: Re e of skilled construction work-|tion today costs 15 to 30 per/the wince's project for the/added' ' tario Pavilion - oe ee pe: Pro' project for the/added 'to the design. The re-)tion program because of the in- . "sheik Sent iereane inte sx ffl cet" ould "ave cant" Ci oe en ie oonat Sao aie Meh ate sex lreaned concrete GOSIS IMETEAaSS Giiario pavilion ai Montreal's | monti ; oe fie | OS =o joi Pp ai ij S| moni 1S ago, . Oi 912,066,068; 2 CARS SET RECORD TORONTO (CP) --Ontario|#xpo 67. | Last week the government fe-|. James Ramsay, ditector of) Mt Connel-said the province) 4 record total of 274,997 new Public Works Minister Ray Con-| Mr. Connel said his depart-|vealed that the Centennial Cen-|the project, said about $100,000 /has not yet decided to cut back|cars was sold in Sweden in nel Wednesday blamed a short-/ment estimates most construc-|tre of Science and Technology--|of the increase is improvements'on its proposed 1966 construc-/1965. Our Prices Marked. on Goods on floor remain the same. 2% Discount OFF This Price Plus ginal matimates. in- 3004. ONE LOCATION Only! 90 Appliances (OSHAWA) LTD. WILL PENGUIN EGG HATCH? Another month should tell It is believed that so far the whether Edmonton's Story- only place in Canada to land Valley Zoo will have Sohn Ovens 0.2. 2 z successfully hatch a pen- -- snp va This = guin egg is Stanley Park in OPTOMETRIST male doesn't look too optim- = Vancouver. Storyland Val- 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA istic but the female and male have been sitting on ley Zoo has eight Humboldt PH. 723-4811 the egg only for two weeks. penguins. ; 12 ee a "ales Super-Surge WARD S : (eS Ea | Washing Action! March Money Saving Ata MPs )| came coneun cat Gn , ¢ Cleans vigorously with torrente of DRAPERY SPECIALS! ||, S34 Silos" BIG SAVINGS on Fine Quality Draperies made possible by full eo-operation ef our suppliers -- and a BONUS SAVING : Mode! DWC-IM) ALL-NEW CUSTOM IMPERIAL when you buy this month before the new Sales Tox be- e Colours or white DISH MOBILE comes effective on April Ist... BUY NOW AND SPECIAL BONUS GIFT FROM HOME APPLIANCES only O ALL APPLIANCES DELIVERED AND INSTALLED AND SERVICED BY OUR OWN SERVICE DEPARTMENT Low Introductory Pric6 OM IS | oicipAIRE | FRIGIDAIRE | From NEW FRIGIDAIRE 2-DOOR | juxury dryer | Automatic | FRIGIDAIRE... with amazing priced right | Washer with our best RIDE-AIRE | ™ Soak Cycle! | Dryer Value! ee ee ® Big 110-Ilb, size top freezer stays zero zone cold ! : oo Ut . eS ® Automatic defrosting refrigerator WARD'S Lea e. Se | | section ! ao. ---- \iaieneca mem HEED ® Deep Door Shelf, big twin Hydrators > and more ! READY TO HANG DRAPES wnat " 'TRADES ACCEPTED ON ALL APPLIANCES Model WDSK Check these fine features-- @ Fabric--Heaw Rouchtex Boucla weave In Stvlish Ravon Acetate 'gids white only Full lenat : 4 i © Timer lets you set © This Jet Action Washer © Timer lets you set plunge eo alt hash cel : > = << : exact drying minutes! soaks automatically! exact drying minutes! ease pbb tw halal cae ai wk | P r e-Season . © Exclusive Vent-Free © Patented Deep Action @ Fabrics heat selector! ; a ever a ' system needs no plumbing Agitator cleans deep! © No-stoop lint es you save on installation! | Jet-simple mechanism! screent © Gentle Flowing Heat? CHECK THE SIZE YOU NEED ON THIS CHART AND SEE HOW aces better . co © Me-steon link eoreen pas LITTLE.IT. WILL. COST _TO.HAVE. THESE BEAUTIFUL DRAPES. IN. Pr e-Tax 7 \.-lerightonthe door! Jet-Away lint removall | @ NosHast satting for. : me 1 aa é Tene Sirens GoGis "| @ SudsWater Saver model iring, fl YOUR HOME" at time = Gentle Flowing Heat! peste tat airing, fluffing! | REGULAR | 1% WIDTH | DOUBLE TRIPLE 8 WIDTHS 4 , LENGTH | WIDTH FITS | WIDTH | WIDTH FITS Krewe || than now FITS 6' TRACK FITS | FITS | a TRACK | 8' TRACK | 12° TRACK 63" Long 11.08 | 1.09 ) 2399; -- | -- . to buy Lees Se | Det on all SERVICE Seve 2.00 (| Save 3.00 Seve 4.00 x pie an A Hidden Value in Any Purchase At Sig | 1608) . | | 47.99 | 64,99 | Floor Length | Save 3.00 | | Seve 7.00 | Save 11.00 | Save 12.00 Electric Range | HOME APPLIANCES nica, LTD. 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-5332 Our prices for altering drapes are quite moderate -- discuss your drapery problems with our expert sales personnel. MARCH SPECIAL! -- DOOM OOOOICOSOOOOOOO 2 Until Fine Quality DRAPERY "4 | , Ta <2 FRIGIDAIRE protects you $8 April 1st A factory clearance of hundreds of yards of Heavy Roughtex Boucle Drapery . . . These cre the finest of designs, ol] suitable for decorating in most every room in the home . . . Three A ; rl © Pd : cs : : potterns to choose from. . . available in colours of Green, Aqua, Gold, Beige, Nutmeg ond + ° F for 5 years Every 1966 Frigidaire Save 4% } Flowing Heat Dryer ° Winter White Z| A : il " wi .98-- | aR 46" wide regular 3 2.49 , . untl AVADAUAATADATAPATAVATAVATAPATAVATAPATAPATADATAUADARATA® . e* . e* ee " i. y " ; 2 es ANY eee ee LMA ATAVATATAS You Save 1.49 each yard .... wriverieavieriys ari trieititarices Pleater Kit Special! Buy In March! : lie aff =: 2 FRIGIDAIRE protects you 2¥, 4d of Time Saver Cott Twill, Ploater Tope, 4. and Pindond 40 aprons 'pleater Seeks -- SAVE the Extre SALES ¢ 2000 o0 : { 5 : ht hooks for two widths of materic i , up te 50" wide. SPECIAL, kit 99° TAX Coming April 1st. ONOND = or years Every 1966 Frigidaire until Jet Action Washer has @ parts warranty on >. ri ¥ | ; the mechanism, motor 1 71 and water pump, pro- f ; tecting you until 1971. 0 Simcoe St. S$. PHONE UAOATAQAVATATAUATAVAVAIATADAICOATAIATA NYONYONYNYON GSS at Athol St. 725-1151 Gj vo KAR CROCTORTOOIOOIOOIOOHOOIO » INAVINOTAVOTINIVINVe AY INAV IVAYINOYINOVINOVINOVIVOVINOVINOXINE