Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1966, p. 14

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14 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 1, 1966 ; : 2 ee Turn Your "Don't Wanis' Inio Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to -12. 9--Market Basket 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 'SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By RY. SCOTT a, eee ais WAITRESSES BUSINESS SFRVICE DIRECTORY | § fe ON. ence tin Biome zi ' Vv s™ s se . {CAN SUPPLY you with Ontario or www =: eee LIFE 1§ 4HE UZ PEt notatoas. 10-25-75 ibe. weekly. 'Eoos cee AP DEARING - ee a ees FP ow OCD -DE*MER a at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh-| A zply tie Campos!!! APE PALM, 1 TAKES 10 awa, Whitby, Alax, 655-4983, a _ Genosha Hotel YEARS For. 0 f To fill vacant positions for ex- y ToL Sales and Service 0. : Tee 1 Farmer' Co eo : ge ; Ppanding company n * ' 4 RIPEX, AKD a Malet kone rc cs he THB "i a Accountants Barristers Money To Loa = EACH OME. Y/ DEAD ang crippled farm stock picked Mature Neat Lady @ Power tools YYCHYN, and HILL-/! WILL LOAN you up to $5000 at @ : WEIGHS MORE up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, 'one. @ Maintenance equipment DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS and MAN Gerrlattest aclicHiors 362 King|reasonable rate of interest to cunain® APPLIANCE AKAN 40 ; Hacc yp PD Collect Hampton 263-2721.| For general store work. Apply @ Chemica! Sipole SELLS. Chartered accountants: --G. O|streei East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphrey, |your bills or for any other ae a REPAIRS POUNDS: i tc.« ben ie Riehl, CA, RIA, B. R. Waters. " QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, |purpose providing you are stea bee, 1000 BALES good quality hay. Telephone LEWINGTON S © experience necessary awa Centre, 728-7527. LLB; J. D, Humphreys, BA, LLOB. Office|ployed and have good credit. Telephone Expert dnoik 6 AL ek 3 4 if Port Perry 985-7495. @ Guoranteed salary $127.50 at HOSMAR, Chartered Account-|725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, | 723-4631, Fou 4 / | oie FLOWERS weekly to start ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, | 668.2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and of washers, dryers, ronges, , } 11--Pets ond Livestock (iE-you, anesk Bor ania Ontario, 7 73172). other first mortgage funds available. | Mortgages etc. tn 24 King East . reduinienanite) ADL rter e PARTS 'AILABLE @ DACHSHUND, purebred -- tan, female, ping iowa Fnenciel Praae Bud. Building Trades ALSO AY: £ 4 A sae old, had all needles, Telephone | HAIRDRESSER experlenced with clien- Age 20 to 51 years, must in a [ey i \ A% tele 60 per cent a nenan Also exper- ing, 107 King Street East, Osnawe, ATCA } ' ienced , part-time. Apply in supply own car tario, 725-3509; Hopkins, CA; H. E MORTGAGE ts N WILLIE: cozy-J ts Wermien | pesen "Thay Martale tale tar eon © Fringe benefits plus gas e 7 adie, CA; E. ag Pg P Shepherds, trai tock pce FURNITURE ond hig : ao 5 ' priser Pitek Riis chee cee rate EO ee ee allowarice LADIES' nylon hosiery. Make extra Sick benefits and. medical pT ae 3 AT WE p en "Rieeatent: Licsreed Trus- '| WINTER RATES 452 Simcoe S, -- AGE oF ¢ spittle money selling stockings. ¥ busi tees In Lene --- Simcoe Street LOANS Telephone 723- oot" 17 WAS POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW" nd both! ness 'easy Seen irernbedeus. prerite Un. plan Se RAN ANGeS:| _ Till March 2Ist a : : Bl |] |smenr Laren so snelere. Ap mater Quay and prce "gr" ang] @ No layoff or strikes in RKIN, n . 5 Ye CHES : more. Write now for free literature and 0 f yu Chartered Accountants, ta King, Stree @ ADDITIONS Moneys ovoiloble for. first Before You Buy A ,, = HEP Lhe ; telephone 725-4585, os aaa ects tte, Mincaturs 504. 30 years of company's East, Oshawa, agent 4 ee ck @ BATHROOMS and second mortgages, Open yeas DIAM WAS THE DEATH akin BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|St., Montreal North, Quebec. istory 3 Granam Macmitan, CA: | @ ~KITCHENS, ETC mortgages. No boris. first | Piano-er Organ, See oF So, seca, [airasaaxa merona, | (reKKe ) Broad, 114'Eigih East," PY WY T-ILAW OFFICE requires 'bookReeper and] @ Must be able to start allied chelsea RC tag ortgages H . vis : i " : ______|receptionist, Please reply in handwriting, work immediately GORDON R. DAY, Certified General ALL TRADES mortgages, nets ie Wy ifs HEI NTZMAN BELIEVE BIAWHY Wf OWAS APPLIED 250 HEAD choice Here! Durham/stating age, marital status and exper- Accountant, Suite 206W, Oshawa Shop- NATED and agreements