18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, February 28, 1966 ]20--Real Estate for Sale |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27---Rooms for Rent |30---Automobiles for Sale 31--Compeact Cars For Sale)37--Auctions ATTRACTIVELY CARS WANTED SABYAN AUCTION | | 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale YOUR OWN VA FURNISHED ROOM : RUISINESS D Tn\ tone ya LA CONTESSA Available in private oil Buying A New Car ? MOTOR SALES LTD. ; BUS . Call b Bondy om, St ae od "Ted" Vokswoden Sales and Serv Having-teceived instruc- CENTRAL el tice cuties coat | SAY OTS Soe | er] area ee fa a | business requiring young, o9- APARTMENTS . Cor Dealer and "Save" - 334 RITSON RD, S. Trustee, | will sell by gressive management, Otfer- | -APARTMENTS 728-8671 TED CAMPIN. MOTORS 723-3461 public auction the house- | ed-at. $10,000. with possibil- ' _| 723.4494 725.5574 Deen Bent : ONTARIO .REAL ESTATE LIMITED ity of financial assistance. Corefully planned one and Now Renting FURNISHED + room os er rpentlernin. lem __Res. 125-55 Gig Water aids Botoasteabicte a hold contents of Adaline 21 King Street West Price includes all equipment two bedroom apartment tral location, Telephone 725-0536. | Cars taluk ier oaks Zoltan, Nick and Dan's _| 2nePherd, 195. Thornton ' P 7 2 TRUST Bownbuivlile ot 25% of replacement cost. suites. 1 bedroom suites from $120 pL Mee iahieale ld a Sind Pig seg MORLEY STALKER Messe AEMborigsd Dmsek Rd. N. to be held at Stir- 393 ae he hae AVAILABLE NOW ! 2 bedroom suites from $135 ply' Sh Myers Street, Oshews. Telephone MOTOR SALES 'arid Fiot Deoler tevant's Auction Hall, 33 623-3 a personal / : oF ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT Bee ici 127 KING' STREET W. Specializina in Volkswagen Hall St. on March 3 at mA eer om come._ Details = oe CLEAN WAKM furnisned Dedroom. Cent ricuy ae GIVES YOU ALL HAW, Re ice. 4 PTE PE Member Oshawa and District | contact only. on va at ORE: een OF THE FOLLOWING... |Segegg--"peeretete ene 792.6209 oa att | 150 Simons oom nei ade Supervisor Real Estate Boord | PAUL RISTOW - rates. pees te Lig Rig cloth Piece 6s Ge ESE hes | 728-0051 Dining room suite, refrig- Bus Service at Door : Apply 49 Drew Street or telephone 723-|--------------------- | REAL ESTATE DEPT. . c --------| erator, floor _ polish ithin walking distance of : 5537. : if polisher, ATTENTION -- BUTCHER,| LIMITED alking dis FREE ie eee EY eee # VOLVO & PEUGOT electric stov ; E 723 5221 Schools and Shopping metic leudio OOM FOR RENT for two or three Mi stove, electric PHONE 7253- AKER Electrically Heated Second Gad dole Briver Whitty orca aor | «= USED CAR LTD. Gana Sea a washer, chesterfield Coniar tis AlbockStrent; | 728-9474 Completely Soundproof Sukie posi FURNISHED ceo ceam 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST General Repair and chrome | sults, bedreas FUL LPRICE $13,500.00 one storey brick store, walk- Controlled Entrances Facile Hock Mie igre ce gH A ag ce lg WHITBY -- 668-5891 uto-Electric Service 'nite adres it Saul: Central retin in freezers included. Suitable Financial Trade Building Spacious Balconies sepititige tales References required, ingpection Invited Cars bought and sold Jake and Bill's Garage : Sule, : for any good business or what 187 King Street East Dropes Supplied Pekin Phone 7783014, ; Liens paid off 449 Ritson Rd. South cedar chest, radio, va- 1% 'storey six room bric have you? Low taxes, vacant Mail Delivery to each suite cali ONE BEDSITTING room apariment Trade up or down Osh 728-0921 cuum cleaner, sewing ma- home in very good condition. Bc Wie eee a aan er arene tor Scud d Corridor ppliances Suitable for two gentlemen, Private en Always | sowed 'ood possession. $16,000--terms. SWITZER DRIVE--two-bedroom, frame DOGCIOORIES Or orre Closed cirevit-T.V france and bath. 322 Jackson Avenue NE soe a |1962 ENVOY, @ cyiinde: chine. A separate dining room, g Just painted. Attached garage and fire FM Music throughout aad (end of Currie St, off Ritson South) after mission, radio, whitewalls, i= 'ives wit with sized kitchen, 3 bedrooms, ONE MILE TO place, 60' frontage. Dry basement, 6 per Plus many more modern 4pm ALL CASH rims, Body and motor in excellent condi-| Many more articles too a very comfortable home. BOWMANVILLE Po ade aca Asking: $13,900, "Telephone features ALSO FURNISHED room. Parking space avail- |tion, 623-3493 or 623-5687. sk S to ve: New furnace and private Oe ' able, Close to. South Plant, 39 Sandra For clean cors or trucks, We | i903 "MORRIS Oxford, radio, heater" Ex U mention -- ave and gorage. This is a 15 acres with well built bung-. | SIX-ROOM bungalow with attached ga- Elegant foyer Street East, 728-2660. deal up or down. Liens paid cellent condition, et Pg aS Terms cash. Myles Kini kl low with 2 car attached gar- [rage in choice north-west location. Fire- LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE A ial eek FURNISHED BEDROOM for young iad Telephone 728-4468 hie 3 9 ee ee 'a e. 1,500 square feet eal en UE ies ignated aN ge Ba er : hy betty fg th 4 convenient to bus and ace, 'ap. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED) 1968 CHEVELLE Malibav $8 conv SUET CHES. : ' " A ; : WEST NEAR " Hy heated livi lid- bookshelves ome Se OF NONQUON ROAD dorsi ual patio an stainer. Telephone 725-8158. