Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1966, p. 2

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t @ THE OSHAWA Times, Wedsccdey, Merch 2, 1966 OSHAWA YOUNG LIBERALS VISIT LEGISLATURE This smiling group of Young Liberals from. Osh- awa, bolstered by a few sen- jor party stalwarts, was photographed prior to visit- ing Queen's Park yesterday to hear the Legislature in session, Pictured left to right are, Mrs. Timothy Todd; Bruce Mackey, pres- ident of the Young Liberal Association of Ontario County; Fred Ball; Mrs. Pat Ryan; Susan James, John Lyons, Mrs. William Selby; Ronald Swartz, Wilson Starts Drive To Catch More Votes LONDON (AP)--Prime Minis- ter Wilson's first campaign move--a proposal to aid home £17,000,000 ($51,000,000) a year, | bringing the total annual take! from betting taxes to £50,000,- buyers by soaking the gamblers |000 --launched a lively debate to- day. The opposition Conservatives called the scheme a blatant at- tempt to catch votes in the March 31 general election. Bookmakers contended that the new betting tax would drive their business back underground tional With his eye on finance, has shown a striking im- in Britain's debts said the government has from the legal betting parlors./ United States last year to save They also said it would prove the pound from devaluation. unworkable. The chancellor of the exche-| quer, James Callaghan, pro-| duced the heated Commons debate Tues- until day, the first day of the election |next national budget--due after) the election--should not be too! campaign. The government still owes $2,- 400,000 which the International Monetary Fund advanced to bol- scheme during ajster the pound, but it is not due 1970. Callaghan said the He said a tax of 2.5 per cent! severe. will be levied on virtually all) bets--including tions. The election will decide those on elec-|whether 'Vilson's Labor party, now holding only a three-seat The proceeds will be used to|margin in the 630-seat House finance the Labor party's long-|of Commons, is to be given a standing promise to bring down reinforced mandate or must mortgage costs WILL YIELD $51,000,000 yield to the Conservatives, led by Edward Heath. The major Financial commentators esti-|/public opinion polls show Labor mated the new tax would yieldlwell ahead. HERE and THER Notice of motion et the Pickering Township Council meeting to make pro- vision for the revision of ward boundaries to be effective in 1947 was given Pickering Township Council #ived a favorable re- rom. the Ontario Water ; 0 re- garding waste disposa Claremont pig farm Pickering Township Council hes all construction n the Rougedale Acres Rouge to ordered are a ¥ township official he resolution was letters and prompted hy delegations com plaining about the houses en croaching on private property and the changing of land ele vations Tobacco Auctions Boycott Foreseen LONDON (AP)---All major to bacco importers are expected to boycott the coming tobacco auc tions in Rhodesia, British gov ernment sources sai] Tuesday night. Bitain, the United States and Canada have banned al! exports to Rhodesia, but Denmark, In dia, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden and most Latin American coun- tries are among those stil] trad- ing there. The ban on trade to Rhodesia is part of the campaign organ- ized by Britain to bring down the white-minority government which proclaimed independence from Britain last year The honorarium paid to Reeve C.. Laycox was in- creased from $2,500 to $3,000 by Pickering Township Coun- cil this week. He will also be paid $1,000 for expenses. Council members will be paid $15 per day for council and committee meetings and 10 cents per mile to attend council meetings Copies of a resolution, ask ing that immediate action be taken to Correct rumbling Tounnaliin Wailik, el ie Tar Schod, will he a ¢ tha Alte sAministretar ene OARS OE barton Pabile forwardea by Pieveri Township Council ta 2 Hoare minister of TONIGHT 1S THE NIGHT Lectures