for sale pur- LIES IM PAINTED AGAINST KILLERS year-old and two-year-old stocker steers|ience. Write Box 1012 Oshawa Times, Call f ; ; ping Centre, 725-9953. _ CO-ORDI chased & Company Ltd CHEEKS, NOSE Ay 2 : : and heifers, Private sale. Wednesday, | Whitby ail tor interview g08 CLANCY'S 'Accounting | Service Ou ag 5 E ] March 2. George A. McGowan, Telephone WANTED middieaged eet Complete age gs 299 Simcoe REMODELLERS M. F.. SWARTZ 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa GRAIN IIS icine Here, eid 28 one lady. Live-in. Private room and batn,| Personnel department South, 725-039) 4 - AAR 4 1 2 oer - Dd) white miniat Best blood |i Char: lady kept. Write Box M16042 Osh- JOSEPH 6 riered_~Accoun coe we cy ta ty sa TELEPHONE 728-2921 stud fee. $100," Phone Newcastle. 967-4680, ama Times, 723-8174 tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street | 723-0966 ee, ae Sa ---- sad 'iedpbidflel Mande gluse Regis") RELIABLE woman for fish and chip res- -- Sponsoring Member of H.O.P.E. 723-4697 |Septic. Service | ' , 2422 Mmpion stock, Telephone Orenoitaurant. Hours 4 to 9 p.m. Experience | 6--Marine Equipment |8--Articles for Sale Preferred. Top. wages paid for right per- Barristers 163 cree tenn an --| : s nS | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned Prompt service | sc siecabaiininannialaaninoiataeiie --~--~w-vne | GERMAN SHEPHERD, purebred, silver|son. Apply 1220 Simcoe Street North on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut street/BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft", a and black, Registered, all needies. Good) ex ' West, Whitby, 668-2563, "Grew", Traveler" boats, "Evinrude" watch dog. Telephone 725-8437 TRIN. Resteurant, 318 Brock' South Whitby IMMEDIATE JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.| / -- -------------- | motors.' Marine Storage az Supply Ltd " , Money. 10 loan. Office, iaa king sireei| NELLIS Mortaage Loans |s Brooklin 655-3641 lie apes Ale pga eM crs Mrs é : pipet pr Phang ah | gag urveyors ma wiih white blanket, four white stock-|WANTED -- lady to baby sil, 230 pmo OPENINGS ast, a - | 1961 SHASTA cabin trailer, Torsion bar ings, white blaze. Telephone Hampton! 4 39 p.m two wus a month, Child el- TKMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB./ HOME VAY DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|hitch. Fleet 6. Fully equipped, Telephone Sat Out. {263-2080 aE. Ache Wilton Rod Noche nee Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- | Vn% Land Surveyor. Commercial' blue prints, | 728-8323, Big savings on Ska ing "Out mae ee 7 ek uc int ' : ' 3 'i $27 ° , ere lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King IMPROVEMENTS 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. . fits for the whole family dur- 112 Articles Wanted Beigel Ba AN ee Wert, Oshawa Onterie. CH 75% OF VALUE H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|7-----Swap and Barter ing our Big Fall Sale ee Agilsh, ested in 6 coreer with an exe » F246 © Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone SOOO, fen Bente, reppnone 7286-53111 handing organization. r) | 2 ne HAWA --- White Eine Sewi r apply Len Pullan, 10. Pri treet. 2 Grevon, Berrnere aslo: Netres, and GENERAL a | as ROMEO SIRS Centre, st Bond Want Fisvareesscat| from $7.25 pr. LIFT TRUCK WOMEN WANTED ee eres] Excellent opportunity to eam Genk of Conners Reling. 5 see : TV--Readio Repairs ges Ag OS ik ola cel te 2 Ton Capacity etc. Three hours, five mornings week.| dvancement to manogement Creighton, "GCs or residences: G._K. REPAIRS 728-1653 Se a ee : Matar Ai 303 RIFLE FOR RENT OR, LEASE Telephone 725-1322 for appointment responsibility. ighton, QC; -_ : Sryean, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, 8--Articles for Sale Doy --- Week --* Month RELIABLE BABY-SITTER, Dundas Street] Salaried "position involving QC; 723-4768; J, €. Victor, 985-7115. : TY Yr Known tor iis eckurdey end Contact bites (epics vie area) for shifts, two public contact. Mortgages arranged. 728-2061 GUARAN TRUS TV TOWERS db 4 : M. GREENBERG rage fyi Bae two weeks, 4.15 Liberal employee benefits. GEER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- Camnany of Cendis MOTORCYCLES reliability, this rugged gun ous cere Ore 30 p.m, 668-6993, CV Ged AD education aad cae East. Dial ill deliv 4 ° - tors, etc, 114 King 'Street East, Dia ECONOMY AND $195, UP ue een. -_ 308 Bloor E 728-7301-2. |18--Male Help Wanted necessary. Age 22 - 26. 