| Good Says MONTREAL (CP) ~ Allan Stanley, 40, veteran of 18 sea- eons in the National Hockey + ia man danine whet J. ieagucy +P * i ture an expanded NHL may mean for him. The 199 - pound defenceman, who went unprotected by the Toronto Maple Leafs at the be- ginning of the current season, said Tuesday he feels he is good for another five years in the NHL providing "all circum- stances are favorable," Stanley said he would like to stay with Toronto for whom he has played the past seven sea- sons. He said he will never go back to New York Rangers who traded him to Chicago Black Hawks in 1955 after he had played for New York for seven seasons. He was sent down to Vancou- ver of League for the 1953-1954 season after five years with the Ran- For 5 More ging Maple Leaf the Western Hockey - gers but came back to play two 3 more seasons for New York, "I would never go back to New York," he said. "I couldn't measure up to the publicity and = they (the fans) got on me. It was so bad Frank Boucher woulgn't play me at home, just in road games," Leafs coach Punch sald Stanley "never makes little mistakes. Either he's right or he's wrong. Most of the time he's right. He's an amazing man." WAS THE OLDEST Imlach said Stanley was the Imlach 3 oldest of six defencemen on the © Leaf roster when they started = training camp for this season. He had not been protected and "you know the position he was © in." Stanley got to Toronto in 1958; in a trade from Boston in which | the Bruins got James Morrison. | He had been sold to Boston by} the Black Hawks in 1956. The NHL expects an answer later in the week from the Na-| tional Broadcasting Company in| the United States on whether) NBC will carny one or more Stanley Cup playoff games on a} Sunday afternoon. | League president Clarence Campbell said in Montreal Tues-| day the matter must be re- solved "immediately" so the network can 'arrange scheduling. Don V. Ruck, 38, of Mount Carmel, Conn., was named di- rector of public relations for the'tender with Quebec Aces of the|one or two generations in the his first practice session since going on the injury list. Helping him off are re-injuring a leg that has trainer Bobby Haggert and | been ailing for several Leaf forward Eddie Shack. | weeks. The new mishap. Al Smith of Toronto Marl- | took place Tuesday during boros will be in the net to- | TERRY SAWCHUK, To- ronto Maple Leaf goalten- der, limps off the ice after ap-|American League, said expan-| pointment connected with the/sion of the NHL to more United | league expansion. He will be in/States centres will result in| charge of a new office to be|mostly Americans filling the! opened this summer in New|NHL lineups within 20 years. York and will supervise all pub-| Marois said television cover- lic relations activity of the|age of league games from coast league, both in Canada and the|to coast would result in the United States. younger generation becoming at- Jean Marois, a former goal-|tached. But it would be at least NHL Tuesday in the latest lfuture before young Americans National Team Trains At Championship Site LJUBLJANA, Yugoslavia (CP)|many 14-2 and a Yugoslay squad for the record-tying 50th. The -- Canada's national hockey)7-1. team had its first workout Tues-| day at the site for the 1966|Canadian team, said: world championships under the watchful eye of Rev. David Bauer. The 10-day tournament starts Thursday with the Canadians) decided underdogs after their unimpressive record on a brief European warmup tour. j The national squad won only two of five exhibition games, | losing twice to Czechoslovakia} 4.0 and 4-3 and 2-1 to the United | States. The Canadians defeated an RCAF team in West Ger-'against the U.S. Thursday. jwell as last year, when we fin-| jished fourth, or