gsc, sass an aR FE a as se [20----Real Estate'for Sale (20----Rea! Estate for Sale REALTY LTD. 20---Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Morch 1, 1966 15 |20----Real Estate for Sale |20---Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale ,20--Real Estate for Sale | : CENTRAL ue Metcal This" week's speciais offered thru GRIFFEN 20--Keal Estate tor Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER o JORN F. DEWITH RAE R. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 623-3393 Member Oshawa 'and District Real Estate Boord APPLE ORCHARD 22 acres, 2 mile from Bowmanville. This orchard is in excellent cage gei oe -- consists. mostly of nto: and Spies. Asking $20,000 =~ terms. COMMUTING FARM 60 acres, 20 ocres fruit trees, balonce posture and cleored, tractor ond all im- plements, paved road, 10- room house, inside conven- iences, 50' x 30' barn. Would make excellent horse farm 14 miles from Oshawa. $26,500 -- terms. COMMERCIAL " PROPERTIES Simcoe Street south. Many possibilities such os opart- ment site, chain store, motel. Presently rented os apart- ments. One lot 66' x 130 ond the other 64' x 264'. $70,- 000 with terms. VILLAGE HOME 7 room frame home with gar- age, conveniences, new heat- ing system, storms, 10 miles Oshawe. Owner anxious to sell. $11,000 $2,500 down. RESTAURANT AND ROOMINGHOUSE $22,000 -- 14 rooms, 25 miles from Oshawa in coun- try village. Good tobacca and Christmas tree district. Excel- lent income. Owner retiring, $8,000 will handle. Clore McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 George Beaton Port Perry Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 Bill and Doreen Gimblett 985-2987 HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 TDARKICCONDECN 1 v Pane MAAJNIED OER Ee Must be sold -- this two year old 2 storey home with corport. Full living room, din- ing room and kitchen down with exrta wash room and 4 large bedrooms ond 4 pc. both up. Located in Kings- mere Gardens overlooking the City, Built-in Moffat stove ond oven and double kitch- en sinks. Listed at $20,500. with one N.H.A. mortgage ot 6% %. For further porticulars call tonight. ~ OPEN DAILY. | Sundoy thru' Thursday 2 p.m, till 5 p.m BRAEMOR GARDENS Directions: Stevenson Rood North to Annapolis then west | | to Waverly NORTH WEST AREA Only a few left, some with $500. Winter Works Bonus located in this choi area, Brond new homes N.H.A. mortgages. Call 'now for more particulars PARK ROAD NORTH 6 room, 1% storey home with. 4 bedrooms, recreation room and paved drive. This is a clean home ond the owner has purchased a new home and is onxious to sell. Make an appointment to see this home now. JOPEN 9:00 A.M, TILL 9:00 P.M After Hours Call: Dick Barrioge 725-6243 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Les Hall 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 Munro Smith 723-3533 THO! galow average ' to schools and church @ good brick years old, Three large bedrooms, VI @ Lovely two storey home bedrooms, 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-528) IORNCLIFEE STREET 1 -@ Four bedroom brick bun- gaiow with attached garage. Only seven months old, occupied just long enough to have many of the extras taaken care of. Priced to sell ot $18,950 with a 644% mortgage of $14,500. @ PRESTIGE AREA 11 @ $35,000. Five bedroom two storey brick with thirty foot knotty pine family recreation room with open fireplace. Wide entrance hall, magnificent liv- ing room with natural fireplace. thermo door to rear yard and garden. Very modern kitchen and three bathrooms. All this on one half acre of land, There ore mony extras to this home that only seeing is believing Superb workmanship, Call now.! @ IDEALLY Il] -@ located on No, 2 High way, just past the 115 turnoff on Wilmot Creek, over 1300) feet of Highway frontage. S able for future development as a Park, recreation centre Mote!, Reasonable down poy ment, vendor will hold mort gage 4it- e LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE VISTA AREA 1V @ Immaculote brick with three better tt sized bedrooms. Close Priced