723-2778. Residence Phones: J, W. Geer, i : ovens QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, Pca; | Evenings 723-8987 | 32 King St. E., DELUXE 25. used: Hondo uzukis aE Preference given to single Hei, aan - Oshawa, Ontario Yomahos, Bridgestones, Duc- $24.95 Hee Cun oe iit a chan Hates men willing to relocate. eS RONY eee el : Priced to suit your budget cate, etc. Repairs all makes, | Modern Hair Styling, 367 Wilson Road, S VENDING ROUTE PACIFIC FINANCE rri icitor, ntre | Parts. Accessories (Windgor Plaza) 723-5631 Sires. Offers: am: - $398] | ooking for a price? | FIRST and SECOND TERMS ARRANGED HONDA SHOP SNOW. TIRES 13--Articles For Rene | SERVICE MAN | __ 33 Simcoe St. S. _ Oshowe Eveni tment. Dial 723-1661. vening appointmen ; MORTGAGES OSHAWA TV __199 King W. __ 728-4242 : All: fyldn: construction, folk (725-6573 Classified Rates Remodelling kitchens, bath- -- All Classes -- depth traction tread. A brand Versa: Food Savices Lid, (Call Mr. Thompson rooms, rec-rooms. -- City, Rural, Vacotion -- SUPPLY LIMITED i ot sei bene yc Mad new winter tire priced almost RENTALS WORD ADS f SUMMERLAND TAUNTON RD. E. "Blue Coal" ond. stove os low os a retread Requires man with good ap- oi! = i "i i a J stove, nut, rance bet f 25 Seanad We ahc" cache 3 con CALL SECURITIES LIMITED| "st Eost of Ritson sicker coals, © Sion Wood | . from $17.56 up | OF ALL: KINDS | "to win'esoeten a TRAST eae 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 723-813] Senne! Coal @ Building titude to train as route ser- POSITIO secutive insertions of 24 words, +o BB | tional words 12¢. each, 6 con- PHELAN | Supplies. 668-352 SANDING MACHINES ee additional words 12¢. eac | PRIVATE 2 AND CORPORATE monies for SAWDONS' Fieve PitD DOMI N ION Gucilleting Londen dike eek vice man. Minimum educa- If you are considering moking additional words 21¢, each. | Construction Co all mortgages. Mortgages and agree. 244 Brock SS ¥ Whitb ara, bait wanders ans ' d tion 3 years high school, Good a move to improve your in- os iho vada it Eh: 4 os bbe : 5 er salary and company benefits. come don't miss discussing secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04 | as Be | | ments Fe sie Porcnaaed. Creighton, | -- ae Charge--10 per eent edditional chorge | | Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See 'Bar - Pi ers if not peid: within 8 days. | risters" ) TIRE STORE this. To arrange « time for ieee Gh eis is si ee x 668-6032 [FIRST AND SECOND. morigeges avait| TELEVISION: -- RADIO ORE ag tine bans Be ee shes TELEPHONE a, personal confidential intr. , h d able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock or asners, stoves and 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH E ' 5 : view one Jac oughtrey po sage nd elgg Bit By Baad | Street North. 668 24 HOUR SERVICE Dryers tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe 728 6961 (Ontario Automobile Asso- gs one word; phone mumber counts|----__ 2 [FIRST AND SECOND morigage, Sale HOLMES ELECTRIC MOTOR TELEPHONE 725-6511 cutters, pipe threading 'dies, M. BAKER ciation). two words, jaoreements purchased and 'sold, Hennick R SL a) ne OR toilet auger and Hen Barristers, 31 King Street Repoir and Exchange 3 Between 9:30 A.M d 4:30 PM GENOSHA HOTEL BiRTHS--DEATHS-- FEBRUARY Ent OSHAWA APPLIANCE thier, dathue a joa a SOCIAL NOTICES PRIVATE INVESTOR has money avail ener 5 3 Stepladders, aluminum ex- - $$$ $$ $$$________ " $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addi SPECIALS able. for first morignge, No agents plesse 186 Simcoe S 728-7535 YA MA HA tension ladders, ladder jacks, 10 a.m, to Noon or tional charges if net paid within 8 doys Save up to 20% during Feb- | Write Box 16142, Oshawa Times. FOR YOUR WATKINS (quality) products @ Salm steel scaffolding, compres- 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. IN MEMORIAMS ruary on Rec. Rooms, Kit- Services ee ae Cio eee @ Se sors, spray guns, wallpaper YOUNG MAN $2.00 for the first 38 words ond Sc chens, Bath Rooms, Floors, Coll CUSTOM MADE furniture -- Coffee tab rvice steamers, tarpaulins, blow tach thereafter plus 12c. per line of} Walls, Ceiling Tiles and all |SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable, exper- Whitby--668-5679 Pie nto ome Meron. bere @ Rentals | torches, propane torches. WITH INSURANCE AND URGENT! URGENT! rse; 25¢, additionel charge if not A enced. Reliable. Reasonable, Phone ¢ ve o General Repairs Ted Yavior, Alex $@\e03 |FLOOR COVERING ciear-outs, Thov-| WELDING EQUIPMENT 3 young men, 17-19 for ¢ir- poid within 8 days, [ a ei oe | 1Olem: t 10 es H. McKOY 725- 8576 RECORDED MUSIC for your dances,| sands of yard# of discontinued patterns; P Acetylene welding outfits, FINANCE COMPANY culation training programme. CARDS OF THANKS -- --|parties, banquets. For information call] HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED een 0G Pas foot. Wilson Furniture, 20) 723-8711 200 amp. electric welders. EXPERIENCE No experience necessary, ap $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc.|CARPENTERI Rec. rooms aiterations, 668-8464 ur reet tric 3 7 , ap each thereafter 'with 25¢.- additional ete. Free estimates. Phone collect "Don" |= sh ca oemaucraccsoeaonr aed TOWE RS |USED AUTO PARTS -- Anything. Chos RO-DON SPORTS BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT plicants must be neat, ag- charge if not paid within 8 days. Port Perry 985-2802 Optometrist kavich Auto. Wreckers, 6 miles east Cement mixers, finishing to handle "Oshawa territory gressive, free to travel and PORTABLE welding equioment and man eg ARE THE BEST Oshawa, No. 2 Hwy. 725-4920 TAUNTON RD. E, trowels, wheel barrows, elec- : able to stort immediately, COMING EVENTS F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 36 Si Excel available from January 24, 1966. Exper- ' D 4 Simcoe > Fish : xcellent incentive lan, $2.10 per inch (display); $1.50 for thelienced in repair and structural Phone|Sireet North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Legion) areal coortivan's © Pda Gust East of 5 Points) tric, virator, air compressor, Pp This is an exceptional op- first 20 words and Se. each thereafter | 668-4585. 72xai7) . : siecdin 103 Byron §., Whitby (block west of jock hammers, hand trowels, PHONE portunity. Gueranteed $220 (Word Ads), ROOFING, concrete fioors, tat roofing, | ee _ Four Corners Discover the swinging world of water pumps, portable heat- monthly with advancement, AUCTION SALES our specialty New work and repairs \Painting and Decorating _ A R. |. L) TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks, | YA MA HA ers, steel scaffolding, electric For interview Mr. Wilson, $2.70-PER INCH PER INSERTION, | LA798 and small lobs. L. and H. Roofing chairs. Terms. We buy, sell, rent, service,| generator, ramset, power roll- | Toronto 223-0540 Tues. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. only, s RR 7 , and Construction, % 725-693 trade, New, used. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, | INT N A TEL DEADLINES EARSENTRY, Recut und "Resairs PAINTING AND bic PAINT INGE ond aoe | ers, electric hammers, mason- GENOSH HOTE ; , D --Landecapes, portraits WORD Abs Free estimates. Telephone Tony ater DECORATING Romer Fond ond Division' ih Jaa ain cen ponies M. GREENBERG ory few, butlding jocks, es / Ss __|-- p.m. 728-3151 Clark Studio Telephone 668.4497 325 « « " mortar mixers, mortar boxes, . DA i} Sasanenittad ac Se ies | > - ar | ) i ee ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS INTERIOR and EXTERIOR 728-5143 Brock North, Whitby & mares A chain. hoist, miter saws, elec EXPERIENCED SEWING LOST AND FOUND rooting, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-] Broadioom, Custom Draperies q "|BUY AND SELL - Good used furniture ew se¢ © plane, tarpaulins, 14° MA NE P FITTERS 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION enh masonry. Gord May, Whitby FREE ESTIMATES OSHAWA AND WHITBY and appliances. One location only, Pretty | Angles Hears vand saw, 4" joiner, sand sors pe ROPUGCTION BIRTHS AND DEATHS Ri Seer Gol ons DODD and SOUTER ne db Bc yi in an ah Flotbars -- Channels taster, power tamper, power fb 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATI $ building, roofing repairs FULLER BRUSH Products. Specials of Sheets = Plates Sate dag With knowledge of time and UBLICATION and remodelling; chimneys, new and re 668-5862 fered now, Telephone daytimes 723-0444 e Ml Pp - motion studies, production paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs . 4-4583 queare tubing ipe ' ' s 6 able to do layout work. Ne CLASSIFIED DISPLAY miley 6abo0t4, Gord - -- : 72 1 or ; teh Sis. Mona : ' nd el y , ds iw |Whitby 668-2774, Gord May 5 8541 or 668-5830 77 FOWERE SERCIL ree roe ne Contac : asia S | A N S ang wer "ae eet " ' umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous 2 [AS "| CARPENTRY, brick and Block work.| PAINTING and RAE'S structure all-channel antenna installed 18 Bloor 728.7401-2 kaise Progressive, well - establishe others need apply. Steady job ' $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | 5 RPENING & RENTALS LTD company. Benefits available, CANCELLATIONS AND NEW PLASTERING and repairs; slucco DECORATING Road East, just east of Ritson Road FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service| 935 \ s | for right men "ORRE: < Bigs 0. i 3: ing St. West, Oshawa salary open, S } CORRECTIONS sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms. Free : RADIO & TELEVISION |bew Worms -- minnows. Best quality, | Repairs to all makes va 9 AY OF PUBLICATION estimate c Paggaat <x fro Interior, exterior. Reasonoble \ ° 4 Y'| mates, 323 King West, 77 2 Box M16367, a.m. DAY OF PUBLIC 1 mates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 o ie ; ser --___. available in Oshawa. 