Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1966, p. 27

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LI'L ABNER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WOMEN'S ROLE i IN THE CHANGING * er gp coasts STRUCTURE ) OF MODERN SOCIETY ous OUR DISCUSSION | aF GROUP MET/ THIS | Clg entree Symtiontn, Ion, 1966, World eights reserved, \ 5 PINK Le LIPSTicK! ~ » P or T [we DECIDE ELSIE SParrZeL) POCESN'T LOOK. GOOD IN THE NEW 2 AND YOU GET REAVY TO GO WITH HER~ THAT IDA MEANY MAY MAN! BE HAVING ME TRAIL 16 THAT AGAINST ES POSTAL REGULA HAS BUILT A ae: * NEST _\N YOUR le. TAYLOR F "§ MAILBOX > Sriteate, tne. 1066. Werkd rights seeerved | [MAKE SURE HIDis fT IN A PLACE HE WILL NEVER THINK OF LOOKING! WE SNAKE TOOTH IN A HOPE an one! THOSE BISCUITS YOU BAKED YESTERDAY ARE SO HEAVY AND UNBREAKABLE, wT PAINTED AND DECORATED 'EM... = int sehen aero, © fe Fetes reine, et AND THEY MAKE THE NICEST PAPERWEIGHTS/ fan, 1966. World stehee ----s ie was JUST THANKING BUZ FOR SAVING MY LIFE, TINKLE, 7 Saxe YOU. \-} ( SEEMS TO BE A HABIT OF }| we 'OU-MUST COME TO THE I CAN'T HOUSE FOR DINNER TO Biz. PAPA WILL WANT TO THANK YOU IN PERSON, chon A DATE, TO RE! Werkd rights reve-ved. @ iling Feateree Syndicace, ine, 1966, 7 T'Ve JUST MADE IT FOR YOu, BUZ. RECALL MAKING: | {T'S THE DUTY OF A.GOOD SECRETARY. 27 «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 2, 1966 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) SCUE HER BOSS FROM FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENT. South dealer. North-South vulnerable. 4 @AK10648 #KI1073 EAST . L. Mackenzie Kin WHILE HE PRAYS PEACE, iii IN SEPTEMBER, 758, Vine LEARNS OF (e ALSO WAR, THROUGH MANY DEFENCE TALKS WITH ILLE CHAMBERLAIN S APPEASEMENT OF THE NAZIS AT MUNICH, HE REJOICES «++ THIS WILL ASSURE PEACE J SEND MY PERSONAL CONGRATULATIONS: TO CHAMBERLAIN ! y ae a 'ANS ti ad » jEN ON GEPT. | Tees, Sue won @AK9S @AKQI862 1 35 The bidding: ' Opening lead--eight of clubs. A good declarer takes advan- tage of every clue in attempting '-@2z THE LONE RANGER THANKS! THIS 1S THE SECOND TIME YOU'VE HELPED US-- DESPITE YOUR WAY, CAPTAIN THE ASSASSINS CUT TO THE LEFT WHEN THEY TONTO AND / WALL CONTINUE } 70 HELP YOU UNTIL THAT, GANG /S CAUGHT! COME, MISS DURAND ~ I MOST" ANXIOUS To SE& WHAT IS LITTLE SECRET AGENT X39 iy, to achieve the best possible re- sult. Here is a hand where South had to gauge the situa- tion exactly right in order to make six hearts. West led a club in response to East's double of four clubs. East took the ten with the queen and returned a low club which South ruffed with the jack. Declarer could have ruffed a spade in dummy at this point in the hope that he could then dispose of his other losing spade by cashing the A-K of dia- monds. But South realized that this method of play svas unlike- ly to succeed, due to the freak- ish nature of the hand, so he therefore decided to place his faith in a squeeze. Accordingly, he led out five rounds of trumps, whereupon this became the position: North a6 gir " Bast 1078 a A 5 HAVE DINNER OUT OF OUR OWN DONALD DUCK GARDEN? When South now led his last trump, West discarded a spade in order to keep the diamonds under guard, while North and East each discarded a club. The effect of squeezing West out of his spade guard was that East now had the guard the spade by himself, a task which became extremely difficult when declarer now proceeded to cash the A-K of diamonds. East followed to the first dia- mond, but on the next one, since he could not afford to discard the ace of clubs, he was forced 3. European capital Towa. city Neighbor of N.J. Shoo A great prize fighter 8. French river Hebrew measure 10, Thomas Hardy heroine 14. School on the Thames 18, Phonebook abbrevia- tion 20. Obstacle 4. 5. 6. 7. 16.Congusrors 9. of a sort 17: Canadian province: abbr. 18. Gambol 19, Norwegian dramatist 22. "Child of the sun" 26, Breaks suddenly TELEVISION LOG . Sample . Problem A chance ac- quaint- ance, in Las Vegas Sloth Thus , Chinese. dynasty , Matricu- lating miss . 150-mile river into the Rhone 83. Irritating [FIEIN] T{S] BIAIRIE MEAIRIOIUINID} lolvi to} aoa (RIQIC MALIA) Hi] Channe! Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilten eet 2--Buitalo 3--Ba | eBulfalo |= |F2--I [AISIHME [VIEIR| ISTH} IMIS} cw ICIOlOlP MBC IOIO ANNA AM lee} LIOMENIAIRIYEMIATY] Alpioluiste| AIBILIE! iRIEIAILIEISMEWIEIEID) AIMISMME IRIS! N--Femi o--Five | Secret Agent | 4--Danny Kaye 10:30 | 7--ABC Scope WRONGSCAY EVE. | 63--Festival 5:00 P.M, | ly Theetre -- O'clock Show Yesterday's Answer 34. Unit of illumination Reckless Concert selection Room of asort Space Continent: abbr. @--Buperman 1:18 | ¢~Passport To Adventure| ¢--Metre Final 3--Secret Squirrel 6--Viewpeint | 9-Lieyd Thaxton | 5:30 P.M, J--Rocketship 7 &--Across Ci S--Leave it Te Bewver | &Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay 6:00 P.M. | 7Twilight Theatre é--City At 6 +News, Sports am Chuck Heely 35. 36. | 4---Lete Show é--Hight Metre The Saint 6--Sports d--AMovie 37. 38. 27. Moslem Be nymph \1--News; Weath é--Newscap 8 19 10 GAg 28. Legendary creature Z Ne 6:3 P.M. 11--Family Theatre #. Poem division 14 0-4+3--News; Weather 30. Plant shoot 32, Aloft end Spo --Huntiey-Brinkley es 4 jobby News | 9--Cheyenne J--Diakng Fer 24. It's more often given post- 7:00 P.M. eri Tes 1--Giiligans isiand e--Camp Runemuck @--Rip Cord é--News, Weather, ory oe | 2--Doble Gillis $7. Cod, for one 39, Injured | Henaymeonert socio High |17---Whiplash 40. Sister of a Greek | #--Huntley-Brinkley Report | 63--Ivanhoe j 4! Love Lucy 'warmonger 41, Willow 7:30 P.M. Green Acres 1---Ed Allen 42. G 9--Gldget | $3--Virginian y--~Omle and Marrtet | %--Bingo lossy 43. Scottish lord 44. Wing- | | G-The Couriers Sing | 25 Donne Rew' | 4+New York DOWN 1. Lucifer Philharmonic | 4---The McCoys 8:00 P.M. 11--Special Movie 6-3--Chez Helene 2. An intersection $--My Favorite Merten 7--Patty Ouke Show 8:30 P.M. YOUR HEALTH | @--NHL Hockey 7--Supermarket Chicago at Montreal ?--Gidget 6-3--Bob Hope 4--Beverly Hilfpiiiies 9:00 P.M. y--The Big Valley $-2---Bob Hope 4--Green Acres 9:30 P.M 14:20 %--Abracadabra $-2--Paradise Ba | 10:00 P.M. \11--Merv Griffin Show Spy 7--Amos Burke -- | 9--Sports Hot Seat 11:00 P.M. | 1140-7-6-4-3-3--Neows ma then P.M, 11:20 P.M. 11:30 P.M, 11:40 PLM, | %--Plerre Berton j-3--Midweek Theatre 12:30 A.M. 100 A.M. agar a with Uncle 8 | 4-talkes Carnival 9:30 A.M. | 10:00 A.M. |t-2--Fractured Phrases 10:30 A.M, | #-2----Concentration |63--Friendly Giant 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11--Mike Douglas | #3--Okay Crackerberry | 9-- Mr. And Mra. $-2--Morning Star &3--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Ma 15 AM, 9--Summer, Fun | & Fields Of Sacrifice | AM. \@%--Across Canade 11:30 A.M, to discard a spade. The double q having proved effective, South took the last three tricks with the A-K-9 of spades. License Plates Numbers Game VICTORIA (CP)--Ray Had- field's annual headache is over. Mr. Hadfield is superinten- dent of motor vehicles for Brit- ish Columbia. Not only is there the annual task of persuading everybody to buy their new plates in time, but his besetting problem is all those letters from people who want numbers lower than 3,000. These people form a sort of exclusive club in B.C., he thinks, and some people have schemed for years to get into it. ' 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today | s4--< 8 Show 11--Noon Time | %1 Love Lucy &-2--Let's Play 4-4--Search For Tomorre® 3-Heendey Repert 12:43 P.M. +4--Guiding L ight 1:00 P.M, \--Thestre 9--Morning Star b--aatines | 3Summer Carousel fale 9Deugies | 1:30 PLM. er; Sports| 9 james | @4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. | &-Kids is People 7--Nurses | &4--Password 2--Days of Our, Lives 2:15 P.M. | Deer Charlotte 2:30 P.M. %--Peopie in Config: \8-2--The Doctors | 7--A Time For | @Love That Bob | 4Linkietter's Party | Each year the motor vehicles branch sets aside the first 3,000 plates for special applicants, who have to put their names in by Jan. 1. But only about 300 new low numbers are available each year, because most people renew their old number. Nevertheless, about 30,000 op- timists still write every Janu- ary, enclosing a certified cheque or money order, for an elite number plate. There is no B.C. 1 number, It was retired after Premier Duff Patullo had it before the Sec- ond World War. By contrast, Premier W. A. C, Bennett drives a high-licence-number car. W. M. Guild, a broadcasting executive, sports number 900, the frequency of his ratio sta- tion. He waited five years to get it. John H. Ledger, a distillery manager, has plate 