to sell at $14,900 with only $3, 500 down payment. Call and find out all about this | ly home bun-| e CHOICE BUY V @ Here is your chanc home only buy | six] at L shaped living room and dining room, and plenty of closet space | throughout baths, with bor. Make an appointment | right now, to | tional buy this home. Two] finished recreation room| see this excep e EXCELLENT VALUE extro israel three ideally located near} with Realtor Bowmanville 14 Frank Street, COURTICE AREA: 5 Roomed bungalow on % Acres with double garoge. Finished recreation room ond fireplace. Walk-out base- ment. Patio. Fruit trees, Ask- ing $21,500, Terms 42 Roomed bungalow with modern conveniences, Large treed lot. Asking $9,000. Terms. BRICK HOME on 10 Acres with all modern conveniences. Asking $15,900. Terms. MITCHELLS CORNERS, 6 Roomed, stone and brick "bungalow. Exceptionally well built with triple Pierson 'win- dows. Fluorescent' lighting over sink. Marble stone ledg- ing on front. Finished rec. room with bor. Many, many extras BOWMANVILLE, 5 Roomed bungalow with all mod Centrally $11,000. brick em onveniences. located. Asking Terms BOWMANVILLE, 10 Roomed brick home with 2 bathrooms Very neat and clean. Centre of Town. Askihg $18,500 Terms BOWMANVILLE cel of vacant 4 Acre par- ind on High street, Asking $5,500, Terms EAST OF BOWMANVILLE, 6 Roomed, brick ond stone bungalow with beautiful stone fireplace. Double garage. 4 Bedrooms. 2.88 Acre lot ceptionally well. kept. Low taxes. Nice ond quiet loca- tion, Asking $22,500. Terms. OSHAWA, 5 Roomed, neat, brick bungalow in the better part of the City. Broadloom floor covering in living and dining rooms. Only $2,500 down Ex- We List Photo M.L.S, and Exclusive After Hours call: Donold Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor REAL ESTATE DEPT. PHONE 723-5221 GORGEOUS BUNGALOW You've seen nothing until you've seen the beauty of this richly finished three bed- room bungalow with beauti- ful family room, field stone fireplace, attached gorage: Very convenient to all schools. A bargain or $25,900, Phone tonight to inspect, WHITBY EXECUTIVE HOME Full Price $29,900.00. Large 4 bedroom Split Level with 2 car attached garage -- Stone Fireplace in iiving room and brick fireplace in o beauti- fully finished rec-room -- 2 complete bathrooms. This lovely home is situated on a large lot 85' x 175' in a choice Whitby location near public and INCOME HOME Full Price $27,400.00 Down $7,000.00 dern ranch style with 3 room apartment renting for $90.00 per month an executive type home attached garage lovely landscaped lot 114' frontage ~~ 3 bedrooms - large mo- dern ond spacious breakfast area liv- ing room and dini beautifully Must be seen to be appreci- ated. Near Oshawa Shopping Centre NORTHWEST Neighbourhood: Exclusive-Re- sidential, Schools and Shop- ping very convenient. The Kitchen: A ladies dream Liv- ing-room: Large with broad- loom -- Dining-room Roomy with broadioom Four. Bed- rooms: Den: Doubles as fifth bedroom. Family room with stone' firepiace. Rec-room Large and a beau Baths: Three with coloured fixtures, Garage: room for 2 Cadillacs. Extras: too numerous to re- cord. Condition: Better than new. Age: six months? Ask- high school. Large mo ll the luxuries of kitchen broadloomed Real Estate Ltd. 155 Simcoe St. S. Members 0.D.R.E.B, RITSON - OLIVE $12,500 full price. Four eyes are hetter than two, en bring the better half to see this home. 3 bedrooms. Paved private drive, Garage. . Fully equipped with storms ond screens. Economy here --- toxes only $160 and heating costs only $120 per year. Call 723-4645, WEST - CENTRAL $14,900 full price. Live rent free in this 5 room 12 storey home plus 4 room basement apt. Incime properties like this are os scarce as Hen's teeth. Call 723-4645 CENTRAL OSHAWA $16,500 full price: Flat wal- let? Fotten it up: with this ideal 10 room income home Some clever person could either turn this into a duplex or triplex. Could this be you? Call 723-4645, EXECUTIVES ! ! 