TOPICS OF REAL ESTATE (MORTGAGES AND REAL ESTATE FINANCING) NORTH OSHAWA CLUB HOUSE Nonquon Road March 2, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. Another Oshawa Recreation Department Activity treasurer; and foreground, eral member, William Selby, president of the Oshawa Liberal Asso- ciation and George K. Dry- nan, secretary of the OLA. They heard part of a de- bate on Reform Institutions stitutions, NO REASON FOR OPTIMISM -- SPOKESMAN Teamsters Seen Sewage System Plan Announced COOKSVILLE, Ont. (CP) --| The Ontario Water Resdurces Commission revealed plans Tuesday for. a $72,500,000 gov- ernment-finahced and operated water and sewage system for ' cousy and Toronto Pie c erill ba served as will Towaships ail be served as will the towns of Streetsville, Brampton and Port Credit. The major project in the first phase is expansion of the exist- ing treatment plant on Lake On- tario from its 10,000,000-gallons- a-day capacity to 30,000,000 gal- lons and eventually to 90,000,- 000. sters'\ Union negotiator said|terms." Tuesday night a new offer reau gives '"'no justification for' work and- other benefits, any feeling of optimism" about : a settlement of the trucking SAYS IT'S PACKAGE strike. : The bureau described its of- Ray Taggart, chairman of the fer as a "complete package set- |joint negotiating committee rep-|tlement proposal' and said in resenting five provincial locals |the statefent: of the independent union and more than 8,500 truckers, re- served further comment until | members of the bargaining committee from each local have examined the offer. The offer was presented Tues- "If the Teamsters reject this complete set ef proposals, the | bureau will have to employ an entirely 'different strategy to settle the dispute. Tuesday night the offer was " questioned and criticized Allan Gross- man, minister of reform in- and also had a private interview with Ver- non Singer, a Liberal MPP. studied by Mr. Taggart, Frank Fitzsimmons, interna- tional teamster vice - president from Detroit, and I. M. (Casey) Dodds, Canadian director of the jday by the bureau, which repre- jsents 55 companies involved in ithe work stoppage. The bureau said in a State- jment detaiis of the settlement |plan cannot be released until |Union. . "the union has a reasonable op-! The strike began Jan. 13 and rae 1 | Co-op Backs Appointment Of Irvine As OBG President ST. THOMAS (CP)--Directors| vine's capability and contribu- of Elgin Co-operaiive Services|tion to the bean board Ltd., have endorsed the appoint-| Mr, Ivrine will remain gen- ment of their general manager,|eral manager of the co-opera- | Archie Irvine, as president and| tive. managing director of Ontario! He was appointed to the board Bean Growers Lid. 'of the bean company last week Co-operative President John) when the Ontario Bean Grow- S: Pearce said Tuesday direc-|ers' Marketing Board was re- tors now will ask Eigin County! placed by a special three-man, Cool To New Bid TORONTO (CP) --A Teams- | portunity to accept or reject the |/shortiy aiierwards ithe bureau, sae ordered its members to clo s.e| li¢_Ulilities Commission. But a spokesman said the pro- after walkouts at several from the Ontario Motor Trans- posal provided for substantial | Toronto firms, The union, which port Industrial Relations Bu-|jmprovement in pay, hours of |had rejected a company offer recommended by a@ conciliation board, had voted to strike Jan. 20. | Tuesday to join in the 1967 cele- the County. \ detail to members of Toronto Township Counc ana the southern section of Peel 1 A total of $60,426,000 in new The scheme was outlined in, construction is planned for the | next 20 years, with $35,749,000 Pub-lto go-inta water facilities and _ the rest into sewage--facilities. The union is seeking a reduc- tion in the work week to 40 from | 48 hours with no reduction in! pay. Before the strike, city driv- | ers earned $2 an hour and high- way drivers were paid on a mileage basis. Judy Invites American Visits