' Jan-on4. French [eraM and a passion for clarity. . M w~.ore Making any decision to} In November, 1964, MacMil- newsprint producers held out. 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, err: wee 2, 1966 : M8 eye 4 Russia' |e Aeecriber the Tate OE ik Newsprint Tn Wost arkote follow..the Crown. lead. a Bloede! announced a -$i0-a-; Dit last fall Abitibi Power and , Orval C. Cook of Vancouver, aper Co. and Domtar Ltd., cut | "When I began to learn Eng- | revisions: : rape A ton cut in the price of news- 2 ieee s vice-president of pulp and paper| " - prices between $1 and $5 a ton Director W ould tian | lish, beef ety er came Bese BS ae ey phe Has $10-ton Price Boost sales for Crown Zellerbach, said| Print. Crown Zellerbach and/ty meet competitive' prices in probes in the ériginal,' " he re-| confusing lines rewritten; 510) +aNCOUVER (CP) -- Crown nounced by the parent Crown 0 eer Page vag! ie ay EL pg aces a: a and Sas- calls. "This I did, but with a) extraneous lines eliminated; | Zeljlerbach Canada Ltd. caught|Zellerbach Corp. in San Fran-|}) 0+ srevalled patweed 1867 aa - . Bard To Common Peo le shocking result: 1 couldn't un-| spelling | brought 4 a pom the Canadian forest industry off] cisco, 1964. derstand half of it." | punctuation revis guard Monday by ing a} ow tish 2 : Pp Many a plodding high school| reduced nee five to ried eat $10-a-ton increase in the price| .oiimbia' ag pao » Boone ; The new " = yreged SPRING SESSION * HOLLYWOOD (AP)--How do If you favor clearer, more un-| student had discovered the same) pee pies ge Mee. inserted: of newsprint cng rows producers -- MacMillan, Bloe- on to customers in the B.C. you like your Shakespeare? _|derstandable Shakespeare, then ing. 2 be f F soma. monologues turned _ into Canada markets. The increase) 44) and Powell River Ltd. and| lower mainland and $135 a ton Lim afin whinrm Asnwil sn n= ti sas Apr + Ash ee TT ae SETS in -oMectivs : as ete a iis> GaNTRa sT3 i rest Proaucis Lid.--said) in the rest of britisn Columbia 9 CEN Tive thie? " Heaven's| van have found a champion in| SUS _Y'tS'? Chat Ma.! 4 B.C. Forest P' Vv - Sanne \ st increese wae an-lu. una 5 and Alharta' Mr Cank cave na face does isiow, ig = solid-| the famed director Rouben Ma- moulian devoted years in de-| Mamoulian admitted he was| the Claw Zellerbach move and|reason for the increase. pd bergen . toad ee moulian. He is the editor of a) veloping a modern text. j risking the wrath of devout erly Hills home that the recep-| would have to study the matter ws re is Ceeeetitsick at the|new version of Hamlet (Bobbs-| Qugyy CLARITY | Shakespearians, who consider|tion to the book thus far has ? Pat & Mike's : nd Advanced. Mill act." Merrill, $5), which he hopes} y;, was no indiscriminate| 2"y tampering with the folios to| been fairly favorable. But then CULTURE VANISHED FISH & CHIPS i] @ Beginners o anced Millinery ; d to th | be sacrilege. perhaps the Shakespeare fanat- @ Advonced Dressmoking @ Potten Adjusting Or like this? " Heaven's| will help restore the bard to the! hacker of iambics. Long a cre-| be sacrileg h ¢ sor had tind in 10 Puchi. Tad + aia! sae SentOP | sy blush, and this great| ordinary people for whom hel ative director of plays (Porgy| "I submit that this kind of ics have not yet had tim bad acre rs tigate t 1951 For Further Information Call se gg Ba slobe f earth, wrote, and Bess, Oklahoma!) and films| veneration is misdirected," he| their muskets. eastern United States reache 723- arene a eae renee as it} The Armenian-born Mamoul-| (Golden Boy, Blood and Sand,| writes. "This is to 'love not| The next eee of bukiness) rnp ie. aie ae © Hatha 'c Glneeur cece 723-7625 Doomsday : 4 i t| Silk Stockings), he came to the| wisely, but too well'." | wou or him to present his|their civ re rig Es t sick at ecw sdleoy goad coor cal sont gay oo om with eielibe of stage- Mamoulian Said at his B Bev- version: of Hamlet on a stage. '700 years ago. ee Classes are instructed by Mrs. Elizebeth Oscapelle POWER SALAD SPECIALS EFFECTIVE 'TILL CLCSING SAT. MARCH 5th. NO DEALERS PLEASE. 'sie POWER Pry/cc GRAIN FED BEEF Gepn Toad Fears CLARKS © SeEFe CHICKEN © TURKEY non ¢ MEATA THE KING OF ROAST BEEF Short Cut FRENCH FRIES 9::35' me Pies 3 Pecuaes =AS HIGHLINER lees. | PRIME RIB..... risus =A8: | aa ss Fig sTicHS -- =39\_ "3 7 hice _ | SPI We ete | anisi e TOOTHPASTE * 19° Ib. PIE SON SHAMPOO 21.00 SAVE 40 SRIBSTEAKS .89) 2 == e 'a § toh , : JELLO assoRTeD Ha d 4 nous 79 B Pun! ESYRUP RIN Bacon 99 POWDERED MILK 'it ig-2 ci Enorolone ¢ rca" m 2 9F 2 LIVER .=. o | te.. Brand ¢ PizzaPiev Shopey': Srend SLICED bec SALAMI 4" ie Maple Leaf i »S | eFISH DEPARTMENT SPECIAL 9 ome Cooked Heat & Eat COD FILLETS FISH STICKS. tb. ag Ib. 59° YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL POWER SUPER MARKETS LOCATED AT sr Food Ooller | 500 Rossland Rd. -- 564 King St. E. @ Specials Effective Until Closing Sat., March 5th We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities No Dealers ' (To Reasonable Family Requirements) Please 1