8 room ranch bungalow. Lo- cated on a fashionoble street of quality homes in. Picker- Arch- designed Family room with sliding glass doors leading to patio which is com- plete with built-in barbecue. Come and look it over your- self to see its beautiful fea- Call 723-4645 $950 DOWN Bay Ridges ion 3 bungalow, wood ing. Undeniably lovely and extras tect built Loaded with tures 30 day possess- bedroom detached split level. Holly- kitchen, private drive, only 3 years old. N.H.A, mort- gage for the balance, Call 723-4645 $1,190 DOWN One mortgage, Lerge L-shap- ed living - dining room. Mod- ern step-saving kitchen, 3 bedrooms, Private drive. This won't last long, Call 723- 4645, ATTENTION If the home you are looking for is not listed above, just give us a call. We DO hove others. Call OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH OPEN EVENINGS We NEAR SOUTH GM, Immaculate three bedroom brick home with large kit- chen, and living room. Ideally located with schools, churches and bus ot front door. Vendor has purcnesed other home Asking only $14,900. Older 6-00m, storey and half home well within walking dis- tance of downtown. Garage, new furnace low taxes, Listed ot $12,900, TRI PLEX Nearly new electrically heat- ed tri plex in terrific north east location. Three 2-bed- room opartments = grossing $365 monthly, VACANT LOT TOWN LINE Large 82 x 200 foot lot in good district,.3 minutes from city bus asking $4,500. Also several porcels ready for Spring building HAVE YOU $1500? Or would you prefer giving away the money from which you will never recc anything ? Your You could be the c this bungalow good north east areo for this small down paymen Listed at $12,500 DUPLEXES choose from. Older converted to rt at $15,500, other rery 5-room Two to houses ments. Starting $1,852 DOWN NEW HOME Six large rooms with electric heat. Only 3 of semi-detached _ left Winter works bonus these new $500. TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 LTD. 723-2265 Over A' Ounrter Century OF Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. COUNTRY LIVING AT IT'S BEST Large ranch style bungalow with attoched garage, 3 bed- rooms, L-shaped living and dining room with wall to wall broadioom, recreation room with fireplace close to both public and high schools, large nicely landscaped lot, this is o real dandy. For an early op- pointment to. see, give us 0 call right row, RANCH STYLE Lovely ranch style bungalow with attached gorage in one of Oshowa's better area's Tastefully decorated Full price $22,000, with substan | down payment, For more s give us a call $2,500.00 DOWN home situoted on 00' lot x 2 Split a 60' moved from leve quietly re- the traffic; yet ond and arrange inspection now, close to schools trans- tation, Cal for an NORTH-WEST s older Six room close to the Oshawa Shopping Cen modern kitchen, decorated, ready Full price $13,- 900 with terms WHITBY 3 bedroom brick bungalow very. close to public. school, ot only $13,500 with terms. This won't last -- call to- night home, tre. New attractively to move in 725-9365 728-1554 725-9191 723-1861 723-7963 Bob Johnston Jack Hogan Joe Maga Gord Howkshaw Ken Hann Jack Osborne 728-5836 Member O.D.R.E.B list evclusive and M.L.S, ATTRACTIVE new bungolows ond 2 storeys priced from $17,500 down payments from $2,450 Built by KASSINGER 614% N.H.A. mortgages. $500 Winter Works Bonus, Phone us now for further detoils 723-2265 JONES REALTOR 668-8841 728.4441 HEAR THIS | $62. Monthly $2000. Down Large 7 roomed, 2 storey house located at Whitby, in excellent condition. This one is priced to sell right now at only $12,- 500. WHAT are YOU waiting for ? CHEAPER THAN RENT Call Early RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE 668-8841 728-6661 WHY US? We firmly believe thot when we ore granted the privilege of selling your home, you will be oa satisfied client. WE CANNOT PROMISE YOU ALL CASH THE NEXT DAY, WE CANNOT PROMISE YOU A GUARANTEED SALE, but we can soy that in the past two yeors we have been oble 85% of our listed properties within a ninety doy period. We hove been in business for over a quorter century ond have served thousands of people in this area. We know the City and we know the people in it-- we know values and we will serve you to the best of our ability, IF YOU ARE THINK. ING. OF SELLING THIS§ YEAR, WE WOULD APPRE- CIATE THE OPPORTUNITY of making you @ satisfied client. to sell ARERR eens OF 4 the New Eastdale Collegiate.