843 Ritson South, | PHONE 723-3224. , ANDREW ANTENNA Any odvertisement cancelled before | 728-4717 rates I work guaronteed, 728-3272 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait|35" ELECTRIC RANGE -- | Oshawa Times caticn »'"\ be eharced one day"slaTLANTiC PAVING AND CONCRETE Free estimates. WINTERTIME Company |condition, automatic, Reasonable, Apply) ~ Pee oer rer 86 King Street East Co. LTD. rticn, Free estimates; 22¢. square foot. All T.V. TIME THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, No| 22% Gliddon Avenve Tables, Chairs, Li - a werk Guéraniend. Call Seton M. Loople & Son ve down payment, $15 monthly, at Honest|/ BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap c ee eapenk., Dish WHITBY, ONT, "1 = 668 2418 T.V. Service Anytime Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294] 3, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee While every endeavor, will be made Dentistry : T R | O GUY AND SECC Good weed Taralone| OF 259-2995. Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal SALES CLERK Phone Mr. Mayall, 668-3348 to forward replies to bo bers t _- . -- G us is | 8 7 . iH, 3s he advartiaits Ge deen Gs poeilbin JCAREROOT, DEL JONM Ik, Cal |HAVE: your, Witertor pa nting done now.| : ody ' and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215/GUNS -- Bought, soid, traded, repaired| Year, Men's Formals, White we accept no liability in respect of|Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. bp A a get Po Work -- guaranteed. | TELEVISION Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. |at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West,| ox Furs, Mink Stoles, For Local nine loss or dama alleged +: ise|For appointment, 728-5171 2 Loy: Mpson Painting and P. DRESS, | , size 10; | 728-9731, through either failure er delay in fore| oe cial sesh Ache ---- | Decorating : oe } 728- 5143 sipnlly argues cite tk Vary cleat | TYPEWRITER, portable, $30.) Standard, SARGEANT'S RENTALS BUILDING EXCEPTIONAL bl bre euch eee, howe: , coused Dr king EXPERIENCED painter and decorator. | ___ bit Hains Hee |900d condition. Apply 23 Drew Street. |$35 Electric adding machine, $40. Elec- 463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 OPPORTUNITY whether by | neg igence or otherwise ik _ I | Free estimates. Telephone 723-5956. ADDING MACHINES, casi, reqisters,| tic typewriter, electric cash register, $85.|__ iat SUPPLY FIRM For 2 ambitious aggressive faplion meehtes fen Ch oinraible. for DRESSMAKING -- Suits, conty, dresses,| = FAST T.V. SERVICE typewriters, new and used. $35 up. All| 723-4434 gl tiew TREK -- capacity 4000 Ibe--iitt men between 25 and 40 wish- y alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fi Plumbing and Heating machines guaranteed. Expert service.| CANADIAN COINS sale or frade|!6, to rent by week or month. APpI¥| Steqq fovineeit Ail ; REGULATIONS specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668 ki BLOMBING "AND HARGIS Service Call only $2.50 Oshawa Business Machines --728-3664./or will trade for other coins and Cana-|Mackie's Van and Storage. ane teady ah siddbonihy com- ing to improve their present ALTERATION, pant cuffing, Z| > Ber %:|supplies, Telephone 725-521, Harold H DOMINION Evenings 725-9748, ____|dian = Austrian and Yugoslavian stampy. | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables; church| Pony benefits available, Write earings. 'FENDER' four-pedai, sieel guitar and|After 5 evenings telephone 728 aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentais, 412) stating age and salary ex- Phone 728-9434 The Oshowo Times will not be re- mending. Agent for North American i - iy Stark Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engi sponsible - errors' in advertisernents Fashion Frocks _728-1823 neering, 255 Simcoe Street t South TELEVISION case. Like new, $300. Telephone 723-5370.| HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE -- going Simcoe Street North, Call 723- 2414, pected to: "wise then in writing not een a ooh ee + + <r eis one insertion of any| KE sSMAKING "<--suitsr~< 7 BEFORE YOU BUY give Us # iy " GAS STOVE,: nearly new:,2!=ss window,|0v! of business at 205 John Street, Whitby.