even better. | "But I would say the United |69 points, will continue their bat-| ~~ especially | States squad is four times as'tle in the league standings. | | |became hockey fans. | All six teams in the NHL see action tonight with Montreal in Toronto, Boston in New York and Detroit at Chicago. Bobby Hull of Chicago, who scored his 49th goal of the sea- json Sunday night, will be going record for most goals in one sea-| Father Bauer, adviser to the|S0" is held jointly by Maurice |Richard and Bernie Geoffrion. |Hull has 14 games left to play. Chicago and Montreal Cana- jdiens, tied for first place with "Of course we hope to do as good as last year." Detroit Red Wings, still in a Russia is defending the title| slump, are in second place eight | against seven countries in the|points behind. Toronto has 58} round-robin championship pool/points in third place and New| --Canada, the United States, | York 37 for fourth. Last-place Czechoslovakia, Sweden, East|Boston has 36. Germany, Finland and Poland Montreal holds two games in Canada's opening game is hand over Chicago and Detroit. | ~| Lovell Coleman Andrews, Famme Spark | Bantam Playoff Victory seri', Sear wife Jim Andrews and Dave Famme scored two goals each Monday night to spark Keith Peters Realties to a 5-3 win over Ernie Cay Lumber. The game S one of four Group' B"Os off meetings. In other games, Local 2784 and Canadian Tire played to a 3-3 tie, blanked Local 1500 Ajax Girls Bo To Brantiord Ajax Fleming Shelieties were} eliminated in the second round|+ 44 of the first South-Western On-| tario Girls' Hockey Tournament on the weekend, but not before they had blanked an American entry. The tournament took place in Wallaceburg, Shellettes bowed 4-1 to Brant-| ford, eventual winners, after opening with a 4-0 win over Port Huron, Michigan. Other teams entered were Til- bury, Dresden, Wallaceburg, Petrolia and Forest. The Brantford club, composed mostly of players from the Six Nations Reserve, was strength- ened with Burlington players. Playing under international) rules, Ajax trailed 4-0 after two | periods before Nancy Lawson scored early in the third. The goal buoyed Shellettes but they were turned back by the fine de- fensive play of the winners Brantford went on to trounce Petrolia 12-1 in the champion- ship round. Lawson also scored in the opening round, along with Nancy Puckrin, Joy Hercia and Leona Sleep. Sleep. was the best performer on the ice in the Port Huron game. Nora Axbey picked up the shutout A meeting of club managers brought general agreement that an onen meeting be held in. the near future to discuss the need to organize girls' hockey at a provincial level, on Josers were" Bernie Hurst, y-|Wayne Tutin and Greg Reid. Art Duplate|Walter Ha 2-0 and/Smith, Larry Pearson and Ivan! jand Roy Richard with one. |Signs Contract | CALGARY (CP) -- Lovell \for Calgary Stampeders of the} Western Football Conference, | edgedihas signed a contract for the Banks Flooring 6-5, 1966 season, it s Dave MacLeod scored the today, ; elena: other Peters goal in their win -- jover Ernie Cay. Scoring for the |. Houdaille Industries Stratton Leading CPHL Eider replied for Canadian Tire.| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Duplate Scorers were Yvan| Art Stratton has developed} Lacasse and Wayne Sudsbury./the Midas touch. Whenever he} Jerry Cowle for Houdaille and! touches the puck, there's a good | ped ' poe icp 8 Banks! chance it will turn into a goal.