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH |327, 4 speed, tach, radio, private. sale. ; aay OOLS paper eet . pente. Tei aaa jory made trailer, 16 ff T t call opens COLBORNE EAST -- Large furnished} © Across from Royal Hotel -- | One owner. Phone 725-2592. Also combination Stereo ss do 0 5 e- , ° nect © . iF SCH fully decorated. Public and {Sleeps 4. Completely furnished, toilet, 798 snes a a 1582 NOWHERE ELSE IN penelanle Ps bl gil har' prise Whitby 668-3331 [ations soap tons eh ee Ey and TV -- 8 months old We've just now isted a high school bus at door. Good ella ig agal gile ~~ £ ae r - OSHAWA DO YOU GFT home. Telephone 723-1612 fi | 966 CHEVELLE SS, 327 ~ modified 415 | sogq PALEON cathe Gat a television. (Rogers Moajes- charming modern 3 yes gorden land, $32,000. with | Motors, 728-7375 | SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE -- | ONE and two-bedroom apartments, avall-| ADoiy in. person, Monday to Thursaay|Open 10. offers, Phone 728-9151 =o ie), bungalow in a fine neighbor- tains | PRIVATE SALE Tiree bedroom elec eee . ¥ Shown by appointment only pte gs ae pik tad a Het sar ie after 4 p.m. Boys' Training School, Bow- |'69 VAUXHALL, 6 cylinder automatic hood , rede RONO AREA (on heated brick bungalow. Located In| trolled: entrance, # 9 pool, Tele jmanville Ask for Pete Thompson, (Best/one owner car, well looked after, meaidt = E schools and shopping is fe) new subdivision in Bowmanville. Asking | eee ee pus leita) ie aoe oming vents . ~ URNISHED ; uw, 8 --C house is on a roomy lot which fen Ave Rees | $17,200. Telephone 623- . ater Spm. | AAALA GLEN * METCALF TaN SHED oom | for: rent. parking |i947 JEEP, new motor end clutch, ¢ Good | 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500, red sedan. A| . is attractively landscaped GENS DOE! TOHIN, fen | BROOKLIN -- on Montgomery Street, Real Estate Ltd Street East 728-2660 jcondition. After @ p.m. telephone 723-7841 perfect family car; Radio and wheel a eh stone house, all modern con- new ranch incalow, three bedrooms.) COURT Kea! Estote Ltd, ; (Men sea soa --~-| LIENS PAID OFFI We trade up. down, |(iSCs. Licence H47550. Sabyan Motor , and all seryieas are Esbei : vehiences. Second home brand _ | Hollywood kitchen, fully decorated. Could | LARGE error Ba Oe suitable or Choose from over 60 'cars. No ips Sm. Sales, 334 Ritson Road South, 723-3461 | Central Council of i i ° fi : lad , " Py lial wall be een in new. 4: bedrootns, (2 Sie -- [Pe Sener A one Hem Peving | N oF 728-4678 |Te iphone 925-7073 OS: |ments! Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375. | 1962 CHEVY II red sedan. This car musi) Neighborhood Association . a i ~ ss Try _ -- ° all b pede so your investment places, panelled walls, beauti- | 999 DOWN -- three-bedroom brick oun Seca ck, Walk yobs WHITBY, 2 bedroom unfurnished apart-|'%62 HEVROLET Bel Air" sedan. Auto. | 06 seen to be appreciated. Licence 134070 | ' - Sabyan Motor :Sales, 334 Rit ; ccd 'Musk ful view. 'New loafing barn |galow with garage, in well developed Sav -- ment. Central, newly decorated, balcony, H lag eile y iy imate and chrome South aad s, 3 son Row) - wil ty gs tage hos with paved feed lot, new silo |west end location, very close to schnols | Only 5 min. from Grapes. stove and fridg. Laundry facil - ; : 1963 VOLKSWAGEN sold becouse owner Ta) ogy f land shopping. Just four years old. 723-454! " pete a ~ ities, parking. Call 668-2847 Paird cH ROLET convertibie, red with deluxe, "olor! be and automatic feeder. Room | South General Motors IMMEDIAT E | ack interior. Power equipped, radio,|OfOWN, one owner, just like new | ordered a larger house: See it THREE bedroom brick bungalow at Wil-| [eet eae 7 pave today -- this one will sell for 200 head. Price %$85,- }son Road South at Olive. Make offer | OCEl JPANCY |furnished bed-sitling room in two-bath [a $2,850. Telephone 728-3331 after S p.m. eer cs po Sales, 334 Ritson tout: Reve ey. Sen seb ea ete ila |Perry Real! Estate 723-8123 © immediate occupancy @ | t |room horhe. Parking. Suit one or two.|1957 FORD Va automatic, excellent inside 1962 VOLKSWAGEN . ; ! y r : ; | | mients'@ 2 bothrooms small [Re A i a A MM ag tr Boag 1 RR ge ot the VERY ATTRACTIVE DAIRY OR BEEF FARM |20a--Summer Properties | 7" OU" 5) tere coal | ARLINGTON ee Tite Mare Geetha reel ay - - '| accepted. Telephone 725-5016 2 1 | for two to share, board optional, pri-|1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 2-door, V-8! 7-5 : | Full Price -- $22,900 150 acres with an excellent | For Sale or Rent 2 and 3 bedroom suites @ FM vate clean home, good central location.