1832, the year his firm was founded, and the owner of a Model A Ford has plate 1929, the year of its manufacture. Defying superstition, number 13 has been held by James Fer- Condes Lee \ovie 3:00 P.M. |\1--Donna Reed | Fractured Phrases |&3--Bonnie Prudden Show | Werle | 1--@eneral Heapitel |43--To Tell The Truth 2:30 P.M. 1--Funny Company | 91's Your Meve | 8-You Don't Say | 7--Superman Show |+3--Take 2 | 4fage of Might | 3--Kartoon Karnivel 4:00 P.M. o--Mickey Mouse,2iud 8--The Match Game | 7--Early Show | 1--Bonnle Pruddes 4--Becret Sterm f--Recky end His Friends Sweep | 4:30 P.M, Danie a 4--The 4-Thirty Show Tumor Back Again | A: Following Surgery | 6-3--Festivai 4--Dick Van Dyke do with it--except that obese By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD people are more likely to have fatty tumors. Lean people occa- | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show! 2----Huckleberry carry the trait (not- necessarily the disease) is found principally |among Negroes and people from guson of Victoria for several years. "T figure it's a lucky num- ber," he says. "I've never had a serious accident in more than 25 years. SALLY'S SALLIES if a ¥ 4 rt \the Mediterranean countries. sionally have them, too, but this : Not nearly enough is yet jis uncommon Dear Dr. Molner: J] had aon a nerve and cause pain, then fatty tumor removed from my |remoyal is indicated. | known about sickle-cell anemia, back two years ago. Now I am| The cause of lipomas is not| Dear Dr. Molner 1 work as ajand it is being studied vigor- getting another in almost the| clear. One theory is that the fat|seamstress and can see no rea-|ously. One theory, or suspicion, ae bawiy -- the doctor |cells have a different growth|son why 1 should have leg|is that it may be a natural pre- rsh agg 0 a as _ it}rate in a localized area. If this}cramps and foot pains, hecause | ventive against malaria, but this common for tumors to come)is true, then it is possible that|] am not on my feet, Please tell has not been proved back Could the physical activ-|missing a few such actively|me how to get rid of them.--| This form of anemia (al- ity of my job, or my diet-have|srowing cells could lead to|Mrs. T. A. though not all sickle cells result rend ge | to do with the prob-/crowth of another tumor. It is} Maybe you can "'soo no rea-|in anemia) is dangerous as well Jem?--H.D. also possible that an independ-json,' but if the cramps are|as disabling and painful: Head- A lipoma (fatty tumor) usu-|ent tumor may have formed at|pothering you, there must be ajaches, general weakness, pains ally causes no more trouble |2imost the same place, sinc€jreason. Such cramps aren't ne-|in muscle and joints, fever and once it is removed, but there (People with this tendency often|cessarily (or even usually) the other symptoms result from it. fi *|have multiple tumors | qpsult of being on your. feet all| Blood transfusions help but do as in your eciding which may be the|the time not cure case is no doubt difficult. The} Dear Dr. Moiner: Please give," important thing is that this situ-}me some information on sickle-| 1 ation does not warrant worry. If|cell anemia.--I. B. MONTREAL (CP)--The town of the body. It is not cancerous. |the new tumor becomes large} It is a form of anemia in|of Chateauguay not only cut the Unless it is bothersome there is | enough annov you, that's|which the red cells are shaped | general tax rate by 50 per cent no reason for removal. If it is lime enough to have if remoy ed. {like sickles or half moons n' 1965, it ended the year with | unsightly, or large enough to be| Neither your physical activity) The disease, transmitted by|a $70,000 profit. The community | g nuisance or happens to press|nor your diet has anything to'hetedity when both parénts has 13,000 residents, MUGGS AND SKEETER COULD I FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU IF HEAR ME OUT, PLEASE, I WON'T GO INTO DETAIL A I REALLY LOVED y SKEETS? 4 BOUT MY FEELINGS FOR S YOU...BUT TELL ME THIS, : PLEASE,.! can be exceptions, case A lipoma is a simple over-| TOWN EARNS PROFIT growth of tissue in the fat layer Gna Feateres Symone, kame 100Gy Woekd rights reserved JULIET JONES = ex "Why can't these checks over again? The bank yps sending them bacis month." ' to oo

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