesko' 46 USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make) paint job. Excellent condition. Ideal for}. mediately after the said date DATED ot Oshawa, .Ontario, $500.00 Snowball seen at 378 King West. 723-9525 Pea | it shall then have notice Baristers and Solicitors, ore & C.n. |Home at 2 p.m. Mar.. 4. Inter- \ 0722 after 6 p.m. or 668-2066 before £ P:™:|\5s¢ GMC halfcton panel, Mechanically| 5 Late Games $50. ea, i Sratcned, Laine ss "| 4Titan Song C., Hicks 3.00 2.80 | service. A : ston truck. Excellent | pie ata Pal oe 309°) PS" mechanical condition. No down payment.| el 25-132 ? nce 1903 r Terms to quit. Licence 19037B. Gus Brow All games 25¢ double card-- = SON; : 8, biack, red Motors Ltd., 725-6568, Executor TENDERS WA PONTIAG, licence H48959, biack, red Motors except jackpot ag pda bloat transmis- +43 FORD Econoline \a-ton pick-up, 2 By McGIBBON & BASTEDO, | Me POs) REGAL CA ' si ya fr terms. Mak "tone, licence 17740B. No down payment.) 5 wee 1 Will received by th der- | arristers and Solicitors, ved by the under: DOOR PRIZES | scar ae as er) Ecce | ncaa on | go i ned | OF NSAVEYOU ! ; vay Hospital, Bowmanville double cards. S COUPON CA S ou Share the Wealth--7:15 p.m. 7 8 HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON , YOUR TRIP TO EUROPE 322608; 55-Antertobtion Wanted Their Solicitors herein Regular Games --= 8:15 p.m. Fill in this coupon now and send it off today to learn about the steering, ' br _ ------ rrurgh; 942-6300 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want ine to el at ig hos- as : cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid | _* pitol on/or before p.m. 1964 CHEVROLET, 4 door sedar ey Wentworth Bast: Fee i8i Tussday, March Lath; 1946: brakes, power steering no OSHAWA BUSES Black in color restige t charge for Telephone 728-4549 Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. Ca ADMINISTRATOR 6:30 p.m,, 7:00 p.m., 7730 hardtop, V-8, automatic, r rh ts for sale. iron and met Hi Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville walls, discs. Private, o h oor Street East, 725-2311 After Bingo. 1 $2,295. 723-8 ; " ? 2 oe ae OSHAWA AUTO PARTS .-- Wanted car hottest travel bargains ever offered. You'll receive a lavish standard transmission, $6,000 miles. T 5 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162 of 72-page full-color guide to Europe. It's called "European phone 778-6427 $200 CASH for best car needing repairs REED'S Vacations '66" and it tells you how you can have a tour of i ae EDUCATION WEEK-END Excursion air fare by BOAC or Air Canada from Montreal 2,000 miles. Phone 623-2038 34---Automobile Repair effective April 1, subject to Government approval!) You'll ste ir ee soe ; 1963 PONTIAC hardtop, excellent cond saeco mT eR rane ii pire : | To BOAC, P.O. Box 426, Station B, Montreal 2, Quebec, Please ; " : lor any debts contracted in my name, 7 4 7 eg Pinata oe a Sem na after this date, March | send me the free 72 sy dl book. Rice ' seo A » without my written t. ; 1961 PONTIAC four-door sedan, 6 cyiir Mie Eh ie NAME..... 334 Ritson Road South, 723-3461 Light Smart c 4 N 4d CHRYSLER, four-door hardtop, buck | Sealed tenders marked "'Ath- | Business BUNCH Zippers Sewn letic Supplies' will be receiv- People REED'S Fl g i Drive-in 45796; '64 Oldsmobile 98, seda ; power WANTED Cars. for wrecking : B. HOLDEN, Dial Harry, 942-6 Robert BOARD and 8:00 p.m. Available P.O. BOX 820 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian or,\for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, conv Telephone 725-1459 Europe from as little as $314 (including special Economy : get details of 34 fabulous low-priced tours. Don't miss out, tion. Call Whitby 648-6016 after 4 p.m | | Flower Special der, standard transmission. A very clean ADDRESS: ed in the office of the Bus- Sing the Praises 163 Bloor W. the Estate of DONALD & tion Telephone 666-8432, 10 *CREDITORS against the Estate of the 1957 LINCOLN SEDAN,, body and ss Anes, Wie dae 8 ance ent, 31--Compact Cars For Sale| Retired, deceased to furnish proof thereof to MOTOR SALES LTD. | City of Oshawa, in the Executors will distribute the March, 1966, full particulars DONALD "MUNRO POL: EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for} Un Mactie DODGE deceased having regard only Concrn at the JOHN GEORGE WILSON EASTER AND SPRING /Away xia. bags POO died, Mar. 2, at the Oshawal | E-euccess Stormy, _Srarron "$00 3.80| Winatalt % MERCEDES BENZ EDGAR WILSON, Executor, Please call | Scratched, Ti Trail ; ONTARIO, 1960, 2 a ed, Tom's Trailer, Yukon € e BASTEDO, AND 7:15 P.M. i Oshawa 728-0921 OSHAWA, Ontario. | |1885, at Gateshead, England.