| ENTERTAINING -- Fiflvto one hundred, s : net advertisement nor beyond the price| Minor alterations. Telephone 723-8697 and oil heating installations Killingbeck| 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. light in oven, $55; electric heavy duty, | Sede oi ait STUCK. BeeSS0T. "I Beoaiey Oshawa Tennis Club for ban. BOX 16029 Bons aouay "arises, rears, bens charge for @ single insertion in which|DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coals, dresses,|Heating Phone 723-9079 All work guaranteed $40, (both apartment size)..Gas chimney TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand-|quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, wood Auto Body, Columbus 655-3621, error occurs, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting 81 ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | -- _.|$50. Apply 109 Celina Street +___|ards, portables, electrics. The ideal gift}Parking. 723-2140 mornings. WaloEn - rere nat the Ook 1 Specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. new and used materials. Reasonable WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| for students. Large stock to choose trom.|WHBEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, OSHAWA TIMES qualified ANGER: bax ge a ae Cahier to classify" odeartis pee es the Night EXPERIENCED dressmaker: ladies'|rates. Estimated free. 7231191, J. Foley TV SERVICE ture or atything you have. The city|One year full guarantee, Low pricet. reducing machines, "sick tency' ence qualified perso shawe ite proper elonitcanen 'scerding "tol wear, girls' wear and alterations. Tele-|---- Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|Jenkins Business Machined, Sales and/ aig _Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. - --------_--__--_--___--_]- Pipe Dpiaeeiesee phone 723 Rug- -Upholstery Service DAY OR EVENING South, 723-1671. Service, 728-7783. Open evenings. | ---- JANITOR for hotel. 12 p.m. to 8 a.m. In the cases of display advertisements| => 728-5286 TIRES, five Goodyear whitewalls, 735 x|GUARANTEED Used wringer washers, 14--Business | Opportunities LITHO CAMERA Bon Noa ere aude Per hours Wine The "Times will not 'be held. respon. Gardening and Supplies j te el. YAY TARRCINDIE. | Tete eT EL raINTE aah AMIS de: MAN EXPERIENCED part-time SiDle for more space than thot which 128-926 : Mi " g Mm) SMALL prosperous handiman's business P| part-time ~uphoisterer the actual error occupies, The pub : UPHOLSTERING | OSHAWA RANGE -- "Frigidaire" heavy duty; sixc| ore for sale: '59 GMC truck and aluminum wanted. Apply Dalton Upholstering, 75 lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad piece oak dining room suite, pint hy and|FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free.|!@dders. Cash. Will consider trade for Some Pepe enee eens Charles Street, Oshawa, 723-7212, vertising matter correctly, but assume| 4/ : ELECTRONICS mattregs, Telephone 728-7057 Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you|!ate model car. Selling for health rea- Immediate employment, BASS PLAYER and lead guitar player no liability of advertisement if any n @) ourse AT ITS Purchase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212. |$0nS. Ajax, 942-5616, required for western band. Teleph inaccuracies In any form are contained > 35" BEACH electric range, Lioyd baby WAYSIDE cals Ga and aie Ga, PHONE WHITBY J 6043 ne Paes aa eee therein. z " ' CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.|bugay, bath very good condition, Apply |CLEARANCE, new and used skates. fon tor full na Shocks : SUNFLOWER SEED BEST FOR. LESS [Ail wor gusranioas 7 Geen Atom isi Bchuns potter tine Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725: (tion for lease, fully equipped and. stock- 668-545] : ene IV's EASY TO PLACE A WILD BIRD MIX Telgpnens 795-080: TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, Like new.|- ahGe WcOne HOME ee ie --|19--Male ond Female Fides ACtION WAKE 4b } ek ais wi --IReasonable for quick sale. Telephone |1FOOT METAL BRAKE, Fair shape. CARGE INCOME HOME fully rented ond : : Help Wanted ai Coauiad Giraes Spe iee CORN (as er eaning) ell Drilli ng--Digging 723-7596 Wat Gaetan: Avie ety NS Bloor mona. Tne aise Retiree or Pensioner ee 3 ~|BED, YOUTH, single, removable sides, |.--- ea A j - ek WELL "DIGGING by machine specializin BE WANTED -- Small restaurant or snack s handymon and city deli- iu . ' i 9 id, 1 i ' ",|BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM windows, ; 723-3492 WHEAT @ "EASY CREDIT TERMS nahin tle." Ward, "ot *cresna |e, Year, in excelent conation. Gir's|aesT QUALITY, ALUMINUM windows, Barto lease in'Oshawn aren, oreterabiy| very" Must, be neot.. Apply PART TIME HELP BIRD FEEDING STATIONS st, Whitby. 