|standard, radio. Excellent condition. No i. VOLKSWAGEN window van. new OSHAWA CIVIC trout stream, 7 room frame | TWO-ACRE island and cottage, sandy} music @ |ntercom controlled | Telephone 228-0661 | down payment. Licence 46970, Gus paint job. Excellent condition. Ideal for | Geri wan pone mY So) san r ag leer, Sele Span" toaeee Site | AUDITORIUM house, 90 30' barn, milk |beach, one hour drive from Oshawa, on i ish | weet __hanoeonenatan i | --, nortan spe poved uy x Balsam Lake, Phone 728-5482 @ Mail delivered to your | a : pees sd drive and attached garage in 0 quiet area of the north west ditt jor double, use of refrigerator, central,|1958 PONTIAC 4door sedan, 6 cylinder| SoH bigskanick' areas 1a scentshaniabr ante vators @ Large Japply 25 Quebec Street or phone 728-3908. |standard transmission, new tires, body | '32--Trucks ter Sale | FRIDAY r & iC , tc nas senien | é a ert 21--Farms for Sale | y |CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Double fur-| 900% Reasonable 725-8072 |1958 GMC haif-ton panel, Mechanically | ' port of Oshawa. Very nicely miles from Bowmanville. Mus _ -- MODEL SUITE OPEN |nished bedroom, suitable for two friends,|1963 CHEVROLET impala hardtop V-8|900d. New paint job. $350. Contact Mike landscaped with patio in the be sold. Asking $35,000, -- ' A | | abstainers Apply above address automatic, power steering and brakes,|Clancy, 1437 Simcoe North, 723-8368. | beck. 'Fireplace in living terms FARMS Rental Representative on FOR INSPECTION | FURNISHED room, single or double, pri-|9'eY in Color. Telephone 668-2889 1955 CHEVROLET Viton truck. Excellent| Over Finished rec-room. This juty Daily 1-9 p.m. at apartment |vate, kitchen and bathroom, suitable for! '58 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder Delray sedan,| mechanical condition. No down payment. | room. Finisne d 11-SUITE APT | Luxury large 1, 2 or 3 bed- jairls only. Burk Street area. Available| radio, washers. Good mechanically, Excel-| Terms to suit. Licence 190378. Gus Brown| is o quality home and is price COBOURG * and me 'a room apartments. $115 up. lfrom March 4. Telephone 728-0451 lent body and paint, no rust. $47§. Pri-; Motors Ltd., 725-6568 } to sell quickly. $5,500 down C 3 835 Oxford St. Hating ge eet tate, JELGIN STREET EAST, 29: Furnished|Y@'e- Telephone 725-5555. = | i MPLEMENT TRAILER, 14 71. flat bed,| S w 2 bathrooms 7 . 3 years old, brick veneer -- ma creages Eien eat room for gentleman. Close to downtown! 1959 BUICK, excellent mechanical condi-|new tires. Telephone Hampton 263 2770. BEST LOCATION ntercom ntrolled and North Genera! Motors. 728-3643 tion. Telephone 723-7116 | excellent revenue. Purchase h Two 'Elevotors ; 1961 FORD pick-up 6 cylinder 14 ton.| Masson Street, just north of price of $110,000. includes Buying or Selling? Then PHONE $ LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room|1961 CHEVROLET, Bel-Air, four-door | Very good condition! After 6 p.m. tele: PRIZES Draperies Included f tH vate hy vith " y fi hi 723-5977 o | . asthe or two gentlemen, in private home, with/hardtop, V8, automatic, power windows, | Phone Rossland Road near schools, extra property and swimming ag fed c ane Nab sutras 723-8261 Ricndisomad Corridor private driveway, Apply 274 Seneca Ave-|brakes and steering. $900 or best offer $1,500.00 Ja kpot transportation, beautiful land pool. Terms ormer farmer w nows the ise $500.00 Snowball District and your problems Spacious Balconies fia. ferns 725-4658 or 725-8884 * |(33--Automobiles Wanted 4 lot, four bedroom home in ex- istrict and your prol enue (near Grenfell), Close to Shopping! matic, radio, 2tone, gold beige, licence! cars tor retina: Hicker trices ar $150.00 Special asine 4 | cooler, excellent land; good ! fr ee SINGLE furnished room at 368 Pine Av-|'58 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4door, auto- a aad 4, Bok Veo 623-2077 Coll ALLEN THOMPSON -- joie cond ota beck Hydro Paid LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want i gs pouty, rooms on each floor icentre. Parking. Telephone 723-5522 K88718. Terms to suit! Gud Brown Motors |so9 wentworth East, 725-118) $1000 00 E lat 6: map eae sic throughout Lid.» 725-6568 «brad lah tthe es Sculator 1 McCullough 723-7843 ADORE usic throug FURNISHED room for working girl ° lively home at once. oe ite ae 5055 | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-6255 Within Walking Distance | Laundry facilities. Kitchen privileges and|1968 CHEVROLET converlibie, licence|WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. | no| 90) Regular games $50. ea THE EXPERIENCE AND How oF d pene Daytime 723-2265 | of Schools and Shopping parking. Close to bus and shopping cen-|H30126, Super Sport, V-8, automatic, tully | hese Nichol i jephor 9 Eary Bird G . liowar 'order | 1 . . tre. Phone 728-1382 equipped. Demonstrator, Stalker Motor ames re Rental FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Brooklin 655-3853 Evenings 728-2870 : ; cores ental Agents on Premises | LiGHT housekeeping rooms "for gentie:| Sales: 723-6322, 723-8311 Fe SPORTS: cer, MGA, 'breterred. Must "have 5 Late Games $50. ea OF CENTRAL ONTARIO George Beaton | APPLY SUITE 102 men only. Apply 200 King West or tele-\1962 DODGE Dart, four-door sedan, im-\Deen Tamao7e Bill dag pe r Fong ada TRUST AVAILABLE TO Port Perry 985-2987 BROILER FARM, licensed. equioment Iphone 723-5804. | maculate body and interior, radio, slant, ai i | Admission $1 : HELP YOU SELL -' BUY - Bill and Doreen Gimblett barn, ten acres, creek, modern five-bed ANNOUNCING 190 NONQUON ROAD {CENTRAL location, furnished room. Ap.