BUFFALO (CP)--State Secre- tary Judy LaMarsh issued a hearty invitation to Americans brations of Canada's centennial. #4 . Come on over in 1967 and join in the party," she said in a speech to the Central Park Men's Club. "We want to see you. We are ready to welcome you. Chances are, in fact, we won't be as ready for another 100 years." The Canadian cabinet minis- ter outlined the many events to be held during the year-long celebration. A text of her speech was re- leased to the press in advance Britain's | credit in the world of interna- Callaghan also told the Commons that the last lyear | provement He paid in full $890,400,000 in short-' term loans borrowed from the when George Ben, a- Lib- --QOshawa Times Photo | WEATHER FORECAST | Mainly Sunny For Today, Mild Spell To Continue TORONTO (CP) --Forecast! Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, issued by the weather office at White River: Increasing cloudi- 5:30 a.m.: Synopsis: A pressure just west of the upper | Thursday with showers Thurs- Great Lakes is expected to day afternoon and_ evening. mpve into Ontario tonight bring- Little change in temperature | ing light winds and settled today. Milder Thursday. weather. A southerly circulation' Timagami, Cochrane: Cloudy should develop over most of the with a few sunny periods and province Thursday bringing /|scattered snowflurries today fairly mild temperatures. Very clearing this evening. Variable cold air is advancing southward cloudiness Thursday. A _ little from Alberta and beginning to cooler today milder again produce stormy weather which Thursday. Winds becoming will eventually move eastward. light this evening and south 15 Lake St. Clair, Windsor: Thursday. Sunny with a few cloudy periods, Ottawa region: Clearing this today. Variable cloudiness to- afternoon. Thursday cloudy with night. Mainly sunny Thursday.'a few sunny periods. Continu- Continuing mild. Winds light to-|ing mild, Winds westerly 20 day. South 15 Thursday. with gusts to 35 becoming light Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Ni- tonight. agara, western Lake Ontario, Forecast Temperatures London, Toronto, Hamilton: | Low tonight, high Thursday: Mainly sunny today. Vaciable | Windsor ........ «2 50 cloudiness tonight and 15 Thurs- St. Thomas. eiioe 45 day. London 3 45 Eastern Lake Ontario, Wali- Kitchener .... q 45 burton, Killaloe, Georgian Bay, Mount Forest.... y 42 North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny | Wingham with a few cloudy periods and | Hamilton widely scattered snowflurries St. Catharines. today, clearing this evening. ; Toronto Cloudy Thursday morning fol- Peterborough lowed by partial clearing in the Kingston .. afternoon. Continuing mild. Trenton.. Winds decreasing this afternoon Killaloe . and. becoming light this eve- Muskoka ning. ness this afternoon. Occasional | ridge of high light snow late tonight and early) EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AVAILABLE FOR OSHAWA DERART--THE WORLD'S LARGEST RUSTPROOFING ORGANIZATION HAS THE MOST ADVANCED SYSTEM IN THE WORLD FOR THE PRESERVATION OF AUTO AND TRUCK BODIES, © Exceptionally good profit potential © Protected territory @ Complete technical training and marketing program prowded © Eqnipment and process fully patented © Over 119 established franchisees internationally REOQUIREMENTS--¢ proven ability to direct # successful business, Must be sales and profit oriented, investment required $2500.90 plus normal working capital, Se interenafion and qualification requirements please write te 2 TIFRART BOS & Six Po TPROOFING LIMITED Tornnte 18, Ont. Business Law Course Beginning Mon., Mar. 7, 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Oshowe Chamber of Commerce in co- eperetion with the Ontario Depertment of Education thie course designed to Givi Vie thiati DUNNE jn degling mote effectively with the iegai especies of his business aw COST...