68-2563 or 6683800.1 CoO "condition, Telephone Tie 9076.7? '7/ Prices! Call MH-S3NS or" 723.5692 ith Wiog quarters, Telephone 7M)" CANTONS MALE OR FEMALE Ss S WANT ADS reach thousanas of interestee| RANGE -- " rel oa NEW, USED - vacuums, polishers. Re.| COMME -- store, with apartment INDEX TO WATER SOFT. SALT H A R W O O D prospects every day. Take advantage of| button, Windle Th ren pi Eg pairs to all makeg. New hoses, Phone rg ea ilines: Gres sale 'rout FLOWERS NS = ese CLASSIFICATIONS ICE SALT (the vast audience by telepnoning 723-3492| dition. Phone 655-3856 Jack Lees, 728-6956. present, illness for: ale, grea ; Large Metropolitian News cue bile : . --....--| potential for increased -business. Asking e 15 Msscin's "Eslaner SAND Custom Upholstering eis ode Me acantab lied Eau | el RET Bef Nay error ere REPRIGRRATORS, 32195; beds... $12/1§23,200 which includes, building, fixtures 24 King East paper requires men or women ae axe D} Telephone 725-2548 J mi - top mattresses, 9571 and ipment. Call Tony Zakarow, 728 t ssist ie i - 2--Persona! SNOW SHOVELS PHONE 942-1500 2--Personal 'a ~ : . ..|stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; 7576, Siby's Real Estate Ltd. Oo OSsist. SOLES. 1) Anereae 3--Sportsman's Column ey __|MOTHER of the bride coat and dress|space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome Revd bot MAINTENANCE ing their routes, Basic guaran- 5--Trailers STRAW ra 3 ensemble, size 17. Lovely blue shade.|sets, radios, Guns, new and used, Valley 15. a 1 tW t a tee plus commission. Car 6--Marine Equipment PET SUPPLIES Removal of superfluous hair oer an Condition. Telephone Newcastie|Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 778-4401. Employment wWante MECHANIC helpful but not essential: Ine Smaree one Bacter es Now OPEN @ Morie Murduff will be in FABULOUS JANUARY SALE -- now on|GENTLEMAN -- early forties, bilingual, terested parties 'call 728- 9--Marker & ie Sérviba Dihawa. Bowmanville Oshawa, Feb. 28th, Mar. 1 DouBLE BED, complete with mattress,/at Wilson Furniture. Double mattresses|bondabie, holds medallion and one label F il 'blant yt 7 Market Basket ooper- mit [ oe é $20. Telephone 668-6426 from $20; chesterfield suite, $99; chrome|in First Ald, 15 years police experience, or small plant in Ajax ar 1 Former's Column ond area and 2, Phone Genosha Hotel ODDS AND ENDS of ah chairs, $2.99; bedroom suites, $119. Wil-|Seeks position of trust, Oshawa area, has ' 12. Atkin Wane COMPANY DARLINGTON on these dates for appoint- Kitchen suite sve, Sollee eer, ony Son Furniture, 20 Church Street. own transportation, Write Box 14492 Osh Write Box M16395 4 a } ite, s i 2 re Roma vines : UPHOLSTERY ment Telephone 728-5584, 9 a.m. 10 2 pm TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- @ft.[oe oe Oshawa Times. TAXI DRIVERS _ 13--~Articles for. Rent 'ee Pe 7 vty er structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower | SECRETARY Capable, efficient, nine ss =eares Two fitters required, Must be BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0c, ay Pah . ; ; CHROME KITCHEN set, grey arborile ri i > ; 15---Employment Wanted We Deliver 102 King W., Bowmanville ELECTROLYSIS top, extra leaf. Also studia, couch witn| included, single all-channel antenna com-| Years experience in industry and real es-| paintER wanted for auto-body shop, Part or Full Time 16--Agents Wanted 62 3-734] ' plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed|tate. Neat, accurate typist, dictaptone, i 17--Female Help Wanted 723-1139 723-2 - Tplephamony, jolt In good "condition.|one year, $50. See all towers at Trio Knowledge" of shorthand. tnd. sccounts mi pripbent gts oage oo gaa th eal dP Minimum Age 25 - - senneene - -- lephone 032 4 v _ Py joyment. arwe ut Y, 8--Male Help Wontes CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and re. 723-4641 Ls ci Television, corner' Bond and Division,|receivable. Desires position, hours 94. Cohorbin pial . --Male or Female Help Wonted : 3 x Ty a {Styled. Free estimate. See our -material HUBERT MAINTAINER with hydraulic! 728-5143-4 ASeBNONS 722-9128 peng eg pe MERCURY TAXI Real Estate for Sole Aeee TO TRIMY Call Gil. OF JN eUlltor recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 LADIES ONLY! 1f you think alcohol Js 2 Alode: MAP chins pe atauis front end| NEW IN OSHAWA = White Elna Sew.|ROOM ANID BOARD for one child "Day eed rt te short order "grill: man m down, ree estimates. 