| cored twice each, Other Hou rhe left-wing i | dale goals. came' trom Brian| Tte,R¥ineey, wit St Lau sraleetea had Wit aon Ross! sional Hockey League has 51 as- re Pail Can bib wal pd gad and 21 goals for 72 points Martin rounded out the Banks | 0nd, "tet -- et scoring. : , } Legion bombed Firefighters 9-| Six points back is Paul An- and Rotary downed Letter Car-| 1'¢8 Of Minnesota Rangers. An-| riers 6-3 in a pair of Midget | (rea hasn't played in the tio ames ;,| for ays since joining New sr payed at the Brooklin| vor Rangers of the National) Larry Tresise led Legion with| Hockey League, but he tops the three goals. George Montepetit | 8°! scorers with 32 and has and Mike White added two|°# #8sists for 66 points. apiece and Paul Bligdon and| Andre Boudrias of Houston| Lyciano Bycock scored singles.| Apollos is seven points behind! Doug Wilbur and John Brudek | with 25 goals and 34 assists for scored for the losers. | Rotary scorers were Tom! Bruce Gamble of Tulsa Oilers Wilton with two and Roy Fisher, |is the leading goalie with a 2.87 Paul McVety,John Pudlis and|average. Gamble, Wayne Rut- Bob Hoy with singles. For Car-|ledge of Minnesota and Denis) riers it was Pete Lane with two| DeJordy of St. Louis share the lead in shutouts with four each. | Local 2784 got singles from) s Kiraly, John Wright and! frrison, while Ray 2 HARNESS RACING 7:45 NIGHTLY (SATURDAYS 1:30 PM) TAKE THE QUEEN CAR TO THE GATE OR THE NEW SUBWAY TO THE WOODBINE AVENUE BUS -/of Laval Rouge et Or with 21 59 points. i | | | is in March, long after the snow is gone from the City. oP 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Merch 2, 1966 11} HOCKE | | Years OCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS 1229 7 149 235 31 | American League | Tuesday's Result | Eastern Division St. Catharines 5 London § WLT FAP Thursday's Games 3 251 179 79| Kitchener at Hamilton 4 189 164 58' Montreal at Peterborough 1 155 174 47) OHA Senior 2 157 190 42) WLT FAM |Providence 15 34 3 129 215 33)Guelph 24:17 1 180 184 57 | Western Division Woodstock 19 21 2 180 188 48 | Rochester 36 14 4 223 161 76|xKingston 13 18 2 133 128 47 [Pittsburgh 30-257 165-168 61) Caxvine 2122-3 204 189 474 Cleveland 29 25 1 181 157 59/Galt -- 18 22 2 149 181 43 Buffalo 22 31 3 162 192 47! x---plays four-point games ex- | Tuesday's Results leept against Oakville | Providence 1 Baltimore 9 Tuesday's Result Hershey 4 Quebec 2 'Galt 2.Guelph 7 Tonight's Games % Tonight's Game Baltimore at Buffalo Kingston at Oakville Rochester at Portland (WHL) Western League | OHA Junior {San Francisco 2 Vancouver 8} WLT F APt) International League Peterborough 2412 9 205 16057| Muskegon 9 Dayton 4 Niagara Falls 22 13 10 199 152 54 Eastern League Montreal 2215 8 189 142 52 Charlotte 0 Greensboro 6 Oshawa 2117 8 210 168 50| Nashville 3 Johnstown 3 Hamilton 2119 6195 210 48) New Haven 1 Long Island. 4 Toronto 19 18 10 196 207 48 St. Lawrence Senior Kitchener 1422 915017137|Hawkesbury 2 Perth - Smiths} iSt. Catharines 1525 7 180 22837; Falls 5 j To Fight Or Not To Fight -- Still A Hazy Question CHICAGO (AP)--The Illinois) ner of the commission, said) Athletic Commission, ensnared| new licences would have to be} in a growing cobweb of legal| approved. obstacles, apparently is left x : 4 feline, .. MUST LOOK AGAIN ' ther with two alternatives in ano Ge said that BAMhae j look emergency meeting today re-| garding the Cassius Clay-Ernie must be given to Terrell after Terrel the New York Athletic Commis- a = sion refused to grant him a li-| sere Ne cence on the ground that he} 1. Outright cancellation of the 4 Bir f | |scheduled heavyweight title|ou. had associations with! manag 4 no Bernie Glickman of | bout is Chicago March 39. who was alleged to have hob-| 2. A time-consuming | public} nobbed with hoodlums. jLondon 38 17 27 23 23 30 | Quebec Hershey | Springfield |Baitimore 20 32 night when Toronto hosts Montreal Canadiens. nearing delving into the. possi-| Clark said another look must| bility of renewing fight licences|bhe given to Clay because he| |\for promoter Irv Schoenwald)"has made statements that he} and for Clay and Terrell. was unwilling to serve in the Attorney-General William G.