|& automatic, new tires and brakes, Me-/SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars a $1.00 (receive one 000. down, Call us to see this Joe Bornoski 723-5787 Repres. of chanic's chance, as this one needs some | bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals) Cor for regular games), r home. John Kuipers, 723-6590. Keith ply 157 A Street phone 728-9493. BUILD Oftice Port Hope 885-4548 an! Resity Limited $ By tae ies Steer. Oe motor work. Make offer. Charles Brig-/bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 . vith ws He FURNISHED room for rent, parking|nall, Port Perry 985-7365 sar ae All ga 5 pS ligt WETH: CENTRAL Residence Port Hope 885-2535 | acee BARI -- Modernized Tourbea SHELDIAN Phone 723-8305 (lensne, oan fe nn pees a eae ___|OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars games 25c double eard room house. Bank barn. Minutes from Motors. Shift workers welcome. Tele 6 sedan, used as private | for wrecking, Tire# and parts for sale except jackpot. --_--_--_-- ae taxi-cab. 62,000 original miles, purchased | 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. : 1 as Oshawa. Don Stradeski Real Estate. 7 --- Sinn -------- | phone . 723-9895. : b cnt Al. conaith Sekine AFTER HOURS CALL 723-522 ease MANSIONS -- | [BEDROOM for rent In aulel home Baw |chancaly and) 'appearance, t1.08 |34--- Automobile Repolr DOOR PRIZES ee 9 | -------------- KI | ble bed Apply 749 Douglas Street or tele-/Charles Brignall, Port Perry 985-7365 All games will be played on es. Keone 725-9592 H |22---Lots For_ Sale os Off Park Rd. on Malaga YNOUNCING |phone 723-930 1966 FORD Galaxie S00XL, 4,800 miles, double cards, 'ong 4 10 ACRES choice vacant land, near Zion. | ol i | LARGE furnished housekeeping room for|390 H wucket seats, consul model, ' Hy ' Tom Houston 668-4416 Reasonable-terms with $2,000 down. Tele ecross from South G.M The Distinguished wo reasonably quiet gentiemen to share.|radio, whitewalls, Must sell! Call Orone| SPECIALISTS IN -- f vino 7:15 p.m. : ' We firmly believe that when | phone 728-4928. 1 ok 8 bas |Also single room. Phone 723-0573 2422 | Regular Games --~ 8:15 p.m, ' ees ence edroo RE SAE Seta | Bill Taylor 723-934 we are granted the privilege | TWO LOTS for sale, #" x 100° commer: 4 me. 1982 CHEVROLET, four-door, haa @ Convertible Tops BUSES | | | | | Ralph Schofield 728-3376 ¢ selling your home, you will |clal Main St, Alex. Asking $14,000. No | | p '28--Room and Board painted, new tires, motor good. $1,150. : r piliaalage at ce 1 client, WE | events please. Alex 942.0600. Open For Inspection | rINCESS |ROOM AND BOARD, in clean quiet| _lephone 725-4554 @ Rear Window Curtain Leaving Bond and Simece St. } BUILDING LOTS, home sites avaliable. home for gentlemen willing to share, 5|AMBULANCE, Pontiac (full size) Bar Light 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 CANNOT PROMISE YOU [pian your family's future. Call Stan Mc- 723-84] 1 Anne | Here ee Runtine wcckue eeaiie Hohe Seay, arn Tale kluvar rirah 9 ont B08 om eine A CASH THE NEXT DAY, |Cormack 655-3064. Keith Peters Realty sa a nnn one er, 2 emergency stretchers, siren, light RAE R WE CANNOT PROMISE You |ttd |SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25/t\\ cen bending. Ready for use, This ic| @ Zippers Sewn in After Bingo. eae rene | Division Street: a 3-litter unit with roof hangers, Charles | A GUARANTEED SALE, but | BUIEPING LOTS, tho. ticks Fas --~| APARTMENTS | RITSON Road South, 843, room and board|Brignall, Port Perry, 985-7365 @ Seat Covers Scr at Go ABGulhaa Goole ee, 1 a ot none Tin gsoe "|? |1989 OLDSMOBILE, Immaculate cond properties within o ninety |TWO-BEDROOM stove and refrigerator, @ Indoor swimming pool cooked meals, Apply 43 Garrard Road, I ivlias,vaaior' wen" alates aes 'ria AUTO TRIM doy period. We have been in HOMES NEEDED! drapes, controlled entrance with -- inter by K-Mart » . : ' vy. factities. AV. \ of t keelhoam a affer. Also '58 Meteor 4 door, V-8, new S G com, laundry facilities, Available Febru.| @ Roof-top sundeck SITS Ghhont ction, Trades cectat'| 62 BOND W. AT CHURCH t. Gertrude's REALTOR business for. over a quarter As a young and progressive | ary 28, Apply 291 Marland Avenue, Apart) @Plactic jined kitchen urdey; 'lneher oeexal," sloele bate ea, Coll 728-5455, : Telephone 725-8042 668-8841 728-6661 Dense Se: Peg. ih wits are in need of good desirable |SUNSET GARDEN COURT, Simcoe AUDITORIUM century ond have served f i h ment 104 or call 728-9094 oh office we hove clients who cupboards Telephone 725-2464 1964 CHEVROLET impala station wagon, pe @ Bathroom vanit area. We know the City and homes. Should 'you want to Street North, two-bedroom apartments onities share, Single beds. Lunches packed. Shift! steering, chrome rack, 7 new tires, whie) HILLCREST TO NIGHT we can soy that in the past ret ys at door. Abstainers. Cou: bu r rs ple only two years we have been able 23--Real | Estate. Wanted Available March I. Telephone 725-3383] @ Spacious 1 ond 2 bedroom | 'ors. Parking. Telephone 723-8364 __|tion, Phone 723-20 OSHAWA % after 5 p.m ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman,| to sell 85% of our listed | : : | suites clash: eailat horae, parka epeon, Nong | 1960. cueaRoLEY "two-door, In | ROOM and board, gentlemen willing | to | V-8 automatic, power brakes, power | All conveniences, occupancy March we know the people in it-- | seii your home we will care- {call 7254812 ater § | @ Free Hydro workers welcome. Seven day week. 237|with red interior. Telephone 668-8989 we kmow values and we will fully inspect it and advise you Sew er re | Nassau Street |1965 CHEVROLET automatic, aaa TRANSMISSION CENTRE HEAR THIS serve you to the best of our of its current market value. furnished, central adults " moving tou Model Suite ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen condition, 12,000 actual mileage. Phone|Automatic Transmission Specialist AT 8 P.M. obility. IF YOU ARE THINK If you so desire to sell it we |Ple or three individuals. Abstainers, Im Open for. your pl AM Mp resey om Ba aicisossedat al ae _____| | mile east of Townline on 690 KING E. at FAREWELL $62 Month ING OF SELLING THIS | will list it for you, A call to |Tediate_possession ee : Telephone. 