| Large hollywood kitchen with} comfortable living room. Full] ae asking price for this three year rina: Se see: NOW -- be- old home is only $17,900. P.S.| fore it's gone. This home features two baths.} IOFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Call now for full particulars teecieneretnine RET 970 sq. ft. -- Partitioned -- FOR SALE W E | @ @ M E Excellent parking --- North BP SERVICE STATION West Oshawa. Building one | Vil @ ond restaurant at the! daa laace Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Lorne. C. Duff 985-2728 Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 ing price: less than cost. Cash required: about $9,000. ube ores | EYE OPENERS | | Call 723-2265 5 W. L.* | rosawas suaut omcer | HAVING A NEW | criiQeiel ny avep ougan LIMITED THIS YEAR? REALTOR Office Port Hope 885-4548 Residence Port Hope SAVE O00 Winter Works 885-2535 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | Older home in central loca- tion, close to schools and shopping ploza, Five rooms, all large. Just the home os Desire the North End? Want a' prestige location? Then Beau Valley is for you! L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. Realtor 723-9810 723-9810 Bonus NEW DUPLEXES Electric heat 1-5 room & 1-4 room eastern outskirts of Oshawa, The constant expansion of the gold en horseshoe. moke the owner- ship of this well equipped two boy gorage and busy restauront a most attractive investment to our New Homes THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1S AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL - BUY - BUILD NEW DUPLEX built the way you wont Now in preliminary planning stoge. Plans avail- able, 3 bedrooms suites. Elec- Hove it coll for a starter, Low toxes with easy monthly poyments. Give us a further particulors. NOT GLAMOROUS We can't make this home May we suggest you contact our salesmen now. Homesites are getting scarce in this ONE OF OSHAWA'S FINEST develop- See ws, pick out your location ond let us help you with your plans NOW, ment YOUR OWN BUSINESS business requiring young, age A long estoblished, versatile 43 Park Rd. S. gressive management. Offers ed at $10,000. with possibil. ity of finoncial assistance. Price includes all equipment ot 25% of replacement cost. Most unusual opportunity for security ond five figure in- come. Details by personal contact only. PAUL RISTOW LIMITED 728-9474 Financia! Trade Building 187 King Street Eost 130,000 gallons and lots of room for increase. Present dwn ers ready to retire. You are in- vited to discuss all details in confidence with one of our sales| staff, | on WAVERLY ST. Stevenson Rd. N. to LIST WITH CENTRAL tric heating. Full basemerit AFTER HOURS CALL 723-5221 facilities Down payment flex- ible. OR Ron Armstrong Annapoli t to W. 1 ee ee aiid Tom Houston 668-4416 Bill Taylor 723-9349 BRAEMOR Ralph Schofield 728-3376 GARDENS itl anne taste, Call us or drop into our Simcoe ond Taunton Road. Beautiful lot in North K E | 1 end of City. | | N. E. OSHAWA REALTY LTD 103 King Street East 728-7328 $15,300.00 Eleven year old brick alow, 2 large bedreesris WHITBY Evelyn Cassel! Len Bisse! BEDROOM arate dining..<5m, ; finisbe¢+ih small apartment, Italo Bortolussi 291 DI IKI AL Ova \ ' : Eleanor -detorg OW NGALO VV garage; lot backs on wooded Ernest Mueller ravine. Call Earle Allen 7.25- Steve Englert 7782 George Nymeye froPeeda ald HOUSE AND SHOP Lloyd Corsén | Nine room. hone, two kitch- | | sound like a palace -- it isn't. Just a sound, older, six room home on a lot fit for a king. If you are a handy-mon or like gardening, you'll recog- nize the value in this $10, 900 estate sale APARTMENT. SITES Are scarce as hen's teeth But the income from your own twenty suiter isn't chick en feed and will look mighty. good in relationship to the Canada Pension Plan. Call us to find