| thot we supply and install; ASK FOR eae Street West, Whitby. PELESKO " 723-2633 4 i |Motors for 30 years, prior to tlon, 623-2493 or 623-5687 | 623-5419 TO CREDITORS | ander C. Hall, Judge of the me A-l, body fair. Price $200 good condition. Must be seen to be appre [Eval 222, UAW. ALMA MURDOCH, bers in the Court House in Phone 6668-4681 after 5 p.m Sales, 334 Ritson Road South. 723-3461 1962 RAMBLER Classic 6, automatic.|j949 THUNDERBIRD, fully equipped Ontario, Widow, wife Marija Pelesko to Marija Is, wheel. discs, radio. SI nese Bares. vs Representative of the said Livba Vig, Linda Pelesko to trailers, also used tires. $09 Bloor Street) camping, Telephone 725-7783. the said Personal Rerpresent- this |st,day of March, A.D., $150.00 Special Game 7953 CHEVROLET, good fires, radio, $65. 32----Trucks for Sale 362 King Street East, 47 PONTIAC. in good condition. $290. o04 New paint job, $350. Contact Mike |ment will be in Mount Lawn} DAILY DOUBLE, 4 end 7, PAID $10.40 Admission $1.00 (receive one |5-Brown Wolf, Zirnis 3,50 of their claims. Immediately SON, Executors, ss three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,400 (s.| Utd Pore to claims of which he -shall 1962 CHEVY II station Gaana an ermal} | his retirement in 1955, Mr. Wil- County. Court of the County Royal 725-2008 ated, Telephone 728-4528 the Town of Whitby, for an 196) CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, stand-/j9¢> VOLKSWAGEN, black. One owner,| All persons having claims fully equipped, low mileage, reclining! <} 995, terms arranged, Whitby 668-2455] who died on or about the Vig and that of his infant Dominion Royal B00 fires. Maroon color. | 1943 CHEVY Il, two-door, very clean con | 9 000 00 deceased on or before the 4th Linda Vig, Joseph Zoran bs hadi 4 s , after 4, 723-2281 ma East, after 2 1960 AUSTIN 850. Good transportation.| otive will distribute the assets | 1966 $1000.00 Esculator Phone 725-6405. . ceeiinneiipinet 1954 CHEVROLET, '2 ton pick-up truck, | Oshowa, Ontario Apply 219. Lupin Drive, Whitb ancy, 1437 Simcoe North. 723-6368 |Cemetery. Rev. John K. Moffat,| tyito race -- 1 mile Chats we 4 cor for regular games) | Also Started Darkey Riddell, _White| |} FRANK MALAWY of 323 Athol Street | East Oshawa will not be responsible for | any debts contracted in my name by anyone on-or after this date February | 26, 1966 without my written consent. (signed) F. Malawy Buy it now, before the April Ist tax change. ) os like getting your first 2800 miles free!) Don't be caught in the waiting line. See your Honda Dealer now! Convertible Tops PROVINCE:. condition. Apply 523 Carman Court. AUSTIN HEALEY '65 Sprite convertible licence 322604; '64 Chevrolet, 4 sedan, automatic. Licence H4025 Steve, 942-6300. 144 WILDCAT Sports coupe, cubic inch engine with sup f AUT : TRIM Specifications and other in- automatic transmission th white 62 BOND W, AT CHURCH formation obtainable from the vinyl. top and interior ; ; Business Administrator, Osh- power including windows and seat. Telephone 725-8042 Y tom radio, windshield washers and white awa Board of Education, 555 wall. tires, Phone Bowmanville 623-5687 ---------- Rossland Road West, Oshawa, ssa tall Ge coraitin, 'Alne "29 F HILLCREST Ontaric NTR CENTRE S. £, LOVELL, tiac wagon, 6 cylinder a tomatic, powe NSMI SION steering, in good 'condition, 8 We A 6484. 4 ¢ Transmission Specialist 1955 PONTIAC, V-8, har atop, $150 or best nile east of Townline on AIR CANADA agent 728-6202 ee RUTH ERF ORD"S |j Four Seasons Travel 728-6203 sa Be coin See se J.R. BACKUS, | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS | ieee ee $2,350, Telep' ess Administrator 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. SUMMER 66 62 BUICK 4door Le Sabre hardt f he camriaion if tary-Treasurer equipped, executive driv ; h Oukawa Board Oshawa owner. Buy now of Education 1964 CHEVROLET 7 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Liberty St., Bowmanville ae V-8, power steering, power brakes <ritaads Send for this free book today. %@ CHEVROLET convertible, evervihing | TENDERS {ir Rhingid Hartwig, ee y Minden | original, Including 33.200 mils. Like new.| SPECIALISTS. IN contrac in myname ROSES Signed -- Rhinold R. Hartwig. car, Licence H57459. Sabyan Motor Sales. Rear Window Curtain | Athletic Supplies |- i Seat Covers iness Administrator until 4:00 | of Oshawa p.m. Friday, March' 25, 1966 Action Ads after which time no. tender will be received Downtown Simcoe & Bond BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA Ha lhcsellneaiallaeeliaetianliaetinedineliatiatiaatia BOAC agent 728-6201 OSHAW RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH *5.00 PER DAY . seg cna Chairman Oshawa ' Board of Education Monza, four-door auto HONDA SHOP 199 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. save tax ' ons are our only bus 27324, Gus Brown. Motors Ltd., 728 .' North, Phone 728-7339,