723-2644 radie. Real share scart'eewer eerina;| NO 2 iohwey FREE ADMISSION adie y: YEAR, WE WOULD APPRE this office will assure you of we BEDROOM B niscanP ghosts for. Pak she mspection 2 - 9 P.M YOUNG LADY boarder wanted, $14 for|brakes, Licence '79550E. Gus Brown General Repoirs nder new menagenen, newly decoreted.| 1221 SIMCOE NORTH |seven day week, central, good meals,| Motors Ltd., 725-6568 723-8651 Snowball Jockpot $160., 56 Nos, CIATE THE OPPORTUNITY ompt, effic " i i 1 igh Str E $2000 Down a eka cw tated a pct bin ob ymhita Mad |Apply Apartment 20 at 300 High Street, | |warm room. Telephone 728-3577 '42 COMET 2door, 6 éylinder, aulomatic,| (Formerly Walton's Supertest) $20. Consolation client. GRIFFIN | 309 ADELAIDE Street West iwo-| 725-9934 ROOM AND BOARD for two ladies, wall | jradio. New paint job! $895. Call 725-8132. TRANSMISSION specilaists. Transmis Reg, Jackpot 57 Nos. $100, |bedroom apartment, in apartment build jing to share. Home privileges, Telephone |7¢ ACADIAN four - door stationwagon,|Sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe Large 7 roomed, 2 storey [Ret eante aes walt eee, wee Se [senaeaeann, Seies st, Uateat en: | North, Phone Sram GOOD PARKING jing. house located at Whitby, Call 723 9965 Real Estate Ltd |welcome, "Refrigerator, stove, parking [Room AND BOARD for, young woman 'in whitewalls. $995, Call 725-8132 3 L qi r i slephone 725-685 sig Private home, laundry facilities, lunches |%43 ACADIAN Super Sport convertible, = ega Thi pang re i 725 4645 | TWO-BEDROOM apartment, modern Builder Contemplating |packed If desired, $15 weekly, Telephone! picket seats, Bea Sn Licence ae z -------- $20. Consolation. Good Prizes iS One IS price 0 se building; rent includes stove, refrig | 723-5695 ___._ | 43961. No down payment. Easy terms! ht t only $12 erator, heat, water, drapes. Elevator and | LUXURY APARTMENTS | ROOM AND BOARD @ day week, lunches | Diplomat blue with blue trim. Gus Brown - ---------- --------_____--_@ rig now at only , - os . es controlled entrance. Adults preferred. | |packed, Willing to share, 725-9843 57| Motors Ltd., 725-6568. NOTICE TO 500. WHAT are YOU * 5 $$$ $$$ S555 SS S/Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave-| In exclisive area in the heart | Brock Street East lie CHEVROLET Impaler Baser hare waiting for ? | nue or feenpone 772-GM of Oshawa plans' to build 10 |€OLBORNE ST. EAST 57, room, board. |top. Black with red trim. 6 automatic, CREDITORS B | N G @) WHY WAIT ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments Luxury PENTHOUSES on the Gentleman, to share. Close to north Gen- boca Licence 25296. Convenient pay AND OTHERS s NG? Located close to Shopping Centre. Apply eral Motors, downtown. Apply above day terms! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725: CHEAPER THAN RENT LIMITED FOR SPRING | top floor of a 10 storey apart- oaks epiaidnetesdette | 6568 } a TWO ONE-BEDROOM apartments, al} ment building Minimum size |29--Wanted To Rent |DO YOU WANT economical fransporte-| 4) KINSMEN CENTRE LIST WITH modern conveniences, in Whitby. Swim 1,200 sq. ft. per apartment tion? For a good buy call Courtice Auto n the Estote of HELEN PRO- TUESDAY 7:45 340 Marland Avenue, Apt. 1117 | Call Early | ERCELLENT VALUE Worth apaclous|2 ie AANA "pepe ae en NR A i ¢ WANTED house, suitable for couple with| Wee 7 r va i oR , kers, 723-5238. Night 725-44 KURNIAK, decea I Rrasies, steer oe nave reece eS US NOW! ming pool and elevator, For further in Rental between $400 to $600 tres enlicren 'Gotinat tiie reckers 5238. Night 725-4404, | $s ceased. All natant telah : rae ' se livingroom, 'separate diningronnn, sill set mieblnee rien | monthly. Please reply to: |sonable rent. Telephone 668-4838 ate USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make| persons having ciaim against Eorly Bird Game RAE R. JONES family. size kitchen, beautiful tlied" bath, {6 hice Setinnies HOSPITAL ares, two - bedroom upper Ifive trailers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street] the Estate of the above-named FREE ADMISSION hom! sta cheery bedrooms, .walk-out ent, double garage, many extras duplex, furnished, no stove or refrig | East, after 4, 723-2281. | Gielar: ample conBoerds, orivate vararc| Box M16045 CLEAN ground floor fat or dry baie |7-S SemomiLe suber BN aaoor hard. | sochatee, rae the City of Jackpot 57 ond 58 : é : e h ki pean le, $100] [ment apartment with refrigerator an shawa. in (¢ nto vet , : REAI ESTATE [Price idan Wecastenis DON dah parking. Responsibie couple, $100| Oshawa. Times Istove. Central, reasonable, few stairs.