out how you con in- vest in income real estate, THE BROWNS' THE JONES' AND THE SMITHS' Call Anytime All need hon they go? Why, right back to F255) 109 us. That shows that they like | our style --- hove confidence | in our way of doing business | May we take care of your } apartments Built-in stove & oven Broadiaom in livingroom Fully decorated 64%4% N.H.A. Mortgage NEW BUNGALOWS @ 2 choice areas @ Low down payments @ $113 P.I.T. per month JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR Jean Peacock 728-7377 Jack Graham WE TRADE HOMES ag Baa [For full particulars call 723-2265} George Koornneef 723-2859 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Don Howe 723-9692 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 DUPLEX Prince St. central os one could get, very clean 4 room end 5 room self contained oportments, 2 nice kitchens and bathrooms, new oi! fur- noce, two family hot water tonk, almost enclosed car port ideol for investment or home and income, substantial cash required ARLINGTON AVE, Family home of 6 rooms, 114 storey brick in spotless con- dition, 3 bedrooms, ladies type dining room and tiving room plus fully in- sulated ond lined ond decor- aied back porch, oil furnace, paved drive and garage, all this and more for $14,500 For those interested it won't poy to delay. BUSINESS LOCATIONS Simeoe St. N., corner prop- erty, 70 x 115 ft. Zoned Cl commercial, $10,000 down required, balance open to an offer, NEW HOME Planning on moving into a new home this spring? Why one already built, it built to suit your 725-9592 e SOUTH EAST AREA Vill @ Near all conveniences bus, shopping ond schools. This property is located just at the| edge of commercial zoning and could provide many income pos sibilities in the near future.| Completely fenovated home witt new oil For full par look for Havxe office, | 61%4% N.H.A. mortgages OPEN DAILY 2-5pm H. MILLEN Real Estate LIMITED 128-1678 furnace. Houle esi Aba. Member of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S, 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking Suburban living. Try this one. Bun w complete with broadloom in living and din- Large lot 73' front- Priced at $17,- e 723-5281 kitchen, Coll culors Open 9 pm After hours call for full parte ng room ye per eer nd NORTHWEST AREA -- Near St. Mary's Church, 5room brick bungalow. Very jneat with nice lot. immediate posses- sion. For details call Murray Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph Bosco Realtor JUST LISTED -- neat five-room bunga- ow on College Hill, full basement, olf heat, large closets. Asking $9,900. Try your downpayment. Owner anxious te LARGE SELECTION |sei-w. 0. Martin' Realtor, 728-5103 | ELLIOTT STREET, 170 -- five-room Insul New Homes brick, gas furnace. Lot 140 x 28. Reason- 'ac cecep' able down payment. For further informa- @ Trades Accepted tion, 723-8467 THREE-BEDROOM " spii7; garege; northwest area. $19,450 with percent nterest. Loreen Kellett, 723-3770. H. Mile len Real Estate Limited | DOWNTOWN AREA -- older duplex prop- jerty, two three-room apartments plus fin- shed rec.-room. Will show good income, Asking $13,600 with terms. Contact Gerry Osborne 728-6724 Joseph Bosco, Realtor, NEAR DONEVAN Collegiate, spacioug bungalow with carport, 6l4 percent NHA mortgage, extra large, fenced lot. Many features, convenient financing. For de tails call Sally Wallace 725-6297 Joseph Bosco Realtor VLA PROPERTY large, 100° x 670° lole with fruit trees, excellent six-room home, ba with attached garage, seven-box stalls. Property in top condition. To in- spect call Joe Crawford 723-1021 Joseph - | Bosco: Realtor BROOKLIN -- on Montgomery Street,! $2,000 DOWN full 512,900. Six-yeare new ranch, bungalow, three. bedrooms, Si7%@,COWN full price, $12,900. Sixvear Hollywood kitchen, fully decorated. Could gacy +, { 4 ui sy terms, five large rooms, four-pie e completed in one week, Asking $16,400. |tileg bath, high. full hasamants, oll" furs | 728-28 __ nace. A real deal. Call Jack Appleby finished | THREE-bedroom brick bungalow at Wil-| 723-3398 now. Bolahood Brothers