$25 For Further informetion end Registration Forms Coll The Oshowe C. of C. of 728-1683 CEASING QPERATIONS UNRESERVED AUCTION OF PARAMOUNT GEAR WORKS 1247 LAWRENCE AYE WEST UPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM PARAMOUNT ARE CEASING OPERATIONS INCLUDING LATE MODEL -- WELL MAINTAINED ven GEAR CUTTING EQUIPMENT PITCH NEW IN 1963 COST $27 400. FELIQWS FINE PITCH. GEAR SHAP-# MOD. 3-3, 3° x 4" CAR C/W FEDERAL PROBE GAUGE HEAR, SEF OF CHANGE GEARS & ASST. MOUNTING FIATURES, With FiLLawe TAPE FED CIRCUIT CONTROL RECORDER, MOR Giibdl. 2: Lait MODEL HARDINGE PRECISION CHUCKING LATHES (1 MOR HE iy" « 18" CAP, & POSITION TURRET, 1 MOD. TRH 18" Swine x fe" CENTERS, 6 POSITION TURRET BOTH HAVE POWER CRGLS & LONGITUDINAL FEEDS. (1) NEW ih (63-11) WHEW ih (Od MIKRON UNIVERSAL GEAR HOBBING MACHINE Ho 107/04--FELLOWS Filtt PITCH GEAR SHAPER No. 3 HAMILTON AUTO GEAR HOBBING iA CHINE No, 1-2 GLEASON 3° STRAIGHT BEVEL GEAK GENERATORS KOEPFER UNIVERSAL AUTO GEAK HOBBING MACHINE GAUTIER AUTO GEAR HOBBING MACHINE GLEASON 1A CONMIFLER STRAIGHT BEVEL GENERATOR GEAR CUTTER W/HYDRAULIC GEAR DRIVE FEL LOWS VERTICAL GEAR SHAPER Mo 6- FELLOWS SPUR & HELICAL GEAR SHAPER No. 645A3. MAKICUT JA GEAH SHAPER BARBER COLEMAN GEAR HOB GRINDER MOD. 4-4 $/M- 987 HEALD IHTERMAL GRINDING MACHINE MOD, 75A-----LEES BRADNER HEAVY THREAD MILLER MOD. 417-744 MAS LATHE MOD, SH 204-1000----WYSS6K0B HOB GRINDER (AUTO. TYPE 126)----MURAD CAPSTAM LATHE BAK BER-COLEMAN No. 3 GEAR HOBBING MACHINE CHHOMASTER PLATTING UNIT MOD. ASO GLEASON TOLERANCE CHECKER--€LEC TRIC BUFFING WHEEL---ELECTRIC ETCHING PENCIL TESTING EQUIPMENT: KURT ORBAN COMPARATOR W/GRAPHOSTAT 2 SCHOPPE & FAESER PRECISION COMPARATORS MOD. APIO W/GRAPHOSTATS SONOGEN TRANSDUCER & GENERATOR.10x IN SPECTION MICROSCOPE -- LAPPING BLOCK 5 BORE GAUGES 7 VERNIER CALIPERS---DIAMOND LAPPING WHEEL---PARKSON GEAR TESTER TIME WEDNESDAY TORQHTOQ GEAR WOREE WHE PREeViEw PLACE ON LOCATION MARCH 9TH 1247 LAWRENCE AVE. W. MON, TUES, | 11 A.M, | TORONTO, ONT. MARCH7 4&8 ~ Write, Phone or Wire for FREE PICTORIAL BROCHURE Phone at Auction Site (416) 249-7813 Lot by Lot Cataloque at Preview MAYNARD'S AUCTIONEERS 1233 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C./682-1033 Suite 1106, Prudential Bidg,, King & Yonge Sts. Toronto, Ont./363-8779 bean growers to assess Mr. Ir-! board. of delivery. ) SPECIAL ~ ANNOUNCEMENT ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION Wing No. 420, Oshawa, Ont.* ANNOUNCES THEY ARE AGAIN SPONSORING A SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING SICKROOM EQUIPMENT This equipment will consist of; invalid walkers, crutches end miscellaneous small equipment and will be available ony resident of (ONTARIO AND DURHAM COUNTIES F OF CHARGE FOR HOME USE). Your MAGAZINE ORDER (new or this comunity project and every operate renewal) will help further resident is urged to co- request to see the repres- signed by wing 420 misrepresentation by. un- Residents, when called upon should entative's letter of introduction Officers. This is to eliminate any authorized persons DONATIONS ARE NOT TO BE SOLICITED OR ACCEPTED H, E. RAMSHAW W. EVANS Sec. P, Pres, FOR SICKROOM EQUIPMENT Phone 728-6123 W. PATERSON Trees. For the Best of Meat & See 'The King' PEAMEAL BACK ------ BONELESS SHINLESS HEAVY RED OR BLUE HINDS BEEF 150 185 59: BEEF POT ROAST, FRESH BEEF LIVER TURKEY LEGS BREAST, Short Cut MINCED STEAK BACON STEWING BEEF, 39 . tb BUTTER SIDES | 'SIDES PORK » 44° 51: HINDS 125 -- 150 909 SIMCOE ST. u 94° CUT WRAPPED AND DELIVERED BRIDGELAND MEAT-0-RAMA! e@ HOME OF THE KING OF MEAT e 728-3361 N. at the Crosswalk PRIME RIB ROAST Prices You'll Never Beat 909 Simcoe Street (north et the erosswalk) ROUND SIRLOIN T-BONE LOIN END CHOPS ® SLICED BREAKFAST @ BEEF HAMBURG BOLOGNA 3 Ibs. $1.00 MARGARINE, LAR SHORTENING 4 Ibs. $1.00 09: BLUE BRAND BEEF SIDES uv OL° RED BRAND BEEF HINDS u 61 FREE BRAND NEW FAMILY SIZE FREEZERS $149.50 holds 300 Ibs. Unconditional Guarantee against spoilage for five years. I I a ae mn ch il gc a

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