|top, fully power equipped including win chicas e County Children under 16 not allowed es 2 jment.-Rar.-2ppolaimnat...to 5 STRADESKI morn ye ; , | [ital abstainers, Call 725-8460, After Mon-|dows and seats. | No downpayment Ontario, who died on the Special 7:30 bus from 668 884] erry Pinot 725-0243 or 723-1133, Car IS Realtor FIVE ROOM modern apartment. Down-| Occ spar ney Octoner T3966 aay; Terms. License 42136. Gus Brown Motors 10th day of January, A.D. Pp '4 Chiat } c | THREE-BEDROOM split, with garage,|~ 723-4651 northwest area. $19,450 with 614 percent town, hot water, stove, refrigerator Lid., 736-7375. 728-6661 Interest. Loreen Kellett, 723-3770. H. Mil ; 63 King W Oshowa SSR TNLD a Extra Bus Service PDADANNDHNNNUNHNY Adults only. Telephone 728-3546 ase 9 |; ( - BASEMENT apartment, unfurnished, no| business man, Seven day week. Telephone| '60 ENVOY, medium green, matching In furnish proof there of to the ick ARERR EET ED: RCNORE I A MASSON STREET, clean four - roomigin -) « T before §.30 p.m. 723-118) ferior, push-button radio. Economical. A svariment. Close 16 hosmifal. Nat sulfone {tid of Stove. Three rooms, private bath, |before p.m good second car for. your family. License undersigned before the 28th WOODVIEW for children. Telephone 723-7917 Sendo Lee. tein ide TWO OR THREE - bedroom house, bun.|}42250. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375.| day of March, A.D. 1966. CO UNITY CENTRE ll es | red, | , by quiet, MM | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY -- 120 too! | $$55558§ S$ § § S SUNSET GARDEN CouRT Simeoe|phone 728-2596 Ce Th 62 BUICK 4-door La Sabre hardtop, fully; After the said. dote the Ex- : frontage on Simcoe Street South includ. if st of ty Street North, two bedroom apartment 5 J | -- ~ uipped." executive driven, one local id ibuté the Es- a ' | THREE furnished rooms on ground floor ry CGUIPRE ecutor wi estributé the Es is ing large brick buliding potentially three All conveniences. Occupancy March 1 0. A owner, Buy now and save tax! License URGENTLY REQUIRED japartments in one store. Alsa seven ve Call 725-6812 after 5 of home, $80 monthly inclusive of tele-| 3 utomobiles for Sale 27324. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375. tate having regard only to } | phone, hydro and heat. Stove, fridge, bed,| ---- vhs Ma the Oe i [pause Earalant lwveehnant.. Asking $8. SELL, NOW |! BASEMENT apariment In fiveplex availlete, Telephone Whitby, 648-2866." "64 PONTIAC, license 148959, biack, rea) claims of which notices have $2 ond 88° for cash buyer |W. ©, Martin, Realtor | ' able now, central, private entrance, Pri-| THREE AND FOUR-ROOM apartments, MORE CASH interior, 6-cylinder, standard transmis] been filed. Nes DOWNTOWN AREA - older duplex pr jl vate bath, working couple. Apply 375! one bedroom, available immediately, Hen. Gash, trade or terms, Make an TONIGHT-8 Pp 6 room bungalow in $20,000. | luplex prop: Windsor Street afternoons 12 to 3 gtove, retrigerator, Reasonable, 68 Wayne Paid for Good Clean Cars. offer, Gus. Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, MM, ROOM AND BOARD wanted by youn Ee Oven Rane ne 1966, are hereby notitiéd td jlen Real Estate Limited c Anvruunn erty, two three-room 1 ts plus fi do J to $25,000. price range, also [ished rec-room. Will show 'geod 'income SELF-CONTAINED, three-room apart-| Street, Apartment 9 165 BUICK Wildcat convertible. Fully| this 17th day of February, A good two storey home | Asking $13,600 with terms. Contact Gerry wae ok Ml eve af righ ote Coun ee CLEAN three-room unfurnished basement| | rade up or down. Liens ee ping Pegg erate ie St aPstbe ll A.D, 1966, RED B RN Fore ; : only. Available March elephone 72 fy ing lights, reverberator, Power buckets. | sborne 728-6724 Joseph Bosco Realtor. | : as afier 5 6. apartment. Private three-piece bath. Tele- DODD MOTOR. SALES New car warranty, License 46407J. Gus f EXTRA BUSES CALL NEAR DONEVAN Collegiate, spacious REAL ESTATE LTD. vision antenna. Parking. Vicinity of, South : Siew ONUFRIJ JURICHUK, Executor, 4 bungalow with carport, 61 percent NHA 7 TWO-BEDROOM, stove and refrigerator, General Motors plant. Telephone 723-7101 314 PARK RD. SOUTH LAE alls nl le | byh licit : Sakenue ation ---- : ; 728-7576 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98, four door hard-| OY Nis solicitor, : ion FGI mae c mortgage, extra large, fenced lot. M steal drapes, controlled entrance with Inter HENRY STINSON at focrtoace: sxtre large. fenced Jot, Many " com, laundry facilities. Available Febru-|FURNine> fworoom apartment | for 723-9421 top, power equipped, in excellent con-| Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. Beuant # leobell tails call Sally Wallace 725-6297 Joseph|| NEEO OLDER type nome in central! ary 28. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, Apt. | Street dition, many extras, new snow tires.