Limited, a8 vee |son Road South at Olive. Make offer.' RoomMING i in Good ¢ ition, Ine REOUIR (sen 4 iG HOUSE in good condition, In- URGENTLY REQUIRED Perry Real Estate 723-812 __._. | come $4,472 per,year for the right couple, LARGE INCOME HOME centrally locat-|Call 725-8645 after 4 p.m. No t Jed for shopping and transportation. Open cur- non Ca to offers. For further particulars Phone pi a tn ge a gS ll Larry Andely 725-4539, or 728-5103, W. 0. Perry Real Estate, 723-8173 Mart Realtor --_ --_----. _ - 152' lot, excellent financing "your % ~gn| TRY YOUR down payment on this one, , 2 0, WILL BUILD home of your choice on ; 4 only 614% interest rate We have 2 side by side on jot suitable for walk-out basement Alder [favt petoony «Iwas ey gt ey Rood. Builder's 5 evenings telephone 723-9503 or 725-2159. | 9» ay25 Oe PERE: OBE: SRM J B McMULL N Asking $19,500. This cannot Garrard CALI rose z A be repeated. Call Robert chance ue OWNER TRANSFERRED and must sell TWo.BEDROOM house with garage, . = obe . bi ae ll ss jouse with garage, . his two-storey, four-bedroom home iM iiarce jot. Pickering, House completely Johnson 728-2548 CNRS NSO roo REALTOR nson ; HENRY STINSON at Kingsmere Gardens, Built-in stove and tirnished. Only $9900, with $2700. down, | tro ' age by 150 daliy from 9 oar 900 es and where do Doug Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Moanitius selling problem? SMALL IN NUMBER bung- hee esl SIBBYS REAL ESTATE LTD. Low, low down payments 728-9474 arog @ Voriety PHONE 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker sep financing Oshawa LARGE IN SERVICE basement Just off King St. E. Cl com- or evenings locotions mercior, F room Brick house, list $20,000, a call now con meon an independant future. HAIR STYLING Business and new equipment, anyone thinking of Hair Styl- ing, we welcome your inquiry. HOME AND ACREAGE Spotlessiy clean ond well car- ed for, one owner bungalow of 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, bothroom ond summer kitchen, built in goroge and single garage, 7% acres land with consider- able grovel in open pit, large well shaded lawns, everflow- Except Monday & Tuesday ing spring, $5,000 do nd Ob Shay uetincas tie the | FLOODLIT AFTER DARK balonce. oe : | Coll i & Saalereve Co. Ltd Homes of Distinction 723-9810 Designed For Better Living 728-5422 723-3052 723-8327 Tom Huzar Earl Salter Vern Morton PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR Financial Trade Building ONLY $2.500 Down Situated on well landscaped c Convenient to shopping schoo Large n tile bath, , 728-7576 Lucas Peacock 725-433 ens, bathrooms, lerge modern shop 40 x 32' in back yord, property 73'6"' x 144', style kitchen with Industrial. zoning cupboards. Carries Street and sidewalk, clos 0 per month open to downt Phone Bi cliffe 655-4457 LIBERTY GARDENS BOWMANVILLE One only 3 level with room, 4 piece both with van ity, tiled walls, oak hardwood throughout except both and kitchen attached garage, home situated on large 50 x Dick Young 723 Me GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS exclusive NORTHWEST $3;500 DOWN; 5 h attached garage, Separate and , lot, be- this OFFER YOUR PROPERTY THROUGH Paul Ristow Ltd. REALTOR 728-9474 , Financiol Trade Building 187 KING STREET EAST piece n brick GARWOOD factory made trailer, Sleeps 4. (Completely furnished heater, refrigerator, stove, sink, 2 pane tanks, hitch, Hurry. Gus 728-7375 1% ff toilet Pro: Brown We M.L.S Member list ond. Photo Public of O.D.R.E.B OPEN DAILY From 2 to 9 P.M. Weekends 1 to 6 P.M. ldrge you buy compare List Price $12,500 For more. particulars call TIM VIPOND or BILL. LUNDMARK 668-6201 187 King Street East SOUTHEAST with bedroom split brick poved drive Qoroge, @ real BUY fer your initial investment of $3,500 room finished family 6 rec room with for cash buyer ot $3,000 6 room bur ow in $ down to $25,000. price good two storey LOTS tange, also home. It@ nice to have every || house different!! | We have in Rolling Hills! H. KEITH LTD,-| ALL 614% oven, fyll dining-room and large living-| Go, a 1 A, WHITBY room, plus extra