|Armed Forces of the United Clark of Illinois, in a six-page|States, and would take action directive to chairman Joe Tri- to avoid the draft." a tiniest Clark said a look must be re | made at Schoenpvald's licence to 4 t |promote since there are some} Georgians Get ard Sho technicalities involved such as| expiration of his licence March} a o 22, a week before the fight, and) ] H k T tl expiration of his bond March 9. | At Nationa oc ey l e "Even if all objections can be} }cured, there still is the burning | MONTREAL (CP) -- Sir|finish in 1964 and were second| !ssue of acts detrimental to box- George Williams University|last year in regular-season play,|i"8, Said Clark. "If the com- Georgians, who won the right| Coach Paul Arsenault, in his) ™ssion holds a hearing--and it to represent the Ottawa - St.|thitd full year as the Georgians'|!5 Tequired if plans to hold the) Lawrence Athletic Association| coach, directed his club this fight in Illinois continue--it will) in the Canadian intercollegiate| season to its best won-lost rec- then be up to the commission) hockey championships at Sud-jord ever. The club's league| '® determine if such a fight) bury during the weekend, will|mark was 14-1-1, while they| Would be in the best interests be making their third appear-| compiled a 6-2-0 exhibition total,|! the public of Illinois, | ance in the national horse which included wins over the The Georgians reached the| University of Waterloo, McMas- On * Canadian final Linh ip! ter and McGill, all of the On-| Montreal List | ousted Royal Military College of|tario-Quebec Athletic Associa-| Kingston and Montreal's Loyola| tion. Of Fight Sites College by identical 5-4 scores) The Georgians scored 141| | in playoff games Friday and) poais in 16 regular season| NEW YORK (CP)--Montreal| Sunday respectively. games, and allowed the opposi-|is on the list of possible sites sigh dl eign 62. |for the Cassius Clay-Ernie Ter-| op spot in the leagu © 798" The three loss incurred rell world heavyweight champi-| son for the first ime, previ:| ome at the Mane a) the. Uni-{ onship fight if it is moved out) ously won the conference cham-| . of Chicago spokes | 5 si versity of Montreal, Ottawa £0, a spokesman for the pionships in 1961, prior to the) tii city iM ; 'or{ holder of closed-circuit televi- inception of the national cham-| - ity and: Montreal Junior i i : : |Canadiens of the Ontario|$!on rights said Tuesday. pionships and in 1964 and 1965. Hockey & tndhnut ; Mike Malitz, principal share- They marked up a third-place ckey Association's Junior A hold {M Pe - | a bis Ace ceries. |holder of Main Bout Inc., said) cuales : \ Chicago is the No, 1 choice for = | The Sudbury trip will mark|the scheduled March 29 fight. Torontonians | another first for the club. It will|------ . = | tbe the first team in Canada to ' . travel to the Canadian cham- A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. Tied For Lead pionships three times. They al- 4 isis Weis |ready set new mark when OPTOMETRIST By THE CANADIAN ESS | they bec , st t | : ' j y ame the first team in 14 King St. East Forwards Gord Cunningham | the conference to win the play- and Henry Monteith of Univer-|offs after finishing first in reg-| sity of Toronto Blues ended the| ular season play. ' hockey season in the Ontario-|- ~ oe Quebec Intercollegiate Athletic) Association tied for first place in scoring. Monteith, a left-winger who} finished second in scoring the last two years, scored 23 goals, best in the league, and assisted on 20 more for 43 points. Cun-| ningham, a right-winger, had 19) goals and 24 assists. | Three points back was cenire Reynauld