| 63 King St. West, | augnters of tsabelia 725-0243 or 723-1133 Beste Reahor part of city. Please call Bill Johnston,!io4 Telephone 728-9004 Telephone 728-4293. | Oshawa, Ontario Schofield-Akef, 728-1066 FL Oo. oi VLA PROPERTY large, 100 x 470" lol! teat hhadiinedts NEW ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Refrig side eh RL aglow rm al gl NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE | i960 popGe wacon. a Viinder, standard | : Bridge and Euchre CARL OLSEN with fruit trees, excellent six-room home, 24----Stores Offices Storage erator and stove, electric heat. Close to! Telenhone 728-7629 @ Rood Service |; ld hg new tres ied mechanical | - _ vee ' Th F b 24 b ith att " 7 ' North General Motors and hospital. Park ee las Bae condition. Original owner one | Tele Perea ted Garage, Seven-boit | at | ine Hydro paid, $120 monthly. 723-2080|/ELEAN thres-room ~ heated apariment,| @ Legol Service 723-6857 urs., Feb, a operty in top condition. To in + pare, y Accid Pol ~ Sena sepia 30 Roy Street spect call Joe Crawford 723-1021 Joseph after 4 p.m |with stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, Suit] @ Accident Policy 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, two - door| HALF LOAD at 8 p.m. for one week. halle OFFICE SUITE FOUR-ROOM upstairs epartment, Central) Private wwivanee "Telephone 725-1970. | @ Banding Service hardtop, Licence 109297, V-8, automatic, "SA | $2,000 DOWN full price, $12,900. Sixyear location. Refrigerator and stove. Apply - -- @ Trovel Service Ede peg Ra REGULATIONS oh Geom ecuguanies -- oro Mnnnenernnnee OIG brick bungalow at shopping centre. Four front rooms comprisin 212 Athol East or telephone 725-2642 after | FOUR: ROOM unfurnished = apartment, a Motor Sales, 723-6322, 723-8311 ee LARG ic HO centrally locat-leasy terms, five large rooms, four-piece 8] } SIND lapm located on second floor, share bath, $95} INFORMATION -- 723 2220 | 1959 CHEVROLET hardiop. Licence | ARE IN EFORCE SOCIAL BINGO, St. George's Hail, cor- ed for shopping and transportation. Open |tiled bath, high full basement, oil. fur 381 square feet above Karn's | sipee-eoom~ partiv turaished apert.|Onth- Apply 345 Oshawa Blvd, South. | ROAD SERVICE -- 723-2229 [730933 V-8 automatic, Myst be driven to| " ner of Albert - Jackson, Monday, Feb- to offers, For further particulars Phone|nace. A real deal. Call Jack Appleby Drugs. Decorated to suit, im- | ment, private bathroom, avellable riew,| - - 45 CHEVROLET" Blecayne, d-deor, Valbe . eppreciaied. No wa payment.| ON ONTARIO ruary 8 'clock. Sponsored by the Larry Andely 725-4539, or 728-5103, W. .|723-3398 now. Bolahood. Brothers Limited.| mediate possession |separate entrance, gentiemen preferred, |27----RoOomSs for Rent aviomatic." "Exealient rowition. my! Stalker Motor Sales, 723- Sn 723-8311. ue. Cha i hes eh OS vet OLDER home in good condition. income jparking. One block north GM, $75 month ' terms! Licence 133995. Gus Brown! i9g4 CORVAIR Monza, licence 68029J. peace WILL : LD home of your choice "On| $4,472 per year for the right couple. Call r '¥, 728-6697. Motors Lid., 725-6568 i __| Automatic, radio, beige with matching COUNTY AND RUMMAGE SALE -- Wednesday, March lot suitable for walk-out basement. After! 725.2445 after 4 . Pp | R 1 | i 5 evenings hone 723-9503 or 728-2159 ier) Bm. Ne Romy au istow, td. | THREE-ROOM apartment for one or two 1958 CHEVROLET Bel-Air four - door|interior. Stalker Motor Sales, 723-6322, SUBURBAN ROADS |2.130 P.m. at the Legion Hall. Auspices EXECUTIVE TYPE 7. Sree $16,000 four-bedroom on Cadillac, hol | single girls available April ist $55 | sedan, 6 cylinder, standard. Cheap. Tele-| 723-83! | Royal Canadian Legion, Ladies Auxillary. -room plus finish-| het fer, 1 s | one; $65 for two; near South Plant, Tele hy 778-4011 Va Ge FEPIAT bed. Gahan te theres cont het water, ol heat. Spotless. $3,000 REALTOR Birds Ail WHITBY HOTEL |phone 728 57 CHEVROLET, two-door hardtop, re-| : and location, home all beautitully deco y a ate. 723-8123 11957 CHEVROLET stationwagon, new! | built V8, automatic, radio. Very good con- Effective Marc Ist t¢ . FIVE-ROOM apariment, with garage, sep-| motor, 6 cylinder, in A-1 condition. 301| dition. $435 or best offer. 623-2230 after gy cn s °o feat tra |. com| TRY YOUR down payment thi s | 4 : . wit Witplace, saperote Sittoroei? torn |iour-bedronm, two-ttorey brick, 411608 728-9474 jarate entrance. References. Hampton/ : , ; Kinasdale Avenue. Telephone 725-8684. _|1962 FORD. A biack beauty. Must be| April 30th, vehicle loads usslans Vedun broadioomed, giass sliding doore to|00 Summer Street. Perry Real Estate | 63-2304 | BY THE WEEK 1956 OLDEMOBILE, blue and white mint} seen $395 down. For » good deal on: '66 ' f patio. Four large bedrooms, two bath. | 723-8123 Financial Trode Building |ONE-, two. and three bedroom apart shape. Telephone 728-0873 hidden may not exceed the al- Green Cheese Bit rooms, and many extras. This home just| PLEASE don't wail-an | ments. refrigerator, stove, controlled en: : y longer to choose | ¥ e 4 i Sy 1961 BUICK, licence J87886. Invicta, all hides gulag Silage hag city.