72 18 or ' { 19 7 4 ade; M49 shield bant. ti ® ver ra 'e or charcoal broit, i area. Speed, harles Street. 72% Problern to you, we can help, For more i am truck mounted : y B 728-0610 chee nd chk Sao information call 668-8103 or 725-8533 ore | vith backhoe and shovel attachment, |in@ Centre, 38 Bond West. 725-7181. Spe-|care also available. Telephone 668-6976 | etticiency and cleanliness essential. atter 725-4771 teal | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish-| replies in strictest 'confidence! Telephone Orono 200. ae ager ie al copies $69.50.|WOMAN wants housework by the day,|5 telephone 942-6343 aoe, i 7 k h r ei eae i S ac ed. 7' 1 ; 5. Gon : eal Estate Wonted Instruction pede Jeet Veorkmanship guaranteed. aii ANYONE be" inieresiod in ac.|WEDDING GOWN, size i418 Cong! _ eee preferably, in Grierson St. area. Good -ref-| EXPERIENCED MAN required for ser-jTIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year 24 rm¢. Mattresses SET OF left-handed f erence if required. Phone 723-9928 2 24--Stores Offices and Storage |re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up.|Companying lady from Oshawa to Cal-|Sleeves. Empire styled bodice with full» ' anded golf clubs. Seven J in toll vice station, Willing to work shifts, in- jreally a successful year? Does your pres- 25--Houses for Rent PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad. holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311." |94TY by compact automobile. Leaving|Skirt_ also headpiece and veil Phone | shone Merge DAG and cart, $40. Tele-! BOOKKEEIPER, experienced to trial bal-|cluding nights and weekends. Apply Alfent job offer you all the opportunity you 57 Reon rents for Rent ronson ghd nr aga aa ~-mm.| March 25, Please write Box 16701 Oshawa | 668-8688 gets eats ance, desires work at home. Telephone|Dearborn's Shell Service. Highway 2, paar fit yee sealeae rage Nag 5 -- s for Ren nstru none 778-390 } VACUUM re 623-7161 after 5 p.m. Thickson's Rd. No phone calls please. |Potentia your answi Wr 28--Room and Board FuGN Ss Lan fe ae |Seles and Service eo CLAIRTONE stereo with AM and FM andl brushes, etc ey a waaak oa -----|WERe'S AN BXCHLLENT "7 Tl beheaded 29-----Wanted to Rent ' / multiplex, best offer. Philco. retgierator,| Fie 4 ¢ : \ oppo! eine ehoeti ape te EO WS oN oA tame he cue OO OY os LiKe BK EO LGUARANTRED BEBAINS % all wrirmarl ? Sportsman' s Column three years old, $125. Electric range, $35 Picarine eee MOAN Street: 17--Female Help Wanted |tor a good aes who wants to earn 3 1SALESMEN and salesiadies. Married or 31--Compect : . washers and ranges. Free estimat a minimum. o' / a year, Car neces-|¢; . Datu eee Janitor Service ag *BI7AD. or 123-0011 vigor eae [SKATE EXCHANGE --" SHARPENING: | wasweninar-ingisy winger Good con 2 --|WOMAN -- part-time, over 20 with pleas-|sary. Five days a week, &hour day, age [sole Earn Up to. $150 weekly. Show 33---Automobil jaiiadentatis on ew, aver ey equipment.) i 7 ant personality -- to apply in person,|30 and over, paid each day in cash, ie Autenbie hoon" CELLARS CLEANED trash removed,| BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can-|Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, 778-440] 1eMon. Bovey th daaed Apply 956 Olive Av Wa t Ad D 't | Jolly Roger Fish and Chip Store, Cedar!monthly bonus. If Interested. see Mr ahaa ad et WH erting ger Benced 35--Lost and Found household repairs done Telephone 721-/ vas awnings: Complete service, free est nf- S ion at Wentworth, Experience helpful Smith at Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby, be: Name Plate Limited P.O. Box 126 Osh . 295 ' 5--Trailers FURNITURE 3 rooms, new quality RELIABLE WOMAN to baby-xit" Three [tween 7 and 9 p.m hk 37---Auctions CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and base-|FILL SPARE ROOMS win paying quests. |AIRSTREAMS Taciory avihori ee aeaice [{urniture, only $299., inc. "complete rf s t . leh ing teak kitche He aries t days per week in my home ve in or {DRIVER -- for manure pick-up "and gen ------ i--Coming Every ment. Also scrap taken away. Call Joe|Dial 723-3492 now. for an ad-writer t0|0 tario. Trail ' # As es ee . & -- LA P y out. Vicinity, Adelaide and Division, forjeral farm labor. Chauffeur's licence re-|EXPERIENCED shirt pressers, pr . 19--Notices and Son, 723-2268. help you phrase an ad, wane fale iL én" 1577 The Queens- Pio Aol Foran ara -- OS ey a riod Pre-schooler and three' school-age.|quired. Dominion. Mush grey Coy Ltd.,jand counter girls. One Hour Martinizing, ' J mncoe §, 5557 after 5.30, Brock Road, Pickering 942-0960, 96 Harwood South, Ajax 942-2214,

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