Dufour of University; Largest Selection Of TROPHIES For All Sporting Events and Gifts In Eastern Ontario The G. B, Company 356 Dean Ave, goals and 19 assists for 40} Ons poiiits: pnointman Best man in the league in as-| sists was Ward Passi of the Blues who had 26 and combined} them with 12 goals for a fourth- place finish with 38 points. University of Western Ontario Mustangs lost the individual goaltending title to the Blues John Wrigley. Gary Bonney had Evenines. by 723-3961 Onen_ Thurs. SAVE $ $ ON a 3.00 average to Wrigley's 2.68. AUTO INSURANCE PLAY GOLF | If you are an Abstainer you save up to | $22.00 on your auto insurance, "" KING WEST | See... GOLF CLUB 1 twa tz x, ome | ~SOHN RIEGER ha 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Excellent Greens -- Well Trapped | DIAL Sie Membership Available 728-7567 -0% Reduction if paid by Mer. 15. Or izations, Office Groups, ao about Group Membership OSHAWA SKI CLUB Kirby 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. aatormation 728-6101.) WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Night Skiing 7 till 10:30 p.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAYS There is still over two feet of snow on the hills. The Best skiing of the year FOR THE LATEST SKI CONDITIONS CALL 723-5249 2 For The Price Of One SALE HELD OVER! LAST 4 DAYS - SALE ENDS SATURDAY BUY NOW AND BEAT THE SALES TAX! MEN'S SUITS _. TWO Re ONE PRICE OF PLUS $1.00 | dinti ishad @ Shape retaining, yern dyed wool ted suits in checks, nail head weaves, Vibrant new shades of Grey, Blue, Brown end Olive. @ New Season Three-Button and two-button stylings for men and 'teen-age men. All ore expertly teilored. @ Sizes 35 to $2 for regulor, tall, short and stout builds. FIRST EXTRA you SUIT suIT SAVE 59.50 1.00 58.50 89.50 1.00 88.50 99.50 1.00 98.50 MEN'S TOPCOATS sir $1.00 CUSTOM RANGE DELUXE RANGE HAND GRADE ONLY WITH PURCHASE OF ANY SUIT from 59.50 These fine topcoats are all wool material with inset sleeves and half raglan beck. Plain colors end checks in the lot. Sizes range from 36 to 4 Talls included. MEN! "CASH-IN'ON THIS TERRIFIC SAVING NOW ! IT'S FANTASTIC ! YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT!! | Men's DRESS SLACKS Buy One Pair And Get Another For Only Tallored from the finest English end Domestic All-wool yorns, dyed end worsted end flannels, In emart neat cheeks end plein colors, In Banker Grey, Berk Brown, Lovet, Slate blue, Bleck end Charcoal. Reguler etyles with belt leope ar the populer young men's "Continental Style", Sixes 28 to 44. FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS 9.95 1.00 14.95 1,00 13.95 sat, 19.95 1.00 18.95 Men's and Boys' SWEATERS Buy One Pair And Get Another For Only $1.00 The finest of the knitwear, made ef Orion and Lambswool. Manufacturer forbids us to use his name. These come in White, Ivy, Walnut, Grey, Black end Blue. Sizes 8 yeer te 80 years, you SAVE 5.95 8.95 11.95 you Savi ECONOMY RANGE DELUXE RANGE FIRST SWEATER 6.95 9.95 12.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 Get an Extra Sweater. for Only 1.00 More !. Buy One And Get Another For Only EXTRA SHIRT 1.00 1.00 MIRST SHIRT 4.95 5.95 BUY A SPORT COAT or BLAZER And Get Slacks To Match For $1.00 Imported and domestic wool tweeds end authentic Harris Tweeds. In Glen Pisids, bold checks, window pane checks, hound h ond noil- heads. Carefully tailored in eany-fitting two and three button styles. mony noturel shoulder jeckets included. Shades of brown, grey, clive and blue. Sixes 36 to 46. SPORT COAT SLACKS 29.50 1.00 13.95 34.50 1.00 13.95 j BUY NOW...USE YOUR CREDIT UNN' 2 LOCATIONS YOU SAVE 3.95 4.95 SAVE CUSTOM RANGE DELUXE RANGE Eest 36 K ng § Pridey Bad Oshawa Shopping Centre Open te 9 Thurs, MLS Peet? PETERS Teasers ah ek mi