| your new home built by Oshawa's finest 187 King Street East |trance, swimming pool. Dial 723-2347 Whitby 668-2337 | Belt Fast tes atone GE aed bets Avery scarce. model. Stalker| flowable loads given under * , information | builder and situated in the choicest. loca | TWO-bedroo: rtment fetely pr -- | ' ae Motor Sales, 723-6322, 723-8311, Phone Henry Stinson, 725-0243 or 725-1133,|tion 'in Oshawa. There are. only two - vate. Newly decorated. "Available. March|TWO ROOMS -- upstairs, unfurnished, 45 MUSTANG 'automatic, _ tloor-consul, : Section 54, Subsections 4 |. i Carol Olsen Realtor |four-bedroom houses left and a very few|GARAGE for rent, Centre and Gibb/12. Apply 210 Albert Street ar 723.5024 scientists believe the moon is OWNER TRANSFERRED and musi sej)|{hree-bedroom bungalows. Call now for Street, $6. monthly. Telephone. 723-3211, |afler 4 p.m FURNISHED bedroom, Kiichen priviieaes| Telephone 668-8432 TO SELL and 5 of The Highway |covered with a thick foam-like { | Ir home nformation. Prices r 5.0 ' " z this twostorey, four-bedroom hom orma ces start at: $2,425.00 | two LARGE rooms, healed--aullable tor ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment Quiet house, Parking. Near!1956 DODGE mechanically A-1. Four new! Trattic Act material, the Soviet news i ui vA nd interest r y ni t Gent . 2 Kingumere Ba retina iin 9 stove ariel down an terest rates only 614 per cent. ottice space. Phone Bowmanville 623-5833. mediate Apply 496 Si 1. Gentleman only, Telephone 725- tires. Body good condition. $175 cash. Ap agency Tass said today ' ull din ni ge' fiving allor - " 5 2 ply 903 Walton Bivd., Whitby j | ad ' suites ¥ Na hak aeak a om pl Valto vi | 'a - | W. A. TWELVETREES, P. Eng room, plus extra wash room. Liste ' x OFFI it! arking at Gan i $20,500. with NHA 'financing at 6" per lime ah eg lg ME le Ron's AUIS ROSY, ae ee et Ce ane srivaiebaik| GROUND FLOOR two nicely furnished| 1958 CHEVROLET deluxe 34a stick. Ex-| v The agency said research by Cent. Don't delay on this one! Call Jack| furnished, Oniy gee, tots Gor palsy isa room. Apply 223 Oshawa Boulevard South|Mousekeepine rooms, fireplace, TV, also cellent condition. Extras. Apply Shopping| and | County Engineer a team of scientists showed that Sheritf at Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728-|Gordon Osborne Realty. bobanze WAREHOUSE TO RENT wae KUT Is |0" Telephone 723-5900 after 5 o'clock, . |ON® housekeeping room, 728-1070 Contre, BA Station | ea _ he moon's surface is covered 6286 or after hours 723-3775 : WHITBY -- Attractive large three-bed-|floors, 2,000 square feet) loading dock, WHITBY Two-bedroom apartment in ie TWO gentlemen, large room, single! 1963 CHEVY 1! 2door sedan, Excellent |), CHRISTOPHER M. MacPHERSON,| . og COUNTRY INN (of Highway 401) -- Main| "00M bungalow, finished rec. room. Many|light manutacturing or storage. Available|medern building. Electrically heated, |Deds. separate bathroom, TV $6 weekly,| condition. New tires, many extras. Must]| 520 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa wili/With a layer of porous but solid floor diningroom will seat BS people; 23, fe@tures. Home In excellent condition. For March Ist. Apply Mackie's Van and Stor- stove, refrigerator and drapes supplied |(@undry ard supper optional. 728-6030. jsell because of business arrangements. | not be responsible for any debts con-imatter 20 to 33 feet thick, simi- bedrooms, Probabilities for liquor|*!! details call Murray Boyle 723-4270\age Lid, Days 728-1603 Laundry and parking facilities, Avail-/ ELGIN STREET Eas! 23, furnished room| \elephone 728-7790 | USE THE tracted In my name, by anyone, on 'ilar in structure to artificial lounge appointment. Don JOSePh Bosco Realtor able immediately. Call 668-6182 for gentleman. Close to downtown, Ap-|1957 PLYMOUTH Va, aulomalic, radio. | otter 'this date, February 25h 1966, with | : Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651 REAL VALUE -- Fifteen Thousand Three| Smart CHURLY tas toaay Ghee ic ee teen Private sale, $95.00. Telephone 468-6782 out my written consent. (Signed) C. M.\foam materials + See eee j v MacPherson FOUR-SUITE apartment. Uptown loca-| Hundred, modern brick bungalow, recre Business nished. Very centrally located. ideal for, LARGE fron! bedroo Su gentler i vaioor St Pe yer ~ tion, brick, hot water heated, each hav. |#tion room with sink and cupboards, ga] Peaute single: Or young mariied CaS WIA an Dedte gg ae a Sates hace I a a ee 1 FRANK MALAWY of 32] Athol siresi; he scientists said the sub- ing two bedrooms, full nigh dry hase.|fage. Ravine Lot, 725-4162, Keith Peters »P opportunity to dave-723 Gifford Street : / Tcance Ni. AMIE. 'Tebuhone Savaens East Oshawa will not be responsible for stance, which they called ment. Parking provided. Asking $42,500! Re4ity Sing the Praises cae i 8 i Sans: Ne Se ee eee" | any debts contracted in my name by '4 4 , y with terms to be arranged. W. O. Martin|WE TRA E82 or ----| ©f Oshaw | ROOM furnished basement| LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. Suil. 61 FORD two-door V-8, aufomatic, power| anyone on or after this date February|"lunite,"' does Realtor. 728-5103 1p, yar foe mes. Joseph Bosco. Real-| oo * Aa Japartment, Private bath, Telephone 725-/able for lady. Close te hospital, Tele- brakes and steering, white walls, radio | 26, 1966 without my written eonsent. a not occur on jon i. ne phone 723-0734 Licenes H24151 Telephone 942-5673 | (signed) F, Malawy earth. MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Soviet share bath. Telephone 728-1340 » Whitewalls in excellent condi