wash room. Listed at/ cordon Osborne Realty, 668-6826 Ideal location, lot size 60 $20,51 " N fir i tr 6) REALTOR DETACHED NHA' Take odvantoce Sor Oot Vay a coal Call Jack room bungalow, finished rec. room. Many ; 320'. Only $5 FROM SPECIAL PRICES EXCELLENT John Kuipers' 723 $596 xg SMALL Sheriff at Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728- | features. Home in excellent condition. For 723-7463 $] 7 100 |. Consider and compare the ||. Whitby Location a - 1 Low 614% Interest You see there is just Tom, 6284 or after hours 723-3775 all details call Murray Boyle 723-4270 us square pl 2 store GOLDMINE Call around, just west of {ic ahi shack Agent INDUSTRIAL Vern and Earl in our office é oI to help you arrange the sale Y ' Joseph Bosco COUNTRY INN (of Highway 401) -- Main|20se?h_ Bosco Realtor ' home, large living room, sep- o Bloor Street, West. A Grandview ond south on Kee cor diningroom will seat 85 people; 23| REAL VALUE -- Fifteen Thousand Three Viti liquor} Hundred, modern brick bungalow, recre arate din 7 ilf m= Paling dle sacs Gish love areialé ° Sait ck Wt Coa of your property. We like it PEN C - y ' 2 , ull dining suite. BUILDING Y Ae h OPEN HOUSE DAILY ly living quarters ond gardge. ' Mio Bid a pists litte, HARMONY VILLAGE GRIFFIN DOWNTOWN | Simic "thing" tke knowing : me inpie thing E ' REAL ESTATE LTE ation' room with sink and cupboards, ga- x 14' kitchen is mod- It's security and comfort like knowing | are RABd Shulk Ka A business OSHAWA we 723-6461 or 723-4645 rage. Ravine Lot, 725-4162, Keith Peters and oads of cup- means something to you. Call board space. Three averaged Ao on oing if 5 nevan you'd yet Drive "Oshawa's help you. 5 exciting Paul Ristow Ltd. righ bee pay byte 3 | REALTORS } F phanekiat garages, 2 1GIBB STREET newly decorated five. 942-3310 JACK APPLEBY | 728-9474 aioe oe ely "aacarate Te 28-5123 723-3398 | r bs: Payr or $c tt r Aodern oil furnace. | GRIFFIN BOLAHOOD BROTHERS al Trade Building Tig Me pt Real Estate Ltd. 725-0243 or 723-1133 CARL OLSEN REALTOR 20 Roy for one week SURE WE'RE Street bedrooms, etc lounge. Shown Stradeski Real Estate, 723- PRIVATE SALE -- tral Park. Bivd. North, 1685, plus garage, down payment $9,400 Call 728-8378 TIRED OF PAYING rent? Want to col lect rent? this two-storey income pstairs presently rented for $98. Has garage and private drive Don ~| Realt split level al 326 Cen-| scoschsaniceaeaansbseseciacs total square feet}WE TRADE homes. Joseph Bosco Real- tor, 728-7377 ice of three and four bed- ; rooms, electric or oil heating some with $500 Winter Works Bonus DON 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent J TWO-ACRE island and cottage, sandy Walr Court, y n with new furnace./beach, one hour drive frem Oshawa, on Living Home sy Call Mike Belmonte, Don | Balsam Lake. Phone 728-5482 S$ a tat 123 57 _ oo & SONS LTD Real Estae: Te. GeLINOWOOD AREA fee MIND LIU. leIVE ROOMS, split entrance, Bungalo completed cottages. Lots a0' x 100'. Full featuring | with large hollywood kitchen. Beautiful! price $2,900 each. Pickering 942-6714 ern has DELAY DRIVE OUT AND DIRECTIONS King Street East Hart's Hill, post flasher tum right at 2nd Street (Athobaska), to. Labrador Drive Mode! Home bedrooms oti $4,000 and 4 pce. bath. cash will handle. The should see us immediately Imagine $19,800 buys property, équipment and established business ONLY $12,900 6 room full two storey home with pak floors and hot water radiation heating. Close to South General Motors se Perhops wait Small Office" "Luxury K. R, BELL discerning buyer this spacious centre - hall "Pull Sianned Heike: Call CRURY MATHER for appointment, squore feet 3 hot woter heated ~ 13B x 101' priced with low down ment. Must be sold over light, models Reasonably rec-rodm, Must be sold _ -- call for an appoint Don Stradesk Smart Business Call BILL HORNER i teary LTD. 728-5157 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ° front and rea | People cash ACTIVE ouglas Carmichael 723-7463 Sing the Praises 1 r " now vacant. Make an < LIMITED King Streét East 5103, WO Martial of Oshawa | Action Ads